#aircond penang
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sifuaircondservices · 1 year ago
🌡️𝐂𝐮𝐚𝐜𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬, 𝐍𝐚𝐤 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐩𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥⁉️ 😢𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐮 ! 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚 “𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧” 💥 🚀𝐒𝐈𝐅𝐔 𝐱 𝐀𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 - 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧✨ 🔧Menawarkan 36 bulan ansuran tanpa deposit.💳 💥Nikmati aircond berkualiti tinggi pada harga terendah setiap bulan💯 🍃Pasang Aircond, Tiada Beban ‼️ 💸Hindari kos tinggi segera, wujudkan rumah idaman. Cepat mohon jika layak ‼️
🌡️无法忍受热浪来袭,却因冷气价钱太高被吓退⁉️ 😢别担心! 💥你的舒适,现在可以“分期”实现了💥 🚀𝗦𝗜𝗙𝗨 x 𝗔𝗲𝗼𝗻 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁 - 打破传统,重新定义您的购物体验🚀 🔧强强联手,为您提供36个月零首付分期方案💳。💥告别一次性高额支付,每月仅需以最低的价格,享有高品质冷气机💯! 🍃安装冷气,不再是负担!💸每月轻松分期,摆脱价格困扰😔 #符合条件立马行动
🔗点击链接,解锁更多可能🔎 https://bit.ly/47Z7wSz
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arkhome · 2 years ago
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Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/_FxO1 Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_ePgsf BEST DEAL YOU EVER FIND, ☎️☎️Whatsapp us fast. I am Jessica. We have zero deposit package too. 👑👑Royal Gold Master Room with attached bathroom for that extra privacy and space. Don't like sharing toilet 🚽🚿, this is for just for you. Everything you need is readily available here and oh... Fully Furnished 🤩🤩 Just Bring Your Luggage, Hassle Free. 💼Work comfortably and safe from home with a work desk and an height adjustable chair. ⏰Set your alarm, coz u will sleep so well on our 10" comfy mattress and the sun is totally blocked out 🤭. When you wake up, cook your fav breakfast 🥞🍳 in our fully equipped kitchen. 🚙💨💨Get ready and reach your workplace in no time at all: 📍1km/3min to Penang Bridge 📍4km/7min to Sunway Carnival 📍5km/6min to Seberang Jaya Hospital 📍5km/6min to Icon City Bonus: Free Weekly Cleaning Rental Rate include Electricity, Water Bill and 100mbps Wifi, but exclude Aircond usage. Can add on carpark at additional charge. ...
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malaysiahomesolution · 4 years ago
When the refrigerant in the system is low due to leakage over time, there will be a decrease in the saturation point temperature of the system. When this happens, it will take a lower temperature for all the refrigerant liquid that has been compressed by the compressor to become vapor in the evaporator.
This means that the operating temperature of the cooling coils has now dropped compared to the original design. This lower temperature will cause moisture collected from the air to quickly becomes ice on the evaporator when the temperature goes below below 32 °F.
These moisture that is supposed be cooled to a level which becomes water and drips to the condensate drainage pan is now stuck at the evaporator coils and fins forming ice around them. When this continues on, eventually a block of ice is formed on it.
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malaysiaservice · 4 years ago
We sell , install and repair all brands of aircond:Fuji Electric air-conditioners Fujitsu air-conditioners General air-conditioners Hitachi air-conditioners - Split Type - All DC InverterMitsubishi air-conditioners National air-conditioners Panasonic air-conditioners Samsung air-conditioners Sanyo air-conditioners Sharp air-conditioners Toshiba air-conditioners
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novelberahimelayu · 4 years ago
Fantasy Story....
Syikin Penang part 1
Syikin Menetap Di Penang area Bayan Lepas...Dia bekerja di Kilang di sana.Macam mana aku kenal dengan Syikin ni,semua dari sosial media...First time aku keluar date dengan dia ni,aku ambil di tepi jalan Berdekatan rumahnya.Aku yang menunggang Motor 125z pada masa tu.Syikin pun naik dengan aku.Kami plan untuk pergi ke Queensbay Mall....Masa Syikin ni jalan depan aku masa naik escalator tu,aku tergamam tengok Jambannya ( Bontot ) dia besar gila...Pakai dengan jeans ketat plak...Body dia taklah gemuk sangat taklah Kurus sangat kena pula dengan Tudung Singkat plak, Breast dia memang Menonjol la masa tu... Walaupun Taklah Besar sangat...Muat2 telekup dengan Sebelah tapak tangan je... Aku rasa saiz bra dia lebih kurang 32C gitu je.Untuk hari pertama aku Keluar dengannya takde lah pegang2 lagi...just Santai sambil tgk body dan jamban dia je...
