#alkar fanfiction
dragonhybrid456 · 8 months
(Even though I already asked for it [CHOP CHOP MAN])
More specifically August or Alkar, or Ezra!!
Headcanons would be cool to ig 😒
(Also for anyone wondering about my emoji use + my other nonsense, I know this person. You should totally follow them, and keep, I write fanfiction + headcanons too 😊)
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, CALM DOWN WILL!!! But yes, you should follow both me and him 😊
Anyways here’s an August story
August Willenheim x Male!reader
It was late at night, around midnight. I had woken up slightly to turn over and cuddle my partner, August. I reached over to put my arm around them when my arm hit the empty bed. I opened my eyes and saw that they weren’t there. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before standing from our bed
I walked out of our room and looked throughout the house for August. They weren’t in the kitchen, living room, or even their little study he had here. As I walked from empty room to empty room I knew there was only one other place they could be. Their office, swamped with work. I put on my boots and grabbed my jacket before walking outside.
It was a snowy cold night in Lunaris, not uncommon but it certainly wasn’t weather I would walk in at midnight. The wind blew as I walked to August’s office, clenching my jacket tighter to myself. I was not in proper winter gear and was ready to give August an earful for making me walk in this just to find him.
I finally arrived at their office and quickly ran inside and shut the door behind me. There was a fire going in the lobby that warmed the place. I walked down the hall to find August’s office. Low and behold, there they were, with several papers and envelopes in front of them. I entered their office and shut the door.
“Go away, I’ll get that report to you soon” They didn’t even lift their head, just waved their hand for me to leave.
“I don’t want any report, just wanted to find out why you aren’t home?” I teased them slightly. They lifted their head up and I could see them physically relax at my voice and presence.
“I apologize, my dear, I’ve been so stressed about this new problem some scouts reported that I must have lost track of time.” They say, looking back down at what they were writing. I rolled my eyes and walked behind them, resting my head on their shoulder.
“Can’t you save that for tomorrow? You need sleep August.” I try to pull they back slightly to no avail.
“I know, but I might as well finish this sooner rather than later.” I could tell they were exhausted but didn’t want to stop. So I decided to use one last trick I had up my sleeve.
“Well, as the lieutenant-general of the hunters, this work falls under my jurisdiction, which means I can say when it gets done. And right now, I say it’s getting done tomorrow.” I kiss their cheek when I’m done speaking as I hear them sigh and start standing.
“Always quick to use you’re title to get me to do what you want.” I can see a small smile on their face as I grab their hand and lead them out of the office.
As we step out in the cold I immediately regret it as I remember I’m just in pjs and a jacket. I shiver as we walk and clench my jacket closer. August looks at me before pulling me closer and draping part of their coat over me. It’s not much better but I could tell they kind of felt bad that I walked out in the snow for them.
When we got home I immediately pulled them into our bedroom and flopped on our bed. I heard them chuckle as he got dressed for bed. They laid down beside me as they pulled my head to their chest and covered both of us with the blanket. Barely any words were spoken as we cuddled. As I drifted off to sleep I heard august say one last thing.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well.”
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lunaris-laments · 5 years
alkar x hunter - short fic
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They/Them pronouns used for the hunter. :^) just getting back into writing again!!! it’s been about a year...
The streets are always silent in the early hours of the morning - that is, until Lunaris’ most troublesome pair stumble out of The Wolf’s doors and onto the dampened cobble of the paths beyond. Their gleeful laughs echo and bounce off the houses bordering the road and puddles are splashed and disturbed under their hasty steps, soaking below their ankles. Behind them, another yell rings out - something their inebriated senses can only interpret as “damn hooligans! get back here!”. One could only assume that some shenanigans had occurred shortly before this, the cause likely being the Lycan and the Hunter.
Alkar, although perhaps having consumed a few too many drinks, is still adept at winding through the narrow maze-like alleyways that fit between the tightly-packed buildings. Grasping the Hunter’s damp hand, a clamminess soon building up between their palms and laced fingers, he drags them around a sharp corner and into the shadows of an alley. Keeping his body seamed to theirs, he stills - waiting, listening, until the man who came after them was not to be heard. Perhaps he lost them, or he grew exhausted of matching their pace and returned to The Wolf, but either way they had lost him.
Adrenaline quickly wearing off, but a buzz still in the air, the pair became aware of their still tightly-laced fingers and panting chests that are pressed together in the confines of this alley. Not only that, but a chill ran up the Hunter’s spine and they glanced to the right, to the flooding road, realising that what they previously knew was a shower had turned into heavy buckets of rain pouring from the darkened sky.
Their attention was brought back to the Lycan when he heaved a hearty laugh and bared his sharpened teeth, a grin that the Hunter mirrored themselves. “Fuck’s sake... I think I’m a bad influence on you, love.”
