#alex fierro fanfic
weirdoughnut · 2 months
Chapters: 1/38 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, (fractionally; see the authors note)
(All 38 chapters are written! Updates will come every 1-2 weeks. You need to have read up to HoO for this; ToA, TSaTS, and MCGA are optional.)
HELLO pjo fandom. Did or do you:
lose your shit when Reyna took the oath?
miss the funny chapter titles?
want to see the Hunters written without the focus on their anti-boy shtick?
enjoy fanfics that makes breadloaves out of canon’s crumbs of detail?
prefer to read works written by someone on meth (as opposed to Uncle Rick’s crack (i don’t mean this. thank u rick))?
remember to drink water?
forget to drink water?
want Jason back?
If you answered “yes” to at least one of these (even the water ones; the bar is low), then The Daughters of Rome is up your alley! Read more if you still need convincing, hit the link if you don’t, and please go away if you somehow answered “no” to every single question. I am scared of you.
DoR picks up a few days after The Sun and the Stars but diverges from several things established in ToA. Some of these divergences are handwaves (like Reyna relinquishing her aegis), but others hugely impact the story (like Jason’s death). This fic is pretending to be the latest instalment to the Rickverse; many characters are OCs, including Reyna’s co-narrator. We get a whole new set of prophecies and pick up on ToA’s loose threads.
The writing aims to be wholeheartedly queer, multicultural, and ““taboo””—because it’s fun and we’re sexy and I like to eat people’s yummy food. DoR isn’t a grittier/dirtier/whateverier version of canon, it’s just a fic that let me write about what I know and begin to learn about stuff I didn’t.
Essentially: Rick has a diverse cast; that fucks, make it louder. Just because!
That said, I wanted to have fun writing a story. There isn’t a letter in this final version that I didn’t enjoy putting to paper. If you wanna know what “fun” looks like to a yapping literary nerd with chronic hangnails and a bottle of methylphenidate, DoR is feverishly symptomatic. please read or i’ll cry like this 😢
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archgabrielangel · 10 months
i would like to thank every Fierrochase fanfiction writer who does what Rick never had the balls to do I love yall sm🫶🫶🫶
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cabin-7-bitch · 6 months
my friend made a discord server for fanfic writers!!
join if you’re a fandom fan fiction writer!!
(PJO preferably but that doesn’t matter)
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bilbysaurus · 7 months
What I write:
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus:
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Annabeth Chase?
Piper Mclean?
Magnus Chase:
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Samirah Al-Abbas?
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle?
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
What I will not write:
Polygamous Relationships
Incest (no.)
Abusive Relationships
What I will write:
Angst (i'll tryy)
What would they do if...
that's it for now my love :)
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Trials of Loki AU Chapter 1
@parrotxx I did it!
Well atleast the first Chapter. I'm still not sure how i'll get him to earn his place back to godhood. And it was a little rushed near the end. Also havent proof read.
Hi, I'm Loki Laufeyjarson. I used to be a god—err, Jotun. My 'godly membership' was revoked two thousand and sixteen years ago.
In my many, many years of living (if you can call most of it life), the Aesir have punished me in lots of creative ways. They've forced me to go get new golden hair for Sif. Let my mouth get stitched up. Murdered my sons and defiled their corpses to chain me to a rock. Put a snake over the aforementioned rock to drip venom on my face until Ragnarok.
But never in my immortal existence have they done something like this.
And I'm not even sure how they did it.
The last thing I remember was making an err...tactical retreat after a flyting with Magnus Chase. Being in a walnut that I definitely chose to be in, then sitting on a table surrounded by very angry Aesir, and then falling. Buildings spiralling in and out of my view. I tried to shapeshift into a bird, a dragon, or maybe even a butterfly—something that, as a Jotun, should come naturally to me, but I just kept falling, still humanoid. Which is very...uncomfortable.
Thankfully, I had a soft landing.
I sat up, groaning in a pile of leaves, spitting out a red leaf, and glaring at the park groundskeeper, who was staring at me bewildered. My ribs ached, and I was pretty sure were broken.
"What?" I snapped, "Never seen a guy fall from the sky?"
The groundskeeper's jaw dropped, and he fled, leaving his rake behind. Pretty sure he needed that.
The very annoying voice of Odin rang in my mind: YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF, LOKI.
"Very helpful, Odin. Now, how do I fix it? Do I have to watch one of your stupid PowerPoints?" I asked, "Get you a new raven?"
Odin's shrill voice boomed in my head like he was yelling too close into a microphone: FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF.
I rolled my eyes, massaging my temples. Great. Just great. Not only do I get—
—AND MY POWERPOINTS AREN'T STUPID, Odin bellowed before going completely silent.
Well, they are, old man, I thought before attempting to pick myself up from the leaf pile. My ribs cracked and throbbed in protest, and my stomach clenched. I barely managed to stand up before I wanted to sit back down again.
My vision blurred. I was in some sort of park. Blobs that I assumed were mortal children were playing loudly on a bigger blob—a playground of some sort, maybe?— nearby. Another grey blob stood in front of me—A statue, sadly probably not of me. I could hear running water, a fountain?
I took a deep breath, which was a mistake.
"Owwwweee!" I hissed through my teeth, "Yep. Yep, ribs definetly broken!"
My entire body screamed at me to lie back down. This mortal form was so... fragile. Every movement felt like snake venom dripping on my face, only this time it was my entire body. Everything was so soft and painful — How do you humans live like this? How do you deal with being so, so...weak? So fragile? Broken that easily? I hated it!
I managed to —painfully— drag myself to a bench, which proved to me once again that my ribs were definitely broken.
On the bright side: my vision finally decided to stop pretending it's a funhouse mirror and I could properly take in my surroundings.
I was right about the statue, it was not of me. Very sad. It was of that one guy—Leaf I think his name was. Seriously you mortals should get a statute of me erected (haha) instead of that nobody.
The sound of wolves howling rudely broke me out of my thoughts.
Which meant Fenris' pups were on the prowl.
Now usually I'm fine with wolves, my own son Fenris was born a wolf after all and these were his children—my grandchildren. But, I knew well enough to tell the difference between an 'I'm hungry let's go hunt, guys' howl and an 'Oh my gods guys. I love you all so much' howl.
This howl was the former.
And I'm not sticking around for it. Not because I think they'll attack me. They wouldn't dare try that. But because watching my grandchildren tear apart a mortal or the odd demigod brings back some very um.... unpleasant memories.
With a very painful protest from my squishy, broken, weak mortal body, I got up from the bench and started hobbling out of the park.
As I trudged out of the park and up the street, It started pouring rain because I clearly hadn't been humiliated enough. Thor decided to soak me.
"Really?" I yelled at the sky, slightly regretting it at the sharp sting of my ribs.
YES REALLY, Odin's voice boomed in my head. Though that could have been my imagination or delirium from the broken ribs.
"I'd never do this to you!" I retorted, pointing angrily at my head. Earning some weird looks from passing mortals.
YES YOU WOULD, several Aesir said in unison before going silent once more.
It's true I would. But that was beside the point! 
I am once again asking how you mortals deal with this? THIS IS TORTURE! And I should know! I've been tortured! Many times!
A car driving past decided I wasn't soaked and miserable enough and lovingly gave me a splash of muddy water, soaking my clothes, causing them to cling to my body.
I snarled before shivering.
I have to get out of here fast, I thought bitterly. I couldn't stay in one place for too long, not unarmed and injured anyway; I have too many enemies. All of which want me dead. Can't imagine why, I'm a delight!
But the problem with having as many enemies as I have is that I don't have many allies. There's my wife Sigyn, she's the only person I truly trust to not stab me in the back—mostly cause her hands are full from holding the bowl over my face but I digress.
But that opens up a whole other problem: I don't know where she is. She could be across the country ceramic bowl shopping for all I know!
So that kinda leaves me only one option, and I know neither one of us is going to like it. But I am really starting to feel woozy and I don't have a choice.
I stood outside Randolph Chase's mansion—well more Magnus Chase's mansion. I think Randy died, pretty sure I killed him. Not too sure about that, some of my memories are a bit foggy. Hope that's not a permanent thing.
Despite our rocky history of me trying to kill him and possibly killing his uncle, the son of Frey has proven himself to be somewhat sympathetic to me in the past. So maybe, I could appeal to his sense of compassion.
And if that doesn't work then I'll just convince one of my children to let me in. Because my children just cannot say no to me.
Because if they say no I'll make them say yes because they owe it to me for their powers and creating them.
Yay, parenting! 
The snarling wolf knocker rattled as I knocked on the door. Seriously what was it with Randy and wolves? Like, dude your sister got mauled by wolves have some decency...oh right he worked with me. He doesn't have that.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Why did I feel so tired all of a sudden? Why am I even doing this?
