#alexis stavropoulos
nofatclips · 2 years
The Great Void by Calyces from the compilation album Unity vol 1 - In Solidarity With The Refugees of Moria Camp - Video directed by Kostas Konstantinidis & Panagiotis Tsalavrettas
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armsinthewronghands · 4 years
Ash Kreider and PH Lee’s lie about rape
80some People Owe You An Apology So +John Stavropoulos  finally finished his exhaustive, 10 months-long, unbelievably Lawful Good  research into whether 80 RPG freelancers and commenters (many of them his friends) actually are taking what they say about rape online seriously. Basically: months ago, Ben Lehman (author of tedious RPG products) claimed James Desborough (author of different tedious RPG products) was "Someone who threatens their critics with rape" Now I hope I don't get an argument when I say this isn't something you just casually toss out there . Right? Even if it was an honest mistake--you really really check first before saying someone did something that shitty in a public place. Right? Like: this is an ethical standard you hold yourself to The short of Jon's research is this accusation turned out to be bullshit even though 80some people +1ed it and it got shared all over the RPG internet. Now Jon didn't name names, because he "doesn't want a witchhunt". Which is respectable. But I'm not Jon and I do think the RPG community as a whole deserves an apology from every single one of these people for confusing and distorting a very real and very serious issue of real violence that actually affects peoples' lives. I also think the RPG community deserves to know who they cannot trust in conversations about ethics. Anyone on the list below who hasn't apologized has the opportunity to do that now. Or at the very least Un-Plus One Ben Lehman's totally irresponsible public bullshit. The 79 people (including RPG freelancers) who signed on to Ben's totally unsubstantiated accusation, before today (see below) via +1's were Cam Banks (author of Marvel Heroic RPG) +Erik Amundsen +Alexis Siemon +Josh Mannon +RJ Stewart +Paul Ettin +andrew gill +Adrian Sprysak +Áine ní Dhonnchadha Jeff Johnston Jon Cole John Sheldon Alana O'keeve Sarah Perry-Shipp
Pat Gamblin +Laura Simpson +Eric Duncan (has since apologized, see below) +Scott Slater +Dave Michalak (Dave has gracefully apologized) +Sam Anderson +Eon Fontes-May +Ezio Melega +Daniel Levine +Shawn Ervin Laiel Shepherd David Hill Anna Krieder aka Go MakeMe A Sandwich +Brennan Taylor +Josh Elliott +tracy hurley aka Sarah Darkmagic +Evan Torner +David Blalock +Caitlynn Blocker Dymphna C Brandon Schmelz (of Grognards.txt) +Christoph Boeckle +Becky Annison +Lukas Myhan +Aleksandra Sontowska +kendra tornheim Ivan Somero +Peter Borah +Alex Norris +Sean Kelley  +ach Sean Dunstan Rowan Cota +jacob bouvier +ed heil +Dylan Boates +Jamie Sue (apologized below) Dev Purkayastha
If any of these people have a problem being named, they can feel free to remove their +1 on Ben's post. _______
Here are the results of Jon's attempt to dig down to the facts: https://plus.google.com/+JohnStavropoulos/posts/2YEADUV2Bua This is Jon talking " Final Update: I've gone through many emails, links, and messages on this subject.
