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spacegoat4ever · 4 years ago
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Meme-pilation 3, wow already the third one! Got a sketchbook for the first time ever so I’ve been going ham on the pages for the wonderful Rain’s Doom discord server over her amazing fic You Rip What You Saw
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destinycantbestopped · 3 years ago
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the one, the only, the beloved demon man ❤🥺
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Commission for @destinycantbestopped.
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destinycantbestopped · 5 years ago
Here's something random - how would your Reader character and 1-800-sat-anic's reader character react when they first meet?
Ooooooo! An interesting question! 🤩
There’s a few ways that could go down to be honest, since it’s set in two different universes, unless Akridon and Ba’al are distant demon bros somehow even though Akridon is the only marauder in my story, also read more because I don’t want to spam someone’s dash. 👀
If neither reader had met their significant other I feel like they’d get along pretty damn well, Rain’s reader is definitely more daring and chaotic energy compared to mine though since my reader is a bit more shy and doesn’t like confrontation that much unless necessary. It might be a bit of a defensive big sister thing if they're together against the demons.
If Rain’s reader was in my universe I’d say it would be pretty darn tense if they met without their s/o’s there, my reader of course wouldn’t want a fight and I don’t think hers would either. Rain’s reader would probably be more concerned for mine because “oo smol soul trapped by evil demon” than anything. My reader wouldn’t really trust hers since even though Akridon tells her stories about the Slayer, Hell has corrupted and twisted his memory of what really happened, so she doesn’t really have the highest opinion of the Slayer so she would probably reflect that onto her as well, she only has one side of the story ya kno.
If my poor reader had ended up in her universe somehow without Akridon (and assuming she wouldn’t be connected to Ba’al somehow (and i mean if she was and knew their history she’d be pretty jelly ngl)) she would stick to the other reader like glue if she came across her, cool human that can fight and not demon? Jackpot. She’d for sure be very wary of Flynn given her past but Rain’s reader would probably help getting her more comfortable around the others, while my reader can’t fight very well she’d for sure try to be useful in other ways, helping Vega with any tasks he may have, helping around the Fortress of Doom in general and babysitting Churro, who I still think is going through that ugly baby stage right now.
Would they be hella bros given the opportunity? Yes. Would that be pretty difficult depending on the universe? Also yes.
Ba’al do be lookin hella fine tho ngl. @1-800-sat-anic may I have one (1) Ba’al please?
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spoilersgr · 5 years ago
