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irfangameru · 7 days ago
Aang is Jewish bad actor
Boycott avatar the last airblender
F**k nickeldeon and paramount
Viking colonaztion inuit/american
Real waternesia is Indonesia and Malaysia
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becacomum · 26 days ago
Hiii!!! Thanks for tag me!
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Avatar the last airblender, sk8, ranma ½, Sonic, and more
Idk who to tag, but be free to join!
cute thing im coming up with
this picrew of yourself and your current hyperfixation !!
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no pressure tags @pearlzier @julesssyy @reidsfavoritegirl @whitney23317 @willowsblanket @flowercrownsandtrauma @rottenletter
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shoptmlstore24 · 1 year ago
Avatar The Last Airblender Hooded Denim Jacket
The Avatar: The Last Airbender hooded denim jacket is a unique blend of style and fandom. Crafted with quality denim, it showcases iconic symbols from the beloved series. This jacket not only keeps you warm but also lets you express your love for the Avatar universe. A must-have for every enthusiast's wardrobe.
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elly-kitty · 3 years ago
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Day 18 - Cold
The finished piece for day 18 of Pretty Boytober - Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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antivancrowsmoved · 6 years ago
you are being arrested for being a symmetra god.
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drop your weapon gamer
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gotasdebienestarpr · 4 years ago
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¡El limpiador multiuso de Air-X™ & Toronja es justo lo que necesita para comenzar el año con fuerza! #limpiadormultiuso #airx #toronja #comenzar #confuerza #limpiador #multiuso #vinagreblanco #agua #water #botella #spraynatural #productosnaturales #recetasnaturales #remediosnaturales #solucionesnaturales #airblend #citrus #citrico #aromaterapia #organico #natural #herbologia #tierra #plantas #aceitesesenciales https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDJ83qM_Ii/?igshid=lpm8fdnzmxj9
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littlemisspascal · 3 years ago
New Writers added to The Pedro Library 🐼
@the-last-airblender​ @jedi-jesi​
New Works Added ✨
@wheresarizona​ Dave  Yours
@katareyoudrilling​ Marcus P  Shared Document
@magpie-to-the-morning​ Whiskey  Homecoming
@prolix-yuy​ Whiskey  The Bridge
@mandoblowmybackout​ Ezra  Eyes on Me
@dindjarindiaries​ Din  Astronomy
@absurdthirst​ @storiesofthefandomlovers​ Frankie  The Cost of Addiction
Many fics aren’t appearing in the tags when searching. If I miss yours, please let me know 💗 Or add me to your taglist cuz I love being tagged 😊
As always, if you would like me to remove your work from the rec list, please let me know and I’ll remove them asap 😊
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amywritesthings · 1 year ago
Point A Squadron ! ✨
@tragerlover / @em---r / @mendes-bae / @prolix-yuy / @mandalorian-dindjarin / @prismaticpizza / @littlemisspascal / @altarsw / @jellybeanstacey0519 / @phandoz /  @w1nt3r-s0lst1c3 / @the-jackals / @the-last-airblender / @bbyanarchist / @datlilwrench / @bruxasolta / @tortor-mcgee / @pascallllllll1 / @girlofchaos / @spacecinnamonbuns / @marvelous-writer / @harriedandharassed / @jbarnesss / @veralii / @tastygoldentaters / @spideysimpossiblegirl / @pariswithlokiandsteve / @fuckyeahdindjarin / @iamskyereads / @haley-the-comet / @xasement / @meandorla  / @againstacecilia / @mxtokko / @space-cowboy-like-me / @karlawithacapitalk / @untitledarea / @ohnosy / @enfppixie / @alwaysdjarin / @jallen0126
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader ( The Mandalorian ) Word Count: 2.7K Summary: You and Din take a travel break for a wintery surprise. Tags: Sensuality, Anxiety, Wintertime themes, Helmetless!Din, Kisses A/N: Welcome to The First Day of the Twelve Days of Amymas! It's been a while, Mando. Enjoy this fluffy, feel-good winter-themed update as our fearless Duo get cozy one week after last chapter's events.
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Series Masterlist.
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“I told you not to look.”
The modulated voice catches you before your hand can touch the cockpit’s steel ladder.
On a ship as small as the Razor Crest, you're not surprised the Mandalorian has caught you in the act of defying his request:
Stay in the belly of the ship until his say.
