#akaashi: doesn’t it bother you that kuroo and oikawa flirt all the damn time??
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coolpointsetta · 10 months ago
oikawa & kuroo & bokuto and why they’re the greatest trio (and too powerful to be left alive)
oikawa & kuroo: the flirting friends
kuroo: babe, give me ONE NIGHT i will change your life, i will ruin you for anyone else, i am madly in love with you please don’t go home to your boyfriend!
oikawa, wolf whistling at kuroo while he plays beach volleyball with iwaizumi and akaashi: looking good hot stuff!!
kuroo & bokuto: bro
kuroo, lovingly: dude, i couldn’t imagine my life without you
bokuto, adoringly: man, a day without you is like a day without drinking water
bokuto & oikawa: energy (attention whore) x energy (attention giver) = headache for everyone else
oikawa, jumping into his arms: I LOVE YOU
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dememetor · 4 years ago
I love your writing, can I please get jealous hcs for anyone? Please include suna thi he's my latest brainrot hAHA
hi, thanks for the request! and suna brainrot?? bitch me too the fuck. anyways, hope you enjoy~
(also sorry this is kinda late, i've rewritten iwaizumi and bokuto ones a million times)
Haikyuu boys when they're jealous
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characters suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume
warnings none but i'm probably gonna say fuck at some point
Suna Rintarou
he tries to be chill about it, he does
it hurts his ego to be this clingy but god
he can't help but to feel that sour sting of jealousy when he sees another guy approaching you
at first will only take a quick glance from afar, just to check if the guy is bothering you, and then promises himself to stay out of your business
well he doesn't
once he decides the guy has lost talking-to-y/n-alone privilege, he will nonchalantly make his way towards you, one hand in his pocket, other sneaking its way to your shoulder, resting his elbow and giving the poor boy a menacing look
he can be pretty intimidating too with that eyeliner and all
(but that look only works on people that don't know him well, he tried it on atsumu once and the latter just laughed in his face)
not the type to be openly jealous but when he sees someone blatantly flirting with you he will start to give you the Glance
blinks slowly (you know, like that one blonde haired guy gif) and looks at you through raised eyebrows as if to say hey babe, i love you and i trust you. what the fuck tho
and when the guy starts being borderline creepy he'll appear between you - and i mean literally will inject himself between you two and strike a conversation with you as if nothing weird happened
they usually get the hint, but this one guy tried to go around him, still rambling about whatever and suna literally turned on his heel and said "come again?" with such unrivaled coldness, his eyes exuding just sheer fucking spite
but like i said, unless the other guy is asking for it, he's not the type to start a direct confrontation
will take you by the hand and leave without much thought because he simply doesn't have the time for that shit
he might seem grumpy afterwards but a couple of soft kisses usually do the trick
soft kisses which are followed by a breathless make out session with you on his kitchen counter because he still wants you to know you're only his
Kuroo Tetsurou
this little bitch
never gets jealous
and i mean never
once pretended he was jealous just to make you feel better (??? his logic? unparalleled) but once you found out you beat his ass
loves it when you get jealous though (he thinks it's cute)
sometimes he does get insecure, but he shows it in an unusual way
like if you've been talking to someone, smiling at your phone for a while he'll just get up and randomly do a couple puhs-ups, start flexing his muscles and shit
all while you're looking at him like,,
"babe, what are you doing"
"oh i didn't think you'd notice me there. since you're on your damn phone all day"
"...are you my mom?"
nah he'll be fine (will steal your phone though)
also it's the funniest thing when he sees someone trying to flirt with you
he will literally walk over there, introduce himself (not mentioning he's your boyfriend) and act really interested in the conversation
he plays this game where he tries to see how long will it take the guy to realise you two are together (longest time: 24 minutes, record holder: yahaba shigeru)
whenever the guy asks you something he will interrupt you and answer for himself as if the guy were flirting with him
"so, like what do you do in your free time?"
