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recycledmoviecostumes · 10 months ago
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This stunning blouse was first showcased in the 2010 season of 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘈𝘣𝘣𝘦𝘺, where Laura Carmichael wore it as Lady Edith Crawley. The costume reappeared in 2014 when Alicia Vikander wore the piece as Vera Brittain in 𝘛𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩.   Want more details? Bit.ly/PostEd137      
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elbisonodelcine · 9 months ago
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🎞️Ex Machina (2014) 🎥Alex Garland 📷Rob Hardy
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itsfinalgirl · 4 months ago
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Earthquake Bird (2019)
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Alicia Vikander in A ROYAL AFFAIR (2012)
Caroline Mathilde, a young queen who is married to King Christian VII, begins an affair with her husband's worldly physician, which changes their lives and the nation forever.
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dailypopmix · 1 year ago
Couple spotted! Harry Styles And Taylor Russell Grab For Coffee In London!
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ylenasworld · 2 years ago
Alicia Vikander diz que seu papel em 'The Assessment' é 'bastante selvagem' – Variety
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rrainbowwarriorr · 2 years ago
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xabiramone · 3 months ago
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 8 months ago
Hear me out: reader & Bucky have a newborn, and a nurse recommends skin-to-skin for their baby.
(a bunch of fluff where reader encourages Bucky to do skin-to-skin with their newborn baby, because he’s not his past, and he should be quite literally embracing his future)
Skin To Skin » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom!Reader with baby girl Evie
Summary: You and Bucky just had a baby girl and a nurse recommends skin to skin for yours and his baby and you encourage him to do it.
Warnings: Fluff, language, kissing, nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator @aliciavikander
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You and Bucky gaze down at yours and his newborn baby girl Evie with a look of adoration on your faces. She was born a few hours ago. You and Bucky are completely astonished by her. A nurse comes in the room to check on you guys to see how you, Bucky, and your newborn baby girl are doing, accidentally interrupting the cute moment.
“I’m sorry to break up the cute moment.” The nurse apologizes with a smile. “I just wanted to see how you three are doing.” She says.
“We’re doing amazing.” You say, not taking your eyes off of your daughter.
“You know…” She starts. “Skin to skin contact is really good for newborns.” She recommends.
“What’s that?” Bucky asks.
“It’s simple. You hold your baby against your skin so she can get to know you better.” She explains. “Take your shirt off and I’ll put her on your chest.” She says.
Bucky hesitantly took off his shirt, worried that the nurse would say something about his scars and vibranium arm, but she didn’t. The nurse gently took Evie from your arms and carefully placed her on Bucky’s bare chest. He protectively wrapped his arms around Evie.
“Hi, sweet girl.” Bucky’s voice is soft as he’s talking to his daughter. “I’m your daddy.” He tells her.
“You’re doing such an amazing job, babe.” You say with a smile.
Bucky smiles widely at your praise. Evie made a small cooing noise that made yours and Bucky’s hearts melt with joy. In that moment, Bucky knew he has a new responsibility in his life.
A couple days later, you were released from the hospital and you and Bucky were able to take your baby girl home. You two got settled in with Evie. You were sitting on the couch doing skin to skin with Evie after feeding her. You gently rubbed her back and gave her kisses.
“There’s my girls.” Bucky smiles, walking in the living room and sat down on the couch next to you. “What’re you doing?” He asks.
“I just fed her and now we’re doing skin to skin.” You tell him and kissed the top of Evie’s semi bald head. “You want skin to skin time with her?” You asked.
“I don’t want to ruin your mother daughter moment.” He says.
“It’s ok.” You smile. “I need to take a shower. I smell like a hospital.” You say.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“I’m sure.” You said. “You’re not going to hurt her, Bucky.” You assured him. “You’re her daddy.” You say.
Bucky smiles at your words. He leaned forward to take off his t-shirt and leaned back on the couch. You carefully moved Evie from your chest to Bucky’s chest. Just like at the hospital, Bucky protectively wrapped his arms around her.
“Mama will be right back.” You whispered to Evie and kissed her chubby cheek.
You stood up from the couch and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, Bucky feels a new warmth in his heart while holding his daughter. This is the second time he’s felt that warmth. The first time was when he met you and knew you’re the one for him.
“You know…” Bucky looks at his baby girl. “You have your mommy’s beauty.” He tells her. “You’re just too cute for your own good, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He coos at her.
Evie yawned before looking up at her daddy with her beautiful blue eyes. Bucky smiles at her.
“You have my eyes.” He tells her.
Evie made a cooing noise as Bucky continued to talk to her. As he was talking to her, her small hand was placed on his Army dog tags.
“Do you want to know where I got those, baby girl?” Bucky asks her. “I got them in the Army years ago. Uncle Steve has the same ones with his name on it.” He tells her. “Uncle Steve is your godfather and he’s going to be your favorite uncle. Even though, uncle Sam thinks he has that spot claimed.” He says.
As Bucky continues to talk to Evie, you stopped in the entrance of the living room and leaned against the wall, listening to Bucky talk to yours and his baby girl.
“I’m going to do everything I can to protect you and your mommy.” Bucky tells her. “Your mommy is the love of my life and you’re the light of my life.” He continues. “I learned how to be happy again when I met your mommy.” He says.
His words made your eyes tear up. You walked in the living room and sat down on the couch next to your husband and daughter, giving them a kiss on their cheeks.
“There’s mama.” He coos.
You smile and lay your head against Bucky’s shoulder.
“Me and Evie were having a conversation while you were in the shower.” Bucky says.
“I heard the end of it.” You smile. “You vowing to protect us is really sweet of you.” You say.
