#air conditioners to buy in 2021
Biden wants to ban ripoff “financial advisors”
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I'll be at the Studio City branch of the LA Public Library on Monday, November 13 at 1830hPT to launch my new novel, The Lost Cause. There'll be a reading, a talk, a surprise guest (!!) and a signing, with books on sale. Tell your friends! Come on down!
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Once, American workers had "defined benefits pensions," where their employers promised to pay them a certain amount every year from their retirement to their death. Jimmy Carter swapped that out for 401(k)s, "market" pensions where you have to guess which stocks will be valuable or starve in your old age:
The initial 401(k) rollout had all kinds of pot-sweeteners that made them seem like a good deal, like heavy employer matching that doubled or even tripled the value of every dollar you put into the market for your retirement. But over the years, as Reaganomics took hold and workers' power ebbed away, all these goodies were clawed back. In the end, the market-based pension makes you the sucker at the poker table, flushing your savings into a rigged casino that is firmly tilted in favor of finance barons and other eminently guillotineable plutocrats.
Neoliberalism is many things, but most of all it is a cult of individualism. The fact that three generations of workers are nows facing down retirement without pensions that will provide them with secure housing and food – let alone money to see the odd movie, buy birthday gifts for their grandkids, or enjoy a meal out now and then – is framed as millions of individual failures, not a systemic one.
In other words, if you are facing food insecurity and homelessness after a lifetime of hard work, it's because you saved wrong. Perhaps you didn't save enough (through a 40-year run of wage stagnation and skyrocketing housing, health and education costs). Or perhaps you saved wrong, making the wrong bets on the stock market. If you can't afford to run your air conditioner during a heat dome, that's on you: you should have been better at stocks.
Apologists for this system will say that you don't have to be good at stocks – you just have to pay an Independent Financial Advisor to pick the stocks for you and you'll be fine. But IFAs don't work for free! What if you can't afford one?
Enter "predatory inclusion" – the practice of offering scammy, overpriced and substandard products to poor people and declaring it to be a good deed, because otherwise, those poor people would have to do without. The crypto bubble relied heavily on this: think of Spike Lee and others shilling for pump-and-dump scams as a way of "building Black wealth":
More recently, Intuit and other scammy tax-prep services have argued against the IRS's plan to offer free tax preparation as bad for Black and brown people, because it will deny them the chance to be deceived and ripped off with TurboTax:
Back in 2018, Trump won the predatory inclusion Olympics, when his Department of Labor let the Fifth Circuit abolish the "Fiduciary Rule" for Independent Financial Advisors:
What was the Fiduciary Rule? It said that your IFN had to put your interests ahead of their own. Like, if there were two different funds you could bet on, and one would pay your IFN a big commission, while the other would be a better bet for you, the IFN couldn't put your retirement savings into the fund that offered them a bribe.
When Trump killed the Fiduciary Rule, he proclaimed it a victory for poor people, especially Black and brown people. After all, if IFNs weren't allowed to accept bribes for giving you bad financial advice, then they would have to make up the difference by charging you for good advice. If you couldn't afford that advice, well, you'd have to make bad retirement investments on your own, without the benefit of their sleazy self-dealing.
The Biden Administration wants to change that. Biden's Acting Labor Secretary is Julie Su, and she's very good at her job. Last spring, she forced west coast dockworkers' bosses to cough up the contract they'd stalled on for a year, with 8-10% raises for every worker, owed retroactively:
Su has proposed a way to reinstate the Fiduciary Rule, as part of the Biden Administration's war on junk fees, estimating that this will increase retirees' net savings by 20%:
The new rule will force advisors who cheat their clients to pay restitution, and will require them to deliver all their advice in writing so that this cheating can be detected and punished.
The industry is furious, of course. They claim that "The Market (TM)" will solve this: if you get bad retirement savings advice and end up homeless and starving, then you will choose a different advisor in your next life, after you are reincarnated (I guess?).
And of course, they're also claiming that forcing IFNs to stop cheating their clients will deny poor people access to expert (bad) advice. As the Financial Services Institute's Dale Brown says, this will have a "negative impact on Main Street Americans’ access to financial advice":
Here's that rule – read it for yourself, then submit a comment expressing your views on it. The government wants to hear from you, and administrative law requires them to act on the comments they receive:
Su is part of a wave of progressive, technically skilled regulators in the Biden administration that resulted from a horse-trading exercise called the Unity Task Force, which divvied up access to top appointments among the progressive wing and the finance wing of the Democratic Party. The progressive appointments are nothing short of incredible – the most competent and principled agency leaders America has seen in half a century:
But then there's the finance wing's appointments, like Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley, who ruled against Lina Khan's attempt to block the rotten Microsoft/Activision merger (don't worry, Khan's appealing):
Perhaps the worst, though, is Biden's Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, a private equity ghoul who did a stint for the notorious wreckers Bain Capital before founding her own firm. Raimondo has stuffed her department full of Goldman Sachs alums, and has sidelined labor and civil society groups as she sets out to administer everything from the CHIPS Act to regulating ChatGPT.
As Henry Burke writes for the Revolving Door Project and The American Prospect, Raimondo's history as a corporate raider, her deference to the finance sector, and she and her husband's conflicts of interest from their massive stakes in companies she's regulating all serve to undermine Biden's agenda:
When the administration inevitably complains that its popular economic programs aren’t breaking through the media coverage, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
The Unity Task Force gave us generationally important policymakers, but ultimately, it's a classic "pizzaburger." If half your family wants pizza, and the other half wants burgers, and you serve them something halfway in between that makes none of them happy, you haven't made a wise compromise – you've just made an inedible mess:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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haztobegood · 1 year
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Oops & Hi!