To review: --------------------------- 1. James has been accused of allegedly threatening his critics with rape. --------------------------- 2. James has been accused of allegedly being a rape apologist. --------------------------- 3. These are serious allegations and as someone with friends and family who have been raped, I don't take this topic lightly. --------------------------- 4. There is a track record of people spreading misinformation about James. One clear example, there was a petition against James that included libel. --------------------------- 5. I don’t know James, I don't care for his work, and I disagree with many of his opinions (for example, I'm strongly in favor of anti-harassment policies at conventions, have written several, and have implemented many). I'm not here to defend James. James was one of the first people I blocked on G+ for reasons unrelated to any of this (he made fun of vegetarians). --------------------------- 6. I'm personally disturbed by the seemingly vast number of people who seemingly accepted the above allegations as seemingly truth or who strongly suspect these allegations are false but have said nothing. --------------------------- 6. As a potential consumer of products and services from companies affiliated with James and as someone who is very aware how these topics can destroy people's lives, I would like to know what is going on. --------------------------- 7. So I asked anyone to send me proof. In this thread. In email. Anonymously. In any way that anyone is comfortable with. --------------------------- 8. I'm going to present what I know and move on from this topic. Don't ask more from me. I've dedicated a lot of time to it, and have chosen to end several friendships because of it. --------------------------- 9. This is NOT a witch hunt. I'm not going to name names. This isn't about shaming. Part of the point of this thread is to fight against potential witch hunts (which some have alleged that James may have been the target of). I'm not an attorney, judge, or jury, and my words are primarily opinion. You should make up your own minds. --------------------------- 10. The rules for this thread still stand, don't post unless you have proof. ---------------------------
That all said, I've received several links in this thread that I've reviewed and you can read about in detail above. Additionally, I've received many more emails on this topic.
Let me flat out, in the clearest way possible state:
I have received NO information that proves, in my opinion, that James has allegedly threatened his critics with rape.
Unfortunately, the rape apologist allegation is much more complicated and the more I look into it, confusing. Why?
The definition for rape apologist seems to vary substantially and it's often unclear what definition someone is using.
One (of many) definition is that a rape apologist is someone who argues that rapists have no control over the sexual temptation they experience in response to the victim, therefore the victim could have avoided awakening the irresistible rape temptation by behaving differently. From what I've seen, I don't think it is reasonable to accuse James of any of this. But we don't know what definition of rape apologist someone is using.
Another (fairly different) definition is that a rape apologist is someone who communicates that rape isn't really rape or claims that allegations of rape are untrue or exaggerated. Some have claimed that James may match this definition because of statements here, http://talesofgrim.wordpress.com/2013/06/21/kickstart-your-tart/, specifically: "I’m sure RAINN does a lot of good work but they’re mostly known – to me – for their promotion of what appear to be vastly inflated rape statistics. I am deeply uncomfortable with my objection to the project having lead, indirectly, to funding an organisation that seems to use and abuse poor statistics. I don’t, personally, believe that you need to inflate the figures. Rape is a horrible crime and making people more afraid than they need to be doesn’t help." and James links to a controversial news article http://goo.gl/HuCk7 which contains problematic content (an article which makes me personally uncomfortable), but it's impossible from James' blog post to determine if James agrees with the specifics of that news article, or if he is simply linking to it to explain his hesitation with RAINN itself.
Another (again, fairly different) definition is that a rape apologist is someone who is an apologist for rape culture (which we would need to nail down exactly what rape culture means to argue this point as this terms also has several definitions that many don't agree on) and may not be a direct apologist for rape itself. This definition is so potentially large and potentially vague that you could potentially accuse many people of various degrees of supporting rape culture or being a rape apologist for rape culture. It's very difficult, using these definitions, for me to make any definitive judgments on this topic.
Given the vagueness of what rape apologist might mean, I don't want to potentially add to any potential misinformation to this topic, so I won't. I'm going to move away from the whole rape apologist thing and concentrate on the more serious primary allegation.
While rape apologist may be an unclear term, alleging that James has threatened his critics with rape, is not in my opinion, unclear at all. So let me repeat again, in the clearest way possible:
I have received NO information that proves, in my opinion, that James has allegedly threatened his critics with rape.
Does that mean there is no proof to be found? No. But I don't have any proof to offer and no one I know has it or is willing to share it. And given the seriousness of these allegations, I feel VERY uncomfortable with people alleging such things with such absolute statements and no information to back them up. Given that, I've been moved to do all this work and share it with you. Additionally, I've chosen to end several friendship because of this.
Rape is a serious real problem that affects many people and there is already too much misinformation around rape and it already can be so difficult to prove, that I feel it is important we do what we can to fix these problems. But potentially false allegations, in my opinion, only make this serious problem, worse. And while it is convenient for many to look the other way, I will not.
Never forget, the standard you walk past, is the standard you accept. " P.S.