"not mu-"
"oh i love taking long walks on the beach, especially during sunsets. i really think it is healthy for the mind and the soul, not to mention quite romantic too. don't you too love sunsets, kevin?"
at one point kevin will have had enough of it
"i was talking to y/n alone here"
"aw don't worry, you're not bothering me"
he is such a pain in the ass
why can't he just be normal
Iwaizumi Hajime
rational, mature, i love him
seriously, he is the bestest boy and he will treat you so well because he trusts you and respects your friendship with other guys as well
but on those rare occasions when he does get jealous,, oh boy
first of all, the PDA skyrockets, he has to have his arm around you at all times - around your shoulder? on your waist? in your backpocket? his hand's been there done that
not in any way possesive but will be really annoying unless you give him your full undivided attention that day
he lets himself be selfish a bit, after all he is your boyfriend he can have you all to himself for a day, right?
jealous sex with him? better prepare a wheelchair cause you want be able to walk straight tomorrow
sees a boy trying to flirt with you? tries not to make a scene but absolutely will throw the first punch if he needs to
one day he was having a particularly rough time at practice and all he wanted to do was lose himself in your arms and fall asleep to the feeling your fingertips tangled in his hair
and then he saw this?? guy? (the audacity!) laughing with you after telling some dumb joke and let me tell you - iwaizumi wasn't having any of it
he came up to you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a small kiss on the crook of your neck
"when are we going home, love?"
and he gives him the calmest yet most fear inducing stare from behind you
and suddenly the pattern on poor boy's pants starts to look awful lot like piss stain
it is actually kinda hot how one single look from him can cause such a reaction
"he was just asking about english homework babe"
"yeah that's what they all say"
Bokuto Koutarou
gets jealous so so easily
it is actually fascinating
will get mad at otome games
"what does jumin han have that i don't???"
god forbid you pay attention to your pet more than him (btw you have a golden retriever and his name is bean)
you're sitting on the couch cuddling with your dog, scratching his ears, ruffling his fur and all that, and there he is, your clingy boyfriend, snuggling right next to you, demanding you play with his hair too
so dramatic
"you smiled at him... the way you used to smile at me..."
"bokuto, he's a dog"
the only guy he trusts 100% to be around you is akaashi, even kuroo is on thin ice
but him and akaashi are something else, one time you three had a sleepover and you felt like you were the third wheel
will act like a tough serious boyfriend in front of others, especially your other guy friends but in reality will look for affection immediately after
oh while we're at it - jealous bokuto kisses? are the best kisses
will also force you to wear one of his shirts for the rest of the day
my poor man is so touch starved so when he feels insecure or jealous he will look for comfort in things like holding your hand, nuzzling your neck or giving forehead kisses
but later that day, when you two are sitting on the couch cuddling he will quietly ask you something along the lines of "you still think i'm pretty, right?"
you can feel him all over you - his hands are creeping down your waist, he's pulling you in, deepening the kiss until all you can see, think and feel is him
he wants to show you exactly how much he wants you and what you were missing out on while you weren't paying attention to him
and it shocks you for a moment because you didn't realise just how much that one short moment of jealousy actually stayed with him
you have to reassure him he's the most beautiful boy you have ever met, and not only that, but also the funniest and the most caring person as well, and that you would never leave his side no matter what happened
and as much as he loves getting praised he always gets embarrassed, so he just smiles in return, but he is also happy to know you're there for him and you don't think he is too much
Kenma Kozume
it depends on his mood honestly
sometimes he doesn't mind it even if the other guy is flirting with you and sometimes will get pissy if you smile at the cashier
but when this boy gets really jealous oh my GOD
he is just like bokuto if not worse; he just hides it so well
one time you went grocery shopping with him and spent the entire time texting your friend who had just told you she was visiting your city
and he got so offended
you didn't even notice it until later that day when you came home and he suddenly refused to cuddle with you
silent treatment
lifts his nose and ignores you, only giving you dirty side glances from under the eye
such a massive sense of pride in those 170 cm even oikawa would be impressed
in my country there's a saying "it's in the smallest bottle that the poison lies" and honestly? yeah
at some point you realise why he's acting like that and you start teasing him
"i am not jealous i am just mildly irritated" is the only thing he deems necessary to say before going back to being unnecessarily pissed
he reminds you of an angry cat
it's kind of amusing seeing him like this but you were also getting real tired of his shit
don't even try bribing him (you tried buying him over with a ps5 but he just looked at you unimpressed, disgusted that you think so low of him)
the only thing he will accept is a sincere apology
if it's sincere or not is up to him to decide, obviously
which can lead to quite some bickering
will try to get you to beg but please have dignity, if you do it once he will make you do it every time
yeah generally a lttle shit but his kisses after making up are just as eager as yours so
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kageyama-tho · 5 years ago
hiii can i request for kuroo, ushijima, bokuto, and tershima to their s/o getting hit on by another team captain 👉👈
Hi babyyyy
I’m gonna attack Oikawa on this one hehe
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Kuroo :
- Nobody has to tell him and it’s more like his teammates are attempting to avert his focus to anything else but you. He has a feeling something is off - and he’s right. He straightens his posture as soon as he witnesses Aoba Johsai’s captain talking to you. Kuroo noticed Oikawa has been gazing into your eyes and showing off to catch your attention, but he wasn’t sure whether he was going to make a move.
