#alberto may spoil luca rotten
themeganator5000 · 3 years
Peach Fuzz
Alberto tries to grow a mustache. Luca has some thoughts.
(Now with partner fic: Catfish Whiskers!)
“Ooh, what’s that little peach fuzz you’re growing there?” Luca eyed the hair above Alberto’s lip intently.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Alberto blushed, turning away and waving his hand dismissively.
“No, it’s not! Come here, let me see,” Luca drew Alberto’s face close to his and watched him squirm. He smiled and hummed fondly, “I think you look very handsome, Alberto.”
That particular shade of cherry red was very becoming on Alberto’s cheeks. “You really think so?” He beamed.
“Of course I do,” Luca couldn’t resist laying a kiss on those sheepishly smiling lips, “You know you’ll always be gorgeous to me.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Alberto chuckled, “I thought you might say I looked like a catfish, like y’did with Ercole.”
In all honesty, Luca had completely forgotten about that little joke he made all those summers ago. But now that Alberto had reminded him, it was hard not to see the resemblance.
It was absolutely imperative that he keep his mouth shut about that, though. Alberto’s ego was fragile enough already and one blow to it like that and he might pop.
“Uh- Oh, no, of course not, caro,” Luca ran his fingers through Alberto’s long, tangled curls, “You don’t look like a catfish at all- in fact, I think it’s kinda sexy…” Yes, that should do it.
Alberto’s ego status: safe.
Alberto sucked in a breath and his eyes went wide, his typical reaction whenever Luca did anything even mildly flirtatious. “Y- you- wuh- Really?” He looked so giddy that Luca thought he might burst. “Oh- dio- wow, I- I was hoping you would…”
Luca giggled, he figured he could stand having a catfish boyfriend for a little while if it made Alberto this happy. “Oh, I definitely do. And you know what else?” Alberto made a hushed little huh sound as Luca leaned in close enough to feel the soft, tickling hairs brush against his lips, “I bet you’ll look even sexier when it’s full-grown.”
Alberto’s lips drew in a tight, flustered smile, blushing a delightful bright burgundy all the way down to his neck. “Dio mio, I love you so much,” he muttered before assaulting Luca’s face with a battalion of tickly, hairy kisses.
Now all Luca had to do was keep Giulia from making the same, incredibly tease-worthy, connection.
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