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wlwsoccerfics · 7 hours ago
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Summary: you go out with Kyra, Alessia & Vic and your fiancee knows that you gonna wake up the next morning with a Hangover.
You came home at 1am. Completely wasted, that is the important part there. In your 27 years of life If was rare that you were so drunk. Maybe happend twice in your life before. But you were out celebrating your Engagement with some of your Arsenal Teammates/Friends.
Steph was out with Jen, Beth, Leah, Lia, Katie and your sister Caitlin. While you were out with Vic, Lessi & Kyra. Of course you two would have a big celebration with everyone soon. There was also a bachelorette Party planned before you would get married next year.
Steph wasn't home alone when you got back, no your sister, Katie and Leah were there with her. They were still chatting when they heard the Front door open and you stumbling in. Followed by Kyra who was the only one sober. You were hugging a bottle of Champagne.
"y/n, sit down and give me that bottle!" Kyra said. It was rare that she was the responsible one. One had to be. Because Vic & Alessia both were wasted as well. They stumbled in behind Kyra.
"my bottle." You said with a pout.
"what the f*ck!" Kate stated.
"No doubt the Hangover tomorrow will be bad!" Leah answered.
"never in my Life have i seen my sister so wasted!" Caitlin replied. Your fiancee didn't even know what to say. Vic & Alessia both had a bottle of Champagne as well. Nothing much was left in either of those bottles.
"damn, we can never let these three go anywhere alone anymore when it comes to drinking." Katie stated. You saw your girlfriend sitting on the Couch and stumbled into her lap.
"hi pretty Woman. Kyra is trying to steal my bottle. " You told her.
"Babe, i think you had enough of that happy juice, because you smell like a Mini bar!" She told you and took the bottle from you. Which earend her a pout from you. At the same time Kyra was Wrestling the bottle out of Alessias Hand and managed to sit her down on the couch. Leah sat Vic down on the Couch inbetween herself and Alessia.
"i am sorry this got out of Hand!" Kyra told your sister and sighed softly.
"this isn't your fault. they are all adults." Steph let her know.
"plus the Hangover they gonna have in the morning is gonna be such a punishment. I am sure they won't ever drink like that again!" Caitlin said.
"i am gonna call a cab so i can take Vic home with me!" Leah answered.
"and we gonna take Lessi with us!" Katie offered.
"good Idea! I didn't drink anything though so let us just drop you two of at your place, Leah!" Your sister informed Leah.
It wasn't long until they left and Kyra helped steph to take you upstairs into the bedroom you shared with your fiancee.
"we should grab a bucket, just in case, cause i am sure all of the Champagne is gonna come back up." Kyra suggested.
"good thinking. can you go grab it?" Steph asked Kyra.
"i don't need one, i am fine!" You tried to protest but it didn't have that much of an effect cause all of sudden you felt quite sleepy.
"sure." Kyra went to grab a bucket and put it besides the bed when you needed it.
"Thanks Kyra." Your fiancee said, offering her a soft smile. At this point you already have been asleep.
Kyra went to her own room and Steph laid down next to you. Watching you sleep.
"you gonna regret drinking so much, my Love." She whispered out, kissing your head gently, before closing her eyes and falling asleep. Not for long though. Two hours later she heard you throwing up. Hanging over the bucket.
"oh Babe." She said and rubbed your back. You whimpered softly.
"i feel like crap!" You sobbed out after having a break from vomiting like crazy.
"i know Love. No surprise there. You had quite alot to drink." Steph answered.
"never again, Steffy." You told her.
The night and morning was filled with you throwing up and your fiancee comforting you. It didn't look much better for Alessia & Vic.
Even the day after this when you went back to Training you could still feel that you weren't there a 100% there yet. And like that wasn't enough the three of you totally got teased by Caitlin, Leah and the others.
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wlwsoccerfics · 7 days ago
AlessiaRusso/EllaToone(y)/GraceClinton/RenéeSlegers FicList
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wlwsoccerfics · 23 days ago
Happy Birthday, My Love(AlessiaRussoXReader)
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AN: Happy Birthday to our Lessi Girl.🎉 Used Google translate
Summary: you have a little birthday celebration with Alessia in the morning.
You and Alessia have been dating for almost two years now and have been living together for almost one year. Today was her 26th birthday so you decided to have a little birthday celebration before you had a big Birthday Lunch with the Team.
You managed to sneak out of bed without waking up, less. Which was a surprise because she was asleep half on top of you. You went to the kitchen to make some of her favorite breakfast food. It took 20 minutes to prepare breakfast and Coffee. Everything was placed on a tray. Including a vase with a single Red Rose.
You placed everything on the bedside table before placing soft kisses to Alessias lips.
"buon compleanno amore mio!(happy birthday my love)" You told her, sometimes you spoke italian with eachother. You had italian roots just like her.
She smiled and opened her eyes slowly. Kissing your back.
"Grazie, tesoro.(thank you, babe.)" She whispered against your lips. Pulling you down on top of her. Hugging you close.
"Oggi qualcuno è dell'umore giusto per le coccole.(someone is in a cuddly mood today.)" You stated with a soft smile.
"with you always." She answered.
"Baby, i made your favorite breakfast." You let her know. Which she was really excited about.
So you sat there in bed with your breakfast and Coffee. Talking about your upcoming games, your future plans & just lots of random stuff. Enjoying eachothers company. When you were done with breakfast you handed her a little wrapped Box. It indeed was very small.
"Open it, Love!" You encourage her. She did and let out a little gasp when she saw it was a ring. Inside was a note saying:
mi vuoi sposare?(Will you marry me?)
She nodded her head enthusiastically.
"oh my god! Yes! Sì, naturalmente!" She said and pulled you in for a kiss. You grabbed the ring. Not breaking the kiss, while putting the ring on her finger.
"i am so glad to hear that! I Love you!" You replied and now both of you were crying, while giggling at the same time. Things were just perfect.
"i Love you too and i love the ring. It's so gorgeous!" She leaned against you and looked at her hand.
"it fits you perfectly!" You let her know. You stayed cuddled up in bed for a bit more before you took a shower together. What happened in there is forever remaining you Secret.
Then you got dressed for Lunch at Alessias favorite Restaurant. Trying to think of how long it's gonna take the Team to notice the Engagement Ring on Lessis Finger.
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