Σμήνη από ακρίδες έχουν καταστρέψει χιλιάδες στρέμματα βοσκοτόπων και καλλιεργήσιμων εκτάσεων στη Σαρδηνία της Ιταλίας, ένα ακόμη πλήγμα για τους Ιταλούς αγρότες που πασχίζουν να ξεπεράσουν την κρίση που προκάλεσε η επιδημία του κορονοϊού. Με τους αριθμούς των ακρίδων να έχουν αυξηθεί ραγδαία λόγω της ανόδου της θερμοκρασίας, τα έντομα αυτά έχουν καταστρέψει ήδη 150.000 στρέμματα βοσκοτόπων στην κεντρική επαρχία Νουόρο, δήλωσε ο Μισέλ Αρμπάου του παραρτήματος Σαρδηνίας της ιταλικής ένωσης αγροτών Coldiretti. Οι γεωργοί έχασαν τα βοσκοτόπια του καλοκαιριού και ένα μέρος από τον σανό για το φθινόπωρο και τον χειμώνα (…) και οι πολλοί λίγοι άνθρωποι που είχαν μικρές καλλιέργειες τις εγκατέλειψαν εντελώς, κατήγγειλε. Στη διάρκεια του καλοκαιριού η εμφάνιση ακρίδων στη Σαρδηνία είναι συνηθισμένο φαινόμενο, όμως φέτος ο αριθμός τους είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερος από τον κανονικό. Πέρυσι τα έντομα κατέστρεψαν περίπου 25.000 στρέμματα γης στη χειρότερη επιδρομή τους μετά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Όμως τα ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα λόγω της κλιματικής αλλαγής επηρεάζουν την ανάπτυξη των εντόμων και το εύρος των περιοχών που αυτά κατακλύζουν, σύμφωνα με τον Ιγνάσιο Φλόρις, καθηγητή εντομολογίας στο πανεπιστήμιο Sassari στη βορειοδυτική Σαρδηνία. Η άνοδος της θερμοκρασίας προκαλεί μακρότερες ξηρές περιόδους, με αποτέλεσμα το έδαφος να γίνεται άγονο και ξερό, δημιουργώντας τις ιδανικές συνθήκες για να ανάπτυξη των εντόμων, τα οποία προτιμούν ξηρά μέρη για να αφήνουν τα αβγά τους, επεσήμανε. Οι πιο συχνές εναλλαγές ακραίων καιρικών φαινομένων –περιλαμβανομένης της ξηρασίας του 2017, των υπερβολικών βροχοπτώσεων το 2018 και της εμφάνισης και των δύο ακραίων φαινομένων το 2019 στη Σαρδηνία– επίσης προκαλούν μεγαλύτερες επιδρομές ακρίδων, δήλωσε και ο Αρμπάου. Η αύξηση των καλλιεργήσιμων εκτάσεων που παραμένουν ανεκμετάλλευτες επίσης παίζει ρόλο, καθώς ολοένα και περισσότεροι γεωργοί εγκαταλείπουν τους αγρούς τους αφού δεν μπορούν πλ��ον να έχουν κέρδος, εξήγησε ο ίδιος. Η επιδρομή των ακρίδων αποτελεί μ��α νέα πληγή για την Ιταλία φέτος. Η χώρα ήταν η πρώτη της Ευρώπης όπου εμφανίστηκε η επιδημία του κορονοϊού και ακόμη προσπαθεί να ξεπεράσει τις επιπτώσεις της covid-19, από την οποία έχασαν τη ζωή τους περισσότεροι από 34.000 άνθρωποι, ο τέταρτος μεγαλύτερος αριθμός παγκοσμίως, και προσβλήθηκαν σχεδόν 240.000. Στη διάρκεια του lockdown τον Μάρτιο και τον Απρίλιο οι γεωργοί αντιμετώπισαν και ελλείψεις εργατικού δυναμικού, αλλά και ένα κύμα ψύχους που κατέστρεψε πολλές καλλιέργειες φρούτων. Η τελευταία πληγή προέρχεται από τις ακρίδες του Μαρόκου, ένα είδος που απαντάται στη νότια Ευρώπη, περιλαμβανομένης της Σαρδηνίας. Αυτές είναι διαφορετικές από τις ακρίδες που έχουν καταστρέψει χιλιάδες στρέμματα γης στην ανατολική Αφρική.   Δείτε τα tweets της επικαιρότητας: Όλα τα νέα για την επικαιρότητα εδώ - ειδήσεις από την Ελλάδα
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thatfluffyboi · 4 years ago
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Akridon’s Starshine a little gift for my dear friend @destinycantbestopped
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Oh shit Akridon and reader already married then 😂
I am a little high but what if people proposed with beautiful, intricate knives. Ladies would gather around the table and be like “guess what finally happened!!” And pull this beautiful, intricate dagger out of her purse and all the other ladies would gasp and congratulate her
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Hi! What if Stellaria found a little comfy hidey-hole in her new home and fell asleep there and nobody can find her. Akridon is currently losing his shit because he can't find her and the servants have no idea where she is. She wakes up after a few hours and wonders why all the servants and maybe Night Sentinels are panicking. >:3
I changed it a liiiittle bit but I hope you still enjoy it! Thank you for the support and sweet comments you've given me all this time ❤🥺
This can also be found on my Ao3 here: “A couple of hours ago.”
