#aka your rss feed
updated the pinned post, but basically if I am on a platform and wish to be found, I use the handle 'aboxthecolourofheartache' or 'colourofheartache'
that said, I think it's like... here, AO3, and dreamwidth at the moment. and discord, mostly via dms and not servers. perpetually meaning to figure out neocities.
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Tabs give me superpowers
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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"Lifehacking" is in pretty bad odor these days, and with good reason: a once-useful catch-all for describing how to make things easier has become a pit of productivity porn, grifter hustling, and anodyne advice wreathed in superlatives and transformed into SEO-compliant listicles.
But I was there when lifehacking was born, and I'm here to tell you, it wasn't always thus. Lifehacking attained liftoff exactly 19 years and 348 days ago, on Feb 11, 2004, when Danny O'Brien presented "Life Hacks: Tech Secrets of Overprolific Alpha Geeks" at the 0'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (aka ETCON). I was there, and I took notes:
O'Brien's inspiration was his social circle, in which people he knew to be no smarter or better or motivated than anyone else in that group were somehow able to do much more than their peers, in some specific domain. O'Brien delved deeply into these peoples' lives and discovered that each of them had merely ("merely!") gotten very good at using one or two tools to automate things that would otherwise take up a lot of their time.
These "hacks" freed up their practitioners to focus on things that mattered more to them. They accomplished the goal set out in David Allen's Getting Things Done: to make a conscious choice about which things you are going to fail to do today, rather than defaulting to doing the things that are easy and trivial, at the expense of the things that matter, but are more complicated:
One trait all those lifehacks shared: everyone who created a little hack was faintly embarrassed by it, and assumed that others who learned about their tricks would find them trivial or foolish. O'Brien changed the world by showing that other people were, in fact, delighted and excited to learn about their peers' cool little tricks.
(Unfortunately, this eventually opened the floodgates of overheated posts about some miraculous hack that turned out to indeed be silly and trivial or even actively bad, but that wasn't O'Brien's fault!)
I'm one of those people whom others perceive as very "productive." There are some objective metrics on which this is true: I wrote nine books during lockdown, for example. Like the lifehackers O'Brien documented in 2004, I have lots of little hacks that aren't merely a way of getting more done – they're a way to make sure that I get the stuff that matters to me (taking care of my family and my health, and writing books) done.
A lot of these lifehacks boil down to making your life easier. There's a spot on our kitchen counter where I put e-waste. Whenever I go out to the car, I carry any e-waste out and put it in a bag in the trunk. Any time I'm near our city dump, I stop and throw the bag into their e-waste bin. This is now a habit, and habits are things you get for free: I spend zero time thinking about e-waste, which means I have more time to think about things that matter (and our e-waste still ends up in the right place).
There's other ways I use habits to make my life easier: after many years, I learned how to write every day:
For longer-form works like novels, I "leave myself a rough edge," finishing the day's work in the middle of a sentence. That way I get a few words for free the next day, meaning I never start the day's work wondering which words I'll type:
One of the most powerful habits I've cultivated is to have a group of daily tabs that I open in a new browser every morning. The meat of this tab group is websites I want to check in with every day, either because they don't have RSS feeds, or because I want to make sure I never miss an update.
This tab-group habit started before RSS was widespread, when most of the websites I wanted to check in on every day didn't have feeds yet, and for many years, this group was just a set of daily reads. But over the years, I started throwing things in the tab-group that I needed to stay on top of.
My daily tabs are in a folder called "unfucked rota" (they were originally in a folder called "rota," which got corrupted and had to be reconstructed in a folder I called "fucked rota," until I finally took a couple hours off and got it in good running order, hence "unfucked rota"). As I type this, "unfucked rota" contains more than a hundred websites I visit every morning, but it also contains:
The edit-history pages for four Wikipedia entries I'm watching;
Chronological feeds of my books on Amazon and Audible, to catch counterfeits as they are posted;
The parent notification portal for my kid's school;
The mileage history for the airline I flew on yesterday (I'll delete this once the flight is posted);
The credit card history for a card I reported a fraudulent charge on (I'll delete this once the refund is posted);
The sell-pages for three products that are out of stock (I'll delete these once the products are in stock and ordered);
A bookmarked newest-first Ebay search for a shirt I like that has been discontinued by the manufacturer;
The new-survey-completed pages for my last two Kickstarters;
The courier tracking page for an item being shipped sea-freight to me from Asia.
The tail end of this unfucked rota changes all the time, but as you can tell, it's got a lot of stuff that would be time-consuming to build a whole new system to track, but which has a web-page that can be easily added to a daily, habitual check-in and then removed when it's not relevant anymore.
Some of these things have email notifiers or RSS feeds, but those are too easy to lose in the noise. I generally delete email from ecommerce sites unread, since 99.99% of the messages they send me are unsolicited marketing nonsense, not the "notify me when this is back in stock" message I do want to see (same goes for my kid's school, which sends me fifty unimportant messages for every message that I must reply to).
Most of the internet is still on the web, which means it can be bookmarked, which means that it takes me one second to add it to the group of things I'm staying on top of, and one second to remove from that group. I get up in the morning, middle-click the "unfucked rota" item in my bookmarks pane, make a cup of coffee, and then sit down and race through those tabs, close-close-close.
It takes less than a second to scan a tab to see if it's changed (and if I close a tab too quickly, the ctrl-shift-T "unclose" shortcut is there in muscle-memory, another habit). The whole process takes between one and 15 minutes (depending on whether there's anything useful and new in one of those tabs).