“I mean every word of it, doll.” Bucky states. “I don’t want anything in this world to hurt you and our precious little girl.” He says.
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. You lifted your head and leaned up, kissing Bucky’s lips sweetly.
“I also heard you say that Steve is going to be her favorite uncle.” You say.
“He is.” He says, smiling widely.
“Wait until Sam hears you say that.” You say with a giggle.
“Evie will be the judge of that. Right, sweetie?” He says, looking at his baby girl.
Evie made a cooing noise at the two of you, making you two smile at her cuteness.
“You’re just as cute as our daughter.” You tell him, kissing his stubbly cheek.
“And she has your beauty.” He tells you.
You smile at your husband and kiss him sweetly again.
“I love you so much, doll.” Bucky says in almost a whisper.
“I love you more, Buck.” You say softly.
“We love you as well, baby girl.” You and Bucky say softly in unison and gave her soft kisses.
-Bucky’s Doll
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haldirings · 3 months ago
new blog here!
used to be @tolyasword (aka @robbiedaymonds but that url got fucked up and is lost now). also used to be on @wmhalliwell (reyslight/mastertano) and @kargyle but those are all going to now be defunct old blogs.
needed a really fresh start for a number of reasons. so here we are! leaning into star wars, d&d, fantasy, marvel(ish), and all other fandoms in one place. tagging some mutuals from my old blog in hopes that people will join me!
i hope to also get back into giffing regularly and plan on giffing star wars and maybe some marvel as well as a ton of probably niche little shows.
@laylaeelfaouly @hellboys @slowtides @tlkvikings @miwtual @wordbender @dinah-lance @hiddendruid @allgirlsareprincesses @vakariaan @aquawolfgirl @ianmckellen @colin-firth @jesperfahxey @grangcrmalfcy @galindathrop @stephsu @tuuliivanovas @slayerbuffy @challengerblue @theforceawakens @chrrispine @elivanto @kutekoolkat @danieljradcliffe @zen-dayas @darlingavasilva @ledomas @graceledomas @antoine-triplett @ahsokatanoe @deaineira @bukaters @hothmess @hvitserkk @chrishemsworht @twoheartsoneclara @matbaynton @tennant @aliciavikander @userobiwan @winterswake @simonghostrileys @bb-8 @zabrakian @rosetico @thyla @taebaelee @diegoshargreevs @anakin-skywalker @carricfisher
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johnny69150 · 3 months ago
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Alicia Vikander
Sweden 🇸🇪
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raurquiz · 6 months ago
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#happybirthday #aliciavikander #actress #exmachina #thedanishgirl #themanfromuncle #testamentofyouth #pure #TheCrownJewels #ARoyalAffair #AnnaKarenina #SeventhSon #JasonBourne #Submergence #TombRaider #EarthquakeBird #BlueBayou #TheGreenKnight #Beckett #IrmaVep #Firebrand
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aliciavikander · 2 years ago
martymcfly -> aliciavikander
it's meeeeee hiiiiii
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In Tudor England, Katherine Parr reluctantly agrees to become the sixth wife of the tyrannical King Henry VIII. Her consent to marry him carries great personal risk, given her predecessors are either vanquished, beheaded, or dead. Perceived as a threat by Henry's courtiers, they start to cast doubts about her fidelity and turn the increasingly paranoid king against her.
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franciscomaldo · 1 year ago
#AliciaVikander y #CateBlanchett protagonizarán comedia #Rumours √
Alicia Vikander (Ex Machina) protagonizarán junto a Cate Blanchett Rumours, una comedia de los guionistas y directores Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson y Galen Johnson (The Green Fog), que Bleecker Street ha comprado para su estreno en los cines de Estados Unidos este año. Cate Blanchett, Alicia Vikander / Imagen cortesía AP La película sigue a los siete líderes de las democracias liberales más ricas…
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heavenboy09 · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Hottest & Incredible Talented Swedish 🇸🇪 Bad@$$ Actress & Tomb Raider 🏹 In The World
She was born on 3 October 1988 in Gothenburg to Maria Fahl (1951-2022), a stage actress, and Svante Vikander, a psychiatrist. Her parents are from small villages in the north and south of Sweden, respectively.
Born and raised in Gothenburg, Vikander began acting as a child in minor stage productions at the Gothenburg opera house and trained as a ballet dancer at the Royal Swedish Ballet in Stockholm. She began her acting career in Swedish short films and television series and first gained recognition for her role in the drama series Andra Avenyn (2008–2010). She made her feature film debut in Pure (2010), for which she won the Guldbagge Award for Best Actress. She gained wider recognition in 2012 for playing Kitty in Joe Wright's adaptation of Anna Karenina and Queen Caroline Mathilde in the Danish film A Royal Affair.
She is a Swedish actress. She is the recipient of various accolades, including an Academy Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award, and nominations for two Golden Globe Awards and three British Academy Film Awards.
Vikander achieved global recognition for her roles as Vera Brittain in Testament of Youth (2014), a humanoid robot in Ex Machina (2014), for which she was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, and Gerda Wegener in The Danish Girl (2015), for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In 2016, Vikander was listed by Forbes in its 30 Under 30 list.
In 2018, She Played The Legendary & Iconic Titular Female Videogame Character Of All Times
Warner Bros Pictures & Square Enix Productions
She has since starred in the action film Jason Bourne (2016), the fantasy film The Green Knight (2021), and the miniseries Irma Vep (2022).
HAPPY 35TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 TO YOU MS. VIKANDER & HERE'S TO MANY MKRE YEARS TO COME. #AliciaVikander #LaraCroft #TombRaider
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