“What do you mean she isn’t here? You were meant to make sure she got an escort!” Staring down at the much shorter kitchen hand, Akridon scowled behind his mask, the irritation in his voice obvious to all of those watching the spectacle.
“The head chef sent her to her quarters a couple of hours ago, we assumed she was there by now!” The measly aid cowered before the much taller demon, fumbling with his hands in front of him nervously.
“She isn’t though, is she?” Growing ever more distressed due to realizing that no one knew your whereabouts, the headhunter grabbed the young man's collar roughly, his claws ripping the fabric as he lifted him off of the ground with one arm.
“I don’t know where she went! She declined an escort!” Irritation turning to anxiety, Akridon harshly shoved the other away from him, dropping him in the process. This all ending with the kitchen hand stumbling backwards and eventually falling backwards onto the marble floors. 
Crouching down next to the man that was too scared to move a muscle,  Akridon gave him an over exaggerated and false smile, venom lacing his every word.
“You were meant to make sure she got an escort whether she liked it or not!” Practically hissing now, he lowered his voice further. “Listen nuk'sur, you’re lucky I have to go fix your mistakes, one day I’ll crush you into the glass shores myself.” 
Akridon stormed out of the kitchens, his anxiety growing stronger every passing second you were not with him, a pit forming in his stomach as he tried to suppress any thoughts of what terrible fate you could have fallen to in his absence.  
As he walked down the long and winding halls of the citadel, looking for any sign of you having been there, he felt a sense of hopelessness set in, what had happened to you?
Yawning and blinking a few times, you slowly leaned forward and away from the cold and cut stone you’d been resting against, taking in your surroundings. Everything was as you had left it a minute before, a couple of books resting against the foot of the statue, a stack of papers and a pen resting in your lap.
“Akridon should be coming home soon, maybe I should head back.” Gathering your supplies in a neat pile you heard what sounded like Akridons heavy and rushed footsteps echo not far from where you were, rubbing your eyes with the sleeve of the borrowed sweater lazily. “Huh, he’s back early today.” 
Picking up the stack of books and pens and holding them against your chest, you started heading for the exit, having studied at the bottom of the statue dedicated to Akridon himself.
Just when you were about to round the corner and enter the corridors, you walked straight into what seemed like a wall of muscle and armour that was turning the same corner at alarming speeds. Letting out a high-pitched yelp as you dropped yourself and your books to the ground. Processing for a second, Akridon frantically dropped to his knees once he’d realized what had happened and just who he had ran into.
“Stellaria!” Hunched over, he cupped your face in his much larger hands, looking you up and down for any signs of injury or struggle. Noticing that the headhunter was clearly distressed you did the same, removing his mask as quickly as you could and placing your hands against the sides of his head, looking into his panicked eyes.
“What happened?” Raising a figurative eyebrow Akridon squinted down at you, then at the cloud of papers and pens that had fallen around you both. He shut his eyes tightly and his heart refused to slow down in his chest, you’d just been here studying. Nothing bad happened, you’re fine, you lost track of time, that’s all.
“Nothing.. Nothing my Stellaria.... Everything’s fine��” Gently bumping his forehead against yours, making sure none of his horns touched your delicate skin, he sighed, pulling you into his embrace awkwardly as you both still sat on the floor. “You were supposed to be back hours ago, I thought something had happened.” Snorting you looked at the distressed headhunter in disbelief.
“Hours? I left the kitchen maybe twenty minutes ago.” Giving him an amused look you poked his cheek lightly before connecting the dots, you didn’t close your eyes for a second, you’d fallen asleep. “Oh…”
“Exactly, ’oh’.” Pulling you off of the floor along with him he looked down at the mess you’d both created, rubbing his hands into his face. At a loss for words you looked at the mess as well, then up at the taller man with a meek smile, reaching up and taking his bare hand in yours.
“How about we pick this up and go back home together?” Brows still furrowed together, he gave a slight smile, his anxiety finally settling down seeing as you were ok.
“Home? Please...”
