parkerlucked · 1 year
“Okay,” he said, “let me get this straight. You remember me? From high school?” Peter leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest, and frowned. “Dude, no one remembers me from high school. Unless it’s as like, the kid I used to beat up between class periods.” The kid whose uncle was murdered, what was his name again? The kid who always vanished during school assemblies. The kid no one cared enough about to count on.
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In a lot of ways--some that counted, some that didn’t--he’d come a long way since high school. In a lot more, nothing had changed at all. “Seriously, you’ve gotta be messing with me. What’s your end game here?”
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wintrsoldicr · 1 year
@akastartatthebeginning​ gets a starter 
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     Bucky was sitting down in one of secluded areas now. He wasn’t really sure if he was going to stick around for the fireworks at this point. He wasn’t sure how he’d react or if it might be a trigger and it wasn’t something he wanted to really test. When a guy came and asked if he wanted a drink, he shook his head but then realized he wasn’t talking to him. He hadn’t really heard her or had seen her before but he assumed she wasn’t a bad person if she was here. “Oh, sorry about that. Didn’t think anyone was sitting here.” 
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glcriouspvrpose · 1 year
Loki had been playing guard outside the balcony doors when his brother took Jane out for a private moment before the wedding -- but that was before the flower girl made a beeline across the palace. Which is why he was currently carrying her everywhere, so she wouldn’t have to get ready for the ninth time, but also so they didn’t lose her again. ‘Hiiiiiiiiii,’ Morgan said, giving the word multiple syllables when she saw Jessica walking towards them from the opposite direction. Loki rolled his eyes and met his girlfriend in the middle of the hallway. “Hi.” He leaned down and kissed her. When he pulled back, with the hand that wasn’t keeping Morgan secure in his hold, Loki raised Jessica’s and kissed the back of it. “You look beautiful, darling.” He boosted Morgan back up on his hip when she started making herself slip. “Stark was about to have an aneurysm. Or throw her back down the bifrost, I wasn’t sure.”
; @akastartatthebeginning​
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cptcvrter · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: "Are they really gonna dance on the table?" ; @cptamerica​
Peggy was by the bar, sipping her drink, when she heard Steve’s voice. She snorted and reached out with one of her hands to take one of his. “Love, that’s one of the most normal thing I’ve seen tonight. Ever since they brought out the alcohol.” She leaned up to kiss him, a teasing smirk on his face when she pulled back  “How you doing? Has our 1940′s captain seen too much yet?”
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j-stcrm · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: bonfire ; @gottagofastpietro​
He walked across the beach to where Pietro was sitting with some more of their teammates by the fire. Johnny came to sit in front of him, between his legs, so he was leaning back, resting against his chest. “Hi.” He smirked and reached around for Pietro’s arms, wrapping them around himself. In a quieter voice, Johnny asked, ”Still subtle enough for you?”
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fvlcxns · 5 months
"Objections to sneaking out with this bottle I snagged? Because I have a migraine from mingling. Also -- " Sam stopped and looked at her. "Not that I mind seeing your hot ass face, but why are you here? Super freak party doesn't seem up your alley, baby cakes." ; @akastartatthebeginning
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drfcstrs · 1 year
"Okay, so. I'm pretty sure I mixed them up," was what Jane said when Jessica walked in. She was staring down at her newborn daughters, expression completely blank. "I was giving Thor hell for freaking out about this and now I don't know which one is which." ; @akastartatthebeginning
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mrstvrks · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked:💧; @gottagofastpietro​ ( “Do you think they’d be proud of me, now?” )
“Hm?” Tony hummed, stepping into the lab. He lifted his gaze from the reports in his hand and lightly smacked Pietro’s hand away from what he was messing with. “Quit it.” He tossed the file onto the table -- Steve could bitch at him later -- and went back to what he was working on. A second passed before Tony said, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t they be?” He glanced back at the younger man and shrugged. “You were given something shitty to deal with and became a superhero, despite your feelings towards it.” Tony smirked. “I would be. I think they would be, too.”
