#akito obake
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
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Just born :D
A smaller comic this time, since I wanted to focus just on tiny details for a, for now, tiny mewtwo uwu
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veil-over-miitopia · 2 years ago
Temporary NPC List Until I Fucking Work on Proper Character Pages
This will be divided into 4 parts; Greenhorne, The Royal Families, Thulmisa/Neksdor, and Realm of the Fey/Yokai Mountain. Due to the sheer fucking size of this thing (I will be adding mii pictures AND Picrew mockups soon-ish), I will be placing the meat and potatoes under “Read More”.
Character backstories will have to wait, but rest assured I have them in my mind and will answer any and all questions about them while I gather the energy needed to finally make proper cast pages for each category mentioned.
Without any further rambling, the list is as follows;
🥀 The Crumbs of a Nation 🥀
Retreat Guide (Town Guide): Gianni
Optimistic Gardener (Cheery Granny): Calliope
Finicky Child (Cheeky Child): Rafail
Protective Mother (Worried Mother): Timothea
Forlorn Widower (Lovey-Dovey Man): Matheo
Missing Rose (Lovey-Dovey Woman): Ariadne
Resigned Bloke (Sarky Bloke): Platon
Anxious “Mayor” (Dubious Mayor): Basil
Enduring General (Serious Soldier): Amaryllis
Gossipy Intel (Lax Soldier): Ermis
Shadowy ???: ???
Sharp-Shooting ???: ??? (I forget the names and my Switch is currently charging)
♟️ Crumbling Pillars ♟️
The Missing King: Serapheim
Rose Gold Knight // Captain of the Royal Guard (Princess): Halinka
Steadfast Marksman // Besmirched Flowerboy (Nobleboy): Leander
Headstrong Biologist // The Cold Prince (Prince from a Nearby Land): Dakarai
Late Matriarch (Prince’s mumsy): Echidna
🌙 The Sands of Erosion 🌙
Ethereal Jester (Dancing Guide): Chione
Everyone’s Grandfather (Rambling Old Man):
Snake-Oil Dealer (Shady Merchant Father): Yasir
Deceiving Cherub (Shady Merchant Daughter): Amirah
Starry-Eyed Scholar (Worried Explorer): Iset
Cheeky Noble (Desert Celebrity): Dunya
Nostalgic Child (”Genie”): Nour
🍂 The Forest of Silence 🍂
Wounded Passerby // Kasa-Obake (Injured Elf): Haruhi
Maddened Hermit // Oni (Scaredy-Cat): Hifumi
Calm Monk // Samebito (EFF Fan): Sou
Loyal Monk // Hainu (MFF Fan): Akito
Energetic Monk // Sunekosuri (YFF Fan): Taro
Deranged Wanderer //  Kuchisake-Onna (Green-Eyed Lady): Hitomi
Retired Elder // Tanuki (Lazybones): Katsumi
Crafty Illusionist // Kitsune (Trickster Witch): Sachie
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fated-lab-partners · 5 years ago
This post got me thinking about my top human and non-human faves. I found out that I seem to like both types almost equally, according to this list:
Darth Vader
Robert Callaghan
Akito Sohma
Cassie (MCSM)
Jeremy Belpois
Albert Contiello
Rick Sanchez
Spy (TF2)
Doctor Doom
Obake (Big Hero 6)
Eric Raymond
Harvey Dent/Two Face
Agent K
Walter Strickler
Romeo (MCSM)
Rose Quartz
Agent Smith
Lake (Infinity Train)
Dracula Vlad Tepes
Grand Admiral Thrawn
The Ninth Doctor
Professor Pericles
I spent my drive home from work trying to remember if I have ever had a legitimate human fave in any fandom or bit of media I've significantly consumed, and I don't know that I have.
Even Axel off of KH was a non-human Nobody for most of the time I enjoyed him. And everything else I can think of was non-human.
That is so odd. No human faves. Even when I was little (fave in Digimon Tamers was Beelzemon, for example).
How did I get like that? Never bonding a human character?
Even my first self-insert when I was like... twelve years old was non-human. Hm.
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
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His name is Calico ^^
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anotherpokemontale · 4 months ago
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Aaaaaand first chapter done!
We end this on Calico taking his first meal -w- now that baby tasted the goods, there’s no coming back. Also, a bit of Nagiza attempting a conversation with Kawo.
Anyways, I’m so excited to have finished a whole chapter x3 expect some news about the future of this comic pretty soon.
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
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“What kind of egg is it anyways?”
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anotherpokemontale · 5 months ago
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Kawo, Calico, you two good there pals?
Yeah so.. a lot of things happening here huh? <w<
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anotherpokemontale · 4 months ago
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“Oh right! I forgot to tell you they glow!”