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
i find it hard to imagine that akridon would cry like you wrote, i think he would be a silent crier, or he wouldnt cry at all because he is a marauder and they are just angry 🤦‍♂️
Hello there!
A man that has waited in the same spot for almost two whole decades for his love to literally die, isn’t allowed to cry when he finally sees her again, and she realizes who he is?
I’ve shown time and time again in both my fic and oneshots that Akridon is fully capable of feeling emotions other than anger, but he has a hard time expressing it to others. 
Akridon is my OC and quite frankly I don’t care about what you think he’d say or do since I feel you don’t understand his character. 
Your ask smells like ✨toxic masculinity ✨and that doesn’t belong in this fandom.
Men are allowed to cry, full stop.
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destinycantbestopped · 5 years ago
You know, I'd love to see fanart of your Reader and Rain's reader just casually gossiping and eating cake as if they're old friends catching up, while their own S/Os are fighting in the background.
Oh my god that whole scenario would be hilarious 😂
Rain: Anyway, so off he goes to shoot a hole into Mars, as one does an-
Destiny: Wait he... he shot a hole into Mars?
Rain: Oh yeah Vega was all for it, looked real cool too.
Destiny: Wow, I wish I could see that.
Rain: I got a holovid complete with Hayden’s commentary.
Somewhere in the distance:
All while pointing at eachother accusingly.
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Peace - Akridon x Reader
The second part to my previous oneshot "Flower Crown".
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Akridon: my girlfriend and I don't use pet names for each other. Polgi: really? What do bees make? Akridon: honey? (gf from another room): yes dear? Polgi: ... Akridon: ...... Polgi: don't ever lie to my face again
I love it so much 😂😭❤️
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Girl, check out 1-800-sat-anic's latest chapter of You Rip What You Saw, I think your marauder got mentioned. ;D
Yes, that’s my Marauder hubby Akridon, and @leviathan-dee ‘s Teivel! 😂
Welcome to the Marauder-verse, please enjoy your stay.😂❤
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punkcakestrike · 4 years ago
That's the cutest thing I saw today, BLESS 😻😃
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All the Akricats I drew for my lovely friend @destinycantbestopped + wake Polgi up cause why not
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destinycantbestopped · 5 years ago
The Pain of Honor
Chapter 10. Where they once stood.
Akridon has to face the ghosts of his past as Operation Hellbreaker comes to an end.
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destinycantbestopped · 5 years ago
Dating Marauder would include: Chivalry(but only to you), kissing your hand, teaching you how to fight(but still be enraged if anyone hurt you), being stern but caring, him having to get down on one knee to be at equal height with you(not sure of his canon height), him teaching you Argenta(+ getting him flustered if you say something romantic in Argenta), subtle PDA if you're comfortable with it(leaving all the Sentinels speechless as to how the Headhunter got a partner) -- Sweater Marauder Anon
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Louder for the bois in the back babe. 
Literally all the night sentinels stationed in the citadel/arena seeing reader trying to steal stuff off of Akridons belt or doing other stupid shit like trying to carry his axe and he doesn’t kill her in two seconds flat: 👁👄👁
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destinycantbestopped · 4 years ago
Ok ok hear me out, whenever akridon brings out his spirit wolf reader would give it so much pets, secretly give it food crumbs if possible, calling it cute nicknames and overall loving it to bits for as long as it ever exist, while Akridon would get jealous of the attention your giving the doggo (not that he'll ever admit it)
Aww poor Akridon! He would probably try to steal readers attention away from his wolf if it continued for too long. Nudges, soft howling, poking reader in the ribs, fluffy pets and Akridon throwing reader onto his shoulder is all on the table in the grand war for attention.
Thing is the Wolves were apparently very in tune with their Night Sentinel/shared the same instincts, so what we’re actually seeing is probably just Akridon fighting Akridon for attention for Akridon.🥴
Absolutely marvelous and I wouldn’t want it any other way. 
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