updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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Rumah Minimalis Nuansa Alam View Pegunungan di Dataran Tinggi Kota Malang Lokasi : Bocek, Karangploso Spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 30 m² Luas Tanah 85 sd 180 m² Kamar Tidur 2 Kamar Mandi 1 Ruang Serbaguna Carport 🏘️ Faum Perumahan : - Musholla - Playground - Gym Area - Pasadena - One Gate System - Security 24 Jam - Pagar Kawasan 🚩 Lokasi Terdekat : - 9 menit ke PASAR SAYUR KARANGPLOSO - 10 menit ke REST AREA KARANGPLOSO - 12 menit ke JATIM PARK 3 Selling Point : ✅ Udara Sejuk Dekat Kaki Gunung Arjuno ✅ Lokasi Datar Bebas Longsor dan Banjir ✅ Dikelilingi Pegunungan, Kota Batu dan Kota Malang DAPATKAN : ✅ Sofa/Kitchen Set/TV LED ✅ Free SHGB, AJB, BBN, HIPAM/ARTESIS, PLN 1300 WATT ✅ Free Water Heater Harga Rp. 277.000.000,- ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 an. Imam Santoso IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #updaterumahmalang #updatetanahmalang #rumahmurah #perumahanmalang #rumahmalangdijual #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #um #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #brawijaya https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrQ56KhUzE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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krazy-rp-hatter · 5 years
I have to know, do the cat girls purr?
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(And Assia - no banner for her yet)
Yes! They do! Both girls are ocelots and have many very cat-like traits. One of these IS purring!
Sometimes they will just happily sit there and purr if they are content (often in the presence of @cfmanymuses‘s OCs Gwen and Lotus), but the purr machine REALLY turns on when they are petted. They both LOVE having people touch them (if they are close enough, that preference varies between the two). This counts as anything from stroking their hair, rubbing their back, or scratching their ears. They basically just melt, do the head pushy thing, and let out a purr.
Sometimes (Assia especially) they will purr if they are in pain or anxious, trying to use this ‘I am happy!’ state to calm themselves down.
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cfmanymuses · 5 years
✧ Lozzah
How Does My Muse Feel About Yours? || Accepting!
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. (Only about a couple of things.) ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. (If I could talk about it.) ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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kookoobeans · 4 years
Family Date // Gavin
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,688
Summary: You are suppose to be on a date with Gavin but unexpected visits occur. So you ended up having a 'family date' with twins.
You are staring at your reflection in the mirror looking satisfied. Gavin has been given a few days off so he decided to ask you on a date. You suggested to go to an amusement park that's why you wake up so early in the morning to get ready. Checking the time, 7:00am, you take a sit on the couch waiting for him. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on your door. Jogging up to open it, you were surprised to see your friend and he twins at your doorsteps.
“Auntie Mommy!” the four-year-old twins hug your waist. You smile and kneel down to hug them back.
“Hey kiddos, miss me?” they both nod kissing each of your cheeks and hug you tighter.
“A lot” Alex, the older one, said.
“Right twinnie?” he nudge his twin sister, Alizzah, to which she nods vigorously.
“We miss you this much.” She then made a big circle with her hands. You laugh and ruffle their hair and they giggle.
“Aww I miss you guys too. But what are you doing here?” you look up to your friend as she gives you an apologetic look.
“Hey, sorry this is so sudden but can you please take care of them for today? I just have an emergency at the office.” She gives you a pleading look. You nod your head in response.
“Sure, go ahead. Leave them to me.” You stand up as you let the kids roam in your apartment. Only noticing how you're dress, her eyes widen.
“Oh I'm so sorry. Are you going somewhere? I should just call someone to be a on day nanny.” She was about to dial a number when you stop her, shaking your head no.
“I’m suppose to have a date with Gavin but I know he wouldn't mind some change of plan. Besides, I won't be at peace if the kids are under someone else's care when I'm actually here.” With your words, she hugs you tight thanking you. She you and the twins goodbye and left. Just as you are about to close the door, your eyes found Gavin looking at you smiling. He has arrived long enough to witness your little talk with your friend. Smiling back at him, you watch as he walks up to you. He hugs you and kiss your forehead.
