#alexander ask answered
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the-arceo-analysis · 3 months ago
Bit of a strange question, this time. I have a necklace I wear every single day (Really, I just don't ever take it off) and I was curious if any AADA characters have some sort of jewelry/clothing accessory of sorts they wear every single day? or atleast very often?
Love getting questions because I get to make up half the shit I'm saying ♥️ But no I actually have answers for this one !
Kieran ! He has soooo many hair clips and bracelets and necklaces and chokers and garters and-- he switches them in and out depending on which one goes well with his outfit, except for the bracelet he made for Matthew which stays on his wrist (I would also say he's probably made one for Cyrus & Amani but thinks he isn't close enough to offer it yet))
Matthew doesn't wear any jewellery except for the bracelet Kieran made him, though it kind of bothers him when he's working (resting his hand on a keyboard/mouse presses the bracelet into his skin (I would know))
Cyrus has lots of gold jewellery and a few silver items, all of which are his own except his brothers ring. I think he'd fancy a necklace or two as well, just something simple like a religious symbol or chain.
Amani doesn't wear any and neither does Daiyu !!
I could definitely picture Helena with a ring or a necklace but nothing more than that. I also think she's. Really hard ass about people having expensive jewellery to show off
Sean had a bracelet that Adrien made for him but it snapped and he wasn't able to get all of the beads back (he's absolutely distraught over this since he doesn't have contact with him anymore)
Ormr had a friendship bracelet from Adrien featuring Poseidon, his own, and Ormr's assumed favourite colours (or their eye colours, I haven't been able to decide. In the last year.) But he didn't wear it when he was offered it and he hasn't worn it since. Doesn't even know where it's gone. I think he's an avid hater of jewellery. They make irritating noises and feel funny on the skin. Also get in the way of combat♥️. He probably only has piercings because he blacked out as a teenager and woke up with them and was too lazy to take them out (I'm only partially joking. Idk.)
Poseidon also has a bracelet from Adrien, the same as Ormr's. He used to wear it around all the time, but when he moved he took it off. Says it doesn't go with any of his outfits, but really, he just hates answering questions about it, and it makes him feel guilty. But then he's got his little compass necklace (functional might I add) and his iconic anchor earrings which he oh so adores. I think his father probably bought them for him. They aren't anything flashing or expensive and if you looked really close I'm sure the copper clasp of his necklace has started greening but it's very valuable to him!!
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rebusibeerlingd · 1 month ago
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ziasoup · 1 day ago
A bit of Lams?
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ong themb
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coeluvr · 5 months ago
Who is dominating your inbox right now?
Mostly Vincent! Everyone wants the annoying annoyed guard lol.
There's a lot of Fadiya, then E and then Alexander.
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otmaaromanovas · 7 months ago
Hi, it would be awesome if you could give us an idea about alexei's personality described by people in his close circle
Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Here are some quotes about Alexei from the people closest to him, and some extracts from his letters and diaries that show his personality.