The door swung open and I had to dodge to avoid being hit in the face, something my broken ribs enjoyed very much.
It was in fact not Magnus that made an attempt on my life through door. It was the green-headed menace that I called my child.
Alex Fierro.
He—she? I couldn't tell, guess Odin didn't just take my immortality—didn't react to me in her/his usual hateful face. Which was a good sign. What wasn't a good sign was the fact that my vision was starting to swim again.
"Hey, Alex!" I chirped, before promptly passing out.
Oh for fuck sake.
Chapter 2: Will be written soon.
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moonbugs9058 · 5 months
Cost of Living - New Blitzstone fic now available on AO3
"Blitzstone," we all say in unison. I finished Cost of Living! Everybody cheered! Okay, so, the formatting is a little weird because I wrote it on Google Docs and AO3 doesn't like it but I don't feel like going through the whole thing and deleting a bunch of spaces. Let me know if it did something really dumb like separate sentences into two separate lines and I'll get right on fixing that. Please leave me comments! They can be anything from comments about my writing to your own blitzstone headcanons to just general screaming about Blitzstone. I thrive on author's serotonin and it makes writing all of this worth it for me. Please enjoy Cost of Living :D Cost of Living <- Click this to get to the fic!
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magnus-falafelking · 7 months
OOC (fierrochase high school au fic im starting)
Chapter 1
Blue Jolly Ranchers Rock
“Come on, Magnus, it won’t be that bad. It’s just a school.” 
“I was homeschooled my whole life, Annabeth. This is bad.” I crossed my arms.
Annabeth Chase smiled serenely, “I promise you it’s not. You’ll make new friends and stuff.”
“I thought you were gonna introduce me to your friends,” I raised an eyebrow.
“I am,” Annabeth hesitated, “But you should make other friends as well.”
“Hmph,” Was all I said to this. What I really wanted to do was ask Annabeth if she was embarrassed by her weird cousin with chin-length unkempt blonde hair. Oh right, I reminded myself, that’s me. I looked up at the big bricked building. I definitely did not want to be here. After my mom, Natalie Chase died, I went to live with my cousin Annabeth, her father, and step-family. 
I was thankful for them of course, but I always hated the pitied looks from my relatives. 
My mom was dead and that was that. End of discussion. Don’t feel sorry. It’s fine.
“Come on, Mags, we gotta get to the front office to get your schedule and meet your guide,” Annabeth said, starting up the sidewalk to the front door.
Her words sent panic flowing through my system.
“Wait, what guide?” I asked, stopping my cousin by grabbing her arm.
Annabeth sighed and yanked away from me gently, “I forgot to tell you, I’m not gonna be showing you around the place. I can’t, I’ve got an algebra test first period!” Annabeth looked at me with, sorry Magnus, work always comes first because I'm such a nerd, but you’ll survive!! still sorry though! grey eyes. Grey eyes were pretty much a Chase family trademark. Mine were the same shade.
“It’s fine,” I muttered. And maybe it was. Maybe the guide would be totally cool. I’d be friends with them and I would have a not-so-horrible first day. Or maybe the guide would be a total jerk and I would have a miserable day.
It was a 50-50 chance.
Unfortunately, I had no choice but to take the chance.
Annabeth swung the door open and I saw an old lady secretary sitting behind a computer, typing away.
The lady smiled when she saw Annabeth, “Good morning, Ms. Chase,” she said to her.
“Morning, Mrs. Davidson!” Annabeth said and then whispered to me, “Get on her good side. She’s got a whole jar of blue jolly ranchers on her desk.” 
“Uh,” I started my sentence in a very cool, impressive way, “Morning,” I said to the old lady.
“You must be Magnus Chase, our new student,” Mrs. Davidson glanced at me once before pulling open the desk drawer and pulling out a slip of paper—my schedule.
“Here you go,” she handed me the paper and peered at me over her glasses, “Welcome to Half Blood High.”
Chapter 2
Samirah Studies me Like I’m Her History Textbook
As a new student, I certainly did not get the fresh pick of classes for my sophomore year.
Biology, Algebra, Geography, English, PE, and Spanish
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, and boring.
And then for my elective, I got…art?
Art. Magnus Chase and art? I was sure the people who arranged this schedule were messing with me. 
I would’ve much preferred choir or something. I liked to sing. And I was actually sort of good at it.
I didn’t have anything against art, I just kinda sucked at it. 
I guessed I’d have to get over the sucking if I wanted to pass.
My mother, however, was great at art. She’d paint me pictures every birthday, and hang them on my bedroom wall.
By the time I was 13, 13 painted pictures were hanging above my bed.
And now there were none. All the paintings were burned in the fire. Along with Natalie Chase.
I turned to Annabeth.
“Where my guide?” I asked.
“She should be- “
The office door swung open.
A girl with dark olive skin ran in. She wore a green hijab, jeans, a dark purple hoodie, and black sneakers. She wore an exhausted expression.
“Sorry I’m late,” the girl panted, and then her eyes met mine, “You must be Magnus,” She sighed.
“Uh, yeah,” I cleared my throat, “Hey.”
The girl looked at me like she was trying to figure me out.
Good luck! I wanted to tell her. I can’t figure me out myself!
“I’ll be your guide. My name’s Samirah,” she finally said, “But call me Sam.”
“Cool. You can uh, call me Magnus,” I stammered.
Sam laughed, which meant she thought I was funny, or an idiot.
The second option was probably the one.
“Well Magnus,” Sam glanced back up at me, “I guess I should start showing you around.”
After about an hour of a tour from Sam, I got a pretty good idea of the place.
“Any questions?” Sam asked when we returned to the main foyer. 
How do I get out of this? But I didn’t actually say that. I asked my brain, which didn’t have an answer. What an unhelpful brain.
“No,” I cleared my throat, “Thanks for uh, showing me around.”
“No problem,” She said, “It’s about to be lunchtime so we should get to the cafeteria,” Sam started down the hall.
“Oh. Yeah, okay,” I followed behind Sam.
I wondered if I’d get to meet Annabeth’s friends. From what I had heard, they were kind of popular at school and were really nice. 
I had already met her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, who was super cool and was on the swim team.
But there was also Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, and Will, who were mysteries to me.
I also wondered if they were too cool for me. Which was cringey, but just how I felt. I wondered what Annabeth had told them about me.
And ultimately, if I were to join the group, 9 was an odd number.
Woah. I was kinda jumping the gun. 
I hadn’t even meant them yet and I was worrying about being a ninth wheel?
Calm down, Magnus, I told myself.
Someone else said my name.
It was Sam, who had stopped walking and turned to face me.
“You okay?” She asked.
“I’m- yeah im good.” 
I wondered why she cared. Sam was nice, but she’d only just met me.
Sam considered me, her brown eyes interlocking with my grey ones. 
Now, usually if I were to make such serious eye contact with a cute girl, I’d be a complete mess. But Sam looked at me with eyes that were narrow and accusing. 
“I’m trying to figure you out, Magnus Chase. This whole time, you’ve barely said anything to me. Are you sure you’re fine?” 
I hesitated but quickly nodded. I jumped as the loud bell rang.
A look of realization came over Sam’s face.
“Are you nervous?” She asked.
Embarrassment washed over me.
“Uh, I don’t know,” I said.
“Ok. So you’re nervous. I get it. First day can be hard. But Half Blood High is a relatively open minded and friendly place.”
“You just…have to look out for the right people is all,” Sam’s expression softened.
I could tell she was one of the right people.
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Now let’s go to lunch.”
“Annabeth!” I spotted her by her curly blonde hair.
She was walking into the cafeteria with Percy and pretty cocoa haired girl with light brown skin.
Annabeth glanced at me wore a tight smile and gave me a small wave.
I told Sam thanks and bye, and waked up to Annabeth.
“Is this Magnus?” The girl beside Annabeth asked.
Annabeth sighed, “Yep. Piper meet my cousin, Magnus Chase. Magnus, meet my best friend, Piper McLean.”
“Sup,” I said to Piper.
“Sup,” Piper smirked.
“Sup,” Percy added in, giving me a fist bump.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. She grabbed my arm and led me into the cafe, Percy and Piper following right behind.
Annabeth led me to a circle table in the middle of the cafe where 5 other students sat.
She pointed her finger at each of them and told me their names.
The dude Piper sat next to was Jason Grace. He was a tall guy with short, straight blonde hair and glasses. He had a small scar on his upper lip and greeted me with a small smile. 
Next to Jason, sat Leo Valdez. He had light brown skin and dark but wide eyes that seemed to have a spark in them. 
“Uh uh uh,” Leo interrupted Annabeth, “Not just Leo Valdez. I’m Leo Valdez bad boy supreme.”