“Hey, I missed you.” He put his head on top of yours. You close your eyes and nizzle your head in his chest. You can clearly smell his perfume, giving you sense of familiarity.
“I missed you too.” You look up at him. You stayed like that for a while staring at each other. Slowly, he lowers his head, about to kiss your lips. Just as your lips are almost touching, you heard a loud 'eww' behind you. Remembering the twins in your apartment, you quickly pull away from Gavin. You look at the giggling kids, your cheeks heating up.
“Auntie Mommy is kissing a guy.” Alizzah said as she laugh while her brother is pouting and crossing his over his chest.
“What if he's a bad guy?” Alex ask his sister eyeing your man from head to toe. Alizzah pinch his isde making him cry out in pain.
“No he's not, he is obviously her boyfriend. Besides, he's handsome.” She said as she fangirl over Gavin. You steal a glance at the blushing cop beside you. You stifle a laugh, he looks at you and smile a little. Suddenly he speaks.
“I heard you and your friend's talk.” You look at him and reminding yourself that you have to cancel your date today.
“Yeah sorry about that, I just can't say no to her. She's a single mother so I want to help her any way I can. Do you mind if we cancel our date today?” you ask him apologetically. He smile at you and gently pat you head.
“I don't mind. We can still go to the amusement park you know. They'll like it there.” He said as he glance at the kids now arguing whether Gavin is trustworthy or not. You chuckle at them.
“Come on, I'll introduce you.” You hold his hand dragging him to where the kids are. They are both seated on the couch looking at you when you reach the living room.
“Kids this is Gavin my boyfriend and Gavin this is Alizzah and this is Alex.” Alizzah seems so excited to find out the man's name while her brother is still skeptical.
“Uncle Daddy!” Alizzah get off the couch jumping at Gavin who thankfully catch her. He laugh and carefully put her down.
“Hello there Miss.” He squat down and gently pat her head. His amber eyes shows nothing but tenderness. Your heart melts at the sight. You then saw Alex carefully approach Gavin.
“Do you love my Auntie Mommy?” he looks so serious asking, that you can't help but laugh so you cover you mouth with your hand to avoid ruining the atmosphere. Gavin looks like he's taking the kid's words seriously.
“Yes I do Sir.” He address the little guy formally. You cross your arms over your chest full interest in the scene before you.
“Do you have a job to support her?” you raise an eyebrow at the question. You saw Gavin straighten his posture.
“I’m a cop Sir and yes I can support her.” He answered making Alex nod in acknowledgement.
“Do you promise to take good care of her and make her happy?” upon hearing the question, Gavin looks at you then answered.
“I promise to take good care of her and make her happy everyday as long as she allows me to.” He said it so seriously while staring deep into your eyes. You heart is beating so fast. Hearing Gavin's answer and seeing the look in his eyes, the little guy smiles.
“I trust you Uncle Daddy.” He then hugs Gavin and Alizzah rush in to hug them both. You watch the three all cuddle up on the couch.
“Auntie Mommy do you want to join us?” Gavin asks you, eyes shining brightly. You nod and joins them in a hug.
“Sorry we ruined your date.” They both said in unison. You and Gavin share a look. You pinch the twin's cheeks.
“Actually you didn't ruin it. Who wants to go to the amusement park?” you said as you watch their eyes twinkle and raise their hands excitedly. Gavin picks up Alizzah and you hold Alex's hand.
“Let’s go then.” Gavin said as he takes you other hand intertwining it with his. As you arrive at the amusement park, you went to many rides and play different games on every booth. The twins look so happy and so is Gavin. They seem to get closer as they talk with your man nonstop. You start to feel a little jealous but nonetheless you are happy. Soo enough, its pretty late. The four of you are heading home with Gavin carrying a sleeping Alex. You were surprised that the two get along very well. After his interrogation with the cop, he never left Gavin's side. As you arrive at you apartment, Gavin carefully lay Alex in the bed. You and Alizzah are sitting on the couch. She suddenly lean in and whisper.
