#aizawas not actually an asshole thats the whole point
demyrie · 6 years
What appeals to you about EraserMight? I used to ship them, but was turned off. Too many fics gave me the feeling of watching a beautiful, talented kind friend with low self-esteem get in a relationship with an asshole that takes out his own issues by using friend as an emotional punching bag. Friend insists the asshole is a sexy, perfect guy because he's a great lay and can occasionally not treat him like crap. I can't find such a dynamic sexy, even with the narrative pushing that view.
hmm! This makes me wonder what fics you’re reading! I’m sure the first chapter of Bandages and Bravado encapsulates “yagi as a punching bag” to a t, but that’s not what attracted me to it. I couldn’t get behind that dynamic either, and as you’re describing it, Aizawa is clinically unshippable if healthy relationships are your thing haha. They’re def my main kink. (i’m guessing mic stands up to his abuse better in this scenario? unsure)
Short Answer: The lure of Erasermight to me is that of hidden natures, healing and authenticity, and mawkish, horrendously vulnerable old heroes learning really important lessons very late in life and trusting each other with their wounds, both mental and physical. 
Long Answer!
The whole intrigue of the ship is that Aizawa seems like a crusty ass hat, but is secretly the softest man alive, and any harshness he turns toward Yagi (either planned, or out of split-second frustration) is in service of getting him to Stop Hiding from himself and others. He has anger in him, very true, but I think the main thing that hit me about writing him (my version anyway) is that pointless cruelty isn’t part of his nature. He doesn’t give the kids homework or extra classes just to fuck with them, after all, but because he wants them to be prepared to be heroes and survive and thrive (though he may flash that evil smile? Maybe? Because can’t he have his little indecencies when he’s dying from the stress of planning that extra training camp you damn kids?). 
Everything he does and says has a point, one as sharp as Occam’s razor, and the man really is So Tired. Maybe he shouldn’t care about the fact that All Might is really a fretting, wistful shell of a man underneath all that boisterousness that he so hates, but once he sees it, he can’t forget it. He starts trying to parse where All Might and Yagi intersect and how much is an act. After that, he starts seeing things: noticeably, how miserable Yagi is for a man who is always smiling and being the person he thinks others need. And he Does Not Care for That Shit At All.
On the other side, you have Yagi, who is indeed a “kind/talented/beautiful friend” but whose struggle goes far beyond low self-esteem and reaches self-immolation. At UA, he’s learning that he exists beyond All Might, and deserves to actually, physically live beyond his hero role. He is trapped in his and others expectations of what the Symbol of Peace should be and constantly finds himself wanting, knowing his time is drawing to a close and incapable of imagining what could exist beyond it except a useless shell. 
In teaching, he sees that Aizawa does not give a flying fuck what others think and is aggressively, shamelessly himself (fuck maybe he’ll bedazzle his sleeping bag this week you don’t know) and that captivates him once he begins to see what Recovery Girl sees – his heart, stern but simple. While others on staff may pull back and continue to treat him like a golden hero or like he’s untouchable, Aizawa, astutely realizing the Number One Hero has a Fucking Problem with Daily Life, slouches through the lifelong haze of alienating prestige without even blinking and yells HEY WHY AREN’T YOU EATING YOU DUMBASS GO EAT HEY and … it works?????
That’s why I love them, they’re so unexpectedly good for each other! That said, I don’t know if I’ve ever read a short/one-shot fic of Aizawa just … verbally or otherwise abusing Yagi to take out his anger? Yikes? He’s surly and slow to warm to people (and hey I am not saying that Yagi wouldn’t just sit there and take the abuse, that’s a definite problem he has and i weep for him, he’s working on it ok) but the whole charm of Aizawa is that yes, he talks crap to his friends who have known him for years in classic tsundere style … but later down the road, maybe post-Kamino, when Yagi flinches back and expects harshness from an instructor who seems to have no other attribute, Aizawa is kind to him. Weirdly, freakily, unexpectedly kind, or just understanding, when their whole premise as co-dads of Midoriya/1-A is that they couldn’t possibly understand each other or their lives because of all the things separating them. They “just don’t get along”, and yet somehow, they both value the same things (the children, the future, peace) with their whole hearts. That’s where they find each other.
