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alexhandria · 10 years ago
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It felt like years before I was able to fight against the tide of memories that kept throwing themselves at me. I was slowly able to bring myself back to reality, Mary’s words slowly floated through my ears and helped to build up the walls in my head to kept the memories in. To lock them back up and hope to god and the Scribe Virgin that I would never have to see them again. I spoke the one word that I knew only one person in the room would know, and the growl that erupted told me he had heard and he was close by. 
Blinking my eyes I turn my head in Z’s direction, I saw his whole body tense up, his eyes jet black and his fangs coming down. I had told him most of my stories, just like he had told me his, when we meet up in the woods every Wednesday for an hour, we would talk about the things we had been through, so he knew the name well. Mary had stopped talking, everyone in the room was focused on Z as he tried to calm himself down from what was no doubt a murderess rage. I watched him as he took deep breaths through his nose.
“Do either of you want to tell me who the fuck Torthure is?” My dad’s voice echoed through the room, it was so loud after the internal struggle of watching the horrific silent movie that it made me flinch. 
I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't get the words out, they were stuck in my throat. There were to many people in the room who didn't know, and I wasn't ready for it to come out yet. I feel every ones eyes trained on me as I struggled to get the words out, the only sound to leave my lips a strangled cry, my eyes focused on the floor.
“Can everyone who doesn't know about Alexandria’s life before she came here please leave the room.” Z’s gruff voice cut through the silence of the room as everyone watched me struggle for words. “I know you don’t want to leave but she’s not going to say a thing with you in here.” I heard a few grunted protest as people began leaving leaving the room, most of which were form Rhage.
I didn't look up until I heard the door close, and when I did I saw Z, my dad and V standing in front of me, their eyes filled with concern, I dropped mine to the ground again. “How much do they know Alexhandria?” Z’s voice was soft now, almost coaxing.
“Not as much as you. They don’t know the names of anyone, or any details of what happened. They have a brief overview of what happened to me.” I replied, my voice shaking. This was something I didn’t want my father or V to find out, I didn’t want anyone to know.
“Do you want me to tell them?” I knew he was trying to make this easier for me, but I couldn’t let him do that for me.
“I’ll do it.” My voice was really shaking now, but I couldn’t let Z tell them, it was going to be bad enough telling them myself. I couldn’t imagine how bad it would be coming from someone else. “Torthure.” Just saying his name brought a fresh round of fear with it, I had to clear my throat. “Torthure was one of the males who would come and visit me at my mothers. He was the first male to ever visit actually, he took my innocence from me.” The room dropped about twenty degrees when the words came out of my mouth, I couldn’t tell who it was that caused it, my dad or V. “He visited regularly, he forced me to feed from him, and he would feed from me. He raped me regularly and called it love. I don’t know why I thought he wouldn’t follow me when I left, but he did. He’s here in the city looking for me, I’m never going to get away from him.” It was only after I had finished that I looked up at them, and when I did my breaths started to become shorter and shorter. I was finding it hard to breath again, my hands unconsciously reached up to pull at my Corset again but a pair of hands reached out and stopped me. I didn’t freak out this time though, I squeezed them because they were V’s hands.
The anger in me was rising so fucking high, the more she spoke, the more her words sunk in, it just kept rising higher and higher. I would have left the room the second she had said his name. The way her voice shook and her face paled was enough convincing for me. When she said that he had been the one to take her virginity, the effort it had taken me to pull back the growl was enormous but I could do nothing about the room temp dropping. For fucks sake! I was going to kill that fucker if I ever laid eyes on him, I was going to get Alexhandria to describe him for me in detail so I knew who I was hunting for.
I watched as her hands pulled at her corset, without conscious thought my hands reached out and took hers in mine. She squeezed them so hard but I didn’t care, it was like all the anger in me was pushed aside and my protective instinct for her took over. She could brake my hands for all I cared, I would be her anchor if that’s what she needed me to be, but I wasn’t stupid, I knew the second she was asleep the anger would start leaking into me again. 
“Why didn’t you tell us this before Alexhandria? We could have done something about this a long time ago. We could have stopped this before it even happened.” Wrath’s voice came to me from a distance, but I knew it had an effect on Alexhandria because she tried to pull her hands from mine. I held on, and when her eyes flashed to mine for a second before flitting to her fathers I knew I had done the right thing.
