the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Werewolf-Vampire AU -SEQUEL VIII: Family Reunion- ]
 by : Little1993lamb
for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter 
Words count : 7557
Warning : Long long sequel is very loooong again, as this becomes the longest sequel so far. I actually have to split the initial sequel plan for this and make it as a whole new title. Many kissy-kissy Batarou moments and many more of heartwarming moments for our WereVamp family ahead, all of them, yaay! Also, who wants to see Batarou sweet moment about Garou giving a special present to Badd on their date night? Hmm..
 Disclaimer: Gaman, the Batarou love child, is Original Character created by amazing @the-goddessfighter. Not mine, I just borrowed him temporarily for this story at her permission ;D
  @kaincuro @metalbatandzenko @dies-first @beautifulnightmareus @guppys-paw @ruby-ess
 - VIII -
The moment after Garou left the battlefront to fight against Amai Mask, the fighter team werewolf pack alliances was temporarily lead by Bomb. He couldn't leave the battlefield to come checking Bang's condition in Imperial Palace right now, for he must leading his team to win this war. Bomb hoped his little brother is going to be alright, it worried him so much that he poured his frustation out onto the enemies, demolishing them together with the team. The more he stalling the time, the more his pack alliances members would die, and he didn't want any of that happened. Not to mention his stamina wouldn't last longer, different from when he's in prime age like decades ago, he blamed his old age. Because of that he must ended this battle as soon as possible, as fast as he could.
 Finally soon after that, Bomb along with his remaining Alpha warrior members defeated the last batch of assassin enemies then captured and restrained them, so the royal law enforcer could arrested them later. Some of the werewolf alliance members relayed the information to the Imperial Palace current residents that all of the assassin pureblood vampire army in the battlefront has been successfully defeated. Now they just waiting the royal family vampires do their job to clean the mess.
 Wanted to rest for a while after fighting nonstop, Bomb sat down on the ruined grass field that used to be the Vampire Council Fortress' front yard beautiful garden. He took a relaxed breath while watching the aftermath battle scenery around him. There are many of his own remaining Alpha warrior subordinates who helped the werewolf alliances members from Bang's and Garou's division to bring the war criminals into the Fortress, with assistance from the non-sabotaged guards and the law enforcer officers from royal family. Bomb felt relieved that finally this battle took them into good direction, where vampires and werewolf set aside their differences to help each other. But he knows that their great achievement followed by more greater sacrifices.
 He saw from the corner of his eyes their subordinates covering their fallen comrades and bring them into Fortress' side yard, where all the bodies of the fallen werewolf warriors were laid down in rows, waiting for their funeral ceremony time in Memorial Cemetery for Heroes. On the other hand, the corpses of the dead assassin vampires were collected on the other corner of Fortress' frontyard, waiting to be buried without honour in the forest. There's no fancy ceremony for a bunch of Vampire Order traitors, no matter how high their social status among the communities, nothing at all. And the remained alive assassin pureblood clan members will be punished severely and forever being humiliated for the rest of their life.
 It's an irony: how the highest rank of pureblood vampire clan stumbled down to become the lowest beings in their own society, when the lowly werewolf tribes they hates for centuries raised up to gain the highest honour they ever received from the supposed sworn enemies. Bomb chuckled at the thought, but he calmed himself before he got up from his sitting position. He walked through his werewolf alliances members who still busy cleaning the war mess along with the royal guards, to the Fortress' side yard.
 Arrived at the place, Bomb crouched down beside his, Bang's, and Garou's fallen subordinate bodies. There's too many victims of this war from their side. Even though it's saddening him, he's proud of them all. As an Alpha Warrior himself, he's proud that all of his comrades and subordinates, also all the other werewolf fighters from another divisions, carried out their mandate they're vowed before to protect their family and innocent people until their last breath. And as their leader, Bomb will never forget their sacrifice. He hoped that wherever they go after they're died, they will happy in there now.
 After Bomb giving the moment of silence for all ofthe fallen heroes, he decided that it's time to go checking Bang's condition at evacuation area in Imperial Palace. Suddenly he heard someone running from the forest direction in hurry, when he looked up to see who was that he felt relieved instantly. It's his nephew, Garou. And it seems he's winning the fight against that snob vampire assassin bastard who hurted his little brother, that's good thing.
 For a moment Garou saw Bomb and waving his hand for him before continue running towards the Imperial Palace. Bomb guessed that Garou wanted to meet his Mate and the rest of his family. With a slow smile, he walked to the same direction as Garou. Just walking though, no running anymore because he's an old wolf and also his body was already tired as hell.
 Back to several minutes at the evacuation area inside Imperial Palace before war ended, Zenko was busy healing and recovering Bang's condition who's now sleeping peacefully on the makeshift bed in the emergency infirmary. He was poisoned before from the wound infection by Amai Mask's poison-coated weapon. And it made Zenko really furious because firstly, how dare that vampire hurted her family member again! Secondly, the difficulty level to find the exact rare poison antidote before Bang's condition got worsened was hellish thing to do for Zenko.