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xvalkyric · 1 year
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The bar was already closed and she had just finished cleaning. She had decided to take a seat and let the music play around her for a moment. There had been a lot on her mind with accepting her past again. A lot of grieving and a lot of thinking but perhaps for the best. A lot of emotions that she hadn't allowed herself to feel at all until now. She heard footsteps and a slight smile crossed her face, "I thought I had locked the door." She said before slowly opening her eyes to look up at her friend.
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klarafromasgard · 1 year
It took everything in her to keep reminding herself that it wasn’t just like the last time. That this time Loki was going to wake up, he was going to be okay and she was going to spend next centuries kicking his ass about it until he learns not to make her go through it again - and not only her but also his family and loved ones. Klara looked up when she heard someone walk into Loki’s hospital room and she smiled when she saw it was Jessica. “You know, it’s the longest he’d ever shut up,” she hummed and looked at her best friend for a little while before turning her attention back to Jessica. “Have you seen Jane? How is she doing? And the twins?”  @akastartatthebeginning​
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brcbvnner · 1 year
@akastartatthebeginning​ asked: 🏠 "I wanna go home already."
“You’re not the only one,” Bruce shrugged. If he was honest, he had no clue how did he end up in Jessica’s company and at this point he was too overstimulated to question anything. All the noises, colours and people were making his head spin and his pulse rise a bit but not enough for him to consider it a problem. “Let’s go find someplace to sit and get a drink?”
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justicedrivcn · 1 year
“What the fuck was that?” - @akastartatthebeginning​
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   Somethings never seem to change. It wasn’t the first time she had been attempted to be cornered while walking home after moving here but it was the first time here that someone pulled out a gun after she flipped a guy over her shoulder. Diana always wore her bracelets when she was heading home for this reason. She quickly put up an arm and the bullet quickly ricochet  into the wall. This caused them to quickly back up and that was when she heard a voice and mentally cursed at herself for not checking her surroundings. Diana turned around to see a woman. “Self defense.” She said a little too quick for comfort. 
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cmdrhills · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: 🤬 Argumentative ; @gottagofastpietro​
“Why are you sneaking around here like that?” Rafael asked, distracted for a moment as he looked over a case file. Then he stopped, realizing who exactly it was that he was talking to, and looked at Pietro. “I swear to God, Maximoff. If you did something. It’s literally 9 am on Monday.”
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glcriouspvrpose · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: Flirt ; @akastartatthebeginning​
Loki walked up behind Jessica when he finally found her and slid his arm around her, gently bringing her back against his chest. “Hjartað mitt,” he said, softly, kissing the side of her head as he moved his other arm around her. He dropped another kiss to her shoulder. “Keep running off on me and I’ll think you’re avoiding me.”
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cptcvrter · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: 💪 ; @cptamerica​  ( “You know, you’re braver than anyone I’ve ever met. If there’s anyone who can get through this, it’s you.” )
“Darling, your face is stressing me out,” Peggy said from where she was on the bed in the med wing, waiting for the serum procedure to start. “Quit.” She reached up to rub the crease between his eyebrows and she smirked, dropping her hand to find his. “It’ll be fine.” Peggy laced their fingers together, remembering the exact feeling she had when Steve first took the serum. But this time was different. “You know Tony wouldn’t have given it the green light if he was worried something would go wrong.”
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j-stcrm · 1 year
akastartatthebeginning asked: “you look beautiful. ” ; @gottagofastpietro​
Johnny usually loved parties and being the center of attention. But ever since he and Pietro had gotten ambushed that day, he’d been a little weary in crowds. So, he made his rounds through the charity gala, being his naturally charming, Avenger self with that media approved smile plastered on his face. But he made his way out to the balcony as soon as he could to catch a breath. He had his back turned to the doors, looking out at the city. Johnny reached up to loosen his tie a little, pausing when he herd his voice. He smiled and dropped his hand. “Of course I do.” He turned to look at Pietro. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” 
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