- If Oikawa knew about your relationship he’d guess he’s trying to slide under Kuroo’s skin. But none of you had any close contact with him. Nekoma’s captain closely studies your form, wondering if you feel uncomfortable and whether he should step in. It seems you’re just being your usual self and the other captain isn’t being pushy, but a tad bit surprised you’re not charmed by him.
- Tetsu watches the both of you for a moment, pursing his lips. He’s pretty annoyed when he realises that Oikawa is sending you flirty glances. He chuckles dryly, being slightly annoyed with the situation. He decides to walk over to you when he can, hanging an arm around your shoulder as he feigns a grin. “Hey babe, you’re still coming over to my house later on, yeah?” Kuroo’s intention is set - the other captain is already aware you are taken. Oikawa returns the smile and there’s a clear tension between the two boys. The greetings are spitting fire yet they both share an intense smile.
- Kuroo lets you know he felt uneasy with the other captain shamelessly flirting with you like that. Communication is key and well, he did feel jealous. He’s not threatened by anyone because Kuroo is confident that he treats you like you should be treated.
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Ushijima :
- He takes notice of Oikawa conversing with you but he doesn’t think much of it. People talk to you, you’re very likable. Therefore he’s not surprised, but his perspective switches when he overhears what the other captain has been telling you. He spewed many compliments your way and you received them pretty awkwardly because you didn’t want to be mean but you didn’t care much for empty words. Plus your boyfriend is right there! You looked back at Ushiwaka and he was already looking at you, yet his facial expression was unreadable.
- Tendou gives Ushijima a cheeky little push, joking about how the Grand King is hitting on his s/o. He suspected that Oikawa has been flirting with you but he’s just standing there, unsure whether you prefer to handle the situation yourself or if he should step in. He’s basically waiting for you to give him some kind of sign. Aoba Johsai’s captain must know you’re in a relationship with Ushijima because even he gets a wave from the flirty figure.
- There’s not much jealousy piling in his stomach but his heart sinks a little. Oikawa just wants a reaction out of him since they had some issues themselves, yet Ushijima never felt like he’s a good boyfriend because of his lack of experience. He doesn’t verbally express his feelings often either. He’s relieved when you walk away from Oikawa, refusing to hear more.
- He’s pretty quiet - more than usual for a while. It’s quite worrying. But when he has some alone time with you, he leans in to plant a kiss on your lips. The situation was annoying, but it oddly made him realise how much he’s got to lose. 
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Bokuto :
- Bokuto is just like “Huh?” then he thinks about it for a moment and it morphs into “HUH?!” He’s thinking and expressing how the hell is Oikawa Tooru, that dumbass - flirting with his s/o? He was too busy boasting about his spikes that he failed to realise that this was happening. He pulls onto Akaashi’s t-shirt, pointing towards you and the other captain. “Why is he filling my s/o’s head with stupid nonsense?!” Akaashi has to tell him to relax and that it’s probably nothing.
- He tries to eavesdrop on your chat and accidentally, but purposely bumps into you or steps into the conversation as if he was part of it. He tries to make it SO obvious you’re dating him. He’s all like “Ahhhh, Oikawa! So you’ve met my s/o? They’re amazing aren’t they? I know they are hahaha.” Then Bokuto proceeds to ignore Oikawa and ask you if you’ve seen his skills on court and it’s your cue to tell him how great he is. You say it with a playful roll of eyes but he’s proud to hear it right in front of the grand king. No worries, the other captain pretty much walks away like okay..
- Bokuto seemed funny and confident with the situation as he managed to scare the other guy off. But when you were sitting in a group with him and his friends, he just turned quiet. He’s been staring at you the whole time with a frown on his lips. He’s been acting annoyed and panicky, clearly flooded with different thoughts but he didn’t voice any of them. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling whatever he’s feeling but he can’t help it. 
- He needs some reassurance and he didn’t know he needed it until you show him and tell him how much he means to you. Honestly his mood goes up when you hold his hand or kiss him so he’s all good.
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Terushima :
- He’s perceptive, he sees a stranger approaching you and hitting you up whether he’s actually a stranger or someone you know. Seems like you and Oikawa get along very well which surprises him, he’s thinking you know each other. Terushima is still doing what he’s meant to be doing but he’s keeping an eye out anyways, curious what happens next. He’s got this unintentional scared look on his face, even though he’s not feeling any fear.