Annabeth just sighed.
“If Calypso was here she’d agree!”
Next to Leo was Will Solace, who seemed like a ray of sunshine with his tousled curly blonde hair and cheeks littered with freckles. He smiled at me and waved.
Nico di Angelo leaned against Will’s shoulder. He looked at me with dark calculating eyes. The look wasn’t so much hatred, as it was how Sam looked at me a few minutes ago.
Speaking of Sam, I wondered where she sat. My eyes darted around and saw Sam sitting with a red haired girl, an African American guy, and a muscular guy. They were laughing, joking and smiling and having a good time. They seemed nice. 
But I turned back to Annabeth’s friends.
“Okay well that’s everyone. Hazel and Frank aren’t here right now. They’re at a Save Our Strays meeting. Bye now,” Annabeth told me.
“I thought I was-“ 
Annabeth gave him a warning look but with a bit of exasperation.
“Go sit with Sam,” she told me.
A rush of irritation flowed through me.
I went to sit with Sam.
“Oh! Hey there Magnus,” Sam was surprised as I set my lunch bag down.
“Can I sit here?” I asked her.
“Of course,” Sam pulled out the chair for me and then turned to her friends, “This is Magnus Chase.”
“The guy you were showing around? Aka the reason you were absent in calculus this morning and I couldn’t copy off of ya?” The girl with curly red hair asked Sam with a smirk.
“Yep,” Sam replied and then introduced me to all her friends.
The red haired smirking girl was Mallory Keen.
The muscular guy who seemed to be close with Mallory was Halfborn Gunderson. He held up an hand and waved at me.
The African American guy with short girly brown hair and light eyes was T.J.
As I sat down and said hi to them, I noticed an object sticking out of Mallory’s book bag. It looked like a…
“Mallory,” I started, my eyebrows raised, “What’s that?” I asked.
Mallory looked from me to the knife.
“Oops,” she stuffed the knife in a different pocket so that it was hidden, “Silly me.”
Silly me?
“What were you gonna uh, use that for?” I pressed.
“Just a precaution,” Mallory assured me, “Sometimes us girls have to take certain precautions,” And she ended the conversation with a one syllable laugh.
“There’s so many people transferring to Half Blood High,” T.J told me, “First you and now Sam’s…”
“Brother.” Sam finished after a bit of consideration.
I thought about that. Why would Sam attend Half Blood High but her brother is just now transferring?
Sam seemed to read my mind.
“He’s my half brother. He just got out of a…situation and moved here,” Sam shifted uncomfortably.
I nodded. I understood situations very well.
“Anyways,” Sam cleared her throat, “We’ll get to that tomorrow.”
“Where’s your schedule?” T.J then asked, “We should see if you have any classes with us.”
I dug in my somehow already unorganized book sack and pulled out my schedule.
“Cool! We’ve got calculus together!” Mallory pointed at his second period class and glanced at Sam, who was also in that class.
“Thank god,” I muttered.
I really didn’t want to go through 10th grade calculus alone.
“We’ve got PE,” Halfborn noticed.
With his muscles, I would’ve assumed Halfborn was on the football team or something like that. But he wasn’t and that’s fine. That just meant I wouldn’t endure physical torture alone either.
“And we’ve got history together along with Sam and Halfborn,” T.J smiled at me.
“Cool,” I nodded and picked up my schedule.
I ate my sandwich as I watched Mallory and Sam get into a deep conversation about alternative bands. 
“You like twenty one pilots?” I asked when she mentioned them.
“Yeah. I also like Weezer and The Killers,” I told her, unscrewing the cap on my Gatorade bottle.
“Me too,” Sam smiled.
“Oh great. Now they’re going to geek out.,” Mallory sighed.
“Now,” Sam looked at me with a glint in her eyes, “Blue Album, Green Album, or Teal Album?”
“Oh, Blue Album all the-“
The bell rang.
We groaned.
“Well, I’ve gotta get to English. You better hurry, Magnus. The art room is upstairs,” Sam informed me.
So I rushed to my class.
Chapter 3
Nico Di Angelo is a Dam Good Artist
“Sorry…I’m…late,” Magnus said between tired breaths.
“It’s only your first day, Chase. I’ll let it slide,
The teacher, Mr Blitz, told him. He was a stout man with dark skin, long dreads and an interesting fashion sense.
I studied the room and I found an empty seat next to one of Annabeth’s friends, Nico di Angelo.
He looked at me with the same dark eyes he had given me at lunch.
I sat down next to him.
It was the only open seat.
“Today, class, you will be continuing the portrait project,” Mr Blitz told them, “For those of you who have just joined us, you will draw a portrait of someone special in your life. Now, get started and get creative!”
I grabbed a sheet of blank sketch paper from off the counter and started to sketch the shape of a head. 
Though, I wasn’t sure whatever shape I drew sufficed as a head but it would have to do.
I glanced over at Nico, who was working on two portraits. One was visibly a girl, the other a boy. If there was anything Nico was, it was a dam good artist.
He seemed to have finish the boy before the girl, because I could tell who the boy was— Will Solace. 
From their body language at lunch, I wondered if they were together. 
“Are you judging my art?” A gritted voice spoke.
I looked up. Nico was glaring at me.
“I- well- um- you see-“ I spluttered.
“I’m kidding,” one side of Nico’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, “I like to joke.”
I couldn’t tell with the way Nico presented himself as dark and brooding. I guess all that “Don’t judge a book by its cover” crap pays off.
“Your portraits are good,” I told Nico, glancing back down at them.
“Thanks. I’m going to give this one to Will,” Nico said, gesturing to the finished product.
Nico had a slight Italian accent that was very prominent when he said his i’s, making “Will” sound like “weel”.
“Is- is Will your…” I left the words hanging, hoping Nico would finish for me. He did.
“My boyfriend,” He raised an eyebrow, “Yeah. He is”
Nico seemed the defensive with these words.
I, personally had no problems with information. Boy dates a boy, girl dates a girl. Whatever. It didn’t matter. 
But from how uptight Nico seemed about the subject, I assumed he’d gotten judged in the past.
So I said, “That’s cool.” 
Nico relaxed. “Yeah. It is.”
As time in the class ticked by, I was busy with my portrait. I decided to make it of my mom. Surprise, surprise.
Nico ended up helping me with the head since I guess I did it wrong or something.
At the end of class when the bell rang and Nico waved bye, I had to wonder, were me and Nico di Angelo now friends?
The rest of the day passed by relatively quick. I had biology, PE, and Spanish in the afternoon. 
When the bell rang, I met Annabeth at her car. 
I wasn’t that happy with her after lunch, but she was my only ride home.
I slid into the passenger seat and closed the door. Annabeth got in, turned the key, and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Are you mad at me?”
“Sure, I believe that,” Annabeth’s tone was sarcastic.
“You should,” I told her.
“Is this about what happened at lunch?”
I shrugged. 
“Magnus,” Annabeth turned to me when we pulled up at a stoplight, “I was just-“
“Are you embarrassed by me?” I had to ask.
“What? Mags, no. Of course not.”
“Then why'd you push me away from your friends? They're too good for me?”
“No!” Annabeth groaned, “You're taking this out of context. Magnus, I just want you to branch out. Have other friends rather than mine! Is that so bad.”
I shrugged.
“Would you stop that?” Annabeth said, “I'm trying to help you be independent, meanwhile you're stubborn.”
“I just thought you'd be by my side.”
“I'm not holding onto your leash or anything. I'm not your caretaker. For gods sake, I'm not your mom, Magnus!”
I don’t know why, but when Annabeth said this, something inside of me just snapped.
Not snap as in yell at her.
No. I just stayed silent, letting Annabeth’s guilt sink in.
Her face paled, considering her word choice, “Magnus, I-“
I shook my head. Hard. Tears threatened my eyes but I didn’t give in.
I stayed silent the rest of the car ride. So did Annabeth.
Chapter 4
Percy Mourns Over his Car
I woke up at 6 am to get ready for school. I ate breakfast across from my cousin in silence. But I was kinda tired of it.
Don’t get me wrong, I was mad at Annabeth, but I couldn’t stay salty forever.
It just wasn’t possible. Not when Annabeth was as kind and cool as she was.
“Uh,” I cleared my throat, “I heard there’s a dance next week. You taking Percy?”
Annabeth looked up at me with surprised eyes, “Yeah. The whole group’s going.”
I nodded. Personally, dances weren’t my thing. So I’d probably stay home.
“You could, um, tag along,” Annabeth offered.
I smiled. I really did appreciate Annabeth’s offer. And I was about to take it but, as I said, dances weren’t really my thing. 
What can I say? I’m a homeschooled kid. Big events freak me out.
Annabeth smiled.