“I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to remember it. I came here to escape from it dad, not drag it here with me. But I guess I did anyway.” Her voice wasn’t shaking so much now, but I could see the toll all this was taking on her. 
“Hey Wrath, do you think we could pick this up tomorrow? Alexhandria’s getting tired and I don’t know how much more of this she could take before her minds fails her again. I think she needs to get some sleep and clear her mind before we start throwing all these questions at her.” 
“He’s right Wrath. I know you have a thousand questions, but your daughter needs to rest. It’s too much to ask of her right now. Her brain is a fragile mess.” 
“All right,” Wrath’s voice sounded wounded. “But tomorrow you are going to tell me everything Alexhandria. And when I say everything I mean everything, and you’re not staying in that apartment until all of this is figure out either. I don’t care how much you’re going to hate me for it, I will not let him have you or do anything to you again.”
Alexhandria nodded before her body relaxed, her shoulders falling. “Thank you. I promise I’ll tell you everything tomorrow. But can Z please be there when I do, he can fill in for me when it’s too hard for me to say the words myself.” I watched Wrath’s jaw tense so hard that all he could do was nod at her. 
“I’ll be there if you need me to be there princesses.” A small smile appeared on Alexhandrias face as she looked at Z. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel a little bit jealous.
I helped her off the bed and held her as her legs shook slightly before she gained her balance. Smiling she pulled away from me and launched herself at Wrath, her arms wrapping around his waist, her head resting on his chest. And when the king wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight to him Z and I looked away. It was to personal a moment between father and daughter.
We didn’t look back until Alexhandria cleared her throat. Her eyes were red rimmed but she was smiling. She pulled Wrath towards the door, his arm still around her shoulder, using her as a guide and also as a comfort that she was okay. When Z opened the door into the training center and we stepped through, the entire house hold was out there waiting for her. Butch was immediately at my side as Alexhandria went off and thank everyone, Wrath stuck to her side.
“So, how is she?” 
“She’s doing okay right now. But you and I have some work to do cop. We’re going to kill the fucker who did this to her.”
I was completely drained as I laid down on my bed. I couldn’t believe that I was back here after only twenty four hours, but I was also extremely relived. I didn’t want to be at my apartment right now, and being under the same roof as my family who I knew would protect me against anything and everything was comforting in so many ways. 
Seeing every one in the training room waiting for me had filled my heart with so much love. It was hard to say good night to them. But I was just to tired and when dad pulled me away and we headed towards my room I felt guilty that I was glad that I was going to be in a bed soon. 
It took forever for me convince dad that I was going to be fine enough to be left alone to sleep, and I had to keep reminding him that I would be seeing him in a few hours anyway. I wasn’t completely alone though, I knew V was right outside the door, keeping watch. He’d been out there for hours, and the only reason I knew that was because I had been awake for hours. I couldn’t seem to fall asleep, every time I got close Torthure’s face would flood my vision and I wake with a start. A crazy idea had popped into my head awhile ago and I couldn’t shake it, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep properly without doing it.
Taking a deep breath I called out “Vishous!” I was already looking at the door when he pushed it open and stepped in to the dark room.
“Yes Alexhandria?”
“I was just wondering...if maybe...you could stay with me tonight...like in my bed. I’m not asking you to sleep with me or anything. Well I do want you to sleep with me, but like sleep sleep with me, not have sex with me sleep with me.” 
I watched his body tense as I spoke, I knew it was unfair of me to ask this considering that he thought that I had no feelings for him. When a couple of minutes went by and he hadn't said a single word I cleared my throat. “I’ll take that as a no then. It’s fine you know, I didn’t expect you to say yes. I just need to get some sleep and you calm me down.” I was speaking way to fast, but when he kicked off his boots and made his way over to the bed I calmed down again.
Lifting the sheets he got in and immediately pulled me close. His arms wrapping around me and pulled me in to the heat of his body. “Sorry I didn’t answer you. I was just surprised that you did. For so long I have dreamt about you asking me for this, and here you are asking me. It was a lot to take in.” His voice gruff as he spoke.
