#akira really doesn't like chocolate; just like me
tricksheart · 8 months
your name: Junko Enoshima
Romantic or platonic?: Romantic? Whatever causes the most despair when things go wrong.
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: Going out would totes be fun. Some kind of adventure, where we maybe do something illegal or dangerous.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Chocolate covered strawberries!
What's your perfect date?: Hmm... We could go shopping and I could buy all the new things, or maybe even just steal them! We could find a person while we're out, and give them the gift of despair in whatever way you want. After that, maybe just netflix and chill or whatever.
Would you cook for me?: Sure I guess.
Would you let me cook for you?: If you want.
Can we make-out?: Fine with me, or we can just like hold hands if that's all you want.
Make out in private or in public?: Public. It's fun to make people uncomfy.
Do you like to cuddle?: It's pretty mid but I'll do it.
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: No blankets. I don't wanna get gross and sweaty.
Couch or bed?: Bed
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Despair, planning a certain project, and dressing up.
Tell me something about you no else knows: I know the 16th student, Mukuro Ikusaba.
Why do you want to be my valentine?: It could be fun I guess.
What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm cute and you'll never be bored.
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( accepting )
@phantasmalnightmare sent in one for Junko!
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Akira knew a lot of people liked chocolate but he thought Junko would be an odd person like him. Was he asking for too much? He's not sure rather to tell her or not. Akira can't even stand the smell of chocolate.
"Okay for the chocolate part, do you mind me wearing a gas mask while you eat it? Why? No reason what so ever. Nope. Nothing's wrong".
Also, the illegal stuff wasn't really his forte. Sure, Akira was a wanted man across the whole world but he's sure that Junko's version of illegal would involve maybe murder of some sort.
Shopping he could do though. The money he's had going through mementos fighting demons was burning a hole into his pockets. Hand holding was something he could do too. But the PDA in public was kind of an issue. Akira hated standing out. However...
"I'm curious in what you will make for me. Anything that doesn't involve barista things would be okay since I would compare those two because of my talent and all".
Akira wasn't one to cuddle so they could compromise and not do that. At least they agree that blankets were a little bit too much. But that's not all.
"So you put your talent into your valentine's description? Dressing up that is. Gotta stick with being a fashionista right?". Akira doesn't press for the other two since he's a little concerned what the mentioned project might be. Hold on, who was Mukuro again? Didn't ring a bell.
"I guess both of our applications in this was due to us being bored huh? Let me get back with you in an hour with this". Perhaps using his talent of being the ultimate thief to settle this would come in more handy than his fake barista personality right now. Well, she has a point though, being a cute blonde.
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
hello once again prefacing with saying i love ur blog and ur headcanons :3 tbh amongst all the relationship hcs this one feels almost odd to ask but idk this is what i care about: what kind of cake flavours do u think the fellas like? if u were gonna treat em to something or get them a birthday cake, u gotta know what theyd like, right?
Last one for tonight, also anon how did you know I've literally been musing on this idea ever since I first started this blog? Same braincell fr fr. Your mind is huge and wrinkly and powerful. Long one since this now includes characters all through Yakuza 7. Enjoy!
Also, INBOX IS OPEN AGAIN. I finally have less than 10 asks so I feel comfortable taking more on. Hit me with em.
Kazuma Kiryu
Most people think he doesn't like sweets, but in reality he's just kind of neutral on them. Grew more accustomed to them when Haruka was younger as she really liked them. More than anything he's just baffled and really touched that you'd want to treat him to cake of any kind.
He likes simple cakes, preferably without frosting or a lot of decorations. Things like bundt cake or castella cake are great choices for Kiryu.
Majima Goro
Also kind of shocked that you'd want to treat him to cake but also at the same time is very excited at the prospect at being treated to cake. If you surprise him with some, he'll give you a big hug and a very enthusiastic thank you.
Tends to lean towards richer, darker flavors. Chocolate cake with a simple dark chocolate frosting is great for him. Also enjoys Black Forest cake, if you can find it.
Saejima Taiga
The poor gentle giant cannot remember the last time he had cake. It's not really something they serve in prison. Genuinely treasures the gesture and really savors it.
Honestly hasn't got a favorite. Likes cakes with some texture to them, like carrot cake. Does get easily wowed by fancy decorations or toppings.
Akiyama Shun
Out of all the boys, the most likely to return the favor of treating you to cake immediately the next time he sees you. The others would save it for an occassion but Akiyama would immediately pay you back by treating you to your favorite cake.
He's a sucker for Devil's Food cake or Red Velvet cake. Likes cream cheese frosting as it provides a nice tart contrast to the sweet intensity of the cake itself.
Tanimura Masayoshi
People rarely treat him to much of anything so he's giddy as all hell to be treated by you. Would totally love to treat you to your favorite meal on your next date as a thank you. He'd treat you to cake himself but he doesn't really know where to get good dessert. He's better with savory foods.
Likes fruity flavors, especially if they're leaning towards citrus. Pineapple upside down cake or a lemon cake would be good.
Ryuji Goda
His position means he's been treated to a fair share of desserts but it means a lot coming from someone that he personally and emotionally cares about deeply. If you make him a homemade cake, he would be speechless.
Likes cakes with some creaminess of some kind, like Boston Cream Pie (which is in fact a cake despite the name) or any kind of cheesecake.
Nishikiyama Akira
Says something like "Ah, for me? You shouldn't have!" but inside he's like "Oh wow, they got me cake? I don't know if anyone's ever done that!" and he's really happy.
Impressed by cakes with fancy layers inside, like opera cake or battenburg cake. Crepe cakes are also a good idea. Cakes with fillings are also nice. He's more about what's inside the cake than outside.
Daigo Dojima
Similar to Ryuji, his position has shown him a fair share of desserts or birthday celebrations. However, someone treating him personally is a little new. If you make him something homemade, he might actually cry a little.
Partial to coffee flavored things. Although it's not a cake in the most traditional sense, he does like tiramisu. However, a regular coffee cake is also greatly appreciated.
Mine Yoshitaka
Probably the only boy that is kind of opposed to cake. He appreciates the gesture but he just doesn't have a sweet tooth. However, as long it's milder in flavor and not intense in sweetness, he will eat it.
If he had to pick a favorite cake, he'd go with Baumkuchen as it's pretty popular in Japan and easy to get. The sweetness is pretty mild and he likes the vanilla taste as it's not super saturated.
Shinada Tatsuo
Has the strongest sweettooth out of all the boys, even more than Ichiban. Just happy to be having cake with you, honestly. You don't have to be fancy with him either. In fact, fancier cakes are kind of lost on him so don't go getting him something complex like you might do for Nishikiyama.
He's a little embarassed to say it as he thinks it sounds girlie for some reason but he likes strawberry shortcake. Victoria sponge cake is also good, as it's basically the same flavor profile but built slightly differently.
Kasuga Ichiban
Second most fond of sweets of all the boys. Type of guy to share cake with all of his friends. He's more about enjoying it all together than eating the whole cake by himself, if that makes sense.
Genuinely has no preference over what kind of cake you get. Ichiban's got a pretty open mind when it comes to food. He likes the texture of chiffon cake the most as it's super light and fluffy. When it comes to flavor, he likes the caramel taste of flan cakes a lot.
Joon-Gi Han
A sucker for a pretty and aesthetic dessert. Likes his cake almost too pretty to eat. Similar to Nishikiyama in that he will hide how excited he is to be having cake with you.
Likes chocolate cake the most in any form. As long as it's chocolate flavored in some aspect, whether it's the cake itself or just the frosting, he likes it. Dobos cake or Sachetorte are great if you really want to impress him.
Tianyou Zhao
Prefers Eastern style cakes to Western style cakes but will eat both. Actually likes more bite size desserts like cupcakes or moon cakes.
For flavors, he likes coconut or mango cake. A box of really nice moon cakes will also do but it must be at the appropriate time during the year or else he's going to wonder why on Earth you're giving those to him. Also fond of those pineapple cakes from Taiwan.
