#aka that one summer he posted photos of him shirtless with a six-pack and everyone went WILD
I'm actually so sad about Luke's injury. I know being the start of the season it's not the end of the world and I know the devils have more defensive depth this year but I'm so disappointed for him. From the pictures it looks like he worked really hard this off season (those thighs 😳) and it must be so frustrating to get injured a couple of weeks before camp.
I was just reading nico's interview before the news was released about how he thought Luke was going to have a big year this year and now he's going to have to start on the back foot urgh (of course he can still have a big year but it's just not ideal to start this way) I'm hoping it's closer to the 6 weeks rather than 8
yeah for sure anon. it is disappointing that he isn't starting the season, and even more so the way we found out. i hope he's getting lots of love from those around him, and he will be back soon!
in the meantime, we can munch on headcanons about what he might be doing during his rehab time. is he playing video games? learning a new hobby? the possibilities are endless.
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