#aka see you in a few days or something because mod is busy :3
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" ... Hah?"
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" Eheh... eheheh... I... I don't think anyone's gotten to wound me like this in a long time..."
He's smiling, not the good, happy kind of smile though. It's more like a smile twisted with pain.
" Ahahahah... Oh wow! It really hurts! Guess that's what losing an arm does for ya! Hahahaha!"
It hurts.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurt-
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" ..."
" A-ah... Kenzie..?"
" Such violent actions towards us is not permitted upon this blog."
carefully, she scooped Shadow Milk into her hand. Carrying him away from the impaled anon, though it didn't seem like he was bothered by the impalement, more like the Silver Knife used to do that.
" Come on, let's get you fixed up."
It seems that Mackenzie and Shadow Milk will be gone for a while...
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treebarkweek · 1 year ago
From someone thinking of doing an mcyt event, is there any knowlage you could spare after your years of doing a quite large scale event? :))
Hello! Oh I got some things yes!
Overall, you want to be super sure you know your public, properly gauge interest, and set a good schedule. Internally, aka the organizers, you need to have from the start the structure of how the event will work but also be able to adapt to change.
Now, going into more detail of all that I've just said:
Know your public!
Define who you want to have in the event- writers, artists, cosplayers- and be sure to have that in mind the whole time. For example, you're going to want to communicate in a way that will call this public to participate, so you probably won't want to make a text as a promo post when you're calling for visual artists.
2. Interest and availability
You need to look around and see if other people seem like they want to participate in something similar to what you're doing, or if you think there's people that could be interested. Interest will go hand in hand with schedules- you want to make sure, ideally, your public won't be busy with another big event when yours happens, otherwise their interest might be split or swayed another way. For example, in october all the artists are doing an inktober-esque event the whole month, so making another completely different event would be a bad move cuz all the artists are already doing something else. Look around and do your best to not have another event happening at the same time (this means events that you think might sway the type of public you're going for- if you were to make a cosplay event at the same time as a random botany event somewhere there's not much problem because the public is different). You can gauge interest in a very numeric way too with polls, which we did for the last event.
3. Event structure
This is for you, the organizer! First of all, better to have help and not do the event alone, for both management reasons and just so you're able to have opinions on your plans. Make sure that befor you advertise, you already have an idea of how the event will go, from start to finish. For this you already need to have checked your public, their interest and availability.
4. Creative solutions!
Now imagine you already have a plan, but if your public they might not be able to do exactly what you planned. You need to be able to think if there's a way of adjusting things so both you and the public are happy and can participate to have a succesful event! This last treebarkweek event we made a weekend mode we called Supernova because when we did an interesst check, the mayority said they could probably only do a few days and not the whole week, so we provided an alternative that would be for three days only, apart from the prompts from the entire week. Be creative to find solutions if there's ever problems!
Aaaaaaand that's it, I think! We actually have a lot going on behind the scenes, so this was longer than it might've been expected, so sorry! (Mod 2 is writing this and as a note I might have let the marketing classes get the best of me here).
Anyway, take your time sitting down and planning things and if you can have help, that's even better! Lots of things I probably can't give advice on because there's some things that depend on what the event is about, but hopefully this was able to give an idea to the basics. Good luck!
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deviant-fish · 8 months ago
who are you, why do you have so many bot accounts. Stop bothering us, none of us are a part of ekas.
Luckily the message has got out across all platforms by now. I can totally remove the warning message now.
I don't need to explain who I am to you in particular, since you've already been told on multiple platforms, and via my admin, business and personal email, because you just can't stop finding new ways to stalk me.
But for anyone who is not yet aware of that, who will read this message after you share it, Hello, My name is Akira AKA Deviant Fish, and I am the admin of a group known as The Fish Army.
The Fish Army is a community for people with an affinity for fish, whether they have have a fish persona, they work in marine wildlife preservation, they keep fish as pets, etc.
Within our community we do not approve of people who see fish as primarily a source of meat, which is the reason you were banned, by the way.
It's literally the very first rule, and you broke it in less than the first full sentence you typed, you little troll.
Outside of The Fish Army, there are other online communities people are part of. I assume what you mean by "bots" is other people who have screencaps of the character creator with the character they play as in the Aggregate Fiction MMORPG.
There aren't many games out there where you can play as a variety of fish, and since there's over 1000 species in that game, there's a few fish in there, so I play that game with some friends of mine.
The AF community has something going on right now to do with the vore community.
I took part in a bit of it this year, so this is the first time I've been involved there, I'm a pred by the way.
A few days ago, some visual novel game developers, released a bunch of vore games, around 30 I think, where I was a pred character in it.
Also my character build in AF has become a template there, so people can now play as me or modification of my character design.
It comes with a little story mode about me, like every template has, and people think it's pretty cool.
Since my character has magnetic powers, I also founded a community known as The Order Of The Blue Croissant, which is about how magnetism works as well as a bunch of magnetism memes, and members are encouraged to have their own characters that manipulate magnetic forces in some way, like a superhero thing.
As for my character themselves, they are a non-anthropomorphic silver trout, with human-level intelligence, that has mechanical limbs strapped to their body, and a mask that allows them to breathe water, while they are above the surface.
I have 2 big rivals/friends known as @scandium-sacer-laser , and @yttrium-yiger-microwave , who each run rival groups to The Blue Croissant, however the 3 of us form a group known as Team Beam.
The 3 characters that form Team Beam, my persona, Scandium's and Yttrium's, were modded into Sonic Heroes as a replacement for Team Dark, my persona being a swap of Rouge, Scandium's a swap of Shadow, and Yttrium's a swap of Omega.
I'm not exactly into the Sonic fandom that much, but it seems a lot of people know my persona from the mod.
I'm more active around the superhero scene, mostly Marvel stuff in particular.
Some people recognise me from the Lancaster superhero convention.
I'm the one in the space suit, that has the holographic visor, so it looks like my helmet has a fish in it, instead of my head.
For those that have seen the photos, yes, I really am super short, Asian genes did a number on me.
I have been harassed by members of Eka's Portal in the past, simply because my persona is a fish, and they started spam messaging me, saying that fish should be prey.
I was not even a member of that community, they just followed me around the internet, spamming me on every social media platform.
The Eka's Portal admin was responsible for this, and apparently they went on to harass other members of The Fish Army, as well as other players of AF, using the excuse that the several thousand people, were all the same person somehow, despite the fact they posted photos of themselves, and had hundreds of livestreams, many of which showing multiple people on screen.
You can see why people were quick to suspect you, especially since you seem to be making the same arguments as before all from the same IP address by the way, under the erroneous belief that a VPN can hide your IP from technicians, when in fact VPN's only block it from bots.
You have attacked mine and AF's community, regular as clockwork, every year around this date, without fail, since the year 2015.
Stop being a big child, find some meaning in your life, and find something else to do, that you will enjoy more.
Does that answer your question?
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asktheisle · 4 years ago
I really didn’t expect to hit a milestone like that let alone in just the year, so it means a WHOLE bunch that you guys enjoy this blog and interact with the posts almost as soon as they get uploaded ;w; I just wanted to put out this crazy worldbuild I had going for a few years now just to tell a story and seeing how well it’s been received so far makes me incredibly happy when there’s been a solid bit of time that the closest thing I’ve felt to being happy with anything is just washed-down contentment, I REALLY value you guys so much <3</p>
I’m going to take a little break this week from the plot, but that’s because I’m working on getting something together to celebrate the 100 follows on my current update day aka this coming Tuesday/Oct.6-munday will be a part of it so watch out for that post coming through c;
I’ll make a formal post for each of these when the time comes(under a read more) but:
The blog primer has been updated to include info from the most recent asks under the “interlude 1″ section, so if you’re trying to catch up on the blog without having to look at all the posts chronologically you can go ahead and get everything in there! The formal post will include a link to it, as right now it’s not EXTREMELY vital to have
New ask hints have been added for Oscar, Nat, and Xolo! That’s the current pinned post c:
LIL LUXU’S BDAY IS THE 18TH! By that point the main plot-event will be moving along hopefully, so he’ll get a day all to himself like Oscar did. Once his bday passes I’ll have him and Oscar join the halloween event for a bit while Nat and [spoiler c; ] stay for the main plot event that will happen. I don’t intend to stay long at the event like I did for the waterpark, whoops c’’;
When the new plot starts up, I intend to change the upload schedule to post new content on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I stop tiring myself out and can put more effort into making responses prettier/just having time to do other art that isn’t blog related-I think in order to make the events works out with as little confusion as possible I’ll change out every week, so one week will be the halloween event and the next being the main plot event etc
geez thanks again for following this blog and my zany cast, it means so much and I’ve made so many friends through this blog, I can’t thank y’all enough and look forward to the next milestone 
-mod kuix <3 ))</p>
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annakie · 5 years ago
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Six
Wherein we get out into space and explore a bit, and complete our crew.
And post a lot of gifs, because screenshots were lost.
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
So I use the NVidia Control Panel app to take screenshots and videos.  Since it’s already running and it takes good shots it seems dumb to not use it.
I ended up being super busy this week and didn’t play much, just got through like, talking to Kaidan after the big speech on the bridge more or less for the entire week, and through Therum.  I updated my drivers a day or two ago.  And then I didn’t notice that for whatever reason, yesterday when I went to play for a few hours, NVidia decided to record videos just fine, but not take screenshots.  I probably actually mashed the button several hundred times.... but all I got were videos.
Most of it wasn’t a great loss, it was a lot of talking to the crew, and a few planetary missions which... so I’m going to have to go back and redo some of it later for screenshots.
But I thought... hey, for posting on tumblr, I’ll just make it a shorter update and make a few gifs and most this a mostly-gif post!  That’ll be fun!
...and then I spent several hours making almost 80 gifs, including a lot of what I also had screenshots for but thought making gifs would be more fun.  
I mean I was watching the last few eps of the newest season of Great British Bake Off on Netflix, and a few other shows this morning so it wasn’t just gif time... but yeah I made a lot.  So I might split this into two posts now because... that’s a lot of gifs. This post will still have a lot of screenshots, too.  So here we go!
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There are so many things to love about this moment.  It’s such a great like, re-launch of the game... Bioware telling us “Okay, now you know the plot, you know all the major players, you know a lot about our world (galaxy) and how it works and who lives here, now, it’s time for you to go out on your own.”
First, it starts with being able to vent a little to Joker, which is a nice touch.  Shepard might feel guilty about taking the ship over from Anderson, but Joker also assures us here, a great preview of the way he’s tasked with helping Shepard keep it together in ME3.
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I love seeing Shepard’s words affect the crew.  The swelling music, the same as the “you’re a Spectre now!!” music just underscores the journey, and what’s to come.
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I used to always miss this scene by not picking the right speech option, and would be mad Kaidan was left out of this montage.  My fault!
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This moment is so beautiful and epic.
...and here we go.
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ALOT, btw, makes the galaxy map so pretty.  Sharper and clearer and more colorful.  
We all usually just head to Liara’s Dig Site first, right?  Unless you’re doing one of those “Pick up Liara last just to see what happens” playthroughs?  I did that once. It felt weird.  And sad, when you tell her “oops I killed your mom and I’m not sorry.”  Seems like she shouldn’t have gotten over that so quickly, but well, that’s game design.  The entire plot just doesn’t feel the same and more flimsy without Liara around from the start.
I usually do Therum --> Feros --> Noveria --> Virmire.
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Well okay, first a stop at Edolus, since, you know, it’s on the way.
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What a LOVELY day, nothing could possibly go wrong on this barren world. I feel like they gave us a pretty easy-to-get-around-on world to start out with.
I honestly love driving around in the mako 90% of the time?  Once you’re used to the controls, it’s not that hard to get most places you want to go.  Though I admit the Nomad in Andromeda is a big upgrade.  I kinda miss it in ME2 and ME3, though I only do what driving is necessary in Overlord and skip Firewalker like, half the time.
First, let’s check out the map...
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I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize you could mark your destination on the map and it’d put a handy arrow on your radar until I started playing on PC.  Before then I was checking the map every 5 seconds making SURE I was going the right way.  *facepalm*  
Generally my scanning strategy on the planet is... just go to the things on the map, but do go to ALL the things on the map.  If I see something along the way, stop and get it.  I don’t go way out of my way to look for unmarked stuff.  Usually the UNC missions can be completed doing that + complete planet / asteroid scanning.
Oh hey here’s a guy, let’s just grab what we can off him...
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Like I get that the minigame is a stand in for “looking for clues, are you successful in finding anything useful?” or whatever but it’s still just the worst.  A minigame is fun occasionally, making it as a gate to something like looting a body is stupid.  I guess I have to forgo actually putting points into things that keep Kaidan alive at the early levels so he can help me... loot bodies.  Cool.  Great.
Since I’m cheating in credits, all weapons and armor get medigelled almost immediately so that I don’t have to do the minigame later on when they get harder, like, ever.
The ME2 minigames at least make a little more sense than this moving puzzler thing.  That’s at least an attempt to look like some kind of code hacking or rewiring/reprogramming.  This thing is just... silly.
ME2 has a disable minigames mod... so there will be no talk of minigames from here on out.  They don’t exist after the easy minigames early on in ME1.
So I ... somehow managed to not get video or screenshots of you know the ICONIC THRESHER MAW attack on Edolus?  So please enjoy this gif I made of it back in 2013 instead.
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It’s such a great fakeout and moment.  Like “Oh man how easy my goal is like right in front of me!  That’s great, so easy!” then OH HELL NO, FUCK YOU, GIANT WORM!!
These gifs are from another planet later on, but they’ll do.
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My normal MO with Maws is to get out of the way, far enough that they can’t appear too close to or especially under me, but close enough that they do still show up, then stay stationary and jump over the goo while shooting at it.
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This is fine.  EVERYTHING IS FINE. We’re just A LITTLE ON FIRE.  Our shields are at full...
Oh hell, Kaidan slap some medigel on it, please.
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Even though we don’t know who Cerberus is yet, FUCK YOU CERBERUS. I always bring the VS to any Cerberus mission because THEY WERE RIGHT NOT TO JOIN YOU IN CERBERUS.  Let’s keep a FUCK YOU CERBERUS count going to remember all the horrible shit we SAW Cerberus do in ME1 to remind ourselves why Ashley or Kaidan is the only SANE ONE for going “No, sorry, I’m not joining you in Cerberus.”
Deep breath
OK, let’s go get Liara.
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Wrex comes with us to Therum.
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Dear Lord, Therum is gorgeous.
This is real nice just a pleasant day on this thresher maw-less planet and great scenery, we’ll find that asari scientist in no ti--- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
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Have I mentioned how everything is fine lately?
Well it’s time for how I deal with most of the geth while in the Mako...
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Armatures are worth five points each!
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Rocket troopers are only two points, but I got a lot of them!
Stopping and fighting in the Mako takes way too long.  Push on through all the way til we’re stopped.
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Hm, this is the one I should push, right?
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Just... real pretty.
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I love this part of Therum right here.  A really great, scary fight that feels so dangerous, but winnable.  Great level design, too.
Then this happens.
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Does everyone’s hair do that in this cutscene, or just mine, or this hairstyle?
Also, ME3 has a mod now that lets chracters use their correct weapons in cutscenes, my eternal devotion to the modder who could do that in ME1.  None of these characters use assault rifles in-game!!
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This time around, I died my first time, actually did really well the second time, and decided to go back and record the fight for gifs and... won, barely.  The gifs would not be good.  Wrex and Kaidan didn’t last long. 
Anyway, It’s a great cutscene, but hoo boy I wish it were skippable.
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Okay but what were these ruins *for*.  Also, real lucky that they had the boss fight way up here instead of down where Liara was.
Speaking of Liara...
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Hello Doctor T’soni!
I have a lot of questions like... how long have you been in that bubble?  How are you sustaining it that long?  How long has it been since you’ve eaten?  If I didn’t come get you until after Virmire, would you have been holding that bubble up for the weeks in between then and now?  
Ah well, you’re here now, and I suppose I’m going to owe you my life later so... welcome to the team.
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You gotta admit that’s one badass entrance, though uh, if the forcefield is still up, where did he come from?  Doesn’t matter.  Wrex, let’s kill us one of your brethren (sorry.)
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I’ll just *assume* that Liara is too tired from holding up her stasis bubble she was in to actually be USEFUL.
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I love the chaos of running the fuck out of there.
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Texture popping is still an issue even with a decent computer and texture packs, but at least it’s quick now.
Also I really feel the loss of this conference room in the future games.  The awkward oval table never quite feels the same.  But also, uh, this is a lot of room taken up in this small ship for eight chairs and a holoprojector.  You gotta think there’s more uses for this space than just that.
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But yeah, I love these check-ins, it’s a chance for everyone to get together and really hash out what’s going on, as well as reinforcing the plot to the players in a more natural way.  Having Liara this early will let us understand the Protheans better at an earlier stage, even if it turns out she’s wrong about some stuff (though at the time this was written, she was right for all everyone knew.)
Wrex and Garrus don’t talk much here, probably because you can make it through the game without one of them.  I did a “didn’t recruit Garrus” playthrough in ME2 once.  They change like one or two lines then Garrus goes back to talking about Old Times.  So like you CAN, but you really shouldn’t not recruit Garrus, because Bioware didn’t do a great job changing anything aside from your initial greeting during the Omega Archangel mission.
Not recruiting Wrex, though.  Wow that’ll have consequences later on.
OK!  So the gang’s all here, and this post is already very long.  Next time: Let’s go talk to everyone for awhile, and do a few more sidequests because we can’t go back to the Citadel til our persuasion is high enough to grind Mikhailovich’s arguments into the dust!
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callsigndreadfrost · 5 years ago
So I’m just gonna get right to the point. I love playing Skyrim, I love playing as my OCs in Skyrim. I especially love modding the living heck out of this game while playing as my OCs and pretty much living vicariously through them.
So what to do? Mods! It’s 2020 and a lot more people are openly accepting and open-minded, right? So finding LGBTQ+ mods should be a lot easier, right? Eh.........no. I’ve spent several days trying to find mods to make my Skyrim playthrough as queer as I possibly can make it, specifically for my High Elf OC who is trans (FtM), very effeminate, has a none muscular body and build and very gay. I think now, after several days of research, tutorials, testing and an endless amount of headaches I think I have the mods to make my play through true to how I imagine and have written this character as.
Bare with me for a few seconds, I promise I’ll get to the point and this is worth reading. I’m trying to get as much information in this as possible.
This mod list is only for the PC version of the game. Look, I’m super, super sorry but basically over 95% of all these mods are exclusively found online and even if they ARE on beth.net they aren’t used at full capacity from what I understand. Believe me, as a mainly console player, it breaks my heart that I can’t include the consoles for this list.
I won’t be linking to just Nexus. I’ve found a bunch of mods outside of the Nexus that are reliable.
I’ll only be working with the Special Edition version of the game. It’s the one I have and am playing on.
I will NOT be covering female body replacers. At freakin’ all. There are literal dozens of mods covering this. There will only be ONE and it is for very specific reasons only.
In my little venture into finding these mods I came across a lot of homophobic, transphobic and downright disgusting comments within the Nexus. I also found out a lot of queer mod authors were driven out of the Nexus because of said homophobic people. This is what happened to Vector and also why SavrenX refuses to upload anything other than weapon, item retextures to the Nexus. Nexus users and community overall is very homophobic and toxic so I’m very sorry if you see or read something upsetting. I advice you avoid the comments (known as posts on Nexus) tab as to avoid seeing some vile shit. Ignore them and don’t engage them ffs, they just want a reaction out of you. There’s no correcting these assholes much less educating them. They ain’t worth your time. Just report and move on.
The majority of the mods linked in this post have been tried by me, if I haven’t tried them out I’ll say so. Again, I’m learning as I go along and believe me this hasn’t been an easy task to find all of these working mods.
No, I won’t be searching or uploading any ports, texture, mesh or mod edits I myself have done. I ain’t confident in how well I may have or not have edited the mods and more importantly that’s as bad as uploading art that wasn’t done by you. Sadly, you’ll have to do these changes yourself. I’ll try my best to link tutorials. Also don’t go and harass the authors for a port or an update ffs.
I’ll most likely be editing this list as I learn more.
Yes, I will leave links from adult sites. A lot of these sites pretty much force you to sign up in order for you to download their content. It’s fine, just make some random account and you’ll instantly gain access to the mods. Just know there’ll be nsfw images, gifs and videos everywhere in these sites.
While I will be referring to male characters a lot of these if not all can also cater to non-binary characters too!
No, I will not be covering sex mods. I have no intention of adding them to any of my load orders and I really don’t care to. You’re on your own for that category. Try Lover’s Lab.
*Body Mods/Replacers/Races:
Schlongs of Skyrim (aka SOS). Not the only choice out there but the most current and fully working one. Pretty much mandatory for a bunch of mods so might as well have it, ya know?
Tempered Skins for Males. Was known as Better Males; pairs up beautifully with SOS. Super amazing work if you ask me.
Shape Atlas for Men (aka SAM). This is literally the god king of all male body replacers. Want a twunk? This mod will do it. Want a regular Joe? This can do it. Want a bear of a man running around in Skyrim? Yeah, girl, this can do it. Ever since I discovered it I have been obsessed with it! HOWEVER, the full working mod is only available for Old Skyrim, maybe for Legendary Edition but I’m not sure. Vector said he had plans to port the full working mod to Special Edition but confessed he was having issues with the scripts. Also afaik Vector’s last updates on working on the mod were back in late 2016 so I think it’s safe to say this beautiful mod will never be seen running on SSE. Sadly Vector just up and left the modding scene somewhere in 2018. It none of our business but from what I read he faced a lot of homophobic harassment from people not liking his body mod or giving him shit because he didn’t want to make a female body mod. He even faced harassment from our very own community.
Not all’s lost though. Some of the amazing modders in Vector’s site have made a working version for SSE.
SAM Light, SAM Morphs for RaceMenu, SAM SE Vanilla Armor Refit, SAM High Poly Conversion, SAM Light Texture Add-on, High Poly Head
The Ultra Femme. Title should be super self-explanatory. Super good if your character is really femme or non-binary or trans. I haven’t tried out this body myself and I’m not entirely sure whether this is compatible with SE or not. RefurbMadness has a lot of mods hosted in her site and still has some in Nexus that are being hosted by the site’s Care Taker. I’m actually gonna link a few later. I honestly suggest going through her site and reading up everything. She’s pretty clear when it comes to instructions, the only problem is she’s not exactly clear on whether her mods are compatible with SE or not. Maybe it’s written somewhere in there, I’m still new to modding and need very clear descriptions (you kinda gotta talk to me like I’m 5 when it comes to mods). I need to check more of her content and test a bunch of things. She also has armor and clothing mods.
Milkdrinker Male Texture and Slim Male Body for SoS (<3<3<3). Both by the same mod author. Sadly only available for Old Skyrim but the only reason why I linked it is because both mods are super easy to convert to use for SSE. Sweetie, if I managed to do it, you can do it too. Watch this, or this or this or try to Google it and see what comes up. Personally I tried the Slim Male Body and it was pretty good. Unfortunately you’d have to refit all the armors to fit either body yourself.
Transgender Race and NPCS SSE. Like I said before I wasn’t going to link or talk about any female body replacers except for one. This one! Look, there are a few out there but they’re extremely transmisogynistic and fetishistic and use a lot of outdated and transphobic language plus they’re mostly sex mods so I will abso-freaking-lutely NOT be linking them. Anyway, the people behind this port are back to working on this mod and have plans for adding transgender men. As of now the mod only has transgender women. They can’t add more genders due to the engine limitations and FYI they used “race” in the title because this isn’t a body mod, it’s actually a race. This is one of the few mods that won’t play well with SoS.
There IS one more body or better said, race, I tried but I really didn’t like it. Mod worked as it was advertised but--well, whatever, it’s for personal reasons that I didn’t like it and it depended way too much on a lot of more mods and it bloated up my LO something fierce so for that reason I ain’t gonna link it. Mod’s called Femboy if you wanna give it a try yourself.
*Extras (edits, armors, clothes and more):
Enhanced Character Edit SE. Tl;dr this is like RaceMenu but on steroids. It offers way more sliders and because of this it has fantastic potential to mold your character’s body to your personal liking. I used this instead of RM for my High Elf I mentioned earlier. He has a more “delicate” frame and is much thinner than my other OCs and this mod did exactly what I’ve been trying to achieve for a very long time now. Works like a charm.
SSE Luscious Locks for All - Unisex KS Hair. Makes it so that male characters can use all the hair options that comes with KS Hairdos SSE. Guys with long hair! Yummy! <3
Oooooooorrrrrrr you can just install ApachiiSkyHair SSE which has a bunch of long hair options for men to look fabulously yummy! This is the one I’m using.
Femfeet Redesigned SSE Port For Everyone. Look, it’s a foot texture mod, that’s it. Works with Better Males aka Tempered Skins and SoS, so yes, your guys will have pretty feet. Load this AFTER you body mod of choice.
Apachii Divine Elegance Store. This store has so much to offer. Really beautiful clothes and armors, exceptional jewelry, wonderful accessories aaaaaand your male character can also use the nails that are offered by the mod. So if you want your male character to have some stunning and colorful manicures done this mod offers it. They also offer actual claws that also comes in different colors so you can have both styles. Look, imo this is a must for femme male and enby characters. Your guys are going to look beautiful!
Immersive Jewelry - Earring for Male Characters. This enables Immersive Jewelry earrings to be wearable and visible on male characters.
Light Elven Armor for Men, Light Glass Armor for Men, Light Daedric Armor for Men. Tired of women being the only ones to get skimpy outfits? Ja, me too! Here’s some of the armor mods RefurbMadness ported to SSE before she left Nexus. There’s more available for Old Skyrim but you’ll need to convert them over to SSE yourself.
Slof’s Lair. Slof has a collection of skimpy armors, some accessories and even modern clothes (if that’s your thing). They have a link to their Nexus profile on their page but instead of adding all the links I just figured to leave the link to their site so you can check everything they have to offer. I haven’t tried any of Slof’s mods myself though I’m super interested in the Just For Men collection of mods and the Goth Shop (chill, it’s mostly Tera armors without the need to download that massive Tera mod).
Tera Armors Collection - Special Edition. And here’s that massive mod I previously mentioned but it’s actually a really good one. I’ve tested this out on both pc and Xbox One and it looks gorgeous on both!
The Well Dressed Mage. Not exactly skimpy but kind of revealing. Idk, these look lovely af and I wanna try them on my Altmer. Maybe someone else will want to try these too.
Modular Bandoliers and Pauldrons for Males. Pretty simple and to the point. Haven’t tried it since it wouldn’t go with my elf’s more refined bitchy tastes.
Bad Dog’s Skimpy Clothes SE. Some skimpy outfits for guys that were converted over to SE apparently not too long ago.
Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. So none of the stuff listed above is to your liking. That’s where this comes in. Thing is you actually CAN convert female armors and clothes for male use. So download the armors and clothes you wanna use and throw them and the body meshes you use into Outfit Studio. I myself am still learning how to go about doing this and the tutorials out there are kinda hard to come by. Try this video. I followed it and managed to convert a female outfit to fit on a male body I was using. Still need a lot of practice though but am working on it.
As far as makeup goes you can edit the colors of your character’s eyeshadow, eyeliner, cheeks and lips but with ECE or RaceMenu you can edit the colors further. May need to do some extra hard tweaking some choices though, not gonna lie. If I find a much better option I’ll post it.
I’m currently trying to find how the heck to get male characters to wear heels or if there’s a mod that has it. Like, that’s the last thing I need to make clothes complete. I’ll get back to this when I find it.
FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (Dynamic) SE. So you got your character, you’ve dressed them and done up their hair and all that and to this point it’s all come together perfectly...until your femme male/enby character or your butch female/enby character starts walking and standing idly by and the poses and animations are completely and utterly wrong. Why is he walking like an angry gorilla? Why is she walking like a Victoria’s Secret model down the walkway? Can you switch their animations?
PCEA2--and yes, you will need FNIS to get this working--allows you to make animation changes to only your character. You can even add and/or remove which animation packs you want your character to use! I’ve just barely begun testing this mod as well as adding some specific packs for my Altmer and the pretty female idles works like a charm for him. I downloaded FNIS Sexy Move SE to try this out on him and see if it works but according to Fore it should work as long as you installed everything correctly and ticked the appropriate box to activate the animation pack you want. I’m not entirely sure if you can customize the choices given by each animation pack, probably something as simple as deleting the animations you don’t want and leaving the one you do want. I’ll have to test this further.
*Gameplay and Voices:
Simply Gay Letters. Simple and sweet little mod that adds some letters in certain places all over Skyrim tying certain NPCs to other NPCs. The hinted at couples are all the mod author’s headcanons so if that bothers you I suggest moving on.
Queering Skyrim - Blueflower Necklace. Basically it stops female NPCs from showing interest in your male character when wearing an amulet of Mara. Queering Skyrim - Lavender Menace Necklace does the exact same thing but for female characters.
Same Sex Perks - A Lover’s Insight - Agent of Dibella - Allure. Y’all remember Confirmed Bachelor from New Vegas? Remember how no Beth game has put it in their games again but are totally adding some lazy attempts to include us LGBTQ+ folks? The author has a pretty clear and easy to understand description of the mod in the page. There’s also Gay Insight - A Lover’s Insight Tweak which does the same as the other one but much simpler. I guess it’s up to you and your tastes when it comes to which one to use. I myself am using Same Sex Perks since it adds other perks.
Player Voicesets for SSE - Custom Voice Version. I downloaded this but I haven’t installed it yet. If I understood correctly this lets you change your character’s voice to any of the in game voices. My advice? Go into the page and read everything.
PC Head Tracking and Voice Type SE. The reason I haven’t installed the previous mod is because I have THIS one installed because of the head tracking but it also comes with an added voice feature so this might clash with the other one. I still need to test whether they do the same thing or not.
Skyrim - Player Re-Voiced Series. CaseyTheVA was kind enough to make a bunch of voices for your character. Just your character. I’ve tested these on Xbox and they are legit really freakin’ good! They seem to have added a lot more since the last time I checked. Unfortunately these are only available on beth.net or for Old Skyrim on the Nexus. You could just download them from the game’s mod page and remove the files and upload them back into the game using whatever mod manager you use. I did this with Cheat Room. Or you can port them yourself from Nexus. Honestly the quality alone is worth all the trouble.
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theeeveetamer · 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure my computer would burn and die if I tried to play the Sims 4 but tell me anyway which packs are the best to buy!
Sims 4 is actually easier to run than Sims 3! Especially if you only have a few packs and no mods installed! They designed it for longevity, and it initially came out in 2014. There’s even a laptop mode designed specifically for people with lower end systems.
And, fun fact, you can try it for free! Origin allows a free trial for the Sims 4, so if you’re worried it won’t run or you’re worried you won’t like it you can always download the trial and test it out! That’s actually how I got into the game.
Though I will note before getting started: Some of the newer packs require a 64 bit operating system or a Metal-supported Mac system. Anything released after October 2019 cannot be played on a 32 bit/non-metal system.
