#alas! something about it just doesnt vibe for me (yet?)
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gifti3 · 24 days ago
i need to make an angel that absolutely despises A
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jalopeura · 2 months ago
i downloaded and tried out infinity nikki and i want to like it So bad like Literally the second best thing in video games is playing dress up. unfortunately the gameplay loop so far feels super underwhelming,,granted, i havent done any of the like, style battle type sort of things that i assume are in the game
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dirk-like-from-homestuck · 2 years ago
well ok first of all its already a misspelling so theres not exactly a right way to do it, go wilder than the spelling of fairy. anwyay. ive been prompted to go on so i guess i will have to do so.
lets just run it by whatever i think is interesting.
I feel knotted up today / But in a most exquisite way / Like neckties or like macramé / Bowlines and zeppelin bends
i like this bit but it also right away reminds me of the confusion of being uncertain as to what the logic and placement is in your mind and your surroundings, which is the vibe i will not lie.
If you were a theremin / I wouldn't know where to begin / My hands would stay here on my chin / With a hum that never ends
brain dont shut the fuck up about what to do now does it.
This suit doesn't fit me / I made it myself, counterfeitly / With buttons of blue / Killing me with déjà vu / It's a gift for you
this one to me is just splitting. its being something, brought on by your own mind, that doesnt actually fit into your body. and how it tends to fucking suck lmao and its meant as a means to function outwardly, but it does hurt the brain.
switched up the color coding there as to not get too confusing with all the red.
When I escape at last / When enough time has passed / But something keeps me as a pet / The only house that's not on fire yet / I made it when I was an architect
a lot of its waiting. fuck it actually most of its waiting. youre a victim of the whims of your complicated mind, a vague hell brought on by your own coping mechanisms, that you cant understand or get away from.
This is just the side effect / I feel strangely regular / But honestly, I prefer it to /The usual bizarre / Damn that oxymoron
sometimes its just quiet and thats better than having bitches running around. not to us specifically but i know a lot of people feel that way. like they want to own their existence for a while. alas. being a walking, constant self-contradiction. need i say more.
If you were a piece of dust / I'd shine a light through the busted window / And I'd learn to trust / In the updraft that you're on
to be honest ive drawn a blank on what i thought about this verse but. still.
Click, click, auto-focus / The film's in the can like hocus-pocus / A picture of you / Killing me with déjà vu
hehe camera line. flashbacks btw. reliving your bullshit because it suits your fancy that day.
Don't know what I'll do when I escape at last / When the end of time has passed / But something keeps me as a pet / The only house that's not on fire yet / I made it when I was an architect / This is just the side effect
already talked about this.
The punch line is there is no punch line / The punch line is there is no punch line / The punch line is there is no punch line[...]
i dont know if this is just me, i kind of doubt it, but frankly it feels like a joke sometimes. like youre gods silliest jester but the joke is everything sucks and it doesnt end. idk tho.
Oh! I just thought of how to change all the hate / Into love with the old switcheroo / Dancing in my déjà vu / You'll be dancing, too
splitting and switching. again! the very fluid changes in intense emotional states that those things bring. etc etc. you understand.
When I escape at last / When the future is the past / But something keeps me as a pet / The only house that's not on fire yet / The only house that's not on fire yet / The only house that's not on fire yet / The only house that's not on fire (yet)
its more flashback shit bro. its drawing connections between the patterns of your life and feeling like itll just repeat itself and you gotta stick to your methods lest you fuck everything up for yourself
that was fun. thinkins hard. this probably makes 0 sense in hindsight. huge wops.
the entirety of The Only House That's Not On Fire Yet is a system song to me. to ME
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idealnreal · 5 years ago
Maruki Palace over-analysis (pt.1)
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Thank you for @appleyjuiceboy​ for helping me out with this and entertaining my brainrot. and to @goalexstark​ for requesting this :D Now buckle in, put on gentle madman, and a whole lot of insanity under the cut
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So the best place to start is outside the palace. Specifically, the external architecture of the palace. It’s clearly very contemporary even futuristic in its design, while holding an organic form. It’s design reminds me of rotating tower concepts with the way the first half of the tower curves and twists. And the palace itself does seem to rotate and shift, especially the components in the top half -- accentuating the organic and dynamic futuristic design. However, in comparison with most contemporary and organic architectural designs, the external architecture isn’t minimalist. There are various components, that make the design seem chaotic and even Extra. Of course this is a palace, and we should expect that.
The middle section of the palace is a twisting glass ‘stairway’, surrounding a golden almost ‘woven’ like structure. There is an elevator shaft running through the middle of it. This elevator leads to the garden of eden section of the palace. While the peak is a hologram of a globe, surrounding an amorphous golden form -- that seems to be the source of the light. Strangely enough we don’t see the tree of eden from outside. That would’ve been neat. But alas. The we come to the rotating rings, bound by these golden ‘wires’, and have these camera lenses attached to them.