Tabs, like lifehacks, are also in bad odor. Everyone stresses about how many tabs they have open. It's even inspired Rusty Foster's excellent newsletter, Today In Tabs:
But this is a very different way to think about tabs. Rather than opening a window full of tabs that need your detailed, once-off attention later, this method is about using groups of tabs so that you can pay cursory, frequent attention to them.
In a world full of administrative burdens, where firms and institutions play the "sure, we'll do that, but you're going to have to track our progress" game to get out of living up to their obligations, this method is a powerful countermeasure:
My little tab habit is so incredibly useful, such a powerful way to seize back time and power from powerful actors who impose burdens on me, that I sometimes forget how, for other people, tabs are a symptom of a life that's spiraling out of control. For me, a couple hundred tabs are a symbol of a couple hundred tasks that I'm totally on top of, a symbol of control wrestled back from others who are hostile to my interests.
This isn't how tabs were "meant" to be used, of course. It's an example of the kind of "innovation" that comes from users repurposing things in ways their designers didn't necessarily anticipate or intend.
This is what Jonathan Zittrain meant by "generative" technology back in 2008, when he published his incredibly prescient The Future of the Internet: And How To Stop It:
For Zittrain, "generativity" was the property of some technologies that let its users generate new, useful tools and solutions for themselves (this is very different from "generative AI!")
Zittrain described how "curated" computing systems, like mobile devices that relied on apps that couldn't be adapted by their users, were dead ends for generativity. 15 years later, the dismal world of apps has proven him right:
To the extent that "lifehacking" is about doing more, rather than being more deliberate about what you accomplish, it can be harmful. I am not immune to the failure modes of lifehacking:
But overall, using tabs as something I close, rather than something I open, is a source of comfort and calm for me. For one thing, ripping through a group of tabs every morning means that I don't have to worry about missing something if I go too fast. I'll get another chance tomorrow:
Decades ago, Dori Smith dubbed her pioneering blog her "#Backup Brain":
At their best, our systems – be they physical, like a spot on the counter where the e-waste goes, or digital, like a tab-group – are "congitive prostheses." They allow us to move important things from the highly contested, busy and precious space between our ears and out there into the world:
Like those lifehackers that O'Brien studied for his presentation in 2004, I confess to feeling a little silly about telling you all about this. For me, this habit of decades is so ingrained that it feels trivial and obvious. And yet, when I look at people in my life struggling to stay on top of a million nagging administrative tasks that could be easily watched through a morning's flick through a tab-group, I can't help but think that maybe some of you will find a useful idea or two in my unfucked rota.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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vgperson · 6 months
What Did I Do In 2023?
Whatever I wanted, mostly.
As I mentioned last year, my site now has an RSS feed with basically everything I've done back to 2020, so this will mainly be going over the same stuff from that, just with added context.
In January, I finally sat down and properly realized an idea for a short story I'd had sitting around for a while: From the Sidelines, about a fantasy RPG expedition going sideways. I remain very proud of it in both concept and execution, and hope people read it.
In February, Your Turn To Die was released on Steam Early Access, receiving character profiles and some bonus mini-episodes, adding two more later in the year.
After finishing From the Sidelines, I carried that momentum to revisit my Ut0p1a story series about funny computer animals. I'd always meant to continue it - and conclude it - but hadn't been satisfied with the ideas I had for it until totally rethinking them this year. In March, I posted the remaining stories one after another: Right to Code and Left to Code. I'm very proud of these as well. Also in March, Kenshi Yonezu released LADY. (Video, interview)
In April, Uri released the Data Book of the Strange Men Series, a big collection of the writing she's done on the games in the series, with a lot of new parts as well, all translated by me.
Then in May... uh, well, let's see. In April, Capcom released the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. I always adored the Battle Network games, and was initially excited that they finally did the thing... but by the time it came out, I was pretty disappointed by how, while you certainly couldn't call them low-effort ports, the effort didn't extend everywhere I thought it should, with the biggest offenders being the total absence of any "convenience features" except Buster Max Mode, the bad font, and the almost entirely untouched translations.
So, I ended up deciding I might as well just replay the originals, and that was a fun time (aside from the parts that were bad). Doing this, I couldn't help but notice how... turbulent the translations were, even if I'd always known they were less than ideal. I mean, the first two games just used periods for ellipses despite the tight character limits, then in BN3 they had an ellipsis character... but it's center-aligned, Japanese-style? Aside from the intro, which has normal ones? Gosh, somebody should fix that - it's simple enough to find and edit in YY-CHR. "JapanMan" is silly, too - I wonder if anybody made a patch for that? Wait, what do you mean there's just a tool to extract and insert text in all the Battle Network games including the Legacy Collection???
Thus began a journey that sort of occupied the rest of my year. First I did the BN3 Translation Revision, trying not to worry too much about cross-referencing the Japanese text unless something seemed wrong, so that I didn't spend too long on the project. Then I began to consider BN2, with its unfortunate "foreigner" text that would need some more significant reworking. I established more convenient tools for comparing with the Japanese script, and thus did a much more thorough job with it, releasing the BN2 Translation Revision in June (AKA Princess Pride Month).
Finally, after giving myself time to recover and actually finish replaying the series, I knew what I had to do to close things out. With the BN4 Translation Revision, you can finally play Battle Network 4 with a translation that isn't such a mess. Whether you'd want to is for you to decide, though if you can get over the structure, I don't think it's the worst game in the series by any means. (Oh, and in December I also updated the BN3 Revision to 1.1, doing a thorough pass with the methods I'd honed. But I think I'm pretty much good on MMBN translations now.)