I liked the terms we were on now.
Even if they just covered up a problem. Better than having the problem stick around.
After I got ready and Annabeth finished up doing whatever takes girls so long to get ready, we headed out the door to Annabeth’s car.
“Oh, Mags, I meant to tell you earlier, we’re gonna pick up Percy,” She told me, sliding into the driver's seat as I got in the passenger side.
“Cool,” I nodded, “Why?”
Annabeth smirked, “His car broke down.”
“So that kinda means you gotta move to the back.”
“Will I have to watch you two kiss?” I asked, moving to the back.
Annabeth scoffed but smiled, “Shut up.”
I just smirked and laid back in my seat.
When we pulled up to Percy’s apartment complex, I could see Percy jogging out. He got in the car and said, “Hey.”
“Hey,” Annabeth kissed his cheek.
I joked about a fake gag.
Percy turned to me, “Sup, Magnus?” He smiled.
“Nothin much. You?”
“A lot. I’m starting a job at the public pool to make some money to pay for a new car,” Percy grimaced.
“Yeah- how did that even happen?” I asked him.
“It just gave out on me!” Percy threw up his hands.
He sighed, “Man, and I liked that car.”
“There are other fish in the sea,” Annabeth smirked.
When we got to school, Percy went to walk Annabeth to class. I knew he loved his girlfriend, but the really advanced AP classes were at the far end of the school. If I were him, my legs would be screaming.
I made my way to first-period history, where I reminded myself I’d see some of my friends, TJ, Sam, and Halfborn.
Halfborn and TJ were already in the classroom when I walked in. 
They came up to me and we started chatting.
“Hey, Gunderson!” A rough voice called to Halfborn. 
Halfborn’s face twisted with exhaustion and frustration, “What do you want X?”
A big, strong guy with shaggy blonde hair walked up to them.
X’s lips curved into a sour smirk, “I was just wondering who this here is,” he glanced at me, “And apologize to him for having to join your pathetic band of weirdos.”
“Just leave us alone, Xander. Magnus chose to hang with us,” But TJ looked at me after saying that, his eyes asking: right?
“Yeah,” I said quietly, “I did.” 
I wasn’t quiet because I was ashamed.
I was quiet because I was nervous about the guy looming over my friends and me.
“Hmph,” Said X.
“Whatever, X,” Halfborn glared at him, “You’re just salty because I left the team.”
X opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say was cut off by the teacher telling the class to quiet down. X grunted and went back to his seat while TJ, Halfborn, and I sat down in our seats.
I got worried when Sam didn’t show up to class. Was she sick? Was I allowed to worry? Were we, like, friends?
When class dismissed, I asked TJ about Sam. 
“She’s showing around her brother, remember?”
“I forgot,” I said. But of course, Sam would be the one showing her brother around. I wondered what he was like. I wondered if we might be friends. Sam was in 11th grade. What grade was her brother in? Would he be in any of my classes?
Halfborn walked next to us, looking sort of dejected.
“Uh, you okay?” I asked him.
“I hate X,” He told me
“He seems like a jerk. Is he mean to you a lot?”
“Ever since we got into a fight and I left the football team.”
“Why’d you leave the team?” I wondered.
“Because I hated him. He talked about Mallory,” he replied.
“He was mad because she turned him down.”
“He liked her?” I asked.
“A lot. But Mallory was already dating me and she wasn’t interested. So she turned him down.”
“And he blamed you.”
Halfborn snorted, “He said I was “holding her back” Mals got mad at this of course, and wanted to murder him, but I handled it.” He said with a grin.
“But now he taunts you mercilessly,” I nodded.
“Every. Single. Day,” TJ said, frustration in his voice.
“Sorry,” was all I could think to say.
“No one's fault except that jerk’s” TJ assured me.
We stayed silent, the three of us walking side by side, until I had to go to calculus. So we parted ways and I made my way to the classroom. 
I sat next to the apparently murderous Mallory Keen and pulled out my workbook to do the problems on the board. 
We ended up working on our books all class. I watched the clock longing for the minute hand to just speed up. Would that be too much to ask? I ended up giving Mallory free answers because, you know, friendship.
When the bell rang I was glad to leave. Not Mallory, the class. In fact, I walked with Mallory to English and talked to her, asking about Sam’s brother and the jerk X.
Mallory sighed, “Did Halfborn mention this crap with X happened like, two years ago? When we were freshmen?” She asked.
“No,” I answered, surprised. Why was the dude so hung up on a 9th-grade unrequited love?
I went to English, where I found Piper McLean, Will Solace, and Jason Grace. They invited me to sit with them and I accepted their offer. I soon learned they were a fun bunch. I also learned they had some sort of loathing hatred for our English teacher, who was tight-faced and had a nasal voice that gave me a headache. Seemed as if everyone did. I assumed I would soon.
I practically zoomed out of that classroom when the bell rang for lunch.
Chapter 5
The New Kid Punches me because I am an Idiot
I met Halfborn, TJ, and Mallory at the lunch table.
“Hey Mags,” Mallory nodded at me.
“Have you seen Sam and her brother yet?” TJ asked me. 
“No,” I replied, “I thought they’d be here.” 
Halfborn shrugged, “Maybe she’s still showing-“
But he was cut off by Sam’s voice saying, “Hey.” Behind me. I turned around to face her, but when I saw the kid next to her, I forgot how the breathe.
The kid’s features struck me like lighting. A charismatic expression, wryly smile, green hair sprouting from dark roots, and two-toned colored eyes. The right eye was brown and the left one seemed to be a bronze-ish gold. There was a name for eyes like those, but I didn’t remember what it was. My mom always called them David Bowie eyes.
The kid wore a checkered sweater vest on top of a collared shirt, lime green jeans, rose-high tops, and a pink sweater wrapped around his waist.
“You can stop staring now,” The kid told me.
“I- I wasn't- you-” I blushed and looked away.
Sam whispered something to the kid, who went, “Yeah, yeah I know. I’ll introduce myself.”
The kid turned to the rest of us, “I’m Alex Fierro. Nice to meet you I guess.”
Alex pulled out the seat next to mine and plopped down, making himself at home. 
“Is he-“ Mallory started 
“She,” Alex corrected.
“What?” Mallory asked.
“Call me she unless and until I tell you otherwise.”
“Yeah but-“
“She and her,” Alex said firmly.
“Alex is genderfluid,” Sam told the group.
A stuffy, uncomfortable filled the area.
I hated awkwardness.
Maybe a joke would make things less tense.
“Genderfluid? So you uh, switch between genders? Do you assign a gender for each day of the week? Monday you’re a dude, Tuesday you’re a girl?” I attempted to crack a smile.
And apparently, my joke was so unfunny and idiotic that I earned a punch square in the face from Alex Fierro.
It wasn’t a horribly hard punch that would result in my nose breaking or bleeding.
It still hurt like hell. I’d probably have a bruise.
I didn’t blame Alex for hitting me. It was a lame joke. But why oh why did she have to have such a good punch?
“Agh,” I held my head in my hands.
“Magnus!” Sam exclaimed and then turned to Alex, “Why’d you do that?” She asked her.
“I- well he was being sort of stupid,” Alex pointed out.
“Maybe, but you shouldn’t have punched him.”
“The guy can take it, Sam.”
And she was right, I could take it. But that doesn’t mean I wanted it.
“Fine- it’s fine-“ winced, putting up my hand.
“I should still take you to the nurse,” Sam said.
She glanced around the cafe. Everyone was staring.
“Get back to your lunch, people!” Alex announced.
And they did. Because Alex Fierro was the kind of person you wanted to listen to.
Sam sighed. “Come on, Magnus, let’s go tell the nurse you ran into a wall.”
The nurse gave me an ice pack for my supposed run-in with the wall. 
“Sorry, Magnus,” Sam apologized as we made our way down the hall. 
“It’s not your fault,” I said.
“I know. It’s Alex. She’s just-“
“No it’s fine, I was being stupid.”
“I won’t deny or confirm that but Alex shouldn’t have punched you.”
I just shrugged.
“She hates this whole thing, you know?”
“Hates what?
“Being at a new school. Getting judged,” Sam replied, “She’s been judged by everyone her whole life. Classmates, adults. Even her own family was…toxic.” That hadn’t seemed to be what Sam wanted to say at first but she left it at that.
“Oh. So she’s wary of people. That’s why she punched me,” I guessed.
“Probably. But maybe she just didn’t like your comment. I didn’t really like it either. You need to work on your humor, Chase.” She shot me a smirk.
I smiled, “Yeah, I do.”
The bell for 4th period rang before we could even get back to the cafeteria. Luckily, Sam and I had brought our things with us in case of this. So we just headed to class.