Alexei's personality
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"The Heir ran along the shore and loudly expressed his joy with every surge of water. In general, how much noise and fun there was! I still remember this time with pleasure. Water splashed, flushed and cheerful children returned home." - Sofia Ivanovna Tyutcheva, nurse/nanny, A Few Years Before the Catastrophe
"Alexei, the only son of the Emperor and Empress, a more tragic child than the last Dauphin of France, indeed one of the most tragic figures in history, was, apart from his terrible affliction, the loveliest and most attractive of the whole family. Because of his delicate health Alexei began life as a rather spoiled child." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
"The more the boy opened his heart to me the better I realised the treasures of his nature, and I gradually began to feel certain that with so many precious gifts it would be unjust to give up hope. Alexis Nicolaievitch was then nine and a half, and rather tall for his age. He had a long, finely-chiselled face, delicate features, auburn hair with a coppery glint in it, and large blue-grey eyes like his mother's. He thoroughly enjoyed life — when it let him — and was a happy, romping boy. Very simple in his tastes, he extracted no false satisfaction from the fact that he was the Heir — there was nothing he thought about less — and his greatest delight was to play with the two sons of his sailor Derevenko, both of them a little younger than he. He had very quick wits and a keen and penetrating mind. He sometimes surprised me with questions beyond his years which bore witness to a delicate and intuitive spirit. I had no difficulty in believing that those who were not forced, as I was, to teach him habits of discipline, but could unreservedly enjoy his charm, easily fell under its spell. Under the capricious little creature I had known at first I discovered a child of a naturally affectionate disposition, sensitive to suffering in others just because he had already suffered so much himself." - Pierre Gilliard, Alexei's tutor, Thirteen Years at the Russian Court
"Spring 1915 …Yesterday he [Alexei] gorged on black crackers and in the evening, he was sent directly to [Dr.] Derevenko." - Letter from Maria to Nicholas II, Maria Romanov: Third Daughter of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters
"18 March [1912] - Pavlovsk… Recently, on the 14th, my wife had lunch with their Majesties, and was embarrassed by the behaviour with the Heir, who is almost two years older than Vera. He wouldn’t sit up, ate badly, licked his plate and teased the others. The Emperor turned away, perhaps to avoid having to say anything, while the Empress rebuked her elder daughter Olga, who was next to her brother, for not restraining him. But Olga cannot deal with him." - 1912 Diary of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich
"In appearance he resembled his sister Tatiana : he had the same fine features, and her beautiful blue eyes ; he loved his sisters, and they adored him, and patiently submitted to his teasing. The Tsarevitch was a lively, amusing boy, with a wonderful ear for music, and he played well on the balalika : like Tatiana he was shy, but, once he knew and liked anyone, this shyness vanished. The Empress insisted upon her son being brought up, like his sisters, in a perfectly natural way. There was no ceremonial in the daily life of the Tsarevitch : he was merely a son, and a brother to his family, although it was sometimes quaint to see him assume '' grown up " airs. One day, when he was indulging in a romp with the Grand Duchesses, he was told that some officers of his regiment had arrived at the Palace and begged permission to be received by him. The Tsarevitch instantly ceased his game, and, calling his sisters, he said very gravely : *' Now, girls, run away. I am busy. Someone has just called to see me on business." - Lili Dehn, close family friend, The Real Tsaritsa
"Sunday 13th August 1906 …we were all invited to have tea with Their Majesties. All four daughters came to the dinging room, and also, the the great joy of our children, the two-year-old Tsesarevich. He went around the tea table and after greeting everyone, climbed onto his mother’s lap. Igor was sitting beside her, and the little Heir happily moved onto his lap and called him “New” as he was someone unfamiliar. After that, my boys and the Tsar’s girls played with him merrily on the floor…We were all delighted." - Diary of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich
The following are all from the diary of Sidney Gibbes, English tutor:
"25 January: [Alexei is] On sofa: foot tied up. Talked about the dog and then showed him new picture-book. Afterwards made a paper hat each, which turned out badly, and then began paper boxes; I showed him one complete. He spoke more English in making the box and asked the questions relative to it in English."
"3 February: We drew things on the blackboard with eyes shut. Added tails to pigs, and his manner lost much of its shyness."
"8 February: During this lesson we played on the floor, and I made him flags out of paper by drawing it and colouring. He coloured one and I the other. Flagstaff was also rolled out of paper and tied with wire."