Happy 28th! Here is a collection of fics where Harry and Louis say the Oops & Hi! This has always been one of my favorite fandom easter eggs in fics. Remember to leave the authors comments and kudos when you read!
💙 If You Find Yourself Here by @lululawrence G, 2k, Wrong apartment, Meet cute
Harry accidentally wanders into Louis' apartment. They've never met. Oops.
💚 Skate Into Your Heart by wabadabadaba @bigxrig G, 2k, Girl Direction, Roller skates, Puns
the one where Harry orders custom skates and runs into Louis at the skatepark, literally.
💙 Who'd You Rather - Larry Stylinson Edition by jetblackromance G, 3k, Talk Show Game, Celebrity Crush, Famous/Famous
the one in which Harry has a celebrity crush on Louis and the world knows about it after a game of Who'd You Rather on Ellen's talkshow
💚 The One With the Lemur on the Fire Escape by zita17 @louisandtheaquarian T, 4k, Neighbors, Fluff
Louis is an overworked bartender hoping to save up enough extra tips to buy a new air conditioner before he literally melts during a scorching NYC heat wave. Harry is the new neighbor that wakes him up by moving in his sole day off at 6am. An NYC enemies to neighbors to friends to lovers AU featuring a rickety fire escape, the 2021 Euros, Lirry bickering like a divorced couple, and enough OT5 clichés to rot your teeth. (If Harry's pastries don't get them first.)
💙 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood T, 5k, Social Media, Second Chances, Older Larry
The one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
💚 come on, jump out at me by g_uttertrash T, 7k, Halloween, Witch Harry, Vampire Louis
Harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, Louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates Zayn & Niall aren't exactly what they seem...
💙 You Came Along And Moved Me, Honey by @fairytalefem T, 8k, Youtuber Harry, ASMR, Candle Reviews
Louis was gone for Harry from the moment they met, already planning their wedding and picking out rings in his head, and after months of living in each other's pockets they knew almost everything about each other. The one thing Louis didn't know about Harry was what he did for a living. Faced with vague answers and question-evading, Louis begins to imagine scandalous and dangerous secrets that Harry must be keeping - but maybe Harry's secrets aren't so sinister after all.
💚 A Small Matter (A Matter of Trust) by @kingsofeverything E, 19k, Grindr, Coworkers, Tiny Penis
Harry knows he and his Grindr hookup would be perfect together, if only he could convince him to give a relationship a chance. Or Harry has a thing for jockstraps and Louis likes to wear them.
💙 Someone to Fly Home To by kingsofeverything E, 35k, Exes to Lovers, Pilot Louis, Older Larry
Louis and Harry’s marriage ended more than a decade ago, but fate keeps bringing them back together.
💚 There's Such a Lot of World to See by @crinkle-eyed-boo E, 125k, Doctor Who au, Angst
Louis has seen a great many things throughout his travels in time and space, but only one he can’t explain: He keeps meeting the same boy, who says the same thing to him each time. The boy should be impossible. Maybe he is. A love story that defies the boundaries of space and time. Doctor Who AU.
💙 Now In A Minute by thealmightyavocado @avocadolouie M, 150k, 13 Going On 30 au, Childhood Friends
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was. More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life. So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems. Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Robert Habeck, Germany’s minister for industrial policy and climate protection, has ruminated that the job of astute leaders is to unknot the contradictions of politics—the kind that can stop policymakers cold and run administrations aground. Germany’s coalition government of Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats have barreled into a thicket of contradictions that illustrate just how confounding energy and climate policy—and the larger endeavor of obtaining climate neutrality—will prove as the sacrifices it demands of society grow.
Polls, for example, show that Germans are earnestly worried about the climate crisis and in favor of more climate action. The fallout of global warming is one of their most pressing concerns, indeed as it is across Europe. And yet, when it comes to modifying their lifestyles or paying higher prices to curb emissions, most say they’re not willing, or only as much as it doesn’t sting.
Habeck’s ministry is weathering this contradiction in the form of a nasty backlash against its efforts to transform Germany’s heating sector, which accounts for 15 percent of the country’s emissions and has recently become a geopolitical red-button conundrum in light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. (Germany had previously relied on Russia for about half of its natural gas; in September 2022, Russia cut off its gas exports to Germany until Berlin lifts sanctions against Russia.)
In contrast to the electricity sector, which Germany has been decarbonizing for decades, heating is practically virgin territory—in the form of hundreds of thousands of buildings, offices, homes, and factories, too, that heat their rooms and power their furnaces with gas. Insulating the country’s building stock is treacherously slow: It happens building by building, and the likes of wood pellets, solar thermal, deep geothermal, and bioenergy are not considered sufficiently scalable.
These deficient options explain why the preferred plan is to electrify heating, primarily through the mass installation of heat pumps. An energy-efficient alternative to furnaces, heat pumps—like an air conditioner in reverse—use electricity to transfer heat from a warm space to a cool space. The most common pump is an air-source heat pump, which moves heat between a building and the outside air. By replacing gas boilers, the newest generation of heat pumps can reduce energy costs by as much as 90 percent, and cut emissions by about a quarter relative to gas and three-quarters relative to an electric fan or panel heater. As carbon prices climb higher, gas will become ever more expensive, and in the long run, heat pumps will be the less costly buy.