So, the architectural style of the lab is futuristic, organic and dynamic -- and completely whack. This reflects how he thinks that his new reality is also effectively a new way, a new future -- breaking past the confines and rules of even the most contemporary of architectural design, and breaking past the confines and rules of life and reality.
All throughout the exterior of the palace there are these limelights and cameras, rotating about, focusing it’s lenses. This alludes to how he gives each patient his full attention, to be the centre of attention, to be in-focus. Alternatively, it could also suggest an over protective, surveying/ supervising mental state -- ever watchful for anyone in pain.
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The entrance’s design, in comparison with the rest of the exterior, seems very straightforward. If you take away the glass atrium, the grey structure in the middle would actually be very imposing. The gold ‘wires’ arcs also surround this area, giving it an organic and dynamic design. Note that these aren’t doors, but an elevator. From the get go, Maruki is taking patients up, above ground.
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Stepping out of the elevator, from the dark and up a flight of steps, into the light, we are greeted by a flight of doves-- accentuating the idea that the entrance hall is an open-aired space despite being indoors. This becomes a theme across the palace, going back and forth from high-ceiling and open-aired sections, to very closed and claustrophobic corridors. There are also those golden ‘wire’ arches decorating the ceiling of this entrance hall. In contemporary architecture, big atriums and open-aired spaces are meant to promote airflow and natural light, to give visitors a sense of ease and relaxation, while also being a respite from any harsh conditions outdoors. The sound of the doves taking flight add on to the peaceful and calm atmosphere.
Like all information boards, Maruki is showing people the benefits of his research, how it works, and most importantly, evidence that it does work -- that it is for the best. The amount of detail and the number of charts on these boards suggest that he is being transparent with his research -- and that it is scientifically proven. Of course, no one real (beyond the phantom thieves, shibusawa and the professor) has read this research. The people outside who’s cognitions he had changed, did not need to read this research -- they only needed to wish for happiness. Even so, these boards reflect his belief that if people know about his research, about how it works, they can be convinced into accepting his help. The cognitions who talk in the entrance hall also tell the PT to give it a try, and were understanding of any hesitance and were reassuring.
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Also notice that the walls of the hall are lined with flower-beds, specifically wildflowers -- Calling back to Rumi’s love for the wild-flower field and Maruki’s youth with her. It also fits into the open-ness of this section that these are not potted deliberately arranged plants, and it would seem that these flowers just grew out in the patch of dirt and grass left for them.
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Here, we come to the reception hall, where there are a few components to note. The first is probably the huge fan topping off the very high glass ceiling -- again, adding to the idea that this palace is all about natural light, air circulation and a breezy peacefulness. Then we have those golden wires/cable things (they actually remind me of computer cables), wrapped around these cameras and helping to prop them up and move them. THese cameras are also propped up by these black thin wires -- and the gold and the black -- hinting that there is more going on here. On the huge cameras themselves, now they seem more like surveillance cameras than the camera lenses outside. Adding credence to the idea that this is a big brother type situation, but one that is just reALLY keen on making sure everyone isn’t suffering and is happy.
The design of the reception itself is well organised, with lined benches and the calling numbers on full display. When i first played this section i thought that this was more like a hospital -- not a lab.
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The next section is this green house looking area, with a tree and a garden in the middle and four TV screens. We don’t know if these screens are meant to play memories of anyone who comes by but that’s what we see-- Sumire walking in as her father is crying over Kasumi’s body. Importantly, after this section we see a cognition of Kasumi who sees and waves at Sumire, and then once we meet Maruki, he shows us another video from Sumire’s POV of the accident. Also the room we see the cognition of Kasumi and meet Maruki is a gymnastics arena.
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This is important because we know that this is Maruki’s palace, and not Sumire’s. How is it that these POV memories are in this palace, and that Maruki would have a cognition of Kasumi? Of course one can argue that he created these memories and the cognition of Kasumi based on what he knows of Sumire/Kasumi -- and was doing this to manipulate her. But this definitely isn’t the case. He has never met Kasumi, and from what we can tell, he only had one session with Sumire, who didn’t really give any details of the accident itself to Maruki, or speak of her father to him. I doubt that Sumire as Kasumi would’ve spoken to Maruki about the accident after -- as she was more concerned about her gymnastic performance.
Perhaps this will get to personal headcanon territory, because the game doesn’t give us any answers on this. So Maruki is definitely an empath, and while that doesn’t give him the affinity to gain other people’s memories -- I believe that with Azathoth’s power and with this palace, it does. We know that he can see into people’s minds and know their pains and wishes -- which would very likely come in the form of memories -- whether it be persona users or mementos dwellers. Also, being an empath means that he can feel what another is feeling. Or rather if i can describe it -- letting someone walk through the door and change the furniture around. This is Maruki’s palace, and yet he is allowing Sumire to walk in and see her own memories from her point of view. Therefore, while i think that Maruki has access to some of these memories, they’re supplemented and brought into focus by the presence of Sumire. At least that’s what my hc is.