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artwalktv · 5 years
Directed by Colin Solal Cardo Story by Christine and the Queens & Colin Solal Cardo Screenplay by Colin Solal Cardo Produced by Rémy Solomon Executive producers: Julien Berlan, Elsa Rakotoson, Marie Fioriti DOP: Crille Forsberg Choreographer: Ryan Heffington Editor: Tianès Montasser Costume Designer: Jonathan Huguet Set Designer: Jeanne Ader Color grading: Fabien Pascal Guest starring: Caroline Polachek and Félix Maritaud as “The Fauna” Dancers: Brandon Masele, Emmanuelle Soum, Enzo Boffa, Josh Wild, Liza Lapert, Maji Claire, Patric Kuo, Silvia Contento Extras:Adam Dahibi, Adam Grandval, Alan Tardif, Alexia Pereira, Aminata Thiboult, Bonnie El Bokeili, Coli-Fary Diouf, Erwan Fale, Eva Studzinski, Fabian Lamy, Fatoumata Diawara, Fleur Dujat, Jordy Van Beghin, Laurent Benhenni, Mariana Benenge, Mélissa Bocoum, Melvin Malheurty, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Pricile Ugena, Reihane Grandguillaume, Roxanne Ky, Ryan Meng, Sahné Rasoanaivo, Serena Freira, Stencia Yambogaza, Thomas Lelong, Tidiane Diop, William Dybele Line Producer: Ophélie Stavropoulos Production Coordinator: Mélanie Gilbon First Assistant Director: Juliette Mabille Second Assistant Director: Elsa Michon Assistant Choreographer: Benjamin Milan Casting Extras: Dourane Fall, Conan Laurendot Leader Extra: Fiona Bègue Assistant: Hugo Dao First Assistant Camera: Loup Lebreton Second Assistant Camera: Dimitri Sorel Third Assistant Camera: Jimmy Nguyen Steadicam Operator: Rémi Quilichini B Camera Operator: Julien Pujol Art Department Coordinator: Marie-Aubrey Molès Second Assistant Art Director: Isabelle Lawson Prop Master: Victor Delbos Set Decorators: Lisa Boukobza, Gilles Garnier, Clothilde Cras De Belleval, Timon Milon, Laurent Saint-Gaudens, Océane Dufau Unit Manager: Kim Shewy Unit Assistants: Marion Prieux, Jean-Fred David, Djibyrile Sy, Romane Botquin, Penelope Ader, Charles Crapart, Alexandre Do, Emilia Massias, Jérôme Babinard, Sacha Hayon Gaffer: Basile Barniské Electricians: Adrien Lallau, François Auclair, Vincent Taberlet, Marchal Bedy, Frédéric Chevrier, Lucas Janiszewski, Matthieu Legoupil Key Grip: Tristan Morin Grips: Zaher Megdiche, Camille Conroy, Tanguy Bourgeois, Thomas Canivet, Ugo Villaume Make-Up Artist: Manu Kopp Hair Stylist: Pawel Solis First Assistant Costume Designer: Sarah Bernard Second Assistant Costume Designer: Lise Breton Adjuster: Brice Fernandes Stylist Extras: Pierre De Mones Stylist Extras Assistants: Jill Gattegno, Louise Pisselet Sfx Make-Up Designers: Raphaël Guionnet, Charlotte Arguillere, Antoine Wayne, Cindy Bohn, Joël Mogade, Alexis Kinebanyan, Christophe Mureau Sound Recordist: Charles Darnaud Sound Mix: Alban Lejeune, Eliott Sebbag Sound Mastering: Ash Workman Post Production: Everest Head Of Post Production: Sylvain Obriot Color Grading: Fabien Pascal Post Producer Fx: Chloé Juillard Editing Assistant: Ella Dixon Technical Post Producer: Jeremy Le Bris Graphists: Vincent Heine, Stephane Gassin, Francois Puget, Damien Thiebot Title Designer: Julien Seiller Typographer: Julien Priez Set Photographer: Jonathan ‘Ojoz’ Adelaide Special thanks to: Les équipes de l’Opéra national de Paris, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Julien Pujol, Silverway, Kodak, Everest, Rvz