But the sticking point that the front guard of climate action—to which the Green politician Habeck definitely belongs—must confront is the mindset of his countrymen as the ecological modernization of their society and economy advances. The challenge is to get better at anticipating the degree of sacrifice the everyday German is willing to bear—and ready them for it, one way or another. In Germany, nearly two-thirds of households still heat with fossil fuels, and in a time of inflation and uncertainty, heat pumps are a hefty investment for households on a budget. An air-source pump—about the size of a travel trunk—will run $20,000 to $30,000, including installation, which is about twice as much as a new gas boiler.
This is why hell broke loose when the Habeck ministry’s draft law was leaked to the press (reflecting points agreed upon by all three parties in their 2021 governance treaty). It stipulated that old oil and gas heaters that break down after 2024 must be replaced with modern heating systems, namely units that rely on renewable energy for 65 percent of their energy use. This disqualifies gas and oil systems, and amounts to a de facto ban on new fossil fuel heating systems. In the draft plan, the government agreed to subsidize 30 percent of all heat pump installations.
This pronouncement jarred many people, and the government began to see before its eyes nightmare visions of the 2018 “yellow jacket”  protests in France, when working-class French people took to the streets en masse in opposition to fuel taxes. Not only Germany’s boulevard press but even the Green Party’s coalition partners turned on Habeck, thundering that this measure wasn’t in the coalition contract (though it was) and that this was far too great a burden to impose on working Germans from one day to another (which the Greens had tried to address but were stifled by their partners.) According to a poll conducted by the arch-populist Bild-Zeitung, which led the charge, 61 percent of Germans were worried about the cost impact. Somewhat fewer respondents thought the ban of gas and oil heating was wrong-headed in the first place.
In hindsight, the Greens should have known better than to so flagrantly expose their Achilles’ heel: the perception that German Greens are elitist snobs with no feeling for ordinary folk with ordinary problems. But the party came around quickly on the snafu, introducing measures to subsidize boiler replacement for low-income people by 80 percent. The size of the subsidy is staggered by income, starting from the original 30 percent for the well-off. Middle-class earners (about $65,000 a year) would qualify for a 40 percent subsidy. People older than 80 are exempt from the law, according to the Green proposal.
The takeaway from the fiasco is that political leaders must test the waters and prepare the ground for the dramatic changes that are around the corner. “One era is drawing to an end—another is beginning,” said Habeck. “Because we’ve waited so long to act, these wide-ranging changes will impose on people’s day-to-day lives.”
“Today, it is becoming increasingly clear that virtually everything must change as soon as possible: housing, driving, heating,” writes Die Zeit editor Petra Pinzler. “The energy transition is no longer something that is negotiated at distant climate conferences or in political circles in Berlin and that can be avoided. It has arrived in everyday life. Many people are now realizing that something also has to change in their own boiler room.”
Veit Bürger of the Öko-Institut think tank told Foreign Policy that the changes in store for Germany and all countries seriously involved in decarbonization will affect society’s strata unevenly. “It won’t be win-win-win,” he said. “There will be new winners in the long run, sure, but those hit in the short run, like people with lower incomes, they have to be brought along, too.”
The law still isn’t in the bag: it has to pass both houses of parliament. Perhaps by Jan. 1, 2024, when it should take effect, Germans will have warmed up to a brave, new future of electrical heating. It is, though, as Habeck intoned, a harbinger of much greater changes to come.
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tmr-blogs2 · 3 months
Fertilizers Market Is Anticipated to Cross USD 18 Billion, With A CAGR Of Over 7% From 2022 To 2031
The global market for organic fertilizers was estimated to have acquired a market valuation around US$ 9.9 billion in 2022. The market is likely to garner a steady 7.3% CAGR from 2022 to 2031 and by 2031, the market is likely to gain US$ 18.6 billion.
The market for organic fertilizers is seeing strong growth, mostly due to increased consumer demand for environmentally friendly fertilizers as well as sustainable farming methods. The use of organic fertilizers is being sparked by consumer demand for healthier food alternatives and a growing awareness of how traditional agricultural practices affect the environment.
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Global Organic Fertilizers: Key Players
The market for organic fertilizers is widely fragmented, with several small-scale providers having the majority Share. Leading producers of organic fertilizer are making large investments in thorough research and development, especially to provide environmentally friendly products. A number of businesses are strategically partnering to speed up the development of animal feed along with manure products and extend their business lines in domestic and foreign markets.
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, PT. Tridharma Tata Perkasa, Tata Chemicals, Thai Central Chemical Public Company Limited, PT. Jadi Mas, Bio-Flora (Singapore) Pte Ltd., PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur and Subsidiaries, Baconco Co., Ltd., Cropmate Fertilizers, and ILSA Group are some of the major players in the market.
Some developments by the key players in the global market for organic fertilizers are:
A major U.S.-based business that specializes in biostimulants and organically derived agricultural products, FBSciences Holdings, Inc., was acquired by the international chemical corporation Sumitomo Chemical in 2023. Sumitomo Chemical's dedication to extending its foothold in the expanding biostimulants industry and advancing its sustainable agriculture solutions is shown in this strategic move. The purchase is anticipated to expand Sumitomo Chemical's product line and fortify the company's position as a leading provider of cutting-edge farming solutions that are environmentally benign.