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Speaking of the gymnastics arena, we arrive at our first colour switch of this palace. Dark purples and violets. It doesnt look like the walls or floors are purples/dark -- but instead some purple light, and that the big lights aren’t turned on on purpose. Like discussed before, this seems very much like Sumire’s section of the palace -- and Maruki allowing her to ‘move the furniture’
Something else to note thanks to juicedup14 from twitter for these translations of the banners, tickertape/crawler text, “We’ll watch over you always” “ The ideal reality you haven’t seen is waiting for you” “ May the world be a happy place where no one suffers”
And these posters, translated “ Let’s keep our hearts healthy”.
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After a week we return to the palace and head to the Auditorium. This time, this is definitely Maruki’s section of the palace. Unlike the Arena, the Auditorium is a circular and bright hall, flanked all around with seats and podiums and screens for presentations. Yes, Maruki’s cognitions of people are fuckin creepy, but this is where they are the creepiest. They’re all sitting in rows, faceless and happy -- and have their hands together clapping. There is also a hologram of the globe topping off the ceiling -- like the hologram globe outside. This is where Maruki’s research will and has gained global recognition -- presented to thousands, and seen as the panacea to all ills and suffering of the world.
I went into more detail in my analysis of the shadows, but tldr; the cult-like vibe this palace, and especially this room, gives. However this ‘religion’ is founded on research, factual and scientific evidence. Which is why we have those presentation screens and all the information boards in this first third of the palace. And given how his research has been suppressed and ignored for years, it makes sense if those cognitions are his converted detractors, his followers, as well as his ‘patients’. Maruki doesn’t deny wanting his research to be recognised, and this is what this room is dedicated to. But like he says, and ultimately what the rest of this palace will show -- Maruki wants to heal the world at whatever the cost.
And with this i’ll probably close this off here. I reckon this will be one of four or five parts, kinda split to how the game splits this palace. This will be a long and wild ride ladies gents and enbees. Oof.
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lemonietrinket · 5 years ago
i have a friend he is called Leg i was feeling down and he wanted to cheer me up and so, bexo was born
i sent him a photo of exo and he got to work with ‘guessing’ what they’re like  it took off, with some.... surprisingly deep lore (with some fanfiction tones too which is... really weird.... he is the equivalent of a local ..?), and i think its hilarious so im going to make you read it all too
he knows literally nothing, especially about exo, and so he is completely making these ‘guesses’ insert: ‘characters’ from the photo alone (hence this is all done in lighthearted tone with no offence intended)
alas here is the deep lore that is the first part (?) of BootLeg (?)
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Lineup (from left to right): Paul, Ryan, Jayson, Daniel, Terrance, Brayden, Hamish, Lazarus/Gunther
Paul (Chanyeol)
hates that hes called paul
always trying to act like hes not a paul
if he were a spice he would be flour
summary comment: “it says ‘dude’ on his jacket like c’mon. hes trying so hard to not be a paul and its just not working out for him, lets me honest. but yeah idk what else to say about paul really. because he is fairly plain deep down”
Ryan (Kyungsoo)
hes the only one that thinks hes cool
everyone else just keeps him around to laugh at how short he is
only ever finds out about 50% of the parties
summary comment: “hes the guy where like everyone will be just chilling out and then he’ll like throw something in a bin from across the room and go mad about it. and people are kind of sick of it but not enough to tell him to stop”
Jayson (Kai)
"this fucker is the kid whose parents bought him a ps4 and let him play 18s while everyone else was still on pokemon and wii sports”
never stopped flexing on everyone in school
“nobody liked him but some people decided to hang out with him for the clout and its still true”
“like the ringleader but people really just like the vibes he gives them”
summary comment: “im trying to think of a name but all i know for sure is that its not spelled the normal way” later “JAYSON”
Daniel (Suho)
his mum always said he was cool so he just went with it
his dad is a painter “idk why thats relevant but its just a fact”
wanted to be a baker
pleasant if you catch him by himself but more cold and a dick when with “the crew”
bffs with paul since childhood and kept pushing each other until they were in way over their heads
in an alternate au they would be florists
and leg says he knows nothing of fanfiction
daniel is deep with the kpop now, and despite his true nature, manages to keep up appearances much better than say paul
summary comment: “sometimes they sneak away for a picnic” 
Terrance (Baekhyun)
always was the smartest but few actually knew because hes really quiet
despite seating plans in school he was somehow always in the back corner
“someone is pretty sure they saw him in a field surrounded by miscellaneous vegetables and dead rats once but it seems to strange for even them to believe”
nobody in the group knows his last name and no one is going to ask
they pretend theyre not scared of him but tbh he can probably smell fear
can also teleport probably so theres no point running. root vegetables only slow him down.
