#akk dog named pazaak
abbee-normal Β· 2 years
Once upon a midnoon sunny, while I sat there grumpy and thirsty
Over many a quaint and curious volume of cards galore.
While I pondered, close to snapping, suddenly there came a rapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my game room door
"Tis some gawker," I muttered, "tapping at my game room door --
Only this and nothing more."
Mistii grimaced as the tapping increased to scratching. "What the blazes is going on out there? Can't a girl play cards in peace?"
PH4-LNX, better known as Fae opened the door to see what was disturbing Mistii's attention. "It appears to be an animal."
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"Okay," Mistii replied, "and that's our problem ho--"
Just then there was a sound of something hard striking flesh and suddenly Mistii had a small, scared animal huddling under her chair. She looked up to see some of the local toughs laughing and barging into her private game room.
"Hold it right there, boys." she said as she raised her blaster. "This room is reserved and our table is full." She twitched her blaster in a gesture that said 'get out or be thrown out'.
"Aww, come on, lady, we were just looking for our lost pet." One of them said while the others laughed behind him. "We'll just grab the whelp and be on our way."
"Really. Seems pretty sweet of you to be worried about your pet. What did you say its name was again?"
Confused looks were exchanged between the guys before conflicting answers were given. Fluffy, Dusty, Womp Rat were thrown out at the same time.
"So many names for a beloved pet!" Mistii said, eyes narrowing. "How about I give you a good trade for it, you walk away and I sit down and enjoy the rest of my game. Then I walk out of here with the animal. That's one offer. My second offer packs a little more -- punch," she said raising her blaster and widening her stance.
The men looked around at each other nervously, they had heard of a tiny blue-haired woman defeating a bunch of outlaws a few weeks ago and realized that if this was the same woman, they were better off leaving. "Have a good game, Captain."
Mistii sighed, looked under her table at the skinny animal and said, "What have I gotten myself into, Fae?"
Fae made a sound that sounded amused. "This is an akk dog, variation, painted, I believe. Shall I gather the required materials to feed and care for it?"
"A dog. I've never even had a pet before. What am I going to do with a dog?"
One of the other players piped up, "First it needs a name!"
"Yeah, that makes sense. Well," she said as she glanced around, looking at the colorful cards on the table. "how about Pazaak?"
There was a chorus of agreement from the table and Fae might have murmured something about getting it a collar with a name tag on it.
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abbee-normal Β· 1 year
πŸ–Š velvet
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What about Velvet?
Vel grew up in an unhappy family, she and her sister ran away when they were mid-teens. They stayed with their aunts for a while. Vel got a job at the spaceport loading ships and developed wanderlust. She spent a lot of time talking to the ship captains and decided that was going to be her future as well.
She tried to talk her sister into joining her, but Sterria wanted to stay.
Vel hid herself in the cargo hold of her favorite captain, intending to get off the next stop, but she was discovered by one nosy akk dog named Pazaak. Captain Mistii Meena nearly turned the Fool's Errand arround when Pazaak pushed her into the cockpit. After some terse words and heartfelt promises, Mistii agreed to let Vel stay for a while, but only after she contacted her aunts and got their approval. Vel learned the ins and outs of cargo transport and how to handle demanding port officials.
Her life changed the first time she visited Nar Shaddaa. Captain Meena had business to attend to so Vel wandered around till she saw a karaoke competition. Having nothing else to do till Mistii was finished, she decided to enter. Her love of singing ended up being more than just a fun hobby, she was really good. She got offered a contract to sing at Club Vertica for more money than she had ever dreamed of before. She did talk it over with Mistii before accepting the job. Mistii had some very serious discussions with some pit bosses and casino overseers before she would agree to Vel becoming a singer there.
How did her force sensitivity get discovered? A story for another day.
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