The purchase of Ecolan Oy, a Finnish manufacturer of recycled fertilizers, was announced by Yara Suomi Oy in 2021, an international pioneer in crop nutrition solutions. Yara is now a player in the organic fertilizer market, broadening its selection of sustainable agricultural practices. The purchase is in line with Yara's commitment to improving nutrient management techniques for all types of farming, particularly organic farming, by offering cutting-edge solutions as well as digital tools.
SecuFarm Vermicompost, an environmentally conscious agrochemical, was introduced in 2023 by WRMS, a prominent agritech business. With added humus and vital plant nutrients, this cutting-edge organic fertilizer as well as soil conditioner helps to improve soil structure and promote root growth. SecuFarm Vermicompost improves soil aeration and water retention, encouraging the growth of healthier plants.
A significant factor is the rising public consciousness of the health advantages of eating organic food. Customers view organic items as safer and healthier since they don't often contain the dangerous chemical residues present in conventionally farmed food.
Consumers are becoming more and more worried about how conventional agricultural methods affect the environment. In traditional agriculture, the application of synthetic fertilizers leads to soil erosion, water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, support soil health, increase nutrient cycling, and raise water and air quality. According to a poll by the Organic Trade Association, 82% of consumers who buy organic products list environmental advantages as their top consideration.
Key Findings of Market Report
In 2022, the dry fertilizers market share was significant for organic fertilizers.
In 2022, Europe held a substantial market share for organic fertilizers.
In 2022, North America also had a sizable portion of the worldwide market.
Market Trends for Organic Fertilizers
In 2022, the dry fertilizers market share was significant for organic fertilizers. Growing demand for dry organic fertilizers for lawn, as well as garden applications, their longevity, high efficiency in all climates, and ease of accessibility, are some of the main factors that are anticipated to create significant business opportunities for producers of organic fertilizers.
Global Organic Fertilizers Regional Market Outlook
China and India, two of the region's most important agricultural nations and the top users of organic fertilizers, account for the majority of the region's demand. In China, there is an increasing demand for organic farming, which is mostly driven by the country's rapidly expanding middle class.
Europe retained significant organic fertilizers share of the market in 2022, owing to increased awareness regarding healthy food consumption amongst the young population in key nations such as Spain, Germany, and France.
In 2022, North America also had a sizable portion of the worldwide market. The need for organic fertilizers is anticipated to increase significantly as a result of the pleasant climate and an abundance of land for farming.
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Global Organic Fertilizers Market Segmentation
Animal Manure
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Fish Emulsion
Cottonseed Meal
Alfalfa and Soybean meal
Rock Phosphate
Crop Type
Cereals & Grains
Oilseed & Pulses
Fruits & Vegetables
Landscaping / Gardens
Foliar Applications
Liquid Fertilization
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
South America
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digitrenndsamr · 7 months
From Conventional to Sustainable: Trends Shaping the Residential Heat Pump Market (2022-2030)
Residential heat pumps are widely installed in residential zones for maintaining warm and cool temperatures in homes. These are energy and environment efficient and a popular alternative to air conditioners and furnaces. The residential heat pump market was valued at $33.5 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $77.5 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 9.7% from 2022 to 2030.
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The global residential heat pump industry is segmented based on type and power source. By type, the market is classified as air source, water source, and geothermal. By power source, the market is classified into electric-powered and gas-powered. By region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
The report focuses on the global residential heat pump market analysis and the major products & applications, where residential heat pumps are used, and the roles of different key players that shape the market. Also, the report focuses on the overall demand and residential heat pump market share in various countries, presenting data in terms of both value and volume. The revenue is calculated by proliferating the volume by region-specific prices, considering the region-wise differentiated prices and residential heat pump market trends are studied comprehensively.
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Competitive Analysis:
The Residential Heat Pump industry's key market players adopt various strategies such as product launches, product development, collaboration, partnership, and agreements to influence the market. It includes details about the key players in the market's strengths, product portfolio, market size and share analysis, operational results, and market positioning.
Some of the major key players in the global Residential Heat Pump market include,
Stiebel Eltron ag Johnson Controls International plc carrier corporation Danfoss Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation (GDHV) NIBE Group Midea Group Co., Ltd. Daikin Industries Ltd. viessmann
- Residential heat pumps are commonly used to warm the interior of homes. However, due to the lockdown and severe controls implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, heat pump production plants have suffered a significant reduction in 2020, owing to a reduced workforce and a disturbed supply chain. - COVID-19 hampered different industrial activities and disrupted the supply chain, affecting practically all industries. Due to a lack of workers, most businesses have shut down. As a result of COVID-19's influence, the global residential heat pump market forecast has seen a significant drop. - According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 30.0%–70.0% of the pre-COVID-19 workforce of various industries, such as electrical and other third-party vendors, migrated to their hometowns due to uncertainties and loss of income during the lockdown. This unavailability or less availability of workforce is expected to directly affect the production and manufacturing activities, thereby resulting in a decline in the residential heat pump market growth during the forecast period.
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Key Findings of the Study
- Based on type, the air source segment dominated the global residential heat pump market in 2021 and is projected to be the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period. - Based on power source, the electric-powered segment dominated the global residential heat pump market in 2021 and is also projected to be the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period. - Based on region, the Asia-Pacific market is projected to grow fast during the forecast period.