Nodding I cuddle myself into his chest and feel my body relax completely against him, a long yawn passing my lips. Even though I wont admit it to him I had been dreaming about this too, reaching for him in my sleep. “Thank you for doing this V. If you ever need me to do this for you, just ask and I’ll be right there.”
“Shhh, just go to sleep Alexhandria. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” And those were the last word I heard before sleep claimed me.
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alexhandria · 10 years ago
Promises, promises.
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Torthure: I saw her, I finally fucking saw her! A victorious smile fills my lips as I think about it. The way she had killed that Lesser, and what he had said about her, about all the other killing she had done, god that had gotten me so fucking hard, and that was before I really took in what she was wearing. All leather, all of it, and the best part of it was that fucking corset. The way it pushed her breasts up, and how it hugged her tiny waist and flared slightly when it came to her hips. But the way she had backed away from me, the fear in her eyes, the ease it took to twist the knife from her hand confused me. My Alexhandria would never have done that, she would have stood her ground, flashed her fang and hissed if I had come anywhere near her when she wasn't chained. I didn't like her like that, scared and pathetic. I wanted my fierce warrior, the female who would kick and bite and yell at me when we made love; the female who had killed that Lesser without a second thought with a smile on her face, the female who haunted my dreams. To see her so scared pissed me the fuck off. 
Pacing in front of the balcony doors that lead off the lounge on to the deck, with my hands behind my back, and an emotionally detached Edith sitting in the lounge suit in front of me, I begin to pester her with questions. "What was Alexhandria like when I wasn't around Edith?"
Her head snapped to me, her eyes locking on mine. "Why would you want to know that?"
"Just answer the question." I say as I continued to pace the space in front of her, my hands tightening onto fists at my side.
"I don't know what she was like when you weren't around," She sighed "The only time I ever saw her was when I was bringing a client to her, I only ever saw her lying on that bed, looking at the ceiling or at me, her eyes filled with nothing but hated."
She had long ago stopped denying that she had allowed others to have Alexhandria, the only thing that saved was that she never told me how many she had let have the honor. But that wasn't why I stopped pacing and faced her directly, my eyes burning with hatred. "Those where the only times you ever saw her! Who helped her to bath when her and I were done?!" A step closer. "Who took the chains from her after I left?!" Another. "Who helped her to eat and to dress?! Who took care of her when I wasn't there Edith?!" I was standing right in front of her now, yelling down at her as she looked at the ground, her breathing hitching as if she were crying. Calming myself I continued, my voice coming out grated as I tried to hold back the anger. "My Mahem may have been a self centered whore, but at least she took of me, made sure I was washed and feed and had a comfortable bed to sleep in at night. She may have kept herself from me apart from when we had guests or it was absolutely necessary, but I was never left alone. There was always a doggen there with me, to do whatever I wanted him to do. But I was never treated as if I was nothing."
I watched in disgust as she wiped the tears away that flowed freely down her cheeks, as if she had the right to cry over what she had done. She wasn't the one chained to that bed, or left without food for days or bathed. “Get the fuck out of my face Edith. If you do it fast enough you might get to live during the night.” I didn't bother to watch her get up and scamper away to her room. I turned my back on her and then grabbed the closest thing to me which was a lamp and through at the wall to my right. I watched it shatter and then drift fall to the ground.
Looking over at the glass windows, my eyes traced the outline of the city below, searching for Alexhandria in the impossible mazes of alleys and roads. “I promise to make up for how your Mahem treated you my love. You’ll be treated like a queen at my side, given everything you could ever possibly wish for, bathed and clothed and feed. You will never be treated like that again.”
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alexhandria · 11 years ago
ALEXHANDRIA: Packing really fucking sucks, I’ll say it. I’ve never in my life had to pack anything, but then again I’ve never had anything to pack. So packing the almost ridiculous amount of clothes in to five duffle bags was a challenge in its own, and then packing up my weapons and the little things I had been given or collected or drawn was a whole thing in itself. I was amazed that I had so many things, in such a short amount of time being here. And while I did this, V was pacing the space in front of my bedroom door, swearing under his breath. I also didn’t fail to notice that he was blocking the door and anyone from getting in and more importantly, me from getting out.
But it didn’t matter that he was angry and upset about it, I was leaving. I had already asked Fritz to find an apartment for me, and although I could tell that the butler didn’t want to do it, he still found me one anyway, and it was perfect. Big open spaces with lots of windows that had blinds that would come down during the day and blocked out the sun. It had two bedrooms and it was fully furnished, so I wouldn’t need to go furniture shopping.