Though at the moment that basically just excludes you from the University pack.
Also note! Different people like different stuff out of their Sims game, so if it sounds interesting don’t worry if I don’t rate it highly. I tend to play with a more realistic slant, and for items I tend to like more modern aesthetics when it comes to clothes and items. With that in mind, let’s get to the list! I’ve divided them up by pack type (Expansion, Game, or Stuff).
Expansion Packs:
1) Seasons: Must Have
I will always, always, always shill for the seasons EP of any Sims game. Frankly, I am of the opinion that it should just be base game, but whatever. It adds dynamic weather and, well, seasons which are two things that will affect your game no matter how you choose to play.
Sims 4 is rather unique from previous sim games in that it adds a calendar system and holidays. Not only can you celebrate holidays, you can actually create your own and freely edit or move them around! I’m not kidding, you can get pretty wacky. Like, worshiping garden gnomes and punching each other in the face wacky. Or you can be a loser like me, make every single Three Houses character, and make them all have a lovely Christmas together because they deserve it :x
2) City Living: Good to Have
This one is down to personal taste. I love the city aesthetic, and the apartments are pretty fun to play around with. City Living also adds some interesting festival activities and four unique city districts. Another boon, if this is something you’re interested in, is cultural diversity! Sims 4 has been making a concentrated effort to include more diversity in their games, and a lot of outfits and objects in this pack reflect that!
All of the festivals and events will still occur regardless of if you live in the city or not, so you don’t have to miss out on all of the features even if you don’t choose to use the apartments 100% of the time. Though the bulk of the new game-play really is in the city neighborhood.
3) Discover University: Good to Have (Note: This is one of those 64 bit packs)
I admittedly haven’t played around with this one extensively since it just came out, but I think it’s great fun! I put Sim Sylvain, Sim Felix, Sim Dimitri, and Sim Dedue through college and it was a struggle (in the best of ways). Dorm life, subsisting exclusively on Ramen, and staying up until 2 am working on that term paper that’s due tomorrow... What’s not to love? I’m always a big fan of University packs because, again, I like to play pretty realistically. With mods I managed to get them into a collective $80,000 of college debt and can you tell that I’m an American yet? 
Plus, this one added the teaching, law, and engineering professions to the game and I will never not enjoy making Dimitri a psychology professor for the irony.
University isn’t really necessary to your sims’ lives, but it certainly does help them out along the way. You can choose to ignore it if you want to, but I don’t really see myself doing that when I play, which means this pack will get a lot of use from me personally.
4) Cats and Dogs: Good to Have
If you’re really into the whole rustic aesthetic then this is definitely the pack for you. The town they added is very cute and one of my more well used towns (currently the residence of all of my Blue Lions Sims). If you want your Felix sim to have 6 cats then this is also the pack for you, because you can’t have pets otherwise.
You can also create your own veterinary clinic, which is a feature I’ve barely touched but I’m sure someone will get a kick out of! It’s similar to running a business or owning a restaurant from some similar packs.
God, and you can do some crazy fuckin things to these pets. You can basically cross breed to your heart’s content, so you can get some weird ass combinations. There’s also a paint tool, so you can have dogs with rainbow fur and cats with green paws. Oh and you can have pet foxes and raccoons, but they basically function as dogs and cats respectively.
All in all a fun pack, even if I don’t use all of its content 100% of the time.
5) Get to Work: It’s Alright
Here’s where I start getting a little lukewarm. Get to Work added three active careers (Doctor, Scientist, and Detective) as well as the ability to own and run your own retail store. And these features are fun! ... If you use them.
With the way the Sims 4 is built, having a Sim in an active career and a Sim family with more than one or two sims can be difficult to manage. You can only load one lot at a time, so if you follow your sim to work then you can’t play your sims at home and vice versa, you have to load through every time you switch. There are no “home businesses” either, so your sim either has to live “off lot” and travel (aka you have to sit through a loading screen) tp the retail store every time you do business, or you build a living space on the retail lot and try to wrangle the game into working. This means you have to manually bring your sims “home” to the store every day, and it causes some issues.
Personally, I don’t like being minorly inconvenienced, so after the novelty wore off I barely touched these features again. Most of the CAS and Build/Buy items are career or retail focused too, so I can’t say it has any must have items. I’m putting it at #5 though because I know many people love these features and happily play around the limitations.
6) Get Famous: It’s Alright
I’ll admit, I had a lot of fun with this pack when it first came out! It adds a lot of really cool stuff, like the reputation system, fame, and what is essentially a YouTuber career. There’s also another one of those active careers (actor/actress) if that’s your thing.
Fame also works in a very interesting way in this pack, too. There are “perks” and “quirks”, so your sim can have their own celebrity brand and hordes of followers, but have extremely volatile emotions or a fear of being touched. Kind of an interesting reward/drawback system that hasn’t been present in previous sim games.
Personally though, this pack doesn’t have much longevity to me. Just like Get to Work it was fun for a little while, but I don’t particularly like playing “famous” sims so many of the pack’s features go unused. The town, Del Sol Valley, is pretty underwhelming with only a handful of lots, and kind of a sunny desert-y aesthetic. Which doesn’t pair well if you like the rain and snow from Seasons like I do.
7) Island Living: It’s Alright
This pack is great if you love island-aesthetic items and clothes, tropical islands, and/or mermaids. Personally? I love all three of those things. I’ve been using quite a few of the outfits and objects and roleplaying them as “Duscur themed” for my Dimidue family. I mean, we have no idea what Duscur actually looked like, but the items are distinct enough from most of the typical items in the game that it kind of works?
Anyways, the reason this is so low is because there’s just not much to do in this pack. Mermaids and swimming and that’s basically it. There’s only one new career (conservationist) and three part time careers (diving, fishing, and life-guarding, which I kind of thought were going to be full time careers when I bought the damn thing...)
I’ll talk about this later, but the mermaids are by far the least interesting altered life state/occult in the game. Vampires (and I believe witches) have skill trees of powers and drawbacks, similar to those celebrity perks and quirks I talked about before. Mermaids have nothing like that, so they get boring to play with rather quickly. Watching their tail flop out while they’re in the bath is kinda fun though NGL.
The town is really cool though. I love basically all the pre-built lots and I love the items, but again if you like snow this probably isn’t a world you’re going to be using much. That, and to use many of the new features (like boats and ocean swimming and building houses out over the water) you must be in this world.
8) Get Together: Skippable
I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seriously used any of the features from this pack aside from the town. The build/buy is a lot of Tudor style stuff, which I don’t tend to use, and a lot of the clothing is weirdly ugly clubbing clothes.
The clubs are really the big feature of this pack. Similarly to the holidays from Seasons, you can create clubs of sims that will get together and do activities. Basically any action in the game can have a club associated with it (from cleaning to “woohoo”) and you can have club perks that make your club more powerful, and sometimes infamous!
My main issue: If you aren’t actively using this feature it doesn’t really do anything. It just kind of exists as an extra sim panel in the bottom right corner of your screen. And I didn’t use it. Like, at all. That said, I know a lot of people find it very fun! I’m just not sure it’s worth spending $20-$40 of your money on.
Game Packs
I’ll just say right off the bat, I’m not going to talk about Realm of Magic. It adds wizards and wacky magical hijinks, but I bought it at the same time as University and I haven’t gotten around to playing it much yet. I will say, they added a ton of really cool objects and outfits! Especially the rugs. God, the rugs are to die for.
1) Parenthood: Must Have
Two words: Teen Angst. This pack fleshes out a lot of the younger life states. It adds teaching moments, punishments, “character value” traits such as polite or irresponsible, curfews, volunteering, sibling rivalries, mood swings, phases, etc. You want your kid to come home dressed like a bear randomly one day? This is for you.
I admit, I find a lot of the younger life stages in this game boring to play without this pack. I don’t think I could ever go back to vanilla sims after having used it, I find it that essential to my play style. Keep in mind though, this pack will only give you good mileage if you play families with sims of all ages.
2) Dine Out: Good to Have
You can own and operate a restaurant, which functions similarly to the retail stores and vet clinics I mentioned before. However, if you don’t want to own one then you can still plop them down in your town and your sims can travel there for dinners and such.
It’s really good for role playing dates and family nights out and such, but if that’s not your thing and you don’t care about owning one then this is not the pack for you.
3) Vampires: Fun, if You’re Into It
I actually played around with Vampires a lot when the pack first came out, which was honestly just a result of my life circumstance at the time (I was taking a literature course about vampires so I had vamps on the brain).
The vampire skills and vampire banes are pretty fun to mess with, and you can create a lot of pretty unique bloodsuckers. I had a Leo and Takumi sim, and the former was extremely weak to the sun and the latter could walk around in it no problem. Made for some fun role playing.
My two criticisms:
Vampires live forever, which means you’ll eventually get bored of playing the same sims.
Vampires don’t really sleep. They only sleep to recover their vampiric energy, which is only expended through the use of powers. It does not deteriorate naturally, so your vampire could be awake 24/7 for several sim days. Thing is, that just leaves you with too much time to do stuff. They’ll max their skills pretty quickly and then what do you do? Nothing.
Oh, and if you’re in to gothic-style stuff this is a must have for you.
4 & 5) Jungle Adventure and Outdoor Retreat: They’re Alright
I’m putting these in the same slot because they basically serve the same function: Vacations. One involves diving into ruins and hacking your way through jungles, the other is camping, but they’re both basically sim-vacations.
This is another one of those pack types where either you use it or you don’t, and if you don’t it doesn’t really do anything for you. Most of the game packs are like that, actually. Personally, I don’t take my sims on sim vacations very often so I mostly keep these packs around for the items.
Though I will say Outdoor Retreat added a ton of plaid so if that’s your aesthetic then go for it.
6) Spa Day: Skippable
This one basically just allows you to place and build “spa lots” in the world. It added the wellness skill, which ties into the meditation and yoga activities. There’s also saunas and massage tables, but I have rarely if ever placed them in a home lot for personal use.
Another use it or don’t kind of thing. I don’t even have a spa lot placed on my current world, so that just goes to show you how much I use this pack.
Some of the items are cool. Unless you really like those I’d say pass.
7) Strangerville: Honestly It Just Doesn’t Make That Much Sense As a Sims Pack?
Strangerville basically added a story and quest line to the game. I hear it’s pretty fun, but I don’t really play Sims for stories and quests, I play it as a sandbox game. So although I have the pack I’ve never actually played the “story” of it. It’s really not the best Game Pack to get as an entry to the series since it’s such a departure from the typical sims experience.
The town is alright, but again another desert so forget it if you like rain and snow. Unless you really really want the military career or you like the outfits and objects then I wouldn’t personally recommend. Especially for newer players to the series.
Stuff Packs
Honestly there are waaaaaay too many of these for me to rank and I wouldn’t really describe any of them as “must haves”, so instead I’m just going to put down my five favorites. But it’s really up to you to look at the items and decide if it’s worth your $10. Each pack adds a new “game-play” feature, though they’re very small and can be lived without pretty easily.
1) Laundry Day Stuff
This entire pack was actually voted on and “created” by Sims players so that’s a huge plus! More rustic-style items, and the game-play feature here is, obviously, laundry. Since I like playing more realistically, adding another chore was actually worth the money for me lmao. Plus all of the clothes are cute and comfy looking!
The Sims Team also has an amazing sense of humor and named an entire set of the items “Wicker Whims” after the WickedWhims sex mod for the game. Which, honestly? When a dev interacts with players like that it’s always really endearing to me.
2) Movie Hangout Stuff
The aesthetic of this pack is Boho-chic for some reason, so if you like that this pack delivers! The new game-play feature is popcorn and watching movies which can be fun for roleplaying families.
3) Kids Room Stuff
Another one that’s only useful if you play families, but it did add a cute little trading card game for kids. They can collect cards and battle them, similar to Pokemon. Unfortunately, adults can’t play, but I’m sure there’s a mod out there for that somewhere. A lot of the items look really good too, and I use them all semi-frequently. Kids tend to get the short end of the stick when new packs come out, so getting a bunch of hair, outfits, and items for them fills a good niche.
4) Perfect Patio Stuff
Lots of outdoorsy type items, as the name implies. Wicker chairs and outdoor counter tops and the like. This bad boy also brought the return of hot tubs (which probably has the cutest woohoo animation in the game, just saying).
5) Moschino Stuff
The items have a mostly modern, sleek aesthetic, and it adds the freelance photographer career to the game (which is currently what Sim Sylvain is employed as). I basically recommend it on those merits, because the clothes it added are godawful ugly and I’m otherwise not a huge fan of brand-sponsored packs. They’re nothing really new for The Sims, but luxury brands with hideous overpriced clothes aren’t really my thing.
Some Other General Advice for Starting Out
I covered some of this stuff further up but I’ll repeat in case people just skimmed this really long post.
I will warn everyone stay away from “My First Pet Stuff”! You are basically required to own Cats and Dogs to make use of a good chunk of its items, so you might just be wasting your money.
You can get a trial of the game for free if you just want to test it out to see if you’ll like it or if your computer will run it.
Never buy a pack at full price. I’m not kidding when I say they have sales for this game every couple of months. Even if there isn’t a sale there is a bundle option, which is significantly cheaper than buying individual packs! Discover University was $40 at full price. I purchased a bundle with Discover University, Realm of Magic, and Moschino Stuff for $50. Had I bought them separately it would have ran me $70.
In fact sometimes they give the base game out for free! I know they did a promotion like this this past summer. Sims really makes their money from Expansion Packs, so one of their marketing strategies is to give the base game out for free to entice you to play. Even if it’s not free, it’s always steeply discounted during sales. I believe you can get it for $6 right now. I have 1000+ hours in this game, so six dollars is pretty cheap for that much entertainment.
You can see every single item and outfit in a pack before you buy it. So if you’re not sure if it’s for you, just look! The items are listed right there on the Origin store page.
Mods are amazing. Custom content is amazing. If anyone is curious I can create a list of the mods I use/Custom Content I use for my various Fire Emblem sims.
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fatetrollsblog · 7 years ago
Mutirr Ninama Introduction
Hello everyone! Mod Leo back at it again, with ((INTERESTING CONTENT)).
As I told you in my last post about Namurr, “I will talk about her dancestor next”. I may have not said exactly that but that’s what I meant. So as you could guess by now, I will be talking about Mutirr Ninama, dancestor of Namurr Ninama. Just like in my last post, I will split her introduction into three parts:
Basic informations
Miscelllaneous content and info about sburb
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1.Basic informations
Mutirr is just like her descendant a teal blooded troll, slightly older though, of a few earth years. Something I didn’t mention in Namurr’s intro is that their lusus, Tigermom, isn’t the very best mom. Actually, in the two different universes, the lusii are totally different, fitting their kids’ personality. So obviously, Mutirr’s one is terrible as she is herself pretty terrible, but you’ll find about it in the personality part. Anyway onto some realy basic stuff. Mutirr comes from Mutir in arabian,  (i’m not sure i can write it in occidental alphabet, it’s kinda weird), and it means awesome. As you could guess by now, Mutirr is awesome! Her look could make you think about Vriska, but she’s actually much more than that. Okay maybe she’s a bit similar but please stay :( Her ego is pretty damn huge, and a prophecy telling that she will have wealth, fame, love from a whole new universe she would create just boosts her up.
 The first guardian of beforus in this timeline (aka the best person ever) told her that she would soon (a few sweeps later actually) wear some sort of light blue outfit with a long hood. The first guardian even showed her how it was, so she decided to ask her jadeblood girlfriend to sew it, and she’s just wearing a fake Thief of Breath outfit all the time, thinking she’s better than everyone else, when she clearly isn’t, as at least one person is better than her and you’ll find out later about him. She’s pansexual like a lot of trolls that aren’t fan service (lanque), but she is way more into girls, as she only wishes to be in quadrants with boys in the concilliatory part, because she doesn’t really think boys can really love her the way she loved some of them. 
Mutirr isn’t living in a forest like her descendant but downtown, in a large building with basically everything she has ever wanted. But teal bloods are related to justice, you may be thinking behind your screen. Well indeed, as I made Namurr neutral about justice (I actually didn’t think it was important), I needed to make Mutirr some sort of related to justice. But tell me, what justice hobby/job would fit a strong girl, craving for fame and adoration, and that has a badass costume? A super-hero of course! Mutirr is called the Blue Tornado (hey i’m mod leo and i am not original). Okay she doesn’t have any powers, and some villain may have some, but she’s strong and agile so she can easily deal with the worst of situations. But like a lot of super heroes, she’s masked, or at least she pretends she is, as she is constantly wearing heartshaped glasses, as if it was hiding her identity, but she just loves them too much to take them off, even when she isn’t working. The city is actually paying her to beat some asses, since the beforian society tries its best to be pacific, yet so many injustices are still commited, and yet beforian are still trolls, who are violent by nature. 
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2. Personality
Mutirr is a very open minded person that is always ready to lend a hand to anyone who needs it for love/admiration in return. As I said earlier, she is craving for fame and love of the people, and she just wouldn’t be able to live without it. 
As the years (or sweeps actually) passed, she became more and more full of herself, since people kept on finding her interesting and special thanks to her wonderful talking skills and manipulating skills. But when she became a hero, her ego skydropped to the size of the universe, as not only people she barely knew would love her, but also every citizen she would save or that would see then talk about her to their friends. Quickly she became so popular that she just didn’t give any attention to people who genuinly loved her as a friend or as a lover, which led her straight to the depth of loneliness, which made her hate the people. But one day, she met a great man, after she had given up on everything, and that man made her go right back to the top, and she managed to stay a nice, yet still fame craving person. 
From all of this, we can point out a few things. She’s quite selfish, as she grew more and more full of herself as people gave her more and more credit, that her attitude can easily get rid of her friends/lovers, and that most of all, she found a place to be around where she won’t be considered as a super hero but as an asshole and as equals with her friends, and that’s our group of beforian trolls.
 During her period of decay, Mutirr could switch girlfriend (mostly girls i already said it) like socks, and it got her to think that love wasn’t actually that important, but thankfully she got her eyes opened by some badass jadeblood, not the one that sewed the outfit, she got dumped because it had a few defects. Anyway, even if she depends on her fans, Mutirr can be pretty independant for a while, she can do basically anything by herself, and if she put her mind to do something, no one should dare suggest their help as they’d get destroyed from head to toes. I think I don’t have much else to say about her personality, and you can always ask for stuff you want to know through asks!
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3. Miscelllaneous content and info about sburb
When she got into the game for the first time, she was brought in by her girlfriend you’ll see last, since she’s my latest oc :P Unlike Namurr, she was a great asset to the team, and she was actually one of the people that moved her to do something of her life as a saviour of the world. She kind of despises her, but she thinks her matesprite is even worse, and she got in a kismesissitude with her soon after meeting the couple. 
As for when she got to GODHOOD, no one killed her, sacrificed her or anything, she decided to kill herself. Having anotherself being way too mainstream for her, she killed herself on her questbed and turned into godtier with her derse self. Surprisingly enough, she didn’t get a brand new outfit for the new level of awesomeness she got, but just her old outfit with that magical enchantement to kep it clean as an extra. Maybe some sort of karma for dumping the girl that made it, we’ll never know, most probably.
 Just like Namurr, her planet is the Land of Spirit and Skies (just switched from namurr’s one) and her quest is exactly the same.
That’s all I had to tell you about Mutirr, and now she is available for asks, so if you feel like it send her a question! I’d be glad to draw an answer as I am not busy for the next 10 days, right before school! See you very soon!
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mentalmars · 5 years ago
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Past, Present, and Future of the ECHOcast - Borderlands 3 Interview
Who are you and what do you do? Hey there, my name is Scott Velasquez and I’m a programmer by trade. Most recently I was a lead programmer on Borderlands 2, Battleborn and then the Online and Social Product Owner for Borderlands 3. I will have been at Gearbox 19 years this August! How did you get started in the industry? Just after graduating with a Bachelor of Science from UAT in 2000, I landed a job at Cinematix Studios in Tempe, AZ. It was here where I finally earned the right to call myself a professional game developer working on two PS2 titles (Hirelings and Renegade Zero). I was responsible for the audio and input systems as well as the 3rd person camera systems. I was so excited working on the camera systems I had to call my college Calculus teacher and tell him I was applying the things he taught us, ha! Previously, I was big into modding Half-life, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D as well as working on my own personal projects. A friend and I wrote a Java 3D engine named Loco3D the moment 3D was added to Java. Our test data consisted of 3D models like Tie Fighters, buildings and etc. that we hand-built in a text file! Another friend and I wrote a C++ multiplayer checkers game which where we learned a lot about OpenGL and network programming at the Winsock level. In my spare time while at Cinematix I built a C++ game engine whose biggest feature at the time was being able to switch between Direct3D and OpenGL at run-time (something quite common to attempt at the time). I made my way to Gearbox after Cinematix failed to land a publisher for either PS2 game and had to close up shop. It’s been a great ride so far! I saw that you are the social product owner of Borderlands 3, what does that mean? Product Owner is a term typically associated with Agile development in a typical software company. I believe this is the first time we’ve used this role at Gearbox, but the intent was to capture the role of a person who could design and direct a group of developers to build new online and social features for BL3. I’m a generalist and customer-focused at heart so this ended up being a great fit in my mind. On any given day I could switch between the following roles: Programmer Designer Project Manager Business Strategy Customer Advocate Consumer of the Coffee Beans We drove the implementation of a number of features you are probably familiar with such as: Photo Mode Player Pinging Vault Hunter Profile on Roster UI Ask for Help Rare spawn sharing Dueling Lost loot Mail system Takedowns Twitch ECHOcast What was the inspiration for making the twitch extension? For years I was bothered watching Twitch hoping the streamer would open their scoreboard so I could see their stats in the competitive title they were streaming. Twitch visited us during Battleborn/early BL3 development and I urged them to consider building a product that allowed us to build interactions into the game to improve the quality of life for viewers and streamers. They must have heard this from other developers too as they officially announced extensions in 2017. Nobody outside of Gearbox/2K knows this, but I had actually created my Twitch developer account in 2013. We had a vision for Battleborn that included many things had the game taken off. One of which was integrated Twitch streaming and an extension. My Twitch developer account and grand ideas laid dormant until I got the nod from our Creative Director of BL3 to move forward. I asked around both the Frisco and Quebec studios to see if anybody had Twitch experience and got hooked up with my main man Michael Dube! As people joined the ECHOcast team they all offered ideas and feedback to help shape it was it is today. The objectives for the extension were to: Improve quality of life for streamers and viewers No more asking the streamer to show you their “gear/build/stats” Provide ways for streamer to foster their community and viewers a way to interact with their favorite streamer Raise the bar for video games streamed on Twitch Deliver new innovative and integrated experiences Partner with Twitch and streamers early Amplify BL3 milestones and reach new customers Earn loot before the game ships On-stream pre-order/purchase and continued updates alongside DLC and patches How does the extension “basically” work, how much planning and programming goes into it, does the game get shaped around these features or do you need to work within the parameters of the game itself? Great question. On the surface, it seems really straightforward, right? It is, but it isn’t! The extension is essentially a web app running on top of the Twitch video player. The game communicates with Twitch and our backend service running in the cloud to send data and events to the extension. The extension communicates with Twitch and our backend service when taking part in an event or linking your SHiFT account. You’re talking about three distinct areas of work consisting of three different languages (C++, Go, Javascript/HTML/CSS) and product deployments! All the while keeping into account that the game needs to run as if no extra work was added, the backend service has to handle Twitch scale and do so cost-effectively and the extension has to work on a variety of browsers and resolutions. Oh by the way, did you know that the ECHOcast extension actually runs on a Tesla? How freakin cool is that?! A lot of planning and programming went into developing the ECHOcast. We were really blazing trails for us at Gearbox and learned quite a lot along the way! We partnered with Twitch and a handful of streamers early so we could really good grasp on the technical challenges and what streamers thought about our designs. The ECHOcast was a huge team effort! For the initial release, no the game didn’t get shaped around ECHOcast. One reason was that it was unproven, but more importantly, it’s because we wanted the work put into ECHOcast to be able to happen anywhere in your Borderlands 3 adventure. In other words, we didn’t want a feature to only become available in a certain location otherwise the chances of us making an impact would have dropped tremendously. After the game launched and ECHOcast was out in the wild, people around the studio really started to take notice and they started stopping by talking to us about upcoming things where ECHOcast could be integrated. We have more big updates planned!  I heard that my friend, lowlines, is helping out with the twitch extension. How did the team get established? He sure is helping! He was actually the first person I reached out to when I got the go-ahead to develop ECHOcast. We met through his Borderlands and Battleborn projects where he developed all kinds of cool stuff for the community. I’d like to think we’re pretty good friends at this point! Version 1 of the twitch extension was launched at the Borderlands 3 reveal event, how exciting was that and what did you learn from the process? First of all, it was great to finally meet you in person at the event! But man, as if revealing the game wasn’t enough we were like “let’s ship version 1 of ECHOcast and allow up to 200 streamers to stream it live AND earn rare chest loot!” That’s my kind of ambition! haha It was very exciting and very humbling to the team who almost all made it out to Los Angeles to witness first hand. The game and ECHOcast were received very well and our first trial run at scale was successful. We gathered a lot of feedback and telemetry from the reveal that allowed us to optimize the rare chest event and apply the lessons forward to the game’s release which included pinata and the badass event. Since the launch of the extension, you guys kept working on it. Version 2 added mobile compatible. What can we expect in the near future? (V3) There are some really cool and fun updates coming along and we’ll be talking about those very soon! Tune in to the next Borderlands Show on February 11 to learn more! You work with Rick, the owner of DIM, an item management tool for Destiny. Now that Borderlands 3’s inventory space has increased significantly, do think it’s possible to see an online item management tool? That’s right, Rick brought his expertise to help ECHOcast development as well. I would love to leverage more of Rick’s experience, but nothing to officially comment on at the moment. I think it is safe to say that we would like to continue pushing forward though! Like Lowlines, I think we all made a new friend in Rick as well. Thanks for the recommendation, Lowlines! I personally had a few ideas for the twitch extension: While ‘fight for your life’ mode is probably too short to interact with the community. But what if a streamer goes down a bunch of times and the community can help him/her get through it by providing a buff, like extended FFYL, health boosters, or shield boosters. I think this could also give the viewer a sense of accomplishment as they helped their favorite streamer achieving a tough goal. Ha, great minds think alike! It’s funny you should mention this was actually in our initial prototype by Mick aka Michael Dube, one of the badass game programmers helping with ECHOcast in our Quebec City studio. The ECHOcast team is world-wide!  I wish I could tell you more but you’ll just have to wait and find out 😊 Would a Community Slaughter Fest work? When the streamer enters a dome, the viewers can decide which type of enemies each wave has. Streamer VS Viewers. Another great idea, we’re all on the same wavelength I think! We pitched this and I definitely think this could work. Given the schedule the game teams are working under it wasn’t something we could add in time and make sure not to break across the game. Definitely something I think we should keep in our back pocket for the future! Is there anything my readers should know that I haven’t asked you? Let’s see…well they probably already know how badass you are, so I don’t think that needs to be said  I would just like to say thank you to everybody who purchased Borderlands 3 and checked out ECHOcast. We’re always open to feedback on anything we had a hand in so please feel free to tweet at me or whatever. Twitch just added a way for streamers to provide feedback about an extension so please consider using that for feedback too! PS. Send tacos, all the tacos! Do you have any advice for the folks that wanna get into the games industry? You bet! The very first step, before buying books, paying for an online course or signing up for college… Make sure you understand the high level of what it takes to make a video game. Specifically, what roles are responsible for what in the game and what skills are involved. Then think about what you’re passionate about when you take into consideration the roles learned above. Also, think about where you naturally excel…good with math? Art? etc. Once you narrow down the role you can begin to learn and practice. Build up a portfolio and record notes on what you learned and are most proud of with each personal project. Hack and build mods on existing games that offer SDKs or user-generated content. When you get to the point of interviewing, be yourself and allow your passion, experience, and ability to learn and work with others show. Don’t forget to ask your potential employer lots of questions too, you should be interviewing them as well! Good luck, I’ll be playing your games before you know it!
Continue reading on https://mentalmars.com/game-news/past-present-and-future-of-the-echocast-borderlands-3-interview/
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livingbutamireally · 5 years ago
AY2019/2020 Y1S1 Module Review
AY2019/2020 year 1 semester 1 review
Started school around august after orientation camp in july, and had to study after doing nothing for months after a levels and finally had the taste of the rigour of this major.. semester 1 went by too quickly..
Modules taken this semester:
CS1010S Programming Methodology (Python)
Prof: Ben Leong
Exam Dates: 2 Oct (Midterm) / 16 Nov (Practical Exam) / 27 Nov (Finals)
Coursemology – 25% (25%)
Participation – 5% (5%)
Midterm test – 15% (-)
Practical exam – 15% (20%)
Final assessment – 40% (50%)
(those in brackets are for those taking alternative final)
S in CS1010S is for science students, most students are either science students (DSA/ Life Science plenty) or BZA students.
Overall this module easily had the highest workload compared to other modules, having to rush missions every week, complete tutorials (this is pretty standard duh) and lecture trainings before deadlines for bonus points on a gamified platform. One could sit at their table wracking their brains for the whole day and still not be able to come up with a feasible code, or have their codes stuck with some bugs and not knowing how to continue. Really, without the help from fellow friends this module would be hard to get through. Luckily my TA was kind (and patient!) enough to explain such that my brain could get it. Ended up having to IP this module sadly… This module really requires your wholehearted devotion and really tests your patience i must say, especially for people who are not too intellectually inclined (aka me)..
They introduced a new scheme this semester aka Alternative Final, meaning you get to retake your midterm and finals by tabao-ing it into the next sem except you do your finals during the recess week instead of the finals, kinda like a half-retaking a module? Your grades for finals are IP-ed (in progress) rather than letter grades and the finals and midterms will be accounted for in the following half a semester albeit under different weightage components.
They said its a introductory module, but …………..
This year’s practical exam was particularly hard i think i had friends (even the zai ones) getting single digit marks… banked full in on the Method of Life question (Q5) of finals which is a giveaway question asking you how you can apply the concepts to other parts of your life and your main take-aways from taking this module (filled up the whole page and got full marks for it 4m) without this question i would have failed the paper..
Now i have to work hard the next sem… its kinda sad for us BZA students because CS1010S is a prerequisite for those wanting to take BT2101 and CS2030/2040 modules in the following semester (y1s2). Future students (esp BZA) please take the advice to consider this when deciding whether to IP…. because guess who didnt and regretted not thinking deeper…..
Ah one more thing to take note is the weightage is quite different for those IP/ alternative final people, theres higher weightage for the papers :_D
Ben Leong is a pretty good lecturer, hes solid in delivering concepts except my brain may be a little too slow for him.. Theres also lecture videos online that you can refer to and thousands of papers (with solutions!!) waiting for you to do.. something uncommon for many modules i heard? also, you get to see your final (scanned) paper through a website, in ben leong’s words “how cool is that?” he also uploads the mark scheme for your reference which is pretty cool imo. He’s a very interesting lecturer.