Selepas 3,4 bulan kami kenal,kami makin selalu keluar menarik...Boleh katakan setiap malam minggu tak miss kecuali Hujan je...Syikin dah makin berani dressing Ala ala Bohsia gitu...Time tu trend Pakai seluar legging fit tu dengan T-shirt je...Tudung time tu dah tak pakai dah.Kalau menarik dengan aku...dia mesti duduk menonggek je...breast dia telekup dekat belakang aku...Pada hari sabtu petang, aku ajak gi tengok wayang citer Fast furious 5 kalau tak silap...Aku ambil couple sit.Bila Citer Start...Lampu Panggung Dimatikan...Cuma cahaya dari skrin Panggung je yang ada,aircond plak Sejuk giler time tu.nasib aku bawa masuk sweater... Sweater aku agak besar jugak...Muat kami berdua bila diselinutkan ke tubuh kami tp kena duduk rapat2 lah....aku pun peluk pinggang dia sambil kepalanya lentok dibahuku...
Aku try kuis kuis breastnya dengan jari pelahan lahan...nampaknya takde respon Larangan dari Syikin.Aku Pun Beranikan diri meramas ramas breastnya...Syikin time tu matanyanya makin kuyu sambil memicit2 pehaku...aku nak seluk tangan aku didalam baju dia...Syikin merenung tajam dengan mulut muncung sambil geleng kepala supaya aku berhenti...aku bisik padanya...kenapa? Bukan org nampak pun.Dia cakap kalau nak pegang teteknya...kat tempat lain...so aku cakap ok...japgi habis movie janji tau bagi pegang...tapi dekat mana?Syikin bisik padaku...adelah... private punya tempat ikin bawa k...bila sampai sana...u nak buka baju ikin terus pun takpe...
Lepas kami keluar dari wayang...jam menunjukkan dah pukul 10.30 mlm.kami pergi makan dekat tomyam dulu...dekat 11.30mlm mcm tu Syikin ajak ke rumahnya terus...katanya housemate dia suma balik kg...tinggal dia sorg je...Rumah Syikin ni rumah teres 2 tingkat...Nasib Jiran kiri kanan dia cina...Diaorang Tak ambil port pun...lepas parking moto...Dan syikin kunci pagar luar dan buka pintu rumahnya dan ajak aku masuk...sambil pegang tangan aku menuju ke biliknya di bahagian atas...biliknya ada katil queen size...Syikin suruh aku duduk dulu kat katil...Dia nak mandi kejap...Bilik airnya ada dalam bilik tu jugak....dan syikin mengambil tualanya dan masuk mandi....
Setelah dia selesai mandi..aku tergamam tengok dia hanya berkemban dengan tualanya saja...punyalah wangi time tu...dan dia baring sebelah aku...aku terus cakap...tadi kin janji nak bagi kan...mana i nak pegang n tengok...
Dia suruh aku buka selitan tualanya didadanya...maka munculah dua bukit dengan sepasang Puting kecoklatan diatasnya...aku pun terus ramas picit...dan putingnya aku hisap jilat dan gigit2....aku buat sampai syikin Ghairah giler...matanya terpejam sambil menggigit bibirnya....tangan aku lagi sebelah merayap ke celah kelengkangnya plak...aku nampak cipapnya dicukur licin....aku mula mengusap usap belahan cipapnya dn menguis guis biji kelentiknya....syikin makin tak keruan,badannya terangkat angkat bila aku kuis biji kelentiknya dan mendesah stim....air mazinya mengalir panas ditanganku...aku jolokkan jari telunjukku kedalam cipapnya...laju2....sampai syikin mengerang keras sambil mengenggam birai katilnya sambil mengeliat Ghairah...
Konek aku didalam seluar makin mengeras...dengan pantas tangan syikin membuka dan menangalkan seluar aku...aku terus buka baju T-shirt yg aku pakai....syikin memegang konok aku ada melencapnya....Syikin suruh aku Masukkan konek aku dlm cipapnya cepat...tak tahan katanya....dengan pantas aku kangkang kan kakinya dan terus menusuk ke cipapnya...syikin pun meraung sedap...Aaarrrhhhh...uuuhhh...henjut u...laju laju uuuu....kin suka btg u....gemuk...arrhhhhh...