(As if there is anywhere to go.)
Don't look out of portholes.
(As if there are any.)
Don't peek at the cockpit.
(As if you're constantly lounging in it.)
But his request, as silly as it may seem, comes with a caveat.
It's a surprise — whatever that may be.
At first, you're worried that the end is closer than you thought.
Maybe, just maybe, he's decided to beeline straight to Coruscant. After all, everything came to a head last week.
You still haven't spoken about the incident on Trask. Your run-in with Bo-Katan and her crew. The freighter.
Too close of a call; you thought you'd lost him, and in turn, he thought he'd nearly lost you.
Such turmoil could convince him to finish the job faster, if only for your best interest.
However, it isn't like either of you have tried talking in the last several days — not when your mouths are busy elsewhere.
(Blindfolds, eager kisses, sweat-slicked skin, fumbling hands, whispered promises.)
You could chalk up his sudden change in gear to finally sleeping with you, though with the amount of hours you've laid lazily in his bed rather than your makeshift closet, you very much doubt he regrets the change of pace.
(You sure as hell don't.)
Still, the worry festered the longer he keeps this 'surprise' from you.
Had something gone wrong?
Was he trying to keep you ignorant from growing danger?
Had he caught wind on Moff Gideon's location?
So many variables.
So little time.
Din, of course, reassured this is a good surprise the second he saw that thousand-yard stare begin to surface on your face.
(You're still not used to calling him Din, not really.)
Instead of spiraling, then, you listen — for the most part.
Clearly he overestimates your patience when saddled with scrubbing blasters for the day.
Now you're here, caught red-handed at the cockpit ladder.
To keep the growing smile to yourself, your chin drops to your chest.
“I thought you were up there," you begin, airy in tone, "so I thought I’d come to say hello.”
The punctuated syllables tells you he’s unconvinced.
“Really,” you lie.
The clanking of shifting beskar armor moves closer to your back. You stay staring forward at the ladder to avoid the budding laughter in your throat.
Then an orange-tipped glove reaches past you to tap twice against a little red knob on a square console.
"Funny you say that," he begins, and you snort with suppressed laughter, "because a steady red on the occupancy indicator usually means—”
“Okay, okay,” you relent with an amused sigh. "I knew you weren't up there."
"Thought so."
Guilty as charged: he calls out your white lie with a little joke of his own.
You've noticed he's more at ease these last few days. Lighter. More open to this, whatever this is.
The heel of your boot finally turns clockwise until you're approached to face the Mandalorian in full. His armor gleams under the faint overhead lights of the Crest. One hand sits square on his hip while the other drops to his side.
“Maybe I wasn’t looking for you, but you have to understand: I’m restless, Mando. You’ve had me cooped in cargo for hours.”
“Din,” he corrects, “and it’s barely been an hour.”
“Feels like it’s been four, Din,” you quip, cheekily chirping his first name back to him.
Din Djarin; the name rolls off your tongue, more intimate that a kiss.
He clearly loves hearing it.
Both of your hands raise in surrender. The white flag has been raised.
“What’s so special about where we’re going, anyway?”
The chin of his helmet tilts ever so slightly to the left.
“I told you: it’s a surprise.”
“So much of a surprise that I can’t even look? You know, even if I did look, I couldn’t tell you which planet is what anyway.” You tap your temple. “Memory’s gone, remember?”
Din chuckles, disengaging.
“Be patient, Princess. We’ll be landing soon enough.”
You want to keep asking questions, but a curious coo from a blanket-bundled nest breaks both of your concentrations.
The Child stares up from his comfy cocoon, observing you both with bleary, beady eyes. He's only half awake, clearly only checking to see if all is well in cargo.
“Right, kid? You agree with me,” you tease, pointing to the Mandalorian as he passes you.
Din gently pushes your index finger out of his way with a filtered huff, before his boots clank against the metal ladder.
“He tells us not to look then expects us to actually listen." You lean into towards the Child when he coos happily, seemingly on your side even if he's sleepy. "The nerve of this guy.”
“I heard that,” he calls back to you once he reaches the upper level of the ship.
Then an exhale of a door sounds above, only to seal seconds later with a clean zip.
The red dot on the occupancy indicator flashes green.