I had hoped to avoid Alex Fierro for the rest of the day. Not because I hated her for punching me. Because I wanted to give her time to cool off so that I wouldn’t need to go to the nurse for a second time.
But luck is never in my favor, since Alex Fierro was who I saw in my art class, chatting with Mr Blitzen.
Mr Blitzen pointed at me and Nico’s desks, which couldn’t be a good sign, and turned back to Alex and continued speaking.
The horror only got worse.
Alex sat down in Nico’s empty seat. Where was Nico? I silently cursed him, as his absence would most likely result in another bruise.
I slowly made my way to his seat, not saying a word to Alex. 
That was until she slapped two crisp dollar bills in front of me. One was a ten, the other a five.
“Uh, what’s this?” I asked.
“Payment, duh,” Alex smirked.
“For-for punching my face?” I pointed to my bruise.
“What else?”
“You don’t have to pay for my face,” I shook my head.
Alex snorted, “That sounds weird.”
“It does.”
“Anyways, if you don’t want my money then I guess…”
I sort of did want it. I’d probably be able to get a new comic book with that money. But Fierro didn't need to give me apology money.
“You can take it back,” I told him.
“Whew. That's a relief. I kinda need that money anyways,” Alex said. I wondered why but decided not to ask. Maybe it had something to do with the “situation” she had gotten herself into.
We stayed silent. Alex had gotten a paper to work on her own portrait. I couldn't quite tell who she was drawing. A boy, but he wasn't familiar. Of course not, since I wasn't connected to Alex in any way except for Sam. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized. I had seen Fierro before. I wasn't sure exactly when or where, but I was pretty sure I might've seen her on the street or in an aisle at a store in my old neighborhood.
“His name is Adrian,” A voice broke my train of thought.
“What?” I looked up at Alex.
“The guy in my portrait,” she clarified, “His name was Adrian.”
“Oh, cool,” was all I could say. Because I caught the “was” and wanted to talk about it. But I didn't want to make Alex uncomfortable, or worse, earn another punch.
She looked at my paper, “May I give you a suggestion? Outline the proportions before you start on the features.”
I looked at the portrait. The proportions were out of place. That's why my mom's eyes looked so weird.
“Thanks,” I told her.
“Least I could do since I kinda gave you a black eye,” Alex shrugged.
“Is it that bad?” I asked.
“Nah not really,” Alex answered, “The bruising is only under your eye,” she said.
And we were silent while working on our projects for the rest of class.
I didn't know what to do with Alex Fierro. She was intimidating. Intense. But at the same time, she was intriguing. I wanted to know Alex Fierro. I wanted to figure out what she was all about.
But how could I dig deeper without hurting her? (which would result in hurting me)
After class, when the bell rang, I decided to do something.
I stopped Alex Fierro on the way out.
“Can I have your number?”
Alex raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Uh, because I wanna text you,” I replied.
“Because that’s what friends do?”
“We’re friends?” Alex raised her other eyebrow.
“I mean, do you want to be…?” 
Alex shrugged. “I guess.”
She gave me her number.
Chapter 6
Sam lets me Have the Aux Cord
“Magnus!” Sam called to me. 
I was walking in the student parking lot, heading to Annabeth’s car, when I spotted Sam and Alex standing by a blue Mazda.
I walked over to them.
“I didn’t know you could drive,” Sam said, “Are you sixteen?” She asked.
“No, I’m fifteen,” I answered.
My birthday was in January. It was currently March.
My mind went back to the time when I was thirteen. My mom promised me she’d get me a car for my birthday. She’d already started setting money aside when I started junior high. 
“I want to get you a sports car,” She told me one day when we were on the road.
“Why?” I asked, “Aren’t those expensive.”
“Maybe,” mom sighed with a sad smile, “But you know, high school girls like riding in sports cars. With the top down, a cute guy next to her.”
“Ew,” I said.
My mom gave a soft laugh, “You might say that now, but that’s how I met your father.”
My mother’s eyes looked tired and sad. That’s how they always looked when she talked about my dad.
“Uhh, Magnus?” Sam waved in front of me.
“Oh, sorry,” I apologized and looked at her car, “Nice ride,” I told her.
“Thanks,” Sam smiled, “Alex and I were just about to head back home. You need a ride?”
I hesitated, but then said, “If it’s not too much trouble.”
I wondered if Annabeth would mind. Probably not. She was driving Percy home anyway and I really didn’t feel like being a third wheel.
“It’s not. And I’ll let you have the aux,” Sam smiled.
“But I thought-“ Alex started.
“Let the guy with the black eye pick the music,” Sam said firmly, “Besides I’m tired of listening to Odetari.”
Alex rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. But I call shotgun!” Alex slid into the passenger side seat.
Sam looked at me with exhaustion. Being Alex’s sister must be tiring.
I got into the back seat and Sam got in the drivers side.
After buckling up I pulled out my phone and texted Annabeth that I was riding with Sam.
Me: I’m riding with Sam. She’s gonna drop me off. Don’t be mad.
Annabeth: why would I be?
Me: idk tell Percy hi for me
Annabeth: k see you later
“Well, Maggie, ready to play us some sick tunes?” Alex asked, glancing back at me before opening the top mirror, pulling out a tube from her bag and touching up her eyeliner.
“Don’t call me Maggie,” I said, taking the cord as Sam handed it to me.
I plugged my phone in and opened Spotify.
I tapped on my main playlist that included my favorite bands. Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, Weezer, and The Killers.
The first song that came on shuffle was 505.
Alex put her eyeliner away and grinned, “I absolutely love this song,” she said.
“Is this…Arctic Monkeys?” Sam asked, “I have their AM record.”
As the song went on, I started singing quietly. Not too loud, or I’d probably ruin the song for Alex and Sam. But still, I sang. I loved singing this song. I felt a rush of satisfaction as I hit the notes perfectly.
My favorite lyric was about to come up and I sang my heart out when the singer sang: I crumble completely when you cry
When the song ended, I found Alex turned around in her seat, looking at me with a daring glint in her eye.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” She exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Sam looked at me in the rear view mirror, “Magnus that was…awesome!”
“T-thanks,” I told them. I didn’t know what to do with this compliment. I had a love for singing since I was little, but nobody had ever told me my voice was awesome.
“I wish I had my guitar with me. I learned to play that rift a while ago,” Alex told me.
“And I could totally learn that on drums,” Sam added.
We were all quiet for a second, deep in thought.
“Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Sam asked over Weezer’s Sweater Song.
Alex smirked, “We should start a band.”
“What?” I asked. I was thinking it too, but I didn’t know they were serious.
“We totally could,” Sam agreed.
“I’m in, obviously,” Alex said.
“So am I,” Sam looked at me, “You in Magnus?”
“I-“ I paused. Maybe this was good. Maybe a band would be the perfect way to get my mind off of things, “I’m in.” I made up my mind.
@imasimpdealwithit i think you wanted to read this lol
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fablesage · 8 months
Once I reread the Magnus Chase books, I wanna write a fic where Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara do a video on the Hotel Valhalla crew a la the Jackson Files
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 5 months
Despite Everything
For @drewtanakaweek's weekly Flash Fic Friday prompt for the Riordanverse: "It's not my fault..." I kind of did a play on it of sorts. Of course, since it's so short, I'm publishing on Tumblr rather than on Ao3. New Ao3 fic is possibly in the works.
SUMMARY: The day of Adrian's funeral, Alex makes a choice.
WORD COUNT: 573 words
TW: Discussion of suicide (non-graphic)
The day Alex found out was the day that he resolved that he would live. Despite everything, despite the Boston winters and the nights with claws and teeth, despite the various beings trying to kill him because of whom his mother was, he would live. He would get past this terrible stage of his life and crawl out of this ditch and live long and well.
For hours, Alex walked around the city. He started leaving Forest Hills Cemetery as soon as the body was in the ground and just started wandering vaguely eastward without a real intention or destination. The leaves of trees in the graveyard were lit up in hues of red and orange, ready to be shed and rid of their roots. The sun shone in the October blue sky, not a cloud in sight. The day had no right to be this pretty. It felt disrespectful.
Adrian’s parents had invited Alex that morning, had told him that Adrian was gone, for no good reason other than that Adrian’s note was addressed to him. They had known Alex for a while, sure, but ever since they had caught Adrian and him smoking weed, he was banned from their house. Alex couldn’t really blame them. He didn’t know how bad of an influence he had been until Adrian wound up dead. It was like Alex’s suicidality had rubbed off on Adrian. Every time they were together, Alex felt like he was healing, as if someone was bandaging his wounds. He just wished that Adrian hadn’t been the gauze that just became bloodier and bloodier. As Alex got better, Adrian got worse, and neither of them ever pointed it out.