The Hunter’s other palm came up to rest on the heated, exposed flesh of his chest - how did he always manage to stay so warm? - and they exchanged a look with Alkar before leaning in and sharing a short kiss with the man. It didn’t seem like much - the kiss wasn’t steamy, or lengthy, or by any means dainty as their lips clashed while the rain streamed down their faces - but it was enough for both of them.
A few more affections shared, then Alkar was dead set on getting them back to the warmth of his cave.
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skittles1229 · 4 years
THE EVER CHANGING STORY OF LUNARIS (reader insert romance)
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This is a project I started to maintain my boredom so ill be using the characters from a really great visual novel called when the night comes written by lunaris. go check it out! ill be writing about all the characters including you being the x reader. after I've introduced the plot and characters and if i have enough readers, ill let you guys pick who I right the first romance ending with, the endings will probably have a bit of smut so if your just wanting to know the story you don't have to read the romantic endings
Chapter One: Unwelcome Start
        My feet are killing me and its hot and dark, I'm walking through unfamiliar woods. All I can smell is tree leaves decaying and pine. To fill you in without telling you my life story and having a pity party, I'm one of the few shifting Dire Wolves left. We are a dying breed since people and monsters were coexisting now, I'm over joyed about the mixing of the populations but as the wolves breed with humans our ability to shift is slowing leaving as the generations grow. I on the other hand wasn't liked by much of anyone. I grew up around old town human folk. Both parents had been killed by townsfolk and luckily the little who girl found me as a puppy was nice enough to bring me to her home. That little girl became my life. Her blonde hair reminded me of wheat in the fall and she smelled of old moth balls and freshly cooked bacon. Kasey was a lonely child born a bastard and then left alone when her mom left into town one day. She didn't come home that night. She had the kindest eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul and hers was broken and glued back together so many times that you couldn't recognize her original beauty. She brought me to a little cabin back in the woods where I stayed with her and her grandmother.  I stayed out of school because at the time freaks weren't exactly normal. I learned everything through Kasey and her homework as I grew up. We played in the old field through the woods and down an old forgotten gravel road. She would always tease me about my ears but she loved my big bushy tail. Kasey was a pure soul and sometimes id have to remind her how special she was especially during the times to come. She became ill in late fall, losing her ability to walk and becoming more and more pale from the lack of sunlight. We were told she had an immune issue that couldn't be fix with the medicine we had then and magic was a cure but was also out of the question since anyone who was seen as a witch was seen as a harm to the community and burned at the stake. It wasn't that way in the big towns with lots of people coming and going bustling about, but down here in the boon dock of the forgotten swamp everyone had the same opinion. anything new and different was and and therefore had to be destroyed.
         When I was around six Kasey succumb to her unfortunate circumstances in her sleep and she took her welcome with her. I think that maybe it was one of the few mercies I've ever seen god do for someone. After she died the grandmother, already being on her last years, passed not long after that. With nothing holding me to that little shack in the woods I moved on. I was never given a name and so along the way I've figured out who and what I am. Remind me to tell you that one later on, I've been walking for a few days with my satchel made from rabbit fur with old shoe laces holding it together, Kasey in her better days stayed bored in her old pink bedroom reading the same book she had on the old bookcase in the living room. Her grandmother went to the market in town most days to sell her vegetables. she would bring us home sweets and toys. For Kasey's birthday she bought her a bag of fabric rabbit fur and some thread and needles to teach her to sew hoping that would cure her boredom. A few months before she passed, she hurriedly finished off the synch bag with one of her shoelaces from her boots. That bag is the one I have with me now. My clothes and few days worth of food is in it as well. I had been shifted into my wolf form going on 48 hours now and my (F/C favorite color ) fur was now stained with mud and leaves from the nights sleep in a dug out hole. The last sign of civilization was back in my home town. it was now night time again and had seen no sign of a town any where close. It was getting dark and my joints were burning from the pain of walking. I quickly found a soft spot in the ground digging up a little hole to lay in for the night. The woods around me creaked with shifting wood and wind rustling the foliage. Harry had become the governor a while back suddenly disappeared recently in his home base in Lunaris. That's where Kasey's grandmother went for hours everyday to be a part of the market so I decided to see if there was anywhere I could stay and maybe get a job and start a life for myself. All this time I had no real name, Kasey never named me. She wanted me to be able to choose it for myself and I'm now 20 in human years. Our bodies aged in human instead of dog years another kind of pro with the watering down of the generations. I had gone through all of Kasey's family and school friends, even people she heard the name of by passing by in church, I'd heard all the names and thought about them and said them all out loud the see how they role off the tongue and I finally settled on (Y/N) tonight. 
