#alas we have stupid fuck off doctors who see a young “girl” with pain but “shes” strong and flexible
honeysbunchesofoats · 29 days
i just spent about 3 hours looking up orthopedic doctors at clinics that I haven't yet been dismissed at yet (only 3 clinics, but most doctors in the surrounding area by about 30 miles are from those). and have good reviews. and specialize in what i need. and are in network with my insurance. fuck if i could convince my insurance that they should cover the mayo clinic (its a whole fucking thing to get insurance to do that) I'd make it work. i mean to be fair i was dismissed at the mayo clinic about 10 years ago for being too young to have chronic pain. but i feel like they have a better potential than everywhere else ive gone in the past 4 or so years
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fae-fucker · 7 years
Zenith: Chapter 6
We get some more hints about Dex’s and Andi’s past together.
Their last meeting hadn’t exactly gone over well, what with the whole, Andi soaring away with Dex’s ship, leaving him bleeding and dying on a fire moon thing.
Who edited this?
Update: Someone finally did, it seems, because this has been updated to:
Their last moments together hadn’t exactly gone well, what with the whole “Andi soaring away with Dex’ s ship, leaving him bleeding and dying on a barren moon” thing.
So uh. Better, I guess.
As with any shitty book with a STRONK FEMAIL CHARAKTOR, we must -- MUST -- wank on about how fucking amazing and hot she is, because she can’t just be brutal and off-putting and human, she has to be HOT while she’s doing physically exhausting shit that can both get bloody and sweaty, so let’s take a look at this garbage, shall we?
Godstars, she was magnificent, a creature that deserved to release her wrath on the world. It would be worth every drop of blood about to be shed to bring her to Cyprian’s feet.
So she’s so cool that ... she deserves to murder people, just because how cool she is? And capturing her is totes worth letting people get murdered?
I would maybe understand it if she was a massive threat to all intergalactic civilization and that throwing armies at her is the smaller price to pay, but she’s just one schmuck who does petty smuggling and escort jobs. Or does Dex just want his ex back and he’s ready to let people die for it? Because these are just space cops she’s killing and he’s ready to sacrifice, they’re just dudes doing their jobs.
What the fuck am I reading.
Update: This has been changed to:
Godstars, she was magnificent; a creature who had released her wrath on the world. It would be worth every drop of blood about to be shed to be the one who finally brought her to the general’s feet.
Oh, so now she already has released her wrath on the world, regardless of whether or not she deserved to? 
So Dex is happy to let other people die for him just so he can brag about capturing his ex? 
I’m glad we cleared that up. What a guy.
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He hadn’t seen her in years, but he’d heard the rumors. He hadn’t truly known if she truly could wield those weapons with the a glory and grace that drew blood and split bones.
Why was he even questioning this? He’s been bragging about how he’s trained her and taught her everything she knows, and now he’s wondering if she could wield her own weapons?
Is Dex an idiot?
*looks at art* Forget I asked.
Gone was the girl young woman he’d once known, that shivering thing he’d found bruised and broken in the wilderness of Adhira in the markets of Uulveca.
In her place stood the warrior he’d trained and hardened and turned into something devilishly delicious.
He Dex reached for his gun as the Bloody Baroness attacked.
Devilishly. Delicious.
Shinsay. “Bloody Baroness” isn’t intimidating, alright? It’s not scary. Please stop this nonsense.
Andi and Dex have themselves a fight. Well, Andi kills a buncha dudes (+10 points to Gryffindor, Sasha managed to do what her hero SJM couldn’t, and that’s having her killer character actually kill someone on-screen) and Dex just kinda stands around in the background thinking about how hot she is.
We get a pointless POV switch.
The world slowed, but Andi moved like a flash of light.
“Take out her crew!” Dex shouted. “I want her alive.” 
“Take them out!” Dex shouted. “Save Androma for me.”
His words sent a spike of rage straight to through Andi’s heart.
Spike of rage.
A ball of white light shot past Andi’s shoulder. An enemy was blasted backward, already a corpse as he slammed into the door frame.
“Oh, that was a good shot,” Gilly said, giggling and brandishing her double-trigger gun.
Weren’t you just weeping and losing your shit four seconds ago?
I’m loving this mood dissonance. 
“I want the floor stained with their blood!” Andi yelled to her crew above the chaos.
This book is sending a blade of edge into my heart, I’ll tell ya that.
Update: If any of you were wondering where this comes from, this sequence has been updated to include Breck and her BULLETPROOF SKIN. The girls hide behind her and there’s emphasis on how USELESS the bullets are, because apparently these Patrolmen not only have Stormtrooper aim, they also haven’t heard of the concept of surrounding their target or moving a little bit to the side to get an angle on it. Or maybe Breck also has the ability to expand her physical form and encase her crewmates like a living hamster ball. 
Hey Shinsay. This doesn’t in any way justify your characters using swords and fists and whips in a fight. If anything, it just draws more attention to how fiking stupid it is. 
If you’re wondering how the fuck Andi survives this fight without being blown to bits while using katanas against dudes with guns, here’s where I admit and brag about the fact that I totally predicted that she’d deflect or slice through bullets, which yes, she actually does that.
Andi lashed out as a Patrolman shot at her, her sword barely cutting through the bullet before it could hammer itself into her throat.