"Cute, Mando, very cute," you mumble under your breath.
For an hour you pace the tin can of a ship with little restraint.
Every time you round the ladder, you're half-tempted to climb up yourself and remind him that you don't have to point towards the window of the cockpit if he simply lets you sit on your knees to—
In a flash, everything shakes and wobbles.
You can tell you’ve breached an atmosphere, but the lack of portholes in the cargo belly makes it impossible to see exactly what's going on.
It’s a slightly bumpy descent — not enough to warrant seatbelts, but you do hold onto the cargo straps near the Child’s bedding to make sure you and the kid stay put.
"Everything okay up there?" you call to him, but Din doesn't respond.
The mouth of the ship, however, does.
Slowly the mechanics wheeze to detach from their locks, detaching from the Razor Crest's frame to open the cabin to something blindingly bright.
You wince and take a step back, shielding your eyes with your left forearm from the outside light as the landing pad continues to lower from the ship.
A foreign freeze meets you, chilling you to the bone.
Cold licks and clings to your body.
The landing ramp begins to extend, revealing... a sea of white.
Your arm drops like lead, eyes widening when you realize a belated breath too late what stands before you.
Or really... falls.
Gentle white flakes float from the sky to a pillow-soft ground, covering any grass that could have been in sight.
Large trees are littered with slippery domes, solidified from the cold.
What covers the tree branches are what they call icicles.
One foot in front of the other, you're slow to investigate the mouth of the ship.
Even if you hear heavy boots descend the ladder in decided clunks, you cannot look away from the scenic atmosphere ahead of you.
Then you remember:
I know there's planets out there full of oceans.
Two nights ago, you'd been lying in bed naked with the Mandalorian recovering from another round of exploring what it means to be alive.
Your black blindfold was discarded carelessly across his bare chest, sheets barely hiding the patch of hair trailing under his belly button.
You'd chosen to lay over the sheet, too overheated from the night's activities.
His breath puffed gently through the modulator while his naked thumb absently stoked your bare shoulder.
As he came back down from his high, he let you talk to fill the silence.
About anything.
Legends of cities born underwater, forests that survive through endless white… it's silly, but I'd love to see them all. To travel the galaxy and then some.
He never interrupted you.
He just let his fingers explore, dance, along your skin like his need for discovery ended right here.
Maybe once I'm there I'll remember that I've been there before, but experiencing that sort of stuff for the first time?
He hums with acknowledgement.
I hope to see as many as I can before I’m back to Coruscant.
(The unspoken caveat was three words: Only with you.)
"Forests that survive through endless white," you whisper to yourself, cautiously walking down the ramp closer to the flurry of white.
You reach out a palm to catch the tiny flecks as they descend.
One hits your palm, cold to the touch, and you draw your hand back to your chest in surprise.
“Naboo isn’t always covered in snow.”
Your attention finally breaks from the woods ahead to look back.
Din finally reaches the bottom of the ladder.
The metal jostles as the bounty hunter drops his arms and makes his way towards you.
“This is Naboo?” you ask, unable to hide your excitement.
Din settles beside you, his metallic helmet tilting high to watch the gray sky above the ship.
“I thought Naboo was full of cities. This looks deserted.”
“Naboo is densely populated, yes, but it also has its untouched biomes,” he explains. "The entire planet doesn’t experience snow, but some parts do. It isn’t an endless white, but—”
You can't help it.
You rush towards the forest floor.
The bounty hunter’s voice cuts with concern when your boot slips a little at the bottom.  
“Careful, Princess.”
“I’m fine, Mando!” you call back once you’ve found your footing, invigorated by the sights and sounds before you. "Sorry — Din!"
You grin from ear to ear, feet walking in a circle to take it all in.
He listened.
He really detoured from the original travel plan to bring you here.
Something cold and wet hits your cheek, your chin, and you flinch on impact.
The flecks from the sky — you gaze up into the cloudy, cold gray with palpable wonder.
You twirl again in pure joy, giggling softly.
“Mother of Moons, this is… I’m…”
Maybe you had visited a snowy planet in your past life.
Maybe the old version of you would have found something so miraculous to be so trivial.
Yet here, now, you cannot think of anything more perfect that this: the crunch of snow under your boots, the blanket of silence that seems to envelope the forest around you—
And him.
