#aizawa just kinda fits here. supposedly.
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shig4dabi · 2 months ago
I would love to know what the rest of the family is like
Thank you for this, I'm gonna use it as an excuse to ramble mindlessly </3
In short, I just love putting my favorite characters together even if it's a /slightly/ odd collection, so this household consists of 8 people: Shirakumo, Aizawa, Tenko, Eri, Toga, Rody, Roro, and Lala
In long, here's how I got to that conclusion:
So I know it's not too crazy of a lineup, frankly it makes a lot of sense, but maybe that's just bc I've been thinking about it so much myself- I can't actually tell anymore. I think it's just a touch uncommon.
Anyway, I've been individually thinking about Eri and Shigaraki interaction, Shigaraki and Kurogiri father/son dynamic, and Erasercloud in general, so the stars aligned and I mashed it all together.
Toga being involved was. Kinda just bc I love her, and I think she deserves a loving family that'll always be there for her </3 + I imagine Toga and Eri would have a fun kinda Nejire and Eri type dynamic, being a non-villain AU. [Makes me think of Nejire and Toga interaction too, what a peculiar dynamic THEY'D have, but that's besides the point-]
Rody and his siblings is where the plot is really lost-
Solely added bc I NEED Rody to be involved in things more, and you cannot have him without Roro and Lala, so of course they're included⁉️
I have loose ideas of how they'd come to be part of the family though, like if Shirakumo had gone to Otheon and was incorporated into WHM somehow, but frankly. I don't know enough about Shirakumo outside of Kurogiri [YET!! YET] so I haven't gone into much detailed thought about that, for fear of mischaracterization-
I also don't think Rody'd want to up and leave Otheon all of a sudden, so if we do think of it as Shirakumo going to Otheon, I imagine he'd stay there for a WHILE with Rody and his siblings after the events of WHM mayhaps??
Idk, I'm not fully sure about it all, the first few characters lined up and then I just started adding people, the AU itself is just for funzies anyway. The only things I had set in stone originally were Tenko and Eri interacting, and Touten, everything else just fell into place and now I get to throw all my fav dynamics and ships into silly scenarios that [so far??] have no cohesive storyline.
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five-rivers · 4 years ago
Long Night in the Valley, Chapter 6
Plans were made.
And discarded.
Different plans were made.  
These were also discarded.  
The problem (besides the fact that their best planners (except Yaoyorozu) were out of commission) was that no one knew what needed to be done. If anything.  Yes, Midoriya had run out of the testing center.  Yes, the whole situation where Midoriya was initially placed in a group apart from all the rest of them was shady.  Yes, the fact that Aizawa and the other half of class was still missing was distressing.  
But they didn’t know what was actually happening.  They didn’t know if the others needed help, or what help they would need.  They didn’t know why Midoriya was running, chased by heroes of all things. Jirou had wondered out loud if Midoriya had been mind-controlled by a villain with a quirk like Shinsou’s.  In response, Kaminari had a (brief) breakdown agonizing about whether he had inadvertently helped a villain kidnap his friend.
What a mad banquet of darkness.  
Luckily, they were training for… well, not situations like these, to be honest, but situations.  Just. In general.  Dark, mysterious situations, where one wrong step could send a person plummeting into an abyss of misery.
When in such a vexing a perilous situation, the thing to do, as Momo had pointed out, was gather information.  
Was Jirou plugged into the wall?  Yes.  Did Shouji manifest enough ears and eyes to make even Fumikage slightly disturbed? Yes.  Did Yaoyorozu make tiny listening devices that fit on the mice and insects that Kouda had called?  Yes.  Did Kaminari spontaneously manifest hacking skills that no one knew about and then deny that they were hacking skills?  Yes.  Had Dark Shadow pressed herself flat to sneak under doors and temporary room partitions?
Also, yes.  
He tugged on Dark Shadow with his mind, directing her to return.
“Find anything new?” he asked.  Tsuyu, his current partner in not-crime-quite-yet and lookout, leaned closer as well, interested.  
“The lady whose quirk they were using passed out,” reported Dark Shadow.  “Everyone she used it on is still asleep.”
“Nothing about Midori?” asked Tsuyu.  
Dark Shadow’s facial expressions were often limited, but, this time, her scowl was clear.  “Stupid stuff.”