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seth-burroughs · 11 months
What drinks do you think the Amaterasu peeps would have
While the game only mentions coffee I cannot accept them all drinking coffee that's boring
I hardly know what even constitutes as a drink in the common understanding of the term as I'm a polish man living under a rock, and thus I have done extensive research on the classification of liquids and it basically turns out anything that's liquid is a drink unless it isn't -- which, okay, fuck you. I have forgotten what the original ask might've entailed and thus the answer evolved into "assigning every character affiliated with amaterasu corp what drinks they'll like" which *scrolls up* close enough whatever, forcing you to listen anyway. List of characters I count for the amaterasu folks: makoto, huesca, akira, swank, seth, martina, yomi, dominic, guillaume, fake zilch (amaterasu's officially licensed hitman & one of """yomi's closest advisors""" whatever the fuck that means because you and I both know that yomi wouldn't accept advice from anybody unless that's just a fancy word for a very platonic companion whom he has a very strong, passionate, very platonic mind you brotherly bond a bromance a comradeship if you will,)
Swank is goldwasser personified. He loves that shit. Also always has a bimber (or vodka/starka. but preferably bimber) bottle on hand too, no one knows where he stores it he just kinda reaches into his coat and gets it
Me 🤝 Seth (tea drinkers). Has to have tea at least two times a day, doesn't matter what kind they'll drink anything as long as it has leaves in it. Favourites include black tea (optional honey and lemon), mint, chamimole, melissa and sage. He's also partial to pickle juice (makes his own pickles in the basement, they're not wasting any of that pickle water he's chugging that shit just to feel something) and pouring cucumber soup (filtered) to a cup and just drinking it. I don't know what's with Seth and cucumbers. Also would like kefir, probably.
Guillaume likes anything that's sweet or fizzy or whatever, has to have a stash of oranżada and coca-cola somewhere in his house at all times. Sometimes she just opens the cola and lets it degas in the fridge call that a. I don't know. Often makes hot chocolate. Once it offered to give Seth some but was extremely disturbed when he ate the milk skins too and that was the last time she did it for him. Not a drink, but she also eats tangerines and grapefruit via biting it with her shark teeth and sucking out the juices then tossing up the dried fruit remains into the trash can
Dominic makes kompot, you know, the polish juice that's warm and significantly worse and watery as fuck and all your older family members love it for some reason even though. But we all got our preferences whatever. Get this man some wine too.
Speaking of wine, Yomi is Kanai Ward's resident wine man if it has wine in it's name he's gonna drink it, especially mulled wine. Also likes champagne and nalewka. Plus has a fondness for fanta (or any carbonated drink with fruit flavors) but he took it into his head that it's cringe now or not respectable anymore or for 12 year olds only. No one cares except for him, it's a fucking drink. But he also thinks soy feminizes men and Makoto is putting chemicals in the rain so that's not the worst one of his beliefs by a long shot
Martina nominated for #1 coffee drinker, also really likes inka which is just polish coffee but without caffeine. probably a cappuchino enjoyer i don't know never had coffee it smells like shit
Dr. Huesca has sworn off alcohol, to be honest he has sworn off everything that isn't essential to survival because he's always on that fucking grind (unethical research), and probably hates himself or something. He likes water that's preferably fresh. Doesn't have to be though it's not like it can expire right.
Akira... probably likes soured milk. also, he eat kogel mogel like it's a drink you're supposed to eat it with a spoon not sip it like like a fine cup of cocoa
Fake Zilch survives off of 7 cans of monster a day. As a rule of thumb, the more genuinely terrible a drink is, the more he likes it
Makoto probably also has an egregious taste (his profile says he likes raw ham and dislikes olives, which in my eyes makes every opinion that man has automatically invalid) but I don't think humanity has yet discovered the kinda drinks he'd like yet so- oh wait, theres the leftover salad sauce/juice. and kefir. and mountain dew.
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Talk about Akira ( to Giorno )
"I don't expect people to understand me, even my closest friends don't always understand my way of being but...I like that he understands me. He doesn't ask why I hate the night or why I've take so long to move inch by inch in affection. He accepts me as I am, just as I accept even that he doesn't like chocolate, so..." You could say he loves him, but Giorno finds a lump in his throat to really utter it out loud.
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moonsmultimusings · 2 years
Goro can't tell if this is the stupidest idea he's ever had or not. He's never been sentimental. These types of holidays never really meant anything to him in the grand scheme of things. So just why was he deciding to hand deliver the smallest piece of wrapped milk chocolate to his rival of all people? As a sign of mutual appreciation? Or some crap like that, he wasn't entirely sure why. Ally's can share chocolate! It doesn't have to mean anything super deep and complicated.
"Here. This is for you." His voice comes out sharp as he drops the candy into the other's hand. "Supposedly it's a ritual for people you care for. Not that I give a shit. So just take it."
(Wasn't sure who you wanted it for, so I hope for Akira/Ren is okay! If not just let me know!)
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Goro has never been all that sentimental, in the time Akira's known him. He never would've expected something like Valentine's Day to mean much of anything to him. More like the type to receive than give, maybe. Yes, it was hard not to imagine people fawning over the great 'Detective Prince' and dumping flowers at his feet. Flowers that would be politely picked up and acknowledged, and then promptly thrown into the trash the moment the brunette was out of sight. So to say that he was surprised by the offer of a gift was an understatement.
It was an offering, from Akechi to him. He opened and outstretched his hands, allowing the chocolate to be dropped in. It was a small chocolate, milk. He preferred it to dark chocolate. It was a rather plain gift, but more than he'd been anticipating. Referring to it as a 'ritual' was a new one. Not that it was untrue, but it wasn't the sort of term typically used to describe these sorts of things. “You're giving me Valentine's chocolate?” Just to clarify, that was what was happening. He needed to repeat it out loud, if not in part because he wanted to inspire a reaction. What better way to do that than to make a scene? “Aw, Akechi… You shouldn't have!” he teased, holding it up to the light as if checking the karats on a fine gem. He was used to receiving chocolates back home, typically from different people each year. Since he'd come to Tokyo, he'd been dialing it back. He hadn't been expecting to be gifted anything this year for that reason alone, yet here was a surprise. He tossed the chocolate up into the air, catching it in his hand. Might as well show off, just a bit.
Now that he had it again, he unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth. “Mm… I need to start planning ahead for White Day, then.” Carelessly, he balled up the wrapper, dropping it into his pocket. “Y'know, if I'd have known you were going out of your way, I would've asked for chocolate pocky. But I'll let it slide this once,” he winked. He'd offer one moment of sincerity outside of flirtations intended to earn a rise from Goro. “Thank you.”
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #225
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. 1.) "No Culture" by Mother Mother, 2.) "Oceandeep" by Beast In Black, 3.) "Theme of Laura" by Akira Yamaoka, 4.) "Spieluhr" by Rammstein, 5.) "SLAVEGOD" by 3TEETH, 6.) "Space Bound" by Eminem, 7.) "Platz Eins" by Lindemann, 8.) "Did My Time" by Korn, 9.) "Ka-boom Ka-boom" by Marilyn Manson, and 10.) "Creatures X: To The Grave" by Motionless In White.
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? No.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. My water bottle, Mira (from Silent Hill 2) plush, and the controller for my colorful lamp.
What kind of headphones do you use? Extremely basic earplugs.
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Alice Cooper.
Does virginity matter to you? It doesn't to me anymore. Admittedly, when picking someone to date, I WOULD be hesitant romantically towards a person that seems "easy," but I won't judge them as an individual. They just might not be for me dating-wise.
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? PlayStation2 and Wii technically, but Girt has his PS3 here. The controllers don't work now, though.
Name at least one book you loved as a child. I liked The Magic Treehouse series.
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) US English.