summary content: “all i know is that if i wasn’t fated to die at the paws of your cat then terrance would get me for sure”
Brayden (Xiumin)
has a side gig as a drag queen
“he loves it, but kpop makes him more money. but that money lets him improve his drag. so he sees it as a really good cycle”
he was the one that chose the “black & white checkerboard thing going on [in the photo]”
Paul went with it because he thought it would make him cool
nobody knows why terrance went along with it and it will remain a mystery
“brayden actually auditioned for a girl group while in drag 
and was accepted
...but then he realised the time commitment and so bailed after their debut
people have speculated about That MV™ but nothing has been confirmed”
summary comment: “besides he does like the kpop too. he just honestly loves being worshipped”
Hamish (Chen)
was going to be a builder because his dad is in construction
he often worked with daniels dad weirdly
“small world”
the two dont know it yet but they will find out and it will be a “sweet bonding moment”
he is mostly bald
“everyone really likes him so they keep around and go through the trouble of using photoshop and cgi hair in mvs”
they once did an anonymous vote for who their favourite person in the group was
paul & daniel voted for each other
i cant believe hes actually got a ship going in a fake ‘parody’ kpop group i cant
ryan voted for jayson because he thought everyone else would
and everyone else voted for hamish
well there was one vote that was blank everyone knows whose it was but like... you think they were going to bring it up?
hamish voted for paul bc he felt bad for him
the main problem is the fact hes allergic to wigs
this means that he has been “sick” for every live show ever, bar once
as in his first one
the one where he realised hes allergic to wigs
didnt go well
summary comment: “his hair looks photoshopped which means it obviously is”
Lazarus/Gunther (Sehun)
he called himself lazarus bc he thought it sounded cool
nobody knows his real name—meaning: nobody as told him that everyone knows his real name
he joined bexo late and really wants to be considered just like everyone else
kind of the errand boy, nobody has made a coffee since he joined the group
he is genuinely cooler than some of the others but no one takes him seriously 
partly because of ‘gunther’
also because no one has seen him in a tshirt that doesnt say lazarus on it
super confident, not at all justified
summary comment: “the reason he is positioned like that [in the photo] is because hamish’s fly was undone and it got stuck when he tried to zip it up, so they covered it up with gunther. he was told to do it because it would make him look cool. so he didnt have a clue”
please spare my soul and lmk if leg is cancelled
(i realised too late that there was no lay :(( but tbh its probably better off that way lmao he doesnt have to suffer)
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sonofthecarver · 4 years ago
doin this trend for most of the main pcp deities i work with so heres my patron, The Carver
General Questions:
1. What is the name of the entity and what is their canon universe? 
The Carver, The King of The Infernous, Emperor Hash'bor'kanibal
The Arkn Mythos 
2. What drew you to this entity? What drew you to their world?
I was introduced to the Arknverse through my partner and I felt a strong pull to him. 
The series is one of my favourites, and, although it took me a while, I eventually csme to him and asked if I could worship him. 
3. Did you choose them or did they tap you? How?
A bit of both, as I felt a pull to worship him, and I wanted to myself either way. 
4. How do you typically communicate? 
I communicate with him through his designated oracle deck, or through what he likes to call "vibes". 
He radiates a very distinct energy for me, so I can feel his emotions and opinions on my choices. 
5. What role does this entity play in their universe?
Ooh, he plays the role of a chaotic grim reaper, in my opinion. 
He has no true side, he works for himself and his own amusement. 
6. What kind of relationship do you have with this entity?
He is my patron deity, and he has lovingly dubbed me his son.
7. What aspects does this entity reside over?
He is the Dekn Lord of Pain, Torment, Suffering, Torture, Cheese, and sometimes Lettuce, The King of the Infernous, the Arkn Lord of Power and Truths, and The Joy of Fear
8. What kinds of offerings do you/would you give this entity?
He's not picky, but he likes cheese, tobacco, booze (specifically whiskey or vodka), spicy foods, weed, knives, and bones.
Non physical offerings include smoking or drinking in his honor, inflicting pain, and drawing blood.
9. What kinds of animals, stones, elements, plants, etc do you associate with this entity? Why?
His symbols are knives, sickles, devil motifs, skulls, cigarettes, blood, crowns, his devil mask, cleavers, guns, and the Dekn Symbol. 
His sacred animals are predators, and his element is fire. 
He likes any darkly colored stones, especially red calcite and bloodstone.
10. Are there any songs, books, or quotes you associate with this entity? Why?
He enjoys Ghost and a lot of more folksy type of songs like "The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie" and "In Hell I'll Be In Good Company".