Dark Shadow huffed, and Fumikage felt her annoyance. “Like he’s a villain or a spy. Stupid.”
Tsuyu closed her eyes and swallowed with obvious distaste.
“Do you think that’s why he ran?  It seems unlike him.”
“Huh?” said Dark Shadow.  “Midori didn’t run.”
“What are you talking about, Dark Shadow?” asked Fumikage. “Speak clearly.”
Dark Shadow elbowed him.  “Midori’s friends ran!”
“You mean Ochako, Todoroki, and Iida?” asked Tsuyu.
“No, they’re still asleep.  His friends.  Like you and me are friends, Fumi!”
“You mean his quirk?”
“Uhhuh,” said Dark Shadow, bobbing.  “They’re like us.  Isn’t it obvious?”
“Not really,” said Tsuyu.  
Fumikage leaned and against the wall and slid down to put his head in his hands.  “What a mad banquet of darkness, indeed.  It is as if we journey at night, through a verdant and shadowy valley—”
“Come on, we have to tell the others,” said Tsuyu, nudging him.
“What happened?” asked Hitoshi, softly, not quite believing what he’d heard.  He rubbed his fingers over the folds of his artificial vocal cords, stored in the top pocket of his backpack.  Legally speaking, he wasn’t supposed to have it, or any hero support gear, outside the school he wasn’t licensed, even provisionally.    But Hizashi had insisted, and Kayama-sensei didn’t object, so…  
“According to the Hero Commission,” said Hizashi, voice tighter than his hands around the wheel, “Shouta and some of the 1-A students were targeted by a villain at the testing center.”
“What?  What villain? Shigaraki?”  That was the one that had been targeting 1-A again and again and again.  The one that had hurt him so badly at the USJ.  
“No,” said Hizashi.  “They said it was Midoriya.”
Hitoshi blinked, his brain first trying to find a villain that matched the name before shoving his fellow student’s face into his mind’s eye. “You mean, he’s the one that wound up fighting the villain.  How many bones did he break this time?  Or did he get a new quirk?”
“No,” said Kayama-sensei.  “They’re really saying that Midoriya is a villain.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” stated Hitoshi. “They think the second coming of All Might sunshine child is a villain?  If he got locked in Tartarus, half the population would, I don’t know, start confessing their sins and become model citizens before the day was out.  If his quirk wasn’t bone-breaking nonsense, I’d say it was the power of friendship.”  He stopped, considered that last sentence.  “Wait, this is about his quirk, isn’t it?”
“We don’t know,” said Hizashi.  
“They’re saying he kidnapped All Might.”
Hitoshi wondered if this was what people felt like when he used his quirk on them, because his brain had just bluescreened and was struggling to restart.  
“They’re what?” screeched Hizashi.  It was a good thing he was the one driving the car.  Hitoshi winced and covered his ears.  
“Didn’t All Might steal Vlad-sensei’s car?” asked Hitoshi, feeling dazed.  “How do you get from that, to Midoriya kidnapping him from across town.”
“I don’t know,” said Kayama, “but it’s all over Heronet and the commission is starting to release it to news networks.”
“That has to be the- the stupidest thing I ever heard! I’d put more money on Yagi kidnapping Midoriya,” said Hizashi, loudly and angrily.  
“What the rat god said before we left makes much more sense now,” said Kayama, mournfully.  
Hitoshi blanched at her reference to the principal.  But then curiosity got the better of him.  “What did he say?”
“That to keep custody of all our staff and students, we were going to have to be creative.”
Hizashi had expected many things upon arriving at the testing center.  Being refused access to the unconscious teacher and students was one of them. Obstructive bureaucracy was one of them. People telling him something was illegal or forbidden by protocol when he knew it wasn’t was one of them.  Chaos was one of them.  Confusion was one of them.  Lack of organization was one of them.  
In these things, he was not disappointed.  
What he didn’t expect, however, was for the remaining half of Shouta’s class to not only be one hundred percent down with kinda-sorta kidnapping, but to have already laid a lot of the groundwork for it already.  
Maybe he should have.  But he didn’t.  How was it that Shouta, aka Mr. Expulsion, aka Mr. ‘you have no potential,’ had kept all the students from a class that had no scruples against committing things that most people would consider crimes?  A class that, having been given time to bond, would probably collectively turn to villainy rather than betray one of their number?