Anyway, backtracking to other things that happened during my Battle Network haze... June had Kenshi Yonezu's Moongazing (video, interview), and July had Globe (video, interview, interview).
Last but not least, released in November, I translated Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, a short game from Lizardry (creator of 7 Days to End with You) with a fun concept.
Obviously I was right to have said "no promises" last year. But really, Your Turn To Die should get its final part on Steam sometime next year, maybe even early-ish in it. That's certainly the goal.
I'm also hoping to buckle down and finish one of my own games, but as usual, who knows how that'll pan out. Letting my whims carry me this year let me finally finish From the Sidelines and Ut0p1a, which was great, and it also led me down a Battle Network rabbit hole, which was... fine, but definitely for a narrower audience. I'd always like to get back to more free game translations and the like, too, but it takes effort to find things I'd want to translate. For now, I think my increasing desire to be able to let loose some of these original games I've been planning, and the stories in them, might come out on top.
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felikatze · 3 months
Script Project blog banished to the shadow realm
So uh. the title says it all, really.
The isat script project blog has exploded, badly, and is now gone without a trace, as if it had never existed.
I've messaged tumblr support about it and hope they can restore the blog or something...? Otherwise i'll just make another, I guess?
Until then, questions, requests, and updates for the isat script project will be coming from my main blog (aka, this one.)
Putting this in the isat tag so people will know what the hell happened????
I literally only found out when i got both an anon ask here and my sibling dm'd me about it. Just. no notice no warning no nothin. Gone. And like, you can see from the dead url that i didn't delete the blog myself. It's kind of hard to fat-finger the delete button on a tumblr account, which I very much did not.
Thank you for your understanding, have a nice day.
(Oh, uh, if you want to keep up to date with the script project outside of tumblr, it also has an RSS feed now (link in the website sidebar), and you can also subscribe to it if you have a neocities account.)
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hashtagloveloses · 1 year
hey there klaudia. I have one of those questions that's sort of googleable but also sort of hard to google because really I just want someone's opinion, and as I did get your anti-doomscroller emails, and vaguely recall you did/do some sort of media or journalism thing, and I've been following you since idk the dawn of time or 2016, somewhere in there, so you're sort of someone I know, I thought I'd ask you. Anyway. I do not read the news. I need this to change. I know I should read (not watch, I simply cannot) the news regularly. Specifically for my life I need to know about international politics, wars and the threat thereof and such, but knowing about US domestic stuff is also good. And I need to not get my information from destiel screencaps/my mother worriedly explaining her Fox News misinformation to me. genuinely somehow I am an adult now and I don't know where to do this. I used to get the NYT daily email for a few years but idk I've heard so much against the NYT now I'm not sure I can go subscribe to them. is there any chance you've got a source to recommend? a newspaper or journal? I just get so hung up on where to get my information I can't even start. I know that in theory I would read critically and can compare whatever it is I do read regularly against other sources. But it's just hard to find a starting point so. anyway if you have one I'd appreciate it. If not no worries, as I said this should be googleable I'm just overwhelmed. you just seem like a good person to ask but for all I know I'm way off base there lol, sorry I've followed you a long time but I know like two facts about you, you're just a cool and consistent feature of my dash to me.
whew this is a complicated question but you're going in the right direction (not watching televised news and staying the FUCK away from the NYT are a good start). my best advice, is to get to know local papers/magazines near you. they may be owned by a larger corporate parent (hence the dwindling of alt weeklies and independent sources), but if you follow them on each of your preferred social media (or if they have a newsletter, or an RSS feed or apple news or something you can do that too), they should cover both aggregated world/national news and local news. also look at your local public radio station - public radio, like the entire nonprofit industrial complex, has its own issues as well, but it's another good place to start.
the other best place to start is the library. your library should have electronic resources (aka access to press reader apps and such) that allow you to look at the latest articles and magazine editions, etc for free. you can get a feel for what news sources you like and don't like that way. any library system usually has a large selection, both electronically, and in person (and a lot of them subscribe to the same apps).
the way to make this sustainable is that as you browse, if there are articles (or if its radio, reported stories) that you particularly enjoy, IE: they were rigorous and thorough, had credible sources, did good service journalism, etc, find that journalist/producer and follow their social media. most journalists, regrettably, are on twitter, some have 0 social media presence, and many have their own newsletters. since journalism is a sketchy industry rn, following the reporters and producers themselves is a good way to keep trusted professionals in your feeds rather than the news brands that exploit them.
another thing to keep in mind - make sure you aren't just consuming US news sources. yes, it is harder to know what is credible for cultures that are not your own, but US-based (and in general Western based) large news sources really do not cover international shit well unless there are reporters with very specific beats (and even then they may come with their own cultural issues). there are also a lot of major news sources that just aggregate from the newswires (the AP, Reuters, etc), and sometimes I don't love them either. be vigilant when looking for international news.
all this being said, don't stress yourself out over this. it took a career in journalism (that i'm now thankfully out of), too much time on twitter, a degree in political communication, and lots and LOTS of unlearning for me to find sources I trust and build feeds. but even now it can be hard. and no, this is not easily google-able on purpose, bc google is now just made of who has the most money to pay them for ads and an expert in SEO to get higher ranking.
