#alanna schubach
tigger8900 · 2 years
The Nobodies, by Alanna Schubach
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⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
Nina and Jess are the closest of friends, sharing a secret: simply by touching their foreheads together, they can swap their consciousnesses, each inhabiting the other's body until they choose to swap back. After a falling-out in senior year of high school drives them apart, they reconnect in their 20s, quickly beginning to share their adult lives in the same way they had as children. But what are the consequences of two souls intertwining in such a way as to become one indivisible pair?
This is a heartbreaking story about the wonders and horrors of deep friendship. I'm not really sure how much I can say about it without spoiling the plot, only that the relationship between Nina and Jess felt so horribly authentic to me. The instinctive pulling together, the constant blurring of boundaries(should you have them? can you?), the hurt recoil as you go too far again, and again and...it almost hit too close to home. For those of us who've had the experience of being on one side of an ampersand, one half of a pair that can only be considered as a unit, this novel is familiar and the final confrontation inevitable. Neither character is likeable. Both are flawed and behave badly, repeatedly. But none of it is pointless cruelty. Everything comes from a need, whether it's fallout from childhood trauma, a desire to be loved, or even just a misguided attempt to love another. Check content warnings before reading, because this goes to some dark places. I liked the way the story followed two timelines, one when they were 9-17 and another when they were around 25-30. I also appreciated Schubach's exploration of Nina's Jewish culture, while at the same time being disappointed that we didn't get anything of the same for Jess's Mexican culture. I did notice that Nina never experienced any on-page racism while inhabiting Jess's body, only noting that Nina-as-Jess was seen as beautiful and desirable. Maybe the author wasn't comfortable with the subject matter(fair), but it stuck out to me as a notable omission to not acknowledge it being a thing at all, especially given context around the sexualization of latinas. The other thing that bothered me was that I sometimes found myself struggling to follow the narrative when the two were body-swapped. But the fault lies not with the book(it was consistent in using the name corresponding to the consciousness, rather than the physical body), but rather with my own reading attention. I also believe it was deliberate in a way, throwing the reader off-kilter and blurring the line between the two characters. So, read carefully! I can't quite bring myself to give this one four stars. I think this might be a fault on my end rather than the book's, part of the visceral reaction I had to the subject matter. Elevating it from an "it was alright"+ to an "it was good" is a mental step that I just can't take right now. This book makes me need a therapist.
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carolinedbook · 2 years
(Download PDF) The Nobodies - Alanna Schubach
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Sometimes I wondered if I imagined it, said Nina. But deep down I knew I didn't.Jess said, We did too much damage for it not to be real.Jess and Nina, Nina and Jess ... to everyone else they're typical best friends, sharing closeness and confidences in their own little world. But Nina and Jess have a secret. Simply by touching their foreheads together, they can swap bodies.In Jess's assertive persona, self-conscious Nina turns bolder, free to say what she's frightened to voice on her own. Inhabiting Nina, Jess becomes part of the loving, stable family she craves.Now, in crisis after her father's death, Jess has reentered Nina's life following a long separation. Once again they switch bodies, and their worlds begin to mesh. Each deceives the other, confesses, is forgiven. But how deeply can you sink into another's life before there's nothing left of you? Set against the vibrant backdrop of New York City, The Nobodies poses questions about the nature of intimacy, the many flavors of
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mattgill · 2 years
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[*] Read PDF Here => The Nobodies
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avahughesstuff · 2 years
Download PDF The Nobodies EBOOK -- Alanna Schubach
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[*] Read PDF Here => The Nobodies
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electricliterature · 7 years
A Story About Survivors Impersonating the Dead
“The Great Disaster” by Alanna Schubach
Original fiction recommended by Electric Literature
Issue No. 262
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He had never really thought about it, our science teacher said, until shortly after he turned thirty. One night, over dinner, his wife had looked at him strangely. Then she reached out and plucked a hair from his head. She stretched it over the dark surface of the table and he saw it was wiry and gray: his first.
Read the full story on Electric Literature.
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pepsimangb · 10 years
A-god-damn-men to every last word in this editorial. I believe from the bottom of my heart it'll get there eventually, I have a lot of native friends who believe in the cause, but there are going to be some growing pains involved.
Very strange feeling to actually agree with Osaka mayor Hashimoto on something, though. There's a first time for everything~
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