The Mandalorian willing to offer such a gift when so much is already at stake.
“What do you think?” you finally ask, spinning back to face him. 
The Mandalorian is no longer staring at the sky.
His chrome visor simply watches you.
“It’s beautiful,” he answers quietly, contemplative.
Your heart swells.
"How long can we stay?"
"An hour," he replies. "Maybe two. Not long."
"That's plenty of time," you reassure, already feeling the cold swell on your fingertips.
For what feels like forever you step around the blankets of snow, admiring how the fluff crinkles under your boots. You shift back and forth, toe to heel, to memorize the sound.
You're well aware that your clothes, your hair, are quickly becoming damp.
It doesn't matter.
Eventually the circle you've created with your feet takes you back to the Razor Crest. The shoulders of your tunic are quickly turning a peppered tan and white.
Din is also covered head to toe in the gentle flurry, though the little specks melt on impact against the beskar armor.
You grin.
"Hold still."
"Hmm?" He listens nonetheless, straightening his posture at your command.
Reaching with chilly fingers, you wipe away a rogue snowflake from his visor and laugh under your breath.
"Did that make it worse?"
"I can't feel the snow," he responds. "I'm not cold."
"No, I meant your vision, Din Djarin," you reply with a snort.
"Oh. I..."
"Here, let me fix it."
He drops his chin obediently when you pull at your tunic sleeve to wipe the streak of water from the chrome visor.
After a moment passes, you drop your arm back to your side and stare into his helmet.
“...thank you, for taking me here,” you murmur. “You didn’t have to stop here just because I wanted to see—”
“I did,” he interrupts with complete certainty.
His hand rises, mirroring your motions. Din crooks his orange-tipped index finger and lifts your chin to meet his visor.
“No need to thank me.”
You can’t help but melt like the snow between you. 
Always so chivalrous and thoughtful; something has changed in the Mandalorian since that fateful day. Where he once looked at you as cargo now sits a warm aura in a profoundly human way.
And it's touched you, too. He isn't just a bounty hunter, but an ally.
A partner.
A lover.
His quiet considerations have only wanted you to become a better person.
(And for the Razor Crest to never make its final destination.)
You could spend all of your days, you realize, traversing the galaxy just like this: with a bounty hunter and his ward and this imperfect ship, with no final point of descent.
“Close your eyes.”
The modulated command is but a whisper.
Without delay, you obey — your eyelids flutter closed, allowing the silence and light scent of frozen water to overtake you.
Then you hear a mechanical wheeze overhead.
You continue to keep your eyes shut, but the smile that grows on your lips is telling:
You know exactly what Din Djarin is about to do.
Although you cannot see him shifting above you, you imagine the way he lifts his Mandalorian helmet just over the bridge of his nose. The strong lines of his jaw, peppered with bits of facial hair…
You have never seen his face yet Din is a crystal-clear image in your invisible sight.
Then something warm tinged with ice presses to your lips.
The tip of his thumb drags along your lower lip, tugging it away from the seam.
You can’t help but huff a breath of anticipation. "Do I have something on my face?"
"Something like that," he replies in his noncommittal way, unfiltered by his helmet. "Let me help catch it."
For seconds it’s just this: sensation, feeling, trust—
And then his lips brush against yours, pressing plush and eager.
He is drastically warm compared to you, and you press back to soak up his heat.
Your cold fingers glide along his chest plate, blindly searching for that cowl of his. Your fingertips quickly snag and curl around it, pulling him closer.
The message is loud and clear — his free arm encircles your waist, dragging you into his armor.
Din’s kiss is adoring, gentle, and you linger in the high of his boldness.
His trust.
(The blindfold never left his pocket.)
Desperate to feel him, you keep your eyes shut tight and meet his deepening kisses, unable to stop the breathy noise in the middle of your throat when his tongue flick against your lower lip.
Then he pulls away, and you find yourself tumbling closer.
A naked laugh, smooth as velvet, vibrates through your whole body.
"Come back."
"We have to go," Din murmurs, and you lift your chin to follow the sound of his bravado.
"Can we warm up together, at least?"
"Was that not always the plan?"
You grin, eyes still closed.
A beat passes, and his gloved hand gently runs along your chilled cheek.
His voice is so small.
You nod, brushing your bare nose with him, and reply just as small.