“Auntie Mommy, I like your boyfriend. When will you get married?” your eyes widen. You look at her and see a pair of innocent eyes. You smile and hug her.
“I don't know yet sweetie but when I do, you'll be the first to know. Now go to sleep its late.” You kiss her hair and lift her to sit on your lap. You receive a text from your friend saying she'll pick up the twins tomorrow. After sending her an okay, you look down to see the girl sleeping. You feel Gavin sit beside you.
“Sorry, you're supposed to be relaxing but instead you're taking care of the kids with me.” You said, eyes apologetic. He shook his head smiling.
“Silly, you don't need to be sorry. I actually enjoyed it.” He kissed your lips sweetly. You rest you head in his chest as he holds you and the little girl in your arms in his embrace.
“Thank you.” You look up at him
“Thank you for being my Gavin.” He caress your head, his amber eyes is full of love.
“I've always been your Gavin since day one.” He said without breaking the smile on his beautiful face.
“You know, you're gonna be a great father someday.” His face showed a mixture of happiness and worry.
“You think so? You know I never had a good example of a father figure.” He said worry is now evident in his voice. Your heart breaks a little for him. You reach a hand to touch his cheek.
“I know you will. you're a good man Gavin. Your heart is pure and full of love. Besides, I felt your love first hand. Don't you trust me? Our future kids will love you and you will be a good father to them.” His worried face is now changed to a happy one.
“O-our future kids? You want to have a family with me?” you chuckle at him.
“Of course, that is if you wanted to.” Now is your turn to be worried and nervous. His eyes lit up and hugs you tighter.
“Of course I do, you're the only person I can think of starting a family with.” With that being said you feel like you're in cloud nine.
“I love you.” You said your voice full of emotion.
“I love you too.” He said kissing your head. You stayed like that for a while talking about the future. Dreams were created that night. Dreams full of nothing but love and happiness. You can't believe how lucky you are to have someone like Gavin in your life. You are so happy with him by your side. You can't possibly love another man more than you love him. After all, he showed you what love really is. Pure and untainted. Unconditional and wonderful.
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astimuninggar · 7 years
Pada akhirnya, kesabaran akan sampai pada ujung yang manis. Begitulah. Sebaik-baik rencana yang dibuat manusia tidak akan lebih baik dari rencana Allah dalam kisah nyata ALIZZAH. Sabar dan ikhlas dengan rumah lama akan segera diganti dengan rumah baru yang jauh lebih baik. Sesederhana itu. Sesederhana ketika Allah berkata “Kun!” maka jadilah sesuatu itu sesuai apa yang Dia kehendaki.
Hari ini, ALIZZAH resmi pindah dari rumah lama. Artinya, tim kami punya tugas yang berat yaitu bongkar-bongkar rumah lama dan beres-beres rumah baru dalam sekali waktu. Dan jika kita mampu berpikir lebih dalam, rumah ALIZZAH juga telah menunjukkan bagaimana kerjasama di dunia nyata jauh berbeda dengan teori yang dikaji. Aku masih melihat ketulusan dan sebaliknya berada dalam tim yang dipandang kompak. Apa yang dilihat orang memang tidak selamanya benar, kecuali orang itu adalah bagian yang ikut dipandang. Kami dipandang kompak, tetapi bagiku itu tidak terlalu benar. Mungkin karena ego beberapa oknum, atau mungkin justru aku yang membuatnya seperti itu karena terlalu eksklusif pada tim sendiri. Semoga Allah segera memberikan hidayah kepada siapa saja yang kurang baik. Bagaimanapun, ALIZZAH dan rumahnya adalah bagian dari kita yang telah mengajarkan banyak hal. Semoga berkah rumah barunya :)
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fayzahs · 5 years
Terimakasih, Faizah
Bagian ini aku khususkan buat faizah semisal lagi ada masalah/mengalami kesulitan/iseng iseng buka tumblr. Postingan ini insyaAllah akan selalu diedit saat menemukan sesuatu yang menyentak hati, yang bikin “oiyaya”
Halo faizah-di-masa-sedikit-lebih-dewasa!