 Fortunately Tareo finally find the poison antidote that he brew himself on the spot quickly, he was panicked when searching the right formula but managed to make it perfectly as what Zenko asked. As soon as it finished being brewed, Zenko made Bang drink it to neutralize the poison first, before she started on healing the internal damages in Bang's body caused by the poison.
 While Zenko taking care of Bang with her healer vampire magic, Tareo continue to aid the other doctors and nurses, also other medical staffs helping the injured werewolf fighters. He's specialized on treating the physical or external injuries, with good knowledge to make potions and some medicines in emergency situation. While the werewolves have very excellent quick regenerative abilities, if the injury was heavy enough, especially on vital organs, or they've got too many injuries at the same time, it could endanger their life. So, real quick treatment is an important thing to do to save them.
 With the large amount of the fighters getting injured in this war, some of them even in comatose condition, this was really busy field day for every medical staffs in evacuation area, included Zenko and Tareo. But because of the first prioritity is the people's life safety, none of them ever complained about being too exhausted. They must do their job until they've made sure everyone got proper medical treatment.
 Then there's the werewolves rescue team who relayed the information from outside, coming hurriedly to the Imperial Palace to announce that the war between the werewolf fighters and the treacherous pureblood vampire assassin army has already ended. And that they have the promised victory. Everybody screaming in joy, both from vampires side and werewolves side. No more dividing wall between them, they just celebrated their victory together in sheer amount of happiness, hugging each other as the grateful feeling of being saved by the heroes in battlefield.
 Badd, who still guarding with sleeping Gaman at the Imperial Palace gateway, heard the news and let out his relieved sigh. Finally the painful memories of his horrible past was ended along with this last battle. Badd thanked whoever werewolf pack members in the alliances fighting in the battlefront, for granted his wishes to end the cycle of hate by stopping the greedy pureblood vampire clan's advances.
 He could say goodbye to his terrible nightmares that always plaguing him for so many years, even when he'd got guaranted safety from his Mate every night. Not to mention Badd could finally get rid of the worry feeling he had everytime he imagined that the pureblood vampires targeting his new family again, especially Gaman.
 His son, his own child, the miracle boy who finally unlocked all of wonderful potential he had just now. Using them first to save him, secondly to fight side-by-side with Garou and him, then lastly back-to-back with him. How Badd really proud of Gaman and made him loving his son more than before. He though of that while hugged Gaman tightly in his arms, kissing the top of his head softly. Once he's awake and the situation getting more condusive, Badd is gonna show Gaman how proud he is to him by celebrate Gaman's successful glorious transformation along with Garou and the rest of family.
 But until now, he should focusing on the safety of his family packs, not to mention he also worried for Bang's critical condition. He's very shocked when his pack members brought the unconscious Bang to the evacuation area's infirmary. Hopefully he's going to be alright by now.
 Decided to move Gaman into the more comfortable place to sleep, Badd craddle-carried him while walking into the Imperial Palace. When he entered the gate, he could hear and see many people rejoicing their battle victory. Some of them even embracing each other without any discrimination, werewolves and vampires celebrating it shoulder to shoulder.
 When Badd arrived in the main hall of Imperial Palace where the emergency infirmary located, he'd seen many of his injured but already recovered pack members still resting on their makeshift bed. Most was sleeping, but the ones who's awake were being thanked by the royal family or vampire civilians.
 Even Badd found out his one or two werewolf pack members getting a crush on by some young male vampires who give them a flower bouquet as thankful gift. Where were they get that flower from so quickly? And one of them even bravely kissing his subordinate on the cheek! Hmm, that's gonna be interesting...
 Hearing too much noisy voices, Gaman stirred up in his sleep in Badd's craddle. Didn't want to disturb his sleeping, Badd quickened his walking pace toward the most quiet resting place on the corner of hall. It was a small guest room where he saw Bang's followers sitting stand-by in front of the room. As soon as Badd coming closer, they recognised him and give brief salutation to acknowledge Badd as someone who had a higher position than them.
 So this is where Bang was resting? They opened the door for him, and when he's entered the room there's Zenko and Tareo in here watching over Bang, who's already awake now. Bang offered Badd to hand over sleeping Gaman to him, so Gaman could sleep in the bed beside Bang. Gaman immediately curled against his grandpa, feel more comfortable now he's asleep on proper bed.
 Badd gives hugs for Zenko and Tareo, thanked them for their great job at helping people in the Imperial Palace. Badd asked Bang if he's okay or not, because he's still worried about Bang's health condition. Bang answered that he's already feels so much better thanks to Zenko and Tareo, also seeing Gaman again made it perfect, he's not feeling pain anymore. Then the four of them sharing a brief story from each side so they could understand what happened on them hours ago.