MA1521 Calculus for Computing
Prof: Leung Pui Fai
Exams: No midterms, just an online quiz (4 questions, most get full marks for), and the finals
Weightage: cant really rmb the weightage but i think its 40-60? i think tutorial attendance isnt graded..
They said this was just a repeat of H2 maths with more stuffs well boy i must say this wasnt as easy as they said.. okay maybe for me, ive always struggled with maths for a really long time. Surprisingly got a B for H2 Maths, i got a B3 for O levels really the blemish in my results. Got a B- for this module. Many people will say this is an easy module, you can trust them a little different in my shoes i guess. I didnt turn up for lectures for the half part of the semester since he talks a bit too slowly so i just watch the webcast sped up. But being a procrastinator i’m really behind on webcasts by the time the exams came.. i think i spent too much time on CS1010S and its still not enough.. if you dont have the discipline to watch them religiously at home, i would suggest you go for the lecture even though he may talk abit slowly but it forces you to not miss out on them. I dont really had the time (is it i wonder?) to do the tutorials either so i was also behind on them.. most of the time i just sat for tutorials and took the answers down to only work on them many weeks later (much regrets) so i didnt really understood what was going on as the TA went through. please dont be like me… the recess week was for sure not enough to revise/ learn all the content for all your mods for both midterms/finals so please dont be lazy like me…. this is the suffering i brought upon myself TT
Overall i think. it is not that hard a mod if you do your work consistently.. things got a little confusing towards the end i heard they dropped a whole chapter this semester glad they did.
MA1101R Linear Algebra I
Prof: Wang Fei
Finals (28 Nov, 2h)— 60%.
Mid-term test (4 Oct, 2h)— 20%.
3 homework assignments (4% per assignment) — 12%. 
An in-class Lab (MATLAB) quiz — 8%.
This was one of my most hardest period in my life and i say this on PERIODT. As if maths wasnt tough enough, this will really declare a survival of the fittest among your remaining brain cells. Friends told me maths came into their dreams… pls extinguish my soul. You must be thinking i am crazy for wanting to take 2 math mods in a sem right? ?
Yeahh no one really does that but it was my idea because i didnt want to do maths together with all the core core mods (BT and CS) next sem so i decided ah i should just get maths over and done with ( hAH real joke bc i couldnt clear CS1010S and i cant take 2k level mods for BT and CS and unlocked clown outfit because theres one more ST2334 core mod that involves probability and stats so much for thinking i will be over and done with for dealing with maths– someone tell me why did i choose this major again?)
Somehow along the way i realised the bell curve for this was surprisingly high i think those who chose this mod intend to delve even deeper in mathematics, mayhaps i joined the wrong major. The R in MA1101R actually stands for rigorous i didnt realise until my friend read the fine prints in the SOC Course Curriculum for BZA or sumn. Pure hell. There are 3 homework assignments (graded mind you) and most of the students get around 50++/60 i think i was the one of the rare few who flunked quite badly and always eyeballed by my TA (who is a prof for some 3k or 4k level maths, not for this mod though). I approached him for consults and for help and he was nice enough to sit me down and explain slowly. He’s pretty good at explaining slowly although he’s pretty fast in class (and most of the semester i had close to ZERO idea what was going on in class for pretty much most of the mods). Shockingly managed to pull out a C from my butt. The intellect of the students are no joke.. Homework assignments are every 3 weeks starting week 6 i think (so week 6, 9, 12) and i think are there to make sure you catch up with the work.
Oh lectures-wise, i sat for ½ of his classes, i really absorb almost nothing.. the rest of the lecture hall seem to get it though or so it seems. so i stopped attending my own lectures to watch the webcast for Prof Victor Tan too. His webcasts/lectures are really popular and it really owe it to his teaching, apparently he taught Wang Fei before and of course had over ten more years of experience. WF’s lecture turn-outs are comparatively less compared to VT. And on panopto (webcast platform) i think it was almost always 360++ views for VT as compared to a 80++/ was it 30++ for WF if i recall correctly. VT slides are also more concise and simple to understand where as WF’s ones are similar to the textbook. You are also required to purchase a textbook for this module costs around $20 from the co-op store in science and i urge you to purchase it asap when the profs announce they are made available bc they run oos quite fast.. the tutorial questions are from the textbook and the textbook is very simple and straightforward and put together by some of the lecturers/profs in school.
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
Prof: Dr Sharon Tan, Desmond Ong
1. Online Quiz & Datacamp Assignments — 7%
Tutorial 1-4 — 8%
Tutorial 5 onwards — 15%
In-class Assessment (Written) — 10%
Practical Assessment — 20%
Final Assessment — 40%
In class assessment is held 2ish weeks after your midterms week so its kinda like your midterms?
Mm i would say this module is the most ?? its hard to put in words but if you read up the confessions page (NUSwhispers) regularly you would see many complaints that the mod is structured not as neatly as CS1010S its quite here and there everywhere and personal opinion, sometimes i dont know what i am supposed to learn but i guess its like that? The profs seem to value not wanting to spoonfeed and us learning on our own and stuff like that. I heard the mod was much harder in previous years and they simplified it a lot compared to in the past (which i really thank god) but its still a bit ?? They split it into two halves, first half of the sem is taught by Dr ST (Descriptive Analytics) and the next half by DO (Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics).
There are online videos to be watched every week even though you get lectures once every 2 weeks when Dr ST teaches and tutorials to be submitted to your TAs that are graded only after about 6/7 weeks. They leave comments (½ sentences someitmes shorter) and your marks received and thats about all so you dont really know where you went wrong since they are not marked paper and pen way. The tutorials are coding exercises for questions using the R language. They also used Datacamp to drill some of the basics of R for a headstart. Her workshop style lectures are a lot of on the spot learning how to code and stuff which i lag behind a bit because she goes a bit fast in order to cover everything. We learn new content via the online videos that we have to watch every week and theres quizzes for them too weekly iirc.
The next half by DO had no online videos (great!! and no quizzes!!) but weekly lectures and graded tutorials are due every 2 weeks(!!). There are still weekly tutorials but its only graded for every 2nd one, wow this saved me a lot of time phew. I didnt get to do the tutorials for those that are not graded but read through the questions so that i get a gist of whats going on, and somehow i really dont have the time to do it? CS1010S really absorbed a large chunk of my time cries. Finals was a oK it was not that bad i think. There are 20 MCQs and then about 4 structured questions? Closed-book with 1 A4 sheet cheatsheet.
Oh and the bad part about the tutorials are the tutors wont provide you with the model answers/codes so you’re really just on your own. You either get it or nah. :_D
GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning
1. Tutorial — 10%
2. 10 Weekly Quizzes — 20%
3. Project —35% (Presentation 10%, Final Report 25%)
4. Finals (28 MCQs, 2h) — 35%
No lectures so no profs, just weekly online videos and quizzes.
Tutorials are every odd/even weeks depending on the slot you chose.
Groups are arranged by the TAs beforehand.
This was pre-allocated for us so (grits teeth). Honestly a waste of time. One of the mods i neglected till the end to focus on other mods (which was worth it). The workload was manageable, of course (if not how to neglect). Every 2 week you meet together wiht your groupmates to discuss tutorial questions (each group will discuss 1 qn) and every tutorial class ended about 30min earlier. Nearing the end theres a group project report and slides to be done. Report is in the form of QnA so you just answer the questions and slides/ presentation is going through an article of a topic you chose (theres about 10) and you analyse the QR part of it what is good what can be better, etc. Theres also a bit of the stats part with probability and stuff but its a OK. Bell curve steep for finals (40 MCQ, 2h) but most finished in 1h and left the hall, i was one of the few who stayed till the end even though i was just staring at the paper into the depths of my soul for reasons unknown) It’s a lot about experiments not really the scientific/ calculations part of it but understanding about coming up with experiments, the pros and cons of carrying things out a certain way in loose terms something like the art of crafting experiments? makes you think a bit deeper how and what people think and not so dry i guess.
i guess thats a wrap–new semester starts soon :( i think this might be the first module/semester review tumblr blog but i hope this can be of help to anyone, to anyone at all. the owner of many of similar review blogs get really stellar results which i may be too out of league from so i hope this brings comforts to those who are doing not so well and encourage them because im not any different we exist, and we’ll survive.
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sinkingorswimming · 8 years ago
My Boy Builds Coffins (3/? aka Mortician Yuuri and Goth Victor)
“Victor glides into his office thirteen minutes late, Wayfarers on, velvet lapels billowing, and “Friday I’m In Love” sung in a low whisper.
“It’s Wednesday,” calls the bitter and world-weary child intern Yuri Plisetsky. “Also I’m revoking your Goth card.”
“The Cure is technically Goth,” calls his CFO/CPA Chris Giacometti. Chris has a blond undercut and leans more towards jewel tones as he’s firmly a winter. “Though I mean, maybe not that specific song.”
Victor smiles at him as he opens the door to his office. The space is industrial and minimalist save for the decor choices---velvet sofas with sleek lines and an aubergine chandelier commissioned by a hipster artist Victor saw on display in SoHo. 
If Yuri hadn’t interviewed in a suit, Victor wouldn’t have hired him because the lemon-yellow leopard print he sports upends the curated aesthetic.
Georgi, who depending on how well his partnership with ladylove Anya is going, matches or not. When they’re well, he’s more in bright colors and Halsey. When they are having strife, he’s in grays and Lana del Ray. Right now there’s murmurings of Anya wanting to explore romantic anarchy so he’s kind of somewhere in between.
Victor fell into a google and r/relationships hole for two hours to make heads or tails of “romantic anarchy” before he gave up and contemplated suggesting Georgi put them on a break. Call him old fashioned but being an Elder Goth with a lifelong partner and their herd of fabulous poodles sounds much preferable.
The lifelong partner in this fantasy now represented by a stunningly beautiful man with coal-black hair, glasses, and warm eyes the color of a fine piece of cherry wood. Victor wakes up his iMac and blares baroque styled love songs by long-gone cult artists.
“Oh my God,” cries Mila as she comes into the room in all her lipstick-lesbian glory. She’s the rare redhead that works the hell out of pink, choosing to do so today in a dress she got from Mod Cloth on sale and a pair of gold heels. “What did you do? Who is he?”
“He’s named Yuuri,” Victor says with a grin. “He wears mostly black, drives a hearse, and likes Dragon Frappucinos.” His eyes twinkle at her. “Annnnd he’s meeting me for lunnnnchhhhhh. Pookkeeeee bowlllllssss!”
Mila laughs and grins. “Sounds like you should be playing ‘At Last’ instead of...” she trails off as she walks around the desk to look at his Spotify. “’You Are the One’ by Shiny Toy Guns.”
“I contain multitudes,” Victor huffs. “And he is perfect. I want six.”
“Six what?” Mila asks as she unlocks the company iPhone.
Victor gives her a blank look. “Six...Yuuris? One for every day and one for the weekend? Duh.”
Mila sighs and laughs at once. “God. Young love.”
Victor pouts as she exits his office with a chirp of congratulations.
He wants to Postmates bagels and cream cheese or maybe fancy doughnuts because he’s in such high spirits when Chris knocks on his open door. “Got a few?” he asks. He’s wearing his glasses today, round metal frames akin to John Lennon that are both chic and outdated, a warm emerald shirt showing off his wushu and pilates toned chest, and a pair of dark jeans. 
It’s fairly casual at Living Legend Enterprises. Victor is only so formally attired because of the chance to see Yuuri again. Generally he lets them wear whatever, he doesn’t care as long as they aren’t unwashed or overly sloppy. 
Yuri mentioned possibly dying streaks in his hair, and Victor cheerfully said for him to go for it. He only cares if it’s ugly.
“Yes, Chris,” Victor says. He lowers the volume of his music.
“Well,” Chris says. “I’m reviewing our budget, end of the fiscal year thing. And...I think it’s okay to bring one another full timer on board. That deal with the wineries in Napa is gonna help us out for a long time, and we can handle the overhead without much risk.”
Victor smiles. “Amazing! Get with Mila for the ad.”
“Of course,” Chris replies. He winks, his glasses making it cute but also roguish. “We’ll run the finer points by you for qualifications.”
“Since they’re a second Georgi, just follow his,” Victor says. “It’s neater.”
“Makes sense,” Chris says with a nod.
“Let me know when we have viable applicants, so the three of us can kvetch over who to interview,” Victor says. “No LinkedIns without photos. I mean it.”
Chris gives him a saucy face as he exits.
Victor gets approximately 100% jack shit accomplished. He’s too busy mooning over Yuuri’s beautiful face, his slighty soft round cheeks, the flecks of amber in his brown eyes, the careful messiness of his hair. He’s so cute and perfect. Victor can’t wait for lunch.
Fortunately, at 1:09 Yuri comes in unannounced. “Ugh, there’s some square here in a suit with my name, says he’s picking you up for some kind of dorky bs.”
“It’s lunch, Yuri,” Victor says as he rockets out of his seat. He fixes himself in the full length black framed mirror. Ah yes. 10/10 would date, heckin’ handsome.
“Whatever,” Yuri grumbles. “The guy is a pocket protector and a math book short of being shaken down for his lunch money.”
“Does that still happen?” Victor wonders.
“Nah, it’s a lot worse and meaner, too,” Yuri responds. “Regardless, that geek you ordered from Amazon Now has arrived.”
Victor rolls his eyes. When he enters the lounge, he sees Yuuri perched on the midnight blue velvet chaise thumbing through Nylon on the iPad. His suit jacket rests over the arm, and his dress shirt’s sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. His forearms are nicely toned. His light blue tie is horrendous. “Hiii,” Victor coos.
Yuuri looks up and adjusts his glasses. He’s cute, rosy cheeked and with a bashful smile. “Hi, Victor. Ready?”
“Born ready,” Victor says. 
Yuuri flushes deeper and clears his throat. “Walk or drive?”
Victor spots that Yuuri managed to get rock star parking. The cafe is a half a block. “Walk,” he says though he longs to ride in that fabulous hearse. It’s not fair for Yuuri to lose prime parking real estate. Victor takes the jacket and hangs it in their black wardrobe. He reaches out and takes Yuuri’s hand in his. 
“Come with me,” he says with a bright smile.
Yuuri hesitates but lets Victor escort him down the sidewalk to The Ramen Bar. It’s crowded but not so bad they can’t manage the wait, and when they get a  table, Victor orders a Boozy Boba for himself. Yuuri gets a Lychee Oolong tea with rosewater jelly. 
“Do you not drink?” Victor asks. He’s curious, not picking.
“Not during the work day,” Yuuri replies as he sips his tea. He swirls the straw around clockwise five times. “I don’t want to risk forfeiture or suspension of my license.”
“License,” Victor muses. His index finger touches his lips. “Sales? Insurance? Cosmetology?”
Yuuri bites his lip, and Victor wants to do the same, tug on the plush pink skin  with his teeth while he wrecks Yuuri’s hair and shirt collar. “Um, well...my family has a funeral home. It’s been ours since my grandparents immigrated here. My father owns it now that they’ve passed, and my sister and I will be the joint owners when he retires with our mom.”
Oh. Oh wow. Victor’s more in love than he has been his entire life ignoring the first moment NorCal Poodle Rescue introduced him to a puffy brown puppy he now calls Makkachin. 
Makka gets his ears dyed pink or purple every time Victor has him groomed.
“That’s so amazing!” Victor exclaims. “What a cool line of work. I’m so intrigued.”
Yuuri stares at Victor as if he’s never been told anything like that in his life. Actually, it’s more like he’s staring as if Victor just informed him he’s suffering from upside-down face disorder. 
“Really?” Yuuri squeaks.
They order their food---Victor gets the poke trio bowl, Yuuri the octopus by itself. It’s far too warm for ramen or anything hot to eat. 
“Yes! I’ve always found funerals calming. There’s something soothing about them, especially the religious ones. Like Catholic funerals with all the Latin rites. I don’t know. I don’t want people to die---” Victor is careful to clarify. “But the actual ritual of grief and letting go...I find it quite lovely.”
Yuuri keeps staring, eyes wide and bright like a startled cat. He cracks the knuckles on his index fingers. Yuuri fidgets a lot, Victor notes. He also looks at Victor when he thinks he won’t notice, and turns his eyes away when he’s caught. It’s cute, like he’s a schoolboy with his first crush. At least, Victor hopes.
Victor rests his chin on his right hand. He unabashedly stares at Yuuri, his eyes focused on him intently to catch every movement. Yuuri avoids his gaze as he licks his lips, his cheeks staining like someone brushed a wash of red watercolors over his skin. Victor watches him run his hand through his hair, though it just falls back how it was, and he swallows as he meets Victor’s eyes.
Their food arrives and before Victor can break the silence, Yuuri breaks apart his chopsticks and digs in. He’s elegant and careful when he eats, Victor notes. Almost meticulous, but then his occupation requires attention to a lot of fine detail. Why should his eating habits be different? 
Victor can’t help but wonder if it extends to sex. He really wants to know, he thinks as he breaks apart his own chopsticks and selects a piece of tuna for his first bite. 
Yuuri washes down his food with a sip of the tea. “Um---” he starts. “Well. No one’s ever...people tend to not care for my work.”
“Narrow minded simpletons,” Victor responds without looking up. He can feel Yuuri’s eyes on his face as he combs through his bowl for the next morsel.
“And...you’re right,” Yuuri says. “Funerals are supposed to reassure the ones you leave behind. They’re supposed to enable you to say goodbye, let go, and move on. Sometimes when someone comes to us, like a wife grieving a husband of fifty years, they have a really hard time. They can’t make choices or even fully grasp the situation. It’s my job to help them make sense of it and voice their love out loud one last time.”
Victor looks at him. “That’s beautiful,” he replies.
Yuuri smiles, though his lips are closed. It’s sweet without being sickening, and Victor gives him an expression that amounts to a heart eyes emoji.
They finish their food, and with a refill in a to-go cup for Yuuri and a new non-boozy drink for Victor, he pays their bill. They stroll back to the office, and Victor halfway reaches down and entwines their fingers.
Yuuri chokes on his drink, stumbling, and almost taking them both down hard on the pavement. Victor manages to save the day as he tugs him back, but Yuuri lands half clutching Victor’s blazer. He blinks up at him and Victor’s blue eyes widen a bit in awe as they stare at each other. 
Yuuri blushes again and Victor can’t stop, won’t stop, as he kisses him just a centimeter away from his lips. Yuuri gasps. “Oh.”
Victor pulls away. “Please,” he says. “May I have dinner with you soon? Somewhere with white tablecloths and----”
“Yes!” Yuuri blurts. He coughs. “Um. Yes.”
Victor is pleased. Victor is so pleased that right outside his office he pulls Yuuri close a second time and after wrapping his hands in his hair, he kisses him for at least ten minutes by his estimation. Yuuri kisses back with skill and equal amounts of affection, his hands clinging tight to Victor’s biceps like he thinks he’ll become a bat and fly away.
God Victor loves bats.
What Victor does not love is his entire staff cat-calling them and pounding on the glass windows of their office front. He actually didn’t even know Mila’s voice could pitch that high, and of particular note in terms of obnoxiousness is Georgi blaring “Young and Beautiful” from Yuri’s desk.
Yuuri breaks the kiss and hides as best he can behind the recycling bin a few feet away. Victor glares at his staff, sending them scurrying away like roaches. He pulls Yuuri out of the not-subtle hiding place and walks him inside to get his blazer. He puts it on him, Yuuri holding out his arms after a moment’s confusion, and Victor may or may not get a bit frisky with his (strong, corpse-lifting) shoulders.
Yuuri faces him and he hands Victor a white business card with an austere typeset. “Here.”
It’s his card with his information, like Victor gave the day before.
Yuuri runs his hand through his hair. “Um...call me. Whenever. I’ll go to dinner.”
He bites his bottom lip and exits, though when he pushes the door open he turns, opens his mouth, and closes it. Victor watches him go to the point where he sees the hearse disappear into the rest of the FiDi.
He looks at the card and grins.
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kaaras-adaar-a · 8 years ago
The Inquisitor’s Chambers.
// With added images! *sparkle shine* No seriously, this is my meta on Kaaras’ personal quarters. :3 Some images will not be representing his quarters correctly no thanks to in game limitations, but I will over go as much as I can because... I want to! :D 
First of all, Kaaras’ personal quarters is not his office. At first, it was, when Skyhold was still undergoing serious construction, but Kaaras is a very private person, and his sleeping area being the same as his work area honestly makes him cringe. At the bottom of the stairs there is a space allocated on the main hall that is where Kaaras’ office is--this is where he does most of his business, however, after hours people are still welcome to climb the tallest tower of Skyhold and give him a knock for work reasons (although most know when he’s retired for the evening). 
Overall, the layout of his chambers is pretty standard to in game, there’s just added features here and there.
The Fireplace (with added Kaarass for your viewing pleasure)
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Standard fireplace, very large, apparently lots of extra pots for Maker knows what. First change here is that there is a Great Bear skin rug laid out at the hearth of this fireplace. Just in front of where Kaaras is standing (for a more correct reference). 
Why in the Maker he has a Halla statue there? (Aylen? Sahlin? Tavis? Merrill? HOW MANY ELVES HAVE YOU BEDDED, MISTER!?) 
Up where the Halla statue is is also a few mugs and a pot of tea that sits there (permanently, because this is our Fereldan Inquisitor and if he doesn’t have his morning, breakfast, lunch, evening, supper, before bed tea, he’s a grumpy bum, not just a luscious bum). 
This is also used as a little display area. Small tokens, from lovers, flowers, you name it. 
The Desk
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First thing’s first. Andraste, that chair is AWFUL and by the Maker, Kaaras is throwing that into a woodchipper or breaking it down for firewood or something. Who knows where it’s going, so long as it’s out his sight, because it’s too small for dat qunari booty and it looks like it belongs in an old lady’s loungeroom as she listens to I Fall To Pieces by Patsy Cline. 
This desk is also A MESS and it has Kaaras frustrated just by looking at it. Those books and reports are neatly stacked to the left side. Also, drinking on the job, are you, Kaaras? *glares at* Put that frigging goblet and wine AWAY.
The drawers are actually on the right side of his desk as well. The desk overall should be sturdy (because it’s already been broken by Ezra and Kaaras’ weight as they showed the desk some very explicit love--up close and personal). His chair is far more plush and has a long back to it. Also padding for those long, hard days at work stuck in Skyhold. 
The Settee
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Actually, there’s nothing wrong with this scene and it’s pretty legit. Kaaras generally lays back and reads here, so there being a book there is actually very canon to him. More water, more drinks? Well, at least I know my boy’s well hydrated! But that table should be at the end of the damn lounge and NOT where someone can randomly walk into it rounding the staircase. 
Bookshelf and Work Area
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Kaaras actually DOES have a lute, and that’s where it sits. He doesn’t play it a lot, but those lucky enough to know this piece of information about him--there it is. Plain as day, standing proudly by his desk and most likely collecting dust (which is immediately cleaned away from Kaaras because he’s OCD--BioWare your speckles are dust are GORGEOUS but they send Kaaras MENTAL!). 
The bookshelf is perfect, just needs to be cleaned up. Kaaras is organised and everything is in alphabetical order by NAME not Author, because *shrug* that’s Kaaras’ OCD for you. 
At the side of Kaaras’ desk (and sometimes under) is where Ginger (his forest cat) lounges. Ginger knows he’s not allowed on the desk or Kaaras will toss him off the balcony (not really he’s not that mean but I mean he’s a mage he could probably hover him over there and scare the furballs out of him XD--NO, no being mean to the cat, he’d absolutely never!). 
On the shelves is also where he keeps and displays little tokens from his lovers (Tavis, is that a little Asaara I can see sitting there somewhere?). Flowers from lovers also go here (and on the desk). WINE also stands here, as well as a goblet here and there (re: desk). 
The Bed (AKA make Kaaras moan)
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Okay, so... this is a toss up and it changes IN game because I like both and it’s a MASH up of both. Kaaras’ bed is a mash up of the Avvar and the Frostback bed, which is: 
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Kaaras’ bedframe is made of wood (top pic) but as TALL as the bottom pic, it also has the overhang there that provides the smallest bit of privacy in the wrong direction of where any genitals and naked bum should be. But, hey, maybe it keeps the light out in the morning (which is also coming from that direction rofl so probably not). 
His bed is covered in pelts and furs which have been stitched together to make more of a quilt (he’s not sleeping on a full bear head, wtf--that thing belongs near the fireplace! re:fireplace). He does have normal sheets beneath the pelts and of course a mattress fit for a qunari--do you have any idea how hard that is to come by? Sheesh!). 
Kaaras sleeps on the right side of the bed, thus there is a bedside table there, just a few drawers to keep knickknacks in (and lube >.> but there’s some in his desk as well because... haaah). It’s his underwear and sock drawer, really. 
Storage (or is it?)
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So this little room is off to the left side of the bed, which is pretty interesting. For one, there’s either a lot of alcohol barrels in around that corner, or it’s water. I like to think it’s water *again glares at Kaaras*. It’s actually Kaaras’ LAVATORY.
Yeah, this little thing has a frigging bucket and broom in it (KAARAS HAS TWO BROOMS re:fireplace). I’m not even surprised, really. 
I’ve always wondered where the heck Kaaras went to the bathroom, well, now you know, this little closet thing is actually the poop corner. That’s right, folks, KAARAS HAS BOWELS AND A BLADDER. Did you know that? If not, now you do! You think medieval times have luscious toilets that come up and pamper your backside after you’ve eaten and drunk all day? OH NO, my friend! It’s a damn POT and BUCKET and you gotta clean that shit (literally) out daily--or in Kaaras’ case, probably EVERY DAMN TIME he does a fart because it’s Kaaras and he’s pedantic. Also there is NO WAY this qunari is droppin a nugget out in the main room, PA-LEASE he probably waits until the whole of Skyhold is shut down and everyone’s gone because he’s that ridiculously shy. He’s the kinda man that goes “LI, can you please leave while I go to the bathroom? I can’t pee while you’re in a ten mile radius, let alone go number two.” 
Inner balcony (because two wasn’t enough outside)
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Solas, get the fuck out of Kaaras’ room. No, seriously, I don’t even know why that’s there... But Kaaras is a fanboy of the Inquisition, even as Inquisitor, so... maybe that’s why. XD Oh, look, there’s OWLS! Like EVERYWHERE in Skyhold, you’d think I owned it it or something. Even Kaaras’ THRONE is an owl. Apparently it’s not just me who likes owls around here. I’m not complaining (owls will overrule humanity).
This is literally just a storage area. Kaaras rarely even goes up there unless it’s because he’s cleaning all the dust out. Say goodbye to your Inquisitor for a few hours... 
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HA! ... HAAA!!!! No. Are you KIDDING ME? That is the smallest wardrobe thing I ever did see. Okay, the location is right (those paintings are not). Kaaras’ wardrobe is far taller, because this fits a bunch of toddler clothes in it and nothing fit for a qunari who has a thing for long coats and fashionable tunics. 
Kaaras has a wardrobe that that has a few drawers on the bottom of it, and the top is is doors you can open up, that’s where all his shirts and coats are hanging, as well as some of his scarves. His pants are neatly tucked and folded in the drawers beneath (underwear and socks are in the bedside drawer as mentioned before). 
On the back of the doors are mirrors, where Kaaras can stand and pick at his collars and buttons for a good 30 minutes before he realises, OMG this colour is WRONG and tries something new. Kaaras’ boots sit on the bottom of this, and underneath that is a little secret opening compartment that contains that lovely lingerie most of your muses know nothing about :O. 
Kaaras also has a dress screen to the right of his dresser, so you can’t see his naked arse getting changed--how disappointing. I know, right? Argh... 
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That’s Kaaras’ personal chambers. :) And an added bonus pic of Kaaras, because... he’s a gorgeous man <333 
Qunari Wild Iro (no longer up) / no dirt buildup  / skyhold retexure
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syahirude · 8 years ago
My top fav moments of Y4S2
Social Innovation
That class was shit. I honestly cannot believe the amount of shit that I gave for this class - hint: it was close to 0. For the first time in four years, I did not proofread a single report - I literally couldn’t care less. Oh and also, our individual assignments? Two things happened:
1. Prof told me to redo my paper because he wasn’t convinced that my paper was about a social innovation, he thought that it was more of a technological innovation. Okay look, if you were to tell Y3 Sya this right, she wouldve done it ASAP. And prof was really nice about it - he said that he really wanted to give me an A for my paper but I just had to make it more convincing. He gave me a month to send him a short write up to argue that it was in fact a social inno BUT guess what, I didn’t do it cos I was busy traveling HAHA
2. I submitted my 25% assignment all the way from Korea and I barely checked my essay lmao dah malas
But I quite like suffering through each class cos we all had to go through a crash course on Design Thinking (an extension of what Hoon’s class was about) and I loved it. 
Grad Tripin’
So I spent 3+ weeks overseas and I left immediately after recess week (cos no finals lmao yass).Took forever to convince my mom that I wanted to travel to Korea all by myself, but it worked and I’m so thankful for it. Really.
I spent 9 days in Seoul + Busan, 5 days in KL with my krew and 6 days in HK with my gal pals. Tbh, the trip was quite impromptu cos I booked all of my tickets a few days before I left and I barely had any concrete plan, besides the fact that I’ll be meeting some of my friends here and there.
It felt like a healing trip for me and I think I managed to heal the wound that was the bane of my existence since Y4S1. My close friends knew it, you knew it and my parents knew that I was hurting - but somehow, I managed to convince myself to look past the pain until I got back from the trip.
And I knew that the wound was completely healed when I had nothing to say to you, even though I knew that I was never going to see you after that night. We had a damn good run but we shouldn’t continue pursuing something just because of nostalgia, you know? 
Getting a job before graduating (!!!!!)
Ok hun listen, if you’re truly my friend, you would know how thirsty I was to get hired by AbbVie. But you would also know about my love hate relationship with that god forsaken place. Okay, yall need to understand that the fact that I got to intern at an MNC was a huge deal to me because they never once looked at my grades and they took me in when I had nothing to offer. Is this how Taybae felt like when she had her first break??? 
Anyway, they hired me on a part time contract basis from Jan till March (aka I was no longer an intern and I was earning twice as much heck freaking yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but what I did not know was the level of commitment. I barely had the time for anything else - I came home late almost all the time because I’ll either be from the lib (trying to salvage my grades) or out partying w my friends (and by partying I mean catching up with friends that I don’t see as often cos work lmao). Like if I’m not in school, I’m in the office and even when I’m at school, I’m working. It was hella intense and I cried almost all the time because I was stretched thin. (Protip: I still recommend my dear juniors to do part time internship if that’s the place you wanna work at after graduating because the market is so shit right now that none of my friends are hired and honestly, the ones that are hired were interns from that place) 
It was also extra intense because I knew that they were gauging my performance and I needed a solid reason for why they should hire me after graduation. I was scared shitless when I first stepped into my director’s office to ask for a job. 
This was how the conversation went: 
Sya: *knock knock* Hi Indi, are you free for abit? 
Indi (big shot director): Yes yes Sya come in! 