Perkenalkan, Aku faizah-dari-masa-agak-kecil
Sengaja aku buat untukmu biar kamu selalu ingat betapa kamu berharganya di dunia dan insyAllah di akhirat nanti. Kamu gak useless kok sayang. Let me tell you.
Pernah ingetkan kalo ucapan terimakasih lebih baik daripada ucapan maaf. Karena dengan terimakasih kita bisa menghargai setiap yang dilakukan orang itu. Nah, makanya aku juga mau ngucapin terimakasih buat kamu karena kamu seberharga itu.
Terimakasih sudah mau menerima islam sebagai kepercayaan mu mulai kamu dibentuk dari sperma dan ovum baba umikmu sampai insyaAllah diliang lahat nanti. Terimakasih sudah mau “berusaha” menjalankan rukun islam dengan baik meskipun belum sempurna. Terimakasih sudah bangga menjadi seorang muslim, dan selalu berharap mati dalam keadaan muslim. Terimakasih sudah mau belajar sholat, belajar ngaji, mengenal Allah, mengenal Rasulullah, mengenal malaikat, mengenal pahala-dosa,dll. Terimakasih sudah sempat mau menghafal alquran. Terimakasih sudah mau belajar islam di TPQ, sekolah, Alizzah, dan di youtube.
Terimakasih sudah menerima untuk lahir dari keluarga baba sama umik dan jadi adik dari mbak sama mas. Terimakasih sudah menjadi tante yang lembeng buat fatih, zizi, sama farhan. Terimakasih sudah sayang banget sama baba-umik. Terimakasih sudah mau berharap di surga dikumpulkan sama baba-umik. Terimakasih sudah berusaha berbakti sama baba- umik. Terimakasih tadi malam sudah mau nemenin baba di rumah sakit sendirian gara gara fatih juga sakit jadi kamu sama umik harus bagi tugas jaga. Terimakasih sudah mau bolak balik jember demi nganter baba. Terimakasih mau nemenin umik juga paginya ke lumajang buat periksain fatih. Terimakasih sudah jadi perawat galak buat baba, pasien yang ngeyel. Terimakasih sudah selalu menghawatirkan kesehatan baba-umik. Terimakasih sudah mau berencana mengurus baba-umik sampe tua.
Terimakasih banyak atas kerelaan mu buat menempuh 12 tahun jenjang sekolahmu. Terimakasih mau menjadi maba selama 2 tahun yang dimarahi terus-terusan. Terima kasih mau masuk kedokteran yang sekolahnya sepanjang hidup. Belajar seumur hidup bukan waktu yang pendek, bukan? Terimakasih sudah nurut saran baba-umik. Terimakasih sudah mengupayakan seluruhnya buat banggain baba-umik.
Terimakasih sudah mau berteman baik dengan siapapun, berusaha baik dengan siapapun, berusaha seramah mungkin dengan siapapun. Terimakasih sudah mau mengenal kata “cinta-pacaran” meskipun pada akhirnya juga tetap terluka.
Lihat kan, kamu ternyata sekuat itu. Sudah banyak hal yang kamu lakukan. Hanya saja mungkin kamu lupa menyadarinya. Masih banyak orang gak seberuntung kamu di luar sana. Bersyukurlah zah, sebanyak banyaknya syukur selama denyut jantungmu masih berdetak. Nikmat Allah gak pernah berkurang satupun darimu.
Kalopun kamu lagi ada masalah, tetap bersyukurlah. Sebab pasti masalahmu pasti tidak lebih besar dari orang lain. Sebab juga masalahmu pasti dan akan selalu terlewati dengan baik. Kamu hanya perlu sabar sayang. Bukankah kata Allah kita hanya perlu sabar dan sholat? Hanya itu yang Allah mau darimu. Allah gak mau kamu menyelesaikan masalahmu, karena itu tugasnya Allah. Allah kasih masaah, Allah juga kasih solusinya. Inget! SABR wa SHOLAH!!