You know, you’d think that Sasha, who supposedly reads a lot, would be aware of dumb shit like this and know not to do it, but alas.
This might work in anime or video games, but try to avoid this kind of garbage nonsense when you’re writing, because it’s so dumb that it takes the reader out of the experience. Unless you’re writing a comedy, just ... if you have someone slice through bullets, please reconsider.
Usually I’m not one to tell people not to do something, especially when it comes to writing, but sometimes you just gotta take a step back and look at the sins of humanity.
Also ... and I don’t know shit about physics, but if Andi has enough strength to cut through a fired bullet and her sword withstands this process without breaking, and the bullet clearly isn’t deflected but cut through, meaning its momentum is still carrying it forward and the impact of the sword didn’t slow it down, Andi just made two fucking bullets, or one bullet with its butt cut off.
She didn’t even deflect the thing.
She should be dead.
Oh my god.
Update: She now deflects the bullets with the cuffs on her wrists that “protect” her burned skin. So that’s why they were written in! This smells very much of Wonder Woman but it’s better than SLICING BULLETS IN HALF.
Seriously, Shinsay, did you read my snark? You’ve edited out all the best bits that I’ve complained about while leaving the bland and boring garbage intact. Why didn’t you hire ME as your editor? I could’ve made this GOOD. Or at least passable. But I’d charge you more than you could afford, because I’d have to rewrite the whole book for you.
“What’ s wrong, Dex? You don’t want to come out and play with me?” Andi said, her voice a dangerous purr.
Dex chuckled, his mahogany hair falling across one brown eye as he stepped forth to meet her gaze. “You were always one for theatrics, Androma. My little bitter ballerina.”
Dex’s hair color has been changed from “midnight” to “mahogany”. What, did SJM call you and told you to tone down the Rhys if you wanted her to pretend to like your book in public?
Also, bitter ballerina? Really? Who the fuck talks like this?
“These three can live,” she said, nodding her head at the final Patrolmen. “It’s you I want a fight with, Dextro.”
Yes, his name is actually Dextro. At least the book admits it’s fucking silly.
With a crackle of her swords, she lunged forward and cut off three heads in one scissoring slice.
Still better than Sardines tho. Andi actually DOES SHIT.
Zenith is officially better than Throne of Glass.
After a bunch of nonsense fighting that I can’t even be assed to keep track of, Andi walks into Dex’s trap. His trap is basically even more dudes with guns, except this time Andi can’t fight them, for some reason, despite doing it just now, no problem.
Update: Breck isn’t there anymore, so I guess it makes slightly more sense this time.
Dex notices the cuffs on Andi’s wrists, just so he can give the reader some info about them, I spose:
They were unbreakable, just like her swords. But the cuffs weren’t just an accessory. They held together the burned flesh on her wrists from an accident long ago. She didn’t have the privilege of seeing a doctor at the time, so her skin had become damaged beyond repair.
Without Dex’ s gift, she wouldn’t have the full function of her wrists and forearms—likely wouldn’t have the strength to lift those swords she was so fond of.
It gave him a sick kind of pleasure to know she still had the cuffs, a reminder of his kindness to her when she was at her weakest. A part of him she could never shed from herself.
So you’re telling me that ... Not only are her wounds still open under those cuffs, but that installing those cuffs was somehow faster and less expensive than finding a doctor who could patch them up for you? 
Or that they “healed,” and then, instead of paying for surgery, Dex paid for some GLASS CUFFS to slap on the wounds instead? 
And that Andi, during all this time and after presumably getting some money, hasn’t had her fucked-up wrists fixed, and instead keeps these cuffs on her still-fucked wrists even as they remind her of Dex Dogtective?
The wording implies that she physically cannot remove those cuffs without reopening the wounds.
Why did she have ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS METAL PLATES ON HER CHEEKS INSTALLED, WHEN SHE HAS AN ACTUAL WOUND THAT SEEMS A BIT MORE URGENT? Wouldn’t fixing a burn be cheaper in this hyper-tech world than grafting fucking metal into your flesh?
“If they move, my guards will shoot.” Dex waved a hand, and half the men angled their light rifles upwards, where toward Andi’s motionless crew stood motionless.
The blue-skinned pilot from Adhira, the giantess beside her. And that psychopathic red-headed child, glaring down at Dex with the cold calculation of a seasoned killer.
Dex just waves a hand. Not his own hand, just a random hand he found on the floor.
I just remembered that their crew is literally just four people and I’m so tired.
Dex Dogtective takes Andi to some room on the Marauder to talk to somebody.
Cold calculation flashed in [Andi’s] eyes.
Oh, just like the cold calculation in Gilly’s eyes barely half a page ago?
Who edited this?
Update: "Cold calculation” has been changed to “disgust.”
Also, this is in reaction to Dex telling Andi to sit. When she refuses, he’s super impressed.
Instead, she stood with her back up against the wall, her gray eyes roving left and right.
Dex had taught her well.
Did you teach her not to sit on command, like the opposite of a dog trick?
I would not expect anything less from Dex Dogtective. 
For the first time today, despite everything Dex had thrown at her, she actually looked stricken. Shocked. Pained.
“Hello, Androma,” the man on the screen said. “I’ve been searching for you a very, very long time.”
The drama!
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