11. How and when did you first encounter them as an entity? 
I don't exactly remember, but I'd have to say the first time I properly felt his presence in my room was when I was sick, and he was floating above my bed where I was whining to my boyfriend.
He was teasing me about not being able to handle sickness, but he seemed genuinely concerned about me.
12. How are they particularly involved in your life? Do they teach you anything specific? If so, what?
He's decided he's my father, so he's pretty involved, he hangs around me a lot. 
Not really anything specific, more just tellinge when I fuck up or little bits of life advice. 
13. Do they have any identifying symbols in canon or otherwise?
His sickle, his crown, and his mask are the three I can think of. 
14. Do they have alternate versions, verses, or canons? Do you communicate with all or some of them?
I'm sure there are, but I don't speak to them. 
Compare & Contrast:
15. Choose an aleady-existing deity from our world that has similar traits to this entity. How are they similar, and how are they different?
My immediate comparsion is Ares. 
They're both associated with violence, and have shown affection for certain mortals that are good at just that. 
The difference is that Carver is much more interested in the one on one intimacy of inflicting pain on one with your own hands, while Ares is a war god, which id the broader type of violence. 
16. Choose 6 tropes this entity may or does fall under. Explain if you agree or disagree, and why. 
Alas, Poor Villain - Absolutely. He's put through some shit that a regular viewer of the series has trouble watching. I know he's considered a villain, yet every time he gets hurt it hurts me. 
The Chessmaster - He succeeded in an eons long plan to trick a literal god, and he always seems to have every piece in his corner in the games he plays. 
Fallen Angel - Within certain Arkn stories, he is considered a once-great Arkn who was corrupted and defected to the Dekn side. 
Laughably Evil - He's absolutely fucking hilarious. 
Body Horror - I've only seen his true form a few times but holy FUCK is it terrifying. 
Heroic Sacrifice - I'm going to say it now, him letting his body be destroyed to create the new universe wasn't done in heroics. 
17. What academic studies or professions do you associate with this entity, and would you study any of them yourself? Why or why not?
Anything with death, history, or psychology.
I would, but he's a been pushing me to persue something I would genuinely enjoy, lile tattooing or computer programming. 
18. What is something surprising you have learned about this entity when working with them? Why was it surprising?
He's honestly so nice if you're nice to him, which was a little surprising because he's very much not a nice guy.
He's extremely protective of his worshippers/children: I had an issue with Ellpagg (an arkn entity) coming after me for a good while, and Ellpagg finally backed off after Carver beat him into the ground and said he'd chuck him in the Infernous again if he ever tried to lay a finger on me. 
(I was in the middle of a math class while watching that happen lmao) 
19. Is there a common misconception about this entity? What parts are true, and what parts are wrong?
That he's evil and only ever seeks to harm people. 
Evil? Yeah basically I can't argue that away he's done some pretty henious shit. 
But if you respect him and his power he won't bother you.
If you taunt him or disrespect him it will not end well for you.
Especially if you try to hurt him. 
Gods help you if you're one of the people stupid enough to try and hex or curse him.
20. Has some aspect of your life, energy, emotion, or other changed since meeting the entity? What would it be like if you hadn’t?
I've gotten better at standing up to people and defending my loved ones (at the downside of my anger issues getting worse). 
I've accepted my anger and rage much better now, and my energy has become more offensive because of his influence. 
People tend to think that his protection his a negative or bad thing when they first sense something touched by him. 
Self & Shadow
21. What are things this deity is capable of helping you with, personally? How?
He helps accept anger, rage, and violent urges as a natural thing not to be ashamed of. 
He'll teach you how to stand up for yourself properly, and when to not take any shit from stupid people.
22. Has this entity ever refused something to you? If so, what and why?
I mean, he probably has but fuck me if I remember what. 
23. What do you want to learn from this entity? Why?
Everything he has to teach me. 
He doesn't exactly sit me down like it's a fucking school lesson, its a more in the moment teaching style. 
24. Is there an end-goal with this entity, or do you plan on continuing a relationship with them?
He's my patron, he's stuck with me until I die. 
25. Have you ever disagreed with this entity? Why or why not?
Oh, all the time. 
Usually he's right, and if I don't agree with him he just let's me do it my way and then when i fuck it up he smacks the back of my head and says "see, dumbass, i told you so."
26. What does working with this entity reveal about you?
That I'm a raging bitch and if you fuck with me or my loved ones I'm not afraid to fuck up your whole life? 
27. What do you think you should cultivate about yourself to better work with this entity? Why?
Should probably stop being so stubborn but that's not gonna happen, he likes the banter. 
Also need to work on my godphone smh. 
28. Do you have any fears or anxieties about working with this entity? Why?
Nope. Not a single one. I'm not afraid of him and he's made it clear I have no reason to feae anything that could come after me because of him. 