What’s your favourite number, and why? I don't really have one. I like the mythology of 13, but I don't have like... a particular special fondness for it.
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? My brother going down the playset slide into the flood of Hurricane Floyd lol.
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? A certain Reese's bar. It's like in the shape of a Hershey's, but just Reese's pockets.
How would you describe your sense of humour? Dry or sarcastic.
Do you wear much jewellery? No.
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own. puppybeast, marimayscarlett, vintagewildlife
Longest drive you have ever been on? Either from here to New York or Florida. Where my families lived in either state was about the same distance.
Furthest away from home you have ever been? Chicago, Illinois.
What programs do you currently have open? Chrome, Discord, Battle.net, WordPad
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Dog shit, Cookie's body was not kind to her lol, god it was awful.
Ever written fanfiction for anything? No, fanfiction isn't my thing. I don't care if other people like it, but it's not for me.
Do you track any tags? On Tumblr? Primarily Rammstein-based ones, yes.
What is something you feel you're "due for"? To be genuinely fuckin' happy and at peace with my life.
What is the earliest online space you remember joining/inhabiting? How old were you and what do you remember or miss (or not miss) about that space? Neopets or Club Penguin. I dunno, at least younger than 10. What I remember most about Neopets is enjoying the games and also just the art style. What I remember most about Club Penguin is I think having a "boyfriend/girlfriend" on there and how common that was lmao
Has a hobby or interest of yours been so obsessive to the point of interfering with your responsibilities or "real life"? Yes, I've spoken about this before. There was a phase as a pre-teen where RP was this too, it was almost all I really wanted to do.
If you had to reread a book right now, which book would you reread? I plan on possibly re-reading the two or three Warriors arcs I read when I was younger that I don't remember much, but first I have to catch up with everything ever written in the series, which will take a while. There's A LOT of books, even outside the large main series. There are lots of stand-alone books that give more context to certain characters in the series.
What are some media that epitomize an ideal relationship to you — be it a platonic relationship/friendship, a parental relationship, a romantic or sexual relationship, etc.? Morticia and Gomez from The Addams Family is ALL I WANT, tragically Girt is not the most romantic person haha, like he is such an amazing partner and he makes an effort to be romantic when he actually thinks about it because he knows I'm a fan of that, but it's not built into him.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you? Hell fucking no to both.
What colour is your hairbrush/comb? It's just white.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? Oh I can just about guarantee it. I care about people still that I doubt even remember me.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you? My dad.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theatre? I preferably get both, it's just part of the experience for me. However, if we stop at a dollar store or something to smuggle in treats lol, I'll grab a drink there.
How many bank accounts do you have? Zero.
Have you ever had the flu? No, thankfully.
What is your goal for the next few months? Get my mental health better stabilized. Things haven't been too great the past couple months.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? I have spells of insomnia, something I'm medicated for now. I also have some condition doctors can't figure out where I have severe nightmares/terrors that cause me to scream and yell absolutely horrible things and thrash around in my sleep regularly, but in spells, it seems. I've gone a few months with nothing, and then they start up again.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? No, thank god. I've heard that's a nightmare of an experience.
What are two things that you have no problem paying full price for? Good tattoos and clean food.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you? Yes, something similar at least, and I wasn't. I understand they're for show and you're safe. I think they're fun.
Would you marry somebody who was intensely religious? Absofuckinglutely not, we would not mesh like that.
Did you pull a senior prank? No, I didn't have the mindset of such a fucking child anymore, thanks.
Did you graduate? High school, yes.
What was the last song you listened to? It was a song from Beast In Black's From Hell With Love album, I was streaming it.
Is fashion one of your interests? No. I like makeup, if that counts, but I don't even wear it and I'm not actually very invested in learning about it.
Is acting something you enjoy? No, I feel agonizingly awkward acting, like just shoot me.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained? Sprained, it was my ankle. Broke, wrist.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language? No.
Whose house, other than yours and your families’, are you most comfortable at? Girt's.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture? No.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo? Nah.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? To my understanding, my dad has quit after a very long history of doing it!!! He made the decision on Father's Day this year, and he's shared that the first few days were extremely hard, but gum has helped him. I plan on asking how he's held up next I see him.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it? "Against all authority (except my mom)" with the anarchy symbol in the middle lmao
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. I don't think I want rodents ever again. I loved them, but I HATED cleaning their cages.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? Honestly, only the memories I made growing up there. It was a bad little town that to this day is very run-down in most places.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? Hm... I don't think I've done this, actually. Most popular books I've read were in school.
Underwater or outer space? Space.
Bird watching or whale watching? It would be a dream to watch whales one day.
What is your spirit animal? I always say deer. Quiet, skittish, frequently alone.
What was your best subject in school? English/writing.
What was your worst subject in school? Math.
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.
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embossross · 2 years
What are reader and Rindou doing for valentines? (this is me trying to not be angry over the last chapter lol. also happy valentine’s day 🤍💓)
i'll tell you exactly! rindou would have taken reader to the bookstore and insisted on buying her books even as she insisted that she doesn't have the shelf space or the time and her physical tbr is too long.
and he'd buy her: moshi moshi by banana yoshimoto, reputations by juan gabriel vasquez, shipwrecks by by akira yoshimura, the vampire lestat by anne rice, and the end of the moment we had by toshiki okada
why those books? because i just went to the bookstore swearing i would only make a return and left having bought all those books, and really wish rindou had been there to spoil me (or hell even stop me!) because i have zero book self control.
more seriously, i don't think rindou is a big romantic planner, so they probably go to dinner, and rindou encourages you the whole time to ask for things so he can spoil you, and you have soft sex with maybe some food play (feeding each other chocolates, that kind of thing)
and you buy rindou a valentine, which bowls him over and he gets all blushy and quiet because he's never actually received one from a girl he liked lol
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kimikokuro22 · 3 years
[Made even Phantoms Scatter]
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Raws provided by @/fluorencea
CARD STORY [Bitter Tale Accompanied with Hot Chocolate]
Location: Kitchen
Akira: Just need to put marshmallows on top and...
Mitile: Wow! We finally finished making this delicious hot chocolate! With this, tonight's preparations are complete.
Owen: Hello, Mitile, Master Sage.
Akira: Owen!
Owen: Looks like you two are having fun. What's this preparations for?
Mitile: Umm…. We're having a slumber party.
Owen: Slumber party?
Mitile: During our stay in Northern Country, Lord Snow and Lord White made us these pajamas, right?
Mitile: That's why we're going to wear this and stay up all night.
Owen: Sounds fun.
Owen: But, you better beware of monsters.
Mitile: Eh…. Monsters?
Owen: You don't know? Recently, there's a rumor circulating in Central City. It seems that children are being kidnapped at night.
Owen: All that's left is only those children's nightwear. Moreover, blood sticks to their clothes.
Owen: I'm sure that monster ate those children, not just kidnapping them. Hope they don't appear right in front of you.
Mitile: Th-there's a scary monster like that lurking around? What should i do….
Akira: I-it's gonna be okay, Mitile. There's a barrier surrounding this Magic Manor, so we'll be fine. I'm also staying right beside you.
Owen: Ahaha, how laughable. What can a weakling like you do, Master Sage?
Akira: Ugh...
Owen sneered at me, who didn't know what to say, and the frightened Mitile. However, that smile suddenly changed into a gentle one.
Owen: I didn't tell you this story to make you scared. I'm just worried.
Owen: If that monster scares you, how about i stay with you two tonight and protect you from it?
Mitile: Huh-?
Owen: Didn't i tell you before? I want to get along with Mitile.
Mitile: …..
Akira: Why is Owen being this kind all of a sudden…? He did try to tell Mitile about Figaro's secret before, i hope he doesn't have any ulterior motive tonight…
Mitile: ...Umm, if Master Sage is okay with it, can Mr. Owen join our party?
Mitile: I never have many opportunities to speak with Mr. Owen because there's always Doctor Figaro with us or Mr. Mithra's interference….