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Directed by Colin Solal Cardo Story by Christine and the Queens & Colin Solal Cardo Screenplay by Colin Solal Cardo Produced by Rémy Solomon Executive producers: Julien Berlan, Elsa Rakotoson, Marie Fioriti DOP: Crille Forsberg Choreographer: Ryan Heffington Editor: Tianès Montasser Costume Designer: Jonathan Huguet Set Designer: Jeanne Ader Color grading: Fabien Pascal Guest starring: Caroline Polachek and Félix Maritaud as “The Fauna” Dancers: Brandon Masele, Emmanuelle Soum, Enzo Boffa, Josh Wild, Liza Lapert, Maji Claire, Patric Kuo, Silvia Contento Extras:Adam Dahibi, Adam Grandval, Alan Tardif, Alexia Pereira, Aminata Thiboult, Bonnie El Bokeili, Coli-Fary Diouf, Erwan Fale, Eva Studzinski, Fabian Lamy, Fatoumata Diawara, Fleur Dujat, Jordy Van Beghin, Laurent Benhenni, Mariana Benenge, Mélissa Bocoum, Melvin Malheurty, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Pricile Ugena, Reihane Grandguillaume, Roxanne Ky, Ryan Meng, Sahné Rasoanaivo, Serena Freira, Stencia Yambogaza, Thomas Lelong, Tidiane Diop, William Dybele Line Producer: Ophélie Stavropoulos Production Coordinator: Mélanie Gilbon First Assistant Director: Juliette Mabille Second Assistant Director: Elsa Michon Assistant Choreographer: Benjamin Milan Casting Extras: Dourane Fall, Conan Laurendot Leader Extra: Fiona Bègue Assistant: Hugo Dao First Assistant Camera: Loup Lebreton Second Assistant Camera: Dimitri Sorel Third Assistant Camera: Jimmy Nguyen Steadicam Operator: Rémi Quilichini B Camera Operator: Julien Pujol Art Department Coordinator: Marie-Aubrey Molès Second Assistant Art Director: Isabelle Lawson Prop Master: Victor Delbos Set Decorators: Lisa Boukobza, Gilles Garnier, Clothilde Cras De Belleval, Timon Milon, Laurent Saint-Gaudens, Océane Dufau Unit Manager: Kim Shewy Unit Assistants: Marion Prieux, Jean-Fred David, Djibyrile Sy, Romane Botquin, Penelope Ader, Charles Crapart, Alexandre Do, Emilia Massias, Jérôme Babinard, Sacha Hayon Gaffer: Basile Barniské Electricians: Adrien Lallau, François Auclair, Vincent Taberlet, Marchal Bedy, Frédéric Chevrier, Lucas Janiszewski, Matthieu Legoupil Key Grip: Tristan Morin Grips: Zaher Megdiche, Camille Conroy, Tanguy Bourgeois, Thomas Canivet, Ugo Villaume Make-Up Artist: Manu Kopp Hair Stylist: Pawel Solis First Assistant Costume Designer: Sarah Bernard Second Assistant Costume Designer: Lise Breton Adjuster: Brice Fernandes Stylist Extras: Pierre De Mones Stylist Extras Assistants: Jill Gattegno, Louise Pisselet Sfx Make-Up Designers: Raphaël Guionnet, Charlotte Arguillere, Antoine Wayne, Cindy Bohn, Joël Mogade, Alexis Kinebanyan, Christophe Mureau Sound Recordist: Charles Darnaud Sound Mix: Alban Lejeune, Eliott Sebbag Sound Mastering: Ash Workman Post Production: Everest Head Of Post Production: Sylvain Obriot Color Grading: Fabien Pascal Post Producer Fx: Chloé Juillard Editing Assistant: Ella Dixon Technical Post Producer: Jeremy Le Bris Graphists: Vincent Heine, Stephane Gassin, Francois Puget, Damien Thiebot Title Designer: Julien Seiller Typographer: Julien Priez Set Photographer: Jonathan ‘Ojoz’ Adelaide Special thanks to: Les équipes de l’Opéra national de Paris, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Julien Pujol, Silverway, Kodak, Everest, Rvz
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ozkamal · 5 years