my biggest advice is to build SKILLS for yourself. learn to recognize biases that major outlets might have (if a news source just wholesale quotes cops or "authorities" only, if they scaremonger about China, if they have an opinion section full of questionable takes for clicks). learn to spot clickbait and rage bait, question how data is presented, etc.
also while i do think supporting independent journalism is good, major outlets like the NYT or corporate owned shit do not need your help, despite all the pleas they put on their websites. get an adblocker (on desktop, ublock origin, on mobile iOS the free versions of Disconnect's apps are great - if a website on either isnt working properly just turn it off and refresh, then turn it back on), because the ads in news articles are ATROCIOUS. get a paywall bypass extension (i use Bypass Paywalls Clean which has versions for every browser, and on iOS i use this shortcut), because you should never have to even make a free account and give these fuckers your email either.
i hope this helps at all!!!!
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savrenim · 5 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜 (if you want) (also i keep forgetting we're mutuals. i'm checking my rss feed like "savrenim is so cool i wonder what they posted today" and then sees you reblog a post from me and go ??? what are you doing in my house)
going to go with my Most Cursed playlist "ASMR All*" for
Stronger Than Shia Labeouf - cursed mix between actual cannibal shia labeouf (rob cantor) and stronger than you (steven universe - estelle)
Take Me To Church - Hozier
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
*this is "all" because it is a combination of all of my ASMR aka Most Cursed Playlists which began with "ASMR You Can Taste The Shrimp Colors" meant to get my through my final semester of teaching and grading and beating a thesis into submission and now has expanded to include playlists like "ASMR Tumblr Gays Fight", "ASMR Villain Coded Gay", "ASMR Running From Zombies", and "ASMR Running From Grading". honestly given the songs on some of those lists that selection is TAME
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thepodcasthoard · 5 months
How to start a podcast: a beginner’s guide to podcasting - music radar
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13 l Part 14 l Part 15 l Part 16 l Part 17 l Part 18
The nineteenth article Sydney gave me is by music radar, which seems to be really into the audio world.
Having a clear idea of what you're going to be talking about, plus passion and knowledge behind it, is the key.
Creative elements
AKA music and cover art. Keep your topic and mood in mind.
Finer details
Planning each episode is under this heading, and the article suggests bullet points.
Episode length is also here, and the article admits that every topic will be different- some topics can be covered in twenty minutes, some take longer.
Pacing your speech is also covered here. Make sure you're easily understood.
Guests add variety to your show. Whether they're interviewees or co-hosts, more people in one recording often adds more interest.
Microphones, microphone screens, mixers, software, and headphones are covered here, all with links.
Hosting site
Directories need an RSS feed to distribute your podcast, and a hosting site provides an RSS feed. Both paid and free hosting sites are linked in the article.
First, set yourself up in your recording space. Have all the equipment you need plugged in and turned on.
Set up the software, including making sure the microphone you'll be using is the one it's pulling audio from. You don't want to have the software record from the built-in microphone when you have a nice one you bought ready.
An aside from me: once that's done, you can record a test. This is to make sure everything runs how you want it, so you don't spend an hour talking just to realize some setting was on when it shouldn't have been.
Once the test is done, record the episode.
This will differ for every show, but the gist is to cut what you don't want and make what you do want sound even better.
Use your editing software and have it make the type of file specified for uploading to your hosting site and upload.
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scottwellsmagic · 6 months
808: Daniel Garcia - Ideas Unlimited
Daniel Garcia is a highly respected magic creator and consultant. But he is an awesome performer in his own right, too! Daniel helps create magic for David Blaine, Dynamo, Cyril Takayama, and Dynamo, (just to name a few) for their performances on stage and screen and online, too.
Daniel talks this week about some of the celebrated magicians with whom he has worked, as well as how he comes up with his creative ideas. He has a system for developing these ideas that he shares in this episode. He also surrounds himself with other creative types like Blake Vogt, Alex Rangel, Brent Braun, and others who are titans of trickery in their own right.
Download this podcast in an MP3 file by Clicking Here and then right click to save the file. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed by Clicking Here. You can download or listen to the podcast through Pandora and SiriusXM (formerly Stitcher) by Clicking Here or through FeedPress by Clicking Here or through Tunein.com by Clicking Here or through iHeart Radio by Clicking Here. If you have a Spotify account, then you can also hear us through that app, too. You can also listen through your Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices. Remember, you can download it through the iTunes store, too. See the preview page by Clicking Here
In 2023 we suffered the loss of many friends who have passed away, but whom are not forgotten. Perhaps as we grow older, we are more aware of those who pass. But this last year saw the passing of almost twice as many as were listed in the magic obituaries of 2022.
Although the list below is not exhaustive, it does reflect the names of many well-known (and some lesser known) magicians, spouses, assistants and magic aficionados who passed on in 2023. Some may not be as well-known to you, but they were my personal friends (hey, it is my blog!). If you are unfamiliar with any of these names, then it would behoove you to do a little online search of what these people have contributed to our craft. If you have someone you think was overlooked, then please post the name in the comments below on this blog.
Those whose names are highlighted with a “hot link” were featured or interviewed here on The Magic Word Podcast. It was not my original intent when I began this journey to chronicle the voices before they left us, but I am so thankful that I did sit down with many of these friends for lively, and sometimes intimate, conversations. You can click on their name to revisit and listen to their voices again.