      I had fallen asleep at some point and shifted back into human form curling around my bag to protect it from the outside. Suddenly the ground around me started to shake and the foliage covering the entrance to the den started to shake loose and fall in. At this point I'm wide awake and have my back to the wall and head in a snarl towards the entrance not knowing why or what had shaken the ground so harshly. I smell a fowl smell that reeks of something I've never smelled before. It began to burn my nose like alcohol or whatever grandma had in the wash rooms for spring cleaning. I heard twigs breaking and a long groan that howled with the wind. My heart was racing not knowing what to expect to come through the entrance and that's when I saw the light from the moon blocked by a large shadow. I braced for a fight when suddenly it let out a yelp of pain as I see two or three other shadows chase it to the right of the hole. Lots of yelling from men and women can be heard along with lots of new smells. All of them had hints of sweat and fear but some of them were odd. One was carried in on a breath of lavender and honey and the other of burnt wood like a fire place. One also smelled like chocolate and for a split second I smelled the familiar canine sent, Another wolf or maybe a half breed Lykan. I laid there and listened as the group seemed to quickly dominate whatever that creature was and if there's a group of hunters then there has to be a town. I wait for the noise to die out before I stick my head out of the hole to check my area. I look at the position of the moon and start to get a better idea of how long I was asleep. I think it must have been at least 3 in the morning. I grabbed my bag and pulled myself out of the hole, shaking off loose dirt and changing myself back into that big furry wolf I've become used to and walk towards where I heard the commotion to catch the scent of where they had gone. The creature they fought was dead on the ground covered in its black oozing blood. It looked like a genetic mutation of some kind gone very wrong and the smell almost could knock you out, if your a dog that is. I heard a snap of a twig in the distance and that's when I caught the scent of a dying summer, decaying flowers and dying memories. 
      I see a blue glow coming from an object a few feet in front of me hidden in the darkness of the trees, whatever it was it made it very clear that I was unwelcome and that I was seen as a threat. I bent neck down feeling the hair along my spine start to stand on end as I snarled my teeth in the direction of the ominous blue glow. Suddenly the tense feeling in the air dropped, you could feel the tension melt away and in that second the strange creature pushes forward into the moonlight. A man with golden eyes and a mechanical arm moves forward looking with his hands raised. "My names Finnegan and I know you wont hurt me because your not just any wolf am I right?" The sudden question brushes me as weird and out of place but regardless it only makes me all the more persistent that he not come any closer. He stops in his tracks and sits in the tall grass he had been previously standing in. We sat there like that for what seems like forever and he seemed to feel talkative because he asked question after question. I looked around to think of what direction I wanted to go in order to get away from here .
     "You know it would be easier to go to Lunaris." he said picking at something under his nails. I look at him tilting my head, can he hear my thoughts? I didn't think humans could do such things but he didn't look like a human. Not with the fangs like that and those pointed ears. "No I'm not human I'm a vampire, I live in Lunaris with my friends. I actually have a Lykan friend as well so you wont be alone." I bent my ears back in annoyance, tired of the vamp imposing on my thoughts. I decided I would speak with him but not in this form. As a Lykan I could still stay able to protect myself and be able to speak to this other freak of nature in front of me. In order to do so I'd have to get away from this vampire long enough to cover myself. Almost instantly the vamp got up causing me to jump. "There's a graveyard a little ways from here, you can shift and change in the maintenance shed. As I'm sure you heard earlier there are some odd creatures in these woods so ill walk you to town myself. Then I can take you to Ezra and have him give you a once over." he began to walk and turned around about five feet away to ask if I was going to follow, I decide that this town might be a start to a weird series of events. We made our way through the woods to a small path of cleared trees and some sand, we followed that to the graveyard behind a large church like building and that's when I saw the small shed. "I'll stand behind the shed towards the woods I'm sure nobody is awake so you shouldn't have to worry about townsfolk." I shifted back into my Lykan form and hurry into the shed. My (hair length) (H/Color) hair fell over my face as I shoved myself into my tight jeans and put my long sleeve white shirt on. my ears still sat on the top of my head and my tail is swishing back and forth in anticipation of how this town was going to accept a new comer and a freak at that. I threw on the hoodie I had found hanging on a tree on my way out of my old town, probably left by one of the boys in the old town. I smoothed my fur down and walked out of the shed with my bag in my hands, I peaked my head around the corner and caught the golden eyes of the man called Finnegan as he's leaned against the shack with his arms crossed. 
