#akio really got the god complex part and the “it's not my fault” part meanwhile asahi got the “rich kid who whines a lot” part
linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 007: yano asahi
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just so you know most of the time i have no idea what to do with my ocs' hands.
so, we already know which prisoner is the oldest one, but what about the youngest one? well, here he is! (fun fact: he was actually supposed to be even younger at first)
this boy.. tbh i'm not so sure about his verdict as well, like at the same time THIS IS A CHILD AND HE PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BE HERE but also.. he's not really the most sympathetic prisoner here.
General info:
Name: Yano Asahi (谷野旭冴) (his last name means "valley" and "field" and his first name means "rising sun" and "clarity")
Age: 11 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Prisoner 007
Birthday: May 15 (Taurus)
Height: 145 cm
Blood type: O
Image color: #DBFFC1
Occupation: Elementary school student (sixth year)
Personality: Asahi appears to be a sweet child when you first meet him, however, his true personality is not like that at all. He's very rude, he swears more often than all the older prisoners, he says mean things without thinking and whenever someone tells him that it's wrong to act like that, he just lies on the floor and cries or says that he's just a child, so it's okay if he makes mistakes like that. He takes full advantage of his age and even makes other prisoners do all kinds of things for him, because "he's a child, so he's too weak to do it himself". It's obvious that he was very spoiled by his parents: he asked for a different prisoner uniform because he didn't like this one, he's the one who requests more stuff than all the other prisoners and if something doesn't go his way, he starts crying and says that he will tell his mom about it. But even though he is almost never seen smiling or laughing, he's actually.. very calm when it comes to his crime? He never mentions it and when the guards ask him about it, he simply goes "Huh? What crime?". At first the guards thought that he's just pretending or maybe he's so cruel that he doesn't care about his crime.. But for some reason, it also feels like he actually doesn't know what crime he committed. Or maybe he does know, he just.. doesn't want to think about it.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: Half. YES. THE YOUNGEST PRISONER HERE WOULD SING HALF. It fits his backstory well not counting the whole cheating on your wife part and for some reason I actually can imagine him singing it and it would sound good with the voice I imagine him to have. Maybe his cover would be like a cuter and softer (but still very emotional) version of the original song?
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Iiya. The lyrics actually sound a lot like Asahi and I can definitely imagine him singing it for. Reasons that I can't talk about yet.
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: All I Need Are Things I Like by Pinocchio-P.
His MV description: .. his MV would have a goth aesthetic actually. It would mostly have gray and black colors, but some important objects would be the same color as Asahi's image color.
His MV starts with Asahi sitting in his room, looking bored and watching the clock tick. He gets annoyed and walks to the door, but something stops him from leaving the room. He starts walking around the room and it looks like he's thinking deeply about something. He looks at all his toys (and he has.. a lot of them) and.. suddenly starts crying while hugging one of them? It does look sad and makes you feel bad for him, but the lyrics are actually about him feeling like "this is not enough, he deserves more" and him asking someone to "give him everything he wants, because he's their only joy in life and he should be treated as one". He looks at a particular plushie he has, the one that looks like a strawberry and for some reason he finally decides to leave the room.
We see Asahi in his room again and now he's actually playing with his toys, though he still looks bored. The lyrics mention that he's still "not satisfied" and "he won't stop until he gets what he wants". He looks at some books he has in his room and decides to read one of them just because he has nothing else to do and it looks like he actually finds it interesting. It gives him inspiration to do something and he gets so excited that he starts writing something in his notebook while lying on his bed, still surrounded by his toys. If you look closer, you can see that he's writing something called "A list of weaknesses". When he's done, he starts laughing and it looks like he is not exactly sane right now. The POV suddenly changes and it looks like we're opening the door to Asahi's room and see what he's doing. Asahi pretends like everything is fine and just smiles at us.
We still see everything from that person's POV and now it looks like that person is having dinner with Asahi. There's no one else around and the whole scene just gives off that feeling of loneliness. The person stops eating to tell Asahi something and he still looks annoyed, but he listens anyway. But then, everything becomes blurry, even though we can still see that now Asahi is smiling and that person's food was actually the same color as Asahi's image color. That person falls on the floor and now Asahi looks like he is actually scared for them and he even tries to help them get up, but everything goes dark before he is able to do anything.
The POV changes and we're opening a door again and we can see Asahi lying in a puddle of something that looks like a bright green liquid. We walk closer to him and try to wake him up and when he does, he looks at us with a confused face expression and the lyrics say "Hey, can you remind me, what did I even want?"
Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Huh? Why do you even want to know my name? If you're soooo smart, then you probably know it already, don't you?" *SLAP* "OW! What the fuck are you- Fine, fine! My name is Yano Asahi, I'm an elementary school student and all.. But you knew that, didn't you? Look at me, I'm literally a child! Now let me go home or I'll tell my mom about what you've done to me!"
"Hey.. Come on, you know I deserve it. It's not that expensive. JUST BUY THE DAMN THING ALREADY, THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING! WHAT, ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THAT I DON'T DESERVE IT? Oh.. maybe you just hate me? You hate me, right?"
Murder is his only crime and he had only one victim.
Of course, he believes that he will get an innocent verdict and it's just not possible for him to be voted guilty.
He spends most of his free time eating something or playing with the toys he requested.
Some prisoners have mentioned that they heard Asahi talking to someone in the middle of the night, but when they checked, it was just him sitting in his cell and talking to himself. They heard him talk about the other prisoners, Milgram and this whole situation. When it was morning and they asked Asahi about it, he denied everything and he looked genuinely confused.
He's not close with any prisoners and he especially hates Akio even though they're very similar.
Naomi is a little scared of him because of him being almost the same age as her students (though a little bit older) and she tries to avoid him when she can. However, Asahi himself doesn't think she's that bad and other prisoners even say that he sees her as a mother figure.
Even though he's not friends with anyone here, he still refers to all other prisoners by "Nii-san" and "Nee-san", basically treating them as his older brothers and sisters. And about the guards.. he really doesn't like Eiji, so he refuses to call him that, but he eventually warmed up to Miki and started calling her his big sister as well. (Edit: that was changed and he's actually calling everyone "(Name)-nii" and "(Name)-nee" now. I just thought that it sounds more like him)
Other prisoners didn't want him to spend time with Kei, because they were afraid that Kei will be a "bad influence". To everyone's shock (even Kei's), Asahi understood.. uh, everything that comes out of Kei's mouth perfectly and when they asked where he got this knowledge, he just said that "he's young, but he's not stupid".
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