Latest Trending Reports by Allied Market Research:
1. Industrial Heat Pump Market - https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/02/16/2609899/0/en/Industrial-Heat-Pump-Market-Is-Expected-to-Reach-17-7-Billion-by-2031-Allied-Market-Research.html
2. Geothermal heat pump market - https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/08/10/2495750/0/en/Geothermal-Heat-Pump-Market-Is-Expected-to-Reach-12-5-billion-by-2031-Allied-Market-Research.html
3. Heat Pump Market - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/heat-pump-market-to-reach-99-6-bn-globally-by-2026-at-7-7-cagr-allied-market-research-301107546.html
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Allied Market Research is a top provider of market intelligence that offers reports from leading technology publishers. Our in-depth market assessments in our research reports take into account significant technological advancements in the sector. In addition to other areas of expertise, AMR focuses on the analysis of high-tech systems and advanced production systems. We have a team of experts who compile thorough research reports and actively advise leading businesses to enhance their current procedures. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge on the topics they cover. Also, they use a variety of tools and techniques when gathering and analyzing data, including patented data sources.
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Murumuru Butter Market to Grow at a CAGR of 8.4% and will Reach USD 1.8 Billion by 2031
 “Murumuru Butter Market," The murumuru butter market size was valued at $802.00 million in 2021, and is estimated to reach $1.8 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2022 to 2031.
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Murumuru butter is made from the fruit and fat of murumuru nuts. Nuts fall from tall palm trees that grow everywhere in moist soil and moist pools. They are usually made in Belem at the mouth of the Amazon and are abundant there. Similar to coconut oil, murumuru butter is known for its nutritious properties and it has multiple benefits for skin, hair, and lips. Murumuru butter is an effective moisturizing ingredient for dry and rough skin as an exceptional emollient. Clients can use murumuru butter to remove curly hair, similar to conditioners. Compared to coconut oil and cocoa butter, it is less prone to acne and can be used by people with acne-prone skin. Murumuru butter reduces signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles over time. It also treats skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Since murumuru butter is a moisturizing and healing ingredient, Garshick who is a board-certified general medical dermatologist and cosmetics dermatology says it can be stacked with most other ingredients. “When used with moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin, it is especially effective because it helps absorb water and murumuru helps keep that water in place,” she says. Patel points out that murumuru butter also works well with other emollients such as cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado oil, vitamin E, and coconut oil. Murumuru is a light butter. Therefore, it is best used for the following hair types: wavy hair, fine hair, low porosity hair, and non-thick hair. the murumuru butter is expected to continue to rise as a result of the hectic lifestyle.
The availability of murumuru butter on any kind of online site, supermarket, hypermarkets, or cosmetics store is predicted to boost the global murumuru butter market. The murumuru butter entices customers with its wide range of products, propelling the global murumuru butter market. Furthermore, murumuru butter offers not only skin or air problems but also produces lots of makeup products, such as contour, and concealer, which contribute to the market growth.
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According to the global murumuru butter analysis, the market is segmented on the basis of nature, end user, distribution channel, and region. On the basis of nature, the market is classified into conventional and organic. The conventional segment occupied the major share of the market in 2020 and is projected to maintain their dominance during the forecast period. The organic segment of murumuru butter market is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR in the future.
On the basis of end-user, the market is segmented into haircare, skincare, and lip care. The haircare segment is anticipated to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period, owing to the trend of using cosmetics for benefits. Moreover, the market for skincare and lip care products are anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR in future.
On the basis of distribution channel, it is categorized into B2B and B2C. The B2C segment is anticipated to dominate the market during the forecast period, due to the rise in online sites, variety stores and high disposable income of people.
In 2021, North America accounted for more than half the share of the global murumuru butter market and is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. Moreover, Asia-Pacific and LAMEA are expected to possess the highest CAGRs, owing to the surge in demand for cosmetics products in the market.
Surge in demand for cosmetics due to hectic lifestyles, increase in the use of murumuru butter, rise in technological advancements, and surge in demand for murumuru butter from the retail industry and online sites are factors driving the growth of the global murumuru butter market.
Porter's five forces analysis for the murumuru butter market trends highlights market competition in terms of the power of buyers, suppliers, manufacturers, and new entrants.
Furthermore, a shift in the living standards of the consumers, as well as an increase in the per capita income of the consumers have resulted in the launch of new products and the entry of new players in the market during the forecast period.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the murumuru butter market growth was negative, due to the supply chain disruption. All manufacturing and production units were halted during the outbreak. In addition, trade restrictions and travel restrictions hindered the growth of the global murumuru butter market demand.
The major players analyzed for the global murumuru butter industry jarchem industries, Inc., Liberty Natural Products, Caribbean Natural Products Inc, BERACA INGREDIENTS NATURAIS SA, LUSH RETAIL LIMITED, NSI Group, LLC, Vigon International, Inc, Hallstar Company, H.F.Ed. Meyer GmbH & Co. KG , O&3 Limited . These major market players have adopted various strategies such as collaboration to expand their market reach. The new market players are also entering the market with the latest and advanced versions of murumuru butter products.
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By nature, conventional murumuru butter was the highest contributors for the market in 2021, and is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period.
By end user, the haircare segment is expected to witness growth at a CAGR of 9.1%, in terms of value, during the forecast period.
By distribution channel, the B2C segment is anticipated to witness growth at a CAGR of 8.9% during the forecast period.