 Hearing Badd's story, Bang felt very proud of his grandson it brought him to tears, knowing that now Gaman finally found his true self to protect their family on the first try. Bang hugged Gaman who's still in a deep sleep beside him and kissing his forehead with so much care for him. Hearing Bang's story, Badd was furious for what Amai did to him. He hoped Garou could kick his ass real hard this time for them. Speaking of Garou, Badd hadn't seen him coming back to the Fortress. Maybe it's time for Badd searching for his dear husband Garou.
 He asked Bang's and Zenko's permission to go outside looking for Garou, and to entrust Gaman temporarily to them while he's outside. They permitted Badd, but not before Zenko asking Badd for him giving a congratulatory kiss for Garou, she said he totally deserved that for kicking Amai's ass! It made Badd blushed hearing Zenko's suggestion, but agreed with her nonetheless. Besides, it was actually his initial plan once he found Garou. He got out Bang's room and walking towards the Imperial Palace gate.
 Badd was only stepped out from the gate when he saw Garou coming towards him. It seems Garou also had already seen Badd from afar just from looking at how excited his dorky expression and his running speed. A very happy looking smile spread from his lips, Badd joined running towards him with the same enthusiasm. They finally met in the middle then immediately hugged each other tightly. Garou even swooped Badd up and spun him around, while Badd clung onto Garou's neck, both of them laughing wholeheartedly together before Garou putting him down on the ground again.
 Still clinging tightly onto each other, Badd couldn't exactly described verbally how much he missed his werewolf husband, so he just nuzzling Garou's neck then gazing softly into his eyes. Garou definitely understand what Badd was meant to express just by looking at Badd's delighted face and his twinkling eyes when he's gazing at Garou. Garou never get bored seeing how adorable his Mate is whenever he's in his arms, truly the most beautiful person in Garou's world.
 Replied with the same adoring smile, Garou kissed Badd slow but passionately, pouring all of his feeling out into the kiss. The love he feels for Badd never once wavering nor faltered, it strenghtened throughout time they've been together. Just like this moment. For a brief second Garou letting go of their lip-locking act to take a breath, then resumed the kiss with even more intimacy than before. It made Badd whimpering softly into Garou's mouth, his knees weakened and he'd be fallen down if not for Garou's strong arms supporting his standing position.
 Not too long after that, Garou ended their intimate kiss but still peppering small kisses on both of Badd's cheeks, nose, forehead, the on the top of his head while inhaling his hair scent. It still smell sweet even though it's overlapped with the blood scent. But thankfully Badd still alright, no one hurting him or even touched him in wrong way. That Badd still alive, Garou could feel the beats of Badd's heart thumping rapidly beneath his hands on Badd's back. Garou wanted to thank Who Have Great Power Above for keeping his Mate alive to him. Letting out a relieved sigh, he released his embrace then smiling widely to Badd, the usual adorkable smile that Badd loves to see.
 Didn't want to lose from his adorkable husband, Badd eagerly reciprocated his silent declaration of love. With the strong yet tender hands, Badd cupped Garou's cheeks and caressing them for a while, before he tiptoeing and encircled his arms on Garou's neck. His finger running through Garou's silky hair then finally pulled Garou closer again to share a very deep kiss together. Garou was more than happy to oblige him, in fact he loves it very much when Badd started to get addicted with his kisses. They didn't care about the passerby people seeing them doing all of it in public, not after both of them nearly separated by death. It's the best moment to express how much they're grateful to be reunited again.
 Especially for Badd, who got worried nonstop for Garou, afraid that some assassin vampire bastard like Amai Mask fatally hurted him like what he did to Bang. So it brought Badd to tears for having Garou coming back to him unscathed, made him kissing Garou more enthusiastically because he's just overjoyed. Unconsciously, Badd nipped Garou lips until it bled a bit. He eagerly sucked and licked Garou's sweet blood, while still maintaining their deep kiss. After feeling like eternity, they finally breaking their snogging session in public. Foreheads still touching, they laughing together in relief while remained hugging each other tightly.
 Suddenly there's clapping sounds that got more louder and louder coming from their surrounding. Curiously, Badd and Garou immediately looked around them. Turned out, their packs members, the werewolf alliances, and also vampire civillians applauded together for both of them, joining to celebrate the reunion of the most controversial yet romantic couple in their society. All seemed very happy for them too, no resentment detected from the expression or the reaction from what Badd and Garou just did, only pure supports.
 Applause sounds then also added with many other voices, such as cheering, cat calling, hollering, praises, congratulatory, complain for their Bosses to get a room immediately or not to PDA again, and many more noises. But the similarities, everyone approved their relationship. Seeing all being very supportive to their loving relationship, it made Badd wanted to cry happily again. And then he's really bawling in the middle of Fortress' side yard, in the arms of his very confused dorky werewolf husband, in the center of equally confused people's attention.