Semangat faizah. Dengan Allah kamu gabakal kenal kata kecewa. Semoga kamu selalu berusaha menjadi orang yg meneduhkan ya.
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21stcenlit-blog · 6 years
Once upon a rainy morning with  cool breeze of December. I was laying on my bed thinking on how I should start my day, did I really want to started it already? I doubt. My body was perfectly fitted in the bed that morning. The warm hugs of my blacket makes it hard for me to leave and the strong magnetic field of my bed makes it hard for the stand. It looks like my body dont feel like going to school that day. But I have, I should since it was the first day of our exam. Like a snail I climb down to our stairs without opening my eyes. Thinking I have to do this. I have to do this. Since I was to lazy to get up, I leave our house late .Fortunately there's no jeepney passing by so I've waited to long to ride jeepney. When I got into the jeepney, I dont know if I just feel that way because of the pressure or the jeepney are just really slow. After that unbearable long ride. Im ready to go. I pushed myself outside of the jeepney facing my former school with a game face on. Looks like Im ready for a battle of life. Well that was really a battle since I have to run like a monster to get in my classroom. I was running really fast considering that my room was located at the 3rd floor. So I really have to run. It was like a life and death situation. I was really rushing to my room because I remember it was the day of exam where we're going to take Math. I was breathing so hard when i got infront of our classroom's door. I was expecting million of stares from my classmates and my teacher since I was super late but I only got one. One stare from our school janitor with an empty room. We stare at each other for almost a minute. I was absorbing the scene and when i got myself out of that awkward staring contest I think. I immediately asked the school janitor and also myself. Where is my classmate? They're suppose to be here by this time taking our periodical exam. But before she speak and answer my question there's a senario flashed to my mind. It was our teacher reminding us that we are the second batch to get the examination. That means we're going to take the exam at exactly 10 am in the morning. I immediately look at my watch and sadly it was just 8 am in the morning. What will I do there for two hours. Its was so depressing since I forgot to bring my reviewers with me so I have to waste that two hours of my life thinking that I am supposed to be sleeping at that time but there Im in the middle of our classroom with the school janitor. Breathing the scent of zonrox she's putting on our floor. As I watched the school janitor cleaning our room I realized something,  listening to announcement do really matters. I wish it will never happen to me again. For me time is gold and so that two hours is as important as gold and wasting that makes me feel bad.
- Alizzah Terite
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tzenge · 8 years
alizzah replied to your post “One good thing about a breakup is; entirely new playlists.”
That's totally true!
And no sad music either, just good new music :)
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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Rumah Minimalis Nuansa Alam View Pegunungan di Dataran Tinggi Kota Malang Lokasi : Bocek, Karangploso Spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 30 m² Luas Tanah 85 sd 180 m² Kamar Tidur 2 Kamar Mandi 1 Ruang Serbaguna Carport 🏘️ Faum Perumahan : - Musholla - Playground - Gym Area - Pasadena - One Gate System - Security 24 Jam - Pagar Kawasan 🚩 Lokasi Terdekat : - 9 menit ke PASAR SAYUR KARANGPLOSO - 10 menit ke REST AREA KARANGPLOSO - 12 menit ke JATIM PARK 3 Selling