#akimax and akidrey aren't complete without the other there but maudrey are shown to be so compatible and in sync
maxiewolfe · 2 years
ok rant about the triad in today's episode! we finally got some good fucking food here! I love that max and audrey have this chemistry when it comes to scheming, something we know aki doesnt like/care to be part of, audrey used to ask aki to support her with stuff like that and he didn't do it, at least not as natural as max does, and then we are finally seeing aki doing something he's really interested in and wanting his partners there and they just don't meet his expectations, and I love this!!! lmao I love the drama and I love that aki's the one kinda bursting the bubble of the relationship like they are my partners but are they really???? I never ask for attention but the one time I do they just dont care? tbh it's been long overdue, ever since he was outed I've been waiting for aki to do something, hopefully we'll see more in the upcoming episodes... overall, great episode in terms of drama, I want the triad to go through it, i want to see tears and emotional bits like in season 1, and of course I'm still rooting for them to be endgame, but they are also my blorbos so I want to see them suffer 😇
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