#albionsgate; tryck and arthur
tryckthebard · 1 month
@albionsgate continued from here
"I...don't know about that..." Arthur flushed, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear. "I'm..." he caught sight of the look on Tryck's face and sheepishly leant in, pressing a very chaste kiss to his lips. "Uh, is...is that alright? I mean, that's what you wanted...I..."
He's so innocent it's adorable.
Tryck chuckled as he watched Arthur flush and fluster. With the way that Uther had behaved, he had half-expected the Prince to be more experienced. But with the way he kissed Tryck, the way he was so flustered, it had Tryck absolutely curious.
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"Arthur... are you a virgin?"
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tryckthebard · 1 month
@albionsgate continued from here
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Bards," he muttered under his breath. "Well can you tell me anything? Because from where I'm standing, our camp supplies are on fire, and the wizard is nowhere in sight."
"The camp supplies were on fire, thanks to the dutiful swiftness of our resident cleric and her divine intervention." Tryck said with a smirk, motioning to the smoldering pile of said supplies, soaked with water.
"I'm not sure where Gale has gotten off to, but it would seem the broody one has also disappeared. As for how the supplies set ablaze, I can only guess that Karlach was attempting to cook in the wizard's absence."
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tryckthebard · 1 month
randomly generated headcanons.
Tryck is unemployed
Tryck is the gay cousin
Tryck watches My Little Pony
Tryck wears Hello Kitty socks
Tryck has a diary that they write in with a glittery gel pen.
tagged by: @ruinouss
tagging: @albionsgate (for Arthur and Uther), @taleswritten (for Astarion and/or Deadpool), @fleshcarverfugitive, @accultant, @neverhangd and whoever else wants to do this!
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tryckthebard · 1 month
@albionsgate asked
Admittedly, there had been much wine and revelry at the feast that night, and the king was perhaps a bit drunk. But none questioned the late night summons of the bard to the kings chambers. Uther was mid bath when the tap on the door came, easing his tense muscles from the earlier battle. "Come," he raised his voice slightly and set his goblet down on the side table. "There you are, songbird." Uther smiled and extended a hand. "Join me, if you wish." (Albionsgate)
Tryck had expected to be summoned when he had watched the attendants help a stumbling King make his way to his chambers when the revelry had begun to die down. It had given him a chance to steal away from his constant spot at the King's side to be able to sit and chat with Arthur. He much rather enjoyed the Prince's company, mostly because he didn't lord over him the way Uther did.
Of course, he didn't have much choice in the matter. His mother was a baker in the castle, his father an alcoholic scribe of the King who owed Uther a great amount of debt. When his father died, the debt passed on to the young man. Thus the arrangement was made for him to become the court Jester, though it seemed more often than not his title should have been King's concubine.
When the guards came to bring him to answer the summons, Tryck gave a heavy sigh and an apologetic look to Arthur. "Forgive me, my Prince, but both you and I know it best not to keep your father waiting. I'll find you in the morning to continue our conversation."
When he arrived at the King's chambers, he took a deep breath before opening the door and walking inside. It wasn't as though he disliked his position. Far from it, truly, but... Well, Uther wasn't the Pendragon he necessarily wanted to share a bed with every night...
But there's a smile on his face for his King as he enters, and sees Uther in the bath, drink set aside. He might have phrased it as an invitation to join him in the bath, but Tryck knows that it is more of a command, and who is he to deny his King?
"I always wish to be closer to you, my King." Tryck's words are sweet and practiced, like a well rehearsed song that he knows Uther loves for him to sing. As he walks through the chamber to the bath, he's removing his clothing and dutifully climbing into the warm water, the scents of oils and salts stinging at his nose and eyes.
"Would you like a song whilst you relax? Or is there something else you desire from me to help relieve the tensions of the day?"
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