- There’s uneasiness creeping around in his stomach and his heart beats a little harder. He’s not jealous, but simply uneasy. He knows how Oikawa can be and damn he’s a charmer. Terushima makes a quick eye contact with Iwaizumi and it’s clear that even the Aoba Johsai’s ace isn’t liking his friend’s behaviour. Obviously Oikawa doesn’t know that you are taken, but the ace caught on pretty quickly. Yuuji trusts you so he believes you won’t be charmed by the other captain. He continues what he’s been doing and that’s that.
- He acts fairly awkward around you later, he’s wondering what Oikawa said and what you told him back. But that’s so nosy he doesn’t even want to question it. It’s none of his business. The wing spiker’s exterior looks like he would be ready for a fight or to tell someone off. But secretly he’s so soft and he worries about things he shouldn’t worry about.
- Terushima becomes clingy for the rest of the day, hugging you and kissing you when you’re alone. He spoils you more than usual which makes you wonder if he’s okay. It doesn’t bother him too much, unless you keep a close contact with Oikawa and he still blatantly continues to flirt with you. It makes him regret being such a jerk when some girls politely rejected him and he kept going. He learns it much sooner but still he cringes back at those times.
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amphii-writes · 4 years ago
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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koichiidesu · 7 years ago
Fucking Glasses
Summary: “Wow, aren’t you a sight for four-eyes?”
This is for the Kurotsuki Gift Exchange this year. My recipient was @damnitmoonshine. I was supposed to do the soulmate au but it got angsty so I did fluff instead. I hope you like this one! :) @kurotsukiexchange here’s my fic. This is alternating POVs so please don’t get confused. Lol. XD
Long live KuroTsuki! :D
“Yes, Kuroo?”
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for my fucking glasses. It seems that I have misplaced them somewhere,” Tsukishima replied without bothering to look up. He was currently in the living room of the apartment he shares with his three friends, crouching down the floor and looking for said spectacles under the couch, the coffee table, the bookshelf, and all the other places he could think of, when Kuroo found him. It was a Saturday night and everyone were out (well, at least he thought they were) and since he wasn’t too fond of parties and socializing, he decided to spend the whole weekend watching the movies his best friend, Yamaguchi, graciously downloaded for him.
But apparently, by some work of Fate (or just his rare moment of carelessness), he couldn’t find his glasses – the very thing he needed for his weekend movie marathon.
“Why are you looking for it in Akaashi’s flower vase?” Kuroo asked, his tone mildly amused as he leaned against the door, intently watching the blond go around the room. “Need help? You won’t be able to find it if you can’t see a fucking thing.” A chuckle escaped the older male when Tsukishima let out an annoyed grunt at his subtle teasing.
Scowling, Tsukishima turned to look at Kuroo, getting even more annoyed at the fact that all he could see was a blurry image of him and his infamous bedhead. “Thanks for the offer, Kuroo-san,” he sarcastically said, his words accompanied by a mock bow. “Now go make yourself useful.” He crossed his arms over his chest, golden eyes narrowed. Try as he might not, he’s already getting too annoyed without his glasses. He couldn’t see a damn thing and he feels so helpless without them.
The last thing Tsukishima wanted to feel was the feeling of uselessness.
Kuroo, sensing Tsukishima’s waning patience, pushed himself off the door and slowly approached the blond. The younger male’s brows furrowed in confusion when instead of immediately searching for his glasses, the cat-like male stopped in front of him, the two of them toe to toe. “So demanding,” the older male drawled as he placed two fingers under the younger one’s chin so he could get a better look at the blond. “Wow, aren’t you a sight for a bloody four-eye,” he commented, his own amber eyes roaming all over Tsukishima’s face for a second before stopping at the narrowed eyes of gold. So pretty, Moonshine.
Tsukishima blushed furiously despite himself, eliciting another amused chuckle from Kuroo. The scowl on the blond’s face deepened as he finally slapped the older male’s hand away. “Stop the teasing, Kuroo. Why don’t you just help me so you could leave and I could watch my movies in peace?”
“I’m actually not going out again, Tsukki, so I have the time in the world to find your glasses, Moonshine.” The shit-eating grin appeared when Tsukishima huffed. Honestly, when he learned from Bokuto and Akaashi that Tsukishima was all alone at the apartment tonight, he didn’t hesitate to head back immediately. Everyone, well almost everyone, knew his feelings for the salty blond. Ever since the training camp back in high school, he’d been smitten with Tsukishima Kei. Watching the blond emerge from his shell and develop into an awesome player only deepened his feelings to the point that Kenma got tired of hearing him whine about his possibly unrequited love for his kouhai and bluntly told him to confess.
