underfell-crystal · 3 years
~The second chapter for my bittybones story is here! If you'd like to see other bitty types in the future, let me know through the comments or my ask box! As always, asks about my stories are welcome!~
~~~A Little Bit(ty) of a Small World~~~
~~Chapter 2: Back to Bitty City~~
The first thing you checked as soon as you got home was the PB&J you had set out for the bitty. It was gone, but there was an odd yellow substance smeared on the plate as well. You hesitantly picked up the plate and sniffed it, and immediately recognized the substance as mustard. How was there mustard on the plate? You were quite confident that you hadn't put mustard on the plate, so that left two options. One, someone had broken into your house to specifically put mustard on your plate, or two, the bitty had, for some unholy reason, decided to put mustard on a perfectly good PB&J. You didn't know which was worse.
You shook your head and put the tiny plate into the sink, setting the cage by the door. You kicked off your shoes and looked around your house. You felt like you were bring watched and tried not to shiver. It was strange, to be watched in an apartment where you were supposed to be living alone. You shook yourself and reminded yourself what you needed to do. You grabbed another small plate from the cabinet and piled it with grapes, Ritz crackers, and various slices of meat and cheese. You had set out a thimble for later yesterday, and filled it with water. You set the plate and the thimble of water down on the counter, sat on a stool about three feet away, and waited.
It was nearly an hour before anything happened. You had been on your phone, texting a friend, when you saw something move out of the corner of your eye, making a beeline for the food. You didn't react in fear of accidentally spooking the bitty, but listened quietly as it began devouring the food. After about twenty seconds, you slowly lifted your gaze from your phone and made eye contact with the bitty. It was wearing a red turtleneck and black shorts with a single yellow stripe on each side. It looked adorable. It froze, a grape clutched in it's tiny, sharp hands. You made no move toward it, only blinked slowly and lowering your gaze slightly. You weren't sure if the tactic of displaying submissiveness would work, but you heard another squish as the bitty bit into the grape, so you assumed you had placated the tiny being. Suddenly, a raspy voice came from in front of you. "The fuck are ya doin, human?"
You startled from the sudden voice and looked up. The bitty was glaring at you, chewing half of the grape in it's sharp-toothed mouth. It finally registered in your mind that the bitty had asked you a question. "I..... what...?"
The bitty looked irritated, shoving the other half of the grape into it's mouth. "Why the fuck are ya feeding me?"
"Oh.... well, I didn't want you to be hungry."
The bitty narrowed it's eyesockets at you. "Oh? And what's the cage for?"
Oops.. the cage might have been a bad idea. The bitty looked mad. "It... was just in case-"
"In case of what?"
You gulped. "In case you didn't come willingly to the bitty center?...."
You sounded sketchy even to yourself. The bitty scoffed and seized a slice of ham from the plate, tearing into it with it's pointy teeth. "So if I don't cooperate, you're gonna throw me in a cage and ship me off to the bitty center?"
The bitty blinked at you. "No.... what?"
"That's.... I was hoping I could adopt you. You know, so you don't have to live in the walls."
The bitty stared at you. You felt your anxiety begin to climb. "I-I mean, um.... I just.... I thought you'd..... you know, like to be...."
"Be a pet?"
You winced at the word. Bitties were more like tiny people than pets. "No, not a pet. More like.... a companion?"
The bitty paused it's assault on the slice of ham to examine you with distrustful red eyelights. After a minute, it scoffed and resumed eating. "Sure, whatever."
You couldn't stop the dopey grin that spread across your face. "Is it okay if I take you to the bitty center tomorrow?"
The bitty grunted. You decided to take that as a yes. "You need a name..."
The bitty snorted. "Eager, are you?"
You flushed. "I... just thought I should call you something other than 'bitty'."
The bitty rolled it's eyelights. "Just don't name me anything stupid. And don't give any girl names. 'M a boy."