And you could be, for all of your days, if he chooses to never let you go.
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redfields-hotbabeineurope · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian - Fic Recommendations
Main Rec Masterlist
orbit: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 -> Mando and you have a cuddle arrangement
Vencuyanir -> Elana only has two objectives when she is taken away from Arvala-7: keeping Bean alive and getting away from the Mandalorian
Security -> An ex-princess forced to hide and fight for your life, you’re now on the run with a Mandalorian and a foundling, trying to protect the three of you from the threat of death that creeps around every corner accompanied by a tracking fob.
Run -> While the Razor Crest is being repaired on the planet of Duugan, someone offers the Mandalorian a job
waves crash. ships don’t -> there’s a storm. on the small planet, out further than the trio ever imagined the outer rim stretched, it seemed there was always a storm. the lightning strikes. the waves crash. he collapses to stop in your home, given no choice but to be met with the onslaught of memories, of you, of your perfect smile, of everything you were before he left. the waves crash. he wonders when you last smiled. he wonders if it’s all his fault…
Dusty Trails AU -> US Marshal!Din Djarin
Putting Down Roots -> Alternate Universe with Din Djarin and the reader who’s the local school teacher. Din starts as a bounty hunter but becomes the Sheriff of your small town since no one else will take up the job.
The Offer -> You find yourself making an unexpected friend who repays a debt to you. After being welcomed into their home and settling into a new life among Mandalorians, you catch the eye of one of the beskar wearing warriors. A man renowned for his leadership and capability, shows you a gentler side of the warrior race and offers you something unexpected.
@mandolovian -> Masterlist
All of This -> He stretched his hand against the inside of your wrist, scratching gently at the soft skin there, pressing against your pulse and huffing out a breath when he registered just how fast it is.
step into daylight -> on the run for your life, you’re finally tracked down by one of the most fearsome bounty hunters in the galaxy - the Mandalorian. Expecting him to end your life then and there, you’re surprised when he spares your life and takes you in and nurses you back to health. You’re even more surprised when you meet his small green son and eventually discover that you have much more in common with the tiny creature than you could have imagined…
Permanent -> holding Din's hand in public leads to more (NSFW)
@mandobls -> Masterlist
@absurdthirst -> Masterlist
Healer -> You’re medically trained and meet the Mandalorian by chance. Over time, you become more than just a crew member.
stay safe -> Our story begins a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…on Nevarro, to be specific.
Human -> Myrah Koor was a mystery. She worked alone and she worked hard. For a while, she was the best bounty hunter the Guild had ever seen. At least, until a certain Mandalorian came along. After a small hostage situation, the two team up to find the bounty of a lifetime… twice. Traveling the galaxy, the unlikely pair takes down enemies, saves the day, and makes a few friends along the way.
Powerless (sequel to Human) -> Over the months spent on the populated planet of Coruscant, Myrah Koor has focused on her abilities, trained in the temple ruins, and polished her young niece’s abilities. Yet something still isn’t right. When the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, struggles to locate others of his kind, he is left with no other choice but to recruit his old partner. Through (many) arguments, encounters with family friends, and a few mishaps, the two just might be able to return the Child to the Jedi and rekindle a lost friendship.
The Lovely moon series -> As an indentured servant, you never thought you'd make it out of town, much less off-world. You don't really need your vision to see a priceless opportunity when a Mandalorian presents it to you, though.
@frannyzooey -> masterlist
Take me to church part 1 -> Set in a brothel in the late 1800’s in the Wild West; you’ve only been working there for a month when Din Djarin shows up. A bounty hunter who makes stops into town between jobs, he is known at the inn for his generous appetite and demanding preferences. Asking for you one night, he is pleased to learn you are well suited for him: your sweet nature soothing to his gruff temperament and surprising him with your ability to handle his rougher tastes. Demanding that you be made available to him every time he is in town, neither one of you is ready for where this request leads.
Of constellations and creeds -> Everyone loves the Alpha and Omega Fated Mates for Life troupe so, what if The Mandalorians were a society of Alphas, a dying race because your sisterhood of Omegas are becoming more and more rare by the day? You and Din were mated before you were born, your futures written in the stars–and that pissed you off, both of you. At least in the beginning.