Akira: I see… Mitile is trying his best to get closer to Northern Wizards.
Akira: Of course. I would be very happy if everyone is getting along.
Mitile: Thank you very much…! Then, Mr. Owen should get changed and wear that pajama from before.
Owen: Hah? How troublesome.
Mitile: Eh? But it's a slumber party…
Owen: ….
Owen: <Quare Morito>
Owen: Hurry up and prepare my hot chocolate. Put lots of marshmallows in it.
Location: Sage's room
Akira: Now that we're ready, let's start our slumber party.
Eventhough i can't be completely unwary of Owen's behavior, i really hope he'll bring a peaceful topic as a start…
Owen: Who cares about that thing. By the way, shall i tell you an interesting story, Mitile? It's about your beloved doctor.
Akira: I thought he's trying to be nice for a change, but in the end it's like this…! What should i say…
Mitile: Umm… Mr. Owen. There's something i really need to say.
Mitile: Could you stop fighting with Mr. Mithra?
Before i could open my mouth, the topic is diverted thanks to Mitile's courageous request.
Owen: How terrible. What an outrageous thing to say.
Owen: Eventhough we fight because he suddenly tried to kill me.
Mitile: Eh-, is that so? I thought both of you were looking for a fight…
Owen: No way. Even earlier, it's because he suddenly said "I'm annoyed" and tried to kill me.
Mitile: Ehh…. When i think about it, the other day he too suddenly ate my cake!
Owen: That person, why is he always like that? That time he also……..
Akira: Hmm?
Before i knew it, the conversation switched into them complaining about Mithra's behavior. Their conversation is getting livelier and livelier.
Akira: Amazing. Mitile and Owen are really hitting it off….
Mitile: Ah-! I'm so sorry, Master Sage! Eventhough it's a party, we keep complaining about Mr. Mithra.
Akira: I-it's alright. I understand that you two have a lot to say about Mithra…
Mitile: But that's not all. I also think that Mr. Mithra has a lot of good sides too!
Owen: Hmm, like what?
Mitile: Like how tall his body is…. And he's really good looking as well.
Owen: ...Well, he has a nice face, that i agree. Although he looked better before.
I feel relieved seeing these two who continue their lively conversation.
Akira: I was so nervous about what could've happened, but both of them are having so much fun. Maybe i shouldn't have worried so much about Owen.
Mitile: Zz…. Zz….
Akira: Mitile fell asleep. Shall we end our party here?
Akira: In the end, no dangerous topic has been brought up. I'm glad we finished our party on a good note.
Owen: <Cure Memini>
Akira: ?!
When i finally able to breathe freely, Owen suddenly cast a spell on Mitile.
Akira: What did you do to Mitile…?
Owen: Nothing really. I just cast a spell so that he can have a nice dream.
Owen: A dream that is so painful, sad, and hurtful. One that his small body cannot handle.
Akira: Why did you do something like that…! Mitile, please wake up. Mitile!
Owen: It's pointless. There's only one way to wake him. He must tell me the one secret i've been dying to know.
Owen: Now Mitile, tell me. Mithra's secret that only you know.
Location: Sage's room
Mitile: Uhh… Urgh….
Akira: Mitile…!
Akira: Mitile is beginning to feel restless. Owen's magic must've started working. I have to do something…
Owen: There must be something going on between him and Mithra.
Owen: Tell me, Mitile. What is Mithra's secret? What is his weakness?
Mitile: Uuh… Mr. Mithra's, secret….
Owen: Yes. I'm sure you know his secret…
Akira: What should i do…? If Owen knew about Mithra's promise, it'll turn into something dangerous…!
Mitile: Mr. Mithra's weakness…
Mitile: It's, Lobster!
Owen: Hah?
Akira: Eh-?
Mitile: Mr. Mithra said….. it's troublesome to remove the shells, that's why lobster's pincers always hurt him.
Mitile: It annoys him and he ends up destroying the lobster.
Mitile: Also, fish bones that stuck in his throat…. and he often mistaken small plates as cookies…. That's probably his weakness…
Owen: ...what the hell.
Owen: Tch, useless. I raised my expectations for nothing.
Akira: …. Mitile. Mitile. Wake up!
Mitile: Ngh…?
Mitile: Eh…. Did I fall asleep? I feel like i witnessed a really scary dream just now…
Akira: Thank goodness…! You finally opened your eyes…
Owen: By the way, Master Sage. This cup is empty. Hurry up and make me another hot chocolate.
Akira: Ehh--! You can't just end it so easily like that…!
Mitile: ...Umm, can i also have one more? The hot chocolate you make is really delicious!
Akira: …..
When i glanced at Owen, it looks like he wouldn't do anything to harm Mitile anymore.
The sight of them waiting for my reply while holding an empty cup warms my heart.
Akira: O-okay. I would also make one for myself then.
Owen: Don't just add marshmallows, you should make mine topped with that sticky and messy white lump. Put it a lot until it overflows from my mouth.
Owen: You want my protection, right? That's why you should do this much for me.
CARD EPISODE [Surprisingly He Liked it?]
Location: Kitchen
Owen: Something smells sweet.
Akira: Ah, Owen. I'm baking some cookies.
Akira: I'm having a slumber party with Mitile and Riquet tonight. I thought about eating this with them tonight.
Owen: I see, that sounds fun. I wonder what their reaction would be if these cookies are snatched the moment they wanted to eat it.
Akira: Y-you can't! If you want some, i would bake one for you right away.
Owen: I'm hurt, Master Sage. You won't invite me to spend time together with you guys?
Akira: Did you perhaps take a liking in slumber parties?
Owen: There's no way i like something like that. I just joined on a whim before.
Owen: In the end, i couldn't uncover Figaro's secret. I also didn't get to know Mithra's weakness.
Owen: What an useless, boring night.
Akira: Ahaha, i see.
Owen: But if you want it that much, i can participate again.
Owen: I'll let you see it next time. The scary monster who kidnaps children at night.
Akira: Umm…. Isn't that just a lie you made up to scare us…?
Owen: How thoughtless, Master Sage. If you think it's a lie, why don't you give it a try?
Owen: I'm sure you'll see something interesting at tonight's party. Look forward to it.
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
LUCKY ~ Matsukawa Issei (Haikyuu) (1/?)
requested by: --
pairing(s): matsukawa issei x male reader
a/n: *casually jamming to siu by maretu while being called a child by someone*
anyways, jokes aside, im posting lucky here because i literally have no content to give to yall atm
so enjoy me simping for mattsun
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chapter one | chapter two
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SWEAT DRIPPED DOWN MATSUKAWA ISSEI'S forehead as he let out soft pants. Dark eyes narrowing as the black haired male watches the setter of the opposite team, a second year named Yahaba Shigeru, setted to Kindaichi Yūtarō for a quick. With quick movements, Matsukawa Issei blocked the first year middle blocker's quick and had earned him and his team a point.
The winning point.
"Gah! I'm sorry!" Yūtarō apologized to his team as he bowed to which earned him some "it's alright!" or "you'll get it next time Kindaichi!" aswell as a "you suck" from a fellow first year, Kunimi Akira which immediately earned Akira some offended shouts from the tall first year.
Issei landed in his feet gracefully as he stood tall and proud of his block. God, it always felt good to successfully shut down a spike, and Issei knew that feeling well. The black haired middle blocker then felt his back being patted and Issei immediately looked behind him and saw his friend, Hanamaki Takahiro smiled lazily at him.
"You almost missed that one, huh Mattsun?" The male had said, tone lace with amusement and eyes glint with mischief. "Getting old there, buddy?" Takahiro continued in a sing sang voice as he saw Issei gave him an unimpressed look for a second from his comment.
On the outsider's point of view, it would've looked like Issei was pissed at Takahiro's comment. But the black haired male's face splitted into a grin as Issei rolled his eyes and gave a soft punch onto Takahiro's shoulder.