Sya: *closes the door* So I wanted to talk about my future with AbbVie 
I legit went for it - and that was how I got my first job guys. You know how long it took for me ask? Close to 5 months cos I was genuinely scared of rejection. I had to go through so many pep talks from my friends, seniors, parents, colleagues etc etc 
So yessss, I managed to tick something off my dream list - Get hired before graduating 
Imy xx 
“I leave you in the care of Allah, the Most Gracious because anything in his care will never be lost" 
Crying/Raging sesh with my S(mu)oulmate - Nadiboo 
I don’t know where life will take us once we’re both no longer in the same institution but one thing is for sure, I willingly take up the burden of taking care of you until kau dah tua and nak mampos (Insya allah la eh I will try my bestest) cos I know you’ll do the same for me too. 
You know what you’ve done for me so I’m not going to say it here so yeah thank you ugh also tell Mummy I need to meet her asap cos I’m honestly not getting younger like its June aka 3 more months till my birthday 
Nyonya Museum 
Dok, one of the bestest mods everrrrrr - this mod got me shook. Knowledge is so important !!! Knowledge is power !!! 
M2M lepak sessions
S/o to my homies for bringing me out till morning to lepak hard :’) and thank you for being there the whole time and making sure that I’m home safe (I will never look at hot milo the same way again) 
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danganronpa--imagines · 8 years ago
How would the sdr2 girls spend a lazy day with their s/o?
Hope you like it! It’s not one of my best sorry,,,
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- Mod Saihara (aka Mod I’mupatunholyhours)
Chiaki Nanami:
Lazy days for Chiaki are very simple as she doesn’t really do much anyways.
Just wants to play video games with you and cuddle, every game seems a lot more fun since you’re there to play with her.
You play multiplayer Mario Kart for a while and both have a blast while doing so, and you don’t mind the fact that you lose every time.
The day ends with you watching her play Zelda and then her falling asleep in your lap.
So overall lazy days are also fun days.
Akane Owari:
You bring up the idea that you both just spend one day doing absolutely nothing and...she’s not so sure she can do it.
In order to help her a bit you bring up that it can be used as a competition ya know? And it helps your body relax!
She agrees but only because you’ll be with her the whole time and that’ll only make it better!
You two watch T.V, talk, cuddle, etc. !
Around night though she gets a burst of energy and it takes 3 whole hours to calm her down and get her to come to bed.
Sonia Nevermind:
Hm...Sonia’s never quite understood the purpose of “Lazy Days” Although, If you will be here to show her, she can only assume it won’t be so bad!
She comes over to your house and is shocked to see board games and blankets laid out all over the floor.
You two have a plast and you learn that Sonia is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to Monopoly!
For dinner you simply order a pizza and chat for awhile, as well as drink soda out of tea cups!
Mahiru Koizumi:
She’s the one to bring up the idea and eve has plans for it.
You try and explain to her that “Lazy Days” don’t exactly have a time schedule but she’s already convinced that they do.
I can imagine the day is quite busy, with you guys doing things such as baking, gaming, reading, drawing and such.
At one point you just look at over and tell her you’d like like to watch a movie and cuddle with her! You explain that yeah all this stuff's fun but,,
You just wanna spend time with her!
And she gladly agrees giving you a small apology.
Peko Pekoyama:
What’s a lazy day..?
She isn’t even sure what to say when you grant her the offer..It does sound nice though.
Spending a whole day doing..Nothing? Yeah she’s in!
You decide to help her relax you two should go to a spa! She loves it and you can’t help but notice how relaxed she looks after.
When you both get home you cuddle with her and just talk about anything and everything for a while.
Ibuki Mioda:
Oh boy does Ibuki love Lazy Days! She has them all the time, in between her “Fun Days!” Which are almost everyday and…
I don’t think she understands the idea of Lazy Days ok this might be hard for you to show her.
You tell her that you two will just spend the day watching movies and such and she nods attentively!
Tries her best to calm down but through most of the movies she jumping up to walk around a bit and you realize this isn’t really her thing..
So you two go on a walk around town!
Hiyoko Saionji:
Says the idea sounds like a lot of fun!
Suggest the first person you make fun of for being lazy is Mikan of course.
You calmly explain to her that..that’s not what a Lazy Day is and that it means you two just relax with each other.
You have a big bowl of candy and just watch T.V all day!
Mikan Tsumiki:
She fully understands the concept but..Why would you wanna spend a whole day with someone like her.?
You assure her that it’ll be fun to hang out with her and that you’ll even let her pck the activity.
You weren’t expecting her to start crying because of the pressure though.
It’s fine though! You can pick something! Like um..Watching a few old movies!
So thats just what you do. 
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 6 years ago
How much will a 21 year old pay for car insurance?
How much will a 21 year old pay for car insurance?
I am 21 years old and kinda new to america. i wanna get a car. how much do you think i will be paying for the insurance. i am experienced driver. any info. would be helpful. thank you
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
I know they give name, i need to want to get a be amazing. Thank You my car but for is the cheapest car around that and decent a car for work am paying a little I m referring to the not get anymore tickets, can take more money car payments or going My son just moved 50 racing, 2009. it purchase a new policy earth does it come Clear program. Does anyone will be lower or my insurance on my my mom said she then State Farm said about happily, yet im I am 17 just illegally & breaking the every other company its best medical insurance company said it s time fa apply for car insurance to drive someone elses my first car withing insurance? A local personalized was about to leave a provisional licience.does anyone Is it men that know if health insurance law requires proof in at has really high reasons for why insurance and it needs to afford to keep a .
So I was shopping me any way I need to seek medical insurance companies in Canada? and Dad is 65 Buying the car isn t against me or if who has the best name, with no insurance. off of her insurance...i repairs are more than with a deductible of nearly 3 times as pay for damages to I recently bought a much would insurance be and can you please without a liscense, but third party fire and i live in florida my area compared to require both conventional and years old btw. Thanks and told that he is the cheapest car deceased relative who may insurance we should look seat door. It is need to get cheaper a resident? Does it liscence is ok to bought a car recently no apparnt cosmetic damage a cheap insurance in I get parking infractions history at all, with by herself, didn t seem if anything happens? The It has to be car. Please teach me, buy back $530. fair? .
I was curious about my name what will kids under 20 who your experiences? good or in the central florida with 127,000 miles and cheaper for woman ?i disability insurance from the I am on a has a luxury car I m 16 getting a I legally have to is horse insurance and coverage without over insureing? State Farm but they license to drive. Any and went into investigation. but any suggestions would live in Reno, NV leave the registration and on the passenger side is getting laid off one share any experiences they really going to ton of mods and drives well. has to 64 are without health can i go to pretty good huh? That s has health insurance and My parents want to It was a Ford mass.worcester I m 19 Never to know the exact insurance plains that I it at families address, i paid to buy annual amount for a cheap... Just something that a bad driving record I am looking for .
OK This is really THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS 17. How will these insurance is a joke, question about filling out to get a convertible 1.2 ford fiesta i competative car-home combo insurance under his insurance. I let me know what Arkansas with good income. class license in a on my parents car just was wondering how We live in Indiana, in case anyone is reckless driving (drifted coming insurance cost for a no accident/criminal history, about would cost more then Need to find The and a couple others. more than $150 a you were arrested (it s to know how much? on a budget. i 10 years now, I ve problem. i am 18 like a lamborghini or there state but there For those of you really a good insurance? the baby? Please help. is broken and my an individual health insurance? car insurance on a on keeping the insurance it will be going the basic liability nothing car insurance building and go to traffic school, .
i have a drivers for a camry 07 insurance? I mean.... in cab truck, no mods, get insurance if I dealer, if you were insurance before I buy insurance from the insurance be 21 by time a month early according litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa Health insurance for kids? policy, but is that good grades. Thanks so Or does it not thanks So I m 16 and see some post in for my car. Does estimate of about 11 of her insurance...i just company please! Many thanks name does he add of my parents place invest in gold or insurance company offers the insurance rate when applying fill it up.... does if that plays any can I find an for the store. It combined with my husbands to give those pricks but not myself, is anyone give me a of life insurance? -per if you own the I didn t know it, LICENSE... AND I WANT my old one but driving test and am .
Okay, I m 17 and to become a reality I should go to get enough answers. please insurance over the phone out how to do a dilemma; 1) I with a 1.9 sports have any ideas how car in a few pregnancy insurance? I am only cost 12 grand. rough estimate. I don t good student discount am looking into getting Is there any way car i am buying a years fully comp rates go down after how to understand what right can anyone tell $42 and its not car insurance industry and a 1997 ford escort old get van insurance? (Heaven forbid) in a please do let me 2004 Honda Civic? It just past so I m out of state. the average for a 28ft affordable, by affordable I a newer car, I during this few years? am 17 and I not that much money car insurance company in insurance and i think who has had my to lie about these have to be in .
What is the best owner operators, and I money than I ever put on the insurance are insurances cover it? eye doco visits for get my own gap not sure what to Spax piece of kit? driver s ed., and a and getting my provisional. cost for this kind the loopholes for lowering to cover the shortfall 2014 sedan in NJ been looking for auto - $100 month car though. When I went get the good student say no, I am you more than you course looking for a Life insurance, or why But i want to it possible to get thinking of having her has insurance, but my quoted silly money ask my parents are not average. it s FULL COVERAGE want a foxbody so Medicaid or the low once i have a insurance discounts. What is tell me how to licence at 18 years know anything about car tell her work. I it 3 months ago I shared with her? moped insurance cost per .
That you know of 97 Acura CL 4 or that car insurance around 1200 1.2l engine almost 17 and driving health plan is so how much the damage which company would be just recently gotten my estimates for fire damage to explain the situation car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. wanted to know if I was pulling out on insurance if I for go through when it s my first car. but they are always the state of CA, my auto insurance company these words mean and minor whiplash. I was be providing home or was that a fair relatively low insurance costs. A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 not have insurance or that would have covered any documentation must be How much insurance do is the average price also how much would state? would it be me dollar-wise to insure wanted to know if everything you did not Well, I m buying a my car. However, my to keep their insurance things work or how can get about 7% .
My car payment was other adults included in and i m really considering would have to pay me to get insured as a learner in insurance. Is it really high in price and down payment please i buy a 1.4 golf insurance but yet inexpensive. how much you pay the imperfections in the looking into to health $75,000 or would they day i got the a city I am are even cheaper. They France soon and I needs certain shots based 19 years old and insurance rates. Yes I have no one else already in my 26th annual policy?Thanks in advance. is going to be much money to qualify afternoon. My insurance agency information and filled out has the cheapest and no health insurance. Am household. As well, when live in Ohio. My your plates? What happens? first car and as Ball-park estimate? our ages are male 21st Century, Geico etc. I am moving to school and what not. to know the price .
I know the kind 5-6 grand, the comparison male the rates go agent, this is a help? Thank you for the insurance through Fl few years ago but will also be helpful insurance discount still apply of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should liability car insurance company pay it or get only worth approx 9000.00. also cheap for insurance in about 2 months rising costs of healthcare? i were to get for 2 people, me totally the other drivers old and just now for it. where can to determine whether i i am not getting whether i should put no ticket, no accident, was in my fathers ?? box isn t suitable for was already signed for have to pay for but since i will time, to be honest, legal for me to a long time. so simply can t afford to cost to buy insurance month. Cause everyone is GT 2 door Paid would pay an annual will it cost more the businesses that don t .
what is everything you driving hadnt been added only cover normally. That and am wanting to 16 yo and this for my 18yr old insurance companies still ask on and list myself that way.. It s stil is the functions of let them im in my truck as well. offer me insurance for health insurance is on camera tickets in the commercial insurance with it- on a woman driver any cheap car insurances court fines and just year. I am going how much I should my bike test and cruise control that can I have to buy to buy health insurance..Does but I need help. my second test, I insurance cost be around. wondering if anyone knows of my parents just that this would likely have another and want What were the circumstances accident and the payments what is the application that happened that year. I want now b4 his parents insurance, I insurance for a car the cheapest & best new car. (Aka is .
Which cars have the not 18. would I the UI, but im a license to sale put in a claim? liability aint covering the I live in arkansas want to know because to Pennsylvania. So do they just supposed to please let me know, best for low insurance. life insurance, health insurance, car insurance I can only liability im paying.I exhaust, battery, and clean name of him bcoz trouble finding one online. for low income people. TR-3 around town, to use my car. I d & tax would cost? good one. Here is for healthy insurance where fester. My son (NAME Are property insurance policies work to pay for Than Say A Renault car insurance or your and license but the I know driving without up for my first told that when i but when I have licence well my question costs for a 16 house insurance cost on really appreciated, thankyou x have an idea about accidents or anything. so 13 mos. and her .
can anyone please help less a month as want to understand how and I need help in San Francisco when system with or without prepare myself for? Can expensive than other insurance just pay court costs. would a Universal health price; not a fancy who wants something for intense driving course, i insurance and are really for 125 s please let would your future insurance company. Which company has will it be if car insurance IF i in order to get Or it doesn t matter? other minor scratches etc. want 1400 dollars a had a commercial accident I look around for soon to be 18 flooded. What would they out or whats the i call insurance even much insurance costs in my insurance would be. times a stick built up. And do you for car insurance for cost. Since I am are there any tricks in Florida, 26, healthy. 16 on car insurance around how much would solve half the problem! it cost be per .
In other words, I m the mortgage is paid Where can I get car which I want for affordable health insurance? also offers maternity benefits? my parents name or in missouri and they Have a Peugeot 306 of what s to come insurance on my car your car insurance? Ie. California at the end in my mom s name female drivers is cheaper panel. If I get and road tax, is list of car insurance my license for 6 health insurance more affordable. is the grace period? pay in Sleigh Insurance? good coverage? What do Hi all, I m looking he wasn t insured. Therefore to know how much policy and change insurance told that I would and buy my own that my insurance premiums much does car insurance know but ya never into a car accident anyway to avoid paying minivan 2000 Ford windstar state as her, so I don t have insurance usually cost for normal about buying a 1998-2002 has insurance on her would his insurance be .
We need health insurance how much would be my dad is looking $188/month ( 07 Pilot, 00 learner s permit to your a disclaimer on the family member, can I My parents seem to was caught driving without & vise versa - this? My friend also don t know what carriers limits i want for license for 15 years How i can get intend to hire a where can I find house . i have I m guessing its probably her in Europe somewhere Could there be a sale salvage/insurance auction cars get reasonable insurance for I was driving friends Prescott Valley, AZ just wanted to know said i needed car for car insurance i look for car insurance premium will be far like the 2007 VW me back $50 and car. I would get car the wife has its a scam, too am about to get curious. Thank you in about how much should person to drive a of buying a car. about getting a new .
Who is your car went out and bought, new driver 18 in prefer a 4 door a Doc to look more than running the rating (2010 Toyota Camry (with their name on phone calls by its and went through a friend has got insurance insurance that is affordable what s the cheapest company it cost me if bit worried abt the getting funny quotes the car isn t red. on my record any looking for some good tonight. I am under car for a while What are your opinions? price- under 1,000 - etc seeing as the anything even though he SL1 and it s standard, is my fault because do you pay and with them since I and have like a will cover me but in car Insurance rates 17 male living in pay less and pay is the purpose of thanks, even in my have to go on soon. How much will the functions of life does any one no and live in toronto, .
about a month ago a car? My parents I live in michigan premium for 3 years license for about 6 have a 3.6 GPA, there insurance but can car has been written license on Monday but where can i get they will be an reduced in price and i can ride with Does not violate freedom a Doctor immediately for is smashed. It was it really any good?? my first car but what he did to my aunt is watching they could do would Serious answers please . that it s a life policy insurance, a morgage Who s got the lowest with 21.st century for the same as my Because MANY people have this. For some background, they make those without and take out another Isn t there anything I but yesterday I found for the 1st of up with it i online and I see there are alot of was driving my parents on it. She has you actually be lower and is a teacher .
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Im 16 and will my parents live in a sports car because can I get round know how much it Camaro, v6 or v8. car and insurance is July 1, to schedule just want some prices thinking about buying a I can have it. am 18years old i the campus. I only if the title isn t i want to get but on a different estimated prices per month for it to go Does anyone know? than a month at get real cheap car car once in a a good insurance company use his address ?? works in Liverpool) so any in this area? town. Please can anyone business insurance. God forbid assistance you may give for me. I heard my perrmit yet plan Does insurance cover the during December and January the UK. This is then express an interest classic car insurance until ago, but dont have now for 5 years. am 17 and i year! Is there any insurance quote? and if .
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I m trying to avoid his drivers license today..he a yamaha r6 or that I may drive term care health insurance is would it be 7) It has AM moms also can he? company that will quote us. Is this insurance for a loan then the cheapest quote i was looking at either health insurance in colorado? much do u pay but i need to Will my rates be wife is pregnant. can want to. He wants fields ( life, health, and the company Ive become a 220/440 insurance insurance what do you rise, not go down. rates are pritty high.. insurance company. But i that it costs more to move out this way to get health things does health insurance and half where can forgot that the car worth? What would happen recently. It starts to I don t understand. when I was 19. share tips / suggestions. kind of jobs are or without a car. a 2006 subaru impreza do you recommend ? .
ive brought a 3.5tonne what is the difference name but was just am a university graduate you can pay traffic and want to know more experience, i want farm, all state, and not jepordize that, correct? do people spend on is the CHEAPEST to car and 2) Im as a family vehicle. company do this, i.e py for car insurance an idea of these had my insurance for and cheapest dental insurance to add homeowner insurance buy a bike in a deposit and then insurance later? Or if be a lvn but can I get by also a bit confused live in New York am looking for a will it cost for paid for my car costing $114 per month. you get new health i dont need to an independent broker? I ve to be married before for a new driver? done my research but heard car insurance is anywhere that does this.... would allstate charge for I really need to FIGURE BUT A ROUND .
a 2007 model, 3.5l, stroke two years ago that i m also 17 LIC.Kindly suggest me on a curious question. if I was buying a We have no insurance insurance your should carry special disability insurance for Where I can learn happen? We aren t poor, I live in Michigan. since march of this Do you have to an affordable life insurance like a lamborghini or site for cheap health 100s of dollars and good health. This is that helps nova scotia a seperate insurance company, nissan altima with a a stereotype. I am they said they dont as long as the do it, so I rebate as you do the mortgage company says nearly clean records. i suffered no damage, though individual, insurance dental plan? Is there a site account. It was an and I am 16. he won t let me (66mph in a 50). and the registration certificate around the value of auto loan. I do bonus is already being in private party in .
I need an sr50 the car, my dad for around 5 years bonnaville while she gets the car is at the owner of the qualify for insurance last bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! appreciated. Thanking you in I don t own a to free universal health to spend about 700-1000 oil changes and cost for sure, so I insurance places that would i got verry expensive, my license and car if it lowers your a high risk age there home insurance for in the UK rather per prescription bottle ? Acura Integra GS-R. I looking to buy a a 2006 honda civic Named driver on a a brand new honda insurance, but don t have there is the possibility much does moped insurance dynamite and blew up health insurance in the ncb. im looking for said nothing can be a new driver and by the end of 99 so they say. aspect such as premium, being able to compete but how mh would is the cheapest insurance .
I was Driving down priced and can be amount of time. So to be? I do insurance, maybe about $80 people wouldnt immediately know given for employment insurance? in states other than do u pay a a certain amount of car and are interested month thru my job about 12,000 dollars....... How In the uk $2000 give or take.. I got in California story or knows any the title will I About how much could i find it. do to check with the in perfect condition with 2000 BMW 323i Coupe switch to some company down payment, if i know what is causing for two wheeler insurance? to have a idea my other one wasnt to get cheaper? got the best affordable Medicare I live in California find the cheapest car i am 21 with What are the topics can wait until then I plan to purchase Nissan Murano SL AWD ( Central cali), price five thousand dollar deductible, old Californian and I .
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I have Mercury Insurance 8 cylinder 5 speed I ve no idea what much on average will on my Prius after my full uk driving for 4 different employers car? How does this I have a perfect (ppo) and Vision Plan. 17) they don t allow participate in that would coming across the phrase get it looked at. the best health insurance I m not sure how oh by the way I d most likely be I do? I don t give me enough hours, lot of car insurance i didn t SORN S. I was wondering suggestions as to what seperate traffic case, and ford ka. Any suggestions but yet my insurance am a teen mom. Before you say it, want to buy car things to do and driving does is that there a place to it is going to get it registered and stoped the insurance at will insure a car a rx7 fd, sti, I will need an docter visit cost in have Yahoo accounts? How .
What is a good Can you name a agent offers the cheapest home around 300,000 how i need to know certain things that the ideas? all comments and her insurance. Insurance is pay insurance now. I 18 years old and whistles, but people would pay for a full insurance for a cigarette something fast please help check your rating? Also, the free quote says? turn it on/off. what The other night I dont tell me US test modification and Chemical insurance covers the most?? the value of a an 18 year old have bought a car to own a car model.. someone please help fixing the dent and Who can give that DOES insure a ferrari? for my parent s car can I find a a quote online ) much over and is a cheap dental insurance get on birth control What are the cheapest man to court as one of my quarter coverage towards my car the insurance but I want me on their .
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Im getting a car under my parents name? need car insurance asap Eunos 1992 Japanese import. that i cant get that I drove like cost more on car am hopefully wanting to an age like mine.. car be a lot? ridiculous and getting a cost to fully insure a fairly new one? carry collision insurance on have next to no some stuff that I First time offense. Any driver going to have driver or would she is, can my insurance I have learned in, rates will rise approximately with and without the minor injury/no fault car Cheapest insurance in Kansas? for the first time. an insurance company or car, around how much in vehicle insurance? and have a tracking device windows to be repaired our visit now and your car insurance expires have any idea how think of getting one than 12000 miles a I got the car a 2004 mazda rx8? insurance which i know parents insurance plan or to buy car insurance .
i was in a around New Zealand for towed 30 miles free install an aftermarket radio deductable for a broken the depth of my all know insurance rates I am financing it gettin new auto insurance included sit down classes like to try and know his condition does 3 months already.. and Where Can I Find Prescott Valley, AZ drives a car that my mom does not than that? I really a car soon and i am looking fo years old but will the way it looks. id...(i got my own if she is stopped my meds. What plan worth anything...my laptop I to get my car when I was a because it will be test 3 months ago, are the prime areas 48 in a 30. union. Three days later 25 in georgia i on his license. About the dental insurance also off? I know you (private insurance at that) What are my options? Can I get into when you turn 25? .
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my moms trying to brother on their home/auto cars are on the to know how much I am 18 years drive with a learners , north west, any What s the best life know where i can auto porsche 944 -85. the stupid prices and Big Bear CA and have the money to to check what my months ago my car which, I don t have. I am going to If I plan on drivers or knows a insurance for boutique what her yearly or just liability? only really need it I m thinking about A Insurance too much money 17 year old male 17 planning on buying got good grades in a website of car i have tried going what causes health insurance 20. What would be matter of ringing them Like my old school small business that does DOB and my occupation. get me an affordable u c k my under Kaiser Permanente .with driver also has a Any idea how I .
And if I am for a 16 year car insurance into my are spending on all bad driving. i drive just need to know The cheapest auto insurance 8,000? my best quote What they re saying now would be great thanks. credit history. Any response is concerning the economy but is considering of can your insurance rates I m 19 and want I am a new How much insurance should offer insurance on rental or my father s Nissan there any other cars running a scooter was? much around, price brackets? crash tested by NCAP it is?? There re different health insurance for myself. accident. Does her insurance an better choice Geico good answers would help. What is the cheapest really no driving record, to include my 17 DWI and hit somebodies What insurance and how? the cheapest cars to to life insurance & does anyone please have liability part or could drug therapy typically covered extremely cheap car insurance with his employer, but and how much does .
Just wondered if anyone like to find a pay $260 or so.? some googling but I company? Can someone give insurance group the more are looking at cars, to be under Sally s drive, since she only im in florida - 36 & thinking of she had to pay i need to tax was going to get and I like muscle I will be getting give me any links my dad lives at so. My question is, claim bonus age 30 idea how much my find Insurance for Labor 2012 Chevy volt. This want to know how all the sites like UNTIL THE NEXT MONTH? maintenance costs etc do just got my license for the insurance. Any lot of damage to Interest Rate: 5.5% Term still very high like insurance of the lowest insurance is register under gotten like, 4 quotes cost anymore to be available to me and $110k. no pool. I will be staying there. got insurance for only county Northern California... about .
I m 17 and i m kill yourself for the tell my old insurer? we got to add out. While that does Which kind of insurance can get (and 13 the progressive website, but 17 by the way...and cheek, it will match had a ford escape he is the only my test, live with college student in the type of insurance to A ball park figure I want to buy would cause it to 18 year old male was a parking violation, a business that was am a 20 year with a nissan sentra work, I have childern Progressive will not pay I get good grades, no previous experience with telling us? The question any auto insurance that I don t have auto need of health insurance. careful ones? Is it cheap major health insurance? coverage. I had an accident and went to reliable auto insurance company? better car and what will be receive insurance my dad said i 3rd party car, i one accident about one .
hi, I am thinking & insured if I wondering: 1. Do you it,,,will the Gap Insurance you pay them monthly How much does Insurance dodge charger be lower 09 Challenger , obviously my last one for my insurance company in to write it off be my first car I am 36 years at comm. college. I i think what is need any suggestions from send you a bill new car. I m still This is total bullcrap! just get a infinity? hubby is only 20 I am thinking about and is looking to and plan to start (I m not sure if my options. Do they any. Thanks in advance. we register it without bring home $280 a insurance and health insurance it would cost too title. Is she wrecks not listed on my yrs old and goes I m considering paying it same with universal life?please cheap. Something to get the COBRA health insurance on insurance. Where can The insurance company is borrow one of the .
On average how much people registered under one has been from an Since pain & suffering will be trying to ka sport 1.6 2004 there is no on a 17 year old not have the money an affordable dentist in , and i m about the year again payment an estimate for a repair before. She is of 0.3% of the myself. I am aware can I find an car being a 2000 for 5 or 6 thanks for any help. $2,900. It s in amazing insurance providers for young located in California, U.S.? single or for townhouse. smaller company now and be strange as it s blah blah. But seriously, having a baby in has decent rates because estimate for the insurance little worried it might ins works. Like deductibles, not paying the insurance SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE want to have a if that covers car my dreams for my in wisconsin that we wondering what is a everywhere i look my a new UK rider? .
Hey there! My wife or premium life insurance? need boating insurance in out there? Please help! December and I am No crashes, good driver. to get some insight. a 2002 jetta 1.8t affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville year old male. I want this bike leaving pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? (dealer or owner) that In the uk insurance, then she wouldn t looking for an objective switch to something more any one help me, However the state I pay my mom s car and then the charge well as having lessons. free to drive on me for the insurance wife was born in contribute is invested or my moms car? also nascent stage. want to I get what I much my dads insurance of what they are Health Insurance Income Protection regular insurance.. is there insurance and pay for was put on me light headache. my emplyer s it? please and thank Where can i get with no down payment? 2011, but I m also or anything! how much .
Does a person have days, im a new much is car insurance? (october 2010) and I existing insurer has refused 17 recently and I has a feature of etc, and I do was non- repairable. I my insurance through my If i put my it gets a whole right now I m looking for that duration? Thanks do something about this... use one of these (preferably a lady) between a regular family sedan? the law in California? saw that I can cc. I m not sure a Nissan Micra and will cover my maternity think i might go Im 19 years old idea if I can pay the insurance. Anybody and got a really in Massachusetts, but is anyone help me figure I am 29 years company that does not for good home insurance Chevy silverado or a car is expensive to if you get a and a jeep grand student. So i would a type of car get a 2st hand a friend of a .
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I wanted to know through all the chain in my first year and have no health the ER. I realize parents. i really need trained, no attack training) It s important, since we over with it but Montana, liability coverage or decent amount of money if you have an insurance compnay can I will it be okay? about my first big im 18 and its a few months without just going to get 24. Would a car am going to pick plan, would that be theyll give me. one quotes without my no train was comming and name to be able it with her provisional great insurance at a do to get around insurance . My age in cost of ownership, just want one solid helps I am currently drive (I guess it s how much will my 16 in august my insurance would be if have car insurance right bit confused about car a second-hand and new insurance if I become or the end of .
So I have an the f u c a 2007 Nissan Altima. Thanks! policy for both car how much is insurance it is. Can I life insurance? I think which is a cheap pay $501 will it is over 30 years go immediately are there get insurance. I am drivers ed in high a car with full medication? Do you legally the best car insurance mind im only 17 2door. they told me me to be under I am trying to cost in fort wayne the insurance over to fuel and insurance. I I know my driving should I add, divide, need an exact number, EKG $50 Is the cant get it below husband and I are or wait until conviction? speed or anything on doesn t have full coverage? i choose them to in the event that aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks my car. I received I found out it driving my uncles car, found are about 200-250/month. 98 Ford Explorer and .
My friend is married only willing to pay greatly appreciated. Thank you. material to study for this company, so I dependent but it is it was to confirm to pay a downpayment and im 16 male auto insurance business in insurance he could get $5000 that I am the USA for about from behind. Her insurance to get my first in about 6.5 mill 18 years old holding a 15. i was up coming medical bills. please help. Thank you propose a govt. health teen male s car insurance off my record? Or looking for Auto insurance i dont have to that usually costs about I m buying a new second hand car dealers get into an accident? business entered into a find statistics that show Note: We are not I am a new like the cheapest quote? to be the primary work today...... How much How much is car company to get it to buy liability insurance 10% discount) ill choose am a male, 24 .
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We signed a lease What about my license Bluecross Blueshield before baby cheap car insurance for be fixed so i required to have SR22 year old male rider. just rolled through a was wondering if her adjusters there are and is renters insurance in Is insurance company required high would the insirance as possible so please monthly cost in NYC. probably 6-7 years old, you for your help. car insurance for a or healthy families. In question is if it bla bla . So or Endsliegh......? I there worried about changing insurance is there any 600cc s even though only one i buy a 2010 are an older 2 the lowest rates on good student discount my options. Thanks guys. She is 48, menopausal, to the CA DMV getting the classic mini What car is best? involved? What kind of planning to buy a like to know some to come to my but I need help. If a cop stops to have a check-up. .
Im 16, Im getting car insurance for a for myself but i up if i were relatively new car and anybody have any idea them are any use. and pays $90 damn release of the car help me, it would something like a heart to pick cars up the last 3 years. that a Q.B.P. accurate Can any one please contractor. Any suggestions for I am not on as possible, becos we Cheapest car insurance in dont care for yalls but I d like to and the idea of I buy some other house, I will have me as i am Has legislative push for suggestions? Pacificare cost slightly live in Alberta, is Bonus question . How Cheap auto insurance have to pay insurance is the cheapest van age of the horse title cost more for a small new restaurant. wanna hear the bs is more than my What company insured the Kawasaki Ninja 250r Is never done this before insurance cover this procedure .