"3 March …Began the story of ‘The Fisherman of York’. He understood very little. A[nastasia] N[ikolaevna] came in from Music [lesson] and explained in Russian." - Printed in Tutor to the Tsarevich
"The Tsarevich lay all day, while we tried to amuse him as best we could. The poor little man longed for Monsieur Gilliard's company. He knew so well how to entertain him and make him forget how ill and weak he still felt" - Sophie Buxhoeveden recalling Alexei's attachment to tutor Pierre Gilliard during imprisonment, Left Behind: Fourteen Months in Siberia During the Revolution
"If the Tsarevitch had any peculiarities, I think the most striking was a decided penchant for hoarding. Many descendants of the Coburgs have been unusually thrifty, and perhaps the Tsarevitch inherited this trait. While thrifty he was really a most generous child, although he hoarded his things to such an extent that the Emperor often teased him unmercifully. During the sugar shortage he saved his allowance of sugar, which he gravely distributed among his friends." - Lili Dehn, close family friend, The Real Tsaritsa
"This unusual and exciting night seemed to fill the Czar’s young son with mischief. As I sat in the room near the Emperor’s study, giving the final orders and' awaiting news of the arrival of the train, I could hear the youngster running about noisily, trying to get across the corridor to where I was, to see what was going on there" - Alexander Kerensky, head of the Provisional Government describing the night the Romanov's waited to be moved from the Alexander Palace, The Catastrophe
"Suffering and self-denial had their effect on the character of Alexei. Knowing what pain and sacrifice meant, he was extraordinarily sympathetic towards other sick people. His thoughtfulness of others was shown in his beautiful courtesy to women and girls and to his elders, and in his interest in the troubles of servants and dependents." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
Alexei was "elegant, intelligent, and had unusual presence of mind. He possessed, moreover, other winning qualities: a warm, happy disposition, and a generous nature which made him eager to be of help and enabled him quickly to establish rapport with others." - General Count Alexander Grabbe, Major-General of the Tsar's convoy, The Private World of the last Tsar
"in the periods of what may be called his good health, he had all the spirits and mischief of any ordinary boy of his age… As time went on and his first shyness wore off, he treated us as friends and… had always some fun with us. With me it was to make sure that each button on my coat was properly buttoned, a habit which naturally made me take great care to have one or two unbuttoned, in which case he used at once to stop and tell me I was 'untidy again'" - General Sir John Hanbury-Williams, British ambassador in Mogilev, The Emperor Nicholas II, as I Knew Him
""He had a kind heart and was very fond of animals. He could be influenced only by his feelings, and would not yield to authority. He submitted only to the emperor. He was a clever boy but was not fond of books. His mother loved him passionately. She tried, but could not be strict with him, and most of his desires were obtained through his mother. Disagreeable things he bore silently and without grumbling. He was kind-hearted and during the last period of his life he was the only one who liked to give things away. In Tobolsk he had some odd fancies -- for example, he liked collecting old nails, saying: "They may be useful."" - Testimony of Sidney Gibbes to the Sokolov Report, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)
"Alexis Nicholaevitch, being a very playful and mischievous boy, on one occasion peeped through the fence. After this was learned by Nikolsky [deputy guard at Tobolsk] he came and made a huge fuss about it. He reprimanded the soldier who was on duty and spoke in a very sharp tone to the czarevitch. The boy got offended and protested to me that Nikolsky was shouting at him." - Testimony of Evgeny Kobylinsky to the Sokolov Report, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920). To find more about Kobylinsky's unique relationship to the family, see this post.