He paused and considered his long relationship with Shouta. Mentally squinted.  Never mind.  He could see it now.  
Well.  It wasn’t as if Hizashi wasn’t like that, too.  He’d never really considered expelling any of them.  Except Mineta.  Grape Juice was on thin ice.  
“We most likely would have acted already,” Yaoyorozu said as the rest of the class distracted the commission officials who were supposedly supervising the pickup of the children, “but we didn’t know what we’d do after. No escape plan.”
Reasonable.  The bus driver (Green Light, the Transit Hero) had gone back to the school after dropping them off and had to turn around once he heard the news.  
But, now, Recovery Girl was coming around with a fleet of ambulances from the hero hospital UA contracted with.  A hospital that was, incidentally, not the same as the one the Hero Commission wanted to bring all the people still affected by Saito’s quirk.  
Ambulances had room for riders.  It was unorthodox, but it would work.  
“Well, you have one now,” said Hizashi, quietly.  No one expected him to be quiet.  It made him almost invisible when he was.  
“I know you already have a plan,” interjected Hitoshi. “But is there anything I can do?”
Momo blinked.  “Actually, yes.  We could get them out anyway, but it would help a lot if we had the keys.”
The search for Uraraka hadn’t been going well before the city started to fall apart around them.  In fact, it had been going incredibly poorly, because various versions of All Might kept popping up to try and punch Suzuki’s face off.  Literally.  At least two of the All Mights had declared that as their intention prior to attacking.
Tenya wasn’t sure if he should be concerned about his friend’s mental state or baffled about his incredibly violent mental view of All Might.
Perhaps the eyeless villain in Kamino had left a strong impression on him?  But All Might couldn’t have been responsible for the villain’s injuries! It was All Might.  He hardly ever injured villains he took down.  
On the other hand, the villain at Kamino had been terrifyingly strong.  If there were to be an exception to the rule, he was certainly it.  
But the real reason, in Tenya’s opinion, the search had been going poorly was Suzuki.  The man would not stop talking.  His theories were even worse than Todoroki’s!
“That All Might is fake,” he was saying.  “He isn’t even using his quirk, just like Midoriya.”
“I think we all know that the All Might that exists in Midoriya’s mind is not, in fact, the real All Might,” said Aizawa.  
“This destruction is just another ploy, another distraction—”
“We get it,” said Aizawa.  “But it isn’t centered around us, so, logically, it must be centered around Uraraka.”
Suzuki scoffed.  “We should be looking for what Midoriya is trying to hide.”
“The only reason we aren’t beating you up right now,” said Aizawa, “is that we are looking for Uraraka.  So, shut up.”
“What about me?”
Tenya whipped around to see Uraraka stooped over behind them, breathing heavily, hands on her knees.  “Sorry,” she said, “I ran all the way here.”
Aizawa hurried over to her.  Tenya noted that he never quite turned his back to Suzuki.  
“What happened?” he asked.  “Where were you?”
“D- Izuku wanted to talk to me,” she said.  “He said something dangerous was about to happen, but if we went farther in, we could maybe get out?”  
Under normal circumstances, the overly vague report would have been cause for scolding, but Tenya could see how her eyes flicked to Suzuki. There were details she didn’t want him to hear.
“Did he say how to go further in?” asked Aizawa.  
“No.  That happened and he ran off.”  She gestured towards another building that was slowly collapsing.  
“Wait a moment,” said Suzuki.  “If you’re here, what’s there?”
“Uh,” said Uraraka.  
“He told you, didn’t he?  What did he say?”
“Excuse me!” said Tenya.  “You are being very rude right now!  Uraraka has just come back from a harrowing experience!”
Tenya was not very good at lying, but this wasn’t really a lie, per-se.  
The distinction didn’t seem to matter to Suzuki, who gave him a brief, incredulous look before turning back to the gathering storm.  “He doesn’t want us to see this.”
“Don’t you dare,” said Aizawa, eyes narrowing.
Suzuki didn’t listen.
Tenya caught up to him without any trouble and punched him in the back of the head.  “Ow,” said Tenya, who had forgotten he wasn’t wearing his hero costume.  
“Did you break your fingers?” asked Aizawa as he dragged Suzuki back by the foot.  
“I’m going to have you all arrested and stripped of you licenses, unless—”
“Because we didn’t help you with an illegal interrogation? No, you’re not,” said Aizawa.
