#akechi speaks馃惏
Bunny exactly that what I鈥檓 wanted to hear akechi now you better stay away from ruki from the rest of your life do you understand
Akechi: Fine, fine... Whatever.
*Soon, the portal opens, and Akechi goes back to the other universe.*
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Bunny did you have a nice little nap after being beat up akechi that right you lose asshole haha I鈥檓 winner I鈥檓 superior fighter and brother I鈥檓 much much better than you ever will be asshole
*He tries to glare at you, but it only makes him look tired. He weakly scoffs to himself, no longer trying to act tough.*
Akechi: Tch... Fine. You win. You're the better fighter and older brother figure. Is that what you wanted to hear?
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Bunny yup it did soon touch akechi cheek hey hey ace defective you just lost against me wake up
Akechi: Ngh...
*He soon gets to his feet, with Loki doing the same.*
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Bunny yup it seems like it me and uta are the but before he could finish akechi and stand up and shit him right in his chest and he fall downs uta look at shock
Uta: What the--?!
Akechi: Did you really think I would surrender just like that?!
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As continues to sing soon it area change to a colorful like place as in the fusion continues to sing how much they are invincible as long they are with mizuki and haruki they let out songs lyrics that trapped akechi soon appears sit relax up as akechi and Loki appeared completely trapped
*Haruki and Mizuki smile at the lyrics, and Akechi appears angry as he finds himself trapped.*
Akechi: Dammit... What is this??
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Soon both fuse together as the fusion start to sing note songs start to appear and a huge golden sound wave show up as rainbow piano start to appear on over the place akechi try to attack but the fusion continue to sing as it made a barrier around it self
Akechi: Wh-What the hell is going on?!
Mizuki: Looks like they're singin'.
Brutus: Ooh, a live performance, huh?
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Bunny believe sketchy I鈥檓 thought you are much powerful then this but I鈥檓 guess after doc palace and shido ship you continue the same pathetic garbage that you are after all you are nothing but a poison that have try to corrupted my sweet little brother and I鈥檓 won鈥檛 allow you to get closer to him ever again
Akechi: Tch... Why won't you just get over it?! That was so long ago! Besides, you weren't even the one I was talking to!
*He then fires a shot at you, but Yuta steps in and takes it, which does absolutely no damage to him.*
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Bunny honestly you much be really jealous of me don鈥檛 you I鈥檓 mean I鈥檓 have a perfect life a loving family great friends I鈥檓 a really popular idol I鈥檓 rich and I鈥檓 have amazing lovers and amazing abilities and what you have nothing of that ace defective how does it feel being inferior to me huh
Akechi: Grrr... Just SHUT UP!
*He then attacks with his Persona again, landing a critical hit on both you and Yuta.*
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Soon after the fight of both start both use they sword and personas to attack with everything both got it bunny attacking with his sword bunny ha that the best you can do ace defective im can do this all day you know
Akechi: Hmph. Not bad. But this battle isn't over yet.
*He then attacks with his Persona before rushing over and striking you with his sword, then he fires at you with his gun.*
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Bunny indeed yuta I鈥檓 agree fuck you too soon bunny turn into his phantom thieve attire let get started ace defective
*Akechi does the same thing, and he summons his Persona, Loki.*
Akechi: Agreed. Let us begin.
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Bunny they aren鈥檛 my subordinates they are my friends it not like someone such as you wouldn鈥檛 possibly understand
Akechi: Nonsense. How can someone you command to fight your battles for you be considered a "friend?"
Yuta: ...Fuck you too, asshole.
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Bunny of course so before we begin everyone get out soon all bunny familiars get out and stay where the others are just to watch the fight only yuta is beside bunny
*Akechi turns to look at the Familiars with a blank expression.*
Akechi: I see. So those are your little demon subordinates, hm?
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Bunny yup to be more specific the mystification arcana and the territory of my persona who is the ruler soon they reach a wide open space I鈥檇 the arcana bunny so tells me I鈥檓 pretty sure there is a motive why you challenged me to duel isn鈥檛 it
Akechi: Isn't it obvious? To show who the superior fighter is, and who is the better older brother figure. Besides, I do recall you asking for a duel in Maruki's Palace, so why not get it out of the way now?
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Bunny tonight is perfect I鈥檓 know we will be perfect and even more as everyone goes there to see it soon as the night come they go to the mystification arcana
*The Arcana looks the same as it always did, and soon, the portal appears, and Akechi walks through.*
Akechi: Hm. So, this is Hell.
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Bunny yup exatly as it is seems like the arcana鈥檚 of mystification and justice will finally have a fight against each other I鈥檓 will show how powerful I鈥檓 truly I鈥檓 prepare yourself mini shido
Akechi: Hmph. I look forward to it.
*He soon walks away, and Haruki and Mizuki turn to you.*
Mizuki: So... you're really gonna do this, huh?
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Bunny oh did I鈥檓 touch a scar you heard me you are a mini version of shido you have try to manipulate and kill us and even after those horrible things you have said to ruki you still want him as your brother it seems the apple don鈥檛 fall far from the tree correct ?
Akechi: Why, you--!
*He gets closer and draws back his arm for a punch, but Haruki catches his wrist before he hits your face. Akechi steps away and gives you a hateful glare before turning and walking away.*
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