#al-damnvers agentcorp
jamies-overalls · 4 years
maybe a oneshot on agentcorp adopting a teenager angsty at first but then fluffffffffffffff
YESSSSSSSSSS. I love this. Also, I will add more to this/write more oneshots if people want more from this particular universe and want to see how they met him, etc. DISCLAIMER: I know very little about adoption and have taken many liberties for the sake of this story.
“I’m sorry, what do you mean we can’t adopt him?” 
The woman at the adoption agency just sighed, looking at the two furious women sitting across from her desk.
“Ms. Danvers, we appreciate how much you and your wife want to help him. And we’re glad he has people that he trusts. But he’s been through quite a lot, and your high risk job combined with Ms. Luthor’s reputation will only make things harder for him.”
Alex was fuming. “I promised Jacob that we would adopt him. That it would be us. He said he didn’t feel comfortable with anyone else.”
“You have to understand, it’s for his own sake. Maybe once things have calmed down, but not right now.”
Lena sensed the intensity between the two women and cleared her throat. Both women turned to look at her. She took a breath and spoke as calmly as possible, even though she felt every bit of anger that Alex did.
“If we wait until things calm down, he could very well age out of the system. He’s sixteen. He needs to spend his last two years as a minor with people who can provide for him and take care of him. We can do that. Alex’s own sister is adopted and had to adjust from traumatic experiences. Alex knows better than anyone how to handle those sort of things. Not to mention, our friend group is practically a family. No, it is a family. He’ll have more than just us.”
The woman sighed softly. She could tell that neither of them were about to give up. And, frankly, Lena had made some good points. But there was still almost an hour of discussion until she came to some sort of compromise.
“You may foster him for now. But that means keeping track of all the details of his care. If all goes well and he is well taken care of, then we’ll review your case for adoption.”
After going over the details, Alex and Lena were brought to Jacob. He’d been anxiously waiting for the results of the meeting. He stood up when he heard Lena’s heels clicking down the hallway. He was just a little bit taller than Alex, but they knew he’d get even taller in the coming months.
“Well?” He asked, his eyes shifting back and forth between the two women. 
“They are allowing us to foster you for now.” Lena said gently. Her heart broke to see the disappointment in his eyes. It wasn’t a full adoption, it wasn’t official. “We still intend on adopting you. But they seem very sure that we can’t take care of you. And we will prove them wrong.” 
Jacob gave nod, sighing softly. “What do we do now?” 
Alex, who had been quiet and serious, suddenly broke into a wide smile. “Now, we go get some ice cream to celebrate. Because this is still a victory.” 
“You know me too well.” He managed a small smile.
“I even know your favorite flavor to have when you’re upset.”
“Which is...?”
“Cookie dough.”
“Damn, you’re good.”
“Watch your language.”
Jacob gave her a look and Alex just laughed. 
“Okay, okay. I have no right to criticize anyone about language.” She nodded. 
“You really don’t, darling.” Lena smiled. “Let’s get going before Alex tries to fight the entire adoption agency again.”
The three of them walked out of the building, Alex and Lena holding hands, and Jacob cheerfully walking beside them. It wasn’t perfect, not yet. But they’d work hard to get there.
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jamies-overalls · 5 years
I've had an idea for an AgentCorp oneshot for awhile, with the idea that Lena is cuddling with Alex and notices her starting to panic because her head is on Alex's chest and she can hear her heartbeat speed up. TW: Panic attacks.
It was around 3am, a few nights after the New Year. January was always the worst time of year, there wasn't anything much to look forward to, just cold weather and cloudy skies. And as stressful as the holidays had been, this seemed to be worse. There was nothing to keep Alex distracted enough from her thoughts.
Of course, having Lena curled up by her side every night was usually enough to calm her. Lena could make the noise in her head quiet without even trying. But there were some nights were it just wasn't enough.
That day, there had been three attacks to deal with, a new threat they'd previously been unaware of. One of the attacks had somehow involved Kryptonite, and Kara had gotten hurt. Luckily, she was healing under the sun lamps and would be fine, but Alex remained worried.
After dinner by Kara's side while she healed and cuddles with Lena when she got home, she had calmed down a little. Kara would be fine. Everything would be fine. She told herself that and told Lena that as well. With everything a little better, they'd gone to bed.
Now Lena was curled up in Alex's arms, her head pressed against Alex's chest so that she could hear her heartbeat. Alex assumed she'd fallen asleep. Her breathing had evened out and she'd been quiet for awhile, it made sense. So, when her mind first began spiraling and her body suddenly felt tense, her first instinct was to stay still. Don't wake Lena. Just breathe. Don't wake Lena. Everything is fine.
What she didn't realize was that Lena hadn't actually fallen asleep yet. Whenever Alex was stressed or upset, Lena often stayed awake longer than her, just to make sure she was okay. Lena first noticed a spike in the speed of Alex's heartbeat. It had quickly started to race, beating far faster than before. Then she noticed that the even breathing that usually lulled her to sleep was anything but even, now short and quick. Her last clue was that Alex's fingers, which had previously been trailing up and down Lena's arm, had suddenly stilled. Lena could hardly see Alex's face in the lack of light, but she had a feeling it had gone very pale.
Lena sat up slowly, so as not to startle her.
"Alex? Darling? Are you alright?" She asked. She knew Alex probably couldn't respond to anything more than a yes or no question at the moment.
Alex's gaze shifted to look at Lena, trying to focus on her face. She shook her head slowly, her brow furrowed in worry.
"Is it alright if I touch you?" Lena asked softly. Her girlfriend rarely said no in times like these, but she felt it best to ask anyways.
There was a pause, then Alex nodded very quickly, very eagerly. Lena reached out and placed her hand under Alex's shirt and directly over her heart.
"I've got you. I'm here. Can you take a few breaths for me? Breathe with me, just breathe against my hand." She instructed gently. Alex closed her eyes and tried to breathe deeply. It was shaky at first, but each breath got slower and fuller. After several long moments, Alex opened her eyes. She relaxed and slumped forwards, her exhausted body now leaning against Lena for support.
Neither of them spoke for several moments, until Alex muttered a very quiet, "Thank you."
"I'm here, darling, it's alright. I'm always going to be right here. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. It was... just the same stuff it was about earlier. I can't get it out of my head."
"That's alright. We don't have to talk about it right now. And when you're ready, I'll be here to listen." Lena said softly. "Is there anything else I can do to help you?"
"Can you just... hold me? For the rest of the night?"
"Of course I can."
They shifted so that Lena was lying behind Alex, spooning her and holding her close. Alex was usually the one to be holding Lena, so this seemed to tell her girlfriend just how vulnerable she was feeling at the moment.
They fell asleep eventually, and slept late into the next day. Lena had cancelled her meetings for the next day, deciding that her girlfriend's comfort and mental health took priority.
Alex woke the next morning, still in Lena's arms and quite exhausted. She wasn't exactly feeling perfect again, but she did feel a little better. She was always grateful for the woman at her side who encouraged her to deal with her thoughts and work through them instead of shutting them down.
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