Alexei's relationship with his sisters
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"We all kissed the Empress' hand and that of the Grand Duchesses. That year, we kissed the Tsarevitch's little hand, too; but afterwards, that custom was stopped, since the Tsarevitch didn't miss his chance to boast about it and give himself airs in front of his sisters." - General Alexander Spiridovich, Chief of Security, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
"10 January. Aleksei and Anastasia are both moving their beds into the playroom, where they lie next to each other all day. During the day we all have tea up there." - Extract from Tatiana's 1917 diary, Tatiana Romanov, Daughter of the Last Tsar: Diaries and Letters
"Aleksei, my little soul, darling little one. It is so boring here without you and Papa… I was just at the Grand Palace with Maria and Shvybz [Anastasia]… I squeeze you in my mind and love you very very much." - undated letter from Tatiana to Alexei, circa 1916, Russia’s Last Romanovs: In Their Own Words 
"As for poor Alexei Nikolaevich, he was as if rooted to the armchair the whole time [unwell]. It was touching to see his sister, Tatiana Nicholaievna, lavishing attention on him before the luncheon." - General Alexander Spiridovich, Chief of Security, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 2
"Sweet Piggy! Sleep well and wake up in the morning with a belly full of milk! Alexei 1914" - letter from Alexei to Anastasia, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 1)
"...Don’t tease Maria" - Letter from Alexandra to Alexei, 1 December 1914, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 1)
"28 January Tuesday …Too lazy to write this by himself, so Olga is writing it!" - Alexei's 1916 diary, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings (Volume 2)
Alexei's haemophilia
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"Everything possible, everything known to medical science, was done for the child Alexei. The Empress nursed him herself, as indeed, with the assistance of professional women, she had nursed all her children. Three trained Russian nurses were in attendance, with the Empress always superintending. She bathed the babe herself, and was with him so much that the Court, ever censorious of her, complained that she was more of a nurse than an Empress." - Anna Vyrubova, close family friend, Memories of the Russian Court
"Livadia. 30 August 1913 …Alexei is well. He has already had 4 mud baths. I took a photo of him when he was being treated in the mud and will glue in an album for you. Alexei’s leg stretched 175 degrees and the leg is almost straight" - letter from Maria to former nanny/nurse Maria Ivanovna Vishnyakova. Maria Ivanovna Vishnyakova was Alexei’s nanny, though was dismissed by Alexandra following disagreements and allegations against Rasputin. I find it intriguing that the girls stayed in touch with her and kept her informed of Alexei's health.
I have slightly less information/quotes on Alexei saved as my research is largely about his sisters, but I hope that this was insightful nonetheless. Thank you for your question!
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alexandria-thornton · 4 months ago
Alexander I am worried we may have to neuter Kermit. You too, by the looks of things.
Ask yourself this very poignant question:
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simp-ly-writes · 2 months ago
(hello it's me again and another idea for the Jackal 👀!)
Fic idea, feminine pronouns.
Reader is Jackal's companion (they team up after reader accidentally saves Jackal during a mission and Jackal feels reader would be an interesting companion so decided to keep reader by his side)
One winter morning in a hotel in London, the two of them didn’t feel like getting out of bed so they took their work to bed - Jackal leaned against the headboard and studied a blueprint/design of some project for his upcoming “job” (he was wearing glasses - I love him wearing glasses 😫!!!), reader lay down and checked her client list and payments (each of them was working on their laptops)
While working, reader suddenly remembered the information she had read about Jackal and peeked at him a few times, on the umpteenth time he tapped her on the head with a pen and asked if there was a problem (but she didn’t know where to start so she ignored him) and the awkward atmosphere between the two continued until Jackal asked the reader if she wanted to hear about his past…
When the flashback ended, Jackal pulled reader closer and asked her if she was scared. She calmly replied that whether she was scared or not, she was here with him, and if he wanted to kill her, please shoot her straight in the face because she didn't want to be recognized (while she was talking, Jackal took off his glasses and leaned down to kiss reader 😭?)
Always happy to see you and another outstanding request! I really loved the fluffy and yet angsty ending UGH it was so fun to write (I also added a little holiday spice to it 😉 lol) hope you enjoy reading it~ Find the fic: HERE!
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kikita-answers-lotf · 15 days ago
Kikita, not to sound rude or anything but what do you see in that Alexander boy? You're so sweet and cute and he is just...him
What…Do I see in him?
“Oh he’s just, you know, the perfect boy! He teaches me how to behave and be more “civilised” and in a path of redemption, he says. Sometimes he’s abit scary, but I trust him. He’s just, amazing, you know? He does his best to keep people safe and sound. He’s just…A saint”
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“Lately, he kinda annoys me with his cape thing during meetings or gatherings, i dislike it and he gets upset if I pull it off, but I don’t know how you handle clothes! Its so itchy, restraining and uncomfy…I dont like that, even the finest shirt feels like a torture but Im trying to keep his cape on, he likes it dearly so I must be careful with it and respectful…At least its how civilised people works?? It was nice talking to you Mary, hope we can have long chats again without Merridew scolding us!”