With the group now having a safe place to pass the night, the questions surrounding the baby don’t seem to stop uwu
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Wanna see Akito, Yuki and Kawo shopping?
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anotherpokemontale · 5 months ago
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Another little transition page.
They finally reached a town to spend the night, and the first thing to do is getting Calico his first meal uwu.. that is.. if these three can make up their minds xDU
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
Please I must see Nagiza holding their leafeon like a cat
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anotherpokemontale · 2 months ago
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Akito’s pokemon team
Now it’s his turn. In Akito’s case, he rarely ever captures pokemons, since his mind is on pokemon contests, he rather “recruit” pokemons who have talent and are also interested in show business. Even Yuki, his first pokemon, began this way: when he was a kid, he once encountered her, still as a snorunt, more focused into singing and dancing rather than picking up fights; he didn’t even have to fight her, he just asked her politely if she would join him.
And just like that, he eventually got his full contest team.
Just like with Nagiza’s, there’s a little intro for each of his team members after the jump.
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•Nezumi the crobat: This crobat is the group’s choreographer. He usually watches over every practice from the air and gives instructions to everyone on how to move. Akito found him when he was still a zubat; and from the first sight, he realize Nezumi was one of the best air acrobats he had ever met. His ultrasonic waves help him feel the movements precisely, and map the best movements for everyone.
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•Chu the Mimikyu: The tailor of the group. Chu is an expert when it comes to fashion; has a really good sense for colors and fabrics and, the best thing, she can sew so fast Akito pretty much uses her as a portable sewing machine. She has attachment issues.
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•Mirage the meowstic: The group stylish. This female meowstic uses her psychic powers and her third (and fourth) eyes to pick and create the best style for everyone. This includes hair, makeup, hair/fur color, and yes, she’s the one at fault for Akito’s current hairstyle; before he had a bowl cut.
Akito has her since she was an espurr and, spoiler alert, she has some fault in Ivy evolving into a Leafeon instead of a Sylveon uwù
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•Kokoro the drifloon: The group storyteller. Similar to how Nagiza received a shiny Dragonite from her dad, Akito received this Drifloon with a rare mark from his mom. This gift came after Akito was already traveling with Nagiza for a while, due to some concerns his mom had with giving him a drifloon, which were relieved after seeing how much of a good friend Nagiza was with her son. Nagiza also began to try to speak with this drifloon immediately, and in doing so, she realized this guy had a lot of imagination for telling scary stories.. (yeah… imagination.. let’s say that’s the case heheh💦); which was perfect for Akito’s team, which already had a kind of creepy and mysterious aesthetic. Kokoro makes stories that everyone turns into presentations together.
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•Midori the Springatito: The last and youngest member of the team. Akito caught him during that time he and Nagiza went into Paldea, when she dared him to catch the first thing they saw moving with a quickball. Akito was reluctant of keeping the springatito at first, since he didn’t really quite fit into his aesthetic, unless he ever wants to evolve into a meowscarada; but the little kitten quickly won his place on the team. As it turns out, he became great at acting and dancing, and the stories they performed about the innocent kitten being cursed or chased by the evil ice queen quickly captivated the public. Needless to say, this little guy came to stay.
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
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Picking up a friend of her way :0
I’m still getting used to drawing backgrounds, I used to avoid them like the plague ^^Uu so, any tips on it will be greatly appreciated. Anyways, this is page 3 owo/
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Why was Maro carrying the egg?
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
How does Akito see anything through all that hair 😆
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He’ll be fine uwu
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
What inspired the name "Yuki" for Akito's Froslass?
Nagiza: It literally just means “snow” in Japanese!
Akito: At least is more charming and pretty of a name that just flip the name of the Pokemon species…
Nagiza: Oi! Kawo loves his name! ¬.¬ right Kawo? ^^
Kawo: …
Nagza: Kawo? ^^
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
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Gonna put the separate image here and also a little announcement:
As this comic is taking form little by little (I’m still testing the waters referring to style and a lot of other things) I’ve decided to put more effort into certain important panels, like this one here ^^/
These images will be reposted later as a separate thing for shameless promotion, but also as a way of TL;DR thing.
If you’re interesting in reading the comic, you can go to the main post at the top or go to the first page right here
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anotherpokemontale · 6 months ago
Does either Akito or Nagiza have any other Pokémon on their teams besides the ones already shown? :3
Yeah! Both of them have full teams actually ^^
- Marowak
- Alolan Marowak
- Leafeon
- Pawmot
- Golduck
- Dragonite
- Froslass
- Drifloon
- Crobat
- Springatito
- Meowstic (Female)
- Mimikyu
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