#alison becomes the HERALD OF GALACTUS
elvain · 1 year
if y’all don’t read what if #33 right now i’ll eat you
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brightengale · 5 years
Amaranth - If offered immortality, would your muse take it? For what reasons would or wouldn’t they, and under what conditions would it take to change whatever their answer is?
Nah. Maybe an extra hundred years of life could be cool but Alison is definitely one of those people that attempts to live in the moment. And living in the moment is made sweeter by the fact that life could end at any time. There are so many great things one could do with immortality but that responsibility isn’t something she would want. Plus, having to watch those she loves die while she had to carry on for eternity would rock her too hard. 
I do however loooove the Marvel What-If story where Alison agrees to become Galactus’ herald in order to seek out uninhabited planets for him to devour to make sure he wouldn’t callously kill anymore. By doing that she basically becomes immortal to save others’ lives. After a few millennia she does beg him to let her return to Earth but it turns out that so much time has passed that Earth has become a desolate wasteland with no life anymore. She grieves for the loss and returns to Galactus to continue as his herald because continuing to save others is more important to her than letting grief consume her and allowing herself to die like the rest of her loved ones. It’s honestly my favorite Dazzler story and made me fall in love with Alison Blaire all over again when I read it. Throughout the story her compassion, selflessness, courage and strength shine so bright and those things are what make Ali such a compelling character to me. I definitely recommend giving it a read. 
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