Directed by Colin Solal Cardo Story by Christine and the Queens & Colin Solal Cardo Screenplay by Colin Solal Cardo Produced by Rémy Solomon Executive producers: Julien Berlan, Elsa Rakotoson, Marie Fioriti DOP: Crille Forsberg Choreographer: Ryan Heffington Editor: Tianès Montasser Costume Designer: Jonathan Huguet Set Designer: Jeanne Ader Color grading: Fabien Pascal Guest starring: Caroline Polachek and Félix Maritaud as “The Fauna” Dancers: Brandon Masele, Emmanuelle Soum, Enzo Boffa, Josh Wild, Liza Lapert, Maji Claire, Patric Kuo, Silvia Contento Extras:Adam Dahibi, Adam Grandval, Alan Tardif, Alexia Pereira, Aminata Thiboult, Bonnie El Bokeili, Coli-Fary Diouf, Erwan Fale, Eva Studzinski, Fabian Lamy, Fatoumata Diawara, Fleur Dujat, Jordy Van Beghin, Laurent Benhenni, Mariana Benenge, Mélissa Bocoum, Melvin Malheurty, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Pricile Ugena, Reihane Grandguillaume, Roxanne Ky, Ryan Meng, Sahné Rasoanaivo, Serena Freira, Stencia Yambogaza, Thomas Lelong, Tidiane Diop, William Dybele Line Producer: Ophélie Stavropoulos Production Coordinator: Mélanie Gilbon First Assistant Director: Juliette Mabille Second Assistant Director: Elsa Michon Assistant Choreographer: Benjamin Milan Casting Extras: Dourane Fall, Conan Laurendot Leader Extra: Fiona Bègue Assistant: Hugo Dao First Assistant Camera: Loup Lebreton Second Assistant Camera: Dimitri Sorel Third Assistant Camera: Jimmy Nguyen Steadicam Operator: Rémi Quilichini B Camera Operator: Julien Pujol Art Department Coordinator: Marie-Aubrey Molès Second Assistant Art Director: Isabelle Lawson Prop Master: Victor Delbos Set Decorators: Lisa Boukobza, Gilles Garnier, Clothilde Cras De Belleval, Timon Milon, Laurent Saint-Gaudens, Océane Dufau Unit Manager: Kim Shewy Unit Assistants: Marion Prieux, Jean-Fred David, Djibyrile Sy, Romane Botquin, Penelope Ader, Charles Crapart, Alexandre Do, Emilia Massias, Jérôme Babinard, Sacha Hayon Gaffer: Basile Barniské Electricians: Adrien Lallau, François Auclair, Vincent Taberlet, Marchal Bedy, Frédéric Chevrier, Lucas Janiszewski, Matthieu Legoupil Key Grip: Tristan Morin Grips: Zaher Megdiche, Camille Conroy, Tanguy Bourgeois, Thomas Canivet, Ugo Villaume Make-Up Artist: Manu Kopp Hair Stylist: Pawel Solis First Assistant Costume Designer: Sarah Bernard Second Assistant Costume Designer: Lise Breton Adjuster: Brice Fernandes Stylist Extras: Pierre De Mones Stylist Extras Assistants: Jill Gattegno, Louise Pisselet Sfx Make-Up Designers: Raphaël Guionnet, Charlotte Arguillere, Antoine Wayne, Cindy Bohn, Joël Mogade, Alexis Kinebanyan, Christophe Mureau Sound Recordist: Charles Darnaud Sound Mix: Alban Lejeune, Eliott Sebbag Sound Mastering: Ash Workman Post Production: Everest Head Of Post Production: Sylvain Obriot Color Grading: Fabien Pascal Post Producer Fx: Chloé Juillard Editing Assistant: Ella Dixon Technical Post Producer: Jeremy Le Bris Graphists: Vincent Heine, Stephane Gassin, Francois Puget, Damien Thiebot Title Designer: Julien Seiller Typographer: Julien Priez Set Photographer: Jonathan ‘Ojoz’ Adelaide Special thanks to: Les équipes de l’Opéra national de Paris, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Julien Pujol, Silverway, Kodak, Everest, Rvz
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motioncollector · 5 years
Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova via https://youtu.be/EIdSORj_dd0 // La vita nuova New EP available here: https://ChristineAndTheQueens.lnk.to/lavitanuova_Yo Story by Christine and the Queens and Colin Solal Cardo Directed by Colin Solal Cardo Produced by Rémy Solomon Executive producers: Julien Berlan, Elsa Rakotoson, Marie Fioriti DOP: Crille Forsberg Choreographer: Ryan Heffington Editor: Tianès Montasser Costume Designer: Jonathan Huguet Set Designer: Jeanne Ader Color grading: Fabien Pascal Guest starring: Caroline Polachek and Félix Maritaud as “The Fauna” Dancers: Brandon Masele, Emmanuelle Soum, Enzo Boffa, Josh Wild, Liza Lapert, Maji Claire, Patric Kuo, Silvia Contento Extras:Adam