And of course dad had found out and gone absolutely ballistic at me, but I didn’t care, he knew this was coming, he had to have known. Especially after he had enforced his rules and had had first Qhuinn, and then Thor, and the V trail my ass for the first three days after I finally got the all clear from the good doctor. There was no way in hell I could spend everyday of the rest of my life have someone breathing down my neck. Not that I minded when V was my own personal ghost for the day, it gave me sometime to watch him. And after what happened in the surgical suite, I needed to see if what he had said was true, and after witnessing a particularly awkward conversation between him and Jane, I kinda had to believe it.
Which was another reason why I was leaving, V and I needed some time apart away from each other. He needed to work things out with Jane because he was happier before I came here, and she was the reason why. So getting away from the manse was a good thing, for the both of us. 
"Please don’t do this Alexhandria." It wasn’t the first time I had heard this plea. In fact since he and the rest of the brothers found out that I was moving out I had been hearing this a lot.
"Look V, I have told you and everyone else in this house that I’m leaving and you all know the reason why.  I can’t stay here taking up someone’s time watching over me, it’ll be like staying with my mother again, but with less sex. And I want to fight V." I put my hand up to stop him from speaking, even though I hadn’t lifted my head from packing up the last of my things. "I can’t just train in the gym V. I know what’s its like to be out there, and I know you guys need the help. And before you even say anything about safety V, I can handle myself out there."
Now I look up, and I see my whole life here packed up into five duffle bags and two suitcases. All I had to do now was make a call down to Fritz to come and get my stuff and then I was really leaving, I was gone. V must have seen how deflated the thought must have made me, or he was just reading my mind again, because he came over and wrapped his arms around me and I melted into him, my arms wrapping around his waist as he rested his cheek on the top of my head.
"You don’t have to leave you know. We could unpack all these bags and put everything back where its meant to be and act like this never happened."
I shake my head, my cheek moving the fabric of his shirt. “I have to do this V, I have to prove to myself that I can do this. That I can live out there in the real world.” I take a deep breath. “I also have to show dad that he can’t tell me what to do, that he can’t just keep me locked up in this house like some damsel in distress, not when this damsel doesn’t need a prince because she can fight the dragon herself.”
I felt him tense at my words, but I knew that he saw sense in why I was doing this. But like everyone in this house, maybe even more than them actually, he didn’t want me to leave. He didn’t like the fact that I was going to be out there in the real world all by myself. And with the threat of lessers and the band of bastards. But I was doing it, and V had basically made my apartment a fortress anyway, installing cameras every where and security lights and an alarm system that the pentagram would have had trouble breaking into, honestly I thought it was a bit much, but whatever makes them sleep easier right.
I try to pull away from V, but he leaves his hands closely around my waist as I pick up the phone and dial down to Fritz that I’m ready to go and he can come and get my things. When I finish putting the phone down, V places his hand under my chin and turns my head towards him, and before I have time to pull away, or say no, he press his lips to mine and I forget about everything. I melt back into his chest, my hands fisting into his shirt, pulling him closer, as a groan falls from his lips and on to mine, I moan quietly. Its not long before he’s lifting me up and carrying me onto my bed, knocking all the bags off before laying me down and covering me with his body.
I lift my hand to his face as he pulls his lips from me and rested his forehead against mine. "Please don't leave me." I almost said I wouldn't. I almost said that I would stay with him, for him. If Fritz hadn't have open the door and caught us, giving an uncomfortable apologise before closing the door and waiting outside I definitely would have said it, my mouth had already opened to say the words. V didn't seem to hear or notice Fritz, not even when my cheeks flamed red and I tried, unsuccessfully, to get out from under him, he was to focused on me, waiting for my reply.
"I have to go V, I'm sorry, but I have to go."
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alexhandria · 11 years ago
Where the hell are you?
TORTHURE: Frustration, anger, need and want, that’s it, that all I feel anymore. Frustration that its been, what a whole fucking year since I had seen, let alone had Alexhandria. Anger that her mother is doing absolutely fucking nothing to help find her, she wont even leave the fucking apartment unless I drag her out of the damn door. I need and I want Alexhandria like I’ve never wanted anything in my god forsaken life before. And the fact that I can’t find her, the fact that she’s somewhere in this city, right under my nose and I still can’t find her pisses me the fuck off.