Erasermight to me is about misunderstandings and the world-views we build from them – both about ourselves and other people, both as light as irresponsible gossip and as deep as trauma. It’s about identity and personal veracity borne from fire and loss and how internal truth can free you up to be so much more than you ever thought. It’s about worthiness and healing and deserving happiness, and not just because you’ve saved the world a dozen times, but because you love so hard, with your whole self, that its the only natural conclusion to things if you just let yourself be seen.
I!!! really!!! dig!!! healthy and transformative!!!!! relationships because the people!!!! you love should challenge you!!! to love yourself!!! even the parts!! you think are ugly!!!! aaaaaAHHHHHH GOD IM SO IN MY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW I GOTTA GO ROLL AROUND ON SOME CLEAN SHEETS OR SOMETHING IDK 
anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk, tired weirdly shy supportive old dads forever, peace
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Really hope Bakugou dies this arc so Horikoshi puts this "Wonder Duo" shit in the garbage.
Izuku Midoriya deserves better than being forced to work with his lifelong abuser.
Bakugou only knows about One For All because Izuku was conditioned his whole life to feel like he owes him something.
Bakugou has never apologized or shown remorse for the torment he put Izuku through, but all is forgiven when the piece of shit who makes everything about himself cries a little after beating his victim up again?
If Bakugou is going to grow, the abuse of Izuku Midoriya at his hands needs to be addressed away from Izuku.
Izuku should not be forced, or allowed by his nature, to shoulder the burden of Bakugou's "improvement."
"Aizawa doesn't know." Aizawa should recognize signs of abuse, signs of an unhealthy relationship, the difference between a rivalry and a one-sided abusive relationship. He's a fucking hero and he doesn't?
He puts Bakugou's development on Izuku despite witnessing the excessive force on tape from the first combat practice--despite footage of the student v teacher fights capturing evidence of the violent lengths Bakugou goes to put Izuku in the dirt simply for speaking-- because he is small and pathetic inside and hates how big Izuku's heart is, and that's Izuku's responsibility?
To weather abuse and his abuser's "growth" because a hero who saves can't recognize a child who needs to be saved?
Aizawa is a hypocrite and a negligent teacher. His "quirk apprehension" exam one the first day is no different than the entrance exam, but for his presence and the presence of his biases. Instead of pulling Izuku aside to talk about how damaging his quirk could be in tests, he stops him from throwing a ball just to publically shame him and proceeds to invite Izuku to maim himself just so he can have an excuse to expell a child he thinks will be too much effort to teach. This colors his perception of Izuku as a reckless asshole with no self preservation so when he sees abuse directed at Izuku he thinks it's well deserved retribution from another asshole student and not the continued abuse that it is.
Bakugou should be at another school, getting anger management and a hand on pulling his oversized head out of his ass so he can fucking acknowledge the 15 years of emotional and physical abuse he put a boy through before any "improvement" can really begin. Otherwise, there is nothing to grow from or against.
The Wonder Duo is garbage. At this point, Horikoshi is too shitless to care about Izuku's well-being when fanabuseapologist favorite Bakugou needs to have the whole show be about him and his awesome power because he's a four year old who has never not gotten his way. Even from the author, who said he had another, proper rival planned for Izuku until abuse apologists got loud and demanded more of their uwu explodobaby donowrong.
At best, Bakugou will redeem himself by dying at this point. Because thats the only way either of them will be allowed to actually grow out of the other's percieved image and gravity.
Shigaraki do your thing.