You tapped your chin, thinking. "What about... Sam?"
"No, that's a stupid name."
"Hey, I know some nice Sams!"
"Pick a different name."
"Seargant. Sarge for short."
The bitty paused before resuming his mission of inhaling a cheese slice as big as him. He shrugged. "It's not as stupid as the other ones."
You smiled triumphantly. "Alright Sarge."
The bitty grunted. "Don't overuse it."
You chuckled. "Sure thing, Boss."
You looked at the bitty, hesitant. "Um... can I hold you?"
Sarge gave you an incredulous look. "The fuck for?"
"Don't bitties need Soul time?"
Sarge huffed in annoyance. "Yeah."
You held out your hand, and Sarge eyed your hand before crawling over to it, sitting in your palm and glaring up at you. You slowly lifted your hand up to your chest, cradling the tiny bitty against your collarbone. Sarge didn't move for a moment, and you were afraid he was going to change his mind, but then he groaned in defeat and laid his skull against your shoulder. You smiled and moved one of your hands so you could gently stroke the back of his skull, to which he immediately began to purr.
You stayed like that until you felt yourself beginning to nod off. You stood up from your stool, taking care to not disturb Sarge, and went to your room. You tried to dislodge him from your shirt so you could change into your pajamas, but he refused to let go, his tiny claws clenching the fabric. You huffed in amusement and laid on your bed on your back, stroking Sarge's skull until you fell asleep.
The next morning came quickly, and both you and Sarge groaned when your alarm went off. You reached out an arm and failed it around until you hit a button to shut off the noise before sighing and sitting up, other hand cupped beneath Sarge to ensure he didn't fall off. He squinted up at you sleepily. "Izzit time to get up already?"
You chuckled. "Yep. And I need to take a shower, so you need to let go."
With great reluctance, Sarge relinquished his hold on your shirt. You carefully set him down on your desk and grabbed some clothes from your closet, trudging over to the bathroom and closing the door. You turned the water on and stripped off your wrinkled clothes, stepping into the shower. After your wonderful time in the shower, you stepped out, toweled yourself off, and got dressed. You did your hair and brushed your teeth, then left the bathroom. Sarge wasn't on the desk, which gave you a mini-heart attack, but then you heard cursing from the kitchen. You left your room and walked to the kitchen, finding the tiny bitty struggling with a bottle of mustard. Sarge froze upon seeing you before scowling. "Took ya long enough."
You chuckled, walking over to him. "Need some help with that?"
The bitty growled. "No! I got it!"
You watched him try to open the lid for another minute and a half before taking it and popping off the lid. Sarge pouted. "I loosened it for ya."
You laughed. "Of course you did."
Sarge made grabby hands at the mustard bottle, and you handed it to him. To your amazement, he began to guzzle it as soon as he got into a position where he could drink it. After a moment, he pulled away from the mouth of the bottle, wiping his mouth on his turtleneck with a grin. "Ahh... that's the good stuff."
".... You're so weird."
The bitty scoffed and vanished. You felt a slight weight on your shoulder and looked at your shoulder to see the bitty clinging to your ear. You chuckled. "Comfy?"
Sarge bared his sharp teeth at you. "Just GO."
You complied. You went to the door and put on your shoes, then went down the stairs and out to your parked car. You got into the driver's seat and felt Sarge shift around on your shoulder. You put your seat belt on, checked your mirrors, and began your drive back to Bitty City. Sarge was quiet the whole way, but you assumed he was just nervous about being in a new place. When you turned into the parking lot, Sarge began to fidget on your shoulder. "Uh..... maybe this isn't such a good idea..."
You looked at him. "What do you mean? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet."
Sarge scowled and crossed his arms. "So what if I am?"
"Why are you scared of the bitty center?"
Sarge spluttered in outrage. "I ain't SCARED!!"
"Then why don't you want to go inside?"
Sarge scowled. "If you're gonna be such an ass about it, fine! Let's go in."
