thepartyponies · 4 months
i finally listened to a blurry creatures and i liked it a lot but i'm a lil overwhelmed at the sheer number of episodes. do you have any faves or recs for specific eps to listen to??
Yeah there’s a lot, I started with the newer ones and worked backwards in chunks for a while but recently I just started at ep 1 and I’m catching up from there. It’s fun to hear where the sound bites in their intro come from.
The one about Anton Lavey’s daughter comes to mind as a favorite. It’s a bit dark but I found it very compelling, listener discretion is advised:
The ones with Michael Heiser are really good if you want to get into the Old Testament theology stuff:
Some of the guests they have on are a little more out there than others, which I find both frustrating and interesting. But either way I find it beneficial to hear what they have to say, as it helps me navigate the various frameworks of ideas that people have. A lot of things on the podcast are so wild that they sound utterly ridiculous at first, but I keep listening and pretty soon I can say “oh, I see how you got there.” I’m generally wary of anyone who seems too convinced of their own take on ambiguous topics.
Kind of on the edge for me is Tim Alberino, he’s got a well thought out framework and some very interesting interpretations of scripture. I don’t see everything his way, but I find him a good complement to Heiser. And his firsthand accounts are wild, especially the episodes of his recent trip to the village in Peru that’s being harassed by possibly-nonhuman beings.
The plane portal one was pretty wild too, about the Malaysia airlines flight that disappeared ten years ago. They just posted a follow up episode that I haven’t heard yet but here’s the first one:
I could go on and on but that should give you somewhere to start. I’d love to talk about it more if you or anyone else wants to send me an ask or a dm or a mention.
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sembrachiara · 10 months
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alberino del mio cuor [semi cit]
©️ Maria Flavia Vanni
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pugzman3 · 1 year
Timothy Alberino is talking about the degeneration of the human race. These are the kinds of things that everyone is being distracted from. These are the things that are layers deep beneath the multitude of distractions we are fed every day, as well as what you find when you start pulling apart the deceptions; because those too, while they have real effects on our lives, are layers deep.
If you are still stuck in the political theater, the socialistic agendas, basically.....if you think any man on this earth is going to stop this, you are delusional.
He goes on to comment that it is no coincidence what so ever that this is happening, at the same time they are talking about finding ways to live forever, transhumanism, gene manipulation and insertion of things like nano technology into the body. They know what is really going on and aren't telling us.
But why?
I told you. Everything goes back to God vs Satan.
These luciferian elites know this. And they know that when faced with death, many many people will alter their human dna to live. So why does that matter? Because Jesus died for man, not a genetically modified man. Not a transhuman man. Just like Genesis 6, the powerful are corrupting the genome, and those corruptions are the reason for the flood. Those who choose to corrupt themselves to live, will forfeit their chance for any salvation. And this isn't even the full deal. There was a lot of moving parts in the end times prophesies.
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George Knapp - Peru's Unknown Unearthly Visitors: The “Face Peelers"
COASTTOCOASTAMOFFICIAL In the remote Peruvian Amazon, locals are encountering mysterious entities known as "Los Pelacaras" or "the Face Peelers." Tim Alberino reveals that these encounters are more than legends, with actual injuries reported. The locals take the threat seriously, firing shots at these beings, who are seen moving on hovering discs and small attachments on their boots. Alberino dispels the notion that these are "illegal miners using jetpacks," emphasizing the rural community's access to technology and their certainty that what they've witnessed is not ordinary.
To learn more about featured guest speakers on this show please visithttps://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2
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Conta lo sforzo. Di tutto, conta solo lo sforzo. Non contro qualcosa ma verso qualcosa. Lo sforzo di non fare del male, di non scappare, di mantenere - nella noia, nel dolore - di trovare qua e là un seme di gioia in mezzo al nulla e al caos. Di essere meglio di così. Di non sentirci sempre brave persone nel buio, e accettare che a volte siamo noi lo sbaglio, siamo noi il buio. Che dietro a un brutto gesto c'è spesso un dolore, ma che il dolore non giustifica mai un brutto gesto. Che tutti i desideri e tutte le promesse da soli non valgono un cazzo. Conta lo sforzo.
(Sono uscita a camminare, c'erano peschi fioriti, la luna col sole, una signora che mi ha sorriso, un cane che voleva mangiarmi la faccia. C'era soprattutto questo alberino di magnolia troppo piccolo per fare altro che un unico, bellissimo fiore).