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denkilightning · 4 years
Got 👀any 👀👀 fic recs 👀👀👀
oh 👀 boy 👀 do 👀 i 👀
in italics+bold are ongoing, and just bolded are done!
and make sure to read the tags of all these fics so you can skip them if there's anything that triggers you!!
Write It Down For Me, Would You? by Nuclear_Equipped_Walking_Battle_Tank - gen, angst (hurt/no comfort), 1.2k. as I said already said - denki snapping, that's all. characterization is just 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. petty king has arisen.
Them's the Rules by DumbassAquarius - gen, fluff/crack, 0,4k. bakusquad rules! short, cute, always puts a smile on my face.
The Broken Blonde Boy Reading Hemingway on Aizawa's Couch by DumbassAquarius - m/m & gen, heavy angst, 24k. OH BOY DOES THIS ONE HURT. its a traitor kami fic!! but a very good one and surprisingly it v similar to clg! so if you clg and good fics go read this one >:)c every single chapter is a punch in the gut.
Aspecs of Class 1-A by jadedragonfly - gen, fluff/angst, overall 8k. this one is a series of three shots!! aro! denki and katsuki rights!!!! how awesome is that??? my king denki doesn't get allos and neither do I.
Reminders of the Past by BoneChewer - m/m, angst (hurt/comfort), 1,3k. shinkami!! with scars!!!! focuses on shin’s scar from the muzzle (I think at this point its appropriate to call it ‘the’ muzzle since its so broadly accepted hc which I love)
Protector by Kawayls - m/m, fluff/angst (hurt/comfort), 8,6k. one word: HUSBANDS!!!!!!!! husbands, husbands, husbands, and I can't stress it enough: husbands. and protective bamf denki!!! boy be ready for murder there!! + subtle bakukami which is just <333 also for some reason I associate the number 9 with this fic?? don't ask why. also @kawayls​ on tumblr so!! you can go follow
Thus With You, I Smile by Kawayls - m/m, fluff/angst(hurt/comfort), overall 35k. another series!! rights now theres 6 shots!. this shinkami is so so good just go read it. they love each other so much there, but still fuck up a lot!! which is nice because they make mistakes 
The Dark Side of the Sun by Spacepeeps - gen, angst (hurt/comfort), 25k. i already screamed about this one. if you like clg au go read this one. its so good!!!!!!!!!! ksdjahkjhjkdhkdj. literally one of my favorite fanfiction out there is general. bamf denki!!
Alcibiades by demon_dream - gen, 1,4k. denki-centric!! this one is so eccentric. i have no idea how to describe it otherwise. denkis a narcissitic personification of a knife who likes being nice and im here for it!!!! uses crossdressing as a tag which is iffy but otherwise just,, perfect. the feeling of being inside denki’s head is just,, goals.
Unwind by citiesAlight - gen, fluff, 1,5k. bakusquad found family fluff!!!!!!!!! whats better than that. also this one i dedicate to this one anon whos asked about bakusquad centric fics thats been sitting in my inbox for a whole ass while >.< sorry babz
Polish Me Up by deviance - gen, fluff, 2,1k. another one!!! cuddling piles.
Tall Glass of Tired by IiIia - m/m, fluff, 2,5k. size difference :eyes: that’s it that’s the fic
Makeover by PoorUnfortunateSoul - gen, fluff, 0,8k. eri and shin sibling fluff!! 
Worth It by Puff_the_Mini_Dragon - m/m, fluff/crack, 0,8k. denki puches an asshole!!! >:Dc and toshi’s gay
everything is a performance by mazabm - gen, 8,3k. hawks, tokoyami and shinsou internship!! its actually where i got the idea for clg that keigo goes missing for a while.
Thus With a Kiss, I die by DomineeringScarves - m/m, fluff/angst, 97k. a really really nice shinkami fic. basically a romeo/juliet reimaginary. also hitoshi’s mama??? *inhale* so good just. oh my goodness. denki’s dad *snaps fingers* also very good though a big ass asshole but hes so entertaining.
