lirnitbreak · 4 years
Alisaie and OPEN
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Alisaie was becoming used to the sensation of something plopping on her shoulder and insistently oinking in her ear.
In fact it was something she was coming to expect when she was eating.
“Shoo! shoo!” She gently swatted at the pig, feeling it’s soft skin that always seemed to melt against her touch like it was made of Play-doh. “I’m eating a hot dog, Angelo! You know what that’s made of?”
Angelo just squealed as it knelt over to try to take a bite, having to flap its ears/wings to keep from falling over as Alisaie pulled the hot dog away.
“I already fed you! What, was that funnel cake you wanted just an appetizer?”
Angelo was not living up to the name that Alisaie felt compelled to give him, when he first magically appeared in her bedroom.. She kept on waking up to her parents being upset the flying pig had raided the kitchen again, getting into cupboards that logically it could not open with its lack of  thumbs, and making a mess in its quest for people food. But anytime Alisaie attempted to feed it anything that a pig might eat, it simply snubbed it, and tried to eat her dinner instead. To make matters even weirder, Angelo wasn’t going to the bathroom or or gaining weight or seemingly having any sort of digestion going on in his rotund little body.
She hadn’t let him out of the house until now, but with the strange creatures she’d been seeing accompanying others, she knew that at least it wouldn’t raise too many eyebrows. Also maybe someone could figure out exactly what this pig was and why it was now glued to her side, and maybe even why she felt compelled to keep him around.
Everytime she looked at him, all she could think of were her dreams, of that strange out of body experience of feeling like her mind and body had been separated and suddenly becoming whole again, that disorienting vertigo that haunted her everytime she slept. 
Also because having a flying pig was a cool as hell accessory to her with costume she wore to the fairgrounds tonight, 
Angelo seemed accepting of the fact Alisaie was not going to share and she felt him take off and heard the sound of flapping ear wings. She sighed as she took another bite of her hot dog, before hearing squealing and oinking at the next table over.
“Hey! hey!” She got up and stormed to the next table, “don’t beg from strangers! Did anyone ever teach you manners? Stop that, you’ve eaten enough” She picked up the pig that was about to inhale whatever was on the plate in front of it, and it fought against her grasp before perching on top of her head, “I’m so sorry about that,” she said, “ If he got his snout into it, I can buy another one for you,” 
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lirnitbreak · 4 years
Tag dump!
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