Turning away from the bank of windows that holds a view of the city, I look at the messed up and the women sleeping in it. A whore, a vampire slut, who blood I was using to nourish me, and who body I was using to sate my needs. But none of it helps.  It only fuels my want and need for Alexhandria. And the more I fed, the more I lost the blood connection I had with her, hell, I could barely feel her now.
Over the last few months I had felt subtle things through the bond, and every time I followed it, I come up with nothing but the smell of her sweet blood and scent in the air. Did she know I was here? Could she sense me, like I did her and ran before I even got there? It was entirely possible that that was what was happening, but that didn’t explain why I could smell her blood in the air, or why there would sometimes be puddles of it on the ground or sprayed on the walls. Maybe she was fighting, that would explain the blood, and honestly I wouldn't put it past her. But who the fuck could she be fighting? From what I’ve managed to pull out of Edith about Wrath is that he’s very protective of what’s his, so the fact that Alexhandria has been injured somewhat over the last six months has to have been killing the guy. Hell it was sending me into a murderous fucking rage just thinking about it.
"Torthure, come back to bed." 
My eyes lock with the female lying on the bed. I had chosen her because she had looked like she had had the same body shape as my Alexhandria, but I had quickly learnt that after taking off the dress that she was wearing that they had had completely different body types; Alexhandria was all curves and feminine charm, this bitch was stick straight and nothing but a hole for my dick. And when I had sunk my cock into her core, it wasn’t as tight as Alexhandria’s either, in fact the sluts centre felt like fucking a slippery drain pipe, it was so stretched. Walking over to the bed I sit down on the edge, and watch the small victorious smile start to play out on her lips, but all I do is reach in to the bedside table, grab my wallet and throw five hundred dollars at her before getting up, pulling on a pair of slacks and glaring at her. “Now get the fuck out of my house.”
To say she was shocked was an understatement. But I didn’t give a fuck, she was a lie compared to the female I actually wanted. My female wouldn’t have flinched and taken the money and pulled on her dress and shoes, as fast as she possibly could before leaving my apartment and slamming the door behind her. I didn’t give a fuck if her feelings were hurt, she was just a vessel to satisfy my needs while I was trying to locate my female.
Turning back to the glass wall I look out over the city, my eyes scanning the lite up buildings and the street below, as I press my hand against the glass.
"Where the fuck are you Alexhandria?"
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alexhandria · 12 years ago
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alexhandria · 12 years ago
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My secret love for you will tear me apart, but its the only way I can have you.
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alexhandria · 12 years ago
VISHOUS: [Riding in the back of the car with Alexhandria was both heaven and hell. It was heaven because after all the months of silence, after all the months of resistance, after all the months of pushing her away, she was finally in my arms; albeit she injured and bleeding and is looking up at me annoyed as she feeds from my wrist. It was hell because she was injured, because she had been out hunting and didn't even bother to tell me, because my bonding scent was filling up the car, so thick that it was only scent left, and it would probably linger for days, because my best friend was looking at me in the rear view with a look of disappointment and shock on his face because he knew. The secret I had been trying to keep from everyone these last few months has suddenly and completely come out in the open, and I don't know what to do. 
I break eye contact with Butch when I suddenly feel Alexhandria's tounge flick out against my wrist before she pushed it away. I frown down at her as her eyes widen, her nostrils flaring, and I realise she's smelling my scent in the air. Her eyes shoot to mine and I can't say anything, I can't answer the questions in her eyes as they search mine, I can't say anything because my throat has closed up so tight. he opens her mouth but closes it quickly as Butch's voice cracks through the air.] "We're here."
ALEXHANDRIA: [The next few hours are a blur, I remember V feeding me that first time, whether or not the bonding scent I smelt was real or nor, I don't know. I remember the rush to get me into surgery. I remember the faint memory of pain as they pulled the bullet out of my thigh before I blacked out again. I remember Vishous feeding me again, the rich taste of his blood sliding down his throat and filling me with strength and when I was done I remember him holding my hand before I blacked out again. And now, I'm looking at my father, his hand holding mine. Even with his eyes shut there are worry lines between his brows and I feel my heart break a little. I'm the living embodiment of what he never wanted for me. I'm injured and its from fighting, the one thing he didn't want me to do, and the one thing I had to do beyond all right and measure. I moved my fingers to gently squeeze his and the action, no matter how weak it was, must have woken him because his eyes shot open and bored directly into mine.] "Hey dad."
