#alexander j newall and jonny sims i do not trust you
oakt733 · 7 months
i wish so bad this gerry is happy and healthy and is telling the truth when he says he doesn’t remember but i don’t believe him for a second the guy lives with GERTRUDE !! oh you don’t remember your time in the institute do you? is it because of the intense trauma ? are you lying because gertrude is behind you? are you trying to get sam and celia to stop looking into the institute?
this guy is NOT!!! gonna stay this happy
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im here for things getting weird tbh :vc
Transcript below the cut
Alex: Hello Everybody
Jonny: I'm Jonathan Sims, the writer and narrator of the Magnus Archives
Alex: Visionary Nightmare Merchant
Jonny: Visionary Nightmare Merchant, ooh I like that, I like that
Alex: and I'm Alexander J Newall, I am the founder and CEO of Rusty Quill Ltd and for magnus I was the co-creator with Jonny, alongside director and producer. Why are we here today?
Jonny: Oh, cuz we're doing it AGAIN!
Alex: yeah!! I know! Everyones like "Oh I maybe - maybe theyre doing like a little halloween special? NO!
Jonny: Magnus. Archives. Two. Not that Actual Title
Alex: We wont - no. There's a better title
Jonny: I'm really.. I'm not done  
Alex: Your not done. Don't tell them the title.
Alex: We need to tell you a bit more about it Like, whats going on? okay. So In order to do this, we are looking at doing a Kickstarter
Jonny: Kick. Starter.
Alex: to start the kicking. Um, and that basically means that We are going to be doing a pre-signup, Which is going to be available on the 30th of October, this year If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 On the 30th You'll be able to pre-sign, and that means that you will get alerted when the kickstarter is live and that means you will be the first to get in there for early bird goodies and things like that where you will only get it if you are getting there right out of the gate But, we are trying to get this going  with a BIG kickstarter So that we can do THREE seasons. Three full seasons!
Jonny: Three seasons. It is going to be canon. It is going to be a continuation of the Magnus Archives universe But not necessarily in the way you would expect.
Alex: Its gonna get weird. Its gonna get really weird.
Jonny: its gonna get real weird.
Alex: So, we're also going to be selling limited edition merch
Jonny: limited edition merch! that was it!
Alex: So the limited edition merch is only going to be available for basically the period we are going this kickstarter, and these are designs that are going to disappear You will never be able to get them again. ever.
Jonny: Cuz if you try, i'll come round and burn them.
Alex: He'll come and burn it. In order to get ahold of those probably, you'll want to go to www.rustyquill.com and there will be more info there, but its pretty much going to be available anywhere that you can buy our designs so your looking at you know, redbubble, and tee public, things like that
Jonny: Can I get a mug?
Alex: yes.
Jonny: Can I get a t-shirt?
Alex: I believe so, yes.
Jonny: Can I get, your face as a cat scratching post?
Alex: Uh yes, but you will have to pay SIGNIFICANTLY more thats going to be a custom item and we will talk more on that later
Jonny: Oh no, I was inviting you over.
Alex: aww
Jonny: just to hang out...
Alex: aw shnookums!
Alex: Why now? Its ben a while, we could have done it immediately but we didnt, why?
Jonny: I mean... cuz i fucking love magnus and i want to do some more of it
Alex: right? I kind of miss it.
Jonny: its been, since it finished, a lot of stuffs been just... percolating, and...
Alex: yeah.
Jonny: we were talking and we were like should we just? should we do? do you wanna just to a bit more?
Alex: we should do it. Yes, we are going to do, or we are AIMING to do I should say a three season epic is a strong word. life changing event?
Jonny: yeah? yeah.
Alex: we are looking at a larger number of guests we are looking at going big from the start we have learnt a lot of lessons during magnus 1 and we want to hit the ground running
Jonny: Lesson 1: Trust no one.
Alex: [laugh] okay. cool i feel like-
Jonny: Lesson 2: Plan your exit, on the way in.
Alex: I feel like we are honing back in to season 2 there so maybe steer us away from that... But yea we are -
Jonny: Lesson 3: dont listen to Alex. he's already compromised.