Alex’s ears were still ringing. He’d been in shock before. But this was worse. This wasn’t some kid punching him on the playground, or him running away from home, or his abuelo dying. This was somehow more personal.
Adrian’s mom had tried to be gentle when telling him the news this morning. She had found him in the soup kitchen where he had met Adrian almost a year before— the one where all of Adrian’s family volunteered. She told him to sit down. He set his chicken noodle soup down on the table and complied. The first thing she said was, “I want you to know It’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s. At least, I hope God won’t find my soul guilty.” Alex kept thinking about that— that it wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
Alex knew the afterlives— Helheim, Folkvangr, Valhalla, all the typical suspects. He couldn’t imagine that suicide was considered a heroic death. Adrian’s attempt at relief had most likely doomed him to Helheim, doomed him to fight on a side of a war on which he didn’t want to fight, doomed him forever. Alex tried not to think about forever.
Eventually, Alex ran out of sidewalk. He looked up and saw before him Boston Harbor, outstretching to the horizon. Without realizing it, he’d stumbled into Fan Pier Park, right by the water. He supposed he’d been thinking a lot.
After finding a bench on which to sit, Alex gazed out at the water— the waves crashing and surging against the concrete of the pier. And he promised himself that, no matter what, he would survive. He would make his life long and happy. He would see for himself the future that Adrian didn’t get to explore. And he would make it to next autumn.
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blondeforyou · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Fierro & Jason Grace Characters: Alex Fierro, Jason Grace Additional Tags: Post-The Burning Maze (Trials of Apollo), Mid-Canon, Post-The Ship of the Dead (Magnus Chase), Hotel Valhalla (Magnus Chase), Dead Jason Grace, Ambiguous/Open Ending Summary:
Jason Grace and Alex Fierro meet by chance, but is anything in their world ever really up to chance? Set after The Burning Maze and The Ship of the Dead, and before The Tyrant's Tomb
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archgabrielangel · 11 months
everyday I wake up and check ao3 in hopes that the completed Fierrochase fanfiction published in 2018 that I reread twice a day has updated
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sortofshea · 1 year
What Are We?
Fandom: Magnus Chase and the God's of Asgard
Pairing: FierroChase
Rating: Teen+
Words: 2.2k
Magnus wants to define his relationship with Alex... he just has criminally bad timing.
This is my first FierroChase mini fic. I wrote it with my partner after a looooooong break from writing absolutely anything, so please go easy on us lol
Tags: Hotel Valhalla, Post-Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Magnus is clueless, Alex is sarcastic and loves getting him flustered
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
Happy 60th birthday, Percy!
ao3 link
Percy couldn't remember a time Camp Half-Blood had ever been so full.
Not even his first summer, back before the wars when the gods were so damn horny and irresponsible, were there so many people (and mythical beings) packed into the space, made even more impressive by the fact that everyone seemed to be outside on the grounds, and Percy absolutely loved it. He hadn't seen some of these people in years, maybe even decades; apparently, two half-bloods reaching 60 years old - the first in centuries if he didn't include Nico and Hazel - was a big deal.
Of course, a gathering this size was sure to attract more vile attention, and someone had already spotted a couple hellhounds prowling around the wards, but whatever. Somebody younger could deal with it, someone who didn't have creaky knees.
Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a bright blue streak racing toward the steps of the Big House.
"Grandpa!" little Clio yelled as she catapulted herself into Percy's lap. As the oldest child of Percy and Annabeth's youngest child, Clio was their second youngest grandchild at only three years old. He figured her little brother was probably being passed around somewhere in the throng of people which was how she'd managed to slip away from her moms.
"Hey, squirt," he said, spitting out a piece of her wavy black hair as she got herself situated. "Are you having fun?"
She nodded vigorously. "Aunt Clarisse showed me where to punch someone so they go to sleep, and Aunt Rachel gave me paint tattoos!" She thrust her arms out to reveal both hands covered in roses and vines, and he stifled a laugh. That was sure to go over well with both her parents.
"That's so cool, sweetie," he said while rooting around in his pocket. "Hey, guess what I have!"
Somehow, her big grey eyes lit up even brighter. "What?"
"Candy!" She shrieked  at the sight of the shiny red Kit-Kat wrapper - her favorite, a trick he had picked up from his mom. He quickly unwrapped it and broke it in half. It was his birthday, after all.
A few minutes later found them playing rock, paper, scissors, both of them with sticky hands from the half-melted chocolate bar.
She giggled when he lost the fifth round in a row. "You suck at this."
His mouth dropped open. "Where did you learn that word?" Honestly, Percy couldn't care less what words she used, but kids always loved it when they thought they got away with saying a bad word.
This time was no different. "Uncle Magnus," she said gleefully.
His eyes widened in mock surprise. "Did you get to see Uncle Magnus today?"
She smiled and nodded.
Before he could question her further, Lucy, their youngest daughter, appeared at the bottom of the steps. "Dad, have you seen - oh, there she is. Clio, what did I say about running off?"
Mischief danced in his granddaughter's eyes. "Uh oh."
He laughed, knowing full well that the little girl was allowed to go wherever she wanted at Camp since no matter where she went, there would be a demigod, nymph, or some other mythical being ready to lead her back to her parents.
Then, Lucy spotted the Kit-Kat wrapper. "Dad! She's already had three cupcakes today!"
He stared Clio right in the eyes. "Uh-oh." She giggled again, and he looked back at his daughter who was glaring at him fiercely with eyes that perfectly matched her mother's. "She's my granddaughter, and it's my birthday. I can give her as much candy as I want." He started tickling her then and said a silent thank you that she was still small enough to lay down on his lap even while convulsing with laughter.
"Speaking of your birthday, there are a ton of people who want to talk to you down there." Her hands were on her hips, a habit she still retained from childhood. Anytime she wanted him or Annabeth to do something, this was the exact stance they got: pointed look and hands on hips. He caved almost every time, but then again, Annabeth had always been stronger than him.
Now, though, there was another one on his lap, giggling and wanting something completely different from him. "They can wait a little bit longer."
Lucy huffed but didn't say anything, just sat in the chair opposite him. "Where's mom?"
"I think I saw her with Aunt Piper," he answered. "Speaking of, where is your other child? And your wife?"
She waved a hand. "With Grandma." Of course they were. At 78 years old, Sally Jackson was as spry and magnetic as ever.  
In fact, she was coming up the hill with an infant in her arms.
"Mom, how do you always have a kid?" he said, and was pleased to see Lucy stand up to make a seat for her grandmother.
"Oh, no, don't get up for me. I just wanted to pop up here with the baby to say hello." She waved his little arm. "And to answer your question, son, it's grandma powers."
Again, he didn't question her, though he thought quietly that Annabeth didn't seem to attract children the way his mother did.
"Nana, El!" Clio piped from her place on Percy's lap, hands stretching toward her great-grandmother. Ever since her little brother had been born, she had been fascinated with him, constantly wanting to hold him and play with him.
Lucy gave her a stern look. "What do we say?"
Sally gave Percy a knowing look. It hadn't been very long ago when Lucy's older brother had done almost the exact same thing.
Tamping down the odd, bittersweet feeling, he got Clio situated to hold the baby: sitting up on his thighs with his hands under hers, a watchful eye trained on them between her wild strands of dark hair. "Go ahead, mom."
Gently, Sally lowered the baby into their arms. When he was secure, Percy allowed himself to fully appreciate the moment with his family. Four generations of Jacksons, all on the porch of the Big House. One mortal, one demigod, and two legacies. He never thought he'd see the day.
Of course, this party really was special for his mother. Mortals normally weren't allowed inside the Camp boundaries, but an allowance was made for today, just for his and Annabeth's family.
Sally leaned against his chair. "I remember when you looked like that at your sister."
"Mom, I was 17 when Estelle was born."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "And? I had never seen you sit so still. You had that same look in your eyes when Paul handed her to you."
"Sure, mom." He knew she was right, but he would never reach an age where ribbing wasn't funny.
She squeezed his ear. "Hey, I wanted to tell you that we're probably not gonna stay super long."
He gave her an offended look. "It's barely even 2!"
"We are very old, son. Besides, we spent the whole day with you on Annabeth's birthday. This party is really for you demigods, anyway, and us old coots have to be in bed by 8."
So, maybe that was true. "Fine."
"Hey, I was wondering where you all were," Lucy's wife Gina said as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs. With dark skin and mischief in her eyes, she was a very distant legacy of Mercury that Lucy had met at NRU in college. "Percy, Annabeth wants to talk to you."
"Excellent." If there was one person he would always get out of his chair for, it was her. "Where is she?"
Gina picked Elias up, and Percy set his granddaughter on the ground, grinning when she took off toward the crowd with barely a 'bye-bye.'