WRATH: [I must have been unconsciously waiting for her to wake up because the second I felt the light pressure of her fingers around mine, betraying just how weak she was, my body instantly jolted me awake. And now I was staring into green eyes that were the exact same shade as mine, and the feelings of anger and parental worry and fear were coursing through me, amplified by seeing her lying so prone and weak and wounded on this bed.] "Hey dad? Hey dad!? What the hell do you think you were doing out there Alexhandria?! Fighting by yourself, no back up, no nothing! You were lucky that Z and Rhage, hell even V, found you in time. I told you not to go out fighting, that it was to dangerous, that it wasn't the life that I had laid out for you, but you went and did it anyway! You aren't meant to be fighting Alexhandria, you aren't meant to be doing anything that even involves you picking up a blade and welding it against someone else. [Taking in a deep breath I run a trembling hand through my hair and before she can utter a word I raise that hand to stop her and start talking again, letting out all my pent up anger about the situation.] That isn't your place, that isn't your right, that isn't your life! you will not be stepping outside of this house again do you hear me. I order you to stay here, under royal proclamation. And because you insist on fighting out in the field, I also order you as the leader of the black dagger brotherhood. And so I know that you are following orders you will have someone with you at all times, one of the brothers will be assigned to you at all times. So not only are you wasting my time, your going to be wasting theirs too. I will not lose you again Alexhadria, I just won't."
ALEXHANDRIA:[Thank gad dad didn't know about Rhage or Z, they must have told him something along the lines of what I told V. And V, no matter how mad he was at me and Z and Rhage, must have gone along with it. It's as I'm taking a deep breath that the rest of what dad says starts to settle in. Order me to stay in the house! Order me! Okay I get it, I really do, he doesn't want to lose me so soon after getting me back, but how dare he order that I stay in this house and do nothing, he can't just do that to me. He can't keep me trapped in here like some prisoner. Like mahem did. My eyes narrow to slits as I stare at him.] "Try to keep me locked up in this house dad, and you WILL lose me." [Turning away from him, I look at the blank white wall on the other side of the surgical suite. Ignoring him, and hoping he'll  take the hint and just leave. I knew that what I said had hurt him, I could smell it in the air, but that didn't stop the fact that what I had said was true. He was going to lose me if he thought he could just keep me locked up in here like some stray animal. He was going to have to come to terms with the fact that I was a fighter, I wasn't some innocent little girl, I was a grown women, one who had seen and survived things that would have made others crumble and fall in to a dark where they never returned. But I had come out on the other side fighting, and with a will so strong that it was the only thing that kept me alive and sane.
Hearing the dog snap shut behind me hurt, I wasn't going to lie, but it was time daddy knew what every other brother, except V, in this house knew. What they had all managed to grasp in the first few seconds of meeting me. I was stubborn, short tempered, raw, excelled at any and all weaponry and psychical training; and had a instinct inside me that never lead me wrong. I was a fighter through and through. And I know that that must scare the hell out of him, that he must be cursing the scribe virgin for giving him a daughter like me. But he needs to learn that I have to do this, if not for the brotherhood, then for my own damn sanity. I am going to make him understand. He will learn that this is what has to happen. And yes it sucks that I am black mailing him into seeing it, but as a warrior I have to use every weapon at my disposal.
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alexhandria · 12 years ago
Trouble in war grounds
Alexhandria: In the room that joined to mine, I pull the leathers out of the wardrobe there and start to pull them on. The brotherhood were meeting downstairs right at this moment, talking about god only knows what since dad won't let me sit in on them, no matter how much I beg. Reaching over for my weapons I start to pull them on, two sigs in holders on my outer thighs, spare ammo in my weapons belt, throwing stars, a couple of hunting knives, and brass knuckles going on my weapons belt too; lastly I wrap a length of chain across my chest and pull my leather jacket over top. The only thing that's missing from my ensemble was a pair of black daggers, but since dad wouldn't let me join, let alone fight with the brothers, it wasn't like I was going to get them any time soon. It also made the fact that I was going out with Rhage and Zsadist whenever they were on duty highly illegal, which would be punishable by death if he ever found out.