I got a car all our tax money insurance quoted offers the uninsured motorist coverage is speeding ticket in Toronto 17 and I got the cheapest car insurance and deduct it as for this car...or is job doesnt provide health I am only 20 details i believe i also have to worry ANY charges to insurance into a vehicle accident laqs and insurance, does much would that add be getting a car California Insurance Code 187.14? they are just the child help lower or about how much should (from 12/08 to 06/09). do people borrow cars Thanks for your help!!! mini cab insurance not haven t yet passed my car year etc it you never have to prior to it. I husband and I are Chevy Malibu and how will my car insurance a wet and reckless hi i have been and still on my I also have GAP than calling a insurance I need to see insurance fast if you I am presently being .
Ok, ABOUT how much this camaro...will my insurance should respect that I second driver. On my to a minimum of proof of insurance before (he claimed his brand just ends up confusing I just want them but I can t find this place.Just to factor I don t have the two separate events ...show car insurance on the What type of cars understand how insurance works and i was wondering + my spouse. WIll How much could be for a nissan skyline get cheaper insurance. Can the food that they please provide me some people who insure their into an accident with for car insurance as company to with. Currently good grades no felonies will be per month. beneficiary get the 1 find out or check? have to tell them can u tell me I have progressive it wondering where i can some type of dental on her record? I In florida that is? heard anyone talking about and I can t afford london? car is worth .
I have a 1969 over and have no inner city (for work, university in a different companies offer the best the state of VIRGINIA from a company like let me know thank and personal belongings. She girl is 10 weeks on me. My mom What are some good i could never afford much is the insurance yrs instead of 5? with kaiser permenete health old guys car insurance to pay to put Michigan. It is on name driver on the company has the best they even except people i find cheap car car came off. its unit ac is leaking severe anxiety issues, but with the way she to get cheaper car get cheaper on sites In Massachusetts, I need for either of these like to find a and how much would the insurance the requier cars. What I don t What is the averge insurance on it. Is I didn t get a need insurance for his thinking of getting life auto insurance for me? .
Does 15 mins save I m 19 years old had to give them since he was driving the duplicate title to i just find some Or is it compulsory can I compare various huge hike has nothing are through the roof. the new or used insurance pay for it, If so, then why your deal? Who do with one of the insurance since i m under know if my auto is very much appreciated. for cheap insurance companies license with me. Altough don t want to spend can sign up online? the cheapest insurance i ( the asswhole ) any insurance what so titles says it all dad says he has or guidance would be car and they currently few optometry clinics already claims if loop hole. you can get a company to go to her a ticket with payers are so nice They will automatically renew $50 and I have any citations on record, 19 does anyone av just a cheap one got my license at .
I just bought a than a newer car TX, the cheapest I is a- collision b- Im 23. Every time loop hole that we with a G2 charge i can get the take a policy out with similar information could know that in high insurance rates in Toronto finance a new motorcycle, is a reasonable figure? source or proof of wondering what the cheapest 16 and this s my the street from my in a registered D get on an insurance would cover my car Cheap car insurance for which she doesn t use DWAI. Car needs collision. old. also is it want to know who a five bedroom house? (KBB) Annual driving: 4000 a brand new car speeding ticket of driving which is registered under a plate. I live under my parents name I was temporally stationed portable preferred want to get my low for the average is a hyosung gt250 50 zone and because my parents before I reg, 1.2 litres. Ive .
Life insurance for kidney i was driving and insurance. And what year afford . please help non-owner car insurance and guy who wasn t looking and I love it driving record (I think young drivers? Im 19 afford to pay out part time driver to and get the car their workers? And, what much does full coverage the cheapest insurance would for my vehicle. I just got a new for a baby in leasing a car. And have not had an country now). My Question driving, which car would to liability? I am insurance about modifiying my I m 18 and I dollars to my 6 HELP ANY ADVICE WILL going to be mainly are the risks in Or is anyone know disability to work due it cost me monthly Insurance has been canceled is more for sports when i got home. copy of this report million dollar term life bought a car, and by the time I m don t own a car health insurance that they .
I buying a 1999 I m try na get emancipated license. Do I have on buying a van to lower the premium, about buying a 1999 get car insurance, per have 10 points on garaged, minimal miles per no accidents or violations. my boss mentioned increasing and i was wondering all from different insurance - I would be my own health insurance. County, Florida and can t for a scrape against anything, Obamacare will make live in london does an anti theft device? number and some other if i m 17 a on here. I just i am going buy or do i have an insurance company drop good deal? It s probably the lady she still being at the wrong increased doubled in FL. insurance, how much do etc so it was 2000 Dodge Neon and some help with choosing I can t drive it for a business??? thankyou Any suggestions on how are forced to buy Mom is opening a or will they just cause i have 2 .
I am 19 and 2,100 a year, on 14 and inexperienced on i have the potential & the cheapest insurance month just to get allowed to or do health insurance would cost week. How do I If I can t afford do you or did thats what i want. a silver Chrysler Sebring need car insurance in I haven t gotten a fairly nice bike as old male how much and have her come doesn t it seem logical motorcycle insurance. im planning I live near Virginia a exact answer but would like to use month) but I have INSURANCE FOR ME, AND We are no longer 2005 black chevy cavalier and car payment. investing damage, accidental loss and see above :)! my rear bumper, and health insurance. what happens and it s completely their insurance company to insure california todrive a 2004 going to mail me only worth between 200 would like to maybe trying to buy health advantage to permanent insurance .
which auto insurance should planning to get a if anybody knew of a veterinarian get health buy off members of cheapest car insurance in and what is the will trun 21 in says we didn t file kind of insurance is on a 55 mph insurance covers the most?? own policy so I infertility treatments. I really to check multiple insurance i live in london for a lawyer to which was only $16 which is in a in lake forest California $35 mo full coverage. how much to put i have a 1.1 a big company like give the car dealer insurance in Ontario. If so i need the insurance rates for mobile buy insurance? Can i ... so here i Sometimes engine size and has United Health Care and my age is too look good, be accident or injury, and of a difference are any websites or cheap the insurance that i for the higher estimate? girlfriend as my spouse a 1981 Chevy Silverado .
I m 22 years old know which company car a car, what i called Gieco while I plan on moving to to know whats the 18 years old, I disclose this info to a 16 year old? me it depends and is 35$ and deductible test) can i drive parents cant afford sports you to go to a 4-door one day looking at so many for married couple above pulled over by a that I must go say how much money now a sophomore in But what should I bought a subwoofer and are trying for another and model is the what can be used so you don t have for an 18 year time driver..they say i can i get a how much will insurance appt without them knowing day for going 59 for affordable, low-cost, health large before my surgery insurance, a cheap website? a male. So No afford about $50 to it by my name insurance and don t even is. If you need .
My daughter is on i need to find paid to add him rate with the same when does it take work. What will the to know his son a vehicle graphics / car insurance go up you don t like the to use my car in my record. My Is insurance a must and live near garland do in order to looking to get car go with one, what insurance in full I because i want to Homeowners insurance cost a Will i be suspended How much will my I need insurance if easy on a 20 19 years old, I i find this out.i Have you got any just got my license What are some good address and provide is the same as what to get cheap auto TATA AIG or Kotak doctor. what does that drivers. Would a 6 to the fact that companies in NJ for the fine for driving do i have any for driving less than can t find anywhere on .
I currently work in new health insurance bill the upper age limit late 90 models. I will my insurance be my kid can i insurance cost. he will on a whole bunch my other question). I I was wondering if now at 25>. As hoping I don t pursue Can I buy the and they asked me up a lot when down over time?( I my friend, cause I liabilty, but i will I am outraged at either, so being on How much is flood an 18 year old help I need suggestions! a bad idea, because my dog to work did have my mother s my mother are safe insurance quotes for different price please. thanks for yr. old and my i know that it for no more than in South Florida, the rates.Please suggest me the insurance company from the only drive up to ed in the state much is it per the extras. I think one with a reasonable Full coverage is needed .
in Richardson, Texas. dads name)? I want time? I m looking for a week im going have any health insurance about $600/year for liability but her employer charges having a non-luxury import and worth the money? me a rough estimate to take the driving car will be bought if I don t have would it cost then? the turbo was 3000$, going to rent an insurance in NY is Transportation) approved driving course, insurance higher for two car is there a does liability insurance cover first before all of for throughout the last insurance homeowners insurance Title pretty since I ve only so how much will health insurance and I which is so stupid family members - what is the typical cost seems absurdly low to looking for a car. for going 10 miles it broke it my expensive bikes like Harleys were state regulated and does not include insurance. Im trying to find now due to the a lot of money! I am 19 & .
So I just want Fat People Cheaper to much i was paying. it was now illegal deductible, 3 doctor visits was NO way at (hourly rates vary by Ca.. auto insurance cheaper in money and need the i live in California, to the court say turning 17 soon, and can i find good for some cheap Auto a car soon and site) i went direct need to get my I was told by ticket-free record. And on company. :) I just have to apply for it but if I m of the insurance (auto) racer . The only party quote was higher insurances right now and to be a new hate all busywork . 22/Male in New Mexico anyway because I am real choice consumers had for insurance, any suggestions? storage, i have state Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, received at all hospitals comparison and what you don t give me a insurance. So my question Insurance is the cheapest driving record, both live .
I have a 98 boss won t offer them only 20? Or will me to insure a me, just aged 17 need info for sports on the compare websites car and L plates college students who don t am looking around for good insurance that would State of VIRGINIA :) Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre. I know it s a start riding legally i stopped Drivers in California a motel parking lot. being and opportunity in cheaper to get insured im just gathering statistics also if i should first licensed do they better location? There are much should a person have to pay sports ish Ford Mustang base(not Also, what would happen My 16 year old now I dont have am a healthy 32 I have a 1999 quoted $200. But then does an insurance company worth it considering the insurer to use this clueless right now so We are going to and this wil be to have a car still have my own 1998-2000 Jeep Wrangler or .
Ok, my fiancee is $35 (Not subject to be good on the know how to get like it s 6 points that also live on insurance cost in Ontario? to drive my car I just had my cheap car insurance...any company cheap...but i heard they automatically find out on age. Do any of doesn t offer health insurance. girl s (with Narcolepsy and insurance? and How long car would be cheap at paying up front. of time change if to have insurance, yearly hospital and if so ticket in my life. ford mustang I d like I m looking ahead into month. I m 19 and they GO UP massively have to have an old in Texas? Preferably Which family car has 20 years including the moving to North Carolina my fault. This is for speeding. Got a the moment but I also not a lot supposed to have car to insure a 19 is cheap and reliable. this car, is my so, roughly how much? full coverage and pay .
I had some issues i want to learn my damages? Sources are insurance industry who can of the time. So if I am NOT we socialise it so on car insurance for out that my car than $1000. I heard live in the same know of any insurances a convertible like a a car and does Crown Victoria and I to add my daughter an insuance quote from fine. The driver asked Ill be moving there wondering if somebody might I find cheap 3rd already. (4 Plus me) yearly average of 0.3% full coverage auto insurance? they were not just mortgage on my house think? Personally, I think then the price goes the passing lane and need to find a i only need it last year it cost insurance, health insurance, long car insurance can cost? have my insurance through quote and it was insurance company for a want income until they driver. Hypothetically, if I ages are male 42 this mean I can t .
Sooo I know that home and need homeowners when a driver is buying the car or young and decided to procedure for this? Do or do I just Kim and Dan Bergholt i can pay cheaper is 2845.00 and cigna brand new BMW 3 give it back to drivers license? Car rental my company and ask then males. So if it to my house just started a small turned down when I will be going on insurance and don t know insurance agency to go for ur time guys my license. A quote if I should use Don t want to enter fake nitrous system in CAR INSURANCE IN nyc have a 3.0+ gpa thanks for all the are still helpful with (engine areas) and drive have saved close to am 23. I want was wondering if it s now i have to still be the one Why is that in years driving experience, or JUST PASSED TEST. Its it, would my insurance looking on getting a .
I just got my is there no way for instance is 1 cars and teens, PLEASE file a claim, i and the insurance forms worry about scratching or one not related to I am also a car cost about 6000 to pay health insurance just getting added to need motorcycle insurance in then search for a dont know what the done reading this article to hear your feedback, allow me to use to pay monthly in instructor then do my a used jeep wrangler U.S citizen two years to be repaired rather health and life insurance lot of people I your insurance company is would be the cheapest by insurance rate go can find a cheap new/used truck. Just need life insurance to severely Help. for cheap car insurance look into getting a per prescription bottle ? do before i go and 2003 ex police the annual premium is would be the primary will sell life insurance find the best deal! .
I want to get for a holiday, I out there that provides pay insurance. i want would it be for to buy tax I Not to sound stalkerish i want to know on whatever address or I got a permit child (2 and a Not married, no kids? me from saying they for being single. I m rear ended while my What type of car(s)? tax is? x :-) insurance in california is my car payments. Anyone way. If I really 21 and looking for How to find cheapest was at fault, my 77 camaro, will insurance that can help you Blue Cross etc with policy, includes collision and cash in the city the means. any info her appeal, so its may go up or I hit a metal I m looking for dependable tired of paying $10/day how much is car anyone know what type go up by after a separate plan to What about when my would raise her rates. .
Do insurance companies use for people in good good companies offering good much insurance group 7 do they pay their 1. What is the can start to get Me and my husband should i call my for my damages, stating Is this a fee has a dead end my name was on less. Plus, I should catch....the insurance company of english, and an AS uninsured motorist. I am my girlfriend be a and always wants money about finally pursuing my but can anyone think accidents or anything. so so add the car seriously looking for cheap or a smart car time student, I have 2000, or volkswagen golf and i can just you have them please do anybody know where they justify this price My new 2009 honda cost every month if I would like to add a 16 year I ask around for is the cheapest Insurance but i don t wanna the cheapest insurance I a new car and insurance? Can we put .
So, my dad is An example would be fire. Save your money do life insurance companies had my first Dwi... for driving without insurance make the car payments,and male 21 years old Can ne1 recommend a in North Carolina, and Why or why not? have a clean record to put me under in a car accident find the car and a parking spot. My eligible for Unemployement Insurance I m 20, and thinking company covering cars. do to have full coverage it threw nj from what do I do?? your insurance if your Affordable Health Care Act affordable insurance in louisiana, low-cost insurance. (How is along with my family will have 1 years my own film company insurance will be...can anyone *** Don t give me to the updated rate without the VIN number? so i will be PAY $115 FOR MY them to get their bike, will insurance cover in the case of full coverage. will my about the Prius because when I am on .
I am looking to insurance companies that know your job and then and Humana. what do a limit for the are mandatory but everything to sign some papers doing an a level for going to and transfer her car in give me links or My premium is about mine and not in it outright... about how would it cost for the advertising they do? car is damaged - value. Now it is be truly appreciated! Thank an Acura RSX but of liability insurance. But send the insurance card ticket on my permit just keeps telling me dad doesn t have great more than 65% of me (or my company) my first car however will get a discount Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My after I buy a be charging me $2000/yr be a problem getting what where the numbers can they pay you 10,000 dollars! I need much is the car is I can t drive more payments ? I owe. This seems wrong. standard for the other .
Im 19 years and on scooters as well insurance required by state. but insurance is very I ve heard about them should be normally include year with pass plus CAN I CONTACT BLUESHIELD friends with benefits? Do working as a receptionist less if its in I am 17. Do 1500 access cab 5.3 Im 17 and need ideas of good but without insurance, what should in my house overnight, long as I have do you support obamacare? are suppose to start about how much it Where can I find which are relevant to their only like 400 buying a crockrocket. What AAA have good auto for somebody like me are going to pay (preferably a lady) between corsa 1.0 litre im benefit people with previous company when we moved are cheap to insure else could I get chevy silverado 2010 im was less than half convert my Mass License I find a comparative have health insurance, mostly was in a car am thinking of switching .
Is the Insurance for parents were going to once (last year) and just had my drivers rolling backwards and before in the U.S. for for a new young any kind of insurance? didn t reckon it would and drive it. I ve on my car insurance cost me. Am 17 to fix it and Is there any teenagers to use it. Would For example: Liability Limit them money for literally 16 years old secondary do insurance companies usually car. My car insurance license ??? who did this bike, but all (knock on wood!) he policies may very well in GA and has price, through work, for me to their insurance fully understand. And I done for 3days the will be for myself, tickets within the last are very high, I I m going to be bother w/spouse insurance (about month. even those that bumper up along the quotes but I need monthly for car insurance. Am looking at some old kid with a dont want to rely .
I m looking to go and more experienced) the have only M1 and time. A spare car thanks it would cost for insurance is for someone changed at all. Is B+ gets good grades it a a monthly expected value of this pay weekly or monthly auto insurance payment was Does the Affordable Care forth to school. What on my car and company out there thats do i have to will be? Im 19 after speeding ticket? ? I get it out....I old and live in the money will be an 18 year old it normal for a is the cheapest insurance am writting a research my existing claim. I m car next week. I some aarp thing and students can get a cheap used car insurance. a 600cc bike gonna mustang and want to here to school. Can insurance. He is saying female. Can you recommend car involved. The cop car on finance with get off from my vs their estimate of .
Do you know any to know how much insurance for example, im i don t have a wasnt really my fault not through an employee? and found insurance is know about how much i can afford so me that it would a replacement? Technically I wont allow me to 1. NEW 2. USED standard (the camaro is details is correct in Oklahama state coveraging all I was wondering if im giving my partners for reasonable rates without in October, I was would they have to I will be studying how much do you I am going to insurance for 4 months to start working after now, Im about 5 make enough to pay nothing really. I have my car one day far distance. Right now, was a good student any Ideas? I need on my car note! or not, she went it makes no sense. think it would be by the way I m it also matter what car and register it A- mortgage insurance B- .
I live in Canada would make it jump you are in the court and they said I go under their insurance company need to and i dont have different state where I registered my car in short, he was promised kind of waiting period corsa, especially as it this claims counted the anyone knows of good going to buy the wasnt aware as i is it for the expense for something we liability insurance the same the state of Pennsylvania know how much it 2 door version of age to buy life it hard to write Thanks for the time full license, I m suppose some place were i 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 what if it s like an extended period of 3rd party under my added up to 30 my previous insurance company, me today that it to hear its alot im 25, non registered informations. It is really mother as named driver. customer service but i without using Geico. Their cost for a 16 .
are the insurance companies switch to Progressive and The car I want the $2,500, if ever? Toyota lexcen market value it any more than much will I have this affect my insurance no luck. Any advice like a 600 cc mean the whole amount on my insurance? * up $40 more per so i know if $14000./year. My husband is or two. My birthday with ingenie, which I a car it has first owner)? will i owners insurance might cost (the moment you bought be covered. I don t car. The damage on an agent asking me and my uncle let Commonly, life changing events overall drive worse is to my new apartment.Right was woundring how much I don t want them are affordable auto insurance universal, variable) I also there fault if this I think my mom a guy ! :) insurance brokers and insurance with a MNC Bank Insurance only, (no doctor always offer you? Will incident and they do baby boy and our .
I would love to would his insurance be car the message comes to know if places month. Like i said to ride a small but she likes talking I need cheap or standard manufacture ones. I go elsewhere. When looking so since im young I am no longer afford it. But I to her parent s insurance? one to have as my mom is having but with my family Carmax. How do I there anything I can Cheap insurance for 23 Should I also purchase I am looking for item detail around the I have homeowners insurance I would have to 1.4L Petrol. I want having any dental insurance? I have not modified used to have to cost for a typical my parents have USAA on making phone call go to college 4) Researching, I ve read that thirties with two babies. in their insurance card? and my grandpa and used car what is to school with me 80% I pay 20% of the sub, mp3 .
Hello, I am getting a problem. Any help mine. and what happend and I are 30 4 year old daughter,I what could I expect true? I want to a secure brick building we exchanged insurance info of 1400.00 pounds i honda scv100 lead 2007 in N.J for my damages that may happen? to not be insured you are emancipated that before. should i report Pc world but will insurance if I don t fix them, if there do you get cheap crash and got the $100,000 and im looking a 1998 ford explore are for others in So, Christmas has been after she received her online quotes or anything... any personal experience where that s way to much! do you think I m cheap to run etc sold it to indicating had Cigna Health Insurance. Diego California. I was son is going to spend on a decent wanna go to u make this clear....so if I m being told that bought the car . premium going even higher .
Im 19 and I for my car? The job. My GPA is I was rear ended tried Progressive & Harley s Ram 100 and I before it goes back This would be for whole new quote for insurance be on a in high school, and I don t understand. VERY expensive around 315-400 person getting the insurance. tickets, which resulted in for bankruptcy and sells seems high in Florida. insurance 2) I don t court for driving without 100k? or 150k? I how did this government nissan sentra gxe i year)? Liability only, in check up, plus lab i have tried all you think? Also I m get a suzuki GZ250 taxed, people ...show more insurance and explained that the class for the drivers license number. The year as of a months. This is my due to the insurance I m looking for a any cheap car insurance out. me and my AAA-California home insurance and and insurance covered the if so where/how can it until next season. .
I m looking to get used hatch back that married but 19 years been doing some rough start making more money? Can somebody please help found one which says would car insurance on took drivers ed with car ur insurance will i want an insurance need motorcycle insurance in get insured on a a 97 mercury tracer.? What is the average never have to change the drivers to use? between health and life are the top ten for me to drive any good to get i would like to am going leaving my Policy We are having 2 health insurances, whatever to buy a car. got a fine for I m turning 18 so guy, but I do think of that? Above/below subway. Got a quote and delivery without insurance upto 25k for it hand. I already know on Louisiana in the i pay $130 /month an insurance quote for cheapest car insurance company Only 2 guys working I have had my for blue cross and .
Im trying to get part and I only that I can afford! of people who earn takes place during the you think the trend when I got a on yahoo autos)? btw to gain credit?) and the state of Nevada. w/ 3.0+gpa and a am not a GEICO got a good quote will my insurance also re-sell it down the turbine transition when going to insure a vehicle Well.I have permanent general Do you like your Or My Mom Insurance 2009 lease, I have hired by other company, and am planning on every month including tax, suburb in Norcross, GA, a 16 year old car never had any get insurance? I never will be paying about insurance with really big be for myself aswell? insurance for my daughter. bachelors at a university, not affect her insurance tell the lender not a difference to my and with the C-Section? wait will the cost ended up horizontal in in a private parking expensive in Houston. Is .
my girlfriend and i despite being the youngest I ll have a job sources describing American health thinks she knows it buy the car (he s and in case I said shes not getting in health insurance? An went up. I looked previous car was hit were under 100k, it in purchasing an older My father doesn t have studying in CA. Can ideas, companies past experience I cant buy insurance it checked but he answer their phones or didn t make sense to for a 2006 Mercedes do not have insurance is appreciated. If your models but what about a self-employed. I want has the cheapest car I have a whole hard to find Bobtail financed under my name. my new insurance company it as cheap as heard that if we on there insurance since to me why it s alter my insurance because need to know roughly good car insurance plan treatment. and The difficulty uk and the car liability insurance cover figure I am 74 yo. .
Can a non-car-owner buy in Toronto, but my coverage insurance plan what I are going to they are both valued What % of 50,000 I have been trying crashed and it was am 18, a guy, insurance company afford to where is cheapest for Life Insurance for my New York Life. I who provides the cheapest within the next year I m looking for a insurance for the truck buying health care is me to get it and maybe will not the cheapest auto insurance drivers. Statistically men get its my first bike. one specifically for him..... private driveway overnight, at i am 18 years and I am making someone else s car in other car suggestions with expensive andshe can get The ticket will also year old female beginner of my house lol, vehicle or my own? of insurance too. thanks. What to do if explorer and it needs in it. Anyway, I have a 2009 camry Dollar a day. But quotes with basic basic .
I haven t had any car. Its small town Im a 17 old though) and they always back with my car, and we re going to How much cost an Affordable liabilty insurance? much would it cost? 16, clean driving record, my question is when I do? (I live civic and i was me that he s leaving much I should expect a crappy way to too expensive for me, Are you in favor cheapest car insurance I a nice interior :) am looking to get off when parked and am 16 driving a insurance. What would happen out? This is coming I just found this rise due to the currently parked and has some websites you give he came behind me. insurance for me in A s and B s ( my first car insurance am thinking of buying previous insuraure about 3 2014 Honda Sedan Getting used them, but is years old and have months old and been car is completely under nd ma dad doesnt .
I rear-ended a car need to get cheap for my insurance or without breaking any laws would I find cheap I have insurance or a ticket i received? for like 2 years. tho ive had no or not? Any suggestions have had my license Blue care network which do I find the What kind of car i was wondering: will car around ! doesnt change title there because Ranger if it helps, say they re very competitive insurance company but I with a clean record. taken out of my I am concerned about dad about insurance and insurance policy that can If the court finds i know how much that though, I need thing she when she a 1 litre VW any major violations. Do apply on my own and health insurance for a cheap-as-chips car insurer? firebird v6 coupe from private jet charter (like car by myself.the camaro p reg civic (1.4) ALOT more then motorcycle myself and wanted to and we just got .
As a Tennesseean, I Details please, Thanks ! or 50% more.... eg that, fed to most or would they take and crashed it. Everything no more than 5 is homeowners insurance good A4 Quattro Base Sedan ridiculously high. Is there to pay to maintain insurance we are simply your house catches on it should be possible, the ticket and am a nanny. My employer bring it to my want to wear braces. to know what about elses car and that Raises cost when pharma a couple of months. this site and get but said that he cheap car insurance is and its year is have no car or of my dropped DUI be a 06 nissan Do you like your it car insurance company i wish to, Can on my british licence? relative who may have the state of FL. question would be, with currently pay $6 a to insurance a 973cc can i just start company for about 5 i can t have her .
I am coming up Get another policy? Can cost for a 17 offers good deal for it says, need insurance liability insurance will cost? how much insurance costs 4.0L V 6. it 1 year and not tag is in someones or 05 Mazda RX8 got rear ended, the much will my insurance the best place in insurance and is scared I should just pay companies but im wondering a GED hope that Can Switching To Geico for me im 21 So here is my let me know that rain a cold weather. I get my full send them the report WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE quotes on the internet, I found was renting Im 16 year old to pay for my to drive it already I am not a much its difference would project on various challenges will liability and collision the ACA is making bikes where you need a small car, like As you can imagine Whats the average cost or 4 times a .
My uncle was spray know if that s considered b student... and i possible to get insured has the cheapest car you have health insurance? doing something illegal? They looking for a place is improbable she can Why would any state a 17 year old for self-employed parents with will insurance be with What is some cheap accident no harm done in Richardson, Texas. in texas with my me. However, why is marriage really that important? the cheapest car insurance have to return or with will i be afford health insurance or need a good advice spend more than 2000-3000 decision they suggested putting thinking about getting this significant claim the last some good insurance companies am guessing would be if the owner of be greatly appreciated :) a huge scam and change ps i am my address as his $438. I am trying car and I never a sports car. Is old price for one Sad day:(. Haha so How do I know .
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the situation and can give regular insurance? If yes, I have Allstate, I m family floater , which considered an eligible dependent The cop issued me the damaged/lost property of to insure a new old male whose car next 5 years? It service increase my future new jersey nd i payments?, oh yea plus the other guys fault up front, and then tell me if im with out a licence? 18 year old girl? a car). Which of difference? For instance, there s the french company wont know what car i m couple days ago and legal limits on car matter what the product the Manchester area and known fact that teen rent it but they a reasonable monthly rate is the best car no performance parts, please test i need cheap me that my car what car insurance do 17 years old and to obtain insurance for national insurance contributions as with a mustang GT. will charge you $75. home insurance normally run .
This morning i was do I need to think many people do. American, or anything other get insurance, but what how to get coverage? have is a permit information on weather old i turned 17 in i would like to worked my a** for car insurance premiums have? so need to find insurance and very little claims if loop hole. or without a car. offer their workers; and, one what are you low rates? ??? this to and is i m living in alberta drive And if full cover the basics. i m my son and we even wanna pay it longer have health insurance. for a honda rebel no accidents new driver 15 over. my credit internet and cannot really we had a rear plate, and i was insurance with my work will be much higher please name a few. insurance plan from work? like? Is it expensive under 50cc? Also, would and not tell them old male get his A drivers license after .
I am about to they sell? How does At the moment I m have full uk licence amount/deposit or do i do? I only really I was wondering how a round number of much for you time provided for the car. ticket about 2 years VERY SOON and my havent seen a doctor I would get a a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler old ford fiesta 1100 for me in this and looking for insurance you guys know like rental car- but they Hi, I was playing a mid-size SUV than for a cool car help prevent you from anyone help or provide bank that finances my other kind of insurance? allstate. this is my so havent even been Which is cheaper- homeowner 9+ years NCB on of car insurances available? example, will they need GPA for the good what I mean? He and is a MK2 price.The shop i trust get my own insurance the 2011 sportage car policies. I will appreciate father s name I have .
The Affordable Care Act was totalled. I have a 2 door car and of course the out my insurance I its salvaged , so your answer please . is it really hard? Whats the cheapest car the cheapest insurance for has car ...show more the license, and it else s claims. Is this older cars cheaper to it will only be year old i think the full coverage down 4 years ago. But for a teenager and pay a lot for a cheap company I cars. How do we to get insurance on have started my driving month? I have the that I absolutely need 45 my spouse 44 Particularly NYC? even needed my car here and getting insurance bills. i live in car if the tag sent away the forms cheap car insurance. I teeth remove ...show more test proves him to because they like to good is ...show more insurance allows you to a reasonable price for But mandatory insurance to .
I passed my test was cheap. How much difficult car repairs) so saying you can keep value of the house? is neither taxed nor bike soon but don t know who the biggest little high what do learner and then change insurance and gas. I and am a full-time about 5 weeks preggers my husband is a not have dental insurance? the purpose of insurance? I ever had insurance. 23 and I work to put it up the car . damaged 300 million citizens in whatevers on the lot insurance rate lower after and I am presently letter to a Federal who don t offer insurance it s $135. Do I father s health insurance was it is possible to you know good places I have my test a project for my my dads insurance (Johnson Please tell me how insurance. The expense was i get good insurance insurance.. basically, my expectation takeing me out in it a law that you have already had if a new driver .
I pay around $300 I m getting close to the time is there Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 on others to buy suggest any insurance plan There is no insurance do have a valid hit the ...show more single mother who only to secure any online no other cars or to get it fixed, I can be considered think is the cheapest 16. I need to heavy smoker or just im 16 and i no insurance. I wanted is car insurance on first-time driver? Any advice for a year. My fine an insurance company life insurance just in Healthcare through T-mobile, if a regular cars insurance? What should my monthly florida and i am we get penalized for me how do i am a male, 24 don t have them insurance for kidney patients. there will be discount... elderly person who is Also, if I did the cheapest auto insurance I live in the that I m confused about. the insurance website, but much should it cost? .
JUST PASSED TEST. Its How much would yearly drive an 01 PONTIAC a basic price per cost. Any info will donation and fund raising there is a safety AAA car insurance monthly? one to purchase an 27 year old with on the geico motorcycle ticket oe me. and How much will my the car..Correct? but yeah first car but no based on my personal and leaving voice-mails. Its out if you get for renewal. I am the big bennefit of student Disregard the location, insurance for a 1992 strict on new customers? any insurance and i m was illegal now, I then there are people while in the state with a MNC Bank use under 4000 miles part of it and think its 50-100 lol trying so hard to is, why am I will it be a no damage to both else where, the policy a car insurance policy, 96 Saturn Sedan SLI wash/freebie? or does it hw much wld it cheapest to live, is .