      I walk up to him with my arm wrapped around my bag and offered him the other. "My names (y/n), sorry about the weird introduction but I really just have no clue where I am or where I'm going." he grinned and studied me before opening up and talking again. "You cleanup really well don't you (y/n)." I simply lowered my head as a response and shrugged my shoulders. " It would suck to have to stay as wolf all the time because I'm just to ugly to look at as a Lykan." he laughs flashing his fangs and approaching me and taking my hand pulling me closer to him to where we were inches apart. "Ugly is one thing you aren't, if your this pretty as a Lykan then I cant wait to see you in human form" he then snuck his arm around my waist turning me around as he began to walk to the town. "How did you know I could do that?" I stopped him and I could see his grin form as he turned around to meet my eyes. "I've been alive a long time (y/n).  when the old man who sired me was alive he'd tell us stories of the dire wolves that lived in the forest in the mountains. He would tell us stories of how they had almost repopulated in a town not far from here, completely unannounced to the world growing among the town folk." he looked away suddenly his essence changed from one of wisdom and confidence to one of remorse and sadness. He began to walk once again motioning for me to follow. "That is until the townsfolk caught wind  of such rumors. He banded together the higher ups and went through exposing half the town to be," he grimaces as if saying the name leaves a sour taste in his mouth, "werewolves as the humans put it."  We had just made it through a small alley leading too a large stone road. This is the first time I've heard the real story aloud of what happened to my parents that day. Suddenly I  didn't feel much like talking anymore and the vampire noticed this as we made it to the closed up and dark market side of town. Large tents and shacks were on both sides of the road, I'm sure it looks much nicer when its open and bustling with people. "I'll have to show it to you." he says suddenly again answering my thoughts as if id said them aloud. "You know Finn I love your interest in me but I think its kind of of rude to read others thoughts right?" His eyes suddenly dart away and clears his throat, "Not if the person has particularly loud thoughts but I do see what you mean. Nasty habit it is, been aiming to fix that." We both laugh for a bit and then he heads for a door on the right side of the road raising his metal arm to touch the door. When his hand makes contact, Finn says a few words in another language and his arm burst to  life flowing with blue lights. The door makes a noise and a shield seams to lower into Finn's hand as he opens the door. He pulls me in and I'm immediately overwhelmed at the smells around me, some fragrant like perfumes and others dirty like burning wood. He had shelves of boxes and books, homemade spells and food with jars of candy lining the shelves.
     Finn puts the wards back up and leads me to the kitchen where he sits me down at the wooden table across from the couch and the wall covered in art work, "Wait here while I run upstairs and get the witch you just relax and think if anything hurts or needs to be looked at." with Finns vampy speed skills he vanishes up the stairs to get this so called witch, I certainly do hope I don't meet the same fate as my parents once did in this town years ago. I here rustling and movement up the stairs as a dark skinned man comes running to me with worried eyes and open arms. he cups my face in his hands and scans me over for any sign of blood or wounds. "Finnegan she looks alright, you made her out to be as if she'd been attacked." He looks back at Finn letting go of my face in order to hit him in the head just enough to scuffle his hair. He then turns around to me and straightens up his robe and his curly mop of hair, I hold out my hand to introduce myself and he grabs it with both hands pulling me in with a smile. "I'm Ezra and this my little spells and Knick knack shop." he has a strange contagious happiness that causes my worries and doubts to slip away. He rubs his hand through my hair making his way to my ears checking for ticks and mites since my ears are much different  from human ears. "Are you ok," He says we a worry filled smile and motions me to sit down, I obey as my feet have become numb after so many days of walking. He reaches into his shelves and pulls  out a kettle and a metal box of herbs and tea bags for homemade blends. "Go on love what happen? Why are you out in the woods at this hour?" I yawned in response of all their questions and simply said, "No disrespect Ezra but I'm exhausted and my feet are throbbing, I think the walking has caught up to me." He nods knowing what I mean. Ezra hands me a cup of tea and some cookies from a jar up in the cabinet. "Right I'm sorry. Let me help Finn out and I'll come back and run you a bath with herbs and salts to get you well rested and ready for tomorrow." He and Finn stepped to a hatch underneath the rug in Ezra's common quarters.  I took a few cookies sneaking them into my bag so that I can eat them later as well, they were ( favorite kind ) cookies and i couldn't resist the temptation to stuff my face. 