29. What about this entity’s canon has impacted you the most? Why?
Just, the philosophy of it all. 
30. What UPG/Headcanon do you have about this entity? Why?
This man likes FNAF songs. 
I am dead fucking serious. 
31. Choose 3 major differences between their world and this one. Do these differences affect how you interact? 
Too tired to do this fully but no, it doesnt affect how we interact. 
He understands me and why I do the shit I do and I understand him and why he does the shit he does. 
(stolen from @highpriestness )
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survivor-rotuma · 6 years ago
Ep. 3: “People are coming to me like bees to pollen” - Felix
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I think I am becoming bossy. I should cool down for now and lay low. Don't want to be seen as too big of a threat just yet.
IM GAGGING! 6-1? Someone used an extra vote to make sure Thomas wasn’t home? Or he had a vote against him? Idk, idrc I survived the first vote of this game and sis it was stressful but easy. Thomas came on like half an hour before tribal and voted for Bradley without talking to anyone, I’m shook. A trio formed between myself,  Borris and Zest whilst Borris and I were also invited for a foursome with Bradley by Brianna. I’m shaking tbh
So the challenge has been posted and it's cute!! I like this challenge because it allows me to think critically and analytically!! I am currently putting in WORK in the challenge but my tribe is flopping lmaoo. I'm trying my best to give them tips and tell them to mimic the common things I'm finding and apply it to their own pairings but something isnt clicking!! Hopefully we can pull out a win!
Can my tribe... do the challenge?? I refuse to go to tribal again but I also don't feel like carrying my tribe in the challenge by doing each one of the pairings extensively.
I’m glad I was able to sit out of the immunity challenge this week. However I am still feeling our tribe of 6 is actually 4 because I don’t see much interaction from Suzy or Charlie.
At this point I am preparing for tribal council. Jay announced the scores for the challenge and our tribe was down by 30+ points and in last place. An actual alliance (our alliance name) decided to vote David off if we go to tribal again because of his problematic behavior and mean comment to GiGi that he totally didn't say lmaoo. The challenge is basically up I'm ready to forfeit and go right to tribal.
So Suzy and Charlie do not seem to be contributing at all. This is fine I  guess since it just puts a bigger target on their backs as a result. I am just tired of these useless tribe members. Maybe it'd be better to go to tribal in order to vote them off so that they cannot turn on fellow Tuai members later since they wouldn't have that strong of a connection with us.
Flint just complimented me on my good work in the challenges. It seems that my challenge performance is being noticed. While this ensures that I will be safe in the majority of pre-merge, it will just paint a target on my back during the merge. Plus, I know I will be no good in these individual immunity challenges so let's see how this goes
I’m feeling pretty comfortable in the game, which makes me nervous something will happen. Our tribe is doing great in challenges and I have a strong alliance, I’m worried about an impending tribe swap!
David Penn
I am worried i will get voted off if we lost, i've only added like two things because i'm too busy rn.
Welp. Late update but the Thomas vote went smooth. Also we won the third challenge so woo!!! Nothing really that new going on. There’s an alliance chat for me, Boris, Apollo and Bradley as well now so that’s...cool. That just leaves zest out for the next vote which I’m not too upset about since she doesn’t talk to me a lot.
I'm scared I haven't been participating as much as the others and therefore might be out next. I need to start forming alliances ASAP
I feel really bad. I did some of the plots for the spreadsheet but everyone else did more. I was busy with hosting family over for brothers bday i didnt really have time. Im glad we won immunity tho. It probably saved my ass.
I think I may just have formed a secure alliance, we'll see though
This vote seems too easy, everyone except for David knows David is going home, not that I’m complaining one bit
Suzy quits
"Yeah tribal was cancelled but I still need to air my David feelings so this was my voting confessional:
Right. Well. You’re rude, you didn’t help in this challenge and I feel like you may have thrown your part in the last challenge even though you were very adamant that if people were not doing well in challenges they were a target. I do not in a million years feel like I can trust you. And I’m pretty sure it was you who wrote that horrible voting confessional for Gigi. Which was horrible and completely unnecessary by the way. It sounded like a bully. And I hate bullies. Bye, I’d say I’d miss you... but I won’t."
"Now that we are down one tribe member, it is essential to win this next challenge. Though this does mean that if we were to go to tribal council, Charlie would be the one to leave. We still have that safety blanket, but I am just nervous about what happens after Charlie is voted out. We need to do everything in our power to prevent that situation from happening.
I should have seen the One World twist coming since Jay seems to like it. Either way, the Tuai Quad Alliance LLC has decided that I should be one of the representatives out of the two. This will definitely make me seem like the leader of the tribe now. I just have to watch my back and see what happens. If they are going to perceive me like that, I might was well become it. Let's see how this all pans out."