Yall im freaking late on all the asks like what😭😭😭 im so sorry im a lil lazy and disorganized so I’ll randomly answer them, school work is killing me too sooo-
bye! Love yall💕
Normam belongs to @msfisherot
Mary belongs to @beeari
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the-arceo-analysis · 3 months ago
AADA's thoughts on caffeine?
Alexander ask in my askbox hooray call that triple A !?!
Sean is just like. Your average father. Asks very nicely for everyone to not bring energy drinks into work, but will let them have one (1) coffee a day. Usually Kieran brings them in, but if everyone asks really nicely he would also do the coffee run. If he were to have a kid it would be a hard ban on energy drinks. And they wouldn't be allowed to have coffee until like. 16. And it would be a hard limit. (Would probably also fold and let them have one anyway every now and then. For special events). He isn't worried about the emotional/mental side affects but more so the physical ones on the brain and body. Excessive caffeine is not good for you !!!!
Matthew lives off of it. He absolutely sneaks monsters and redbulls in through his hoodie sleeves. Probably a million cans in his trash bag in his office downstairs. Wouldn't be surprised if he's pouring V drinks into his coffee . Unsure how he isn't dead
Kieran would rather a coffee over an energy drink but honestly isn't all that fond of it overall. Probably has a lot of different teas at home tho!! He only does the coffee runs because everyone enjoys it, and he wants people to like him ^^". It's not every morning but usually once or twice a week, on the company card of course. Though the first time he did it he used his own money and Sean was furious
Amani doesn't like drinking anything w caffeine in it, makes her heart hurt really bad. :-(. But if things are dire she would probably down like two cups of it. Pls Amani be safe,, . Kieran gets her a hot chocolate on the coffee runs 😋
Helena enjoys the occasional coffee but energy drinks are too much for her,, she also tries to discourage other people from drinking too much of it. Very responsible lady
Daiyu ?! Uhm. Daiyu. Yeah. Idk. I'd say she doesn't have a lot of it, when she was really little she and her brother would sneak a sip of coffee from their mom's cup. Would probably spit it out afterwards. And do it again a week later, haven learnt nothing. I can't really picture her getting anything from Kieran's coffee run tbh,, maybe a croissant
Cyrus is just bouncing off the walls with anxiety. Absolutely no need for him to have caffeine. Staying up late studying? Working night shift? Need to stay up for some other reason? That's okay he'll just think about literally anything and be totally incapable of sleeping for hours
Poseidon,, ., Poseidon's probably a big coffee guy (not more than once or twice a day though) but I can't imagine her drinking energy drinks. Probably want in his stupid stupid posh english accent about how bad it is for you. (With 6 cigarettes in his mouth and four bottles of alcohol in his hands /j)
I think Ormr would also be big on or at least okay with coffee, but energy drinks are pushing it. He doesn't like the taste of them anyway. And they're usually too bubbly. Yuck. Probably thinks he's better than everyone else who drinks energy drinks (he thinks he's better than everyone else anyway (not really but sort of I should get into that))
I personally am very passionate about the. Non consumption of energy drinks !!! (Obviously) I used to drink at least one a day for like 2 years straight and at some point it started making my heart hurts + making me feel sick and I realised woahh what the hell am I doing to my body. Uhh and now I drink my instant coffees in halves. Because that's all I can handle
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lsdoiphin · 11 months ago
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In public, yes.
In her private life, absolutely not. She had many doubts about the arrangement, some of which had nothing to do with Alexander (now King-Regent Andimeur) as a person.