Three years passed since then, and here he was, still silently pining after this beautiful blond.
Tsukishima sat down on the couch and squinted up at Kuroo which the latter secretly found to be adorable. “Why aren’t you going out? I thought Oikawa-san was throwing a party.” The Grand King, as it turned out, also goes to the same university as them and is the official setter of their school’s volleyball team where Kuroo, Bokuto, and Tsukishima are all members. Tsukishima wasn’t really fond of the brunet back in high school but, surprisingly, they’ve become quite good friends in uni. However, much as he considered (secretly) Oikawa as a friend, he’s not really fond of watching the brunet shamelessly flirt with Kuroo. And with Kuroo flirting back, he automatically assumed that the cat-like male likes Oikawa more than as a friend. “And it’s Oikawa-san. How could you refuse the love of your life?” he sarcastically asked, refusing to think that he just sounded like a jealous girlfriend.
Kuroo shrugged before he turned away from Tsukishima. “I could never refuse the love of my life, Tsukki,” he said quietly as he began his search for the blond’s missing glasses, silently hoping that the younger male would let the conversation end.
Tsukishima, however, have other plans. “What’s that supposed to mean? Didn’t you just refuse Oikawa-san?” Okay, he’s getting confused. Sometimes he just wished that Kuroo would stop talking in riddles and just be straightforward like Bokuto and Hinata.
“Did I say that Oikawa was the love of my life?” Kuroo asked back instead of giving a proper reply to Tsukishima’s query. The former captain of Nekoma grinned once more when he spotted the familiar pair of black-rimmed glasses just by the windowsill.
“Huh? It’s not Oikawa-san? But you were always whining how good-hearted he was despite the disinterested front he puts up, how he’s so strong yet so fragile, and how he’s most beautiful when he’s not pretending to be someone else.” And it hurt to know that Kuroo was talking about another person and not him. It would’ve hurt less if the older male had fallen for a girl. That way he would’ve found it easier to move on knowing he didn’t really have a chance in the first place.
But this, Kuroo falling for someone like Oikawa. What in the world does Oikawa have, aside from his pretty face, that Tsukishima doesn’t have?
A lot, apparently, he bitterly mused, secretly grateful that his default expression effectively hid what he was feeling as of the moment.
“Wow, you remembered all that?” Kuroo looked awed, his cheeks a bit flushed. He didn’t really think that Tsukishima was listening to his ramblings. He figured that the blond tolerated him at most. “You’re awesome, Tsukki.” Amber eyes widened when the blond flushed at the compliment. Whoa, he silently awed as he casually slipped the glasses in his pants’ pockets. He knew that he wouldn’t possibly get any other chance like this so he better make good use of it. Hopefully, Tsukki won’t get mad at him later.
“Of course,” Tsukishima said with a scowl. “I have a good memory, Kuroo.” And it was proven to be both a blessing and a curse, for there are things that he wanted to forget but couldn’t do so.
“Good that,” Kuroo said pleasantly as he sat beside Tsukishima on the couch, sitting so close despite the fact that there was so much space for the both of them. “Then you must remember that I didn’t mention Oikawa. Not even once.”
Tsukishima was silent for a moment, recalling all that was said, before nodding as his face dawned with realisation. “Yeah, you’re right. How could I have ever missed it?” he asked himself, before he turned to look at the still blurry figure of Kuroo that was now even closer to him. He subconsciously bit his lower lip before he dared to ask the question whose answer he dreaded and anticipated the most, “So who is it then?”
Kuroo stared into those narrowed gold eyes instead of answering, loving the fact that he was probably the only one in university that have seen Tsukishima without the thick-framed glasses covering those beautiful eyes of his.
And he would make sure that no one else would see the blond like this starting tonight. No one but him should be able to see this beautiful person in his vulnerable, yet totally appealing state.
Kuroo’s gaze then fell onto Tsukishima’s lips that were slightly red from being bitten by the blond, causing him to swallow hard. It was a now or never moment. Gingerly cradling the blond’s face with both of his calloused hands, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the younger male’s. He felt the other freeze in surprise for a moment but he wouldn’t have any of it. One of his hands moving to Tsukishima’s nape to hold him in place, he licked the blond’s lower lip, silently asking permission for entrance. He was secretly delighted when he was granted access seconds later. Pulling the blond closer, he deepened the kiss, exploring every nook and cranny of the other’s mouth, savouring his taste which was unsurprisingly reminiscent of the strawberry shortcake he had for dinner.
