#alex i swear if meerk stays dead-
archaickobold · 4 years
Oh hey I said I'd do a prediction for tomorrow's rqg episode
Alex is a cruel cruel man and no one remembers anything from the death/limbo zone
Which does open up the idea that Zolf died since he has white hair (one of my favorite theories I saw on the discord)
Or, perhaps even more painfully, the guides remember, the people who died don't
Or, everyone remembers everything and they have to face their emotions. Also if this one is true Wilde is probably going to pretend he forgot, just to mess with everyone
I love that bard so much alex dont take him away from me ever again
Hugs!! I said hugs last time and azu got the thing with aphrodite so 👀👀
I will feel many many emotions
We may get a singular Answer™ that will probably bring up several more questions
B e a r
Some cel backstory?? Pls id like some cel backstory
Zolf talk about your feelings challenge- (tho I fear hes used up his allowance for that 😔 oh well at least he used it to get Wilde back)
Seriously guys I'm still thinking about them
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