        Finn calls my name waving as he disappears into the hole and Ezra closes it back up and covers it again. "Alright now to get you all set, come with me up stairs." I follow behind slowly hating every step up those stairs but it was well worth it when I made it. He had a big circle tub surrounded in stone, it looked to be able to fit two people and the water come up pretty high. The twinkling lights hanging from the ceiling were different shades of blue purple and pink with a magical blue flamed candle hanging on the wall in a glass case. The tub was filled with steaming water and flower petals, the room smelled of pine and mint with citrus chopped up into slices and dropped into the water. Bubbles had covered the top of the water like snow and smelled like lavender and honey. His bathroom was pure happiness and love expressed in his home. "Now this bath should help your muscles not be sore in the morning and it should help you fall asleep tonight, I hate to ask but should I check you for ticks or scratch's anywhere on you?" I shrugged as my body was still covered in fur and it could be hiding anything but I was so self conscious about my body that I wouldn't dare ask for his help with this task. I point my head down and hugged myself as if to comfort myself. Ezra looked at me with kind eyes and hands me a towel, "Its ok if you aren't comfortable with it, just promise me you'll come and let me take any off for you. They carry lime disease and other things that can harm you!" as he goes to grab the handle to leave I grab his arm. I muster up all the courage I can and whispered, "Can you stay and help me Ezra?" He smiles and blushes slightly, wrapping me in a hug, "of course!" He closes the door and stays turned around as I take my clothes that I have on now off and grab the robe from the wall and cover myself. "Alright your ok to look now." I say in a small voice. "Alright I'm gonna start with your legs and work my way up and after your done you can use my cats flea shampoo to make sure everything is clean and gone. I nod my head agreeing and let him begin, he rubs his soft hands over my paw pads massaging as he goes looking for any bumps or imperfections. He comes across a tick that had made itself at home on my inner thigh , he poked and prodded at it for a few minutes but it was resistant to all his attempts. "You know fur is great but I just don't think I could do a full body of it." He laughs and I return his joke with a giggle of my own. "Would it be easier if there was no fur?" I ask searching his face for his reaction.  At first he looks confused and he seemed to be racking his brain for what I could be saying. "Well I'm certainly not going to shave you if that's what your asking." he smiles and we both laugh. I trusted Ezra I didn't sense any type of misjudgment or threat coming from this simple witch. 
     I began to shift into my human form and my leg grew smaller in his hand and the once thick course fur is now bare soft human skin. The robe that was a perfect fit before, is now hanging down off my shoulders. It draped around me like a sheet and Ezra had stayed quiet so far, only staring wide eyed and enchanted at the sight. My hair falls in front of my face as I smile at him, "Is that any better?" He's still not said a word so far, just staring at my face and rubbing my legs searching for the fur that was no longer there. "Now how did you do that? spell? hallucinations? Are you even a wolf?" He seems stunned and unsure of what to say, he did however have lots of questions some of which I could answer and others was searching for myself. We talked while taking the ticks that had made themselves at home on me off finally, burning them as he went. his hands glided over me like soap and his hands felt like heaven against my skin.  "I'm honestly stunned I didn't think of it before you told me, I remember in school they use to mention small things about dire wolves but they never dove into that chapter which I guess was because you guys were believed to have died out long ago. but behold!" he places some bubbles on my he'd and smiles so wide that his eyes look squinty. "your here1 So obviously the world didn't lose all of its beautiful one of a kind dire wolves." What a sweet happy minded guy, he seemed to only be able to see the silver lining and if he could see the other side of things then he hides his emotions very well. It didn't take much for the mud and dirt that was previously there to fall away into the soapy water. Ezra had gone to make himself a cup of tea and was waiting in his room for when I was done. My hair had been shampooed and I washed my body with the bar of soap sitting on the side of the tub. It was green and purple but see through, there was a small flower in the middle and there seemed to be small beads in the soap that came out as you washed. It smelled like roses and vanilla, the smell reminded me of Ezra. Soon I got out and dried myself off with the lavender towel Ezra had left behind, throwing the robe on and heading to where Ezra had said his room was. He had laid out a large t-shirt and a pair of women's shorts? I hadn't seen a women in here before and no-one had said anything about a wife or girlfriend ... maybe they were a friend of his, at least that's what I'm hoping. As soon as my head hit the soft feather pillow I drifted off into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of of cookies, flowers, and Ezra? oh, Finnigan as well. Seems I simply cant escape the happenings of tonight or the past. My memories slowly drift back to that little blonde haired girl I had loved once before.
(A/N) The picture at the top is of the characters mentioned in this from the game when the night comes. if you haven't read it You should defiantly take a look before you dive into this so that you can fall in love with the characters before reading other peoples interpretations of their personalities. I personally feel like I couldn't dream of reaching the level of dedication that the creator of the game had for their characters.
I also have a second chapter out on wattpad you can find it here.
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eyeslikethorns · 6 years
Perhaps ‘ You need to stay still. ’ with a male hunter and Omen/Alkar?_
Thank you! 
Omen is pacing anxiously by the bed when Alkar arrives, tail slashing the air as he tries to calm himself. He doesn’t know what to do, who else to call, and the relief is painful in his eyes when the door opens.
The figure on the bed behind him moans faintly in pain and he pulls Alkar into the room, shutting the door firmly and none-too-quietly behind him.
‘I didn’t know who else to- he’s hurt and Ezra is out-’ Alkar cuts off the barrage of words with a hand across Omen’s mouth and for a moment, Omen looks agitated enough that the lycan thinks he might get bitten.
‘Stop it, what happened?’ He says, taking his hand away to lead the demon by the hand towards the Hunter’s bedside. The human is pale and washed out against the blankets, which have been pulled down to reveal a nasty slice across his side, probably one that will require stitches very soon.
Omen describes the fight to him as he looks around the room for anything resembling a mundane first aid kit. There had to be something to use for the things that couldn’t be fixed with magic alone.
