#ale ile się stresu najadłam to moje
xenalous · 3 years
Wow, I'm so mad at my parents right now :))
So my dad tells us that we're going to the restaurant as a family tomorrow, pretty chill right? But then my sister asks "what's the occasion?" and he decides to tell us it's a "Big Family Announcement".
So now I'm thinking and stressing about it all day, because we don't really do big family announcements unless it's really, REALLY important. Like, the last two family announcements were: "Mum is pregnant again" and "We had a *traumatic event I don't feel comfortable sharing on the internet* happen a few years ago and figured we should tell you". So I come to the conclusion that it may be one of these:
-Someone is dying and only has some time left to live
-Mum is pregnant again
-They're getting a divorce
-We're selling our family house
So I'm mentally freaking out about this all day, preparing for the worst, until I finally snapped a few minutes ago on a family groupchat asking if they could at least tell us if it's important and life-wrecking or not because I was legit about to cry and I didn't even touch my important homework due Monday out of anxiety.
So Mum finally sees the message
Comes into our room and says:
"Dad was joking lmao we're just going to have dinner"
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