"Shut up, Makki," Issei had laughed as he turned to look at Yūtarō who was still looking down on his blocked spike that won Issei's team.
"Better luck next time, Kindaichi," Issei called out as the said male looked at him and then nodded with determination plastered in his features.
"I will get past your blocks! Just you wait senpai!" Yūtarō had said as both Takahiro and Issei looked at each other then and then at the determined first year, then back to each other. The two older males then bursted up laughing as they gave their underclassmen an amused nod.
"Hear that Mattsun?" Takahiro said. "Kindaichi will get pass your blocks!" His voice oddly had a mocking tone on it which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of his peers. The others could only sighed while Yūtarō looked a bit offended.
Issei only laughed at that as Yūtarō looked at his upperclassmen, a bit rather annoyed from them looking down at him... or were they just like that? Yūtarō doesn't really know much as he was still new to the team but the way that they are just so casual with his proclamation? Not at all feeling threatened by it? It made the first year middle blocker a bit miffed. Either way, the first year middle blocker swore he will not be shut down by his upperclassmen's blocks in the future.
"Oi, stop rilling up the first years, you two," Iwaizumi Hajime had said in exasperation as he softly slapped both the back of the two males head. Takahiro and Issei only snickered, not minding their ace's actions as Oikawa Tōru who was behind them whined on why Hajime was much more lenient on using violence to others but goes full force on him. The comment from the volleyball captain only earned him angry shouts of threats from the ace aswell as a hard punch or two, immediately showing the difference of how the ace treats the others and then Tōru.
"Ouch! Iwa-chan not the face!!!" Tōru cried out as he then screamed when Hajime had hitted him, in the face. The whole volleyball team didn't even bat an eye at Hajime beating the fuck outta the resident trash lord named Oikawa Tōru as they minded their own business.
This was normal...
"Oh, are you joining us going to the store this time Mattsun?" A fellow third year named Yuda Kaneo asked as he approached Takahiro and Issei and then handed the two some towels which had earned him some thank yous from the two. "You've been skipping an awful lot lately and it's Oikawa's turn to buy us snacks," Kaneo continued as the said male let out a hum and then shrugged his shoulders. Issei was about to speak but the light brown (some can say that it was pink really and Takahiro doesn't care really what others think of his hair) haired male.
"Nah," Takahiro said as he shakes his head. "This fucklord right here has some stuff to do," Takahiro continued he patted Issei's back. Issei only snorted at what his friend had called him as he jabbed Takahiro with his elbow but didn't say anything else. Kaneo only nodded in understanding as the third year began to walk towards the others and started to chat with fellow third years, Shido Heisuke and Sawauchi Motomu.
"So, what's the plan with him?" Takahiro lazily asked as he swung one of his arms at Issei's neck to bring down the black haired male a bit to his height (the difference were only little really as Issei seemed to only be three centimeters taller to Takahiro) as the light brown (maybe pink again) haired male gave a grin.
"Same as usual," Issei had said as he shrugged Takahiro's eye roll. "What do you expect?" The black haired male huffed as his friend gave him a blank stare.
"You two are so boring!" Takahiro had said as he took his arm away from Issei and instead threw both of his arms in the air. "You don't YOLO at all, do you?"
"Bitch, what?" Issei had asked as he looked at his friend like the male was crazy which was debatable really.
"Ugh, gay, you and him are so boring," Takahiro had said as he saw Issei rolled his eyes at him.
"Oh, wait..." Takahiro had said as he brought his arms to his side. Issei only raised a brow at his friend quick shift of mood. What was this salmon color haired asshole planning?
"Why don't you come with us and invite him?" Takahiro had said as the black haired male let out a hum and thought about it. Should he? He could invite him and hang out with both him and his friends. That's not really a bad idea. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
"Eh, I'll think about it," Issei had said. As much as Issei loved to hang out with his team and probably bully their captain, Issei also enjoyed his alone time with a certain [Hair color] haired male.
"Makki! Mattsun!" The two said males let out groans as they heard their captain called out their ridiculous nicknames in a sing sang tone. "Oi! Don't just groan at me!" Tōru had whined as he approached the two males. Man, Tōru always wonders on why are his friends a bit of a bastards?
Scratch that— why are all his friends full time bastards?
"Are you going to join us, Mattsun?" Tōru had asked as he turned to the said male who shrugged at him. As much as Matsukawa Issei have respect for the chocolate brown haired male, Oikawa Tōru was also a dumb ass who's any ounce of respect you feel for him gets yeeted off a cliff when you realized the volleyball captain believes in very stupid things... like aliens for example.
"No thanks, I don't need to see your ugly mug more," Issei had flatly shut down (like how he shut down Yūtarō's quick which the first year was still lowkey sulking in a corner somewhere with Akira insulting him none stop) as the black haired male turned his back from the volleyball captain. "Dealing with you in practice is enough already."
Takahiro snorted at Issei's cold hearted reply as he watched the volleyball captain dramatically gasped at his friend's words. God, why was Tōru a dramatic hoe? Hanamaki Takahiro will never know... not that he wants to anyways.
"So mean!!!" Tōru cried. "Iwa-chan, Mattsun is being mean to me!!!" He cried as he turned to the black haired ace for support, only to get none. Like usual. Instead, the said ace only gave him a blank look and flipped him off which made the chocolate brown haired male cry out more. "Wahhh!!! Not you too Iwa-chan!!!"
"Shut up Shittykawa!!!" Hajime screamed as both Takahiro and Issei (who turned back to look at Tōru) snickered as they watched their ace threw a volleyball directly at their captain's face. God, seeing their dumbass captain getting beaten always made their day. Sadistic bastards the two are.
"Matsukawa-san?" The said male turned to who called him and saw that it was their libero, Watari Shinji who looked a bit worried for him for him which made Issei raised a brow.
"Um... [Last name]-san is here," Shinji had said as Issei perked up hearing the [Hair color] haired male's last name. 'Huh... he's early...' Issei had thought as the libero looked worried at the tall middle blocker. "And he said... you should hurry up..." Shinji then quietly added, "he seemed a bit pissed senpai..." which immediately answered Issei's mental question on why the libero looked worried for him.
Issei let out a hum as he said a quiet thanks at the second year libero who hesitantly nodded and walked away to join the others who started stretching.
"Eh? Uptight-san has been coming here more than usual," Tōru had wondered out loud, not at all embarrassed at showing that he was listening to a confidential message, well, not really confidential— but still, it was still rude to listen to conversations that clearly doesn't involve with you. Not that Tōru cares.
"Shittykawa, don't just insult people! Especially him!" Hajime had said as he slapped the back of the volleyball captain's head which earned the ace a loud whine from the male. Why was he friend's with this guy again? Right, because he was forced too when they were kids. Fuck.
"But Iwa-chan!" Tōru cried as he rubbed the back of his head on where the ace had slapped him. "Don't you think it's weird that Mattsun always gets in trouble with Uptight-san???" The chocolate brown haired male asked as he pouted.
"What did you do anyways, Mattsun?" The captain had asked as he turned to look at the black haired middle blocker. Issei and Takahiro only looked at each other with blank stares as they were mentally messaging each other if their captain was really this fucking dumb.
"Jeez, Dumbkawa," Takahiro started and hearing that ridiculous and very insulting nickname made the volleyball captain whine on how "mean" he was. Takahiro doesn't give a single fuck though as the nickname was very true. "I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were that dumb!"
"What do you expect from a guy who believe aliens exist?" Issei added. "Dumbkawa, how did you even graduated middle school again?" The black haired male continued as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, with your small peanut size brain, how?" Takahiro joined in as he did what Issei aswell, crossing his arms over his chest as they blankly looked at their captain who was now on the floor, dramatically on his hands and knees as he cried how cruel his friends were. Each words the two males spouted had pierced Oikawa Tōru's heart with imaginary arrows. And fucking hell did it hurt. What the fuck, why are his friends such assholes? Damn.