Nel terzo cassetto
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signofthetimesss · 2 years
ogni tanto vorrei che qualcuno mi chiedesse di raccontare di te, che qualcuno mi chiedesse del perché il mio mini albero di natale rimane fatto per tutto l’anno. racconterei con tanta felicità e nostalgia che quello è il nostro ultimo albero fatto insieme, che mi ricorda del nostro ultimo Natale. Tiene con se tutta la gioia che io esprimevo ogni volta che arrivava il momento di addobbare casa, lo sai che era il mio periodo preferito. Quel piccolo alberino tiene con se tutti i ricordi che ho di te e che non voglio lasciar andare, l’ultimo anno l’abbiamo fatto proprio come volevi te, non troppo grande affinché non occupasse troppo spazio, bianco come se fosse ricoperto di neve, con gli addobbi di colore viola e le lucine gialle. Non l’ho smontato perché nel momento in cui avremmo dovuto farlo insieme tu non c’eri già più. Ogni volta che lo guardo ti penso. Non ho il coraggio di toglierlo, sarebbe come lasciar andare via un pezzo di te, l’ultimo che mi rimane.
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Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
I started reading this book written by Alberino, Timothy, Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam’s Dominion on Planet Earth.
I find it very interesting, so I like to share this with you while I am reading it.
This book is the #1 Best Seller in Eschatology, available on Amazon.  
I highly recommend human beings to read this book. To those with questions such as, Who am I?, Why am I here? What is my role or purpose in living?
Any comments you may have are very much welcome. Any ideas you may contribute are pretty much highly appreciated too.
Let’s learn together. God bless you all.
I will post every Tuesday what I read.
Chapter 1
The Elder Race
The story of mankind begins in the beginning, but not in the very beginning. The beginning of our story marks the appearance of a new sentient species in the universe, one specifically designed to inhabit the earth. It does not mark the beginning of all other species inhabiting other worlds, nor the beginning of the earth itself. Before we venture a gaze toward the dateless horizon of ages long past, we should take a moment to defog our spectacles of the conceptual brume clouding the view beyond the tip of our nose. If you are like me, you have been subjected throughout your life to a continual reinforcement of vacuous religious concepts regarding the nature of the cosmos and the beings that inhabit it—concepts which neither clarify nor satisfy the questions that percolate in the inquisitive mind.
Alberino, Timothy. Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam’s Dominion on Planet Earth (p. 10). Alberino Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Were you already curious? You can buy Alberino’s book on Amazon. And let’s read together.
Or you can come back here every Tuesday- Choose Thy Life.
Note: I found out about Timothy Alberino while watching SkyWatchTV. This news network is where you will learn everything you need to know, not taught in church.
As Joe Ardis Horn used to say at the end of their program, “Keep your eyes on the price, which is Jesus Christ.”
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
In this captivating episode, we explore the ancient war in Heaven, the rebellion of the darkness, and the profound impact of this conflict on our world today. Join Timothy Alberino and Dr. Joel Muddamalle as they unravel the epic conflict that predates time itself and its reverberations through history.
Timothy Alberino, drawing insights from his book Birthright, presents thought-provoking theories on the cosmic battle between Heaven and Hell, including the shattering of Rahab and the epic struggle between the heavenly hosts and the Dragon’s forces. Dr. Joel Muddamalle, leveraging his theological expertise and doctoral research, examines the cosmic geography outlined in scripture—from the Deuteronomy 32 event to the actions of Jesus in the New Testament—unveiling the supernatural and cosmic significance of key locations in both the visible and unseen realms.
This enlightening discussion, recorded during our Blurry Creatures trip to Costa Rica in February 2024, promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking conversation that you won’t want to miss.
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anumberofhobbies · 1 month
The Galactic War and Cosmic Geography | with Timothy Alberino & Joel Maddumalle
Aug 21, 2024 Does the Bible allude to a galactic war that wrought chaos and destruction in our solar system long before the creation of mankind? Is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter the debris field of a planet called Rahab that was obliterated in the conflict? Is the kingdom of heaven located within the physical universe? Timothy Alberino and Joel Muddamalle discuss these topics, and more, in this video from the Costa Rica Conference in 2024.