Well, David better thank the Survivor Gods because we were for sure gonna vote him out. But alas someone quit, I hope they are ok and all is well. <3 Not looking forward to this one world twist -_-
I am trying to establish ties with a fair amount of people while we are in the One World. For one, I want to become friends with both Raul and Kathleen. They said they wanted to work with me earlier so hopefully they plan to keep that promise. I also want to see how much I can trust Bradley. I did give him the advantage so maybe I have an ally there. I've also talked to Lysandre a bit and think he's alright. Let's hope I can establish myself socially in this game!
Today is my birthday and I am so grateful for all of the sweet birthday wishes from everyone.
I must say that people are coming to me like bees to pollen. They all want to talk to me which makes the most sense since they all want to be social. Though some are better at it than others. I've been getting really good vibes from Lysandre, Kathleen, Apollo, and Marie. In that order. They just seem like good people. Also, Marie is 13!? Shook! I did gather some intel though from these people. Apparently, on Mea, David is at the bottom for being a rude-ass and being abrasive. That means if I am on a tribe with David, he will definitely be a target which might help later down the line. Marie is also very upfront and blunt. She asked me immediately "Who is on the bottom of your tribe?" Like girl. Be subtle. I'm not giving info out that easily so I just said no one even though it is clearly Charlie. Everyone on Mea though has mentioned this "bitch" who's on the bottom for being rude. It's David. I'm just so shook that they all are giving out this information that easily. It didn't take long for Marie to start spilling everything to me. She could be valuable as a rat later down the line so long as I don't tell her too much. Though she has said that her tribe really likes me for some reason. I am definitely rising as a leader for the game and will have a target on my back. Though it's great to finally have social ties that could carry me to merge.
Apollo mentioned working together. As in, if we ever worked together then that should be our alliance name (Club 96). Interesting proposal right there lol
This one world twist was cute until I came to the conclusion that I was playing the game with someone I had blocked and deleted and never wanted to play with ever again. I can see right through his alias and I literally want to will my idol off and quit. And I was really liking his alias until I started seeing connections and speech pattern.. yeah this is really ugly.
TWIST!! I knew the feeling in my guy was right. I was feeling too secure and now I have no idea what’s going on.
God knows what jay has planned as long as no volcanos are involved
Marie is being very pushy. I mean so I am but I like to think I am endearing. I think she is going to be pretty annoying for the rest of tribe so maybe she'll be the next up. Definitely don't want to be on her side.
One world. New people. One survivor. Anyways. Marie is cool. But um. I’m tired and don’t feel like getting all these notifications from the one world chat but I also can’t mute it so ughhhh.
Cassie is just spilling all to me. She has an advantage that allows her to see how many alliance chats someone from the other tribe is rocking. That is such a useful tool. Especially late into pre-merge right before merge. I think it'll be really cool to fool her into using it. I hope she doesn't use it on me if we are ever on different tribes. Now, at least, I know that Cassie is loyal to me since hse is sharing all these details. Apollo is getting antsy that no one from his tribe will be a leader. I'm trying to convince it'll be fine, but he's not having it. He jsut has to trust me and then we can move on from there.
So Marie is actually Marie that's nice to know even though she wasn't supposed to do that ajdjdjsjs. And that impacts the game drastically because people are going to put their trust in her more now that they know she isn't a returnee. It is even having this round effects because she is about to be a leader. Deny the affects if yiu wabt but they definetely exist.
For the sake of Lysandre I am going to continue this game and act like I don't know who Felix is. Lysandre doesnt deserve to have their existance cut short especially considering the fact that they have an idol. They deserve all the love and support.
Dumbass bitch number 1 (Marie)
"To the tune of jeopardy:
Do do do do do do do, do do do do do, do dodododo, do do do dodo do do do, do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do, do do do do do, do dodododo do do do dodo do do do, DO, do do do do do do."
Moving forward in the game I, lysandre, would love to align with Felix in company with an actual alliance.
PSA: i love Jay
Volcano bitch
I love you jayyyy
Jay, sorry you are having a rough time getting home. sending good vibes your way.
So, here's the thing. I love the vibe with my tribe and the alliance of Tuai Quad. I believe in them, but I know it could be a good idea to keep my options open and form new alliances too. A tri-leader alliance? Oh yeah. Only time will tell what I do with the information I get.
