#aleksandra crvendakic
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zanimljivaekonomija · 1 year ago
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Košarkaški savez Srbije održao tradicionalni božićni koktel i proglasio najbolje
Bogdan Bogdanović i Aleksandra Crvendakić proglašeni su za najboljeg košarkaša i košarkašicu u 2023. godini u tradicionalnom izboru Košarkaškog saveza Srbije (KSS). Svečanost povodom tog proglašenja održana je danas u okviru tradicionalnog Božićnog koktela koji je KSS priredio u hotelu Hajat u Beogradu. U glasanju za najbolje u prošloj godini učestvovali su urednici i novinari najrelevantnijih srpskih medija, kao i specijalizovanih sportskih i košarkaških medija. Priznanja je dobitnicima uručio Predrag Danilović, predsednik Košarkaškog saveza Srbije koji je, uz podsećanje na uspehe u 2023.godini, najavio i nove sportske izazove u ovoj godini u kojoj će u centru pažnje biti Olimpijske igre u Parizu. Danilović je izrazio nadu da će se košarkašice pridružiti košarkašima i basketašima koji su već obezbedili plasman. Dodao je da će Savez dati sve od sebe da obezbedi maksimalne uslove za takmičenja i pripreme, i zahvalio se državi, predsedniku, Vladi, ministarstvu sporta i Olimpijskom komitetu na pomoći.
Umesto Bogdana Bogdanovića, kapitena reprezentauje Srbije i NBA asa Atalante, priznanje je primila njegova sestra Bojana. Aleksandra Crvendakić se najpre zahvalila saigračicama koje su joj pomogle da dobije ovu nagradu. “Posebno hvala porodici i nadam se da će ova godina biti još bolja i da ćemo imati puno razloga za slavlje posle Olimpijskih igara“, rekla je Crvendakić koja igra za mađarski Šopron.
Na ovoj svečanosti dodeljene su i specijalne nagrade za postignute uspehe - basket selekciji Srbije, prvacima Evrope i sveta, kao i muškom juniorskom timu koji je osvojio titulu šampiona Evrope. Priznanja su dodeljena i lekaru muške košarkaške reprezentacije prof.dr Draganu Radovanoviću, i „Mozzart fondaciji“.
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julieallemands · 5 years ago
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aleksandra crvendakic for sopron v schio
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julieallemands · 5 years ago
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aleksandra crvendakic for sopron basket v blma | 16.10.19
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julieallemands · 5 years ago
also here are some things to watch going forward in Euroleague:
-the future of Sopron, who are on a bit of a downward trend. Aleksandra Crvendakic might think about heading elsewhere- she's hugely talented and would fit right in at any top level club. So I wouldn't be surprised if she seeks out somewhere where shes more likely to win some titles. The question is what do Sopron do without her
-Quarter-final matchups. I doubt UMMC and Fenerbahce will need to go to a game 3, or have much trouble. I would guess that Praha are unlikely to lose to Schio as well, but Schio have had strokes of brilliance. Then we have Lyon vs Orenburg. This is probably the closest tie, and I think it should be interesting to see how it goes down
-Eurocup. In some ways places 5 and 6 are a blessing. Reyer Venezia and Castors Braine are probably not so optimistic about their chances of straight up winning the thing, but Girona and Kursk both definitely have a shot at the title, whethers I doubt either team would have had a hope at the Euroleague title if they'd made top 8
-Discussions around money. UMMC Ekaterinburg and Dynamo Kursk are both able to spend a LOT of money, because the franchises are owned by very rich individuals who essentially run the sports team as a fun hobby. This means they only care about breaking even, and at home games the seats at the back of the stadium often go for free, which means fans who then may later spend money to get better seats or merch are easily brought in. Meanwhile Fenerbahce and Lyon are both attached to large sports conglomerates, which gives them financial freedom (Lyon are also partially owned by Tony Parker). There's no real thing that can be done about this, other than to note that having a lot of money doesn't necessarily make a good team. UMMC have figured out how to stuff their roster with superstars and play great team basketball, which is why they're so scary. Kursk clearly haven't got this down. Fenerbahce and Lyon have the team chemistry but less star power. It's just then interesting when asking questions about league competitiveness, how a team can possibly upend UMMC etc.
Nobody asked for this but I'm really excited about the playoffs. I think that if everyone who I want to win wins, the semis will be UMMC-Lyon and Praha-Fenerbahce. Which will be a great final four regardless of the outcome
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