I Defy You, Stars by DomineeringScarves - m/m, fluff/angst, 73k. sequel!!! currently on hiatus. (spoiler) when this work introduced the topic of mental hospitals I was slightly concerned it would portray these in a very stigmatized manner but thank fuck it didn't! and treated the topic with delicacy and seriousness it needs. the portrayal may come off slightly ignorant at first, but then we learn that this is actually just due to denki’s traumatic experience around it especially since he was very young first time around.
Do Not Feed the Hawks by DomineeringScarves - gen, fluff/angst (hurt/comfort), 2,7k. CHARGEHAWKS!!! NOT MADE BY ME1!!!!!! :DDD 
Sharp as a knife, soft as silk by a_cartoon_lover_and_otaku - gen, fluff/slight angst, 1k. kami with manipulative tendencies <33 good mix of ‘kaminari is a little shit’ and ‘kaminari is a good friend’
hole by soldez - gen, 5,8k. brotp bakukami god tier fic. theyre in a hole together, its fun. plus trans bakugou and kaminari (and jirou) rights!!!
my diagnosis (is that no one has been treating you well) by honeyandsunshine - gen, fluff/angst (hurt/comfort), 6,3k. MEDIC KAMINARI AU!!!!!!!!! class a found family... got tier content.
Picture Perfect by Anonymous - m/m, fluff/angst (hurt/comfort), 4k. plushy shinsou rights!!!!! biggest inspo for this concept. size difference <33 
gray eyes and lightning storms by jadedragonfly - gen, 0,5k. denki-centric character study. its so poetic and has such good vibes. 
these are the ones i heavily recommend! i have few more but these are like, must-reads.
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l0ve-pand0ra · 4 years
unpopular my hero opinions!!! waaa if u get offended they arent real ppl. and fyi this is one of my all time favorite animes.
1. todoroki isnt less cool now bc hes not the stoic asshole with no friends. the only reason yall think that is bc he gets so little screen time and time to shine bc when he does hes so much better then deku so they constantly dim his character down
2. todoroki would have made a more compelling and interesting and believable main character rather then deku.
3. deku was Never the underdog, he got all mights (the #1 heros) quirk Given to him for FREE. and all might favors him and gives him special treatment. and he gets away with everything. his family is super supportive. hes deadass not the underdog just bc he breaks his bones for a while. especially after season 2, underdog my ass
4. it makes zero sense that todorokis deep rooted issues and trauma got resolved with some words in a couple of episodes. meanwhile it takes bakugou 4 season to even consider changing his mindset on deku. even though bakugous whole issue is something he MADE UP in his head. again, todoroki getting done dirty
5. deku should not have beaten overhaul. when he went out to fight i literally rolled my eyes. sure the fight was impressive with stunning animation and sure he had eri. but ur telling me a freshman beat a villian with a quirk that allows him disassemble and reassemble matter which if you forgot what matter is it everything around you everything including the air.
6. todoroki and Bakugo werent in season 4 for much of it purely because of how popular they are and how much more people prefer them to Deku
7. sir nighteye rlly died without recognizing deku as being worthy of one for all... welp
8. shinsou got set up to the max going up against deku who for whatever reason on that day decided to tap into some dead mfs living inside him.... COME ON
9. this one isn’t unpopular but HOW DID U.A NOT THINK TO USE SHINSOU DURING THE OVERHAUL CASE???? like i understand hes not in the hero course but dude.......
10. my hero has weak villains, the  league is a joke with no clear direction for the whole anime, they start showing promise at the end of the overhaul arc. n i adore the league n its members but in the anime the jus seem lost with no clear direction ... and all for one aint all that. stain on the otherhand is the only good villain with conviction and is super compelling the stain arc was way ahead of its time
12. tetsutetsu deserved to be in class 1A and has more charisma and likability then most of class 1A.