 After a lot consoling and made Badd calmed himself, both of them thanking all the people for their supports. Of course it followed by people thanking them instead, for being very good co-leaders at the battle (this come from Garou and Badd's werewolf subordinate and family packs) and for being their heroes (this come from vampire civillians). Now that Garou already comeback to him again, Badd decided to go back to their family along with Garou. He thought maybe they'll stay in Imperial Palace for one night, considering it's already at dusk and they all are still in recovery time from battle, royal family offering their Palace to become sort of guest home for them. They walking back to Bang's room so they could resting for a while.
 Immediately after they entered the room, Garou hurriedly running to Bang' bed side and hugging him. Garou was very worried for his father figure's condition all these time, so when he saw Bang was safe he felt so relieved. Bang was surprised briefly, but he accepted Garou's sincere gesture by returning the hug, telling him he's alright by now, just need a bit rest with Gaman. Bang said he was very proud of everything Garou did as Alpha warrior who lead the entire alliances members in the battlefield. He never regret his decision to choose Garou as his successor, and it's already proved this time.
 Listening the kind and wise words from Bang, Garou only could mumbled thank you repeatedly while his body started shaking and then there's tiny sound of sniffling. He was so glad Bang survived and still alive, then telling him that he's very proud of him, the former rebel kid. Badd was the first realized it, immediately thinks, "oh no, now Garou is the one who's crying". He then coming to Garou's side and leaning to his shoulder, trying to calm his husband down whereas Bang only fondly smiling while patting Garou's back.
 The noises woke Gaman up, he rubs his still sleepy eyes and when Gaman saw his dad and father has already come back together he called them. Hearing his little son calling him, Garou wiped his tears off then offering Gaman his hug. Gaman quickly hugged Garou, telling him that he and Father Badd missed Dad Garou so much, and he's happy that now they could be together again. To emphasize how much Gaman missed his dad, he smooches Garou's cheek and said "I love you Dad", before clinging on Garou's neck tightly. Garou chuckled at Gaman's behaviour, definitely mini clone of Badd because he's doing the same thing as Badd. Parents's habit really inherited to their child, eh?
 Determined to lightened up the atmosphere, Garou lifted Gaman up in the air and spun him around in the middle of the room. Garou said to Gaman that he's very proud of him for his successful first transformation as WereVampire hybrid and his wonderful fighting teamwork that they did together before. That's why once they gets home after all the family packs recovered they will throw a celebratory party for Gaman. Both of them giggling in joyfulness together. Bang only nodded in approval of Garou's plan, while Badd letting out a small laugh seeing his husband silly antic to their son, but he's happy to see them full of joy like this. He decided to stop Garou spinning Gaman around before both of them getting dizzy.
 At the same time, Bomb, Tareo, and, Zenko entered the room together. Bomb was initially wanted to come visiting Bang soon, but he must be going hunting animals in the forest first with other Alpha warriors, to prepare dinner for all of werewolves who stay overnight in Imperial Palace. Whereas Tareo and Zenko had just finished their shift in the infirmary, they're too tired to attend the crowded dinner feast in the Palace garden, they've decided to just have a dinner in Bang's room. That's why Bomb bringing Bang's and their dinner into the room so they could eat in here together while resting. Everyone else already joining the dinner feast outside the Palace, which is just started by now.
 Tareo, who saw his usually cool Protector Leader swinging his overjoyed son in the air and spinning him around while giggling like a madman, only blinking his eyes and give Zenko "what-are-they-even-doing" look. Zenko just shrugged his shoulders, already immune to those kind of silly sceneries in their home. Fortunately his big brother stopped them right there so they wont fallen off from dizziness.
 Bomb put their dinner container onto the big table in the corner of the room, then continue walking to Bang's bed side, patted his shoulder and asking how was Bang feeling right now, or is he alright already. Bang knew his big brother really worried for him since that incident, so he reassured him that he's already get the best treatment thanks to the amazing kids' help (he meant Zenko and Tareo), even better after he took a nap together with his grandson. Bang glanced to his family who gathered together here, seeing what they do now.
 The guilty-looked Garou was handed the nauseated Gaman to Badd, who's scolding Garou because he made Gaman feel dizzy, while hugging his son carefully so he wont vomit. Tareo was busying himself preparing their dinner on the table, then Zenko asked Garou to come help her arranging the plates and the eating utensils. Bang explained to Bomb, even though his family is always sorta messy like this, but they're very precious to him and he loves them so much. He wont regreted to have a unique family like what he had now. Never. Bomb quickly understood Bang, glad that his little brother feels happy with his little family.
 Already finished being prepared, they started to have a dinner together in Bang's room. The crowd noises coming from the werewolf dinner feast outside of Palace could be heard from there, and also the deliciously barbecued meat aroma that they've made near the bonfire could be smelled from every corner in the Palace. As their leader of the alliances and the Big Boss for his subordinates, he should be joining the crowd to have dinner together with them. But instead of going outside, he stayed to eat his dinner in the room with Badd and the others. He rather be with his own family than with anyone else. Besides, he didn't feel comfortable enough to be in the crowd. Too much people around him when he's still eating was not good. Maybe he just going outside after he finished eating to seek fresh night air.