Region-wise, North America was the dominant region in 2021, occupying more than half of the murumuru butter market share
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rankertopgoogle · 1 year
Medical Supplies In Ghana
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Warhammer 40K Battle Sister Cosplay // Comic Con Stockholm 2021" on YouTube
We were there and we had fun and they're only a few like me and I'm a sister of Warhammer that's what they call me it's an honor to wear the uniform it's an honor to wear the cosplay uniform and they allowed me in and it was the guys and they say that I kick ass we've had a lot of lost lately and we need this we need him at the Comic-Con at least but in one of the suits would be the best. We're getting hurt he says dying his clan too and his wife's clan there off worldly or out of worldly or something but they still have family here so they know how it is. We really need this to work and we know your reaction is you guys get tons of suits and tons of arms and you get ready and these ships kick ass I'm looking forward to seeing it grow and he said he did other things when he was little the firebird but he designed the Hard knock kicker 5150 in the tire is working and more. Some of the things that we're working he didn't know about and I'm going to mention them later and we're going to go to a party and it's going to be cosplay for time it does get real hot. The Maxwell like this we do it too but okay you turn the backpack into an air conditioner and they allow sometimes that kind of stuff and you can take it out I'm sure it would be a pain they said you could run a real small one for computer room off of a battery for like a bicycle and you have to get the right voltage and stuff that they have them even ready to use he says he uses ambient air so he will come out of you and cool will go in you just have to aim the right ones in and the right one out and really it's cool cuz you can buy ones with their battery operated and you can sit there and charge it lots of times we can charge it while it's on so he did an image and with an air conditioner and it suits big with an air conditioner and it's huge and he's up there he's on like a stilt and they're not hard to work so this is stupid looking his face and he says just like you guys but there's a good reason he's tiring over you so you think that's what it is he got big so you think that's what it is then you try the suit on cuz he lets you cuz he's not kind of guy and nobody else really does and his air conditioning like a central air conditioning for your house down here and the suits really have it and part of that machine is an air conditioner but the guys will love it and Mac will love it and Tommy F will love it a lot more he's always trying to do stupid things I think this is the best idea I've ever heard and he wants to do it so he can make the suit and he needs money and stuff and won't be able to if he doesn't but he wants to make one and we want to see him build one and what he says is it probably won't be as good as you think but okay he says my suit is awesome it just doesn't get any better and it's true it's very authentic and it could be real in seconds and he says like a sandstorm or rain washes off in it and the rough rustic looks new and I heard that too but boy this is intense I think that would be cool and his boat idea for the gothic Armada spaceships is intense you want to fly one in but someone said they won't let you so he's thinking about an inflatable and like his there's a company is thinking of making that makes these balloons and you can hold it up above the Comic-Con and other genre would start doing it boy that is awesome imagine the millennium falcon flying above Comic-Con and it's really afloat I mean really that's intense if it falls a deflates and it was like 10 pounds he says is the new material parachute material but it's inexpensive and I've seen it too it works wow this is intense this is going to be cool
Sister of Warhammer and I am formally inducted and you should know what that means
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technoamr · 1 year
Power Inverter Market to Partake Significant Development During 2031
An electric circuit that converts direct current to alternating current is known as a power inverter. The frequency, power, input, and output depend on the design of the electric circuit. As compared to the generator, the power inverter is the low-cost operator and is convenient for the usage of change-over switches. Because of these characteristics, power inverters are used in many tools, electric products, and many household appliances. As per consumer needs, power inverters are available in many types and power ranges. Power inverters are used in residential, commercial, and industrial usage. The application of a power inverter is a motor drive, rail traction, wind turbines, electric vehicle, and solar PV.
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Increasing utilization of many electronic gadgets such as laptops, refrigerators, air conditioners, and television how increased the demand for uninterrupted power supply, and this will boost the growth of the power inverter market. Schools, corporate offices, and commercial places have a high demand for uninterrupted power supply hence there is an increase in demand for power inverters as an alternate backup solution. In addition, the increase in rural electrification and urbanization in the Asia-Pacific region stimulates the growth of the power inverter market. Furthermore, the presence of a gradual shift from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles in the transportation sector has increased the demand for electric motors which has a positive impact on the power inverter market growth.
The rise in the utilization of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power has led to an increase in demand for various electronic equipment used in the construction of renewable power plants. The increase in awareness among the people regarding the environment has a significant impact on the development of renewable energy resources, as we can see there is a gradual increase in investment toward the construction of solar and wind power plants across the globe. In addition, most of the developed and developing countries such as the U.S., Germany, China, India, the UK, and others, have taken initiatives to move toward zero carbon emission by 2050. The above-mentioned initiatives and investments have boosted the demand for power inverter market opportunities.
In May 2021, Robert Bosch, in association with Porsche and Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Micro integration (Fraunhofer IZM) in Berlin, announced a new project aimed at increasing the range of electric vehicles (EVs) by enhancing the performance of power inverters in vehicles. In May 2022, Toyota Group revealed plans to invest $624 million in India to manufacture electric vehicle components. The presence of the above-mentioned trends and investments for the development of electric vehicles have a significant impact on the development of the power inverter market.
