#aka gobelin print
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luciality · 4 months ago
little nurse
antique bouquet
gobelin teddy
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kevinscottgardens · 3 years ago
25 au 31 octobre 2021
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Monday, the olive harvest commenced. It was exhausting. After work, I went to my chiropractor, rushed home to take some friends of Mme. to Biot train station, then went by scooter into Antibes to meet Matthew for apéros, and was back home in time for the Quinta book club at 20.30.
Tuesday another day of olive harvesting and Happy and Happier were true to their nature. I really don’t like climbing in the trees here; they are very tall and I’m trying to hold on to the tree and the vibrating rakes at the same time; it’s all a bit much. I’ll keep trying...
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Wednesday I went to the dentist to have my crown fitted. It turned out to be two appointments, two hours apart. My tooth was 3D printed in the office. I ended up taking the day off so I met friends for lunch. I had a nice chat with Susie in the evening.
Thursday I arrived to the atelier first so I unwrapped the air compressors (used for the vibrating rakes), Couli (aka Adam, aka Christian) and I filled the tanks with petrol and pulled out the rakes. Once H & H arrived we were told we wouldn’t be harvesting today because they went to the mill yesterday, and we wouldn’t be able to pick enough by tomorrow to take more. Monday is a holiday so any olives picked would need to wait until Tuesday to go the the mill...
Friday I headed to Milan to visit Cristina, Mattia and their son Argo. Cristina is a friend from high school. She was an AFS exchange student as I had been the previous summer. When the incoming students arrived our chapter hosted a meet and greet. So we’ve been friends over thirty years ! And I spotted this poster not far from her house.
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Argo was a very good Italian teacher. He was teaching me the names of animals.
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Cristina’s home was fully decked out in Halloween decorations. Sunday we all went out to a community Halloween event then Argo went trick-or-treating from shop to shop, as they do in Milan. It was quite interesting to see how differently this imported holiday has been adopted.
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Cours de français hebdomadaire
la charité s'il-vous-plaît - trick or treat
une fête costumée - costume party
habillé - dressed up
le maquillage - make up
angoissant - scary
mignonne - cute
Quel beau déguisement. - What a great costume.
un fantĂ´me - ghosts
un gobelin - goblins
citrouille d'Halloween - jack-o-lantern
Plant of the week
Gernaiaceae Pelargonium ionidiflorum (Eckl. & Zeyh.) F.Dietr.
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(Photo from Married to Plants)
common name(s) - fairy cascades, celery-scented pelargonium, violet-flower pelargonium, path geranium synonym(s) - Geraniospermum ionidiflorum (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze; Ligularia ionidiflora Eckl. & Zeyh. conservation rating - none native to - South Africa location - Vivaio Ciancavare leaves - small, deeply-lobed, softly-hairy, celery-scented leaves flowers - red stems and narrow, rose-pink petals, and appear from mid-spring to mid-autumn fruit - the ovary consists of five mericarps - carpels (i.e. it is 5-locular), which on fertilisation elongate; the fruit is a schizocarp, a dry fruit form intermediate between dehiscent and indehiscent types, in which each carpel matures into a single-seeded unit habit - evergreen, small, woody shrublet, bushy, somewhat spreading plant, to 500mm in height and width habitat - among rocks in karoo or karroid vegetation which is typical of Eastern Cape Valley Bushveld; this habitat receives an annual rainfall of 300 to 750 mm per annum during summer; summer months in the area also experience very high temperatures and the winter months reach below 0ÂşC. pests - vine weevil, caterpillars, thrips disease - grey moulds when grown under glass hardiness - to -5ÂşC (H3) soil - well-drained sun - full sun propagation - softwood cuttings around 100mm to 150mm long pruning - deadhead regularly nomenclature - Gernaiaceae - from Johannes Burman (1707-1780, a Dutch physician and botanist who Linnaeus worked for in his youth, Burman first used the name to describe some South African Geraniums in 1738; Pelargonium - from the resemblance of the shape of the fruit to the beak of a stork, pelargos in Greek; ionidiflorum - derived from the Greek word, ion, which means violet colour, and the Latin word florum, meaning flower, and refers to the colour of the flower NB - ideal for any garden that has constant dry soils; plant will be well suited for an area that experiences temperature extremes between summer and winter; good in a container or hanging basket and is known to attract bees, butterflies and other insects
References :
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [7 Nov 21]
Married to Plants [online] http://www.marriedtoplants.com/reviews/pelargonium-ionidiflorum/ [7 Nov 21]
Pelargonium Page, The [online] http://www.pelargonium.si/genus.html [7 Nov 21]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:376381-1 [7 Nov 21]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/12396/pelargonium-ionidiflorum/details [7 Nov 21]
San Marcos Growers [online] https://www.smgrowers.com/products/plants/plantdisplay.asp?plant_id=4304 [7Nov 21]
SANBI [online] http://pza.sanbi.org/pelargonium-ionidiflorum [7 Nov 21]
World Flora Online [online] http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0001064267 [7 Nov 21]
SARS-CoVid-2 update (incidence rate per 100,000)
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