#akagi fanfic
nymphacae · 5 months
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did some digging through files and i found more art i posted on twitter back in like '22 but not on tumblr.....enjoy some old paper trails sketches if you're into that kinda thing + the only doodle i could manage today
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owlfacenightkit · 25 days
My first ever Infinity Train fic! And it’s a Rymin sickfic lol
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klein-sodor-bahn · 11 months
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The lost express engine
Gordon on his way encounters an engine. At first all seems fine, but then the engine becomes more and more distressed until she suddenly races away into the next station: Bitterfeld.
Let me tell you a story about a lost engine which was even forgotten by her own sisters. Based on the story of a German pacific that met a terrible fate.
The lost express engine
Gordon loved visiting Germany. He was traveling down from Berlin. The night pitch black. Neither moon nor stars were visible. Gordon’s lamps cut through the dark like mighty blades of light. “I can’t wait to see Henry again.”, chuffed the big engine excitedly. Then from afar they heard an engine approaching behind them. Its barking chuffs were deep and powerful. “Who has to haul a train so late at night”, wondered the engine. The noise got louder and soon Gordon’s crew could recognize its shape. It was an 01, the sort which had been rebuilt in East Germany. “Hello”, called out Gordon. The engine looked over and Gordon couldn’t help but feel uneasy. “Hallo”, a female voice responded it was like a whisper. “Where are you heading?” “To Leipzig” “Oh I’m heading there as well, but in Dresden I’ll take on water and rest”, remarked Gordon. “Water”, gasped the other engine, “I… I need water”. Gordon was alarmed. “Hey, stop your engine is running out water”, his driver called over, but no response. “Hilf mir, bitte”, the Black Engine began to whimper. Gordon and his crew shouted and shouted, but the men on the footplate didn’t react. Suddenly the engine accelerated and rushed past Gordon. He gave chase. “You have to stop! You have to stop!”, the blue engine yelled desperately. On the horizon lights of a city appeared. The screeching of the brakes cuts through the air. But to Gordon’s horror he heard the other engine scream in agony: “STOP! STOP! SOMETHING IS WRONG!?!” Then Boom and a gut wrenching scream shatters the nightly silence. “Noooo”, cried Gordon. He slowly crept into the station, but there was nothing. Just silence. Gordon stops. He looks around. The rails were empty. Not even a hint of steam was in the air, beside his own. Only a cold wind that made him shiver “You saw it too, didn’t you”, whispered the engine. “We did”, his crew replied. Gordon slowly continued his journey. In Dresden he took on water, before going to rest in the sheds. Beside him snored Viktoria. She looked just like the engine Gordon had seen.
The next morning Gordon awoke to the other engines chatting and sizzling in their berths. “Good morning, Gordon”, greeted Viktoria him. A warm smile on her smoke box. “We didn’t hear you arrive” “We?”, he looked around and to his shock four other engines that looked just like Viktoria sat in the other berths of the shed. “Are. Are these your sisters?”, Gordon asked rather stunned. “Indeed they are”, chuckled Vicky. “Are you sure those are all your sisters?”, Gordon asked suspiciously. “What do you mean?”, asked the engine right next to Vicky, “Only five of our sort survived” “Oh” “Good Morning, ladies”, chortled Heinrich who had just woken up. Gordon jumped. He hadn’t noticed the massive green pacific. “Don’t be frightened, Gordon. It’s only me”, Heinrich laughed. “Only you, haha so funny scaring me like that”, Gordon scoffed. Heinrich glanced confused at Viktoria who looked equally as helpless. “What has gotten into you”, she asked confused. The other 01s stopped their conversations and looked at Gordon. Gordon with a lump in his throat recalled last night’s event. When he had finished the German engines were pale and gave each other nervous looks. “I think you might have met 01 1516”, Heinrich spoke up with a shaky voice, “I…I met her a couple of times…one time I chased after her and arrived at Bitterfeld before her…” The usually so straight forward and powerful engine stared horrified into the distance. “She…exploded right before my eyes” Gordon couldn’t believe what Heinrich had said, but he felt deep down the big engine was right. But then Gordon frowned: “Viktoria” “Ja- Err yes?” “What was her name?” “Her name? Who’s name?” “The name of engine that died at Bitterfeld”, Gordon pressed her. “I- We-“, her eyes dart to her sisters who just sit there like fish in the water, “We don’t know.” “What?!”, Gordon fumed, “She was your sister!” “That’s enough Gordon”, hissed one of Viktoria’s sisters, “Don’t meddle in our matters. You have kicked up enough dust for the day.” Gordon wanted to retort something, but kept it to himself and decided to just glare at the 01 that had spoken up. She just snorted.