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deblala · 2 months
Tim Alberino
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badulescuradu14 · 3 months
Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials
Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate…Book of Enoch, Fallen…
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pugzman3 · 2 years
Midnight Ride - Gates of the gods - with Timothy Alberino
Not only are the jesuits and the Vatican the oldest and best infiltration agency, they are very much responsible for the rewriting of history. Now, throw in what Alberino says here in the beginning with the mystery schools. That's the mystery religions, the oldest on the planet dating back to the beginning with the worship of gods, Nephilim giants and hybrid creatures. Now throw in the talk of the nwo that the catholic church has been pushing for decades, the bringing in of the multitude of religions around the world, saying they all worship one "God" (which when you realize they are all pagan, yeah they pretty much are), and the push for the one world religion. Are you getting the picture? The combination of all this, the ties with the UN, all the one world talk coming from every government in the world, all the major ngo's on board with it, creating a economic world where they will be in charge and you have to play by their rules to live.
This is episode has a lot of other great information. Tim has done a few episodes with the Midnight Ride guys, this if I remember right was his first. Great episode.
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Castel San Pietro Terme: ragazzino accoltellato sull'autobus mentre va a scuola
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Castel San Pietro Terme: ragazzino accoltellato sull'autobus mentre va a scuola. I Carabinieri della Stazione di Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) hanno denunciato un 18enne alla Procura della Repubblica di Bologna per i seguenti reati: lesioni personali aggravate e porto abusivo di armi. I fatti sono accaduti a bordo dell'autobus Linea 247 Imola – Alberino, quando un minorenne che stava andando a scuola è stato sfregiato al volto (a pochi millimetri dall'occhio), da una coltellata che gli ha sferrato un ragazzo più grande che non accettava di essere stato rimproverato dal minorenne che gli aveva detto di non allungare le gambe sui sedili dell'autobus. Nonostante la ferita e il volto insanguinato, il ragazzino è arrivato a scuola, dove è stato soccorso dal bidello e dal dirigente che hanno telefonato ai suoi genitori. Trasportato immediatamente al pronto soccorso, il minorenne è stato medicato dai sanitari e dimesso con una prognosi di dieci giorni. Le indagini dei Carabinieri hanno portato all'identificazione del presunto responsabile, un giovane 18enne, già gravato da un precedente di polizia per rapina aggravata e lesioni personali in concorso.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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🎱 Welcome to the #youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 Come find my podcasts #SupplementalBroadcast & #PanPanenPiousPropheticPonderings on YouTube & Rumble! New episodes posted regularly!!!🧩 #CurrentEvents #Spirituality #Eschatology #Knowledge #TheGreatAwakening 🙏
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truefreethinker-blog · 7 months
My not really a discussion with Nephilim pop-researcher Timothy Alberino
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#Nephilim #TimothyAlberino #TimAlberino #Giants
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sognosacro · 7 months
bacini affettuosi su di me
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sta notte ho fatto un bel sogno
in cui su una seggiovia
ci siamo baciati
prima fortissimo
poi lentamente ed è stato bellissimo
ci siamo eccitati
e siamo diventati energia
e tu venivi da dietro di me
prima vestiti con me sopra seduta
e poi mi hai fatto una sorpresa
anche se eravamo appesi alla seggiovia
Poi una vocina ha dato il segnale alla maggior parte delle persone di scendere
ma a noi di fare lentamente
mentre lo stavamo facendo
poi ho visto un proiettile, urla e sono andata in panico, anche se sapevo che andava tutto bene (trauma)
così siamo saliti ancora
su un piano superiore
e qualcuno mi ha detto, una volta scesi dalla seggiovia
"se riesci a trovare il suo cucciolo e a dargli da mangiare puoi *"
Era una lupa bianca rotonda.
Così l ho fatto, in modo molto semplice
Ho ucciso la madre calpestandola ed è diventata una umana spirito
e le ho chiesto sucsa
mi ha detto "ti ho riempito le tasche posteriori di altre erbe"
così ho dato anche quelle alla lupina bianca
ma mi ha risposto "Ah anche la Verbania, tieni" restituendomela
(Quando fino a un attimo prima mangiava tutto quello che le stavo dando, raccolto da me)
Intanto salivo le scale
Perchè dall'alto avevo visto che bisognava salire e poi partire (avevo visto una youtuber che seguo partire in bus guidandolo pieno di gente, salutarmi e poi mandarmi a fanculo così contraccambiato)
così in un qualche modo seguivo la rotta.
Però appunto mi sono svegliata nel momento in cui ho appoggiato "anche la lavanda" sotto un alberino per la lupetta.
però in quel momento tu eri sparito :(
un gioco che dovevo far da sola a quanto pare
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