Joe Stevens
Scott Alexander
Bob King
George Kimery
Karl Fulves
Véronique Ross
Greg Koren
Maria Ibanez
Thom Peterson
Gloria Metzner aka Gloria Dea
Harry Lorayne
Dr. Edwin “Eddie” Dawes
George Silverman
Dan Witkowski
Milton “Milt” Page Larsen
Ricky D. Boone
Dan Garrett
Larry Becker
Darwin Ortiz
Dirk Arthur
Dick Gustafson
Leo Behnke
Graham Putnam
Jeff Lanes
David Berglas
Jack Delvin
Tom Craven
Micky Hades
Bill Goldman
Tommy Smothers
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belindarimbi13 · 2 years
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I have created AO3feed for Doramitsu, aka Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken/Mitsuya Takashi of Tokyo Revengers.
What this blog will do:
Post every new fic for Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken/Mitsuya Takashi relationship tag from AO3
Post every general information (the title, author, rating, summary, and AO3 tags) for the fics
What this blog will not do:
This blog does not cover Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken & Mitsuya Takashi relationship tag (unless it's tagged)
This blog can not filter Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken/Mitsuya Takashi alone, if you wish to not see any other pairing, you have to personally mute the keywords
This blog will only post new fic, but not the new chapter of multichapter fic (you have to subscribe to the author directly for that)
This blog will post every new fic, which means the tags are only general and the contents are unfiltered (you have to personally mute the keywords if you wish a certain tag/content to not appear on your dash)
This blog will only use general tag (fanfiction, draken x mitsuya, doramitsu, tokyo revengers), you can't edit the tags since the contents are subscribed to AO3 RSS Feed and they're posted automatically
Please follow that blog to get your dose of Doramitsu fanfiction and don't forget to always appreciate the author by leaving kudos and reviews <3
If you have any suggestion or question, my ask box is always open! Don't hesitate to reach out to me~
My announcement for @ao3feed-tokyorevengers
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Home › News
Kelsey Harris Said She Saw Tory Lanez Shooting At Meg Thee Stallion
Written By Robert Longfellow
Posted December 18, 2022
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HipHopWired Featured Video
Source: Jason Armond / Getty
Kelsey Harris has some explaining to do. Although in recent court proceedings she essentially said her memory is fuzzy, in a deposition that was played in court, Megan Thee Stallion’s former friend says she saw Torey Lanez shooting at the Texas rapper. 
Reports TMZ:
As you know, Kelsey has been hesitant, to say the least, to give up many details while testifying this week, but on Friday prosecutors played audio of the entire interview she did with cops earlier this year … when she spilled every detail from that July 2020 night.
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Megan Thee Stallion Wants Pint-Sized Rapper Tory Lanez Thrown “Under The Jail”
Kelsey says while they were in the SUV — after the party at Kylie Jenner’s house — she and Tory first got into an argument when he made fun of Megan. When Kelsey came to her friend’s defense, she claims Tory said, “My n****, I’m gonna shoot you.” Kelsey says Tory reached toward the center console, but didn’t do anything more than that.
And this is where the struggle truly pops off. And it’s all bad for Lanez.
However, the vehicle was pulled over at that point. Then she says Meg and Tory started insulting each other’s careers, and things got so heated, both Meg and Kelsey got out of the SUV.
Almost immediately Kelsey says she started hearing gunshots, and after the 2nd or 3rd shot she turned around and says she saw Tory in the front seat firing the gun forward, over the open right front door in Meg’s direction.
Kelley went on to say that to Lanez told her and Meg not to say anything once the police arrived to investigate. 
The ongoing trial is happening in Los Angeles.
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audiofictionuk · 10 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 15th September
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Shadow of the Badge New Audio Drama! "Shadows of the Badge" is a gripping 10-episode fiction series that delves into the moral gray areas of law enforcement. The story follows Detective Daniel Morgan, a respected and decorated officer with the city's police force. To the public, he is a hero, but behind the scenes, he leads a double life as a crooked cop involved in shady dealings. Each episode unravels a layer of deceit, as Detective Morgan's actions become increasingly complex and morally ambiguous. https://rss.com/podcasts/shadowsofthebadge https://media.rss.com/shadowsofthebadge/feed.xml
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Gravity Box New Audio Book! Welcome to Gravity Box with Mahi yashra and Tanushree sinha. Join us every weekend to get cold feet. Spotlights focussing on the parallel world and real incidents, this is the perfect podcast to listen anytime anywhere with all 3D virtual hearing effects Fear isn't everyone's cup of tea. Horror podcasts may help us satisfy our curiosity about the dark side of human psyche. https://hubhopper.com/podcast/gravity-box/431806 https://feeds.hubhopper.com/b3137d8c7eeb24a7c85663661727a2d1.rss
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Abandon Post New Audio Drama! We design stories for entertainment! Abandon Post is our first project. https://rss.com/podcasts/abandonpost https://media.rss.com/abandonpost/feed.xml
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LetsDoThisDungeonThing New Audio RPG! LetsDoThisDungeonThing is a Dungeons & Dragons podcast set in the real world based around three strangers who have to travel through time to save their timeline from chaos and big change. Thank you to my lovely players Aidan (Drake Reddmen), Liz (Gerald Bebop), and Calamari (Valentin cel Frumos aka Vlad The Handsome) and the DM of the campaign me, Corbin. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/letsdothisdungeonthing https://anchor.fm/s/dd63c9f4/podcast/rss
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THE SOURCE New Audio Book! This Source is about a group of witches who belong to a coven, who's been living in peace for centuries. They have managed to ward off any threats that come their way. However, their peace is shattered when they sense an ominous presence of The Demon Source. These short stories will have you filled with excitement, as they shift from town to town. As the battle with The Demon Source intensifies, and new theats arrive. The wiches have to come up with new strategies to fight for thier survival. https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-source_6 https://www.spreaker.com/show/3411087/episodes/feed
