#aizen loves his captain but SOMETIMES shinji leftt him INFURIATED
keikakudori · 3 years
👫 // loloolol
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
i. aizen and hiyori used to have dunk sessions where shinji was concerned. every few weeks or so, aizen would invite hiyori to the fifth and provide tea and snacks for them both and they would both just spend some time talking about what shinji had done lately that irritated the both of them. for all of aizen’s good manners and as much as he would and did speak to his captain about some things, these sessions were a fun way for them to bond.
later, when gin became part of the fifth as well, aizen would invite him into these sessions too. it was always quite a bit of fun for the lieutenants, or so aizen hoped, and he rather also imagined that gin probably enjoyed himself too.
ii. while he never expected reciprocation, aizen would always ensure that hiyori got something nice for her birthdays from him. a tea in a variety she liked, perhaps a book, maybe a simple hairpin. he never got anything that would be broken in her rough and tumble nature that could be worn, but he would always default to some kind of pastry or food if nothing caught his eye in any given year. 
iii. truthfully, aizen always had something of a difficult time comprehending the relationship between shinji and hiyori. it always seemed like siblings to him, but in equal measure aizen’s confusion came over the fact that his captain never truly tended to retaliate between some wrestling and teasing. he does know how many nosebleeds hiyori’s given shinji, however. he counted. it was always one of those dynamics he kept himself out of because he could see how well they got on together -- but it still quietly confused him in its own way.
iv. aizen was ... jealous of hiyori in some ways. he was jealous of the closeness she shared with shinji and he wanted, very much, what it was they shared. while he did not derive any pleasure in one victim over another on the night of The Divorce, part of him was willing to admit that he was perhaps a bit spiteful towards her on that evening. when she stirred first, showing the earliest signs of recognizing herself through the struggle of those moments -- yes, he did not hesitate in speaking kaname’s name to have her cut down.
and a bonus.
v. aizen always knew hiyori would crack first when he saw the visored there that day in the tenkai kecchu. he knew as soon as he saw them that she would be the first to attack him. it was very deliberate, the provocation he used that day, which shinji aptly pointed out to them all -- and yet it worked. for most of those arrayed to face him, aizen did not feel it to be a personal fight. he was there to follow through on his plans and they chose to get in his way. but where shinji and hiyori were concerned--? yes. it was personal there. he knew she would respond poorly to what he said -- and he very much wanted to hurt his captain in kind, more than just breaking their souls had done.
he wanted shinji to look at him -- and unfortunately hiyori provided that opening beautifully.
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