Later Gordon visited Henry who began to ponder after Gordon told him what had happened: “Odd…maybe my driver knows someone who knows that engine’s name” Gordon and Henry explained Johanna Drachenzorn the situation. The young woman had heard of the story of 01 1516. “I’ll see what I can do”, she promised. Throughout the day Gordon couldn’t help, but feel the burning glares of Viktoria’s sisters on his boiler when he met one of them. They didn’t even whistle a quick greeting. This went on until it was Gordon’s time to leave. He sat again with all five 01.5s in the same shed. But to his surprise Johanna Drachenzorn came to the shed, a piece of paper in hand. “I found her name”, she smiles. “You did what?!”, Viktoria gasped and her sisters began to whisper. “Gordon asked me”, Mrs. Drachenzorn continued, “ Do you wanna hear it?” “Yes”, Viktoria was on the verge of tears. “01 1516-2 died in 1977 due to her crew mishandling her leading to a boiler explosion. She went by the name Alix” “Alix…why did we forget her”, Viktoria wept. “It’s okay”, soothed Gordon. The other 01.5s looked down at the rails. “Maybe she can rest now”, one wondered.
This evening Gordon left for Hamburg so he could return to England the following day. And when he approached Bitterfeld he noticed a black shadow sitting on the platform. As he drew closer he recognized the engine. It was Alix softly smiling surrounded by thick clouds of steam. Henry’s driver had shown him a picture of her. So Gordon was sure it was her. “Thank you, Gordon”, she said as he raced past. But as his driver turned to look back. The German express engine was no longer there. Gordon could sense a set of buffers touching his own for a brief second. He lets out a sigh of relief as he puffs along the line. Leaving Bitterfeld behind.
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obamousse · 6 months
The tale of the mysterious Tungsten Cube
Kita's parents once promised to buy Kita a gift if he aced a chemistry exam. But they couldn't find any gift chemistry-related, so they bought him a tungsten cube. Kita saw it as a pet, and named it - you guessed it - Tungsten Cube.
The third years in Inarizaki's volleyball team knew of it and had seen it when Kita brought it to school. The second and first years, sadly, could not see it, so any knowledge about Kita-san's first pet was told through Akagi Michinari. He may or may not have included some minor untruths about the pet, like Kita's pet is a live animal. Atsumu thought Kita must have a really cool/cute bird he baby-talks to, and Suna thought he could catch Kita doing it with the pet. No one really knew what the pet was - they had figured Akagi was fibbing them by now, and none of the other third years told them anything.
Until Kita moved house to attend university at the end of the year, and had to pass possession of the cube to someone else. Everyone in the gym thought one of the third years are going to inherit it, but Kita-san said it was a secret.
But no one inherits it. Even on the last day of school, no one is known to receive the mysterious pet.
Until the afternoon.
The second-years hatched a plan to follow Kita-san after school, since he did not walk the usual route home. In fact, it directed to the back of the school where Atsumu and Osamu used to play football with the neighbor kids when they were young.
Kita-san revealed the pet, and there it was.
The Tungsten Cube.
Atsumu was so disappointed it was not a live bird, or a cat, or even a lizard. Suna was too - turns out Kita is still the old, formal Kita. The third years followed behind, laughing at their kouhai's dejected faces.
But no third-year received the cube either.
The person who hereby inherited the Tungsten Cube,
was Akaashi Keiji.