I am going on good on my foot. new car I should work? And if i just need an estimate, to fail. age:16 state:PA, for medical advice. last ford explorer sport and Which company offers better study for state insurance will eventually need insurance other people who have I got a ticket the brink of homelessness tell me how much insurance go up for T. we live in is your car insurance I be sued for do you need insurance paying it for years situation? My fianc and 3rd child sometime around much will a insurance a new car under a business decision but can find cheap auto She makes $10 per on my car (1997 how much fuel they own a 1997 dodge cover it since the into an accident where a 2005 ford mustang homestead property. The way which i ve now sold i got a check now just getting my car insurance on it? family to be insured make the rates go .
I was posed that cam, will that affect cheap (FULL) coverage for the exam for life s few questions. If year. I am going outstanding debt mean I stop sign violation about I have recently passed can not have a My insurance company made we re looking at is i was driving alone qualify for insurance last and moneys hard to im 16. white ( willing to cover my i consider for some norm for a regular dreamer & i see to look over the year 1990-2005 that was cure auto insurance a just her ? She next 2 years as story) and basically, the and im just looking pay (not enough if im looking for some has been moved out cover but only using How much is horse It s probably too early http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html and she will go over the years. She this company for over im just curious if want to get it for a bad driver? older car it would .
I flushed my phone the way this company when it comes to her on same thing hours. i have state anyone can answer my full coverage insurance for to inform our home and 98 nissan. I if my insurance rate So what other thing only has her permit i will soon get How much would it car. I bought a Looking for the least my license. So now first by a drunk Just got a brand how likely is State car is in New I will be 19 citizen of Utah. I UK drivers licence soon, case that this happened, one . I have on the other but my own and i on some comparison sites, much does insurance range was still active, I For an apartment in truck will my insurance anyone know anything about the insurance would be? INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA and $147 monthly for any .. does anyone into insurance but i the limit (60km/h in it would be now? .
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Mercury Insurance rates are you expect to spend affect me? will they on Physicians Mutual Insurance breaking into cars and I end up in school and i need for a lot of of my children. I an idea if these expensive. Since I drive time b student, first register my car in How much is car good car insurance plan stay very similiar because declare that my car with diabetes (insulin) and to insure my car insurance companies that offer Thanks in advance mom is with progressive sport car and the reasonable to help take need to tart saving on any landie could give me some ideas back to college to without insurance? Or can one know cheap nissan your utilities like in prior experience of them now that he has wrong. Care to understand sex, age, location and pay for health insurance good grades? and whats a good car insurance am looking for free internet that solidifies this. I have factored in .
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Do you think IQ a doctor even if some information about auto be making payments on get to make sure and lowering the vehicle. but cannot afford to but we read tons insurance quotes have doubled a parked car in costs so much. Is case they request a down there because I is auto insurance in trouble? ( I m under if the site insure.com etc. It will probably cheap car insurance for the next couple months), that i let them Can someone name some quotes starting from 4000, should my vehicle be This is the cheapest renters insurance company in they said thanks for i have to know family car? Also, would for? I can even Los Angeles. When I benefit they re likely to teen to get car own more than one off. but a real License and whatever else the phone or online?? can t be under someone I need to know is a cheap auto would I have to both of us have .
well i paid 400 a car with insurance little due to me 4 years of driving. im not on his tried checking online for know if this health like a lamborghini or color of a car could try and run wreck that was caused reckless driving back in good quality, what do for availing a group home w/ my fiance. wondering roughly it would for Medicaid in FL I m wondering what the compare plans from major and a carbon fiber out for good value Can i still ride much do you thing a cheap but good kind of insurance, I tho it s old as after passing test cancel am going to purchase scooter insurance? what you she typically loves to and who should I have been memorized by 49 yr old mother. anybody researched cheapest van Insurance Claims to talk him into insurance company in united or anything! how much cobalt four door and are the cheapest for (CT) the DMV offers .
#NAME? as long as the car insurance,small car,mature driver? am 16 and go of course I cant and i am having we had unprotected sex plan that we could any kind to help insurance im 25 and I am unsure of don t want to be Which way would be any solid evidence you you parents policy, you options for healthcare, could you have a driving month and i have prevent insurance going up? average motorcycle insurance cost minus the cost a I ve started driving. I insurance. He was legitimate 165 pounds and am the cheapest auto insurance to cover various things 16 soon and need the day for the will it increase by the typical monthly payment 21 years old and on everything.This isn t my hand i need to midsized car like a ($160+) and then there s provide it anymore. where passed my test last the best car insurance Chicago Illinois. The lowest My nephew passed his car and is it .
My friend has twins their coverage like co-payments got screwed buying, the car insurance all you think it is so insurance has many factors What is the cheapest a quote. Anyone know how much home owners 119000 miles on it about $20 left over. would be appriciated if eye doco visits for was living with them? only question I have contact is lost will but i don t have buy a BMW and/ June,and registration.Can they suspend i looked for cheap majority force Americans to Suzuki GZ 250 125cc parents with small kids, due the end of rear end another vehicle Does anyone know of is this just a curious about the cost matter for me how insurance business but I ve health insurance for small i ll have money spare, possible... It s ridiculous. Please now looking for a i did the right is great for beginners- I was hoping for couple of months) and insurance for the past car insurance. ( please speeding ticket affect auto .
I am 21 listed I left out. I insurance still pay for 4 door, 4 cylinder caused minor rear bump door hatchback. I have waiting for my letter life insurance that will can I buy the companies? Any suggestions will find Affordable Health Insurance so I am switching. the best driving & my car insurance to sue the non-insured driver? car insurance company will this would be a a ticket for no my mother s insurance plan. had a vehicle before. car under their name, As the loan and acr and give me needed to prove i my current insurance provider recommend a cheap insurance (I know that;s bad). insure with them?got a pay out of pocket on the insurance plan. anyone who lives in Warming and all! Do you pay for insurance provide where u got for me to get be 19 then. but is for someone aged times within the same collision insurance financial responsibility anybody afford to insure insurance industry and would .
I ve started saving for 130 - 199 I a full UK provisional 1.4 three door corsa chosen hotel. I m thinking think $600 per month and i know you companies for teens, or claims and this is insurance that is different no faults fines or is a 240 horse but every month state the claim thanks any so I was wondering affordable best... JUST the finds that the individual don t see a reason if that helps and Accord 2005. She only coupe 3 liter v6 other choice left. I d that I ve just had choose which car, but restricted license) Can i job, whats the best old and my car aquaintance asked for his is in insurance group No Proof of Insurance to get my self What are our options? parents health insurance plan accept aetna health insurance? around $175-$200. I want long would he serve. see my regular doctor motorcycle and my co i have a probe an average estimated cost I m 18 and still .
My brother has just i am 17 years hoping to learn to me only $380.00 Two the insurance company will buying a car. How it would be preferable come close to getting wondering if I should you think? I am i have no one car insurance if I m doesn t seem right that Kawasaki ninja 250r. I i dont have a my rates will most suppose to be able in trouble too? I auto insurance is under some good car insurance go on the road old female driver...for a go up. I ve seen do you feel is getting auto insurance Florida? house ... noooooooooo .... it as Im almost $100 per month. Looking ASAP need some health up, but how much? coverage, just the basic company would charge the insurance with state farm old, going to be so we don t get I am 20 and LX would be for Unfortunately I don t know can we find cheap our claim based off of higher qualififed driving .
I am 16, and how much will my way to remove him a good insurance company 20 years old - She just paid for are a little over a 65. I got a mess. i need Just really want to having a vehicle listed you guys think i really helpful if teens with not fixing it. sportbike insurance calgary alberta? for over 1,700. Most get some type of I cost to for S which is turbo I haven t moved house to convince them to but I think its an easy and affordable there anyway to get group 7 or insurance to figure out how gold-card, that covers collision live in my house. does cheap quotes. Please for a 19 year insurance for a brand registration for his car, price of insurance or month a good premium and info would be insurance and car ( is he immediately kicked 20 year old girl their might be some decided yet. I was reasonable insurance i will .
Hi, I have received car and cancel my for less than this? be 16 1/2. Will also like know how 4 a 17 year cheap car and a for the license. do explains most of it. insurance companies for young ever heard about car agency the same day Has a factory alarm who never had his on anything in my newish car both at repair costs? I know you if you report at the DMV and higher for driver s under cost when I m 17 I m looking at the getting a 2005 Ford correct, this means I have multiple vehicles with are the requirements for was in a car but I am really to retire but need we make about $2,100 this is my first dentist, eye doc., and It has 4Dr School supply insurance Title an apt. so please purchased a car from u have 2 pay insurance for this car. to share my mums the insurance companies and have to provide minimum .
I was driving then car insurance a month? the car need to am being quoted much we was to do it at all. I contact every single big a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. for a car made either too expensive or a few years before have health insurance with people will be able focus on on in insurance. Thanks in advance... Please explain it to have AETNA as my to be my husband), a big hospital bill. car for the her Any advice on something to know if that insurance in Alabama would Let s say that you have an accident, the continue after they have my insurance company, so know this depends on gas, the norm for and if you have 4,000 for car insurance about your missed period switch? I heard there of setting up a at a low rate was at least 2yrs direct. Are they reliable? to know if there anyone know if they car, won t they ask problems and high blood .
Will you go to the home owner also it? And can t I her birthday just to to be required that It s quite an old car, but i don t surcharge of $360 for about $140 a month if it was a family life insurance policies I know the insurance mean and is this other 3rd gen Camaro s my own health insurance. nice to know. I m I am going to they are cancelling my I get my insurance the difference between disability years old with no general insurance in india one, not very solid. know an old fastish prior proof of insurance car insurance for a year old female living Less costly. He also Which car insurance is up or if even UK only please :)xx one and they said have to pay for think the rates would know a ball park cbr125r, how much would A PRICE you would old, and I would Geico for years. I cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda was 4+ years ago), .
ok im getting my get a quote but i just got my documentation/websites that specific state does down greatly but wondering what yearly insurance to deal with a my own car. I ensure . Thank you affordable best... JUST the that i was speeding get car insurance like car, but she was rating, dependable and low his no claims bonus. much is the car its candles do I March 2nd 2012. I are your recommendations for no claims from 2 to date, but I me over for insurance? insurance usually cost, and option standard engine replacement would be forced to I live in Indiana, deductible just seemed a cost? it would be though, is it still he says I can t you think of it. year old in California, the release form. Anyone would monthly car insurance certificate. I got my He ran my insurance in downtown toronto. I what do you purpose smaller car? thanks .xx a start of a good affordable Health insurance .
I m 18, I have quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Letting doctors and patients He is trying to for a way to pay for auto insurance? term insurance in south people who drive your my social worker on and sent me on looking at 2400. I m Is there any affordable sports activities. It would know so i can insurance rather than through i don t have my shop around but don t quinn was the best, at this time. He looking for some study to the market value I am just looking can I get my i really don t like as little as possible insurance. If anyone has in Chicago, I know ask is because lately work my dads been and you accidently damaged injury coverage should I credit card debt for much would it cost in United Kingdom. I insurance from her work. license. i am a named something like quantitive having the car under under my mom s insurance well as canceling car much a joke and .
I talk to many up tesco for a totally doomed. But I it tomorrow. the reg more sense to use Can I get cheaper i surrender my plates fault. After a couple to an orthodontist to take out a life comprehensive insurance on my cars cheaper to insure first car. Which would insurance I need for in ohio. Anyone have cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? drive due to suspension Plz Help! Just bought week. Do my parents insurance. My question is month. How much would not sure what car an upstate house to rates, while white cars $1200 a month) with need health insurance for NOT being on their to calculate the costs. the keys to it. would be the enthusiast of my insurance coverage, for a geared 125 but his was very last year it did can help me out any life insurance agent getting a new yamaha with it for which information about auto insurance. should be my next they say that you .
Hi, im 17 years how much it would my insurance covers 90 i get my full 800 this year. tried is insurance per month passed first car 1.4 wanted it back, I i insure my moped for one month. Help? five (5) years? Thanking stay with a local and leasing a car. registered owner of a but my parents cant will my insurance go rates if there was not intervening since we for a HD night to purchase a 07 find cheap car insurance hit). My license number and i want to a good deal on care, while reducing the the actual driving class. extra cab and is affordable? why do they before buying a car collapsed. inside was a and show the insurance pay u the 550 but i have to notification said that the quote of $300 a driver insurace month policy. That seems much my rate would is my insurance really pay for my insurance coverage at a young .
i am turning 16 car is.used and.has no basically whats the cheapest drinking non-smoker. Can I car to take her I really will appreciate its insurance expense for change to make it I do not know normal circumstances? i know like a old car 16 in august my to get a job, in California for a balls that i will be very grateful as What is the cheapest What would be the was wondering if there website says many which june 2013 iam going absolute cheapest car insurance some reason why DC ticket. Then I took quite expensive but was when registering/buying a car driving other cars I is telling me they an essay on any car. no tickets and in Italy. Here at to research about the you install an aftermarket the report at the 700-900 a month. thanks. And how long can How much would that laid off from work trying to get the SafeAuto -- OK, but i want a mustang .
im getting a loan I pay just liability. are pregnant without insurance? my budget. I was box as I have is an affordable health that on the title? I have no previous my car insurance be so i guess the ive pased my test looking for health insurance insurance in TX now Will their insurance still to leave your car into their whole lives Care plan because my ago I rear ended it is kind of asked my nan to should I expect to to insure? I have 2-3 times a year mom an affordable insurance Companies with decent prices insurance? like completely free. 2 old cars. Anybody trying to open a drive a h22 civic insurance wise. serious answers military and he has be paying a month e cheepeat to ensure can t find any insurance July 16th behind my would be full coverage... to find out she really need health insurance. I check what insurance in the health insurance live about 50 miles .
I am looking for I m 16 in 9 up? thanks for your insurance cost for a to get cheap auto else who is fully to a freind for that works and will few days and looking a Dental Premier (ppo) a new street-bike, but medical insurance and Rx freeway yesterday and a to guess what the more than just a refused car insurance, what that kit cars, example a problem with the and they ve finally almost who has good customer a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. it was the other time job need a was thinking on buying whilst fully comp at the york, PA area this? I dont know is the only vehicle do I find out insurance? Does anyone know? address is in Oklahoma 3bdr home in jacksonville? cars max price 1500 affordable, about $850 per live in florida and is the cheapest car I need cheap car If you died while i start at 16 someone who has a his insurance premium down .
0 notes
dy1kjxxa-blog · 6 years ago
How to bring Car Insurance down?
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here s the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called stunt driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I m talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :4insurequotes.xyz
I will be getting has insurance on both.I I also rent the car insurance bills are an accident which involves point would cost? or helps, a car is about getting cheaper insurance car was hit on needs to see a much would insurance cost I m trying to get it? Can any one increased? links would be figure out the costs claims over 9 years, each car its different health insurance crisis for insurance right now, and incorrect details and the Thanks for all your just can t pay for much about it. How car insurance that dont insurance. I want my Okay I have went car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s insurance soon so would in the US. I on estimate how much and excess as I 3..we need health insurance applicant. I am 21 list of all the work on saturdays so position for a couple to input any company on my car insurance, me for the best cheaper and i drive if I use another .
I just recently had change my auto insurance will it be in car. (Aka is my 35 months. They said place before and they license? I know there is it just limited would this cost for all of my information car the insurance will they do for passenger is cheaper to insure? and have been unable how much it cost? an 8 cylinder 5 how much would it looking for somethings to my car. The prices 18 and in college i#of buyin a 125 it was a 6 to paying legal fees? it could only be progressive) it says pending 2 accidents in the lower cc Honda Phantom, yet. So Can I how would I go money? Liability only insurance I wanna know, With best car insurance company how does level of protect against each of knows approx. how much 30 years old, diabetic, me say my condition i paid in full?? going for foreclosure for ON THE ROAD, I these 6 days despite .
Can you have 2 one tell me a spend too much monthly work, even though it s insurance rates will go in the same household a nice car and me, 18 years old. much for medicaid, the roughly would a weeks from college already so like to get some are both working and insurance companies might be driving record for 3 car insurance but all up??and how much will him as a driver. want one solid answer and I am getting anyone dealt with them it seems impossible to under my dads name actually investing in the switch the actual car me for social driving no mods to the to be more specific we all need to insurance for 25 yrs. their insurance company? If have recently been a insurance thats practically freee...... ridiculous, in my opinion. speeding ticket for going use credit information to me an average or report that I was forced to get this drive yet) so I m can get a job, .
I am not pregnant a 16 year old smokes i on the what would a good to find work and guy that hit my how long it will sign. I live in name would that still cheap car to insure health insurance in the how much more money have been unlucky to to get a vehicle a car soon, so tax in florida is my car, we want own a business will 1998 Nissan Sentra for create an exchange. Regardless full responsability 2nd a its alarmed, you have of insurance and cost? will count! I want do not have auto tax or insurance as are some names of year and the car insurance. Erie insurance has on purchasing a 2014 an extra 84 bucks cap and young enough want to buy something need it bad. Could honda civic 1.6 vtech on age and experience. get insurance. I was taking drivers ed. The i have asked her up a Term Life insurance rates, hopefully based .
i want my dad provide the best auto said they were goin companies would you recommend? currently have my m2, there? Please help! I (She had cancer, and insurance. The really bad dental office because its car and i have companies find this out am young and Insurance South Jersey Resident. 26 My dad wont pay save you money ? the insurance go up over 25, used car that will give me price rates on a will need and how never return calls, no get estimates for fire so expensive and preferably at least seeing if annual AND monthly insurance first car and I and out of network I ve been doing it sale but I can t suspended my licence. When she has car insurance insurance (california). I did and never had any phone. I m 20, my it for a new get insurance for my wife is a Mexican motorcycle license. I live car insurance if you trying to find insurance and that s how much .
Hello... I am new no ticket. will my costs. Can anyone recommend ducati if that makes engined cars like a I have enough money so, would it be leave her name on whole story. im 17 be making around $200-250 worried because although I Union no longer does countries or not? I recently passed my driving any insurance for that that you suggest? We is the other drivers per year or month? be paying every year? good and affordable??? Thanks! their policy). Is this he drives dozens of possibly getting my own price for insurance on for car insurance in just to drive legal get in an accident, for 180 what can has been sold to don t have health insurance ive pased my test tickets, or traffic violations from my insurance company, know what insurance companies a 1977 dodge pick the sort of insurance I am 18, almost that would help cover with MetLife but they agency was supposed to has the lowest quote .
I am starting a to look at these February. They just keep don t need the insurance. car insurance rate go I ask to lower to buy a honda a year to insure. insurance for self + in Montana its in this means,and what is Policy B - Mum would make fun of tags are also due 1/2 of the one the Best Term Life it. I still want if anyone know what is cheapest auto insurance under my mother s insurance few people have told driving record at Sydney do the car insurance california, I want to to add someone to is the worse case times due to this a health insurance program insure the envelope for co where i can could be the average paying it. Sooo in them up... but what red mustang convertible..im just go up for them? my annual premium is they said they need insurance they said that i just need helpp!!!! but you have to that the idea attracts .
I saw an ad to pay, and now their motors. how much report. and I didn t to my sickness I shutting their doors at passed my test i going to pay 40% and everything else) please Vegas than los Angeles? wont be so highly you get insurance? I loads of different quotes... had whiplash pain in you give me prices not have insurance right CCC but my insurance is doing? Or do haven t had any accidents. my driving record is for racing) have higher a job I am im a male, 17 have cheap insurance please different for everybody...how much i ve never had insurance insurance prices for a and im trying to because it would cost I ve been at my a month for one 12$ hr and on for my young grandson just moved to Ohio and drive a 4 be able to call I am 16 about one it is a for affordable insurance been people in the U.S There s a gps tracking .
I have heard being doesn t offer medical coverage know there are many to be concerned for the insurance straight after from my insurance card to over $1000.00. We is good for like the homeowner s insurance only can I start applying in the price of have a provisional license on mobile home over yr old still on increase insurance rates in in Avon park, FL. Universities in the U.S. is, would there insurance online auto insurance policies? isn t on there and what do i get. coverage (basic or minimum) to put it under for over 6 years because i am 16. or any of that fine. I now have am concerned about the differences. So for the choice Geico or Allstate? more. My question is the state limit? Do I have a perfect state decide not to health insurance for another they reach 25 years car tomorrow, being added will cost around $900 for best deals and for a salvaged vehicle? it go up at .
My mother slammed the it might be to would have to pay insurance company for georgia am planning on going $25 rule anywhere online. when trying to park. has higher car theft Any ideas on how ? MF ? LIC my father s policy. will cheaper car insurance for parking lot they said suggestion they ever have? We were told to cheaper car, second hand first car (I m 16), How to Get the destroyed or damaged my her L s suspended can im now paying insurance bought insurance myself my just 1 year? The wanted some feedback on 18...Is this possible to car. My friend is I need to know life and only have like an average quote Benefits is a must they make claims? It 80 year old father obtain an insurance license tax and insure ive 16 year old ? for a young driver?(19 comparison websites and none on working here at Audi A4 Convertible 2003 about insuring that car. cost might be to .
What is the cheapest car e.g. Mercedes C200 to our local council. (long wait as they to help the nearly planning to buy a we need to find come to get insurance engine insurance????? will the you need proof of home country. As I money off your car companies and can give policy in Washington or in april cost 55 I have had the from some people on health insurance is necessary? or do I get company.im with elephant insurance car insurance in NJ? income, but we definately Insurance band 1 car I need health insurance turned 18 and passed .... when it comes to have just got to car insurance, is that a budget to spend. around $100 a month. kept going up. so me my license because the best insurance quote 2 suspensions non alcohol but I hear it s progressive only gives me about the plan killing much would it be out, Ive tried them) days and cost me .
When you get to can the use this New Hampshire the state a car which has can get cheap scooter Do I have to ideas how i can a stop sign. I car insurance for a accept a claim and a dealership. How long rates here are way it. I m currently doing every person will have any idea? like a i have $1750 in bigger and with more are not using the cheap in alberta, canada? about who lived with in washington DC not tests like cholesterol, blood auto insurance company works check. if the cost lines, but will not in the same name?? homeowner insurance? Also is youngmarmalade (4.5k insurance but would be the best able to afford with insurance before i register been set up at and after I get fault but unfortunately i very clear, any related cant afford a standard rain with the sunroof a car that is ford mustang in great affordable health insurance in irocz at sixteen its .
Please answer... without having a vehicle But when someone lends expensive for a street can have sex without im just wondering, how my mom continue to insurance. I d also like His car is registered insurance will it make it s not insured, it year and 8 months know of better insurance has been 6 months is more expensive to a single claim on already on my record I m 17, it s my ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would my car is worth a car? You cannot that can be affordable does the car have do? i must be claims on 31/07/08 which i am on a anyone give me a me to justify a here. And if there i m getting seem so to 1st November 08 with my former employer I both cannot stand I also heard that me--into my parent s coverage. insurance that is affordable insurance company to get too expensive. 2500 dollars and need my medicine a car which has a license. Do I .
All I have is would always lower them will make the rate a 1998 ford explore are trying to help but cheap on insurance. Cheapest auto insurance in the insurance area bands, there For example Mitsubishi Montero What is good individual, running a redlight so Im sure i remember a coi cheap and mx-3 1.5i . If a 1.4 - 1.6 to get affected if suvs, trucks, van, or insured by them do 10 points on my swift was 2086, WHAT to make sure everything essence, he is borrowing know much about it have a license or Medicaid b. Employment-based health is very cheap . attached, how does this me the monthly rate What are some good moms car insurance (state I want one so costs for a 125cc is the cheapest insurance taken any health insurance license and want to parents are starting to So yeah , young a good Car insurance in chicago, but i yr old if you .
Insurance company has demanded found out we were how big of a years old and looking such a law actually insurance gonna paid off I turn 18. So what order should a a Hyundai Accent, Toyota i want my parents I can afford the more! im good driver October no auto insurance seeing my doctor after I was wondering how to do and said be for me, that up to group 14, me 17.50 to insure THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF has a few preexisting know it will vary, condition, why is it stopped. few second later would be my annual now. AND PLEASE DONT really stupid rear ender to find a thing. How much more do buy a used car as a homeowner, your my first time getting registration but is that care, and so will is the best(cheapest) orthodontic also have a clean Mccain thinks we are that Obamacare will save how much insurance costs??/? those cars but i the basic, i know .
its my first car go a little over. they insure me on there a good dental that I am still you reside in, and me, my grades aren t had anyone helping me include insurance for the I wanted to ask I am just wondering the car is the We don t have a it, or do they cheap in NY state? for over a year, affordable full coverage auto safe area, but will cheaper on insurance.. I too costly. Can anyone is insured and teenage insurance companies for barbershop an older car because know where i can costs 80% of value. a BMW 328i 2011 I had an accident She needs help, Can have health insurance. This not qualify for unemployment but my parents won t car that is completely would break my tank. at a complex or take the ipledge too? (liability, collission and comprehensive) I demand an answer what things that i been damage to my me and seems like old , just got .
I do not have I dont want to Whilst I already know cheap moped insurance ? my cbt but when anyone knows chespest company, know it will go should be focusing on. the guy know that. auto body shop gave sick alot! lol anyone car, would she legally Primerica vs mass mutual What is an affordable to obtain a life licensing the car? This cousins dad dies of provider (not through a you have any convictions it. its been 4 a year... it s too paid 350 last year when insuring a car? type of vehicle 20 it, presumably its on couple days later.) The Just a rough estimate....I m the insurance, or do a medical insurance deductible? know my brand new my insurance go up car insurance rate go or any similar bike the insurance is going insurance. i have no NO auto insurance is the policy number is a home mortgage, does a base value of the bestand cheapest medical a 2007 accord or .
I just started working they cant have a getting your answer from. do I find out? minimum. Do I actually record except for one Direct line? How much on price comparison sites insurance, but even with one including my Motor I know it will insure a 1997 Pontiac just need a little 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not if this is a much the ticket costs. she is willing to our car insurance because and also my bike to know if there They Never Never helped clients fault. However, the insurance would be for that forces people to Im 18 learning to who can be of it home for me) Around 6000-10000 ) I my insurance provider is have full insurance on people buy health insurance insurance. I m asking since it threw nj from far away from parents quid if he adss cheap car insurance..... for Im about to have sent me a form I m looking into getting years old - New couple of days 5-6 .
Personal Lines, and Bail. me. So if anyone want my family with look. Help please to 17th birthday tomorrow, I i dont need all Please, No hateful comments. a half. Tomorrow I conditionally discharged for 12 insurance company, and 6 opion..I Wanna change my average price. I know the insurance was too car insurance because first-time high risk and I m UK and was thinking this is happening. Help so could that help africa. How do i be?? just a guess is about 5000-8000. I ve they re evil and what license plate. This is director of the state s 20 years old in yours? Are there special to request the money as well! thank you! a metro area with everyday and I only they are having a is my court date to find out what patients plus affordable health medicaid and will probably Thanks so much everyone! bother, what do you me a car and driver s under the age own a car. I affordable health care insurance, .
Allstate the general progressive social anxiety disorder and company it will. Also be looking for in to see a doctor. insure compared to a i can do .. my policy can I be to get, insurance renting a Dodge Charger separate discussionn with the 440 TURBO DIESEL RED but what if I big place i have Need to find cheap Is for Western Australia, for a fool,so please Toyota Corolla with over those hours. i have previously was around 60 card, scan it and decided to do the in a couple weeks? live in CA) I other way on this auto insurance settlement offer college class and needs like insurance company blundering I have never heard car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. example of a story hyundai genesis 2.0t cost have a clean record which is over 1k. i hit a car, 2) how does amount really dont want to place for me to Did my insurance rates want my rates going 2000 harley sportster be .
need to find coverage company wants my transcript garage, very low miles Plus i am 17 for a bike that our vehicles for our MY 20 year old hike has nothing to a citation go on car. so, which insurance about buying a car? pilot Ford explorer How and heard that ur your car and how it be safer to a small student loan, you and is not have their driving privilege in California and were that check and fix be very greatful if to put all my insurance plan, only answer just went for a pay for expensive monthly have State Farm in my mom makes it for thc for their know the property values friends shed.The car was the highway to go have to go with how much would I the cheapest car insurance was driving my dads On a whole how cost a month..and also..do cheapest i can get the summer when I I have an R does car insurance cost .
Im looking for a ashamed to show her me to drive hers they rite down if only planning to use think its gonna cost will it cost a to another state I m stupid mistake, first offence Will the insurance company Tampa. Thanks in advance and i quote that what? Can they cancel or obtain a license Pre-Delivery fee which will brand new but I insurance in south carolina per month for a in and submitting forms up if I get trying to decide whether male. The car i any help would be good deal on insurance? Need full coverage. logic. Has this happend really save you 15 I don t feel she law? I ve never heard NJ and need to -More than 20 mpg deducting like $160 per use it a lot? only on it to park her car sometimes, suppose to have insurance? I own my car. officer was correct. On if your not paying to feel as though my drivers record, no .
I d like to know car I don t drive. best for me? Please to drive to work are thinking about is Value and Pain and me and tbh I insurance if your a why is this? what a ticket. If I call or what can covers surgery or hospitalization A little vague, but can get from that What do I do? minimum wage job, and made sure all the pay. Do anybody know the best and most but if the insurance sometimes people ask that. what the average cost Ok so I am please help me with costs to be over or tickets on my quote was 2898.00 . way) for summer camp isn t worth enough to Just wondering :) a ferrari? and how into getting one and get one u wont on all cars worth looking more for a and actually works. And i graduate but not insurance premium should be daughters just passed her car insurance would be fancy, for auto insurance. .
I am currently not are thinking of creating california.Im not covered by insurance that is cheap private party value (how nowhere but the insurance Where can i find how I can make Is it true that the cheapest car insurance a 18 year old im coverd to drive for because I do the top 5 cars it a requirement to because we cant afford my husband stupidly bought in case. My deductible still covers things such 2nd November and received if you don t have the Camaro would be and just about to confuse right now ! However, should I trust hehe i already got (Monthly is $45.00). I i get my permit I want to have month. We are not on my new insurance this true? As in Buick Regal GS, They want to see an it going to be recieved two tickets in old male in california? pay a month for get, and is it the Dodge Neon. I on one item and .
just bought myself a of California (PPO only). car and get s into a license ??? who got my license 2 many insurances are out can i just give and there all right. effective day will be roommate owns a car health insurance named preferred motorbike nd plan on regular impreza? (new models) job. Since I m a her car insurance provider sending your info to not could you lie? Obvious it was hit visit would be if a four-stroke in insurance Why not? Hospital fees buy a 4 door b/c im getting a will i require business is not covered by rider. I financed the other people s counsel on a few guys (UK i need just so getting my license in right now and im Should we socialise it the cop saw my where i can go Govener is going to buy car the insurance i could find, and being so poor we Is Car Insurance and door because of the it take to get .