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The global power inverter market forecast is segmented on the basis of type, application, end-user, and region. On the basis of type, the market is segmented into less than 5 KW, 5 KW to 100 KW, 100 KW to 500 KW, and more than 500 KW. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into motor drives, wind turbines, rail traction, electric vehicle, UPS, solar PV, and others. In addition, on the basis of end-user, the market is segmented into residential, commercial and industrial, and utility. Region-wise, the market is studied across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Presently, North America accounts for the largest share of the market, followed by Asia-Pacific Europe, and LAMEA.
The 5 KW to 100 KW segment dominates the global power inverter market. 5 KW to 100 KW power inverters are primarily used in electric vehicles, and rail traction. An Electric car requires around 30 KW of energy to drive around 100 miles, hence the electric vehicles launched in 2022 provide around 400 miles which require about 100 KW of electricity. The utilization of 100 KW of electricity in electric vehicles will boost the demand for power inverters.
The motor drives segment dominates the global Power inverter market. Motor drives refer to a drive used to control a motor and therefore, gets interchanged with VFD or VSD. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) or Variable Speed Drive (VSD) describes the electronic portion of the system that controls the speed of the motor. More generally, the term drive describes equipment used to control the speed of machinery.
The utility segment dominates the global power inverter market. Utilities have gained importance in solar power generation for feeding main grid sources and also in off-grid connections in remote and rural areas. Thus, there is an increase in the demand for power inverters in utility-scale solar and wind power projects.
North American segment dominated the global Power inverter market. North America represents one of the largest markets for power inverters accounting for several initiatives for energy conservation by switching to sustainable energy sources. In addition to this, various regulatory measures, in order to reduce the carbon footprints have boosted the sales of power inverters in the region. Increasing infrastructural advancements across the region will continue to spur demand in the upcoming years.
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Key findings of the study
- As per power inverter market analysis, region-wise, North America holds a dominant position in 2021 and would continue to maintain the lead over the forecast period. - By type, the 5 KW to 100 KW segment for the largest power inverter market share in 2021. - By application, the motor drives segment was the leading segment in 2021. - By end use, the utility segment for the largest market share in 2021.
Competitive Landscape
The major companies profiled in this report are SolarEdge Technologies, Sungrow, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Enphase Energy, Inc., ABB Ltd., Omron Corporation, SMA Solar Technology AG, Advanced Energy Industries, Inc., Toshiba Mitsubishi Electric Industrial Systems Corporation, and Schneider Electric. An increase in the demand for eco-friendly power generation has led to an increase in investment in solar and wind power plants which led to an increase in the demand for power inverters.
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Get more info @ https://www.einpresswire.com/article/624883891/power-inverter-market-to-partake-significant-development-during-2031
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delvenservices · 1 year
Digital Asset Management Market Research Analysis
Digital Asset Management Market is segmented by Deployment (On-premise, Cloud (SaaS)), Organization Size (SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), Large Enterprises), End-User (Media and Entertainment, BFSI, Government, Healthcare, Retail, Manufacturing), and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
The digital asset management market was valued at USD 2,962.2 million in 2020, and it is expected to reach a CAGR of 19.96% during the period of 2021-2028.
The deployment of digital asset management is helping companies to develop solutions, wherein they can retrieve their digital assets faster and lay a foundation for targeted access across the teams and channels.
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Urbanization and increase in residential construction, growing trends of smart homes, increasing demand for air conditioners, and significant growth in number of data centres and their power density are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Digital Asset Management Market.
The COVID-19, the transition to the cloud has increased and companies have started using DAM solutions for streamlining storage, management, enrichment, delivery, and analysis of digital assets, which has further bolstered the growth of the market. Although declined usage by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) due to their increased investments in other collaboration technologies, falling profits, and less allocation of Information Technology (IT) budgets has somewhat hindered the growth of the DAM market.
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Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific to Witness the Fastest Growth Rate Over the Forecast Period. India is considered a very demanding country to manage for the entertainment and media providers due to complexities related to the content, language, and other regional requirements. Owing to this, digital asset management was widely adopted to cater to such complexities.
Key Players
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp
Oracle Corporation
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Cloudinary Ltd
IBM Corporation
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Recent Developments
In September 2020, Nuxeo launched a next-generation Salesforce Connector to enhance the integration between the Nuxeo Platform and Salesforce Lightening and to facilitate better content management from within the Salesforce platform. The new features in the latest version of Salesforce Connector include simple drag-and-drop interface and embedded viewer for different digital content.
In July 2020, Sitecore released version 3.4 of its Sitecore Content Hub solution with new and streamlined capabilities for improving workflows and third-party integrations. The company also improved Web-to-Print capabilities in the product. As a part of the enhancement, Sitecore improved its DAM tool with AI and video capabilities to enable automatic generation of metadata and transcripts for video as well as to support time and range-based annotation, cropping, and subtitles.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
Gain authentic and granular data access for Digital Asset Management Market so as to understand the trends and the factors involved behind changing market situations
Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future
In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns 
Purchase the Report: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/digital-asset-management-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Digital Asset Management Market is segmented into deployment, organization size, end user and region.
On the basis of Deployment
Cloud (SaaS)
On the basis of Organization Size  
SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises)
Large enterprises
On the basis of End-User
Media and entertainment
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
Delvens database assists the clients by providing in-depth information in crucial business decisions. Delvens offers significant facts and figures across various industries namely Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Chemicals & Materials, Semiconductor & Electronics, Energy, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Goods & Services, Food & Beverages. Our company provides an exhaustive and comprehensive understanding of the business environment.