But like I said the brotherhood were in one of there sacred meeting right now and the reason I was getting dressed in this room and not my own, wasn't because I was afraid one of the doggen might walk in, hell Fritz knew what I was up to, it wasn't something I could exactly hide when I would come home bruised or cut up from a fight downtown. In fact it was the reason I had taken to eating meals in my room. I couldn't exactly waltz downstairs with a black eye and no expectation for it. But no that wasn't the reason why at all, the reason for it was because of the camera that was installed in my room. I noticed it the second I had walked in there, lodged up in the corner of the room, giving the viewer a birds eye view of the place. And I knew the person watching it was V, and I knew that if he ever caught me pulling on a pair of leathers and weapons I would be done for, Rhage and Zsadist would be done for, any chance of my becoming a member of the brotherhood would be done for.
Pacing the floor of the room, I wait for a text from Rhage or Zsadist to tell me where to meet up with them tonight. The two had recently decided to make sure that they were paired up lately, even though Z normally prefers to work with Phurry. I think its because they feel safer having the both of them there watching me. And I don't mind, out of everyone in the house, aside from V, these two would be the ones I would have chosen to be at my side out in the field. Its comforting to know that there's someone there to watch my back if shit goes to hell.
A thought that I had been trying to push to the back of my mind, suddenly bursts forward with no warning at all, giving me no time to put up any defences, to prepare myself. I'm in V's arms and his lips are crushed against mine, I'm pressed up against the wall in the tunnel and I'm on fire, I'm burning. But it doesn't hurt, in fact its the most exquisite pain I've been in my entire life. Every nerve ending is alive and is completely aware of every inch of my body that is touching his as he runs his lips down my neck. I had seen this image so many times in head, in my dreams; and in my dreams I don't tell him to stop like I did when we were in the hall, no, I pull him closer, and he claims my lips again before quickly pulling my dress up, pushing my panties aside and easing into my heated core. And waking up only made everything worse, especially now that I've begun to search the bed next to me for the male himself, wanting to curl up and just feel safe.
Taking in a breath, and just before I let the depression that had started to settle heavily once again in my heart take hold, my phone buzzes and I know who the text is from. Pulling out my phone I find the text from Rhage telling me to meet him in the theatre district downtown. A small smile on my face I walk over to the double doors that lead out onto the balcony and dematerialise in to a small alley beside one of the many small theatres. I found it funny how I had seen and gotten to know this city by fighting in it, than being shown it by a male who was courting me, but then again, there was only one male who I wanted to court me and he had all but pushed me away lately, flying his ' I'm so not interested flag ' in the air as he did.
I push away from the wall I had lent up against as Rhage and Zsadist suddenly occupied the space in front of me, both soldier's had ingested some of my blood lately so that they had a direct line to me in case I showed up in the wrong part of town, like I did in the beginning, or was (by god only knows how) taken by any Lesser's. But it was one of their conditions and if it got me out in the field then I was willing to do anything to get there. Setting out we walk the streets of Caldwell, looking for any sign of Lesser's that might be patrolling the streets looking for us. They had been running short lately, only a few here and there, and it was driving me up the fucking wall. Not to mention that Rhage's skin was practically twitching with the need to kill something, anything. But the Lesser population had been dwindling as of late, and from what I could gather from Z and Rhage that was never a good thing, so when I caught sight of a Lesser not twenty feet ahead of us, in was like Christmas, my birthday, and my freedom had all come early that year.