 Bang was on his bed and Bomb sitting accompanied him on the bedside, eating together while chatting occasionally. The rest were sitting on big carpet near the window, circling around their dinner meal. Tareo excitedly telling all of his experiences story during his time in infirmary with Zenko to them, while still in the middle of eating his portion of BBQ meat. Badd told him to slow down and don't talk too much with mouth still full. Just a few seconds after Badd warned him, Tareo got choked on his own food that it made Badd fetch a glass of water for him, said "told you so" exasperatedly. Zenko complained Tareo to be more careful, while happily sipping an animal blood pack beside him.
 Badd resumed to drink his own bottle of blood wine, a present from some member of royal family. And of course it's not the one made from human blood, for he refuse to drink anything beside animal blood or his Mate's blood. He leaned on Garou's shoulder who was eating a big chunk of BBQ meat together with Gaman in his lap. When it comes to eating dinner, his husband always turned into a blackhole, wolfed all down (heh, "wolfed") in just a few minutes until nothing left on the table. Badd hoped Gaman wont following his feral dad's habit, at least right now Gaman has some decency in him, like eating meat slowly and not making a mess during eating. Maybe next time he will teach Gaman the proper eating manner in the family before it becomes too late.
 Seeing Garou left some messy smear of meat juice on the corner of his lips, it made want to lick it off. But everyone else were here so he shouldn't do PDA in front of them. On the other side, he really wanted to give Garou some husband-wife lovey-dovey moment, too. It was too tempting for Badd, especially after the whole nearly-separated-by-death experience they suffered together. After a hot minute thinking about that, Badd decided to fuck it, he'll do it right now. He shifted closer to Garou then licked the remaining meat juice off from the corner of his lips. Garou got surprised by Badd's action but didn't mind it at all. He turned to face Badd while giving him his trademark sly smirk, before move forward to kiss Badd on the lips, complete with lewd humming that earned Badd's soft whimpering noises.
 Seeing these two making out shamelessly when everyone still eating, Zenko was pointing and screaming in protest at her big brother and her big brother in law, reprimand them to stop doing that in front of her. Also she asked Gaman to quickly close his innocent eyes and ears to prevent any horror imageries entered his pure mind. Poor Gaman who's still currently sitting in between his parents. He's closing his eyes tight and put his hands to close both of his sensitive ears with grimace expression, wondering when will his dad and father stopped their kissy-kissy moment. Gaman was wondering, have they forgot he still sit right there, just below them?!
 Tareo was so done with his guardian and co-leader's antics, he just started collecting his own dirty dishes, and left to clean it up. Bang was actually seems amused watching both his son's and his son in law's happy moment, thinking "aaah young love", but he really wanted to save his grandson's innocence from them. Bomb was pondering maybe they should keep their youthful romance down when there's a whole family watching them.
 When he was finished eating with Gaman, of course after Badd and him got earful complaint from Zenko, Garou realized that Badd was eyeing his pouch bag which he put down on the table suspiciously. He knew Badd will be able to smell something odd from them, as his vampire senses are excellent like werewolf's. Now that they all finished having dinner, it's time to bring Badd outside with him. He picked up his pouch and tied it around his hip. Then Garou grabbed Badd's hand and made him standing up from his sitting position, asking if he wanted to go outside with him together as their "romantic date night", then giving Badd a flirtatious wink. Both Zenko and Tareo groaning at the sight of that, ushering them to just go while they will stay inside babysitting Gaman.
 Badd considering this was his chance to have quality time with Garou, but he got a feeling it must be related with Garou wanna talk about the strange thing in his pouch. He could feel it coming. He accepted Garou's invitation and letting him lead the way. Before they leave, Badd giving Gaman a hug and kiss, ensured him that they will be back soon. Gaman nodded and give his father his cheerful smile, wishing him to have a good date night with his dad. Garou waving his hand to Gaman from the doorway and Gaman wave him back, before Badd following Garou leaving the room.
 Garou and Badd walking together until they arrived at the main entrance of the Palace. From there, they could see many people attended the dinner feast at the Palace Garden. Werewolves and vampires gathering together, blending perfectly into one community. Same as what their own family did inside Bang's room, the werewolves alliances members eating the dinner feast, while the vampire civilians and some royal family member drinking blood wine together with them.
 Most of them eating or drinking while chatting and laughing together out loud around the bonfire, a few of them were lingering around in the corner or the side yard. And Badd could even see there are his werewolves subordinates trying to flirt (or court? he felt déja vu) some poor young vampires, who seems to accept their attempt. Looks like there will be not only Garou and him as werewolf-vampire couple who have a romantic date tonight.