Kita has a wide connections with people he meets at the nationals. Akaashi was visiting his distant relative, so he could meet up with Kita and discuss the adoption of the cube on the way. Akaashi seemed to be interested in the cube - so far, the cube only requires proper cleaning and oiling to ensure no rust. And it's the heaviest element too - an interesting choice of a pet.
Akaashi: Why didn't you give it to Kuroo-san? I'm sure he wants it more. Kita: He already has a Tungsten Cube. He is interested in acquiring a sample of radium, but it's too dangerous to get his hands on.
Akaashi was surprised to find the team hidden behind a nearby bush. Kita full well expected it. The group, from the 1st to 3rd years, are surprised and poignant their captain was leaving them so soon, along with all their senpais, so they had one last hug, even after graduation ceremony has ended and the so-called "last-hugs" were given.
One last official hug, because sometimes, you need the memories.
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ecoxlar-arts · 1 year
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Vague INAA spoilers...
I took a doodle/sketch from my dear friend @conflitdecanard and turned it into a painting because I couldn't stop thinking about it
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Obligatory Infinity Train Fanfic Plug I Guess
I have some new followers since I posted about my Infinity Train cosplay process so I guess now's a good time to plug my boring overly-long fanfics that are mostly sad and stuff.
Ain't No Cure For Love: Ryan and Min-Gi perform their first gig in Montreal. Min-Gi wants to confess his feelings. (First fic I ever wrote probably a bit rough now and the only fic without any sort of theme besides "love wins" i guess) It Can't Be Helped: Takes place in the mid-2000s when Ryan and Min-Gi's band have become quite successful and are touring East Asia. Ryan has some cultural identity issues to overcome at the age of like, 40-something. (This one is much much better than the first Rymin fic, and is about more than just shipping. I did a ton of research into Japanese-Canadians and Korean-Canadians for it as well! Shout-out to my partner for his huge role in shaping this fic as he is Japanese-Canadian himself.)
Raison d'Etre (PART 1) (PART 2): Post-Canon AU where Simon survives the Train. Grace and Simon spend about 4 years apart from each other living their own lives on Earth, but one day Grace shows up randomly in Quebec to pay Simon a visit. Traumatic wounds get reopened, things get emotional, philosophical, maybe even a little... sociopolitical? Also interspersed between Grace and Simon's little dates are flashbacks to the Train that explain exactly how Simon managed to leave the Train in this AU.
I separated it into two halves because the second half contains smut. However, the second half kind of needs to be read for there to be a complete story. The smut is entirely skippable and doesn't contribute to the overarching plot so I do encourage you to read both halves.
(Also of note is that this takes place not in the "present" but in the past (2018), because I am An Old Person(TM) and so I made Grace and Simon millennials. And I also didn't want to write about the pandemic. It's not that noticeable and you can ignore that timeline fuckery if you want.)
True Love Waits: (VERY VERY CURSED) Sort of not a shipping fic? But Grace gets pregnant here and we all know who the father is! So Grace needs to leave the Train before the baby is born. Canon complacent so Simon is dead. (TW: other than pregnancy there's also thoughts of self-harm and mentions of abortion)
Leave It In My Dreams: Grace's sad nightmare in Alma Mater but from Simon's perspective.
Shame On You, Blue-Eyed Fox: Grace lets her guard down and harassed by a rookie cop. Simon finally makes himself useful for once in his entire life. (TW: real world racism obviously.)
Alma Mater: Post-Canon. Tulip starts college, is very typically Tulip about it, but she befriends an older student named Grace Monroe who helps her through it. However, Tulip comes to learn that she and Grace have more in common than they realized at first. Also Jesse and Lake get thrown into the mix and drama ensues. (Mostly canon complacent except for 1. time period, and 2. Grace is from California, not DC, but her parents work in DC.)
Initial State: A side story to Raison d'Etre. After Simon realizes he's wrong he works with the Cat to bring his number down and leave the Train. But this isn't as easy as he thought especially when he meets a denizen he's recently met before, but never expected to meet again (becausehekilledherlol).