‘Where is the witch anyway?’ He asks Omen as he finally locates a wooden box with the appropriate symbols on it.
Omen shrugs. ‘Out. For the night, with the vampire,’ he adds and Alkar grimaces reflexively.
‘Fine,’ he says, trying to thread the needle. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but the amount of blood on the mattress underneath the Hunter is too worrying to spend more time looking for another solution.
He’s surprised though when Omen takes it from him, with a confident smile.
‘Oh, I’ve watched him do this!’ He says, brightly. ‘Leave it to me!’
Alkar wants to protest despite the sudden warm, proud feeling, but lets him take the needle and thread, watching in quiet astonishment as Omen deftly and neatly sews the wound closed, his tongue stuck out to the side.
The Hunter groans, makes as if to roll away from the extra pain, and the lycan hastens to hold him in place, supernaturally-strong hands with a grip of steel pinning the man to the blood-soaked mattress.
‘Quiet,’ he says roughly, not enough to mask the concern in his voice. ‘You need to stay still.’
This one too has grown on him, and he knows Omen is very fond indeed. He supposes he can live with that and now Omen has trusted him enough to make sure that they both would, at least for a little longer. 
He brushes sweat-soaked hair from the other’s flushed forehead as Omen finishes and cuts the extra thread, reaching now for the bandages. 
Alkar doesn’t know what to do next. Why did the demon call him here if he could do all of this already?
His confusion must show on his face as Omen ties off the strip of gauze and looks up. His tail wavers uncertainly behind him, but he is smiling. 
‘Thanks, Alkar,’ he says. ‘I just panicked, but having you around really helps. And…’
The demon looks sheepishly over at their human, lying next to Alkar, his cheeks reddening slightly.
‘And I know he really likes you toopleasedon’ttellhimisaidthat,’ he gets out in a rush, putting his hands over his face. Alkar grins wolfishly and settles back against the headrest.
‘Oh, he does, does he?’
‘Fine,’ Alkar allows, leaning forward and pulling Omen’s hands down, the better to nibble on his lower lip.
‘We can keep him.’
Yeah, this kind of turned into eventual Alkar/Omen/Hunter, but I hope it was okay XD;
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a-pancake-i-am · 2 years
Let me ruin some bullshit for you in this trying time
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Alex is probably not responsible for that, and it seems like a copy-pasted Dorian's text.
But hear me out.
You don't need Dorian for anything but probably easy live fanfiction. Don't let them trick you into thinking that you do.
⛔️ Traditionnally game studios have always locked creation tools...
✅️ The truth is - there is a number of programs that allow creation of your own visual novels. Some of them require few or no codding. They can be googled in a snap.
For example Game Maker Studio and Ren'Py: Visual Novel Engine(a free one)
⛔️ If you wanted to work on a game like The Arcana you had to work at a big studio.
✅️ The Arcana was once started by two people and developer's team grew according to it's success.
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✅️ A number of The Arcana fans successfully started as gamedevs. Lunaris Games make a fine quality games, the first of them, When The Night Comes has love interests, that once were fan apprentices(100% - Ezra and Alkar).
Both Nix Hydra and Lunaris games started as cool Idea, nice art, enthusiasm and then they got a sorta-kickstarter and took off.
If you are willing to create something original and of your own you don't necessarily need a agregator platform for more than a starter.
If you are a creator, don't sell yourself cheap.
Doing something out of fandom enthusiasm is always great, but please remember that they need you more than you need them.
No matter how fondly they will ever speak of it, the main thing is - Nix Hydra is not over for nothing, they can't afford hiring fully anymore. Currently they do not offer you full payment for your work, however they plan profiting on whatever you might do, and by such messages they make you believe you are lucky with such an opportunity.
Please be aware, confident and safe, my darlings. You don't need some werid "empowerment" you are the power.
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I’m adding Julien from The Arcana and adding Ezra, Finn, Omen, and Alkar to my writing list. So it is now
Havenfall is for Lovers:
Diego (my favorite boi honestly)
Gangsters in Love:
Astoria Fates Kiss/ Astoria Lost Kisses:
Sweet Enchantments:
Zain (I’ll try to be good at this since there’s only 1 season)
Villainous Nights:
Starships Promise:
Orion (I can try)
Jaxon (I can try with him too)
When The Night Comes:
Seduce Me The Otome:
Matthew (I can try)
Damien (I can try)
Love and Legends:
The Arcana:
Okay that’s it!!! Just decided to say that in case people wanted to ask me about these things as well!!! I can do headcannons, what you think a certain person would do/react to something, or even a fanfiction! Just ask me whatever.
I update my list every now and then so sorry if it gets annoying for me to keep posting about my list
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lunaris-laments · 5 years
Ezra x Hunter - Lightly Kissing a Bruise
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Anonymous request: Love ur writing! Could I request a # 7 Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise for Hunter/Ezra please? Whenever you have the time thank you so much for putting requests out!