Dahibi, Adam Grandval, Alan Tardif, Alexia Pereira, Aminata Thiboult, Bonnie El Bokeili, Coli-Fary Diouf, Erwan Fale, Eva Studzinski, Fabian Lamy, Fatoumata Diawara, Fleur Dujat, Jordy Van Beghin, Laurent Benhenni, Mariana Benenge, Mélissa Bocoum, Melvin Malheurty, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Pricile Ugena, Reihane Grandguillaume, Roxanne Ky, Ryan Meng, Sahné Rasoanaivo, Serena Freira, Stencia Yambogaza, Thomas Lelong, Tidiane Diop, William Dybele Line Producer: Ophélie Stavropoulos Production Coordinator: Mélanie Gilbon First Assistant Director: Juliette Mabille Second Assistant Director: Elsa Michon Assistant Choreographer: Benjamin Milan Casting Extras: Dourane Fall, Conan Laurendot Leader Extra: Fiona Bègue Assistant: Hugo Dao First Assistant Camera: Loup Lebreton Second Assistant Camera: Dimitri Sorel Third Assistant Camera: Jimmy Nguyen Steadicam Operator: Rémi Quilichini B Camera Operator: Julien Pujol Art Department Coordinator: Marie-Aubrey Molès Second Assistant Art Director: Isabelle Lawson Prop Master: Victor Delbos Set Decorators: Lisa Boukobza, Gilles Garnier, Clothilde Cras De Belleval, Timon Milon, Laurent Saint-Gaudens, Océane Dufau Unit Manager: Kim Shewy Unit Assistants: Marion Prieux, Jean-Fred David, Djibyrile Sy, Romane Botquin, Penelope Ader, Charles Crapart, Alexandre Do, Emilia Massias, Jérôme Babinard, Sacha Hayon Gaffer: Basile Barniské Electricians: Adrien Lallau, François Auclair, Vincent Taberlet, Marchal Bedy, Frédéric Chevrier, Lucas Janiszewski, Matthieu Legoupil Key Grip: Tristan Morin Grips: Zaher Megdiche, Camille Conroy, Tanguy Bourgeois, Thomas Canivet, Ugo Villaume Make-Up Artist: Manu Kopp Hair Stylist: Pawel Solis First Assistant Costume Designer: Sarah Bernard Second Assistant Costume Designer: Lise Breton Adjuster: Brice Fernandes Stylist Extras: Pierre De Mones Stylist Extras Assistants: Jill Gattegno, Louise Pisselet Sfx Make-Up Designers: Raphaël Guionnet, Charlotte Arguillere, Antoine Wayne, Cindy Bohn, Joël Mogade, Alexis Kinebanyan, Christophe Mureau Sound Recordist: Charles Darnaud Sound Mix: Alban Lejeune, Eliott Sebbag Sound Mastering: Ash Workman Post Production: Everest Head Of Post Production: Sylvain Obriot Color Grading: Fabien Pascal Post Producer Fx: Chloé Juillard Editing Assistant: Ella Dixon Technical Post Producer: Jeremy Le Bris Graphists: Vincent Heine, Stephane Gassin, Francois Puget, Damien Thiebot Title Designer: Julien Seiller Typographer: Julien Priez Set Photographer: Jonathan ‘Ojoz’ Adelaide Special thanks to: Les équipes de l’Opéra national de Paris, Nicolas Lecourt Mansion, Julien Pujol, Silverway, Kodak, Everest, Rvz http://www.christineandthequeens.com Like Christine on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christineandthequeens/ Follow Christine on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/queenschristine Follow Christine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christineandthequeens/ Subscribe to the channel : http://bit.ly/ChristinetheQueens
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theodore-lotis-blog · 7 years
Dear Sir/Madam,
I was fortunate enough to realize early that music, and in particular guitar performance is the path I want to follow. My first memory of using a musical instrument, is when I was nine years old and I was experimenting with my father’ s bouzouki. That’ s when I decided to start with guitar lessons. Three years later, at the age of twelve, I was accepted at the “Music school of Thessaloniki” where I had the opportunity to collaborate with an inspirational guitar teacher, who helped me to acknowledge the feeling of music completeness. During these years, I realized I had no doubt about studying the guitar at a professional level.