I took off at a sprint, with Z and Rhage yelling and running to catch up behind me. This was going to be the first real fight I had had in days and I was determined to make it a dosey, no weapons, just hand to hand combat; the old fashioned way. As the Lesser turned into an alley and walked down it in what only be described as a leisurely pace, before turning around and outing a gun and pulling the trigger. I only had just enough time to duck and dodge the bullet that flew past my head as I rounded the corner, I could only hope that Rhage or Z weren't hit by it or missed it completely, because there was no time to look back and check. Obviously this guy meant business and was going for the quick kill, and to say that he was surprised at how fast I managed to dodge the bullet that was aiming for the beating heart in my chest, was an understatement. This of course lead to the bastard shooting off multiple bullets at once, using the 'if I shoot my magazine all at the same time, at least one has to hit her right?' logic. And of course one did, the guy was firing like a complete and utter manic, even Rhage and Z had ducked out of the way behind a dumpster for cover, but I was pretty much out in the open, practically jumping from wall to wall and using the washing lines strung from the windows above as leverage to help me from spot to spot as fast as possible. But when a bullet lodged itself in to the back of my thigh, my vision went red and I lost it. My fangs fully extended and bared, I hear the subtle clink of and empty mag, I dropped to the ground behind the Lesser and all but ripped its god forsaken head off with my bear hands, twisting it's neck and digging my nails into the flesh, spraying my face and most of my t-shirt with it's blood before dropping it's still twitching body to the ground.
Looking up I see Rhage and Z come out from behind their dumpster, a look of shock on their faces as I try to calm myself down, taking deep breaths and trying to coax my fangs back into my mouth instead of hanging over my lower lip. "Remind me to never piss you off again?" was all Rhage had to say, and this of course made me laugh.
Smiling I turn my head slightly and look down at my leg where it slowly dies and my fangs threaten to make an appearance once again. The shot hadn't been a through and through like I had hoped it had been, nope, the thing had managed to lodge itself in my upper thigh, probably near the bone considering how much pain the wound was causing at this point, I hadn't even taken a step yet and honestly I didn't want too. This was going to be a bitch to get out when we got home, but thank god Rhage was practically a doctor and knew what he was doing with a sewing needle, or I would have had to go to Doc Jane or Manny with some of the wounds I've had, broken bones, cut arteries and abdominal stabbings.
"Let me see it." And there's my good doctor as we speak. Watching as Rhage bent down beside my leg and Z take up a guard position beside us after stabbing the Lesser back to his maker, I can't help but comment "It's not as bad as it looks." At this Z grunts but says nothing else.
"I fucking hope not, because the bullet looks like its wedged itself into the bone here, and your legs pissing out blood. So I wouldn't rule out the possibility the an artery's been nicked along the way'" As Rhage looks up at me, after tying a ripped off piece of his shirt around my leg as a make shift bandage until we got home, I offer a small smile down to him. "So it is as bad as it looks then?" And Rhage and Z both start laughing, and shaking their heads. "Yes Alexhadria, it is as bad as it looks. And because if it, were going to have to have to cut this short and get you home before you bleed the fuck out."
Straightening I shake my head and try to pull away from Rhage who had stood and wrapped and arm around my waist to try and help me walk. "No I'm fine, honestly I'm fine, I can walk on my own, we still have a few hours left before we have to head home."
A growl broke through the air at that and I whipped my head around to find that the sound had come from Z. "Alexhandria, don't fuck around. You know the rules, you fucking stick to them. Your injured and you can't walk, so we're getting you the fuck out of here and back to the mansion where our boy Rhage here is going to stitch you the fuck up so that you don't bleed to fucking death on our watch, doing something that you're not even meant to be doing in the first fucking place." A growl of my own had escaped from my lips as Z was talking, like fuck I was going home, I as fine!
"Listen here Z, I get your point, but I'm fine, I can keep going. There's no need for me to go home, not when I can function perfectly fine now!" My voice had risen as I had spoken, because Z's eyes had become darker and darker the more I spoke."Walk then." Was all Z had to say, before crossing his arms over his chest and signalling for Rhage to let me go.
The second Rhage's arm left my waist I knew I was headed for shitsville. My centre of balance completely went out the window, and to stop myself from falling to the side I took a step forward and collapsed to the ground anyway, the pain so intense that it buckled my knees and sent me to the ground in a howl of pain, the only thing that stopped my face from hitting the asphalt was Rhage as he reached out and grabbed me at the last minute to stop the head to hard concrete collision at the last minute.
"Like I said, we're taking you home." And Just as Rhage and Z were helping me to my feet again, my face completely drained of colour, I heard a voice that I would have known anywhere. It caressed my ears and sent chills across my body. It also made Rhage and Z stop what they were doing and freeze. Vishous.
"What the fuck is going on here?"
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