"Last I saw, she was at the desserts table."
"Thanks," he said and started heading down.
On his way, he was stopped no less than a dozen times by various people wishing him a happy birthday, some a happy 44th anniversary of the end of the Titan War.
Finally, he made it to Annabeth and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey, wise girl."
"Seaweed brain!" She turned around in his arms and kissed him as if they hadn't seen each other less than a half hour ago.
"Really? In front of the food?" their oldest child Nathan asked. At 34, he had seen his parents kiss countless times yet always seemed to have the same reaction.
"Yeah, guys, come on, really?" the son of Hermes and hero of Olympus asked as he tore into a blue cupcake.
"Hey, Travis," Annabeth said, arms still around Percy's neck. Nathan had already disappeared to the gods knew where, maybe to go find his girlfriend of 10 years, and they probably wouldn't see him again for a while.
Travis waved his cupcake. "We're so old, you guys. We're all getting into our 60s! What the hell happened?"
Just as Percy was about to ask one of his oldest friends to take his crisis somewhere else, Connor popped up out of no where and said, "Okay, bro, let's go find Katie." He then led his brother away to presumably fall into hysterics in the safety of his wife's arms.
Percy and Annabeth looked at each other and burst out laughing.
Eventually, Annabeth sobered and said, "He's not wrong. When Leo asked Bianca-" Nico and Will's daughter "-to play 'Material Girl', she said, 'I'm not playing freaking Taylor Swift,' and kicked him off the stage." She gave him a pointed look. "We're old, babe!"
Percy laughed. "That was news, like, 8 years ago." It was also around that time he realized their one strand of grey hair had turned into several strands, and Shrek was considered a classic. "She might have a point about Taylor Swift, though."
Annabeth gave him her patented 'don't get me started' look, and he wisely shut his mouth.
"What did you need me for?"
She wrinkled her nose. "Oh, I just wanted you to see all this blue food!" She waved a hand toward it all, and he recognized at least a couple of his mom's dishes amidst the blue cookies, blue brownies, blue cakes and cupcakes, and blue pasta noodles. He was practically in heaven.
Annabeth handed him a cupcake and took one for herself, and soon they were walking hand in hand through the crowd that had somehow grown since he first stepped into it.
Most of the faces were vaguely recognizable, people they knew from being the two most famous and revered demigods of their generation. Others, he didn't know. He supposed they were the ones that wanted to see firsthand two demigods that had managed to live so long.
He really couldn't blame them for that.
The rest were people they knew well. Speaking of-
"Magnus, Alex! I'm so glad you guys could come," Percy said when he saw the young blond and his partner. Young was relative, of course. Chronologically, Magnus and Alex were only a couple years younger than him and Annabeth, but that was impossible to know just by looking at them. Both still looked the picture of 16.
There was something to be said there about their perpetual youth as a metaphor for the permanence of death while everyone else aged, but today wasn't the day to think about it. Besides, he liked to leave that kind of thing to Annabeth. Instead, he thought about the novel occurrence of Norse demigod einherjar in Camp Half Blood. There were some Egyptian magicians running around, too. Really put the whole Greek-Roman split fiasco in perspective.
"Yeah, we managed to slip down between meetings," Magnus said. Nearly 45 years later and the Chase Space was going strong, so strong, in fact, that they had opened up several more. It was wonderful, but it was also a lot of work. "Blitz is there now with Hearth."
"Ooh, where'd the blue cupcakes come from?" Alex asked.
Annabeth laughed. "Right over there in the pavilion."
Alex waved in thanks before dragging Magnus over to the food.
Percy turned to Annabeth. "You know what I just realized?"
"I get a 10% discount at Burger King now." He was unreasonably excited for it.
She patted him on the back. "Good. You'll finally be able to join me."
If she thought that would rile him up, she was dead wrong. "Are you saying you want Burger King dates?"
"I'd go on a date anywhere with you." Somehow, she said it totally straight faced despite the cheesiness of the line. He appreciated it all the same. The next person they ran into was Grover.
"Percy! Annabeth!"
Man, had he missed Grover. The satyr was running an international project to get mythical creatures more involved in environmentalism, and they rarely had a chance to see each other anymore.
"How's the project going?" Percy asked.
Grover beamed. "It's going really well. We just finished planting a bunch of trees in France, and we're gonna go to Canada next to mess with hunters."
Not all of their business practices were strictly legal, but they didn't really need to be, anyway.
Annabeth laughed. "That sounds like a lot of fun."
Grover nodded.
They chatted for a bit longer until Juniper called him over to do something.
From there, they somehow made it to the activities section of Camp, and Annabeth dared him to race her up the climbing wall. She beat him, of course. Just like old times.
Next, they played a game of volleyball against some Roman legacies and won. The legacies were so excited to play with them that they didn't care a couple of 60 year olds beat them.
After that, they ran into Frank and Hazel.
"Hey, you guys," Hazel said. "Happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Hazel," Percy said. He wondered how many times he had heard that phrase today. "How are you?"
She smiled wide, exuberance only multiplied with age. "We're good. We're moving into the new house next week."
"Awesome," Annabeth said. "We'll definitely be there to help."
Hazel clapped. "Thank you so much! We'll do dinner or something, too, alright?"
At 56 and 58, Hazel and Frank were planning to retire in a few years and had recently bought a house right on the Tiber River in New Rome.
"Sounds good," Annabeth answered.
They moved on, mingling throughout the crowd. They talked to a few people, mostly the ones they knew well, and played some more games. Percy was beat badly by Clio at cornhole, but he took the loss like a champ.
Eventually, they made it to the beach, and Percy wasn't surprised to see a black haired man in a bright orange Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts holding a trident on the shore.
Before he could say anything, Annabeth said, "I'm gonna go see if I can find Thalia."
With that, she disappeared back into the crowd.
"Son," Poseidon started. "It is good to see you."
A warmth seeped through Percy's chest. He and his father certainly had one of the best relationships between a demigod and godly parent in the entire Greek pantheon, and, for that, he was forever grateful. It had actually been one of the reasons Zeus loosened the rules about God's visiting their children.
"Thanks, Dad." Percy waited a moment. "Any particular reason you're here?" As good as their relationship was, Poseidon was still a god.
"Can I not just say hello to my son on his birthday?"
Percy just looked at him.
"Fine, I did want to tell you something." Poseidon fidgets with his beard, clearly thinking deeply. "I would like to revisit the subject of your mortality."
Percy supposed he should have seen this coming. He is, after all, Poseidon's favorite son that also just so happened to be transitioning into his senior years, but ever since it became clear that he wasn't going to try to overthrow Olympus with his considerable power, he had gotten used to not being asked to become a god. It had been nice.
"Dad, I don't want to be a god-" he started.
Poseidon held up a hand. "Let me finish, son." He sucked in a breath. "You know that when you were born, it was a huge scandal."
Yeah, he knew. He still had nightmares about the Olympian council voting on whether or not to kill him.
"Despite that, you became a hero of Olympus many times throughout your life, and you have come to be my favorite son. I value your life, which is not something I say lightly."
"Gee, thanks, Dad," he said sarcastically. "I value your life, too."
Poseidon gave him an unimpressed look, then shook his head as if ignoring his son's poor attempt at lightening the mood. When he spoke, Percy was surprised to hear a quaver in his voice. "I find I am deeply saddened at the thought of your death."
And, okay, Percy wasn't expecting that one. Death had always been a constant in his life, something ever present and surrounding. If he hadn't become accustomed to the thought of it, his life would have been much harder. He wasn't looking forward to it, obviously, but he wasn't afraid. It was a miracle he had lived this long, actually.
"Listen, I know I'm getting up there, but I've lived this long. Mortals today can make it to over 100." He didn't need to mention that fighting was getting harder every day, or that his knees creaked and his back ached constantly. He and Annabeth would probably retire to New Athens soon, anyway.
"I am aware, but I just want you to know that when you do die, you and Annabeth both have a place in Atlantis."
A generous offer, but they had decided long ago that Elysium was the place for them. They didn't want immortality or godhood. The only thing they ever wanted was to live their lives, and they had done that, were still doing that. They would go to Elysium happy.
"Thanks, dad, really," he said. "I'll pass that along to Annabeth." He turned, unsure what to do next.
To his surprise, Poseidon pulled him into a bone crushing hug, one his now 60 year old body would take at least a few minutes to recover from.
Poseidon pulled away. "Go, be with your family." He looked down and rubbed an eye.
Percy has to admit that his eyes were getting misty at this point, too. "Love you, dad."
"I love you, too." Poseidon turned to gaze out at the glittering sea, so Percy started making his way back to the party.
Poseidon stopped him with a word. "Percy?"
"Yeah, dad?"