In fact, Ancha found it difficult to have much of an opinion about Alexander as an individual at all. Since Amalthea and Alexander married at a young age (both about 18), she struggled to conceptualize him as a whole human man. Placing judgment upon his person when he was hardly older than a boy and thrust onto the throne at short notice felt... unfair.
Of course, it has been a good 27 or so years since then (and over a decade since Amalthea's death). In that time, Ancha has come to realize that Alexander is... well, kind of grating.
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yanci-indigo · 1 month ago
How would the chrysalis gang draw themselves and what is their artistic medium of choice?
Hiiii!!! Thank you so much for the question @coffeintheface ♡♡♡
After a ton of research regarding to artistic mediums and comparison to their personalities, these are my answers to each character:
1. William - I can't exactly say he's an artist, but he's a pro in sketching every species of insect he studied. He would study himself in every layer or fiber of his existence just like in every biology class with only paper and a fountain pen. Specifically "Leonardo da Vinci drawing anatomy" art style.
2. Amber - She always dreams of getting those Regency dresses she saw in those paintings, so I researched those oil painting portraits I also used to reference her while sketching. She would be flawless as an oil painter, confident in every stroke and detail.
3. Michael - With such a soft and warm presence, he would paint with watercolors inspired by his synesthesia. While listening to an orchestra playing classical music on vinyl, he would play around with colors depending on the mood he interpreted in his imagination. Another reason is this because it's funny. 4. Manuel - He is a tough cookie, but sometimes brash and playful. Mexican ironwood carving is the artistic medium that suits him best. I was fascinated that it can be carved as little bears! It would be inaccurate since it became popular during the 1960s, but I can already imagine he carved himself as a standing bear. 5. Bruce - If being creative means getting their hands dirty, then colored chalks and charcoal are perfect for him! He can scribble whatever he has in mind on a blackboard or the sidewalks, like food or that one girl he used to have a crush on in weeks.
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tsarjozinzbazin · 24 days ago
Crying over TikTok today, so could I please have your idea of how each of the doctors provides emotional support to a patient? (Even if it’s just Stanley as the standing-man emoji, I could use a good laugh. Thank you.)
Harry's definitely the best at comforting his patients. He tries to get to know them on a personal level (which Stanley does not approve of) and definitely has a gentle way of putting things. Some men absolutely despise this, as they feel like their health is in the hands of a 'mary ann'
Alex is definitely quite good with his bedside manners, much like Harry. However I imagine he brings almost a fatherly comfort to them, treating the crew as if they were his sons.
John is a weird one but definitely not too uncomfortable to be with. He doesn't speak when he doesn't need to so he may come off as cold, but he is quite gentle in his mannerisms and a wonderful listener if the patient needs to talk.
Stephen's bedside manners are absolutely atrocious (if it wasn't clear from him cutting Le Vesconte's toes off without even batting an eye). He never quite comforts his patients, more so scolds them for being reckless. But however mean he is, he is a very skilled surgeon and a doctor. Even if he screams and yells at you, you know you're in good hands.
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tortoisebore · 1 year ago
please please can we get a post of remus calling sirius baby for the first time bc im obsessed and want to know every detail about sirius’ outfit and how it went down
YES YES YES 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
Remus was too drunk for this. Well—maybe drunk was the wrong word. His blood alcohol level was probably still somewhere in the realm of tipsy, but his brain was sluggish. Slow-moving. A disastrous combination of desire and want and pure, unadulterated filth. His limbs felt heavy and too-long as he stood slouched against the wall, gripping an empty glass hard enough to be absently worried it would shatter in his hand. Watching.  Lily had described the place as a bar but it felt more like a club, all low, colorful lights and blaring music, an open space in the middle of the room and tall tables lining the walls. It was loud, Remus was just on the drunk side of tipsy, and Sirius was a fucking dream. 