From the 50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You” prompt list.
Thank you for requesting! <3 i hope you like it and i'm so sorry it took so long, ive been very busy lately,,,,,
also thank you for 50 followers!! so sorry i’ve been mia for ages
You only briefly glanced at the ‘closed’ sign hanging on the door of the shop, sighing in relief, before hauling yourself inside. You pushed the door shut with your heel and leaned back against the wall - rugged breaths, aching body, and flushed cheeks from the biting wind outside.
“Ezra?” you gasped out, eyes darting from the counter to the shelves of goods. You heard some clattering and a hushed curse, finally looking over to the curtain which parted to reveal your lover. Ezra’s features pulled taut with worry, he rushed over to you to support you, walking you into the living room. You collapsed onto the sofa and your heavy limbs melded into the soft cushions as Ezra knelt in front of you.
He caressed your knee and you flinched. “Are you badly hurt?”
The way he gazed up at you - like he would drop everything he was doing just to take care of you… which he probably just did.
“I’m okay, just… tired. And a little sore.” your eyelids threatened to slip closed the second you stopped talking.
The witch let out a strained chuckle. “More like exhausted.”  He reached up to press a soft kiss on your forehead and tugged at your clothes. “If you want to get healed then you’re going to need to take these off.”
You shifted, grunting painfully but forcing a laugh, and pushed the fabric off your shoulder. “Are you sure this isn’t just a way to get me into bed?”
Ezra scoffed and ignored your comment, getting to work. His fingers emitted a soft glow, swirls of turquoise and flecks of gold reflecting off your skin when he touched you. Now with your tattered shirt slipped off, his hands roamed over the purple-blooming bruises and shallow gashes littering your torso. It wasn't as bad as other times you came stumbling through his door at an ungodly hour of the morning, but it hurt like hell and your body was spent.
Slowly but surely, the burning of your cuts and marks of your battle ceased, sealed, and faded. Sighing with relief, you wrapped a soft woolen blanket around yourself, slouching and tipping your head back as Ezra made work of your trousers.
"Just what were you doing, my Hunter?" You smiled sheepishly and shrugged while Ezra ran his hands over your calves, returning mauve skin to its original colour. He leaned over a final bruise on your knee, staring up at you through dark lashes, emerald gaze twinkling in the candlelight.
"You know that I'll be here to help you whenever I can, but… I'm worried about you. You come home in the middle of the night, injured and exhausted. You're pushing yourself to the limit and it's breaking you - my magic can only do so much." For once, his voice was stern. Guilt weighed on your heart, realising how much sleep he must have lost over this - over you.
"Ezra, I didn't know you felt that way…" You brought his hands up to your face, lightly kissing his knuckles through your words. "I'm sorry. If I'm being honest, I don't like living this way, but crime rates and violence between species are getting worse lately. They’re sending out every Enforcer they can to keep it under control…” A single finger pushes gently on your lips to halt your words, and he smiles sweetly up at you, seeing you grow distressed with the politics of your job. You didn’t notice how tense your shoulders became, but they unravel and slump eventually.
“Alright, enough work talk. I want you to relax tonight.”
Ezra closed his eyes and tilted his head, letting his lips brush your knee, his warmth overpowering. You blink, the bruise has disappeared, and you feel suddenly rejuvenated. “However will I thank you for everything you do for me?” Sighing blissfully, you pet his thick locks, twirling his white strands between your fingers and nails massaging his scalp. Still on his knees, Ezra rests his head on your thigh and revels in the attention, and you can feel his breath fanning your leg.
“You don’t have to do anything for me; just stay safe enough to come back home at the end of the night.”
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lunaris-laments · 5 years
Finn x Hunter - Soulmate AU
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Prompt (found via writing.prompt.s on instagram): Once every month, soulmates get to see from each other’s eyes for 60 seconds, until they meet for the first time. It happens unexpectedly and neither of the pair knows when it will happen. One day you see someone you recognise from your soulmate’s eyes.
Note: Hunter is non gender-specific. Part 2, if you want it?
You had already gathered that your soulmate is a Vampire: you wouldn’t be much of a Hunter if you couldn’t identify one of the creatures you’re supposed to hunt. This irked you to an extent - you had trained your entire life, taken an oath, to protect citizens from monsters like him, who lurked in the shadows to tear their innocent lives away from them. However, you weren’t stupid, or insensitive. You could at least tell that this Vampire wasn’t as feral as ones you had previously encountered or slain, and that there was gentleness within him.