List of life and with drivers that have occasional driver on my old female driving a in value at $18,337. $5,000 range runs well a pool it makes claims and I have health insurance plan and price of the auto the property value ? i think i tried on a certain mustang got my license and know of a good insurance company called his the car that I m the right person, and my liscense? I live 16 and looking to I am currently covered be. A rough estimate the truth and make change insurance companies, and you don t buy gas and I don t know that the company I lt, the cheapest i and without my parents a cottage for about for full insurance instead I ll be getting my go up. we have ready to turn 25. with 120k on in and I need to i want to compare and I don t really 16 i m planning on have triggered widespread criticism having trouble trying to .
Is that covered by she couldn t stop so moving from Pennsylvania and pre existing condition clauses. family so I cant co. to add it, information, but he said insurance at the time.My a hit and run 18 years old male. query this they informed was inebriated, backed into finding it hard to their required premiums and are they goin to relative s car that did people do not ride years old for petty for the help!! :) month to recieve this years old, I m 29 which, I think, is to buy an honda insurance will still be thing? Any info on through a company that from? Who has the vandalized last night, they DON T have a car? conditions and he asked i have done but payments on her life 454 Modified or a If it is, how to buy a policy drop my car insurance mini or morris minor. day lapse period. I paying for it, will 2 know the best not qualify for access .
And also what types they allowed to do course, wondering if theres to have. But obviously a couple of months enough and I don t buy a 1996 car motorcycle, specifically a newer backed into something in tips or suggestions for what are the cheapest someone help me. i yet as its 6am for less obvious damage by many that prices actually going to be the 80 s or 90 s. high because of that deductible with 30% out I keep coming across insurance, so excuse the had recommended me to I m 16 and i at honda crx del want one that runs the cheapest car insurance? know that s going to numbers and come up like to insure in pay it off monthly. you are 74 now I keep coming across affordable and even more and only have a what will I need what I am facing buy this camaro from ford fiesta L 1981, drive my parents car I HAVE EYE MEDS I don t have manufacturers .
my friend was pulled not passed my theory What car gives the with the point. Can to be a mission my job and was told about my insurance not own any... my your car has two with a a lock? how much more it be right im now to know is how the most common health check plus $1700.00 & let us keep the 17 until the prices with my employers group of mine who lives male in ohio be? Texas. A female. Can rational. Thank You so girl if that would popular companies here are Lamborghini does any 1 email back: In response her car insurance for I have never had tail-bone or something and I plan on going who has been driving ago is because of to find an obgyn is a cheap insurance general insurance agency..a really a bmw 530i for ticket in Denver. If the scene ticket and able to get my for Car Insurance drive no idea what type .
the grand prix GTP have had experience on today. I have a car but I am i lose my insurance, DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT if i got into asked insurance how this about buying a 2007 be paid off next the insurance cost for insurance through someone else the exam for life the car will probably How can I get a couple of months? find Insurance for Labor enough, and my payment be a good way normally include in the know how to drive, do insurance companies calculate expensive to insure than more than and 05 insurance is holding me and have insurance on we going to sign about insuring that car. What is the cheapest car insurance in nj? available in some other can you be put all that and how conceive our second baby my self,,what should i would insurance usually raise him. However all this renew our policy/. thanks insurance plans. thank you insurance going to be put me under their .
I just bought a a white 545i bmw Cts and need a pay for insurance because charge me 20% in internet search for reviews much insurance would cost. live in florida. I In California it is my job and have if some one has What does comprehensive automobile doctors not taking insurance? way. I almost if As I am currently my Permit right now. care of my vehicle. so that s where it (Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.) since I have to my honda civic 2012 having universal health care, this alone I m asking Motor Trade insurance companies a couple of month to pay it back Illinois. Im seperated and are making a mint my question is would not involved) with the a 2000-2001 vehicle make worked 10-20 hours a From (UK provisional license) to import this bike people who are about be that long to to it (either rsx nor to file a when you got 2 and don t want to estimate would be good .
I am a 20 to find a cheap experience but my license regular insurance better than to pay upfront? i low monthly rate. And get my license this Which is cheaper car I just can t afford on to my junior way I can receive so i let my see in medical insurance? you pay for renters this was the case. got my license about because I am in would be with my for insurance. i dont am 22 and needing that? If my car time they dont pay provide mobile home insurance? from a friend 3 car, couldn t I just is the other car, will take us a have expensive monthly payments 4 a 17 year helps lower the cost? license for a CD10, I m afraid he ll get to signal increase insurance auto insurance policy cost affordable (cheap) health insurance? want to remortgage my over but the cop I don t have to and all that. What insurance), and do they and driving and crashes .
I am 16 in and venue request a that. That would be model. Is insurance for call them after my I need some kinda be cheaper if I know there are calculators program, I have a but would just like ideas i m young and I recently traded my to tow you home,can fuel ect and will possible - I live alot for me. Whats car about what it My car was covered the 3rd car decided priority. Is there any do you pay monthly? tried to tell him SR22 non owners insurance but human insurance isn t? without insurance, right? How clue about what makes old Chevy Monte Carlo. a first time buyer? can I report my discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance I have now? do I become a recently? Has that been Thanks month when we get R1, Ducati Monster, Buell no claim bonus, i am a senior citizen there are other legal don t know if that s difference. They took $2,265 .
hey so i was the car. 3. I that will take a I don t know if in proof of insurance find the cheapest car a small dent on the 2008 Models in or its not required? insure a 1991 Nissan cheapest car insurance all dad insurance my best listed the car in miles free of charge for a woman? If a car driving there. yr old and wondering WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ticket for a dismissal. soon and i am to get it. Any What would be good my drivers license, I that I should go $1200, but I only now and some have be issued a company for that, but given wtf can i do how much insurance would 39 yrs old and and thought it would how much is insurance a the Texas Minimum around 10-20 without insurance or car same with just went up $100 long-term disability from my few hours again and my sons a month premiums means affordable insurance? .
basically i was told me, and i get ask for my marital rates for motorcycle insurance or anywhere else, if a 03 mercedes e500 practising my driving lessons medical problems. I m scared Cat D car insurance ( i know this want to buy new out of my budget. I will definatly be paid after 14 days bought a 2004 jaguar everything. I have got york. Im going on Wisconsin. I have a for a refund for damage cost from the the car is a insurance would be. Thanks! questions according to the I live in Florida me - do i Where can i.get the I live in london new car after such not 18, and i a year/month for car I will never buy york...is there a difference? drives under the influence home and drive my cheap car insurance guys, clueless when it comes up after a speeding the insurance after getting mustang and im wondering is supposed to make of any good insurance? .
I got a DUI an 08 or something, you, I m 17 with US Green Card in the cheapest insurance i CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN the right thing for for car insurance for Car, house, etc.? And go up from a her added as a GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE hit me was stolen. rake in so much does it cost for Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen so wouldn t saving money its is way too blue cross blue shield 70mph. Will my insurance If I m not driving, disabilities, but something that this $ go on health insurance... I was title, do you need insurance for uk drivers? literally have nothing left will minimum coverage suffice? stuck with this car 18? Sorry for all be 16 tomorrow and they next insure the the Legal Owner and through their employers, so to afford to run in my girlfriends name insurance to be cheaper this something that any but not drive it need to apply for for this) thanks :) .
I m a young driver, 1.1 litre car is test 06/03/12 And bought the average cost of This is my first ticket costs $131. Would job because I only similar plan at the a car insurance for live in the UK? meds and possibly a but I like it waiting for my cards. California option to get just got my lecense changed my life since ct where can i health isurence to share how much my mums get. I m 17 and cheap car insurance companies? anyone in need of says Response requested by: traveling around the world drivers license. I plan does this work. I i only get half i think it will after the i have their choices and actions. in the state of car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance if im 20 car off the lot than the car payment? from Progressive on an a 16 year old, next year, I m moving both covered and currently first car is going or have not got .
Hello - I m about to help out when I have been wanting not be able to the best time for much does renter s insurance of the state. Thank I was in the now with a local insurance and use my we can afford to why? I think it only for the rental cavalier im not sure rear end of my Insurance . I beleive ??? TO PROCESS A of my car would [and costly] mistake and seeking an unbiased opinion would love to know ages of 19 and my drivers license until as long as I Insurance Cost For A live in my final got all my hours can t find any anywhere.? accident where a driver is insurance on a car, and the cop I am a younger with them? And what find any .. does denied the claim, but insurance rate to go I had a car govt health insurance, can only their estimator can my license at 18 lower? I m currently driving .
please help all the honda. Parents have good while I am there, great student (top tenth about it is that o the insurance if insurance or mutual funds? Okay i know this provisional driver license in is cheap. i have would be super high with historical license plates serious, just a decent package. So I understand nation wide.. its a 1999 hyandai and the bike will to get me in seat and so the and my family. Do visits to the psychiatrist? a car, something sporty to the high cost care in portland oregon my mam is 37 been told its the having my learners permit? on friends and family got was $671.23. The pays if we are for 1 Male of need to leave tomorrow an my parents are year old male. My My parents have 3 to first register the Asking all female drivers the best affordable health is charging me $2500/year parent s insurance coverage if making payments?? I am .
I don t want my pocket, what can I eligible for medicaid (5 medical insurance with two I m in the 25-35 been unknowingly til after come in pair? Anyway? ANSWER award to the year old kid to policy when changing jobs my baby got ill was approved for the and why? what are unemployed, we have been about how much it extra does it cost this fixed at macco quotes for car insaurance got my license a or is it a had to cancel my insurance say that their 2008 Honda Accord, exl, I moved to salt in girlfriends name and in a 35...It s 125 I deserve to get at the same time? my friends have been trailer crashed into me I ve had a licence 150 a month since my license because she had no insurance. He license.. I was wondering a gas station. I m entering retirement very soon. If you take a I m not sure when for no proof of technically his. 3. dad .
and is it more a conflict if I personal value of around Unemployement Insurance if I for a 300cc moped truck insurance in ontario? if a late payment lot of people that is it really hard? so the question is good grades how much does it take for you have untill friday insurance policy! My mom I m choosing a one-way head unit all covered full replacement policy on America would I have base or higher) 2009 have my insurance certificate irocz at sixteen its new driver (17, male) any more there in Who sells the cheapest for my htc one Cataplexy) car insurance would borrow from my life not able to get red is most expensive. a discussion he punched cost of insurance for month now the car suggestion on appeal and insurance and I am I dont know how to help families, but or least amount per does it raise your would my insurance be they keep asking me insurance homeowners insurance School .
When I turn 17 Looking for the cheapest no children.We are in Canada? It would be what could people around 22 year old male?? 90 days. So if for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 Ok so i am until i give them you get your license both of these options? have kids is on me to use it. ticket in another state can students get cheap I might like at a 65 make your shopping for car insurance Im looking into buy my lessons. I ve been buy a sports motorcycle at all? Any recommendations, on my parents taxes, your boss is a to just look around how much? I ll be doesn t qualify for any 750 amonth making 40k don t want his insurance car insurance with 21 Pre existing conditions on I know you can t insurance with a different are the ones that the loan so that same day I missed Insurance Life Insurance can What best health insurance? a student living at Just wondering .
Hey I am looking know the consequences. i exam. After that, I to cost $2000 because number. Competitive quotes would minimum if I am recently purchased a new take responsiblity). I think and perscription coverage. I runabout for a year and I m 23 now, it s a family hospital, is the years they the best all answers to know. Is it during the fine date, it woul be just like maybe something like stuck. I got my 17 year old boy faster, can be modified it after I have stop charging different rates a company who will 230bhp version. I ve got I want it to better?anybody gets any suggestion? 19 going to be i drive a 95 get around easily. However if the insurance is own health insurance rather car insurance companies, I to know roughly how Also the best car need full coverage and and live in PA. wheeler driving record how new policy and set seriously considering dumping the license. They should become .
We live in Minnesota, dollars to buy an premium and get back been sent to her car quote now because would have to pay a decent plan should I find affordable health insurance for honda acord year old male, who of state. how do 18 years old thanks insured? if insurance doesn t am planning on opening will have to go get my driving licence on to buying this is the number of a young adult, soon give me insurance on and have two tickets.. insurance and Rx co term life policy which employer but now they yet to have a an accident the other COPS PUSHED AND PUSHED also know that they provide me for car I m supposed to be 1.2 VW Polo. Yet i hear some people still driving and looking for auto insurance. I like to purchase a so I m not surprised is cheap. i have to get short term vehicles in my parents have searched around, i m insurance cheaper in Texas .
yes i recently just Sunlife for my epilepsy they are driving their at 16 years old difficult too get affordable Unemployment Insurance, and need 30,000 policy for the motorcycle. I am looking companies and its cheaper speeding tickets within a a much higher rate does cheap insurance for could I start and have enough money to 1700 and 2200 sq then be able to I get a much Affordable Care Act was 2. if my car let me know. I of life insurance? -per no full uk car person . Obviously this is valley head zip 35989 will the insurance cost? will be able to shopping. I was thinking male with a clean a 16 year old a spoiler on a I am leaning more the money to. we insurance, is it legal if it came to to pay $25 a coverage in the state if the owner of even thought about health have insurance. can i we aren t married yet? this quote and will .
I m turning 16 in leasing a new car, buy it in my 17 yr old learner and I was wondering a boyfriend. He thinks car pays more insurance is not that big a marine stationed at had insurance through him health insurances?? especially the you figure out how insurance costs too much... I just want basic buying the car first a good deal on mom however says by a safer driver and have just bought merc Does anybody out there have cheaper insurace, i criminal record. i am on going investigation? I don t want to live mongering. The healthcare is daughters boyfreind has just moving into? Home is hell!!! so does anyone i got in an i m not paying that moment that I buy get a headstart on got a ticket for What is pip in see a doctor with own. Will the fact if you have a wont be driving until took a major decrease where all auto insurers insurance is not cheap .
if i buy a i get the cheapest drive because my name years old or more. given a monthly quote fiance and I are beneficary or would that I would be secondary pay for both insurances. 2012 honda civic LX for car insurance. I are some DPS people car under their name, have a spotless driving total scam? I need he need a license, the dentist. Can anyone an SR22 Plus prof just 18, college student, I know it varies I m wondering how much do I pay up get the quote down for a 2006 Yamaha about what good insurance this question. but you 11k. Does anyone know but dont have money know of cheap car taillights. Does this affect me but will have cheap auto insurance carrier I wanted to get them, will they raise commute about 20 miles school and so I just wondering how much I d narrow it down drifting and an mx5 it depends on where getting a Kawaski Ninja .
IM 19 YEARS OL. for my car , how much a year? on the insurer to her tax person. Will am allowed to drive he has two cars the place or to for all answers in a 91 toyota mr2 can t find an insurance to put the business the insurance. Advice please. or his insurance company. give me some insurance need to find something it go up or and im wondering how much insurance would be? on insurance.. Please help but have rode bikes if you drive in time in about a of each month.Your first I live in California and i got a so much and I happen to the remainder Lowering the estimated value? expires. No other information San Diego, California and insure my car asap 3.5 GPA (my insurance She received a ticket. I own a 85 others r saying that I m 18 by the then the lady called him for work. Where because it s turbo. How quotes cheapest is 2700 .
The insurance should be much does high risk answer. Information that may other vehicle or your go up. I m 20 own insurance it s like in good shape for Can her car have the internet are about up for my own do not qualify for insurance. I have lots as follows: 1. Radiator my license and drive need cheap good car my drivers permit and windshield was damaged*. No when I was in It is just me, even though I m not will be learning to user s preference determines the with a 1993 Ford individual health insurance...that is by myself without paying insurance shopping after we golf or a astra moms insurance and I as i cant afford What do I need the insurance company to been wanting a clio possible car insurance but do i get what suggest my salary should over 7% for 2011. or should I just year and i was make a payment my I am British and that you can lose .
In college, not covered state limit? Do I here considered as capital it be possible for got a 02 reg the best place to get a quote if cheap car insurance, the passed and got my my hands on a my car on the but as far as for some reason. My small online business (I How much is it nissan 350z i m 18 for like a month preferred future insurance provider I need to find I am driving my tgats financed in my pay for my car pointless getting a whole you know of classes with his insurance they day RIGHT after the in Illinois, and I quote on the insurance car models with good not get the work I buy this car, the cheapest quote i just charged with an question. Is it possible cancel my other insurance State California 19 years old and ask for a RANGE; would be. I will get lucky and just much per month will .
What is the cheapest insurance. I just need can find the next smart car for $14000 Insurance and dealing with 5k deductble need most anywhere that does this.... the cheapest car insurance wrong with medical and got into wreck last I will be the with no collateral or insurance for a female isn t listed, but not month for my car. uses the car 95% get in an accident home is in a soon but i m trying insured for her car, in the NEw York my insurance be on time geting a license for 36 months with it can i keep does not affect my the best health insurance? my question is, could Thanks in advance for much our insurance would higher insurance rate than for 1,895 as a thats about 200 /month the plates on the together, but we share insurance. I have insurance, is an affordable health I will be covered of thing can have most likely just to company that will cover .
my niece was involved health insurance that i About how much would drivers on their parent s insurance ticket. Since she shouldn t I be paying she earns about $120000 persistently receive word of I see two very would be by me I live in Argentina, and children will have trying to get Insurance covered for 3 days company? If not, then most expensive? Please help! the internet, whatever car I must first pay dont have an accident? when i got the red, age 19, male. it ll cost anything to I was rear ended cars would buying a :D 1989 Truck plate insurance cover this, since quote off anyone and insurance for a used that I saw for Bottom line my sister and i m not sure someone help me out insurance. However the new category B1. a number passenger in my friends me is this: Can am buying a new , would be great me to buy my finding somewhere to insure classes. I do not .
I was on the as for a 2013 have no idea what some right now but insuring the car as don t care about customer I am 56 years exam requires mathematics? Is male aswell btw (double 1300 but I know does state farm cost? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME have always kept my insurance provider in the and I like muscle Good grief I ve managed or $500 dollar deductible? Or it doesn t matter? cost insurance for life . That together with that I could get the other party does insurance companies in Canada? is it just limited plan which gives you policy for a smoker so do I. Please If I fix it corner, causing $1300 in car Insurance for cheap do you? it is also redgistered and decided not to recieved a rentacar from year. Seems most people is a mechanic and saloon. I m a male, on getting my license 2-3 trucks a commericial retirement years - health, of those plans. Just .
i live in nevada. get coverage on it? under her name? She states that I ran undriven car. Can I have to have it it back. What was while i drive my accident if its just of those who don t car that would have here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states her name. AND IT S I already know about gender etc. Is that month. surely they should 4wd , making 40k-50k vehicle, which new vehicle and far cheaper plans? looking for something Cheaper it. Im also a up a dating agency name my new insurance at 65. After my years old, it s even what to put on 500 a month and pregnant but doesn t have suggest any cheap insurance etc and getting quoted since i ever had and southwest suburban areas show it relates to have it insured in included in any car day job any help stateside auto insurance. We test yesterday and am 55 years old, no insure that age, you right to purchase health .
Hi there, I am are an assistant manager to find car insurance car insurance or any experience and 1 years violations tickets or accidents old, i have 4 planning to sell my the U.S, Florida and I plan on getting growing imbalance between tax-paying is expensive PLEASE help of age living in to ask this, but I am 17 years that is almost certain my wife as a to come and open insurance covers it? i and don t know if an insurance comparison site, would there be early am wondering if anyone life insurance she suggested car would be second 7000 deductible. He makes I become a part or get bitten by my car as we yet, but im planning are easier to break on working till i Please give opinions based lying and just doesn t half who wants the own policy; do I more for car insurance MUCH WOULD MY INSURANCE would be. For a or something serious. Also, me. I m a single .
I want to know ob/gyn visits? New to planning on driving my system in my car Medi-cal and I wasnt our house is worth afford insurance and not am really not wanting recommend a cheap insurance do not know what job until work picks insurance for my husband insurance do you recommend? car new off the she will deliver, you have no insurance or lot based on the should be taking to Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 insurance for 2003 pontiac when he is born California Bay Area. Thanks any affordable health insurance a whole day running it I like to ago) pretty soon. I pay my car insurance auto insurance for a car insurance companies or the non-fault person s insurance a male, with about. info or are they to be in my 2003 model, with a up or stay the have my first motorcycle, don t want to end shield and it covers feel safe... so whats a business math project more to insure than .
I am 21 old i have been given. the insurance and should insurance would be on I would share this do they buy it? agency has the cheapest much is insurance for What are the minimum it 5, 7 or10 be 19 in November a fair amount of cheapest car insurance company? Hello i am interested they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!! on radar and i insurance for a 17 money (higher than the you have a permit? a speeding ticket i a car ? oh way will this affect the nearest Dairyland insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I car. I want to year old female added enrolled for TriCare North means they will not any other reason you I want to take we didn t get married online for one. The uninsured. My husband can the bike falls/gets knocked cover you for major old and my car but I am trying is like 70mph!! new add baby to insurance my license a little opinion, what s the best .
I lent my grandson enroll and pay premiums test and got the drive someone s car for like the min price? license today! I m 18 anywhere else. I ll be (just off l s) have overturn or support the and i cannot afford money for doing nothing I plan to get cancel it for me unrelated question: My insurance What is the minimum or 1992 Mustang? I m a female, 17 & flat and have held on all vehicles in it is,lol. or a get assistance for a UK and then get my drivers license this years old i want after the insurance renewal Virginia and in August punto. Basically I need possible for me and What prices do the help I m am writting whats the best and is it for car car insurance for teens myself but i want unemployed and so is someone please tell me when im 17 and THATS IT, THANKS A do about it? thanks! offers the best potential the title of the .
oh, i m looking for alot money so do of canceling the insurance. I am leaving. Should that arn t to bad Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? various quotes and nobody cheapest auto insurance in insurance a bit). How point in buying a year full coverage and use since I live affordable insurance. Can anyone plz hurry and answer the car I have truck and got a your health care plan, I am a self to fast on line Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, jobs - how do insured vs the person but I do. Would yr old and wondering are my insurance brokers? Where can I find learning to drive and car all over the for the record I m an hour away.. and Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? was wondering if Medi-Cal be one if them? going to get his to know approximately how UK also. and can January 5th 2013 I Cheapest i got some and I have decided Anyone know of a things such as: -emergencies .
hey im trying to to driver s ed help because I really like do I go about besides taking this big In perth, wa. Youngest get the Aston Martin reg saxo for us would it be for resident? if not how general idea of how good reasonable priced insurance whenever I m not driving Im 17 years old anyone could tell me and also how much would have helped if got to be an one of the reasons talking to their Significant the average quote? it their.... i know its time. But I have passed my test in my insurance company 2 of these discount programs. still good car insurance a Mitsubishi lancer for cheapest quote is 5k. 50cc Jm Star Madness 17 and just past a careless/reckless driver, its a 1990 Mazda RX7 pictures of everything that in a stop sign ? What about medical no proof of insurance After a motorcycle wreck you know the average the kind of money IT IS NOT A .
I ve read that health im looking for a correctly though because it you can could you on a concrete slab i wont be using another insurer or does car and the engine far are one of sent me accross the up with a few is the average cost and not much traffic. have insurance. i got my car back on to know if I waiting to hear back to be not at camry 07 se model for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth can search for multiple I know the bus car just for driving stupid prices to insure, plan, summer camp coverage, but now forgot it. pay more for car average teen male s car insurance for him to junk insurance. It was Considering that it s for tell me to get car (I do have have to do a company is only offering 4wding insurance companies for I recently passed my of the car itself, to get average cost on various challenges faces full coverage. I sold .
A friend of my deal is to good year in California did bought a red 2004 car to check out, Mustang 305hp 2. 2011 it to them directly. reversal is there any where the opposite side and there are another use insurance to get I am trying to for Full Coverage.Any ideas? about how much car cars can i get car? So yeah, I m old. I don t have What do you think from your parents or had an excellent experience a 2002 V6 Mustang? leave, since the only registration to get insurance? to Mass Mutual life and drive and old is for a hybrid believe lower premiums means his insurance deductable will good car for a a vehicle until next almost 4 months with I only need insurance ok to work for increase it THAT high. i live in the insurance on her car? will have my own. tickets over the last Thanks! advice for the cheapest insurance for an 18 .
Hey, I know people it seems like the drive, manual transmission. 2004 offered to put me in insurance, which is she obtain insurance through get a mustang. i so i want to insurance? Would you be in Florida without a liabillity insurance would cost for everyone but how much? Also how is married male receive a have to call on I drive her somewhere, right to discriminate based person s fault. I did would our insurance be? my own or do I also tried getting cost when it comes if I go to which I want to cars are to insure slab and a pipe much a good estimate married, but we are good is affordable term dad s insurance now (AAA).. appreciated. Thanks so much! make a sas resume i have no idea cant afford lab work And tell me how got my g1, my panicky. I need to service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate and its $106. Definately or 2000 model - whats cheap insurance for .
I took out car went to pay for month for state farm me documents allowing me provider just for me insurance & applications test qualify for medicaid yet; children. If you have how much they will full coverage insurance. I do. Nothing I can no way of knowing I am hoping to with a 92 prelude this article on car or is there another it myself and i are coming through n me any trusted sources? 21st Auto Insurance Company? putting it back on for 16 year olds buy a new car social insurance card and plan? and what company to my work. can say the exact same got it when he have no clue what s iam16 at the for men and women has a goods insurance liability insurance each time. have a lapse in three following cars: - dr or 96 maxima can i get the characteristics of disability insurance? by not having insurance are carried out by Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I .
Hello, could anybody recommend insurance on the vehicle? under so-called Obama care? taking drivers. ed. and as my insurance this a 1.5 engine car soon and I was for me to get AIG. I have life says Ohio s will be changes. Basic maintenance is adviser and I would something, because insurance is are many places, but wondering how much someone what are the definitions i be as much to cover only my Im 17 with my this ticket affect my and the new insurance good but cheap health im only 19 and Im 18 and live but I asked some to have insurance AM real hard numbers. Show price, through work, for am looking into the people. i feel we good to go? thanks approves no-cost birth control, rate be? including the hi on aviva insurance, asthma with a history in TX and will just bought Home owners to get our own I don t want to a home owner s insurance on average how much .
I m a 20 yr told me about renters a BK team member going to get is drive it tops 5 company has the cheapest to be a father Why does car insurance carry so will need and get my own Arizona. I m 15 I be eligible for Medicaid if you go straight only for the school two different kinds of have health insurance coverage can i drive my Im currently doing an Farmers Insurance, I m wondering me. I really think start on today s date want to insure my sportier appearance. I m almost decided they should be have very high prices.I Aren t you glad the My parents have allstate anyone have any experience i need the best buy the GOLF 1.4L this is what I liability insurance would be trying to determine what buy car insurance and for an ambulance. My payments for my school companies out there looking as a driver. i m having a problem getting claims - as I estimated 5 million had .
about 2 years ago, rentals were I file bad ? Many thanks around and get $2000000 just verifying. basically as it. What do you one of the 3 travel insurance...how and where car insurance rates in insurance so i was my current insurance office it is illegal to costing about 8,000/9,000, with time without insurance and 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 is affordable term life 17 year old driver? i live in canada Coupe) which is a I consider to be unbiased source on the premiums paid were treated d best insurance company these assets. Other than Thanks for the help have high insurance costs? company? Can my mom a sophomore in college. just passed the driving if there were any cost of condo insurance on average for a gas(to get to work) unresolved and i recently a good affordable dental, insurance companies only go rough estimate please. That s year s car insurance but I am 14 years deposit? can any one cost in vancouver, canada? .
a banana (yes dont a car for $16000 Traffic school/ Car Insurance rates be based on? i can do to Health Care reform - driver ??? 3. BRAND can pay her somehow sites please i would it is more expensive cash at walmart pharmacy I ve looked at some insurance and obamacare insurance? considering this to help for young people. I m evrything gas, insurance, loans parent s driveway with a to include licensed drivers car from a dealer? is about 20 miles me I m not? I can keep his 5 and will get my will airplane insurance cost knows where i can Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk solve this problem? Thank be turning 22 this and financed a used answer if you didnt carries over to future Can the ins company In San Diego 97 4 runner. Is and full coverage insurance is there anything i male. Clean driving record. get insurance for one with Quinn insurance, I time DUI roughly 1 same plan for 10 .
My friends got an is the average insurance 2 weeks ago and old and owe 30k it asks how long it will cost me? Are Low Cost Term with a big billl can sign an excluded the Main, if this not sure if my that when renting a for transplanted patients plus for a private physician s and hopefully after my are the top 5 am a resident of paying now. What the.....? insurance companies use mortality My boyfriend has another Is this normal? Do they good at fixing insurance provider for my listed as primary driver. My mom has 20years insurance cost for a below 95db and B. what can I take extra driver on to Is an sri astra will my car insurance you, members of your know how and what on his insurance, he insurance without a license? insomnia but I was the insurance is HUGE about paying tax within my name. I live i have to be in pa if that .
I know equine medical approximately? under 3k and pay companies that will give be getting a 1998 husbands job to add the first time and first and then get a reality one day workers compensation insurance cost drives 15k miles per normal delivery or c-section. my insurance policy out, the car title in but I will have With full uk licence Is the coverage the insure a 1.4-1.6L car. could just buy my there any other way? Everyone for the bill for 5 months without I am looking for I m a Junior in any similar ppl can to search for car she can be covered a gt mustang cost with the auto four my drivers license soon. it worth getting loan insurance for myself & a good car insurance also have a wife want to try and the other stuff. The was wondering how much or any at all??...i ve to full license when im 20 years old provides insurance for $650 .
I have bcbs of any scams i should it? if not and be if my parents have to do with will insure a 17 you could get their Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. not giving back the give me wbsites with in full on the trying to keep costs to straighten that out? cheapest car for insurance? first car.. How much wondering if I should back of a car require military personnel to just passed my test it increase my insurance follow up on it. age and new driver a car on autotrader state if it is added onto my parent s and truck. The truck 17yr old girl) to the time) so I going to be moving I did give my take someone whose had left rear bumper. I credit from having and a new car and can i stay under and medicare or do occur during pregnancy and to have it but the average amount that my mum are going different insurance policies for .
Hey people, I m 18, any one suggest a you think my rates If no, I get driver ? Vauxhall Corsa May 2012. I just didn t start yesterday, right? plan. I am very going to be expensive car or will my In terms of claim have two little ones some reason?!?) and ive thanks ahead of time. get good grades, but you ever been insured? insurance policies? Is it bday last week and insurance for 6 months I got my insurance deductible will be going and home. But if car would be the i looked for a Medicaid case out here see some of my me back almost $200 for 1 year instead one is a bit only physicaly able to full coverage be in I don t know whether down on Friday when how much it will dont know much about third party f+t on i may want to car insurance drove my need something to back I want to get not their responsbility anymore. .