Point : ✅ Udara Sejuk Dekat Kaki Gunung Arjuno ✅ Lokasi Datar Bebas Longsor dan Banjir ✅ Dikelilingi Pegunungan, Kota Batu dan Kota Malang DAPATKAN : ✅ Sofa/Kitchen Set/TV LED ✅ Free SHGB, AJB, BBN, HIPAM/ARTESIS, PLN 1300 WATT ✅ Free Water Heater Harga Rp. 277.000.000,- ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 an. Imam Santoso IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #updaterumahmalang #updatetanahmalang #rumahmurah #perumahanmalang #rumahmalangdijual #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #um #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #brawijaya https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrQ56KhUzE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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Rumah Minimalis Sharia Angsuran Ringan, Inhouse sd 7 Tahun Lokasi : Ngenep, Karangploso Spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 36 m² Luas Tanah 60 m² Kamar Tidur 2 Kamar Mandi 1 Gambaran Lokasi : - 800 meter ke Wisata Sumber Nyolo - 2 km ke Langlang Singosari - 3 km ke Poros Jl Raya Karangploso - Batu Pembayaran: - Inhouse s/d 7 thn - DP Suka-suka, Rumah dibangun saat DP masuk 50% - Harga Sudah All in, termasuk biaya biaya pajak balik nama dan sebagainya. Selling Point : ✅ Dekat Dengan Pengembangan Kampus Unisma 2 ✅ View Pegunungan Dengan Udara yang Sejuk ✅ Dekat Dengan Pasar, Institusi Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Harga Rp. 220.000.000,- -> Bisa Inhouse 7 Tahun ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #updaterumahmalang #rumahmalangdijual #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #almaahiraiibsmalang https://www.instagram.com/p/CYnChwRBxHD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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Rumah Siap Huni Lokasi Pandanlandung Sukun *Dekat UNMER, UNIKAMA, CYBER MALL, PASAR TRADISIONAL DAN MODERN, RUMAH SAKIT, SEKOLAH, HANYA 5 MENIT MENUJU KOTA *TYPE 36/60 *SURAT SHM SPLIT ON HAND *HARGA MULAI 290 JUTA *SKEMA ALL-IN PEMBELI TERIMA BERSIH TANPA ADA TAMBAHAN BIAYA DAN PAJAK APAPUN LAGI *PEMBELIAN : - CASH KERAS - CASH BERTAHAP (3 BULAN) - INHOUSE DP 50% TENOR 2 TAHUN - 5 TAHUN - KPR PERBANKAN DP 0% * ITJ 11 juta sudah mengurangi harga jual Segera Booking Unit Sebelum Kehabisan Hubungi sales executive kami : 📞 *IMAM* 0822 4517 7279 https://wa.me/6282245177279 One Stop Property Shop | Propertimurahmalang.com Mau nitip jual properti Anda? Bisa Mau ikut gabung jualan? Ayo dah, let's Go ... #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu #villakeluarga #updaterumahmalang #hunianmodern #rumahminimalis https://www.instagram.com/p/CX6GKFRB5ez/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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[Ready] Rumah Mewah View Istimewa Karangploso Gate Mewah Superlebar Lokasi : Ngenep, Karangploso Spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 65 m² Luas Tanah 176 m² Kamar tidur 3 Kamar mandi 1 Ruang Tamu Ruang Keluarga Pojok Hook Dapur Teras Carport Gambaran Lokasi : - 300 meter RSAD karangploso - 1 km ke pasar dan rest area karangploso - 1 km kampus Unisma 2 Selling Point : ✅ 800 meter jalan utama Malang - Batu ✅ 1 menit Kampus ITN 2 Malang ✅ 5 menit Exit Tol Karanglo Singosari ✅ 10 menit Terminal Arjosari Harga Rp. 750.000.000,00 ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu #villakeluarga https://www.instagram.com/updaterumahmalang/p/CX6F7FbhpfD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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READY STOCK MULYOREJO BANDULAN SUKUN SIAP HUNI Perumahan Poros Jalan Raya Mulyorejo, Bandulan Sukun Lokasi Strategis, Aman & Nyaman 1 Gate System Jalan Perumahan Lebar Ramai Penduduk & Pertokoan PROMO BEBAS PAJAK! Type 36 Luas tanah 68 2 KT 1 KM Carport Akses Mobil