blogalloh · 2 years
Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Membangkitkan” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Kuatkan #Dakwah #Islam
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▶️ Allah itu Al-Ba’its ◀️ Artinya adalah Allah itu Yang Maha Membangkitkan.Kelak, manusia akan kembali dibangkitkan oleh Allah ketika hari pembalasan dan akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas segala perbuatan yang dilakukan selama di dunia.—Setelah manusia mati dan dimasukkan kedalam kubur, maka dia akan ditanya tentang tiga hal.Yaitu:● Man Robbuka (siapa Tuhanmu),● Man Nabiyyuka (siapa Nabimu) dan● Ma Imamuka (apa imammu). Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Membangkitkan” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Kuatkan 1️⃣ Apabila seseorang di dalam hidupnya mau berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk dapat mengenal Allah Ta’ala dengan sebenar-benarnya, sehingga dia bisa beriman kepada Allah Ta’ala dan menjadikan Allah Ta’ala sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan yang dia sembah, maka dia akan bisa menjawab “Tuhanku Allah Ta’ala”. 2️⃣ Apabila seseorang di dalam hidupnya beriman kepada Nabi Muhammad ﷺ dan mau menjadikan beliau sebagai suri tauladan, maka dia akan bisa menjawab “Nabiku Muhammad ﷺ ”. 3️⃣ Apabila seseorang di dalam hidupnya mau beriman kepada Al Qur’an, dan mau menjadikan Al Qur’an sebagai pedoman didalam hidupnya yang selalu dia ikuti, maka dia akan bisa menjawab “Imamku Al Qur’an”. — Sesunguhnya kiamat ada dua yaitu kiamat kecil (sughra) dan kiamat besar (kubra).Kiamat kecil adalah kematian, sedangkan kiamat besar adalah kiamat yang sesungguhnya yang akan menghancurkan seluruh alam semesta. Kiamat kecil (kematian) akan menyelesaikan semua urusan atau amal-amal seorang manusia.Karena apabila seseorang telah mati, maka dia tidak bisa bertaubat atas segala dosa yang telah dia lakukan dan tidak bisa mengupayakan keimanan atau mengupayakan kebaikan.Kecuali orang-orang yang mati (gugur) di jalan Allah Ta’ala. ―Al Baa’its termasuk dalam 99 Asma’ul husna. Sumber : https://risalahmuslim.id/kamus/al-baaits/ بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Membangkitkan” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Kuatkan
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blondefoxmedic · 1 year
Listen i love Astarion as much as the other gay people. But GALE? Gale i was like meh about at first but holy shit i am absolutely not normal about him anymore. I relate to him on so many levels, he appears to be the most stable and reasonable of them all but he is NOT OKAY. He is so willing to sacrifice himself for some Ex because he doesn't believe his life has any value. Most of his ambition is fueled by the idea he is worthless beyond his magic powers and that he will never be enough. He isn't suicidal as in he is willing to commit it by himself but he is too willing to just give up his life without bargain at the first opportunity. He is also infodumping a lot, it's his lovelanguage and i get it. He is also albait a bit of a bitch, not too judgemental either. And i appreciate his horny comment after that one Battle. Like he gets it. That guy is fucking valid.
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michiganda bear balany uyuno kaitaryp aldym al emy maine ubuyu uchurunda djek syaktuu daamduu' oshonduktan maine aga dostorun ecs kachan zhakshy korbogonumdu aittym emy al ketip kaldy, al meni daga bear az chalyp zhatat bakcha statind zhashagan bear zhigit bahr al maga anni buturganga cheyin zhasay turganybyzdy aitta. oshentip, maine aga music kutuugo arzyrlyk bolorun aittym birok al meni ashkanada kechki tabak menen kaalait maine ishenem, maine ishenem, maine ishenem, maine ishenem beese bolushubuz kerek dep birok koro albastyk, koro albastyk, koro albastyk, koro albastyk menin mykty aluu myna, maine kunul chogottuk degend bildirbeit, birok maine ar daim oshol ele catalardi ketyrip, ooba ar daim byrdei catalardi ketyrip algyla maine suyu zhaman (ookh-ookh) birok seine triin uchun meni kunyolyoy albait' bilesingerby, maine culp aytam" siz bear ele (ookh-ookh) akyr - ayaga , bull meni ondoy alat karap' menin tarykhym maine umuttongon zhaman california kozdoru bahr kyzdy aldym zana maine bull zholu al chinynda ele bolushu mumkun dep oilodum birok maine anni meniki kiluuga ecs kachan mumkunchulugum bolgon emes antkeney al kichinekey ichke ak syzyktardy suygon menen london kyz
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belvishperfumeshop · 3 months
Albait Aldimashqi Ombre Nomade EDP | Belvish
A special and unique fragrance for both men and women, Albait Aldimashq Ombre Nomade EDP combines the rich, woody aromas of Amber and Raspberry for a scent that is luxurious and complex.
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anti-drippin · 4 months
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perfumepalace0 · 10 months
Albait Aldimashq Declaration Eau De Parfum 75ml For Men
Rs. 2,999.00
Albait Aldimashq Declaration Eau De Parfum offers a unique and sophisticated scent experience for men. Crafted with a blend of lemon, lavender, and woody notes, this 75ml bottle provides long-lasting, alluring fragrance that you can wear all day.
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presidenttt · 2 years
Waink now??
Rad albait
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asj15 · 6 months
La b albait
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sputnikodin · 3 years
saw iv also has one of my favorite traps unfortunately :-/
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yourdeadprince · 6 years
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Reed900 Week Day 2: Reverse!AU
i wanted to draw reed900 in this au for quite some time and the event provided me with some extra motivation lmao
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prehistoricnerd · 3 years
Tourmaline var. Verdelite on Quartz
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Location: Pederneira mine, São José da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
103x65x103mm / 619g
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ldhedgehog · 3 years
Ok so now i had my fill on cookierun kingdom story wise gonna draw some monkie kid stuff. shadowpeach comic stil going on albait slowly but i also wanna do a little something before i go back to that one 
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winterpower98 · 3 years
Just like how Wukong will sometimes talk about the Journey out of context, I can imagine Ao Lie doing the same, but like, it's the closest he gets to venting about his family while he's traveling with this group he's come to call friends.
Wukong at some point as they all look on in concern: Are you okay?
Ao Lie, sighing: No, not particularly.
Wukong only met Ao Run once (albait it was after he harrased his brother Ao Guang) and he already didn't like him.
Then Bai Long started to talk about him and Monkey was ready to storm a dragon palace once again!
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artbrasilsu · 7 years
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geo-hypostasis · 3 years
moment of silence for everyone who thought albedo was gonna show up to kaboomball combat. we were Albaited
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buzzwaxx · 5 years
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#Albaite #GreenTourmaline on #Lepidolite 100% Natural Uncleaned 106g Afghanistan Available from BuzzWaxx Collectible Rocks MSG if interested! To USA ship from Colorado Free! https://www.instagram.com/p/B0NTAHyn-yr/?igshid=d9k0v2n2q9ic
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