"Happy birthday."
A few hours later when the sky was dark and Artemis was high in the sky with her chariot, Percy sat in the stands at a campfire, Annabeth next to him. Most of the guests had left or retired to their cabins, having to put the kids to bed or comply with camp curfew.
Some, though, were still up, and Percy couldn't help but think they made a formidable crowd despite the average age.
Carter and Sadie Kane were seated right next to the fire, experimenting with spells to see which ones could influence the hearth's magic. The flames were already so high and vibrant from the party that their magic wasn't doing much, though.
Farther down the steps were Magnus and Alex who had decided to stay the night rather than go back to Boston. They were talking to the Stolls, Clarisse, and Katie Gardener, which could only bring trouble.
Thalia and Reyna were mingling around the crowd, looking young as ever, as was Apollo, surprisingly. Or not so surprisingly, considering his own adventures as a mortal. Meg McCaffrey was also walking around the fire, throwing things in to see how fast they would incinerate.
Piper and Shel - another mortal, he noted - were talking to Jason and Leo toward the middle of the stands, and Hazel and Frank were roasting marshmallows by the fire with Grover and Juniper.
Just behind Percy and Annabeth, Nico and Will were loudly discussing the latest Marvel movie with Rachel, a debate Percy and Annebeth would surely find themselves drawn into sooner or later.
For now, Percy took a moment to admire his wife. Annabeth, whose hair was more grey than blonde now, who had laugh lines and worry lines, who had never looked more beautiful. She wore all signs of her age like badges of honor - because they were.
He still couldn't believe they had made it this far.
A soft whoosh drew Percy's attention to his left. Beside them, the god of wine had formed out of nowhere, still in a leopard print shirt and looking the same as he did when Percy was 12.
"Fascinating, isn't it?" he said. Percy noticed that the cup in his hand didn't smell like alcohol despite his sentence having ended several years ago. "Mortals, Egyptians, Norse, Romans, and Greeks, all around Hestia's hearth. I never thought I'd see the day."
Percy and Annabeth exchanged an amused glance. "Hey, Mr. D."
"Yes, hello, Peter and Annabelle." He took a sip of whatever was in his cup. "I hope you realize the magnitude of what is in front of you."
Saving them from answering, Chiron trotted up next to his old colleague and said, "It truly is a wonder." He looked straight at Percy and Annabeth. "And it's because of you two."
Percy felt his face heat up, and one look at Annabeth showed hers doing the same.
It was true, though, he realized. None of these people would be here without them.
"I've been doing this for a very long time, and it is rare that any of my students live past their teen years, yet here we are in front of so many that have lived over half a century. I wonder - how long will this last?" Chiron shook his head. "I don't know, but I pray it is permanent."
Dionysus nodded. "Well said. I trust there is room in Cabin 1 for me?"
"Of course."
With that, he stood and walked down the steps of the amphitheatre toward the cabins, away from the fire and the remaining party.
The wine god had gotten much better since the wars and even sometimes acted like he cared, but there were still the rough edges. Percy found that he liked him much more, now.
He was leagues better than a lot of other gods.
Chiron continued. "I'll leave you to the party, but I want you to think about the impact you have had on our worlds." He looked at them sadly. "We will never forget you two."
Once again, Percy's eyes had gone a bit misty, as had Annabeth's. She squeezed his hand. "We're really lucky, you know."
"Yeah," he agreed. They were.
"Hey, I was waiting til the end of the night for this. Come here." She picked up his hand and dragged him to the bottom of the steps, right by the fire. He followed her curiously, sure what else could possibly be happening today. They'd already sung happy birthday, and presents had been sent to their apartment out of necessity for sheer volume.
She looked up at the crowd. "Hey, guys! It's time."
He looked at her, suddenly scared. "Time for what?"
She didn't answer, and he was forced to wait while all of their friends climbed down to the center of the amphitheatre looking way too excited.
Then, Clarisse came around from the side with a small blue cake that looked like a brick with a single candle stuck in it, and he knew exactly what was going on.
"Come on, guys, aren't we too old for this?" he said nervously, slightly afraid that if any of these 50-60 year olds attempted to carry them, they would throw out their backs.
"Nice try, Jackson," Clarisse said. She handed him the plate. "Make a wish."
Even the non Greeks and the rest of the Seven seemed to know what was going on.
"Yeah, Percy, we all wanna see you two get dunked,” Grover said.
Percy turned a betrayed look to him. "G-Man?"
Travis spoke up next. "C'mon, hurry up!"
"Yeah, let's go!" He wasn't sure which one said that.
He looked at Annabeth next. "You're okay with this?"
She smirked. "I organized it!"
Of course she did.
Percy threw his head back and laughed, then blew the candle out without thinking too much.
A cheer went up around the crowd. "To the lake!"
And that's how they found themselves being lifted up onto everybody's shoulders and thrown into the lake, having the second best underwater kiss ever.
Tomorrow, they would go home to their apartment in Queens and return to their everyday lives, but they always knew Camp Half Blood would be there to return to, because this place, more than anywhere else, was home.
They were home.
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Like imagine an AU where Loki actually loves his kids.
Tbh, I wish that was the route Rick went with him. Rick seems to just have an aversion to having villains love their kids even when they cannonically (in myth) are good parents! Like Nyx and Gaia are all stated to be loving mothers yet HoO (and i heard TSATS too?) has them see their kids as expendable?
And do you know how much drama and angst it could bring? For both sides? Like that's Samirah and Alex's MOM/DAD they're fighting. Thats Loki's kids he's fighting!
And I wonder how much would actually change in the books if Loki isnt pure fucking evil and is actually a good parent?
Anyone have ideas?
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Hybrid Theory
Chapter 23
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus
Summary: Percy dies in battle.  A very tragic death that wasn’t at all lame, thank you. Unfortunately, the gods aren’t done with him yet. Instead of waking up in Charon’s waiting room as he should, Percy wakes up in the courtyard of Hotel Valhalla.  Thinking things can’t possibly get worse he runs to Carter Kane for help. In hindsight, that probably wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon Typical Violence, Off Scene Sexual Content, sex addiction - kinda, Percy’s PTSD, super self destructive behavior
Characters: Percy Jackson, Nico DiAngelo, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Samirah al-Abbas, Magnus Chase, Sadie Kane, Leo Valdez, Jasmine Anderson, Hazel Levesque, Thalia Grace, Reyna Ramirez Arellano, Thomas Jefferson, Annabeth Chase
Pairings: Percico, Cannon Pairings, Leo/Reyna, Percy/Jaz - kinda, Percy/TJ - kinda
Note: Shout to my amazing wonderful hubby TheDarkDrifter for this graphic, and any header graphics that you see on any of my blogs.
Chapter Preview
Once we find Percy and T.J., which includes a lot of muttering between Magnus and Alex about Percy's mussed hair, we make our way down the World Tree and into Midgard. I'm getting used to making this trip, and like it a whole lot more than I like portal travel. Though honestly I'd rather just rebuild Festus or take the Argo II anywhere I needed to go.
But whatever, it isn't wrong until we get back to Blitzen's forge. This time the little shop he has for himself is closed though if you peak inside you can see that it is filled to the brim with familiar faces. At least if you are involved with the same friend group I am.
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moonbugs9058 · 2 months
A list of stuff I've written
Because I'm having trouble finding my own shit sometimes so it'll be nice to have it all in one space, also, shameless a03 plug: MoonBugs9058 on AO3
From my "Tales Of Empty Cups" series (Magnus Chase):
Cost of Living -> Mostly blitzstone, follows the plots of SoS and HoT, ~27k words
Tales From The Five And A Half (six if you round up) -> One shot collection with loosely connected plots (not in chronological order), connected to Cost of Living, currently ~16k words
From my "In Vertumna And Time" series (Exocolonist):
Prince Charming -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Cal/Sol in it, ~2k words
Spider Web of Guilt -> Focuses on Sol (it's also in second person), ~2k words
Don't Call It Abuse (i can't handle another tragedy) -> Focuses on Anemone/Vace, ~3k words
Love is hard to unlearn -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Tammy/Sol in it (companion piece to Prince Charming), ~3k words
Without All The Nuance -> Focuses on Sol's deterioration and has a little bit of everything in it, pretty angsty though, ~42k words
Other works not in a series (Psych):
Two In A Million, Twice In A Lifetime -> Psych fandom, is a bit of a relationship/character study for Shawn and Abigail and follows them through different parts of their relationship up until S4 E16: Mr. Yin Presents, and a little bit after that, ~4.5k words.
Happy reading! I have a chapter come up for Tales Of Empty Cups (the long-awaited SOTD chapter except I've kinda hit a wall with that so we'll see how long it takes.)
This post updates as I write more stuff!
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