More to love -> Marrying Prince Korkie would be your inevitable doom to a life of tea parties and being seen and not heard, why should you agree to that when you’re worth so much more?
Rule Maker, Rule Breaker Series -> It's been six months since you last saw the Mandalorian. Five since he escaped the siege that he caused, since he left you stranded in Nevarro with nothing but a grudge and your memories with him to warm you at night. You're not angry. He was only a costumer in your store, this is fine. It's completely fine. But then one day he decides to show his beskar face in Nevarro again, and maybe. Maybe it's not fine after all.
The Light of Stars -> In pursuit of the Child’s people, the mysterious Jedi, Din Djarin and his foundling find hope in a woman who shares the kid’s strange powers. Newly partnered with the Mandalorian, you are trained in the ways of the Force, but you’re no Jedi. You’re just trying to find your place in the galaxy.
In Fields of White part 1 -> fleeing from the life you wish more than anything to forget, you are left to navigate the galaxy alone as a wide-eyed wanderer. in the process of evading the dangers linked to your previous life, your destiny is forever altered when you cross paths with an intimidating mandalorian and his unusually gifted child.
no saints -> Working on Nevarro hadn’t offered you much in the way of human contact; that all changes when an unlikely deal is struck between you and the Mandalorian.
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oniochaxia · 4 years ago
- a ‘feel good’ iwaoi fic rec!! (tried not to go for classics!)
love-love (duskglow)
Sometimes Oikawa will inch closer, too, until he’s fully on top of Hajime, practically suffocating him under his big body and heavy limbs and Hajime feels so weighed down by sweetness that he could choke on it. Oikawa’s always restricting Hajime’s airflow in one way or another, anyway, so Hajime figures he doesn’t mind all that much when the love-love lodges itself in his throat, threatening to spill out into the open air and twinkle there like gems in the bruised night sky.
this won't take long our reign is done (minthalo)♡
“I’m sick of my only memories being the losses we faced together.” Oikawa whispers, he’s lying on his back, across Iwaizumi’s chest, his head resting on Matsukawa’s stomach with Hanamaki curled into his side. There isn’t anything comfortable about this position, but Oikawa has no desire to move. “I want to do something fun with you guys, something memorable. Is that too much to ask?”
He doesn’t get a verbal response, but Matsun’s hand in his hair, Hanamaki’s shaky breath, and Iwaizumi squeezing his arm is more than enough. They understand him, they always have.
After losing to Karasuno and missing their chance at Nationals, the Seijoh Four decide to have some real fun the last five months of their third year.
starlight and star-crossed (thelittlebirdthattoldyou)
“We’re husbands,” Hajime murmurs. His eyes fall from Oikawa’s face to his hand, to the fourth finger and its new golden band. (Gold because Oikawa always shines like a supernova, has always taken the number one place in Hajime’s life, in his heart—) He covers Oikawa’s hand in his and laces their fingers together.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan.” His voice is hushed, reverential; Hajime understands exactly how that feels.
Scenes before, during, and after the wedding.
salt/water (Anonymous)♡
Love is in the way you talk about him when he’s not here, in the way you peel an orange and always give the first piece to him, in the way you won’t leave until he's done tying his shoelace.
...Love is in the way you look at him when you think he’s not looking.
Where you are (I will be) (redroseinsanity)
A study of Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s evolving relationship in snapshots of hand-holding.
Theirs is a love that starts out like a seed and it takes two sets of hands tending it for a shoot to appear. There are no dramatic declarations of love, only a pair of hands that find each other again and again and again.
all of the astronauts, champagne in plastic cups (InkCaviness)
It’s been a year since they’ve last seen each other face to face; a year full of texts, and postcards, and skype calls at three in the morning.
Talk Shit, Get Hit (bumblebeesknees)♡
Iwaizumi refuses to spill how and why he got into a fight Monday morning. Naturally, that's not going to stop Oikawa from finding out the answers.
Sure, he has the kind of face that suggests he’s been beating up nerds since pre-school but the fact of it is that Iwa-chan’s just not like that. Iwa-chan is regularly respectful, responsible, reasonable. He has never thrown a punch in his entire life.
So when Iwa-chan angrily stalks into school Monday morning with busted knuckles and a bruise blossoming on his cheek, Tooru can be forgiven for cutting off Makki mid-sentence by screaming in blood curdling horror.
