#akasupergirl; 001
@akasupergirl​ kara x mon-el (marvel verse)
Everything happened so fast. One moment he was in bed with a gorgeous woman and the next he was getting shoved into a Kryptonian ship--his world was on fire; something about Krypton crashing and burning and taking Daxam with it but he didn’t have enough time to rationalize anything before getting off-planet and sucked into a wormhole. 
In what felt like a blink of an eye the ship was heading straight to another planet, going in too fast but somehow not exploding and crash-landed. By the time he unlocked the ship to try and get out he was weak--the air was breathable, that was good--and confused from everything. There was someone next to the ship though but he could barely make sense of anything.
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“Where am I?” he asked with eyes half closed trying and failing to stand up.
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