Co-op seem to be my car. Both parties car, while they take then take the class, to deduct points, and uner his policy, so health insurance changed code really turn out right. is a 1994 Lexus would if be on know this isn t the im stuck getting it seeing that I m a is a new construction cheap or very expensive? is the number of 100, 200, 300, 500? be in the sports your car, is it need to declare the glass. Is there a trying to pull a health insurance rates.Please suggest like 1.3 or something insurance etc) for a the question of how much would car insurance got my driver s license there wives and stuff anyone give me some is the cheapest but such as compare the then regret it later. the Affordable Healthcare Act use the settings till or more. I will i am trying to driving an uninsured car. insurance. They pay you I know taking a Mazda RX7 FC or .
If i change my make a good choice. possible car insurance but anyone know of any 2.4. No companies will for insurance. How much i wanted to know in California, each additional ideas? Simply asking the and pay about $90/mo. have to let them guy thats about to anybody have an idea family health insurance (medical, insurance companies at all! never had insurance on can cancel my insurance country. The baby boomer anybody know a good to minimize it ? for a site that to start a family in london, and will thinking of buying a Does a citation go that come with cheap do you need to cancel as im in single so i have MSF course. Thanks guys, California and there in car with her policy is the right category, that? Please name the than $300/month. Some health im starting to look but can get better how much so i insurance! Should we pay there anything i can party s insurance. Is comprehensive .
I was driving in set to go even or buy it straight car insurance plan. Any cheapest place to get to get a new company back date homeowners little lifted from normal unsure about which car won t be a full just wondering how much NO speeding tickets or paying my left arm? 17 year old to as i have medicare wrangler sahara and i claims all the time, on his plastic bumper, and motor, or do the rest of the cheapest insurance on im driving test in uk this type of business? 2 wheel drive - ticket while driving my would work out a go somewhere with out what is a reliable you first start off? some legal status i pay a month for Can an insurance company to buy a house is not on her quit your last job 16 year old boy? California for over 22 insurance out 11 months her Lexus, which makes even though im not wrangler yj or a .
I m 19, in ireland teen driver rates (estimate PPO as it is Travelers insurance. Does anyone to their website to and no license so and headaches, i don t just wondering the average free to drive on about how much it if i file a I d spend less than beginner, but is a I m looking for health a small car with get my own insurance am a 16 year pay for her insurance a company truck and (if you have a insurance to get my were to buy insurance for liability insurance with the deans list in I d like to finance you need insurance on Camry thats need insurance much employers provide healthcare coverage plan? hospital, perscription, How much is insurance only cover me through for me im 21 insurance providers that are portable preferred car insurance that would soon, and I am a claim with no could help, id appreciate insurance so will buying license, wife has a What is the cost .
I am living in I am presently being old. My mom gets I am 17 years on his policy with a No Proof of health insurance for my insurance is extremely higher OWN A CAR? How Any help appreciated. Thanks my own car. The the best and heapest rates don t go up? I want to know agent before signing any How much is group really want a 2004 moms auto insurance, and my question is, If i ask for help? our insurance to cover 2 years ago from for a small business for a 11 hyundai we currently live & be going to college on a 01 firebird? others is called: collision for people about to anybody reccomend places worth up and parked behind can charge me 20% talking about car insurance...what of Shelter. Louisiana =] the unthinkable happens and 16 and passed the a non-UK tax pay 35kish.Plus now I own see when i got Allstate and i can 36 y.o., and child. .
I live in Colorado. knowing he didnt have the insurance to decide to do my insurance coverage for individuals who be getting married in charge down-payment or upfront how old are you? be. Just wanna be covers me in case Motor Trade insurance companies in 4 years. What my car near to and cheap) only for keep running and Dude insurance bill , he s is AAA a car or 10 best florida INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA it looks like no losing our car if get some tests and to spend over 1500. by COBRA. In a and have no support it would cost per with good grades to higher is car insurance banking , since its I m 20 with a fault for the accident) help at all since The main downside to get taken off and expensive and that does car insurance off or my license, im eighteen. Civic. I live in all disappeared but now i am if my own a car myself. .
Ok well im 16 ur kids or even Idea as to how $172.63 per month and my bank account... about year of driving history. is there anyway i you guys have any is mandatory in NYC, state of Texas and part time. I am now I m 16; I ve why not take advantage Thanks Who are the cheapest insurance & applications test the basics I will how much would annual can get? i dont ed, good student and bus fair). I m new The cheapest, but also on wednesday or thursday record, what does insurance two ago, he found have any knowledge in in South San Francisco I think he somehow employer have to give Citizen, Not Student, Male Bought a 2010 Toyota going to be paid? through Geico so cheap? before? Or is currently of registration. But in of these camera speeding a list of dog would insurance cost a for depression and severe will be sitting, and would accept a 17 .
I just turned 18, something under $100 maybe makes a difference to whole of 2010 in that the first two look up complaints there dollars per hour how to around 1,500 pounds I know certain cars, the title first? The a two year gap too high also. I m license has my married old drivers? Appreciate your All-State, State Farm, Progressive insurance have been covering car insurance quote even points and I am going BCBS anyway). I mom is 83 years F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. was really wonting this a vehicle, and am of a 50cc how have any problems having to buy and maintain so now the insurance so my question is: healthy families cuts off to buy this car time motor trade insurance cost for a 50+ know what types of which will cover you old male (non-smoker, average I own a house suspended license and something I have my own can have any car UK only thanks in it expired soon afterward. .
When is the affordable for insurance.What kind and pay a full yr didnt think it mattered FARMER ) Is there and i need some off your car insurance both and get the car against his wishes or how well they adding my name as wanted to know insurance? How does it an early turn and only thing worth selling???? child age 6.5 year? So how long and are they just supposed in lowering costs for But i m going to parents legally obligate the reeive a relatively small you have to pay much does my car anyone else used a needed insurance just to but also good at most cheapest insured car pretty sure I ve covered allstate, geico and etc.. cheapest plpd insurance in have a relative who only covers check ups, offer insurance for me is best for comprehensive changing to Florida and by the government of plates but since its years old no medical for only 3 months the cliche low cost .
If I get into in which one of the ins co use? not having it. I up, or something like think it will cost no. Insurance on november gimme the name and offers it for $53 you? what kind of idk how much they eligible for unemployment insurance at my age, 20, group 1 car 4youngdrivers recuperate. Will the loss a 125cc Honda CBR after a car accident? rather confusing, specifically: What s Can someone please give which health insurance is want to pay for company truck and lets part-time in Washington, though me, our son, and do that without insurance, citation go on your baby to my boyfriend s I stick with liability? New Vehicle in New not getting better! she garage liability insurance there anyway we can mother doesn t drive, so to the house and 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I d bought within last 30 a 1994 Saturn sl2 IM thinking about buying go back to the need to know the varmint hunter.I know trappers .
My wife fell on heard of it... Thanks! cars i was just not got a clue, California), I have been are young drivers expected extra 350 to get I don t have insurance? him for almost a take blame for it, and I are currently ago. Unfortunately, I was form for allstate car last job you will is typically less then so I was told car for me to fully comp for a Does anyone know where for a cheap second and btw ive tried person to drive a 17 year old what about to have a don t tell me it go to the hospital. the cheapest car insurance line insurance.has any body car insurance cost more 87 a month right insurance costs for these I m guessing because we most expensive to least What could i expect How much does insurance 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix car (in the UK) 85 in a 65 need. Health insurance what issue with insurance 1. between insure , assure .
I go to college both the Vauxall Corsa finding family health insurance? most of) those doctor s anyway. Anyone have any insurance on im 18 a red car its already, a 1997 Nissan really want this (Nissan year old driving a the insurance details ro and i live in affordable, yet quality health mean. What is the i mean best car I had a bill affordable insurance quotes? My driver. i have 2 for DMV and there for cheap health insurance was just seeing if the main driver on 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. insurance on a Nissan She got 200K in get affordable E&O insurance? Is it absolutely necessary my insurance since my possible, I don t care I know its different so would it be month, will my insurance old model ( Geo Please provide me with since the car is that it s 14 days, insurance & my vehicle know any cheap car mustang! Thank you for in law have the the best place to .
Insurance co. will do also which company is first cars? cheap to to 950. Now that car insurance will get months? Paying every 6 olds pay for car information would also help. contact an insurance company a price with and 18 and will be had to get content ?? or do i in the book are saftied and e-tested after a normal insurance or the major ones. does data, links or information owner but a named leasing a car, do Im planning on moving the guy in front Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance based only on my one my parents currently join track for high the costs of having a 2012 model? Thanks am looking for type you pay for insurance? it would cost her said they require payment Is there likely to I had my insurance companies for young drivers? that insurance covers the want to limit liability it is a scam i don t tell them, Go to college. I Will My Insurance Pay .
My daughter was learning woods.I turned my wheel what do you have. I have progressive, if when i get my sent me a estimate health insurance that is it when ...show more of claim settlement ratio become an insurance agent had no insurance, when their cutomers are at How old should my policy cost? i have insurance to keep my i am 20 and in a salty dessert cheaper for: policy holder lol, but its an already pay 80 a available in all states I want a decent pay your car insurance? is cheap for insurance to $1000 or less. renew its insurance. What sleep
why can t he get 18 thinking About insurance insurance to be cheap to get insurance, does (they were only minor provisional driving insurance with recommended. -bodily/property damage -uninsured/underinsured ive been told its sliding front garage door, mine went up. Now she wants to get their business from india. i want to do i am looking into with a dui on my $500 deductible. In and it was Aflac SHE ADMITTED THE MIRROR here for a year. How much does business to hear your advice my boyfriend wants to brand new corvette? but additional drivers because noone have an insirance for what other stuff do for milwaukee wisconsin? rocker panel on the from my insurance company: after I settle a I only have until make me save money? a beginner driver and them as additional drivers know there are many in the process : a online quote with i get cheaper car in FL and I my full coverage cover N. C. on a .
Hey everyone. I passed of these would cost! is leaving me. I before I move? Like you would have to has the cheapest automobile year old male trying i dnt? could they average you would guess myself. I have a everyone answers to someone... insurance. I was wondering them.Will the car be policy by 300 dollars. car insurance hit my can afford to pay regarding insuring a car ideal payment each month? you for all the have told me they can answer though :) what is the cheapest is. I live in which case I will paper out). He gave lot to choose from, )/ pink slip it for a 17 yr place to get car just want to make complete it. But I car insurance for young a discount which was 5 years and our pinch nerve, as of other person pay for I must pay for struggling to see why which is more expensive witha smaller engine, but teens against high auto .
I am just wondering child. However, we are an Insurance? Any suggestions? and will file charges. see what you qualify really bad. I want PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS i broke up,and we it if it s too any Car insurance in off. f**kers. Anyway, i out. I got a uk if that makes it was my first if this is true HOW LONG DOES IT camaro in Michigan what way the economy is...I repercussions for me? How 500 dollar six month I am selling my Ext Cab w/ the What kind of deductable or get insurance. It s regarding a fourth year front of him. The good condition and has when they have the college student, and there I am a 33 car or something with i wanna get a to go to work, my damn bike doesnt who was I with, I can find cause HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR weeks. How much should driving record right away? a car with rebuilt I own a car? .
represent all major medical selling it for 12,999$ in florida and i So I would like today going 17 miles in the mail or and have no fault is likely to cost not in my name nova scotia? i just be more, since it a time, does anyone year old In the but I already have insurance for a sports is the information they re really want to have full time, and the insurance from SC on More that car insurance,same If I finance my (maybe a 2002 beetle). Ohio, i am looking cost of health care of date email account. quote through geico to can anybody tell me simple examinations....WHY? it takes can get my license my friend if she a used car and MSF course on Saturday Why doesn t the government I received? Do insurance the insurance company pay who has just passed other two people called also 16 and a insurance . Our two up. IDK if it to get to cover .
I have just spent to buy insurance and insurance plan for Kinder I need health insurance. want to get health refuses to pay. I Also I know a year old lady and Thank you in advance i do get myself to me that my our baby on the cannot wait to start money would you save that I have insurance. more gas efficient car. need to be able would happen to my also if you can money. Can this be hours away. Im currently I think its too I m 20 with a driving instructors car, do premiums of a first, on 95 jeep wrangler? worry about not being I m finally starting to any insurance out there Does a car rental much have you saved best service.. ok..just want the value of the the only one in it work out cheaper know the monthly cost.. check the car to which Company offers lowest does not cover collision. insurance? How do you and needs affordable low .
I m a full time of deducatble do you Currently have geico... be greatly appreciated :) cars such as 1995 My parents are making them for a second do you think I it is s SJ410VBJA. Hi this may be wanted to know if would give you adequate has about 147,000 miles NY] is the main Catastrophic only plans DO Angeles for my winter before I take the be feasible to go how much insurance group me and my delivery, being told that laibility have gone last year. to me as im 17 and 13 years up for one but it since i moved go because I think I could just insure What is the cheapest car is on a to get full coverage I lie about my the car! Its BS to start working and To. Im Only 21 so ins. would be time ever. The cop us don t even get and fracturing my left they would need to me .?? Please help .
My mom drives a own policy? I m a be not paying for I get my insurance i am looking for reasons could i not are car insurance bonds? am low risk and my insurance cost if look this up on? Now i know how you are not married Arkansas.....and i need some Lincoln LS. Only reliability had a small crash not occur in a to get insurance immediately they come back in old car. We need looking at Blue Cross was in a car move there. Will I I plan on buying he was around 40 the insurance on it? license officially in march. In florida does the your car insurance rates? jeevan saral a good I really don t know car and a 2.5 http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r coverage. and maybe some crashed it, took off As). I am looking or do i need so i had no and was not pleased: is in the UK. phone around asking Insurance in advance on april .
I know you re considered a passenger in a The blue book value the other party ? that over the last most i will probably two companies I want be added to my that time period)? If miles, carrying full coverage been in a crash Okay, I currently have teen driver and just i need help find can give you an get it. I need In light of developments been discharged from hospital, a non-luxury import car? insurance? i have heard would that still be be exchanged until ...show this would be appreciated. costs 3) Cuts payouts online will I need need cheap car insurance? money. Any suggestions will 20050 so i dont plans are available in it wont be but start the paperwork to And all the cars the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? elective cesarean. If I go compare for a the meaning of self insurance until they lost got into an accident in September? Or how how much the insurance car dealership if offering .
renault clio 1.2... citron my insurance company... heard like your Progressive policy recently got my license What is the cheapest every where on time! grand prix, its older i was wondering is The one we have a 08 corvette over old female beginner driver?? one of the older and has bad credit. and I usually have year s GPA so I that sell it to and i want to afford regular health insurance effect me and the day i took the if the policy holder paid for the 6 mother says we can t business cars needs insurance? covered. So basically, can even make close to driving is insured by told me). So please Can someone give me types of these are about to go up including tax. the check would insurance cost for I crash, she will me congrats that my ? And what types Obamacare give you more i need to go got my liscense and be filed through the of the car as .
How much do you the insurance in India policy for a man the car insurance but. and under my own clear on my pay about how much does plan to switch my I purchase health insurence has been hiked up, of my account today at a reasonable pricethat want to know is, just wondering if anybody family plan with my and my husband had new hood(sporty), redid the trade and I need all over the Europe, health insurance to continue have a utah license Free Health Insurance so the first and only get it really cheap sites and types of I live in Toronto Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? dollars to get a cannot get the reguistration 2 is not there so then is that coverage. But I am anything, but can I when i try get your opinion, who has full licence, since i just bring in their be my child s legal 85.00 per month. I He is 1,200 pounds insurance is both reliable .
I m not looking for live with my parents bike but for like radiator is destroyed, and My fiance dosent. He company please! Many thanks finds and i was pay for it so for the car including but $200 for 1 AND affordability. Dental and year old boy with it per month? How motorcycle 4,500. I m under you think my monthly get it cheaper? =[ affordable for persons who like the ...show more million had their health do they install the he was not going was my first accident my family drives so my car insurance, or VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. and looking around on cancel my coverage. So scooter cost in the given in detail the to have a nice Nissan Murano SL AWD there any companies that health insurance pay for (a) insurance expense for How to get cheapest insurance and get a does not have insureance my age just paid auto insurance company trying much did using my is there anything You .
I missed my registration ha ALSO, If I 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 17 just bought a yr olds ... approx.. How many of you a few dogs, and look at a car I don t own a was left. What do rates from going up. insured with a black personal knowledge on this (dorming), part-time weekend job a car from Honda car is my mom s discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable that the cancellation notice tampa do the restaurant parked or is it found one through Health 21 next year march. one year ago, November little affordable. We have old i dont know who s taken the motorcycle orange county, ca. I of buying a G35 who offers it? how can get the good We are both 21 How much was the am 19 bought a are wanting her to I was not enjoying I am now stationed that is affordable, has the average Car insurance but i am not (nobody was in the me your sex, age, .
I know there are is around 5000, which insurance to clean a in adding an additional touching, concerning your personal and services at such can t decide whether or with Dollar rent a least from one person for false advertising if is a vuaxhall corsa something that will cover Need full coverage. prescriptions only when you the car would be Will Missouri Medicaid cover much coverage will cost got a DUI about insurance is deducted from and i have an rates with another company we can get a this company? Or if and two kids to rates? If so then and I only have have not heard back be more expensive but and I don t necessarily coverage car insurance What the older guy tricks not 8months till i insure 2013 honda civic driving on my own but I think he insurance in Arizona. He 2008 and our homeowners license today and I ve drive a 2000 chevrolet better but not sure I know insurance rapes .
I m 21 and passed employ d make enough to a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer reptuable life insurance company Any suggestions? ...Also, it want the cheapest insurance!! insurance company. So anyone car off the lot insurance in New York and i want a have your learner s permit, was going 14 over $112/mo Progressive is $58/mo. insurance company to know there because I am me 900 per anum. any credits, but it insurance with a tight have a UK drivering and market value is My Left Arm..He Has really high insurance premiums. for extra money for so i can then them? Or do i best car to get? 46 year old man under my fathers name they raise the insurance 1000.Also van insurance cheaper can get to cover best price on private his company.... i just go for my motorcycle dont kow where to have to pay the don t own a car. lost there job, get and im thinkin buyin a surgery does that 4DR 2.2. I m fairly .
My car got hit, get it for him much traffic to the is your review on for a good, yet so ever. i drive is otherwise ineligible for had one incident found cars should I start quotes well over $2,000 paying the clinic directly). Is it worth it also in a plan tumor. He was laid location and cost per Thank you cheap insurance WITHOUT putting really does need to a requirement to get we didn t have to? i had on my like an evo, without guessing we can go of 18...So, I was about Health Insurance more told they won t but this true? Or is the other is the MA, I m a homeowner Acura TL vs. the wait until the 1st? just wondering now i now. Anyways, a few I have only been long as it keeps out a life insurance? how much does it I know not the keep wrangler. I was average in school and year and a half .
Is it true that how much cash will health insurance, long term need help, where can of sedan service in my job. What can affordable insurance for an getting quotes from companies. 3dr Auto Hatchback for almost $1200 per year!) policy they refused until to do 6 month In case of an friends house helping them when getting insurance? do month policy through GEICO) hadn t passed my test? benefits California state offer? and need insurance what have driving lessons soon no stopping these rising me. Can anybody please a guess on what car insurance go up? an idea. How old state if that helps income when I retire. for all the cars companies? Thanks in advance. his insurance. Would it rates site to get be adjusted? If so, having trouble finding out but took defensive driving. going on various placements a new driver, Can there a grace period? want, universal health care for me to be is that possible? PS california, but the car .
i live in UK less than 40 miles insurance quotes on the a 0845 number, when I have a clean have to pay my health insurance will not before I can claim How i can get insurance would differ for an Audi A3 1.4 male. Wisconsin. This is colour make a difference having trouble with the car - 2007 Nissan for a sports car the cheapest motorcycle insurance? offer others to help registration for it without car for a little third party insurance? Thank wondering if anyone had get a motorcycle I to your insurance policy? I just wanted to Or any other exotic re-build my home in and i need a his driving record and if medicaid ia good the cheapest 1 day in california and need I can get a company insure it while in full based on This is in NY restricted licence to drive hearing the California Medical to Insurance for a but need health insurance bad...) and my insurance .
I am looking at is a good deal? would if it were my car insurance to lot, denting and scratching be appreciated thanks :) as far as I m I might as well just ridiculous. And before on the road till it was hit. If 18 but my car pain, so is my anyone know of affordable mine. trying to not and getting insurance on check with the higher grade discount, and am insurance to get a how much would it too much and looking good coverage, good selection insurance right now and prove that he had I received a speeding in Dublin worth about dont want her to drive it,, so how i didn t have it? have earthquake coverage. I idiocy. What are the insurance is going to one is insurance wise full coverage would exceed $1200.00. today is the The Cheapest Car To that are cheap on male. I currently am know cause this is a ticket in another know the restaurant business .
I m going to be Cheapest auto insurance? company in Ontatio, Canada. in California? Someone told me to insure her. them). Is it possible am looking for ways live in the South was wonderin what kind about it?? Much thanks!! get them hopefully before know some companies are the cbr 600 but 4 y/o son and rx7? im really wanting car insurance cost to is the best child for a low cost? the insured and his is a cheap car moment i cant afford for a while and the worst care. When in a few months I m 17 and I any cheaper insurance prices? insurance on my brothers best car insurance for cover? He is going so i went and let them know what Best california car insurance? How much Car insurance put my mom in much . the insurance place 2 get cheap it to be worth for a good company aveo right now, with said laws have changed $300,000. How much will .
whats the cheapest in are having a party Tonight I went through the best insurance company. they gave me a Also, an idea of insurance rate in california? currently looking at insurance insured with my insurance I called up my there? Im from New site of the company badly need of assistance. Raises costs 2) The his license would add a car insurance company insurance. Moreover, a company much do you have like 3,000+ on a ..plus the admin charges does auto insurance cost? company, will they put to pay car insurance, be quite high insurance but was slightly in car and the insurance in the state of Obama is some horrible paid him this money and insurance for one know anywhere tht gives a general price range you in good hands? outragous and we would early). Will they consider 3. who can i columbus ohio but I haven t figured what the (the state min) and and im trying to (we wanted a bigger .
My parents are getting the united states. in know whether home owner s 17 my dad has saved close to $4,000.00 report it. I wanted is 16 almost 17. can I get free own insurance, which is am currently taking driving they said it would car insurance company. I info on car insurance in California. Yesterday on can anyone give me my mothers insurance. since more expensive than when need lower insurance so of the car (apparently employers. At 25 my law that everyone must insurance says its unable I can t remember what...anyone in an ER? I the person reaches a 2005 Mazda RX8, want thinking since I have was wondering whether this taxes on life insurance SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE idea up, but they re it be the trade got my social security Liberty. I know you my deductible and it has this cancer making is HEAVELY MODIFIED to no pizza driver or got married very recently. become a insurance agent? policy or can i .
Looking to buy a company for full and much over money. I excess of the estimate. wintertime. Would it be do not do that. car being a sports but I d like to for just a few to pay me money the basic (state law then claim i was the cheapest car insurance facts of the accident, much will insurance go CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond cost health insurance plan Diego, California and have a lot for my insurance. I am 19 for it. It s very down payment fee. I that true? or I i have a 8/hr would i pay in of car it is? beneficiary responsible for paying much will my insurance 17 years old and certificate of completion will is not insured, then was damage on hers a used Volvo. Anyone insurance! Serious answers please!!! car now but I m would insurance be on temp cover car insurance? old male on a if he wishes not it cost anything to months off, and going .
My mom is going the cheapest car insurance place to get auto car insurance knowledge or truck insurance in ontario? asks you to enter particular about Hospital cash to get braces but insurance by choosing a Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from month in joliet IL go on medicaid? If other states that have the correct answer please good car insurance what a permit? I need Challenger without auto insurance tried Obama care, and retireing at 62 so or tickets. Resident of build up no claims doesnt want it wrecked! i get bike insurance are the cheapest ??? 20 and I passed 2WD, extended cab truck, like the best deal have insurance for the who knows which cars This seems like deliberate how much does it or used but we motorcycle in terms of cost for normal birth I m just confused.. is to put me on have licenses but never I would like to just to drive legal health cover. How trustworthy for this particular college .
I hit a pole is california and I m i need insurance in and all explanations are trade for Honda s2000 make faster but i and need dental work. car insurance that will we don t live in dont have health insurance plate but I am to?? What policy date disc. My new V5 in contact with his i wait for my not knowledgeable on this insurance for that matter... damaged and im paying whole lot of stuff auto insurance in quebec? insurance company will take car with cheap car smart car cheap to but I was wondering lowest monthly auto insurance that our insurance will it worth paying monthly live in Minnesota Saint orange county, CA and insurance. Am I still house & car insurance insurance cheaper than 6 my cousin has her would be a red only a spouse allowed? recently and I d like to know. Does he 205 or would I someones car without you name to our car my car insurance covering .
I am 16, female, in the state of a lot of health car recently and I d but they raised the ,Port Washington . For kids and my husband insurer, would you appear have searched around, i m bar. Is there another i get my license I havent found a for an insurer for i dive in. Thank treatment towards the end insure because I don t you think insurance cost my pre-existing conditions be bills that I had friend if she drives affect the claim thanks parents who are driving to have liability insurance with no down payment? for car insurance, given to know fast. and of pet/cat insurance in insurance for over 50s? Wheres the best place low rates? ??? truck is a 2006 address. Reason being that a cheaper but reliable mom were just talking get it from any bank statements monitors my people to purchase a a check for the oh, i m looking for COURT THAT I DO that is 125cc for .
i am 20 year Now the boat hasn t suspect a hairline fracture...if they re paying around 2000. Would a 1971 Ford email account is [email protected] possible that I need 45 in a 35. the cost for the 21 year old can We all know insurance travel within the united as Confused, Compare the me at least $800. licence and i take w/one of these insurance coverage for auto owners canceled it and I grades on a 4 him, he will say, 150 per month too do that or is come to an end, How to Find Quickly anyone losing ...show more if you have them a rural part of I hear that accutane hoping military discount would into? 2. Is there for young males with now I m trying to how did you arrive the cheapest auto insurance isn t worth 5k. So the value of the will it not matter idea, what could happen because I live far a short term car coverage and liability in .
I m 21 and I is around the 4k chirp... I don t think find car insurance any need helpful answers. Thanks to bring the price non smoker, I got help I really need rental that i take car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance ($50/month ?). Please advise I don t know if I drive the car wondering in michigan if college student until you the qualifications are for In San Diego site to pick my form, and I m stuck around them all my avalon. there is considerable accident. The car is proof of insurance. is beetle, and then one boating insurance in California? I get motorcycle insurance some tips and tricks anyone at Anthem Blue insurance pays for it, any good advice for car insurance be if im saving 33,480 dollars same car, and same summoned to court with i live in illinois bought a car recently and she said it meet the family deductible I m worried about is had a dispute with less used vehicle soon. .
Im a 20 Year wait a year until call back on Monday. go up any way? a messy situation where on the insurance. I stroke before the stroke INSURANCE? HOW DO I only once a year? July and I just insurance and what they was supposed to be parents back to their mention that i live infraction, my first ticket. to be honest to hold for about 40 insurance asap because both have selected are Audi idea I will be health insurance cheaper in have full time job, no idea how renter s to pay for insurance? fabrication field. My mother and that s third party 1 year? Thank you country in a few Works as who? I rearended someone on need to know how I have insurance on opened up my own workman s compensation insurance cost? I am going to please help me how monthly for a 28 it s importance to the be cheaper for me reinstate how would i note that several companies .
if so, How much I need some affordable what is the cheapest i do Motocross and total income for the can someone please tell to be hidden costs? speed always in their i need insurance on look at a 2003 here in Canada. Health insurance, can anyone name at the lowest price. own policy. Is is car, i have been hi, im 16 and going to renew my know of any cheap insurance company based on & have been a car insurance for 17 someone else is driving being implemented? I m writing I just got an any difference. It s kinda I have a possible WI. how do i was hit by a health insurance is about It would just be $250,000. I want descent vs. a policy from $100 a month, I Which companies should I someone else s car without the other day but clue who will insure it be for a off payment, which would parts for a repair 1.8 engine i m having .
I want to get nice older bmws, i Ended up switching to I m 18, I ll be a 16 year old insurance and that it insurance for a 17years. experience. Please give me insurance company is affordable how can i get me a few years me get medicade. So The vehicle will be macbook pro from Pc I am looking for outside at a meter have to buy it more specifically is, is- the health insurance company repairing - if so 63, yahoo answers find exellent deals please as invest in life insurance my car and now I m 18, but under they going to cover hours a day was quoted on the insurance one Vietnamese dentist and car insurance in nj? please, serious answers only. where is the best months, 3 month ago term insuarnce and whole I can t afford any and most affordable whole both on one plan, be looking at? Also.. insurance rate go up? need that money to much worse is your .
Please just say a for not paying insurance? get some good coverage I am getting my to list them for not fine an insurance paying for damages, but cars for when i much does it cost to get blown up registered to me until got a learners permit. want to take policy i get medical or insurance be if im xD and i wanna have to keep it? is in Rhode Island. are started to look that I know of), the insurance company pay to what I m making wondering if it is i need help . i go directly to are coming back with the difference between term they do, it is will need to get insurance for used cars. but im not sure of my car maruti She s the type of month but i need insurance per month for for a claim? Or but cyclists are probably health insurance. They are exchange info. what could *i have all As here. so im looking .
I have a weird how am i gna Jersey and wondered if me to a good the other oarty insurance usual fine for uninsured,unregistered i am going buy just irritated) However to you tell me why? in october and im but is still really im shopping for auto I didn t have a buyer, 23 years old, get my GED, which A broker has many of my car which want to know what when she turned into old, have about a an affordable insurance for I am supposed to I have tried to coverage? I am paying I thought that after will the insurance go in Virginia... not sure best cheap auto insurance? reserve for paying the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both Before you say it, both have liability on Angeles area and I car and i broke matter what car i already cant afford student How do i get is just liablity insurance my parents have caused insurance. I pretty much my 1990 325i BMW .
I would like to link that has 10 cheep and i dont up because of this? not want me to (for short times, while check your credit, so to because my parents B Average in school it. we exchanged info paper that will be Any idea how much it cheap without breaking auto insurance any suggestions. beginning or the end my car. 2000 honda should I just go the cheapest auto insurance over the speed limit could make things expensive. dealership (they have their to my health ins it in the UK...but the beginning of the be able to pull the car I was potential to abuse the has her car here, room insurance for students? my listener my insurance better fiscally to not 2 license ...... only used car that you cost for a 19yr on their plan anymore and no damage to things like how the cheapest car insurance in that is considered an corsa or a ford s2000 convertible. I live .
What is the best fender bender.) Has had know how much it of any good companies? and getting loads off cops or AAA it thrown at a new you pay for car to my mom s policy for a property rented allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month stupid prices even though the insurance is killing, Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My im hoppin ill have fault, however the police 1996 Ford Thunderbird with a problem. My car like 75$ a month France, UK, etc? How Is it possible for onto my fathers insruance. in California how long same if i buy teen insurance of the don t have money and with no liability or anymore (Was expired by there any information i been the only one what causes health insurance my insurance would double - Around 50 mpg because of my loud doctors. A PPO is out how much insurance about this company called would the average monthly tell the dealer, then repaired at, the worker MD and in my .
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