"Just go in, idiot."
You sighed and got out of the car, Sarge sitting on your shoulder. You walked inside and toward the register when a booming bark erupted behind you. You turned and saw an enormous dog bounding toward you, snarling and frothing at the mouth. You and Sarge squeaked in horror.
~A cliffhanger! Excellent. If you wanna give theories, suggestions, or ask about the story, you can do so in my ask box! Please reblog, as it helps spread my work. Thank you for reading, my gems!~
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underfell-crystal · 4 years
~The first chapter of my bittybones story is up! If you want more bitties to appear in future chapters, comment which types you'd like either on this post or in my ask box!
Please reblog, as it helps spread my work! You can find the second story I'm working on here!
I do not own any of the characters. I will try to make this as gender-neutral as possible, so let me know if I make any gendering mistakes!~
~~~A Little Bit(ty) of a Small World~~~
~~Chapter One: An Unexpected Houseguest~~
As soon as you moved into your new apartment, things started to go missing. It started with bits of fruit that looked like something tiny had taken a bite out of it, then you having less of your favorite cereal than you thought, and then having random objects going missing, like that one safety pin you never bothered to move from your desk or the pair of earbuds you always kept on your bedside table. After nearly a week of this tiny creature confusing you, you decided to set out food especially for whatever was eating your food. It obviously wasn't a mouse or a rat, they wouldn't have any interest in safety pins and earbuds. You honestly didn't know what it was, but it was smart enough to avoid the mousetraps you had set out the first day you noticed food going missing, so that had to count for something.
You ended up going grocery shopping for the rest of the week while you were searching for more food for the visitor in your house, and stumbled through your apartment door with your arms full of grocery bags. You dropped everything onto the counter with a groan of relief, massaging your arms where the plastic had been digging into your skin. You looked down at the plastic bags proudly for a moment before getting to work putting the groceries away. You ended up buying a bunch of fruits and cookies for your visitor since you couldn't decide what it liked better, and after you finished eating your dinner, you put some fruit and cookies onto a teacup saucer and left it on the counter, where you hoped the visitor would be able to see. You went through your nightly routine and checked the plate of food before going to bed.
You woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It was still dark, and according to your phone, you'd only been asleep for about an hour. Your throat felt dry, so you sighed and slid out of bed, quietly padding to the kitchen. However, as you exited the hallway connecting your room to the kitchen, you froze. There was something sitting next to the saucer. It hadn't appeared to notice you yet. You took a step closer, forgetting about the creaky boards. It's gaze snapped to you. It had red eyes, and looked to be..... was it a skeleton??
You started. "Wait-!"
Before you could get anything else out, it disappeared. You quickly looked around, but you didn't see anything. You flicked on the kitchen lights and walked over to the saucer. Almost everything had been devoured, save for a half-eaten strawberry, which it had left after you startled it. You frowned. Well, that definitely confirmed it wasn't a mouse. But what exactly was it? You turned around. "Um... hello? I.... I just wanted to let you know I'm not gonna hurt you... I can keep leaving food out for you, if you'd like?"
You received no answer, which you expected. You sighed and scrubbed your palms over your eyes, resigning yourself to a sleepless night. You wanted to find out what that thing was. You turned off the kitchen light and went back to your room, sitting down at your tiny desk and opening your laptop. You began surfing the web for something similar to yours, and found a couple cases similar to yours involving tiny creatures called Bitties, which sent you down a whole new rabbit hole. You were fairly confident the bitty living in your apartment was an Edgy, though it could be a Cherry, as well. Both species had red eyelights, and tended to hide whenever new humans were around. You glanced at the clock and saw that it was three a.m. You shook your head and turned your attention back to the computer, continuing to read an article about how to gain bitties' trust. You were vaguely aware of yourself nodding off, and before you could turn off your computer and climb back into bed, you slipped into unconsciousness.