Reach for the Stars (And Other Idioms) (airblends)
A collection of idioms accompanying five scenes playing out between Oikawa and Iwaizumi over the course of their relationship.
Unromantic (UnicornFlowers)
“Hajime, I’ve wanted to marry you since we were in middle school and you shared your lunch with me,” Tooru sniffles, rolling his eyes at the impish smile Hajime gives him. “I don’t care how unromantic your proposal is,” he swipes the back of his hand across his eyes to little avail. “I was always gonna say yes.”
yes-man (sausaged)
Oikawa grins and Hajime is entranced by the whites of his teeth, illuminated by the dim lights of Las Vegas trickling in from a sliver of parted curtains. “We’re on vacation, Iwa-chan,” he repeats his words from this morning. “Live a little.”
- have fun reading!! :)
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barralrider · 5 years ago
If you buy the last blender at a store and leave it empty that makes it the Last AirBlender
If you buy the last blender at a store and leave it empty that makes it the Last AirBlender (self.Showerthoughts) submitted by Poptart_13 to /r/Showerthoughts 4 comments original
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simpledatainfo · 3 years ago
Real Techniques Airblend Sponge, Beauty Makeup Sponge, For Foundation, Blends and Mattifies, Blue, 1 Count
Real Techniques Airblend Sponge, Beauty Makeup Sponge, For Foundation, Blends and Mattifies, Blue, 1 Count
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simmer-205 · 4 years ago
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chzyshenanigans · 7 years ago
Matsuhana Fic Rec List
Here is a growing collection of some really great Matsuhana fics I’ve had the pleasure of reading! I’ve done my best to sort through everyone’s accounts, but some I missed and some are orphan accounts. Writers, if any of you would like me to use a different account or would like your fics taken off, please let me know and I will do so as soon as I am able.
Everyone else, please enjoy these works! Make sure you give kudos and comment, and please make sure to support all writers. Feel free to send me fic recs, too! :D
Makki and Mattsun are voice actors - sfw
NSFW AU where Matsuhanas meet at a party and have a one night stand turned buds thing going - by @americanbeautiies
Efflorescence. NSFW. Best Matsuhana - by @h-lovely
Matsuhana Week Drabbles - by @h-lovely
Cute getting together Matsuhana - sfw - @carriecmoney
Angst. Mattsun in a mentally abusive relationship and Makki PINING - nsfw - by @gnetophyta
Some drug use. Matsuhanas getting together! - mildly nsfw - by @bishounen-curious
Matsuhanas Gods AU - sfw - by @90stimkon
Sugardaddy AU - nsfw - by @90stimkon
Matsuhana fluff - sfw - by @90stimkon
Matsuhanas getting together - sfw
Morning sex Matsuhanas - nsfw - by @darkmagicalgirlwrites
Adorably Sweet Matsuhanas - sfw - by @crossbelladona
Cute little Matsuhanas drabble - sfw - by @maskyoursmile
Drabble where Matsuhanas share jerseys - sfw - by @zahhaked
9 Matsuhana drabbles - sfw - by @puddingcatbae
A cute story about Matsuhanas fighting over who tops - If anyone knows this writer’s tumblr, please lmk! I reached out to them on AO3, so hopefully this is pending!
Matsuhana getting together. Pining Makki - by @pizzawitch
Matsuhanas - nsfw - by @bflat_minor on twitter
Makki and Mattsun use a webcam - nsfw - by @plumtreeforest
Makki is experiencing Hell Week and Mattsun takes care of him - sfw 
Cute Matsuhanas - sfw @freshseijou
Matsuhanas - nsfw - by @if-lost-return-to-iwa-chan
Matsuhanas- a collection of drabbles - sfw and nsfw - by @airblends
Matsuhanas getting together - nsfw - @qitwrites
Matsuhanas are vloggers and get together climbing Mt. Fuji - sfw - by @airblends
Cute Kissing Booth series with Matsuhanas, Iwaoi, and Kyouhaba - sfw and nsfw - by @qitwrites
Matsuhanas going to college and Mattsun angsts - sfw - by @airblends 
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chepesart · 5 years ago
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My first Fan Art!!! #avatar #Aang #airblender #scketch 🤩🤩🤩🤩
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gotasdebienestarpr · 4 years ago
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