13. monama has a reason to be peeved, like come on 1B is literally known as lesser 1A... that is annoying
14. present mic is ugly n just bc him and aizawa are friends doesn’t mean you Have to ship them together. aizawa can do so much better.
15.(basically point 2 expanded lol) todoroki should have been the main character. hes way more compelling and has a way clearer goal then deku. now if deku became the worlds first quirkless hero thats one thing. but can you imagine todoroki having to decide if he should accept all mights power and if he does is he doing it for the right reason? or seeing an  in-depth look into his family situation. like come on the set up with dabi being his archenemy secret brother, n if u want some bland het romance him and momo. bruh it writes itself.
16. deku having multipal quirks is such Bullshit. like come on giving him more quirks wont make him more of a compelling character.
17. the history of one for all makes no sense. i dont understand sure its buliding of power that gets passed on but,?? why couldn’t all might use all the quirks of the past users, why wasnt he able to see them like deku??? and idk it feels like they are always changing some part of one for all making it inconsistent.
18. bakugou has the best hero custome
19. the show is missing a character in 1A with a healing quirk. i feel like having someone like that would have really added to the show and would have been interesting.
20. tamaki is so much cooler then mirio, his quirk is so much stronger and dont get me wrong I love mirio and his quirk is incredible but tamaki basically as acess to an unlimited amount of quirks. plus its not just food he ate that crystal guys crystal n produced them. its badass
22. todoroki and bakugou not passing the hero exame was bs. todoroki was provoked by the baldheaded kid and he’s the one who started the fight not Todoroki. bakugou is himself and does not do fake comfort hes not all might, whats important is saving people if he gets the job done who cares. them not passing was jus an excuse to push their characters aside for the season.
23. the gentle arc was lame and made no sense especially bc of the roller coaster that was the overhaul arc. i understand that’s the point of it was so Deku realizes that not all villains are these horrible nasty people that are human too but like the placement was just so weird especially since it was before the endeavor and hawks arc it just made no sense to me at least. it just seem like another way to make the viewers think Deku is super cool main character. and once again he gets to defeat a villain all by himself... le sigh
24. bakugous anger is completely unjustified the entire series. I adore Bakugou and I adore his character and he is one of my favorite anime characters ever but He has no reason to be mad he has an awesome quirk he’s a prodigy at everything he does he has both his parents he’s wealthy he is well liked and popular where is the justification for his anger and I’m not saying that just because you have a nice life doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to be angry but this dude is yelling is mad all the time there’s issue with that. and as I stated previously his issue is something he made up in his head. he construed a narrative in his head who deku is.
25. anyone else feel like U.A is understaffed ?
26. that wood hero is a misogynist and hates women... he was real up in arms about mont lady when she was the one who actually stopped and captured that villain.
28. best jeanist is so cool im so sad where is he please come home. he’s literally the coolest pro hero. i dont like how he tried to change bakugou but he had a point on bakugous attuide being a bit much sometimes.
29. endeavor does not deserve a redemption arc stop normalizing forgiving your abusers people don’t have to forgive their abusers no matter if they’re their parents.  and choosing not to forgive them doesn’t mean that you’re holding onto this huge anger and it’s holding you back it just means you choose not to associate with them and to keep them away from you and I totally understand that Todoroki technically needs his father to teach him how to improve them but he doesn’t have to forgive him neither do his siblings they have every right to hold endeavor accountable for everything hes done!
30. MY HERO IS AMAZING AND THESE OPINIONS WERE JUS TO HAVE FUN AND MEAN NO HARM!!!! REMINDER THIS IS ALL FOR JOKES AND FOR FUN AND U DONT HAVE TO AGREE!!!!! my hero is one of the best shonen animes up there with the classics like naruto dbz and one piece, and also am i in no way actually criticizing the author lol Horikoshi has more talent on the tips of his finger nails then my whole bloodline will probably ever have lol !
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