Alex: stop compromising all of the fandom with your MENTALITY
Alex: in order to take part, to reiterate on very last time. If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 You can get on there for the pre-sign from the 30th of october and then youll get more info or you can get all of the limited edition merch that WILL DISAPPEAR and for more info on that, go to RustyQuill.com
Jonny: The day before halloween. Halloween? Scary. before all hallows? its before all hallows... and so this is halloween-ee-een its Halloween squared baby. its even scarier
Alex: [snicker] thanks jonny.
Jonny: thats what I'm here for.
Alex: Bye everyone!
Jonny: Bye!
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eyes-in-the-void · 9 months
TMA SubTags: Episode Art, Characters, Artists
General Tags:
#tma, #tma fanart, #tma art, tma comics, tma text post, tma animatic, tma animation, tma audio, (audio), tma fic, tma au, meta, song comic, tma spoilers, 
#tma season art/ tma episode art: pre s1, tma s1, tma s2, tma s3, tma s4, tma s5, scottish safehouse period, somewhere else,
jonny sims, (goddamnit jonny, jonny dug his own grave), alexander j newal, q&a, rusty quill (general, includes: interviews, rqg, etc), the mechanisms, (the bifrost incident), meta (theories, connections, background info, help from rq/jonny), tma quotes,
TMA Characters:
#jonathan sims (s1 jon, s2 jon, s3 jon, s4 jon, s5 jon, ace jon, autistic jonathan sims, enby jon, monster jon, moth jon, selkie jon, jonsimsandcats2021, eye jon, jon madrigal 
Allies/Neutral: martin blackwood, jonmartin, georgie barker, melanie king, the admiral, what the girlfriends, jon and daisy, daisy tonner, basira hussain, sasha james (Archivist sasha), tim stoker, agnes montague, gertrude robinson, gerard keay, michael shelley, helen richardson,
Enemies/Antagonists/Monsters:  elias bouchard, (elias bouchard has a punchable face), peter lukas, lonely eyes, not!sasha, the distortion, (michael distortion, helen distortion), annabelle cane, nikiola orsinov, not tea
#the entities: the web, the lonely, the vast, the hunt, the eye, the spiral, the dark, the extinction,
everchased, roboomic, megzilla87, linecrosser, skyberia, ggracee, blueberry star, satturn, yesoksure, luftballons99, beansmakesart, yamiiino, dudeiwannasleep, tatumsdrawing, coralreefskim, honeycakelion,  amarearts, lazyperfs,  disasterzoo, reidspng, tolbyccian, speakerunfolding,
Specific pieces/ series: theyellowmistress (Great series of episode art), ashsweet (Cursed teacups), octos art (Cassette tape art), lescarnetsdehaku (Great comics), planplantsilus (Pixel art),
glowbat, cael does art, oceanbrine (gifs), (a collection of yearning), ghostbri,
Pre S1: Martin’s Birthday, The Dog Incident,
01, 02 (Do not Open), 03 (Across the Street), 04 (Ex Altiora), 11 (The Dreamer), 13 (Alone), 22 (Colony), 26 (A Distortion), 32 (Hive), 34 (Anatomy Class), 38 (Lost and Found- Vase), 39, 40
41 (Too Deep), 50 (You’re dating the cop? -no Tim, I- Won’t tell anyone!) 51 (High Pressure), 60 (Observer Effect), 67 (Burning Desire, You can trust me with the key to the tunnels!), 74 (Trophy Room)  79 (Hide and Seek), 80, 
81 (Mr. Spider), 83 (I could be on drugs!),  86 (Blanket), 87 (Uncanny Valley), 89 (Jude Perry), 91, 92, 97, 99, 101, 102 (Melanie’s got a knife), 111 (Family matters) , 118, 119, 120 
121 (Far Away), 122, 126, 127 (There’s a door in my mind), 128, 129 (I miss you), 131 (Flesh), 132 (Entombed), 135 (Dark Matter, Basira beats up Elias), 136 (Puppeteer- “Boo hoo, I’m all alone and a monster”) 139 (Chosen), 140, 141 (Doomed Voyage), 142 (Scrutiny), 143 (Heart of Darkness), 146 (Thresholds- Confrontation/Intervention), 151 (Big Picture), 152 (Gravedigger- “When will the Eye make me monstrous?), 153 (Love Bombing), 154 (Bloody Mary, Let’s Gouge out our eyes and Make out), 157 (Rotten Core), 158, 159 (The Last), 160, Scottish Safehouse Period, 
tma s5 trailer, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200
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