Semi-Automatic Lonely Boy: Prequel to Raison d'Etre. Just a series of vignettes of Simon's life after returning to Earth. (TW: depictions of self-harm) Other than It Can't Be Helped, this is the other fanfic that I am the most proud of so far. Literally went and relearned French to write some of the dialogue in this.
I'll Get It Right Sometime (ongoing): Four years after Book 3, Hazel and Amelia have a pretty decent life on the Train. But this peace is interrupted when Hazel meets a passenger and decides to help him through the Train. How can Amelia keep Hazel safe? Who is this passenger anyway? Why is the Cat so interested in interfering? Why is Simon somehow involved?! Why is JESSE somehow involved?!?!??! (Note: I think Hazel ages normally, so she's 10 years old in this one.) This is also my most ambitious fanfic yet. I have an Entire Homestuck Reference chapter, a Reddit chapter, and I plan to have several Discord chapters.
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Another screenshot from Book 4.5 Quartet featuring my adult designs for Ryan's sisters Marie (Left) and Joyce (Right)
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ecoxlar-maybe · 1 year
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Illustrations for chapters 2 and 3 of my Rymin fic (+ some assets) cuz I'm unable to be normal about it rn
Link cuz tumblr keeps deleting it when I put it in text????:
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sakata-d-ace · 1 month
I am back with a new Fkmt fanfic!
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jacksope-lives · 10 months
A new chapter is out now!
Summary: After being confronted with Ai Ryan, the real Ryan struggles with what to feel.
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sarafangirlart · 5 months
Ppl like to interpret Metis and Zeus as a positive relationship (for some reason) but what if I tell y’all that I based my version of their relationship off of Ritsuko and Gendo from Evangelion?
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fluffy-bacon363 · 1 year
Will You Be My Prince? (Rymin Fanfic)
Ryan takes advantage of his cold to cuddle with Min. Both are unaware of the consequences that will follow...
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sunnyrifle · 9 months
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Some Winter Holidays Aftertaste🍊🍊
for all the support from @literallytooangrytodie can't put my gratitude into words, so I hope some warm+spicy AkaKai will do~
🍊tags: domestic fluff ▪️ slice of life ▪️ NSFW for the second part!! ▪️ overall its a pretty slow-paced piece🍊
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chapter two of rymin series yoooo
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ecoxlar-arts · 1 year
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I got really inspired by @pleasedontkickme's fic Sins of the Sun, accidentally imagined a whole scene.
Scene in question:
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Mini Review #2: Lyrics Written on Your Hands by rejoice_in_silver_light
FANDOM: Infinity Train
SHIP: Min-Gi + Ryan
SUMMARY: "Ryan collects so many scars growing up. Min envies them.”
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REVIEW + NOTES: Despite being a soulmate au, I loved this one. Like I usually dislike soulmate aus but this one avoided all of my pet peeves and made the soulmate identifier work perfectly in the story and added some fun world building to it too in a very natural way. I love the writing of the friendship between Min and Ryan and the characterization went pretty hard as well. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was beautifully written from Min's perspective. It also didn't make homophobia a big aspect which was wonderful because whenever writers put homophobia in soulmate aus I always wonder how can same sex couples be labeled as unnatural when the mystical universe thing is making them exist. This one made an actual realistic conflict related to the soulmate identifiers that works perfectly for the characters without being internalized homophobia, something that is a very common conflict in Infinity Train fics (which I don't hate, but with the context of a soulmate au it's nice to see a change).l I need to review more rymin fics because I read a bunch in 2021 and I need to get back into it because most are pretty well written! Also there was this one where Ryan came into a sock filled with eggs and it was like this college modern au that was fucking insane and I think it got deleted but I don’t know so if I find it again I’ll do a big review of it for sure because I read it while doing the laundry and listening to the B-52’s and it got like melded into my mind for eternity
FAVORITE LINE: "He'd recognize that handwriting at any age, the terrible chicken scratch that wrote out the lyrics to the set list he was going to perform at their later gig."
RATING: 6.5 out of 8 cupcake crumbs on shitty motel beds
Beta male ranking but like high beta
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