 Seeing everywhere already too crowded, Garou suggested if they should go to the less crowded area, but he still not familiarized enough with the entire place. Badd had already know both the Vampire Council Fortress and Imperial Palace, thanks to his experiences when he visited this place several times with his late family back then in the childhood years. Badd decided to bring Garou to the small river on the east wing of Imperial Palace complex, where they could hang out on the beautiful wooden bridge that was built across the river. He held Garou's large calloused hand so he could lead him towards the place. Also an excuse to feel the warmth of Garou's hand emanated onto his from their handholding.
 On their way to the river, Garou sensed there's someone had occupied the secluded section of the Palace Garden. He found out that it was one of his subordinate, making out with a young male vampire?? Since when? Why didn't he know about this before?? Sighing while facepalming at his husband's confused expression (and at the sight of "the scenery"), Badd explained that it's happened when their subordinate was still being medically treated in the infirmary. He already saw that because he's also in there while searching for Bang's room before.
 Guess these two got too fast progression, but Badd was happy for them. Seems like more werewolves taking an interest for vampires as their Mate, and for vampires considering werewolves as the potential good love interests. Good for them. On the downside, he got bad feeling that soon he's going to be a marriage or relationship counselour for his subordinates. Badd was shaking his head, now he feels Garou and him had become sort of trendsetters or relationship goal.
 Being a sly bastard leader, Garou made a loud coughing sound to distrack the subordinate and his new lover then casually waving his hand to them both with wide naughty smirk. He continued it by doing exaggerated kissy-kissy gesture to Badd, mimicking of what he saw the subordinate have done before (Badd reprimand Garou to stop that, he'll embarrass the poor couple).
 Of course it made the young vampire becomes too shy, he's hiding in the arms of Garou's subordinate, who looked mortified yet exasperated that his leader cockblocked them in the hottest moment. But the vampire's eyes sparkled when he saw Badd, as if he regarded Badd as his idol or inspirational person. He encouraged himself to shout a "Thank you!" to Badd, which got an approval thumbs up and soft smile from Badd.
 Not wanting to disturb the newly couple any longer, Badd grabbed his silly husband's hand so they could continue their journey towards their date destination. Finally they're arrived at the riverside, where the straight wooden bridge with a lots of beautiful decorative ornaments on the railing connected the Palace area to the private Recreational Garden for the royal family. The river is not too rapid flowing one, its water is very clear you can see many small fish under the surface and some crayfish on the river floor, the sky full of twinkling stars sceneries looked better to watch from atop the bridge, and the moonlight shone brightly upon the riverbank and the garden.
 Of course the Recreational Garden was closed for anyone who's not royal family or their relative, unless they've got a permission first or was invited by them. Badd remember he'd already visited the Garden with both of his parents and baby Zenko when his father was invited by the Queen to talk about some Order's issues. If only he could have a picnic right there once again with his new family...
 A soft thud from Badd's behind break his thoughts, he turned around only to find Garou kneeling before him. In his hand was a pouch which made Badd feels very curious. Garou began his speech, he's telling Badd that before he confronted Amai Mask who hurted Bang, pursued him into the forest then had a big fight right there. Garou didn't expect Amai would use a last resort plan to fight him, the vampire changed himself into his Fighter mode, just like Badd. But for him, it looked more like a monster, both outside or inside. Amai almost put him into nearly death experience after his monstrous transformation, and he's afraid that he couldn't fulfill his promise for Badd to come back alive.
 But once he remember Badd's words about keeping the family safe with all of his might, and he only use the power not to hurt people but to protect them with love, it give him strength. It made Garou more determined to not giving up so he could always protect his family, just like Badd always do. Somehow that precious memories about his whole family triggers new power inside of him, same as what both Badd and Gaman had, the "Fighting Spirit". Because Badd once told him that it actually could be learned as long as the person has a strong determination to protect their beloved people, right? With a new power he just obtained, he could defeat Amai Mask quickly. And Garou made sure he wont interfere Badd's life again, no more nightmarish dream for Badd, no one will get hurt by him anymore.
 That's why Garou will present Badd his final courting gift, to prove that he was successfully protect his packs family and his people, also eliminated the biggest threat for his own family. Badd watching Garou opened his pouch to reveal a heart organ cadaver, and presented it in front of Badd like he was giving a very valuable gift. This really shocked Badd because it implied that Garou killed Amai after defeated him, then pulled his heart out of his body.
 He already knew very well that Garou had no qualms about killing people who he deemed could endanger his pack family, but it's only on self-defensive and not actively attacking people without any reason. But this time, Badd was amazed about the fact that Garou did it all for him. To prove that Garou truly loves him by making sure noone would hurting him anymore. Maybe presenting the enemies' heart to their Mate is the romantic way for werewolves to show how much they love their Mate? Wow, Badd was actually impressed by Garou's romantic gesture. Somehow that was quite touching, too. It brought Badd nearly in tears, and made him giving Garou a very sweet adoring smile that only reserved for his dear werewolf husband.