In 2016, I got accepted at the Public Conservatory of Thermi as a diploma Jazz guitar student. Since then, I had been attending jazz guitar, jazz harmony, jazz and rock history lessons and ensembles and in January of 2018, I successfully passed the diploma exams with excellent mark and an honorary distinction of performance.
In parallel (2016-today), I started some private lessons in jazz guitar with mr. Konstantinos Antonopoulos, a really charismatic guitar teacher who has graduated from the Jazz department of “Codarts Conservatory”. In the meantime, and through hard work and practicing, Konstantinos guided me into improving my way of thinking about jazz music and performance. He also encouraged me on studing in the Netherlands. As a result, In November 2016 I decided visiting the conservatories in order to have a first contact with the teachers there. After several lessons with mr. Ed Verhoeff, mr. Maarten van der Grinten and mr. Alexis Kasinos, I gained a positive view from your conservatory and I decided to apply for the bachelor degree in jazz guitar.
I have heard many positive reviews about this department, and a friend of mine, Efthymios Stavropoulos, who lives there and studies composition since 2012, has been talking to me about the fact that your department encourages its students to pursue their own unique way of creating and performing. This is an extra motivation for me to follow my dream with your support and it will teach me to reform the way I play the guitar. I believe that with your guidance and by gaining experience and knowledge I will accomplish my main goal witch is to improve my artistic self. I am impressed by the state of the art facilities your Conservatory provides to it's students. I also believe that it will be really helpful to play in jam sessions, attend high level performances and follow high level jazz lessons, masterclasses and workshops.
Studing abroad is a lifelong goal for me as I am really open in a new way of living and in meeting new musicians and cultures. I am aware that the opportunities in music, abroad and especially in the Netherlands, are many more compared in Greece. Moreover, the Netherlands are famous for the high quality studies they provide in music, so I am sure that there will be a lot of new and positive experiences to gain.
For the last three years I have been following Alexander technique classes under the guidance of Mr. Christos Noulis. Also, from 2014 I have been a member of the renowned choir “Ss. Cyril and Methodios youth choir of Thessaloniki”, having participated in international festivals and competitions in Prague (2015), Basel (2016), New York (2017) e.tc. with conductor Maria Meligopoulou.  
Invisioning myself after completing my studies, I can see me occupied in several fields, such as playing with my band, participating in a variety of musical projects, composing original music and teaching. Regarding my studying years in your Conservatory, should I be accepted, not just as a necessary step for my professional accomplishments, but as one of the most creative, adventurous, active and inspiring periods of my life, which I anticipate with strong delight.
Yours sincerely, Theodoros Lotis
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nofatclips · 1 year
Beyond Sight by Calyces (featuring Chrysa Chaltampasi) from the album Impulse to Soar
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