All things considered, Remus had done a really great job of being normal up until an hour or so ago. He hadn’t lost his shit when Sirius appeared at his door in a giant gray coat with his hair up, tied messily off his neck, fully flaunting the faint bruise Remus had left below his ear two days before. That damn glitter was on his eyes again, catching the light and working in tandem with the faint smudgy black lining his lashes to make his eyes look less gray and more glowing, molten silver. Remus had nearly fallen to his knees, had nearly said 'fuck it' and yanked Sirius inside instead of following through with the going out plan, but he’d been very regular about it—just choked out a simple little ‘you look nice,’ swallowing hard when Sirius smiled sweetly and took his hand as they traipsed down the stairs and out of the building. 
Then they’d arrived at the bar, and Sirius had slipped his coat off, and Remus’ poor, piece of shit brain had immediately broken. 
So now here he was, fighting for his life standing around a table in the corner, unable to wrench his eyes away from the three-inch strip of bare skin on Sirius’ stomach while he waited for drinks at the bar. He was wearing a short, black tee shirt with an open back over some see-through, lacy thing that hugged his waist, showing off the tail end of the dagger tattoo on his stomach and the beginnings of the vines on his hips before they disappeared beneath straight-legged black pants that fit so perfectly Remus could have cried. He was leaned up against the bar artfully, tapping the toe of his platform boot against the floor, chatting idly with Marlene while they waited for the bartender. 
Remus thought he might be drooling.
Sirius had been flitting between the bar and the dance floor and their table in the corner all night, leaving Remus with a never-ending supply of drinks and all these evil, lingering touches, whispers near his ear disguised as kisses on his cheek that twisted his gut and made his fingers itch to touch and grab and hold. This thing between them was still new, only a couple weeks old, and Remus was really really trying to reign himself in, but god, he wanted to touch. Wanted to bite and lick and taste, felt drunk on desire more than liquor by the time Sirius came back with two more neon-colored drinks in sweaty glasses. 
“Yours,” he chirped over the music, finally, finally sliding in close and depositing Remus’ drink on the sticky tabletop. Remus eyed him as he sipped at his straw, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. It was blatantly obvious that Sirius knew exactly what he was doing, and that it was working. Remus glanced around, watched Marlene saunter off to join Dorcas across the room, and slipped a hand around Sirius’ waist, backing himself into the wall and pulling Sirius with him.
“You look…” he started, shamelessly trailing his eyes down and then back up Sirius’ frame, shaking his head with a sigh when every word he could think of fell short of the actual ethereal being currently pressed up against him. 
“I look what?” Sirius prodded, sliding his drink onto the table without looking, snaking his arms up Remus’ chest and around his shoulders, a smug, sly sort of smile tugging at his stained, cherry-red lips. 
Remus was too fucking drunk for this.
He managed to get a hand to Sirius’ jaw, tipping his head back just enough to brush their lips together, reveling in the hitched breath it pulled from his throat. 
“You look fucking perfect,” he muttered, letting Sirius lean in only to pull back. Remus’ vision was swirling, heart thundering in his chest when Sirius gave a quiet little whine of complaint, dragging blunt nails across the back of his neck. Remus gave in, let him press a too-short, too-soft kiss to his lips before tilting Sirius’ head to the side, mouthing down his jaw to get at that faint little bruise beneath his ear and nipping at it softly, eyes fluttering closed at the taste of his skin, speaking before he could think. “You’re killing me over here, baby.”
Fuck—his stomach dropped instantly. He’d never said that before, never used any kind of pet name for Sirius at all, and it felt foreign in his mouth, foreign to his ears, settled badly in his stomach when Sirius let out a sharp exhale and reeled back. Remus was prepared to pretend it had never happened, maybe blame it on those neon colored drinks that kept appearing in his hands—but the words died on his tongue. 
Sirius’ eyes were wide, flicking back and forth fast between his own, cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Remus waited, watched Sirius look down at his lips and then back up, and barely heard him breathe, “Say it again,” over the music.
He hesitated, studied Sirius’ face carefully to make sure he wasn’t reading it all wrong, and teased, “You’re killing me over here?”