The voice bounced off the buildings and was swept away by the wind.  
“Nana!  Master, where are you?”
It was the voice of the younger, vigilante All Might.  
“Is he calling the name or the number?” asked Uraraka.  
“Master!  Please! Answer me!”
With a shuddering heave, the building right next to them tipped over, falling into rubble before it even hit the ground.  The storm wind, heavy with rain and lightning, whipped down the street with all the force of a hurricane.  Tenya had to brace himself and cover his eyes.  
When he could see again, it was to discover Suzuki had run off again.  Towards the fallen building.  
Tenya was honestly torn between letting him get beaten up by whatever had flattened the building, whether it be Midoriya’s subconscious, the illusory All Might, or something worse.  Although, arguably, all those were the same the same thing.  
But Tenya was training to be a hero.  Heroes couldn’t pick and choose who to save.  He, and everyone else took off after Suzuki.  
They all stopped, though, when a boy in a torn UA uniform clambered over the rubble.  The boy cupped his hands around his mouth.  “Nana!”
That hair was recognizable from a mile away, not to mention the height.  All Might. Yet a different version.  Tenya had known UA was All Might’s alma mater, but seeing him in a uniform like this, seeing him vulnerable, not in the way of a man at the end of his career, but as someone just starting out, someone like them, was oddly humbling and completely terrifying.  
What pushed him to this?  What put that distraught tone in his voice?  What put that bloody slash in his uniform and bruised his face?
Tenya had a sinking suspicion he knew what.  He didn’t even want to come into contact with the memory of that monster from Kamino.  
All Might was scanning the ground, looking for- Looking for something.  Someone?
His eyes fell on them, and even from this distance, Tenya could see them widen.  All Might began to scramble down the hill.  
“You,” he shouted, as he came closer.  “You—Underclassmen.  Have you seen-?”  He gasped for air.  
Even Suzuki, from what he could see, looked taken aback.  
“Have you seen a woman about—” He hesitated and adjusted his hand downward, to about the height of his chin.  Which was still taller than Tenya.  
All Might was tall in high school.  Or, at least, Midoriya thought All Might was tall in high school.  
This was confusing.  
“A woman about this tall.  She’s—She has black hair, and she wears it, um, half up.”  All Might fanned his hand behind his head to illustrate. “She’s a hero.  Wears- Wears yellow gloves.”  He paused for a moment, eyes flicking from one to the next.  “You haven’t seen her.”  He whipped back around.  “Nana!”
“What even is this supposed to be?” demanded Suzuki.  
“Truly,” said Todoroki, “their bond is inspiring.  For All Might to tell Midoriya even of this tragedy…”
“Todoroki!  That’s entirely inappropriate!” exclaimed Tenya, turning to face his classmate.  
The wind picked up again.  The buildings began to twinkle.  
Earlier, you said something about being a vigilante. What was up with that, anyway?
Midoriya’s voice sounded like it was right next to him, and yet the sound was entirely sourceless.  
The colors shifted.
Izuku wasn’t sure if he wanted to curse the bystander culture encouraged by the hero system or bless it for its unintentional effects.  Even though Toshinori was clearly suffering, slumped against a wall and shoulders heaving, no one stopped to help him.  In fact, most people were averting their eyes, barely looking at him.  
Generally speaking, Izuku decided, he’d curse it.  In this particular instance, however, it benefitted them.  
He looked back and forth before dashing across the street, not caring about jaywalking at the moment.  He jogged up to Toshinori, swallowing the name before it left his lips. Right.  They were undercover, and the commission definitely knew Toshinori’s real name.  
“Dad,” he said instead, and mentally felt himself collide with a wall.  Couldn’t he have picked something else?  Come up with some fake name?  Or just not used a name to begin with.  With effort, he picked himself up and his dream-self kept running.  “I got your text,” he said, instead, for the benefit of anyone listening.  He inserted himself under one of Toshinori’s arms.  “Let’s go home.”
He smiled at a couple of people who were staring and hoped they wouldn’t report this.  
“I can walk, I can walk,” said Toshinori heaving himself off the wall with a shudder.  “I’m fine.”
This was a lie.  Izuku could still see the flashback playing out in his mind’s eye.  Even so, he nodded and tried to give Toshinori space, even as Toshinori put one hand on his shoulder and leaned on it heavily.  