The volleyball captain was about to loudly cry out and proclaim how much of a bastards his friends were when everyone then kept quiet when they heard someone new had talked.
"What is going on here?"
Everyone frozed. No one moved a single muscle as the whole volleyball team robotically turned their heads to the direction of the voice to see a male student wearing the school's uniform. It would have been a regular student if it weren't for the white arm band on his right arm where the word "PRESIDENT" written in large red bold text.
It was none other than the student council president, [Last name] [Name].
And the [Hair color] haired male was certainly not amused as he looked at each one of them with a cold blank stare that sent every member of the Aoba Johsai males volleyball club shiver down their spines as [Name]'s arms crossed on his chest.
"I am asking once again, what is going on here and why are you all so loud?" [Name] had said as he then turned to the volleyball captain who immediately let out a yelp when the [Hair color] haired male's stare was directed at him. "Especially you, Oikawa Tōru."
The chocolate brown haired male sweated from the blank stare directed at him. The volleyball club captain, Oikawa Tōru was absolutely on the verge of pissing himself as this was no ordinary student. This was the student. The student who had shown prowess to lead their fucking school without a sweat. The one where everyone student body absolutely respects and adores, just like him!!!
This was the [Last name] [Name] for heavens sake and this guy was no laughing matter!!!
"Oi, [Name], why are you here?" Issei's bored voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife as Tōru let out the breath he never knew he was holding when [Name]'s stare turned to the black haired third year. It took a minute or so for Tōru to realized what just happened as he then guffawed at how casual Issei was to talking to the [Hair color] haired male as the rest of the team watched, everyone easing up a bit.
"EH?!?" Tōru loudly screamed in shock, eyes widened as he seemed to not believe what he was just witnessing. [Name] didn't seemed to be bothered by the third year setter's shock cries as he looked at Issei and rolled his eyes at the black haired middle blocker.
"I told you to hurry up and change, I don't have all day," [Name] had said as Issei snorted at his words.
"Actually," Issei started. "You told my teammate to tell me to hurry up, so, ha!" Takahiro and Issei swore they heard the [Hair color] haired male mutter something in the lines of "god he's such an idiot" and "he's just being a smartass as usual [name], don't mind him" to himself in which the two were absolutely amused by it.
Takahiro had to stop himself from snickering when he saw the usual stoic and proper [Hair color] haired male let out a sigh as he uncrossed his arms off his chest and instead began to rub his temple.
"Just hurry up already Issei, I have to walk you home and aswell as going to the convenience store to buy something," [Name] said in exasperation as the black haired male rolled his eyes but nodded.
"You only have five minutes to change or else I'll leave you," [Name] had said.
"Also, hello Hanamaki, good to see your doing well," The said male gave a thumbs up to him as [Name] gave Issei a look and then turned his back to them as he began to walk to the gym's door and went outside.
As the doors shut. Oikawa Tōru had to processed what just fucking happened. When the realization hitted him like Hajime spiking volleyballs at him for being a trashy dumbass, the volleyball captain immediately was in Issei's face as he bombarded the tall third year questions.
"Matssun!!! What is your relationship with Uptight-san?!?"
"Why aren't you scared at him?!?"
"How the hell do you even know him that well?!?"
"When were you close?!?!"
"Didn't you spiked a volleyball at him last year?!?"
"Are you two friends?!?"
"How can you made him feel other emotions besides annoyance?!?"
"What do you both do?!?"
"How did you even befriended him?!?"
Questions after questions were fired at Issei as his captain was shaking him back and forth by his uniform. Issei looked unamused by the volleyball captain's actions as he then grabbed Tōru's hands off his shirt while Takahiro had sneaked (it wasn't that hard with the male being too busy shaking his friend like a rag doll) behind the chocolate brown haired male and then slapped Tōru's head, hard.
"Ow!" Tōru cried as he turned to glare at Takahiro while rubbing the back of his head to ease the slight pain he was feeling. "What the hell, Makki?!?" The said male only stuck his tongue out at the captain which earned a whine from Tōru.
"Dumbkawa, Mattsun and Prez have been dating for literally two years now..." Takahiro said like it was the obvious obvious truth. Well, it was besides for the trashy captain of Seijoh. "Why do you think Prez has been coming here for awhile now and fetching Mattsun?" The male rhetorically asked as he then gave the dumbstruck captain a lazy grin.
"Are you seriously that dumb, Dumbkawa?" Issei and Takahiro had asked in sinc as they gave their captain very judgemental stares that made the third year setter wail on how cruel their words were.
"Did you seriously didn't know?" Hajime asked, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at his friend who snapped his head towards him and then screamed "YOU KNEW TOO IWA-CHAN?!?"
"The whole team knew... well, besides you it seems," Kanoe commented as the rest of the team watched their captain freaked out on the news that their Matsukawa Issei, resident fucklord (along with Takahiro) was dating the student council president, [Last name] [Name].
"Why didn't no one told me about this?!?" Tōru cried as the whole team stared at him with a "are you fucking serious?" look.
"They didn't even tried to hide their relationship— so shut the fuck up Shittykawa!!!" Hajime had yelled as he got irritated when the volleyball captain still wont shut his loud mouth up from crying and wailing on how everyone in the team was cruel on not telling him about Issei's love life.
 "You did not tell them that we were dating?" [Name] had asked as he glanced at the black haired male who shrugged at his question. The two were already walking home together as Issei ditched his team to walk with his boyfriend and the black haired male was telling his boyfriend about what happened after he had left the gym. Yes, Matsukawa Issei was dating the [Last name] [Name] and Issei still wonders how he managed to nabbed a snacc like this guy.
"Well, it's not really their business," The black haired male said in a bored tone. "And besides, everyone in the team seems to know," Issei had said as he shoved his hands onto his pants pockets. "Well, everyone besides that trash of a captain of mine," Issei continued as a grin formed on his lips when he heard [Name] chuckle.
"Weren't we obvious though?" The [Hair color] haired male wondered out loud. "I mean, I always dropped by when I have the time."
Yes, it was true. When [Name] wasn't busy doing his student council duties, he does, in fact, dropped by the gym to greet and watch the males volleyball club practice. It was a wonder how Oikawa Tōru did not noticed how he was always talking to or being beside Issei. Perhaps the chocolate brown haired male was definitely an idiot.
"Well, you know how Oikawa is," Issei had said as he took one of his hand out off his pockets and instead grabbed [Name]'s [Skin color] hand where the [Hair color] haired male instinctively intertwined their fingers together. A soft flush on [Name]'s cheeks which made the black haired male grin.
"The guy's has volleyball for brains," Issei had said as he then laughed at the [Hair color] haired male's retort.
"Like you aswell?" The black haired male squeezed [Name]'s hand as he sent the male a playful glare.
"You love me though," Issei had said as he saw the corner of the [Hair color] haired male's lips twitched a bit as [Name] then looked away. The black haired male wasn't bothered though when his boyfriend looked away from him. In fact, Issei thinks it was cute to see the almighty stoic and stubborn student council president of one of the powerhouse of the prefecture act a bit cute and flustered.
Issei smiled as he heard his boyfriend mutter three simple words. Three simple words that made him feel all warmth and tingly in the inside. It was disgusting, but Issei came to enjoy that feeling.
"I unfortunately do."
God, Matsukawa Issei was definitely lucky to be dating [Last name] [Name]...
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next >
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tanteichi · 2 years
He really doesn't know what to get the detective for his birthday so Akira just settles for a cake, decorated like Sherlock Holmes. The flavor is anything but chocolate as Akira doesn't want to have bad memories of making this cake for Shinichi. Anywho, he walks up and sets the present down. 'Happy birthday 'Nichi'. ( to Shinichi for his birthday <3 ).
Shinichi's Birthday Asks! | Accepting!