The two of them parted a few moments later when the need for air became apparent. Tsukishima was blushing so hard as he covered the lower half of his face with the back of his hand, his wide eyes of gold staring at Kuroo who was also panting and blushing. “W-Why… Why’d you do that?” he murmured, tone lacking the usual sass and saltiness it possessed. He didn’t want to keep his hopes up that Kuroo might actually feel something for him but it was hard not to after that not-so-innocent kiss.
Oh, Tsukki.
“I love you.” Gold eyes widened even more at the words that came out of Kuroo’s mouth. The older male sighed as he ran a hand on his slightly tousled hair. “I always have. Ever since the training camp in high school. I thought it was just a crush but even after three years it didn’t go away. I didn’t want to tell you, to be honest, because I’m worried about your reaction. You do tend to overreact sometimes, you know.”
Tsukishima huffed at that which made Kuroo laugh lightly. “But why tell me now?”
“I like seeing you happy, Tsukki, and that alone would’ve been fine with me even if you don’t know about my feelings for you. I thought I could just be content with what we have right now but after seeing your vulnerable side earlier? I guess I just snapped,” Kuroo replied, flashing Tsukishima a genuine smile. “It hurt so much seeing you everyday, especially when you’re with Yamaguchi. You two were so close and he seems to know you very well. And I bet Yamaguchi have seen you like this already and I realised that I didn’t want him to again. In fact, I don’t want anyone else other than me see this side of you. Call me selfish or greedy but I don’t really care. I only want to be the one to see you like this and to be the only one whom you’ll ever look at.”
“You’re an idiot, Kuroo,” Tsukishima said which made Kuroo hung his head in dejection. Okay, here comes the part where he’s gonna get rejected. “Yamaguchi and I are just best friends. He’s straight and he likes Yachi.” He laughed at the loud groan that the older male suddenly emitted, silently wishing he could see his dumbfounded expression right now. “It was so obvious with the way he’s blushing around Yachi, didn’t you notice it?” He huffed again when Kuroo shook his head. “Why am I not surprised? You do have the tendency to be oblivious to the most obvious things around you despite yourself.”
“I’m not oblivious,” Kuroo protested weakly.
“Oh yeah?” One eyebrow raised as Tsukishima stared Kuroo down through his nose though the both of them knew he really couldn’t see anything clearly. “If you’re not oblivious, how can you not tell that I love you, too?” The blond’s vision may be blurry but he was certain that he caught the former Nekoma captain off guard with his revelation.
“You… You love me, too?” Kuroo repeated, his voice thick with emotion. Is he dreaming or is this real? Tsukki loves him, too?
Tsukishima rolled his eyes at that. “Of course, I do, idiot,” he replied with a laugh as he wrapped his arms around Kuroo and laid his head on his shoulder, therefore surprising the older male once more. “For your information, Kuroo Tetsurou, I never let people kiss me. Especially not that way if I don’t have feelings for them. Never.”
Kuroo laughed, relief was evident in his voice when he spoke again. “Omg, Tsukki loves me!” He laughed again when Tsukishima just squeezed him in reply. “Ah, I’m glad I went back.” He smiled. “Wanna make out, Tsukki?”
“No,” Tsukishima pulled away from Kuroo and hit the older male on the shoulder when the latter groaned. “I have a pair of glasses to find and movies to watch.”
“Here,” Kuroo said as he immediately handed the glasses to Tsukishima, thankful that it wasn’t damaged in his pants. “I found this a while ago actually but decided to hide them so you can’t run away after I confess.”
“You’re really an idiot. I wonder why I fell for you, what with your stupid hair.” Kuroo squawked as he rubbed his hair, whispering soothing words to it as if it was breathing and could hear Tsukki.
“Don’t be mean, Tsukki,” Kuroo said with a pout as he continued to pet his hair. “Don’t listen to the bad man, baby,” he told his hair which had Tsukishima snorting. “He’s just jealous you’re always with me.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Tsukishima said with a roll of his eyes.
“But don’t worry, Moonshine.” Kuroo pecked the blond on the cheek which made the latter blush again. “I still love you even if you’re a mean little shit.”
“I’m not little, Kuroo.”
“Oya oya oya?”
“S-Shut up.”
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