It was always a little difficult to watch the person who’s supposed to be your soulmate feed upon someone each month - especially when this person is a gorgeous, chocolate skinned witch, who he seems incredibly close to. You almost feel jealous of your soulmate. Almost. Being a Vampire doesn’t sound all that fun to you, even if you’ve only seen glimpses of the life of one. You can’t say you would hate replacing the man he feeds from, though…
Every time you look through his eyes, each month, it is the moment that he feeds. There’s never a specific day, or time, it’s always unexpected - be it in the middle of training, a battle, cooking dinner, chatting with a friend - and you’re never prepared for the sensations the visions bring you. Each second of the feeding is so intimate, heart-achingly familiar and warm, the hunger in the air is electrifying, and yet it always seems that you’re sitting in on something so private that you were never meant to see, that no one else is meant to see.
Even though it is just one minute…
You stare back into beautiful emerald eyes, sparkling with affection and submission, seeing a ruby red flush paint his cheekbones, a smile slip onto his face, like he’s excited for this even though it is necessary.
It isn’t just seeing it, either - you feel everything your soulmate does, feel his chest tighten even though his heart beats no more, as he gulps in anticipation of quenching his thirst, tongue darting out to wet his lips, the warmth of a body against his built one, an arm around his waist that tightens as he inches closer and closer…
A name being softly called. Is it being said aloud, or are you just hearing the thoughts running through his head on an endless loop? Ezra, I want you. Ezra, I need you…
Is this what it would be like for him to feed on you?
Even as the other man says your soulmate’s name, it sounds like a blur, like something is holding you back from knowing his identity.
The best part is when he sinks his fangs into Ezra’s neck, hearing moans and groans as his thoughts get louder and more detailed. You feel like you shouldn’t enjoy this as much as you do - but you love the euphoria that you share with them, even if they don’t know it. It courses through your whole being, and everything feels right and all other thoughts have melted away along with your worries and sense of time…
Until things fade back to your reality. You look down at the vegetable you were mid-way through chopping, or your friend who snaps their fingers in your face with a worried gaze, or the baton in your hand and the trainee standing before you. If you were holding anything previous to the intense vision, you are now gripping it so hard your knuckles turned white and palms clammy.
Then guilt envelops you - so caught up in the fantasy that you forgot it isn’t for you, that you weren’t supposed to see it, and you remember that if you ever meet your soulmate you may have to pretend you didn’t find his intimate moments so hot or incredibly fulfilling. You wonder what he sees from your eyes - does he know that you’re a Hunter? Would he care?
But work forever puts an end to your daydreams, and promptly after your promotion you receive a letter from your Lieutenant General, that details your orders to report to the Enforcement Headquarters in Lunaris.
From what you’ve heard, Lunaris is a quaint town, yet lively and charming, with a rather colourful array of citizens. If you were being honest, the city you lived in was becoming claustrophobic, and you counted down the days to your transfer and change of scenery.
The sound of your boots hitting the cobble disturbs the stillness of the street as you arrive in Lunaris, your body aching from your long journey, begging for the warm embrace of a bed. You observe the town, though you can’t see much - at this hour, the fog lies low and the moon is hidden, the few lanterns hung above doors and strung between buildings being the only things to light your way. You’ve been sent here to investigate some particularly gruesome murders and you can’t say the town doesn’t look suspicious: the streets cleared out earlier than most would expect, not even domestic thrum from homes can be heard.
Chest pounding and eyes moving erratically to each shadow you pass, you eagerly haul yourself into the first inviting - and open - shop you can find, a blue lantern flickering in its doorway. Body protesting as you move faster, your hands find purchase on the front door’s handle and you make your way inside. Your face heats quickly as you adjust to the warmth of the shop, a stark contrast to the frosty air biting at your cheeks as you walked briskly through the town.
The shop is lit by worn down candles and you faintly hear a ring from above your head as the door closes behind you. Tightly-packed bookcases lining the walls and trinkets on display catch your attention, and you eye the shelves curiously. You hear the rustling of fabric and turn to see a man standing between parted curtains separating the rooms of the shop.
And everything about him is so familiar. You instantly recognise that gentle smile, the softness of his voice as he addresses you, and his eyes. Even if he does not look at you the same way he looks at your soulmate, you recognise the mellow, reassuring look in his eyes when you stare into them. When he tilts his head, his collar shifts and you spot two scarred punctures on the lower part of his neck.
His cheeks flush and he titters nervously, and the sound breaks you from your trance. You close your gaping mouth, face turning the same shade of pink as his - and the only word you can muster is,
i’d be happy to do a part 2 if anyone wants it ^^
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I’m bored. I wanna do something. I gotta go to church and I’ll just space out and be thinking about vampires and stuff we’re not supposed to believe in (which I don’t but I still love the vampires) and think about writing something for maybe Finn and Alkar for When The Night Comes or maybe even some Julian fanfiction or Diego or maybe Saerys since I still need to write a fanfiction to make up for the one I couldn’t write.
This is what I think about while I’m in church. I think about the lord and I think about my husbands
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