Bersambung ke part seterusnya
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zilozz79 · 5 years ago
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hashi623 · 6 years ago
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Teehee..What's with the goofy face? 🤣 Mommy caught me trying to drink from the new air cooler gramps bought specially for ME 😉 (mind u, it's ICY and I love it!!) Mummy's been wondering what's the rush when I raced her back the room AND straight into the crate. Simply just missing the cool air from my mini private aircond! Swipe till the end to see me chill.. Thank u grandpapa 🥰 #porkie #mydogiscutest #puppyofig #dogsofinstagram #furbaby #cheeky #yoranian #sincedec2018 #bff #goofy #weekendvibes #chilling #pressie #instadogs #instagood #instadaily #like4likes #likeforlikes (at Penang) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ik4lRh9Hu/?igshid=1tr8axibp0g1z
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sifuaircondservices · 1 year ago
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arkhome · 2 years ago
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Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/_EWEa Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_ePgsf BEST DEAL YOU EVER FIND, ☎️☎️Whatsapp us fast. I am Jessica. We have zero deposit package too. 👑👑Royal Gold Master Room with attached bathroom for that extra privacy and space. Don't like sharing toilet 🚽🚿, this is for just for you. Everything you need is readily available here and oh... Fully Furnished 🤩🤩 Just Bring Your Luggage, Hassle Free. 💼Work comfortably and safe from home with a work desk and an height adjustable chair. ⏰Set your alarm, coz u will sleep so well on our 10" comfy mattress and the sun is totally blocked out 🤭. When you wake up, cook your fav breakfast 🥞🍳 in our fully equipped kitchen. 🚙💨💨Get ready and reach your workplace in no time at all: 📍1km/3min to Penang Bridge 📍4km/7min to Sunway Carnival 📍5km/6min to Seberang Jaya Hospital 📍5km/6min to Icon City Bonus: Free Weekly Cleaning Rental Rate include Electricity, Water Bill and 100mbps Wifi, but exclude Aircond usage. Can add on carpark at additional charge. ...
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malaysiahomesolution · 4 years ago
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malaysiaservice · 4 years ago
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melakahotels · 7 years ago
Kuala Lumpur AirCond Service
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Air Con Service KL - Installation, dismantle, repair, cleaning of aircon in KL, Kuala Lumpur
locksmithmalaysia's insight:
This air conditioner service provider localised air conditioning services to both residential and commercial customers.They are friendly, dedicated and professional air conditioning service from your neighbourhood, with competitive prices.
 If you have an air conditioner service and repair emergency in the your area and need your air conditioning system back up and running quickly, contact us soonest possible.
 Their professionals will fix your problems at your air conditioning locality. Aircon services provided are such as new installation, replacement, repair, cleaning and maintenance of air conditioners in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Subang Jaya, Shah Alam and Penang.
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localservicemalaysia-blog · 8 years ago
Aircon Service Penang
Contact us at 018-328 1173 or visit http://www.airconservicemalaysia.com/penang-aircond-service/ Penang AirCon Service that cover Air Tawar Alma Ayer Hita
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myrisz-blog · 8 years ago
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Sekejap sangat rasa masa nak kenal ampa. Kerja sama2, gurau, gaduh, stress system down lepas tuh pakat tercongok x bleh bt kerja. Gaduh sebab aircond sejuk sangat lah. Aircond rosak habis suma panas. Rebut id nak scan tiap pagi. Kecoh bila suplier mai ramai sgt. Ampa x dgr dah laa lepas nie suara aq marah paper recycle mcm tempat sampah. Panggil ampa jumpa suplier. Tlg jwab n layan kerenah supplier. Pepandai lah ampa explain lepas nie payment issue macam mna. Nek stress aq explain sorang2. Sora aq bising printer problem. Stress bla mai request shelf label rmai sgt. Kerja elok2 tau jgn sbb stress trus lari. Wish you guys all the best. #farewell #lastday #mydinbukitmertajam (at Penang, Malaysia)
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arkhome · 2 years ago
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Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/_DLqU Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_Je33K BEST DEAL YOU EVER FIND, ☎️☎️Whatsapp us fast. I am Jessica. EVOKE RESIDENCE @ TAMAN PAUH JAYA at JALAN BARU, PRAI. 🌌🌌Coastal Blue Queen Room with a view for that calming and comfortable feel, like home. Enjoy sunrise from your room window. Everything you need is readily available here and oh... Fully Furnished 🤩🤩 Just Bring Your Luggage, Hassle Free. 💼Work comfortably and safe from home with a work desk and an height adjustable chair. ⏰Set your alarm, coz u will sleep so well on our 10" comfy mattress and the sun is totally blocked out 🤭. When you wake up, cook your fav breakfast 🥞🍳 in our fully equipped kitchen. 🚙💨💨Get ready and reach your workplace in no time at all: 📍1km/3min to Penang Bridge 📍4km/7min to Sunway Carnival 📍5km/6min to Seberang Jaya Hospital 📍5km/6min to Icon City Bonus: Free Weekly Cleaning Rental Rate include Electricity, Water Bill and Wifi, but exclude Aircond usage. Can add on carpark at additional charge. ...
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