Another alliance chat down! Woohoo! This one is with Marie, Kathleen, Raul, Lysandre, and I. It's called Drama Bitches. This alliance I feel pretty good about but I do feel on the bottom since I am not from their tribe
To follow up, I have been positioning myself with people socially very well. It seems that everyone wants to be my friend and that everyone likes me. It will definitely be hard betraying them, but it has to be done. I need to put myself in the least risk out of everyone here in order to make it to the end. I feel I have done that. If people are going to be inactive now, then they must be the next on the chopping block. I hope everything goes well from here. Especially since I have connections on all three tribes. It should keep me safe in case of a swap
"It seems my socializing has paid off! Firstly, I was chosen as leader for one of the new tribes. I got to choose people for my new tribe that I would be making. I definitely saw this coming, so it was good that I was able to choose them myself. I feel confident with my new tribe. Everyone, except Boris, I have talked to at least once so that'll help. I think I have picked people that enable me to have power over everyone else if I play my cards right. How I see it: I have aligned with Joey, Lysandre, and Rual. I have talked a bit with Zest, and Boris I am just getting to now. I have talked extensively with Apollo. He and I have bonded really well. Perhaps that will keep me safe for the time being. Mainly why I picked the people I did is to have easy boots earlier on (Zest and Boris) and to have people I'm already aligned with be with me (Joey, Raul, and Lysandre). I definitely do think I have picked a good tribe though.
Secondly, my socializing has paid off in terms of immunity. I definitely saw myself having a bunch of connections, but I didn't know it amounted to being the most popular. I think, socially, I have positioned myself well. Now I just got to keep this momentum up in order to succeed! Hopefully, everyone I am aligned with makes it to merge. It might be hard for Flint since he is on vacation. In hindsight, I should have picked him since it would be easier to explain his situation if I was there. I hope he doesn't get a target on his back for being inactive tonight! I think that they might vote out David since he is annoying. I told Cassie and Flint this, so maybe they can use that to their advantage.
Finally, I think this might paint a huge target on my back. People are going to know I am very well-liked by a lot of people. If they carry that information with them, they could use it against me. That'll be a problem for later. Plus, I have an idol to fall back on in case that does happen. Overall, it is going extremely well for Felix Rodriguez!"
Really dumb bitch (Marie)
I just realized I’m a threat, and now I’m lowkey panicking because I just made a plan with some people about how we get to a merge with a majority and now I’m scared that they’ll see me as a strategic and social target because everyone I’ve talked to I’ve been able to persuade. Let’s hope I’m not the Michaela of this game and get voted out cause I’m to strategic
The second this tribe swap happened I already had so many plans and I’m scared that people might want me out because no one wants to sit with someone who started making moves the second they could?? I done fucked up
Well new tribe. I’m pretty okay with the set up tho. Me and Marie have really clicked and we went to talking strategy right away. I’m glad Bradley is here. He isn’t on that much but he will probably vote with me. And Kathleen was another person I got to talk to a lot and she’s from original mea with Marie so that’s good. Haven’t gotten to talk to flint or Charlie. And. Talking with Cassie is just. It’s so dry so far....
So the tribe just merged, I've formed a new alliance and I'm super excited to see where it goes haha. Feeling a bit nervous about tribal council however since it is my first one. But I feel confident I won't be voted out just yet
I have created "The Gold Alliance" with Lysandre and Raul. They have both given me permission to add Joey to the alliance chat. I wanted to add Joey in order to keep OG Tuai safe from harm. If I can do that, then being on this tribe won't be so bad after all. Hopefully, however, Joey can maintain a social status to justify me bringing him into the alliance. Otherwise, he is on his own. I  hope the other OG Tuai are doing well and avoiding elimination today
"Me in the middle of one world: Omg I believe I know Felix's real self and I am literally about to quit I hate the person that Felix is outside of the alias
Felix: Picks me first to be a part of his tribe. "
"Ok so the new tribes have me feeling pretty iffy. Yes I am immune at the moment but I am separated from both Marie and Kathleen. This doesn't give me any comfort knowing that I am on a tribe with individuals who I do not know very well either and being stuck with Raul who works all the time and isn't 100% aligned with me yet.
While on new Tuai, Felix decided to form an alliance between me, him, and Raul which was a fraction of the Drama Bitches alliance that was formed during One World that consisted of Me, Felix, Raul, Marie and Kathleen. Now I am not dumb. I am aware that Cassie and Felix are close and Apollo fits in there somewhere too. My eyes are open. SHARINGAN! "
If David doesn’t go home I’ll cry
"Whew so much has happened
I got an idol a couple days ago!! I can't remember if I wrote a confessional about this
Someone walked, I wasn't really all that interested in that.
AND THEN SUDDENLY WE'RE IN ONE WORLD and I have mild panic bc i hate one world's, too many people.
And then we gotta pick 2 leaders, Marie and Felix volunteer and me and the rest of Sumi tribe ALMOST fight because we're messy heauxs but we eventually let it happen
And then tribe swap!! Surprise!! Except no one is actually super surprised but here we are anyway. And best of all, my dynamic trio alliance of me and Apollo and Zest is still together? When will ur faves? So yeah I'm in a good position, I like this tribe way better than my first one"
I think it might be me going or its gunna be David. Thats what my vote is gunna be. Hopefully it works.
I forgot if I said David is the target but David is the target.
0 notes