This mental invasion was wearing both of them out.  No.  All of them out.  This was not, they reminded him, at all normal.  
Five gently pressed ways of dealing with flashbacks into his awareness.  Thank goodness for Five and his comparative normalcy.  
“We’re okay,” he said.  “We’re just on a street in Musutafu.  You can feel me, right?  And the sidewalk under your feet.  And you can hear the traffic and smell the cars.”  He kept going.
Toshinori gave a hum of assent after each item Izuku listed, but he could tell it wasn’t enough.  He might be able to see and hear, to touch and taste, but he could do the same things to that mental battleground.  
“What if,” said Izuku, desperately, “you tell me a story?”
“A story?” rasped Toshinori.  
“Y-yeah.  Earlier, you said something about being a vigilante.  What was up with that, anyway?”
It isn’t well known, said Yagi’s voice as the world came back into focus in an entirely different city with entirely different weather and signage, but I didn’t grow up in a terribly pleasant area.  
In fact, there was quite a lot of crime.  
Aizawa caught sight of a familiar head of yellow hair positioned above a plain gakuran.  The younger version of Yagi was staring down an alleyway.  
Suddenly, Aizawa felt himself pulled to stand right behind Yagi. A man with a mutation quirk was being mugged by two young men with fire quirks.  He blinked.  The scene didn’t change, even behind his eyelids.  He couldn’t see his students, or Suzuki.  
What was this, a cutscene?
I, ah, rather disliked that.  Obviously, my thoughts about become a symbol of peace for the world were, well… Just thoughts.  But even then, for my own little corner of the world, I wanted to make a difference.
Yagi, showcasing the fact that he’d always been a bit of an idiot, pulled on a medical mask and threw his bookbag at one of the muggers and punched the other one in the face.  At least he wasn’t using his quirk to do it.  The villain would have been paste on the side of the building.  
On the other hand, this was presumably some imagining of Midoriya’s, possibly based on a story he heard from All Might, if the voiceover was anything to go by.  
Oh, said Midoriya, I did that a couple of times.  Stop a mugging, I mean.                                                                                                                                          
I thought you said you weren’t involved in any vigilantism.
It wasn’t vigilantism!  They were just things I happened to run into, and I couldn’t just not help.
Sometimes, I wonder if your quirk really isn’t something like a villain magnet…
The scene shifted again, making Aizawa feel dizzy, even though he wasn’t moving.  Except, maybe that was why he felt dizzy.  Motion sickness.  
I never knew my parents.  I grew up in a foster home.  
Aizawa blinked, and the scene became clear.  A small apartment building with a tiny, tattered lawn. Someone’s shoe had been left on the sidewalk in front, and Yagi was climbing the stairs to the door.  
Then, Aizawa was inside, and internally wincing at the noise level.  Screaming preteens were so far out of his comfort level you couldn’t see it with a telescope.  
(The exception, of course, was Eri.)
As he watched, Yagi was shoved several times, tripped, and had a water-manipulation quirk used to drop something that Aizawa suspected was toilet water on his head.  
Overall, the attitude towards people like us wasn’t quite what it was now, but to be parentless on top of that?  Many of the other children at the home thought there had to be something wrong with me.  There was a sigh.  Judging from what I’ve seen of your memories, I suspect you had the worse time of it.
I had Mom, though.
Aizawa found himself in a small bedroom.  Pinned to one of the walls was a corkboard.  Which looked distressingly like Todoroki’s.  Yagi crossed his arms as he contemplated it.
Once I had built up my confidence, one of the things I was trying to do was find out about a human trafficking ring.
Oh, yeah, those suck.  
… Why do I feel like you have personal experience in the subject.  
It wasn’t my fault.  
Soft, fond laughter filled the room before it was whisked away and replaced with a warehouse that just screamed ‘villain hideout.’
There was a fight.  
I tried my best, tried to be sneaky… I knew I wouldn’t win in a straight-out fight.  But…
Yagi was surrounded and clearly losing.  Then the doors burst open.  A figure floated, framed by the threshold, backlit by the streetlights.
First contact, whispered a voice like the wind.
Nana, said Midoriya.  
Nana, agreed All Might’s voice.  She saved me.  I… Didn’t want to get caught.  I ran. Went back to the muggings.  
And then?
And then—
Another change in scenery.  A sidewalk by a stream.  Yagi stood in his gakuran a few meters away from a woman in a hero costume.  The yellow gloves stood out.  