He blinked as he looked at the large cake, glancing at the design that looked distinctly similar to his favourite detective. “Wow, did you bake this yourself, Fluffy? I knew you were a good baker, but to put all this effort in for me? That makes me happy~.” Shinichi’s tone had a teasing lilt to it as he cut himself a slice, careful not to ruin the Holmes picture. As he slid the slice onto a plate, he used a fork to pick up a bit of the cake and stuff it into his mouth.
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Chewing carefully, he blinked and grinned, looking up at the phantom thief with a look of approval. “How did you know I liked lemon? I don’t remember telling you. . but thanks, this tastes amazing!” And he’s now taking several more bites of the cake. He’s not going to share it, though.
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tricksheart · 2 years
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🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
i’ve not seen a desserts meme round here, so i made one!! send me ‘🍰’ + A NUMBER for a desserts headcanon!
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( accepting )
@electricea said: 19 and 20 for the sweets headcanon meme!
what’s my character’s fro-yo cup look like? what flavours and toppings?
what’s my character’s ice-cream shop order look like? how many scoops? what cone? what flavours and toppings?
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Akira doesn't like yogurt and that includes things like fro-yo cups. But he would get a regular ice cream cup and load up on berries, all except cherries as Akira doesn't care for them either. Depends on his mood if he wants some berry syrup on there as well. Maybe a couple of sprinkles too. lol
Akira's really picky and likes flavors that he really can't get because they are either made out of country ( I am not sure if Japan sells Blue Moon, his favorite, or SuperMan ) or the store just doesn't carry it. If there is nothing else there he likes, Akira opts for Strawberry. Bonus if there is actual frozen strawberries in there.
He only gets on scoop since having two or more scoops of the same thing seems a little repetitive and not really good in his opinion. Akira also hates regular sugar cones so he opts for a waffle cone instead. Sure they are more expensive, but there are worth it in the long run.
If all else fails, and there is a choice between chocolate or vanilla only, Akira chooses to get vanilla because he absolutely hates chocolate with a passion, unless it's white chocolate.
0 notes
galaxxiwrites · 3 years
I'm here. (ft. Rindou, Akira & Ginsei)
aka I'm spoiling myself here klsfnklfe
prompt: You have a habit of locking yourself off whenever you're feeling down, and the boys want to remind you that they're here for you.
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Ginsei noticed that as of late, he's barely ever seen or heard from you. He wants to be understanding and give you your personal space, but the time he does have with you is growing thinner and thinner, and he misses you badly.
Of course, his initial reaction is that you're growing tired of him. It would break his heart and his already frail ego, but he understands if you no longer wanted him. He just wished you would tell him instead of keeping him hanging.
By coincidence, a close friend of yours came to Starless, asking if you've ever been here the past couple of days.
Ginsei is the first one to approach them, telling your friend that you've barely made contact with him. Your friend reaffirms Ginsei's worries, saying that you've ghosted everyone yet again.
Ginsei grows extremely worried at this point. Did something happen to you?
Your friend explains that perhaps you've locked yourself up again, since you did mention that you've been having a rough time lately.
He's surprised, because you never told him anything. He feels regretful that you don't trust him enough to tell him how you're feeling, but he's determined to change that today.
After his shift, he immediately made his way to your place. In hindsight, he probably should have thought of buying you something, but his mind could only think of seeing you again.
He knocks on the door. Once. Twice. Thrice.
It was when he was about to knock for a fourth time that you opened the door. His eyes open wide as he saw you, your eyes red and puffy.
"Princess, what happened?"
You try to play it as having been awoken by his sudden visitation, but the crack in your voice and your nose obviously clogged gave away that you've been crying not long ago.
Ginsei takes your hands in his and give them a small kiss.
"Princess, I'm right here. If anything's troubling you, please tell me. I promised you that I'd always be beside you, but I can only do it if you let me. Please?"
The warmth you felt as he embraced you was so comforting that you ended up crying once more, and Ginsei gladly let you pour your heart out until you were ready to tell him what happened.
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Akira takes action the quickest of these three. It doesn't take long for him to come knocking at your door if you keep ignoring his texts or calls within a day or two.
He'll come to your residence with a box of your favourite chocolates and a stuffed toy from the arcade that you've been eyeing at for a while now.
He knocks and rings the door bell multiple times, but the silence convinces him that you're not there. He decides to give you a call, just to make sure you really aren't home.
To his surprise, he hears your ringtone go off, and it was loud enough for him to believe that you were just on the other side of the door.
You open the door, greeting him with your head down.
Alarms are going off in his head. Did something happen? Were you hiding something from him? He had many questions, but his words were stuck in his throat.
You then whimpered a small apology before your shoulders tense up. You were...crying as quietly as you could.
He finally gets the strength to ask you what happened as he firmly grasped your arms. He placed a hand on your chin, forcing you to look up at him, and his eyes grew wider as he saw your face.
It looked...exhausted, and it seemed that you've been crying repeatedly.
Akira brings you and himself into your home before embracing you tightly.
"Babe, I'm here for you, okay? And I'll stay here for as long as you want me to."
True to his word, Akira ended up comforting you for so long that it had been too late. You tell him he could sleep over, much to his delight.
The whole night he's taking care of you. He's ordered take out from your favourite restaurant, he gives you the most soothing bath you've had in a while, and singing for you as he dries your hair with a towel.
As you both fall asleep, he whispers in your ears one last time with that soothing voice of his,
"I'm right here for you, babe. So don't go around pushing yourself away from me, okay?"
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Much like Ginsei, Rindou doesn't take action until after a while. Rindou however, would much rather believe that you've already found a new lover for yourself and so, he never really thought of confronting you about it. He believes you're happier now, and the thought alone was good enough for him.
Team P had noticed how much this affected their leader, who was normally always so composed.
It wasn't until Maica FINALLY got a hold of you did Rindou seem genuinely happy for the first time in a while.
He borrows Maica's phone and darted for the back alley, where he could have some privacy.
His worry skyrockets the second he hears your voice quivering. You apologize to him, and explain why you've been distancing yourself for a while.
His heart was filled with so much regret, and he got mad at himself for thinking you had left him. He was mad at himself for not going and talking to you, especially when you needed him the most.
"My love...I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, but I'll make it up. I'll come visit you later after my shift is over, okay? Please stay strong for me for just a bit longer."
Rindou returned to the rehearsal room looking much more determined, which helped boosted Team P's own morale. And it was good timing too, or else they would have had another horrible show after doing so well so far.
When he finished his shift, Rindou left as quick as he could. He wants to make up for all the lost time between the two of you as quickly as he could.
He rang your doorbell, and the second you open the door you're embraced in a tight hug. It wasn't crushingly tight, but with you crying for the past several hours, it was hard to breath with a clogged off nose.
You tell him that as you push him away a little, and he apologizes.
"I'm right here, right now. And I promise I won't leave you alone again. So, won't you tell me what's bothering you, my dear?"
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deareststars · 3 years
Got any headcanons on Ryuji's birthdays (both past and present)?
oh absolutely. i feel so bad i didn’t get to sunshine boy’s birthday until the day after :( but i was so busy… i’ll just have to give him some extra love to make up for it hehe thank you for requesting!! cheers <3
(continued under cut)
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- ryuji’s never really liked celebrating his birthday.
- his old man loved reminding him every year that he was lucky to even be alive. despite hana's insistence that his dad was never telling the truth, those kinds of beratements get into your psyche after hearing them for long enough.
- hana made sure to set aside a portion of her earnings just for the sake of celebrating ryuji's birthday. they'd wait until his dad was out of the house, and hana would bring out ryuji's favorite cake (chocolate with buttercream frosting and sprinkles) and a single candle, so there wouldn't be any telltale smoke when his dad came home. she'd sing happy birthday to him and give him a small present, usually an action figure or a new set of clothes. (he learned to treasure these small moments, since they were always moments away from his dad.)