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When The Magic Comes Naturally New Audio Book! Keyra is courted by a vampire queen for a power she doesn't know she has. Now she must navigate a world where magic is real and it's something people can steal. Check in Wednesday for a new chapter. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2238594 https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2238594.rss
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Stories of Jazzy Jerome Jackalope New Audio Drama! Follow along on the wild adventures of Jazzy Jerome with these original radio plays. Fun for all ages. https://storiesofjazzyjeromejackalope.podbean.com https://feed.podbean.com/storiesofjazzyjeromejackalope/feed.xml
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Iluka Springs New Audio RPG! A group of teenagers are about to discover that their seemingly idyllic home is hiding a dark secret that spans for centuries. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rina- https://anchor.fm/s/e7427290/podcast/rss
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Podcast of the ZugarouX New Audio Book! An ordinary existence is turned upside down for Abby, our unlikely heroine, when she is taken on an adventure of a lifetime... https://zugaroux.podbean.com https://feed.podbean.com/zugaroux/feed.xmlhttps://assets.blubrry.com/coverart/orig/2931375-700721.jpg Alasdair Kent's Erotic Tales New Audio Book! Dirty, sexy, twisted, intelligent erotica that you definitely won't want your kids to hear. http://blubrry.com/2931375/ https://feeds.blubrry.com/feeds/2931375.xml
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Good Morning Murderer New Audio Drama! This is a fiction podcast where you will hear all about the murders and odd classes that take place at Wilkerson High as you listen to their morning announcements. https://subscribepage.io/GMMpod https://anchor.fm/s/e6507bfc/podcast/rss
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Improv Madness New Audio RPG! Welcome to Improv Madness, A Dungeons and Dragons 5e actual play podcast where no one knows what's happening until it does! Join us every other Thursday for some improvised D&D shenanigans. https://improvmadness.transistor.fm/ https://feeds.transistor.fm/improv-madness
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Worlds Away New Audio RPG! Worlds Away is an actual-play storytelling podcast where five close friends use games to create adventures together as a collective. Find us on social media @worldsawaypod and online at worldsawaypod.com. https://www.worldsawaypod.com https://feeds.redcircle.com/d895681d-28be-42eb-8b2f-67b25d8c25d6
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RED ODYSSEY New Audio Drama! The year is 1983. The threat of war simmers between the Soviet Union and the US. The moon watches the Earth like a slowly blinking eye, and within the black depths of the cosmos... something watches the moon. Cosmonaut Ilia Zakharov (award-winner PETER WICKS) sits in a dark room in Moscow; a broken man with the soul of a poet. He controls a lunar rover called FANTOM IX (ALLISON COSSITT), the newest model in a series of machines designed to explore the surface of the moon. Together they uncover secrets that could determine the fate of all life on Earth and form a bond that transcends space and barriers. East and West stand at the brink of nuclear war. And yet, something far, far worse is coming. Something the human race is not ready to greet. Something unknowable. Something malevolent. Make no mistake, this eldritch horror story isn't your usual sci-fi. Be prepared to be led on a journey where the stakes are larger than life itself. You'll never look at the night sky the same again. And whatever you do—don't let IT see you. https://denouncermedia.com https://feeds.captivate.fm/red-odyssey/
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Vanishment New Audio Drama! Between life and death, there and gone. Mystery & adventure stories about the things that disappear and the dangers of finding them. Full-cast audio drama. https://Vanishment.podbean.com https://feed.podbean.com/Vanishment/feed.xml
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evanvanness · 1 year
9 tricks to get the most out of Twitter
aka, how I use Twitter, and what I often find myself surprised to learn that other friends find these tips useful
 1. Decide what you want out of Twitter.
The most important decision to make is what you want to get out of Twitter.  This sounds like a trite observation, but very few people actually decide this.
I founded Week in Ethereum, and for years I published it.  So what I wanted from Twitter is to get the maximum amount of signal to noise about Ethereum, as if was an RSS feed that I read every single post by everyone that I followed.  That meant I followed almost exclusively developers, particularly those who only tweeted announcements about their work.  The more niche they were, the better - if others wouldn't necessarily see the tweet but the topic was of interest to Ethereum newsletter readers.
Others might use Twitter to find investing/trade ideas, to find viral topics du jour, to find a niche community, to follow politics, etc.  
2.  Be cognizant of when you're in the "for you" tab.
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Twitter recently open-sourced its algorithm, but we didn't need to find out what was in the algorithm to learn that the suggested content is often a race to the bottom.
If you reply to someone you disagree with on the other end of the political spectrum, your feed will be full of comments from that person for awhile.   You get all viral videos.
We all know the drill. Maybe you like that stuff, but it's not necessarily what you want to read.
I recommend staying almost entirely in the “following” tab and/or using lists.  Dip into the “for you” tab as little as possible.
3.  Prune who you follow, mute if you can't unfollow
I regularly unfollow people, and mute a lot of people who it would impolitic if I unfollowed (although sometimes I accidentally unfollow people too: Twitter UX leaves lots to be desired).   If someone starts tweeting too much, or tweets too many jokes, then I unfollow.  If someone shills some scammy centralized blockchain, then I unfollow.  If someone politicizes a tragedy, I unfollow.  If someone tweets too much partisan garbage into my feed (even I i agree), I unfollow.
