#al-haitham and diluc are just collateral
okay but imagine kaveh and al-haitham on a trip to mondstadt for research purposes or something; they stop by the angel’s share where they run into venti and diluc
venti and kaveh start “discussing” beauty and the arts, quoting poems and ballads and getting progressively more obnoxious with each downed glass
meanwhile diluc and al-haitham just stand there like “please, end my suffering”
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I hate to ask this but, the way to tell each person's personality gets to me.
So: What if Diluc was murdered? Like by either the fatui or the abyss order for always getting in their way.
How would the harem and his kids react? (Let's hope poor Bennie doesn't try to put the blame on himself)
So that's a tall as order so I'm gonna break this down into categories of how fuck the Fatui/Abyss is.
Threat Level SSS - Imminent Danger To no one's surprise, Childe sits right here. He gonna come in hot and fast and leave nothing living in his awake. Like He'd not an angry person by nature, and I think that when he is angry, you're not just facing the incident, but every moment of anger he's packed away. Every unfair treatment or displeasure he or a loved one has faced. You're now facing it. He's also not going to instant kill. He's going to be a bit clumsy and miss by in inch. To level his victims with just a few seconds of pure pain. And He will go until he's either killed everyone he thinks deserves it or until he's burnt out.
But also, here is Zhongli. And less because of how fast he would act but more because an old god would start flexing his muscles again. You would start seeing a bit of Morax, archon war ara Zhongli. Like he would try to grieve as a human, he honestly would, but he could do it. Diluc was taken from him for doing what he thought was right and protecting others. It would be too much, and Zhongli would demand justice.
And finally, here is one that might surprise people. Al Haitham. Al Haitham is not the kind of person who is naturally very kind, but neither is he malicious. He chose that, and any kind act on his part is something he put thought into. But that works totally in reverse when he choices to be cruel. He is cruel. He goes for the weak spot that acts that will cause the most harm and suffering. Al Haitham's vengeance would not be instant. It wouldn't be fast. It would be slow. Planned and suffering. Like we are talking Count of Monte Cristo and Cask of Amontillado kind of shit. Because these people had no place in killing Diluc and taking a part of his peaceful life away from Al Haitham. And since he has to live with that hole now too. He'll make sure it's returned.
Threat Level - Emergency
So while still very dangerous, This is gonna be the less painful total annihilation class. And the big players here are Albedo and Ayato. The big difference is they simply aren't as powerful as the other teir and well, you could make a comparison between Albedo and Al Haitham's power. I think the difference in personality. Albedo isn't really capable of the same level of pure cold, rational Al Haitham is. He is just gentler, and his biggest threat is gonna be well. He's gonna tell Alice. And you are doomed, then.
Then Ayato is like Al Haitham and is thinking in terms of the most cold and efficient punishment. But he's got more leashes on him and things to control how far he can go. And he will push all of that to it's limits to make sure justice is done
But also, here is Xiao. And he's sort of in the same boat as Zhongli, and you would see more of his wartime side come out. But he's got more of the leash like Ayato does.
Threat Level - Alert
So this is where a lot of the kids are gonna be placed. Purely because they don't have the experience or the abilities to go as far as they others. Plus being sort of raised by Diluc they'll be more gentle and have more moral worries about collateral damage. Fischl and Razor are both there. Along with Itto and Eula. This is gonna be like the one time you see me put Itto in like... the rational category. This group would work to see a more true sort of justice done. Something they think... Diluc would be proud of it.
Threat Level - Standby
So here are where you'll see repercussions, but this is where the grief is more paralyzing. Thoma, Kaveh. They both would be more focused on the lost of Diluc and trying to figure out life without him and wouldn't prioritize any revenge. That doesn't mean they wouldn't hate the Fatui/ Abyss with their whole being it just. They just aren't revenge seekers.
Also, here are Diona and Bennett. Diona would be in the class above but I kind of see her as the kid to take over the winery. She'd want to focus on making juice and seeing Diluc's work continue in making wonderful drinks to bring people together. She would be the angerest out of everyone and carry the most hate but... Her love and will to make Diluc proud would go beyond that. As for Bennett, I feel he would hoard a bit of guilt and just the question. "What it my bad luck?" "Did it rub off on him?" And it would make him a little distant from everyone for a long while. because he can't stop that question from repeating in his head.
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