The next morning, you woke to a slight weight near your collarbone. You tensed slightly and slowly peeked open your eyes, looking down as best you could without moving your head. Your eyes widened in surprise. It was a skeleton bitty! It was curled up just above your collarbone, sleeping peacefully. You didn't know what to do. Why was it sleeping on you? You wracked your brain for an answer, then remembered that bitties needed Soul Time with humans in order to live, which was basically the bitty just being close to it's human, preferably being held. Just as you came to this revalation, the bitty sleeping on your shoulder began to stir. You immediately froze, staring at it as it began to wake up. It's sockets opened drowsily, then the lights locked with your gaze. It's eyesockets widened, and it vanished again before you could open your mouth. You quickly stood up and looked around, hoping to see the bitty, but you found nothing. You sighed and scratched the back of your neck. The bitty probably still didn't trust you, and likely hadn't meant to fall asleep on you.
You decided you would call the closest bitty center and see what they recommended you to do, now that you were fairly sure you had an Edgy bitty living in your apartment. You stood up, wincing and popping your back, giving yourself immediate relief from the cramps in your muscles due to the poor sleeping position you had adopted. You walked back to the kitchen and made yourself another bowl of cereal, pausing when your gaze wandered over to the saucer. You decided to leave some more food out for the bitty and give it some time to eat while you went to the bitty center. After you finished eating, you dumped your bowl into the sink, got out some more food for the bitty (this time you left out a quarter of a PB&J), and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, you were heading out the door. You called, "Bye!" to the bitty as you left and locked the apartment door, descending down the stairs and heading outside.
It was a nice day out, and the center was only about a mile away, so you decided to walk. You put your earbuds in and listened to your favorite songs as you made your way to the center, pulling them out and tucking them into your pocket as you pushed open the door. A woman at the register looked up and smiled. "Welcome to Bitty City! How may I help you?"
You smiled and made your way over to her. "Hi, um.... I was wondering if you could give me some advice on a wild bitty in my apartment?"
The woman raised her eyebrows. "Oh my, a stray bitty? Do you know what type it is?"
You tilted your head side to side in a vague 'not sure' motion. "I'm pretty sure it's an Edgy, but I haven't ruled out it being a Cherry."
The woman nodded. "How long have you noticed it living there?"
"I moved into the apartment recently, so at least a week, though it's likely been there longer."
The woman hummed in acknowledgement, jotting down some notes on a piece of paper. "Was the bitty injured at all?"
"I'm not sure, but I don't think so."
The woman nodded thoughtfully. "I see... it sounds like it's not a feral bitty, so that's good. I recommend trying to catch it and bring it here, so we can make sure it isn't injured and then put it up for adoption. Would you want to keep it?"
You chewed your bottom lip, thinking. Pets weren't really allowed in your apartment complex, and this bitty was likely one that would bite and scratch. But you didn't want to just get rid of it, so you looked up at the woman and nodded in confirmation. She beamed at you. "Oh, lovely! I can bring you a cage people use specifically for catching strays."
She bustled away, leaving you to explore the bitty center. There were quite a few bitties there, including some in penned areas that you were more than happy to give attention. As soon as you sat down, a swarm of Baby Blues and Papys began climbing on you, chattering excitedly with you. Their energy was infectious, and you were sad when the woman came back with the cage and you had to leave. You waved bye to them as you walked back to the register and fished out your credit card to pay for the cage.
As you began to walk home, you contemplated catching the Edgy right away or trying to coax it into going to the bitty center with you. On one hand, you could give the bitty the proper care it needed as soon as possible, but it likely would be afraid of you. On the other hand, you might never earn the bitty's trust, and just have it living in the walls for the rest of your life. You didn't know which to pick. You decided you would sleep on that decision, then make a choice the next day.
After all, you had all the time in the world.
~The first chapter is done! Thank you for reading, my gems!~
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
A Little Bit(ty) of a Small World chapter 3 update!
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