And then, a week later, she found me.
The woman’s head snapped in Aizawa’s direction, and he had just enough time to realize she could see him before the scene glitched out and he was falling through an empty sky.
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eveankov · 5 years ago
Drug (Kacchan x Reader)
Kinda wanna write something nice about Kacchan so yeah here goes nothing.(Also, your name here is Fujimoto)
“Piss off, dude. I’m not in the mood to give you a mercy beating. I might kill you and that’s shit villains do.”
Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, was walking around the city when he was halted by the sight of a small fry trying to scare a middle-aged mom. The city was bright and the scene was gaining attention from people and it’d hurt his pride as a hero to let it be. In the end, he ended up scaring both the villain and the crowd. Nonetheless, the woman thanked him. He was still in a bad mood because of how the half-half bastard ‘got in his way’, as he would love to refer it, although that was supposedly a team play, him being paired with icyhot.
He was on his way back to the dorms, kicking some pebbles on the way, when he noticed someone sitting at the swing in the park, pretty much alone. He noticed the familiar white, long, wavy hair of his classmate, Chira Fujimoto. 
“Oi, pale woman. What are you doing here,fucking around? Playtime’s long over.”
Katsuki was irritated because of how the girl lacked any reaction. He went closer, readying a mouthful of words at her.
“Woman, you have the guts to ignore me when I’m greater than y-”
As soon as he grabbed her arm, he felt red liquid on his right palm. He shifted another glance at the girl, as he saw that she was slowly walking towards death’s door. He carried the girl with her, contacted Mr. Aizawa before anything else.
They arrived at the nurse’s office just in time and Katsuki was told to go sleep early because of classes. He was told not to speak a word from what happened that night and he agreed easily without retorts. Well, it’s for the girl’s sake.
“What the fuck happened back then?”
He shrugged of the thoughts and shut his eyes.
“Seriously, what the fuck happened back then?” 
As soon as he heard that the girl regained consciousness, he hurriedly went to the nurse’s office without sparing any glance to his uninformed classmates.
“Nothing worth remembering. What a fucking hero I am. Letting myself get stabbed by a gang of street thugs. But don’t get mistaken, their quirks were above average and they know how to use it.”
He rolled his eyes at your statement as he felt like you were praising the people who almost killed you.
“Is that supposed to be the right reaction from someone who merely survived?”
 “Well, I’m not like you, or Todoroki, who are geniuses in quirk control. In the first place, I’m not fit to be a savior. I’m kind of jinxed because I always end up getting saved.”
“HUH?!Don’t lump me in with that bastard!”
The girl chuckled before the long awkward pause.
“And for someone who cheers the people around her, you don’t know how to cheer yourself.”
The girl had wide eyes facing the explosive crimson eye.
“Wow, Katsuki. That was fucking cheesy but I appreciate it.”
For the first time, the guy whom people thought to be a hard one to comprehend, plastered a smile in front of the girl. She was quite shocked, herself, but refrained from smiling back.
“You know what, a permanent smile suits your face. Please, can you do that everytime?” 
Katsuki tried to struggle at how the woman grabbed his cheeks and stretched it, forcing another smile. The guy was still struggling and the girl was persistent, not noticing the distance between the two of them. The girl was still sitting on the bed, having the boy only an inch away from her face. As soon as she took notice, she was flustered and shocked by the outcome and let the guy go.
“Have you forgotten, Chira?”
Katsuki grabbed you again, trying to remain as close to your face.
“How could I forget a self-conceited declaration?”
“Good. I thought you’ve forgotten how i feel about you. That’s why I hate it when you compare me to icyhot. He doesn’t even stand a chance to me when it comes to you. But seriously, tell me. Am I still lacking something? Just tell m-”
He was cut off, shocked and wide-eyed. The girl already closed the distance, locking her lips with the guy’s.
“What were you saying, Katsuki? How can someone as confident as yourself, say depressing things. I don’t need you to change. Just stay like the eyesore and badmouth you’re supposed to be. That’s what I love about you.”
The girl smiled, so did the boy. He pulled her again and locked his lips to hers.
“Goddammit! Why are you always calming me and driving me crazy at the same time, Fujimoto Chira?”
“Well, I’m pretty much a drug for you, Katsuki Bakugou.”
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