#alastor and rosie are queer platonic partner goals
aspiringnexu · 7 months
I was rewatching episode 5 and the way Mimzy was interacting with Husker made me think. There wasn't a lot to go on besides Husker distrusting Mimzy and Mimzy clearly knowing that Husker is on Alastor's leash and has been 'slinging booze' for the Radio Demon for quite some time (maybe Al has had Husker as a spy in various bars to keep on top of Hell's gossip and information? Everyone wants to talk to the bartender, after all). But she did seem to take some joy in ordering Husk around.
I know we've all been coming up with theories as to why Alastor would bother to spare Husk when he came to Hell and wiped the board clean of Overlords (minus Zestial who Alastor seems somewhat wary of). Maybe he didn't want to go throught the bother of reshuffling the power structure again by killing off a recently risen Overlord or maybe he saw an opportunity for a powerful thrall.
Or maybe Mimzy, the woman who stole 50 grand from loan sharks presumably to pay off more imminent debts, got herself stuck in a contract with the Overlord of Gambling and Alastor had to go bail her ass out by playing for her soul in a poker game.
A game that went so well for Alastor that he ended up completely cleaning Husker out and then having the fallen Overlord sign his soul over as well.
I just really love the idea that Husk hates it when Alastor helps Mimzy because the last time he helped her his entire life went to shit.
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