Sirius shook his head, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “The other thing.”
“What?” Remus asked, dragging a thumb down his jaw, the desire to sink through the floor disappearing into thin air as he watched Sirius’ pupils dilate, felt his fingers trip up to tug at his hair. “Baby?”
Sirius nodded, pulling him in close and speaking low. “Yeah,” he smiled, “that one.”
Remus kissed him, had to, pulled him in with two hands on the side of his neck and bit at his lower lip, tasted artificial cherry and vodka and felt his stomach drop when Sirius gave a sweet little whine, pulling back just enough to speak.
“Again,” he whispered, melting further into Remus’ chest, looking up at him with that smug little grin that made his heart stutter. 
“Baby,” Remus repeated, kissing him again, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck, brain working overdrive, whirring loud in his ears. “My perfect, pretty baby.”
Sirius let loose a string of colorful curses that made Remus laugh before he was pulled in again. Sirius was seemingly entirely finished with teasing—kissed him hard and bit at his lip and slid his hands heavily back down his chest. He pulled away after several long moments, a deep flush staining his cheeks, and gave Remus a look.
“Don’t drink anymore,” he ordered, a secret sort of smile playing at the corner of his mouth. Remus’ skin tingled, heat racing down his spine.
“No?” he smirked, instantly grabbing for Sirius’ hand to keep him close when he stepped back. 
“No.” He reached across the table and grabbed an abandoned water on the other side—James’, most likely—sipping at it instead of the bright red drink he’d just brought over. "We should go to yours after this."
Remus was very, very on board with that.
The Outfit™️
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alexanderhamilton-official · 8 months ago
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𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦?
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𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.
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Hello everyone! My name is Pucca, I'm 27 years old and I go by she/her. I've had 7+ years of roleplay experience, and have already tried rping as Hamilton a few times before. I am from Turkey.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, from anons to threads to asks to NSFW. NSFW will be present on this blog, so though I can't keep minors away, do have the caution.
I will have two verses for hamilton. Before the war and after the war. So, young Alex and middle aged alex. They will both be tagged, which means his age will differ between RP to RP.
I will do my best to do him justice and be as historically accurate as possible, as far as my knowledge goes. I'm not so keep on history, but I do my researches, and I'm studying Alex's character to make sure I don't say anything out of pocket or something that doesn't fit him. If you see me post anything that you feel like doesn't fit his character, please tell me. I encourage it! I would love help on this, since again, I'm not even American nor do I love history all that much. So feel free to correct me!
Rest are basic roleplay rules, y'know, don't spam, respect, don't pester me, all that good stuff. I hope we have fun!
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ciceroprofacto · 13 days ago
Would you ever sell printed copies of your writing or artwork?
A couple people have messaged me over the years that they printed and bound SOA for themselves. That's awesome, and I'm totally supportive of it, but I don't see myself selling any form of physical copies.
I do understand wanting to hold it and read it in easier font. So, if anyone wants to print and bind for people, message me and I'll signal boost your operation. I'm just not interested in getting a company to mass print it for profit.
In all honesty, besides just keeping it free, I also prefer the digital format since it's a work in progress and every time I reread it, I find little things to improve in my syntax. So, any physical copy will become outdated over time.
As for the art, I did make some magnets, pillows, calendars, etc. back in 2017 as gifts for family, and I offered to sell the extras on here, but I only sold 2-3 by direct request and I shipped them at a loss.
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alexandria-thornton · 4 months ago
How long has it been since you got a good fuck? How many nights having to lay in bed with a throbbing hard on that you can’t give attention to, how many nights have to had to fight sinful thoughts that you so desperately want to act upon. Does kermit make those thoughts bubble up inside you. I bet you wish to claim him mind body and soul. Want to have him fully. Give in. Make him truly yours so no one can take him from you. It’s what god would want, protect kermit and bind to him internally.
I wish for another Flood
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