Papasan Harga mulai 401 jutaan Punya uang 52 juta maju saja Bisa diangsur 3 x Tersedia juga tipe 40/80 450 jtan Ruko tipe 80/40 847 jtaan Ruko tipe 91/100 1 Milyaran Segera Booking Unit Sebelum Kehabisan ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3woOSBg_x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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READY STOK KEBUNAGUNG PABRIK GULA 250 JUTAAN READY STOK 2 UNIT MODERN KEBONAGUNG 200 JUTAAN DP 10 % 25 juta bisa diangsur 3 kali Sisanya KPR 1,5 juta Ready Stock Siap Huni Kav G14a Type 36 Luas tanah 63 Kamar tidur 2 Kamar mandi 1 Harga 258 juta One gate system, keamanan Scurity Akses jalan mobil simpangan Dekat Sukun/Gadang 10 menit ke Alun - alun kota Malang Surat SHM Lengkap. bisa dicek GRATIS semua Biaya Pajak2 & Balik Nama Bebas pilih Bank Kami Bantu sampai serah terima Kunci. Segera Booking Unit Sebelum Kehabisan ☎️ Tim BERBURU RUMAH IMPIAN 📞 *IMAM* 0822 4517 7279 https://wa.me/6282245177279 One Stop Property Shop | Propertimurahmalang.com Mau nitip jual properti Anda? Bisa Mau ikut gabung jualan? Ayo dah, let's Go ... ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3vVUBhkIV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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MODERN BANDARA PAKIS MALANG 500 JUTAAN MODERN & CLASSIC HOUSE Hunian nyaman & asri di poros jalan dekat Wisata Pemandian Wendit Malang Selling Point : - Lingkungan sejuk, tenang, asri - Lebar jalan 8 Meter - Bebas banjir dan longsor - Keamanan CCTV 24 jam, One Gate Sistem - Skema Pembayaran Cash dan KPR - Fasum Taman & Masjid - Akses Mudah menuju Bandara & Exit Tol Pakis - Mudah akses karena berada di area Perdagangan ,Kuliner Sekolah,Tempat ibadah dll - Mudah akses ke Kota Malang maupun jalur ke Surabaya Tersedia 3 konsep type Rumah : 1 Lantai Type 40/72 2 Lantai Type 46/72 2 Lantai Type 88/88 (luas tanah bervariasi) Harga mulai 500 jutaan Ada yg ready di blok B 20 type 92/86 harga 965.600.000 Carport Ruang Tamu Ruang Keluarga 3 Kamar Tidur 1 Kamar Mandi Dalam 1 Kamar Mandi Luar Infomasi detail Hubungi : 📞 *IMAM* 0822 4517 7279 https://wa.me/6282245177279 One Stop Property Shop | Propertimurahmalang.com Mau nitip jual properti Anda? Bisa Mau ikut gabung jualan? Ayo dah, let's Go ... ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu https://www.instagram.com/p/CX3usxQBcwn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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updaterumahmalang · 3 years
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[Ready Stock] Rumah Minimalis Dengan Desain Sirkulasi Udara yang Lega Karangploso Gate 12 Meter Lokasi : Ngenep, Karangploso Spesifikasi : Luas Bangunan 33 m² Luas Tanah 64 m² Kamar tidur 2 Kamar mandi 1 Ruang Tamu Ruang Keluarga Dapur Teras Carport Gambaran Lokasi : - 300 meter ke RSAD karangploso - 1 km ke pasar dan rest area karangploso - 1 km kampus Unisma 2 Selling Point : ✅ 800 meter jalan utama Malang - Batu ✅ 1 menit Kampus ITN 2 Malang ✅ 5 menit Exit Tol Karanglo Singosari ✅ 10 menit Terminal Arjosari, Ar Rohmah IIBS, Thursina IIBS Harga Rp. 304.000.000,00 ______________________________________________ Respon Cepat, Info Detail dan Survey Lokasi Hubungi : Telp/WA : 0822 4517 7279 IG : @updaterumahmalang | t.me/rumahmalangbatu ______________________________________________ #propertijatim #investasiproperti #eksplorejatim #eksploremalang #karangploso #viewmenawan #legalitasaman #almaahiraiibsmalang #arrohmahputri #arrohmahputra #arrohmahputrimalang #arrohmah #arrohmahputriiibs #thursinaiibs #alizzah #alizzahiibs #alizzahiibsbatu #investasirumah #propertymalang #malanghits #infomalang #kotawisatabatu https://www.instagram.com/p/CX1MdKAhyHK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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