An Eth dev OG who I admire got deep into a hobby and stopped tweeting about Ethereum.  I unfollowed.
Like anything else, Twitter is a tool.  You have to use it wisely, and that means only following intentionally and unfollowing frequently.
4.  Train your feed
Here's a screenshot of one of the most important parts of the myriad signals that make up the Twitter algo.  The data comes directly from the algo, but the table was made by Arvind Narayanan:
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Historically on twitter, a like did nothing to increase view count and an RT is what you did if you wanted to send the tweet to your followers. 
Now they are relatively deprecated: _what really matters are the replies.   _A reply is worth 13.5x more than RT.   And if that reply gets engaged by the author, then the bump goes up 75x.  
So what will Twitter give you more of in your feed?  That table tells you above.  It'll give you more of the things where you are likely to replyguy.  In fact - even if you don't replyguy, but you like the tweet of a replyguy, then that's 11x more of a bump than just RTing the original tweet. 
If you watch a video beyond 50%, you're going to be getting more videos from the author of that tweet and on that subject. 
There is a glimmer of hope with the bottom two line items: you can train the algo to not show you things you don’t like. if you click the 3 dots at the top right of a tweet and say you're not interested, then it gives that a -74x hit.
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You should never be clicking not interested on my tweets, of course!
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A couple interesting corollaries: 
if you're tempted to replyguy to someone you dislike, be aware that your reply will likely amp up the visibility of the tweet you're replying to. 
Getting RTs is no longer the best way to "go viral."   What matters now to the Twitter algorithm is sparking discussion. 
Training the feed is great, but keep your expectations low.  Twitter is very bad at product and always has been.  It can get marginally better but that's about it.  Pareto probably applies: you can get 80% of the possible improvement from a small 20% of effort.
I’ve managed to keep “For You” tab mostly free of videos by simply never watching them and always clicking “not interested.”
5. Enable notifications for accounts who you don’t want to miss tweets for
I commonly hear from people who say that they don't see Week in Ethereum tweets anymore.  
This isn't that surprising.  The newsletter currently ships Friday evening (on America's East Coast), and that is the opposite prime time for Twitter.
But Twitter has a solution for that! Click the bell that is directly left of the "Following" button.
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You'll see a checkmark over the bell and supposedly this means that Twitter will first show you these tweets the next time you use the "for you" tab. 
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For your friend who you want to keep track of who rarely tweets (or ahem, a weekly newsletter!) this is a great feature.
6. Mute keywords
go to:  More >> Settings and Support >> Settings and Privacy >> Privacy and safety >> Mute and Block
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While you’re adding muted keywords, I suggest poking around the other areas of this screen.  You’ll find out how much info Twitter is sharing about you.
Here's some of my muted keywords:
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I told you I try to keep partisan stuff off my feed, right?  Plenty of other places I can find the latest screeds from talking heads.
7.  Add suggest_recycled_tweet_line and suggest_activity_tweet to your muted notifications 
This is far less important than it used to be, but I still suggest you copy and paste to mute those 2 keywords.  It drastically helped my timeline when I did it.
8.  Mute dumb replyguys aggressively. 
So congratulations, you have a tweet which is "going viral." 
But remember that in current Twitter, that means you've probably sparked a lot of replyguys, many of whom are probably angry at you.  You're learning that the only thing worse than having your tweets be ignored is having your tweets not be ignored.  
If you reply, you'll likely amplify their argument against you (which maybe is a good argument and it's worth elevating the thoughtful critics!).  If you mute, you don't get the many people liking their tweets and cluttering their feed. 
"But Mom, someone is saying something mean about me on the internet!" 
But wait, if you don't see it, how do you know?  Are you sure they are?  Just mute the idiots and move on. Personally I think of muting memecoiners and zombiechainers as an investment into my future use of Twitter. 
9.  Turn off RTs 
You probably know an account of someone who tweets rarely but always RTs.  Dozens of things.  None of which you're interested in.
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Go to the three dots on the profile page and at the top click "turn off Retweets"
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(Not too much danger here, because Week in Ethereum News doesn't RT much!)
Alternately some people tweet things with the same hashtag that you're never interested in.  Just go mute that word.
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cinemapsychosshow · 1 year
Zombi Holocaust AKA Doctor Butcher MD (1980) with Cam Schwarz of Rabid Dog Films - Episode 256
This week, we are joined by "Cannibal" Cam Schwarz of Rabid Dog Films and we're taking a look at the cult classic, "Zombi Holocaust" AKA "Doctor Butcher MD (Medical Deviant).
Released in 1980, this low-budget Italian film follows a group of scientists and medical professionals as they investigate a series of mysterious disappearances on a remote island in the Pacific. But as they soon discover, the island is overrun with zombies created by a mad scientist experimenting with voodoo and cannibalism.
While the acting and special effects may not be top-notch, "Zombi Holocaust" embraces its B-movie status and delivers a deliciously campy and entertaining experience. The film's pacing may be slow at times, but the cheesy charm more than makes up for it.
Fans of bad movies, this is one you don't want to miss.