- because his dad forced him to never value his birthday as much as he should, he ends up hiding the day from a lot of his friends. the phantom thieves don't find out when his birthday is until futaba does some curious digging and finds out.
- when they do, it's already november, so they have to do a lot of scrambling to make up for it. yusuke and makoto are in charge of decorations, futaba and morgana are in charge of gift hunting, and akira, ann, and haru are in charge of cooking.
- it goes...about as well as you can expect. the decorations end up being extremely avant garde because yusuke and makoto couldn't agree on a single style to go for. futaba accidentally orders a double shipment of gifts, meaning they have an overflow of party poppers, knicknacks, and foreign snacks by the time ryuji's "birthday" arrives. ann somehow manages to set fire to water, which means akira and haru have to settle for curry and store-bought cake.
- they're certain that it was a fail, but when ryuji arrives at leblanc and sees the absolute chaos with his best friends smiling sheepishly back at him, he can't help but grin.
- "all of this just for me? hell, i'm touched!"
- yusuke gives him a small painting that he had made from one of their group pictures. makoto gives him a ramen cookbook disguised as a college prepbook, mostly for the brief and amusing look of disgust (followed immediately by fear). haru gives him a custom-made mace that gets so many looks of confusion and fear from the other phantom thieves that ryuji cries from laughter. akira, futaba, and morgana tag-team and give him a memory card filled with various moments taken from akira's phone, of the phantom thieves being stupid teenagers. ann gives him a box of bags of beef jerky, imported from various foreign nations.
- after the festivities wind down, ryuji is left with morgana, akira, and ann. sojiro has closed down leblanc, and he and futaba left the four of them to their devices long ago.
- ryuji tells them exactly why he never told them about his birthday. about his dad, and the birthdays spent in fear of him coming home too early. the moment he's finished, ann tackles him in a hug, quickly followed by akira. morgana settles on akira's shoulder and butts ryuji's cheek with the top of his head.
"don't you ever think that we're like that bastard of a man. we appreciate you so damn much, ryuji, and don't forget that!"
"yeah. we may have our differences, but i'm glad you were born, ryuji."
"mhm. we love you."
- when ryuji gets home that night, he finds that maybe he doesn't hate the idea of his birthday so much after all. it just took the right people to make him realize that.
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Romance. Fanfic. Fluff(?). A bit aged up characters. A bit OOC for katsuki (?)
Warnings: Cursing.
I know I said I'm gonna post Todoroki's fic, but this hot headed boy is pulling me back.
For real though, todoroki's fic is just under editing.
P.S: I made another OC here.
P.P.S: I don't know who is the artist behind this picture of Katsuki, this is not mine. Credits to him/her, cause he looked so hawt.
Hope you like it guys. Please don't copy/plagiarize. Lovelots. 💟
You are on your way back to the dorm, lost in thought, you can't believe it's already your last sem at U.A.
"Im the one breaking up with you, do you understand that?! I hate you katsuki!" You were taken aback by the sudden yell.
Out of the trees near the dorm, Akira, resurfaced, she passed by you, not even throwing a glance. She's covering her face.
You took a step forward to where she came from and saw, your friend, leaning on tree.
"She broke up with you, huh?" He glared at you.
"Are you fucking eavesdropping on me?" He growled at you. You shook away his comment and stepped closer.
"Well, she practically yelled that she's breaking up with you, so I heard." You heard him muttering curses under his breath.
Bakugo Katsuki, may be an ill tempered, rude, brat, he's also hard to deal with, but you know he's a good person.
He's passionate about becoming a hero, the number one hero.
You reached out and patted his back, you stared at the sky, trying not to look at him because you can't bear to see pain in his eyes.
"You will be able to move on, katsuki. You still gonna be the number one hero,right?" He fell silent. You figured he would want to be alone.
"I'm here for you katsuki, if you need my help." You started to walk back to the same direction where you came from.
You felt him hold your hand.
Your eyes wandered back to him, he is staring at you, his smirk evident.
"Will you help me then? Be my girl, y/n." You blinked, not sure if he's being serious.
"A-are you an idiot?!" You pulled back your hand.
"You said you're gonna help me? Help me forget about Akira."
"Do you seriously want me to be your rebound?!" You were in utter shock and awe of his arrogance.
You didn't even wait for his reply, you stormed back to your dorm room.
The moment you entered your room, your knees felt weak and yiur body slid down the door.
Your heart is racing, your head is full of confusion.
It keeps on replaying the moment the very person you have unrequited love for, asked you to be his girl.
It hurt a lot when you learned that he hd a girlfriend, who could actually
They are not that big on PDA, but you can see them holding hands and one time you even spotted katsuki sleeping in Akira's lap.
Even though seeing them everyday makes your heart hurt, you can't stop yourself from falling in love with katsuki.
You played video games with him, you trained with him.
You even fought almost everyday, but everytime he's in the wrong he would secretly give you a bar of chocolate, his way of apologizing without actually saying he's sorry.
He would also give you medicines, when you're sick, he would somehow notice even if you didn't tell him.
Deep inside you know, he cares for your friendship, and every little thing he does, even the ones that annoys you, makes you fall for him deeper.
The next day came with you only having a wink of sleep because of that hot headed fool.
Why are you in love with that guy anyway? You keep on muttering to yourself, when you felt a hand land on your shoulders. It surprised you and so you let out a shriek
You turned your head and saw Ochaco looking at you.
"You looked so irritated, y/n. Is there a problem?" She worriedly asked you
You defensively waved your hands telling her that you're okay.
The both of you walked towards the classroom together, the closer you get to the classroom, the more your heartbeat speeds up.
How will you talk to him? How will you face him? What if everyone notices that you guys are being weird and they ask? All these thoughts are flowing through your head.
Ochaco opened the door and found that almost everyone is there already.
You took a good look around and noticed that the red eyed goblin is not yet here, which is odd. Very odd.
"Ehhh?! Bakugo's absent?" Ochaco asked, surprised as you are.
"He doesn't answer the door when I call him. He was in a bad mood since yesterday. He and Akira broke up." Kirishima answered,scratching his head.
That idiot. What is he up to now.
All through out the morning class, he did not show up, you were worried.
What if he gets himself into a fight. Yeah, he's strong but what if he was outnumbered. What if he got injured badly. Countless thoughts of what might have happened passes through your mind that you can't concentrate in class.
"I'm gonna check on him." You quickly ran back to the dorm, the moment you were dismissed for lunch.
You practically banged the door when you arrived.
"Hey idiot!! Open this door or I'll slice it in half!" You yelled.
Still, no answer.
"Bakugo Katsuki. Don't you do anything stupid." You mumbled to yourself.
"This dimwit!" You have been banging his door for ten minutes already, and still, nothing.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You looked behind and saw katsuki standing there.
You ran to him checking his face.
"The fuck are you doing, brat?! Let go of my face!" He pulled your hand away.
"Idiot. I thought something happened to you!" you slapped his hand away and glared at him.
"I was just called by the agency I applied for, I told the teacher that I'm gonna be gone the whole morning." His lips twisted into a teasing grin.
"Were you that worried for me?" He teased.
"Because you're a hot headed idiot." you told him.
"Hmmm. You're right. Maybe I'd pick a random fight and kick some fucking ass.I got dumped and I'm really pissed about it." You frowned, when he started to step closer to you, everytime he does, you take a step back.
"So, why don't you be a good friend to me and help me?" He smirked. Your eyes not leaving his ruby colored ones.
You gulped.
"Fine! I'll be your girlfriend." You gave in. His smirk grew.
"Great. Im now your boyfriend, y/n." You were stunned when he gave you a quick peck on the lips and went inside his room.
You stood up there, rewinding what happened, then it dawned you.
You hands flew to your face, feeling it heat up. You tried to calm yourself and took a deep breath.
You walked back to the school. Your heart beating like crazy, and your face looking like a freshly picked tomato.
Well, its already your last sem in the school so, why not.
You're gonna make that bastard fall for you.
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