 Seeing Badd's sweet expression, Garou got excited and turned into dorky puppy mode, asked if Badd really likes his gift. Badd only smiling wider, then suddenly frowned and put a disgusting face (B: "Garou WTH you doing??! That's diSGUSTANG AF!!", G: *shocked* "But I thought you will like it, Babe?!", B: "Yeah of course I like it but do you have to carry it along with you the WHOLE DAY? It smells yucky iuuugh..", G: *sad puppy wolf noises*).
 Not wanting Garou to becomes a miserable puppy wolf, Badd cupped Garou's hand that still clutched a heart cadaver gift with both of his hands. Badd said it was just a joke, because in truth this is actually the best present he'd have ever received in his entire life. No one before willing to do something for his sake this far, moreover as a romantic gift for him. No one except Garou, who stubbornly courting him despite their status as natural sworn enemies. Who succesfully preyed his way into Badd's delicate heart, and made Badd into his forever Mate. Promised Badd that he will always be there for him, and not hesitated to prove it to him.
 So of course what Garou did was meant so much to him, and to be honest even it sounds impossible, that gesture made Badd becomes more fallen in love with Garou.
 Badd pulled Garou up so they're both standing in the middle of the bridge, under the moonlight and twinkling star. He declared that he accepted Garou's gift as the best courting present to strenghten their bond, both as Co-Leaders of their packs family and as Mates for life. Hands still clasped on Garou's hand, Badd stepped closer to Garou then tiptoeing to kiss him on the lips softly. Happy that Badd already accepted his love proof, Garou responded him by grabbed Badd's nape with his free hand so they've become much more closer to each other, and their kiss become more deeper and passionate. For a moment they released the kiss to catch their breath only to have their lips connected again in so much more aggressive kisses.
 Luckily for them, nobody is around to witness or to hear these werewolf-vampire Mates sharing such an intimate moment together without any care for outside world. They're already in their own world, showing how devoted them to each other without saying any word, only all the loving and affectionate gestures. As usual, Badd was melted from their intense kissing acts. Not only because Garou secretly a very passionate lover, but also he himself letting his own feeling for Garou out during the acts. Garou always enjoying the soft and sweet whimpering sounds from his adorable vampire Mate, not to mention Badd's reddened blushing face is very precious! Only him who can see the vulnerable side of Badd!
 As soon as he thought of that, he break the kiss and instead peppering small kisses from Badd's jawline down to his neck, until he stopped on Badd's shoulder where he used to bite as a part of their Mating ritual back then. The mark is still remained on Badd's deliciously flawless caramel tan skin, showing Garou's ownership upon Badd as an Alpha Werewolf's Mate. He decided to renew his mark as he whispering to Badd, asking for Badd's consent to bite him again. Badd immediately allowed Garou to have his way, he didn't mind. He even tilted his neck in the most vulnerable way, offered his uncovered shoulder so Garou could bite him more freely.
 Feeling glad Badd was very cooperative, Garou swiped his tongue on the side of Badd's neck that it caused Badd shivering from the sensation. With final lingering kiss on the shoulder, Garou bite it hard until it bled a bit. That made Badd moaned from the pain and pleasure from the bite. Still hurts like their first time they did it, but Badd enjoyed this so much. After Garou finished re-marking Badd, he lapped the remaining of Badd's blood. Tasted bittersweet for Garou, but he likes it.
 All of the re-marking ritual have finished, Garou smooched Badd's forehead. They're back to gazing into each other's eyes lovingly, followed by Garou giving Badd his usual trademark troublemaker smirking, whereas Badd tried to suppress his giggling, but ended up bursting into loud laughter. He couldn't believe that Garou successfully managed to make both of them making out while still clutching Amai Mask's yucky rotten heart cadaver??! Oh Lord, what even his husband is, Badd shaking his head amusedly. Not wanting to waste time any longer, Badd taking Garou's present and grasped it with his palm. He said a thank you to his husband sincerely, for doing this for the sake of their family and also to him.
 He staring at the organ in his hand, admiring about how neat Garou's work on pulling Amai's heart out. Minimum damages on the organ's tissues, both outside and inside tissues, indicated that Garou excels at impaling the enemy's torso and cutting the organ off from the body with such precision. It's like he's already trained or experienced to do it for so many times long time ago. Badd shuddered at the imageries of cold-blooded "Hunter Killer" Rogue Alpha Werewolf Garou in the past. Luckily, he could tamed that terrifying Garou into a more softer "Family Man" Alpha Werewolf Leader Garou. With a Power of Love. Oh no, Badd started getting sappy romantic again.
 Already make up his mind, Badd walked back to the riverbank. He reached his metal bat that he was previously attached on his hip strap, throwing Amai's heart cadaver into the air then smashed it real hard with his metal bat until it exploded into small chunks of rotten meat. Garou was surprised at Badd's decision and panickedly asked why he did it.