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rabidogfilms
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/rabidogfilms
Rabid Dog Films Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfCByjVV_VxToI1Pk_UeXg
Wolf Juice (NEW FILM) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAix9R5Pgvg
For the new year, we are doubling down on engaging directly with you all.  So we created a brand new discord server where you can come and interact directly with us about movies you've seen, our new episodes, and other randomness.  
Check us out https://discord.gg/QWPUCGCuVC
Our co-host, John Wooliscroft, has a brand new film channel on youtube. Check it out and Subscribe at J DUB'S VIDEO NASTIES
Use the coupon code "psychosnation" and save 25% on our TeePublic Store! 
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Help us spread the madness by tweeting!  Click here to post a tweet!
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Gotta a movie or question you want to throw our way?  Or did we trash one of your favorite films and you want to know where to send a dead horse.  Either way, drop us a line!  We welcome your questions and dead horses.  
NEW !!!  Leave us voicemail! - @Speakpipe
Twitter - @psychosshow
Facebook - @psychosshow
Instagram - @psychosshow
Website - cinemapsychosshow.com
Brian Cottington - @briancottington
John Wooliscroft - @theunrealjwools
Epicast Network - epicastnetwork.com
Theme Music:
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Check out this episode!
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longflicks · 2 years
Lego digital designer minecraft
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I saw about 300 alert message popping up parts like 12345pbr0004 etc, which usually are printed bricks. However only 1000 could be imported as if LDD Manager is not updating from BrickLink. I have over 6000 bricks (1300 part + color combinantion). Yes, it worked, with Excel and copy paste. Hello Kalais, thanks for the confirmation. If you still have problems let me know and I'll try find my old files and I'll try figure out how I did it. I think I used Excel (it didn't work with OpenOffice) to make proper columns with data and then pasted it into Manager. I remember I had some problems to get it work. And on Rebricable you need to export parts to csv or xml. Yes, it is possible :) "Generate LXF files" option. Can I use LDD Manager to load my LEGO parts into it, so afterwards I can designs something new MOC only with this exact amount of LEGO parts loaded via LDD Manager? Author: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: I have a complete list of LEGO parts via Rebrickable. I would like to ask you about LDD Manager feature: 'generate LDD file from an external parts list'. Hello Kalais, thanks for this great tip collection.
Here is tutorial how to do it: Author: Lock | Date: Is there any way to add text to the sides of bricks? Author: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: Stein Just click it and it will show all hidden bricks. I can hide groups after defining them but I can't see any command for un-hiding back (in the same place they were) Author: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: you hide something icon in top right corner with red minifig on black background will pop up. Thanks! Awesome! Author: Andreas | Date: I used to generate html instruction to get parts list on the last page before I found out that tip xD Author: pereiro | Date: Thank you!Īuthor: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: your welcome :) But I am working on it so stay tuned :) Author: Phoebe | Date: Perfect webpage you have at this website! Precisely how could i add in this blog's feed into my Rss reader? Author: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: At this moment there is no RSS feed, sorry. Thanks for the great article and tips! Super useful to someone who just started using LDD. So my advice is to copy any lxf file to your choosen folder and open it via CTRL-O. Author: Kalais (Master Builder aka Admin) | Date: sure about Win10, but in Win7 when you open LDD file via CTRL-O from any folder it becomes default save location.
Is it possible in LDD to change the default save location in windows 10 to elsewhere on my pc. Excellent, thank you so much for this great help Author: Daniel | Date:
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sismademeviewit · 2 years
It's time for our new feed to premiere!!!! First up is a 10 week series covering Our Flag Means Death, with Megan providing waaaay too much filmmaking trivia, and Emily awash in the delight of her new favorite show!!
We're here to talk about lack of straight things on the Revenge! How quickly Emily decided she'd die for Stede! Megan's Ren Faire adventures! And more!
Catch new episodes each Tuesday, and find all of our backlog (and RSS feeds for the podcast service of your choice) at www.sismademeviewit.com
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thacoshammer · 2 years
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We pull out another random set for this episode! Join DMs Glen, Fulongamer and Brian as they pour you another frosty mug of 2e goodness! After answering an email, the fellas open up the taps. First they talk about the effects that can come up in melee combat, take a look at the rather scary werespider, and wrap things up with a rather spirited Brainstorm.
 Email from DM Saxious (massive amounts of praise)
 You can find us on Osrgaming.org, d20radio.com, Tumblr, Facebook, iTunes, and Twitter (@thacoshammer), as well as our home page at http://www.thacoshammer.info or wherever you get your podcasts. If you are looking for an RSS feed or a different way of downloading the show directly, the address is: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/94174. Also, we have a new location for archived episodes, and the address is: https://archive.org/details/episode_archive. It has been reorganized, so you can find episodes much easier now. If you are looking for our Actual Play (AP) podcasts, you can find them on iTunes (search for WGP's OSR AP Podcasts), or you can go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/osractualplaypodcasts, and they are also at https://archive.org/details/HammersOfTheDuchySession0. You can also email the show at [email protected], and you can leave a voicemail for the show at 405-806-0555.
 Also, we now have T-Shirts thanks to Zazzle.com, and they are designed by DM Glen and DM Cory!! Get yours today! Here are the links:
 Design by DM Glen: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_t_shirt-235437242428047038
 Design by DM Cory: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_shirt_1-235721719516592459
 Rule Zero – Effects in combat, and how to handle them
Snipe Hunt – Lycanthrope, Werespider
DM Brainstorm - "The Church of Calamitous Intent and Disastrous Outcomes" aka the neccesity for "dark/evil" churches operating openly in pantheonic societies.
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