 Badd retaliated how else he was supposed to do with that rotten organ. Saving it as trophy at home? No, it's super disgustang, he wont having any smelly rotten corpse in their house, thank you very much. Give it to Tama as her plaything? He's 100% sure she wont even touched it. Give it to Rover as a food? Do you want him getting poisoned?! Or worst, make Badd eating it?? Uugh Garou WTF, you eat it instead!! The only solution is to destroy all of Amai's existence from his life until nothing left behind. Besides, he's fully appreciated all of Garou's deed for him. Sincerely. So Garou didn't have to worry about it anymore.
 Felt disgusted after too long holding a rotten cadaver, he washed his hands and the metal bat on the river. After drying his hands and reattached his metal bat back to the hip strap, Badd comes back walking to the middle of the bridge again to hug Garou tightly, leaned his head on his shoulder comfortably. Garou returned the embrace with same intensity, enjoying the serene atmosphere that surrounded them on the wooden bridge across the small river.
 Badd thinks this is not quite a bad date night, on the contrary he even enjoyed it thanks to Garou's surprise gift, it made him feels very special tonight. On the other matter, he also enjoyed a lot being with Garou, just two of them having a quality time together without anyone complained for their PDA.
 Garou smiled at hearing Badd's reasoning then replied, it's nice to spend quiet time with only Badd tonight. Letting out of all their happiness feeling, before they attend the mass burial ceremony for their fallen friends in the next morning. Badd felt a bit sad after being reminded of the harsh reality of their victory, of course they'd lost many of theif friends, colleagues, even their own packs family members, too.
 Sensed Badd's somber mood, Garou pulled him deeper into his embrace while caressing Badd's back or Badd's soft jet black hair, calming and reassuring him that everything's gonna be okay. Let them rest peacefully after finished their honoured mission, Garou was sure the fallen heroes now also celebrated their victory together happily in some better place than in here.
 And the ones who still alive should be grateful for them, remembering all the great services they offered to the alive ones. Badd didn't have to worry if he wanna cry at the ceremony, Garou always will be on his side lending his shoulder to cry for Badd.
 Badd only responded by nodding weakly while hugged Garou more tighter, he really hoped everything is gonna be alright, just like what Garou ensured him. But he set those gloomy mind aside for a while so they could enjoyed their happy time together right now.
 The sounds of crickets and the rustle of tree leaves become more vivid in the background. The sounds of water flowing in the river and occasionally the splashing of small fish on the water surface gives the calming effect for both of them. The chilling night wind blowing through their bodies not even make them feeling bothered, it's soothing on their skin instead. They feel blessed to have date night at there, basking in moonlight shower and somehow the sparkling stars made the night sky looked more beautiful to gaze about tonight. They just stand here in silence, enjoyed their loving moment while it lasts.
 Originally I was supposed to write the actual conclusion in this sequel (Peace Treaty), but I got carried away when writing nearly every single Batarou family member interactions + Batarou lovey dovey moments, lol!.
 Because it becomes too long if I still insisted on stick to the initial plan, I split it in the middle instead: this sequel focused on the family reunion only, and then the next is the funeral ceremony + peace treaty between werewolves and vampires. And it's still too long, I'm so sorry if it makes your eyes feel tired 😁💦
 When you dedicated 5-6 paragraphs on your story just to describe their making out scenes... I lost control guys, sowwie! But it's still good right? At least it's not as cringy as my action scenes on previous sequel oof 😅😂
 My favorite parts are when they're gathering in Bang's room (the whole family assembled!), or the entire Batarou moments on the wooden bridge at the riverbank. Oh yeah also the hints that there's influx on werewolf-vampire couples among Batarou packs family, lmaoo!!
 What's the more romantic way than presenting your dead enemy's heart to your lover as a special courting gift, hmm?? Aren't Garou a truly romantic at heart? Awww Badd is swooning right now 😩👌💗💘💓
 And I headcanoned past!Garou after he's separating himself from Bang's pack, but long before meeting Badd and Zenko, as a cold-blooded "Hunter Killer" Rogue Alpha Werewolf Garou. I mean he's still not actively killing any hunters (could be werewolf hunters or vampire hunters, or something else), but he only killing them if it's ONLY ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, such as defended himself in or guarding his territory from potentionally dangerous hunters.
 Yes Garou can be very scary if he's in killer mode, but as what Badd had said fortunately he tamed Garou and slowly melting Garou's cold heart. And VOILA! He's become adorkable wolf puppy who loves his entire family, also become a respectable leader of his own pack! 👏👏😭💕💖
 "Behind a successful man, there is a strong (and fearsome) wife" - Dyan, about werewolf!Garou and vampire!Badd 😤
 Next is the two ceremonial events, the fallen heroes' burial and Badd's official job assignment in the Vampire Order. Please stay tune with me, friends!
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seungwootology · 7 years
being that seungwoo helped to compose and write lyrics for unbelievable, all his lines and screentime make sense aksadla
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