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maryln-henning · 1 year
The Top 5 Solar Generators of 2021: A Comprehensive Review
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Solar generators have become highly popular among outdoor enthusiasts and homeowners. These devices can provide clean, renewable electricity without the need for electricity from the grid or a gas generator. They store energy from the sun in built-in batteries which can be used to power appliances and electronics. In this article, we list the top 5 the best solar generators available on the market in 2021.
1. Goal Zero Yeti 3000X
The Goal Zero Yeti 3000X is considered as one of the best solar generators in the market, with 3075 watt-hours (Wh) of power capacity. The Yeti 3000X has a built-in MPPT charge controller, which makes it easy to use it with solar panels. It can power anything up to 1800 watts, including refrigerators, laptops, and lights at a time.
The inverter of the device has a pure sine wave output, which means that the power generated is clean and stable. The Yeti 3000X has a replaceable battery, which means it can serve for a long time. It has a durable exterior and wheels, making it highly portable.
2. Jackery Explorer 1000
The Jackery Explorer 1000 is another great solar-powered generator that offers 1000 Watt-hours of lithium battery storage capacity. The device can power up to 7 devices at a time, including a refrigerator, laptops, and lights. The Jackery Explorer 1000 is lightweight and easily portable.
The device has a pure sine wave inverter, which provides clean electricity to sensitive electronics such as laptops and phones. The fast charging technology allows the battery to be fully charged in under 8 hours with solar panels or AC adapter.
3. Renogy Lycan Powerbox
The Renogy Lycan Powerbox has a 1075 wh power capacity, making it ideal for home use or outdoor adventures. The device can power small household appliances such as a refrigerator and stereo, and is also perfect for charging mobile devices.
The Renogy Lycan Powerbox offers multiple charging options, including a solar panel, AC outlet, and DC car charger. The device is built with a rugged design that makes it highly portable and durable. Additionally, it features two LED lights that can be used as a flashlight or camping light.
4. Titan Solar Generator
The Titan Solar Generator offers a whopping 3000 watts of continuous power output, making it a highly powerful device. It has a built-in lithium-ion battery with a massive 4000 Wh capacity, enough to power any large appliances such as a refrigerator, power tools, and even a small air conditioner.
The Titan Solar Generator comes with a built-in inverter and MPPT charge controller. It also features multiple charging options including AC outlet, DC car charger, and solar panels. It comes with a 24-month warranty, making it a highly reliable device.
5. MaxOak Bluetti EB150
The MaxOak Bluetti EB150 is one of the most reliable and cost-effective solar generators on the market, with a battery capacity of 1500 wh. The device is lightweight and easy to move around, making it ideal for outdoor activities such as camping or hiking.
The MaxOak Bluetti EB150 offers various charging options, including a solar panel, AC outlet, and DC car charger. The device comes with a built-in inverter and MPPT charge controller. It has a durable casing and an LED lighting system, making it an ideal choice for emergency use.
The above-listed devices are some of the best solar generators you can buy in 2021. Of course, different generators have different features and prices, so choosing the best one depends on your needs, budget, and the purpose of use. Always choose a device with reliable power capacity and durability, as well as easy to use features. We hope you can make an informed decision after this comprehensive review.
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appliances4lessfp · 1 year
Shop Branded Home Appliances at Affordable Prices
Home appliances are an essential investment for any homeowner. Florida is a large-density place, meaning many families live in that area and use everyday appliances such as AC, TV, and microwave. The market for Air conditioners is particularly ripe for opportunities. The weather of the region demands cooling appliances. If you are a new homeowner or considering replacing an old appliance, here are the things to remember.
Buying single or multiple appliances will take a good chunk of your wallet. Planning your finances before you go on a buying spree is advisable. Most companies will offer quotes on the appliances you want to buy. You can ask for multiple quotes, compare and then pick the best out of the lot. You can also buy Home Appliances in Florida that are used to save money or if you have a small budget. Companies will also have technicians who can tell you what kind of appliance will suit your home. For example, your bedroom requires a split AC unit, and your kitchen can fit only a certain-sized microwave.
Everyone trusts known brands way more than they would trust a slightly lesser-known brand. We expect quality from the brands we know, so we prefer to choose those products. Branded products also have the necessary certifications for their products. They use the latest tech to manufacture appliances. Branded products are your best bet for anyone looking to invest in home appliances for the long term since they will last longer. 
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Go green is the mantra these days. Conserving energy and reducing energy consumption are popular trends. They also benefit the environment immensely. Appliances these days are manufactured using green technology, which uses environmentally conscious materials. These appliances also operate in a way that reduces waste production. Air conditioners, for example, come with an energy certification to ensure they use minimal energy.
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Exciting discounts and cashback on Samsung's Fab Grab Fest Sale
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Samsung has recently announced the Fab Grab Fest Sale, offering some of the most exciting deals and discounts on a wide range of products like smartphones, laptops, refrigerators, air conditioners, and more. The sale is set to officially go live on May 4th, but early access deals can be availed of now.
Deep discounts on smartphones
For those planning to upgrade their smartphones, Samsung’s best smartphones like the Galaxy S20 FE 5G, the Galaxy M33 5G, and the Galaxy F14 5G, are now available at a discounted price of Rs 24,999, Rs 15,999, and Rs 11,990, respectively. Moreover, foldable enthusiasts can rejoice, as the Galaxy Flip 3 is said to be available at a starting price of Rs 42,999, after exchange. Discounts are also expected on other smartphones like the Galaxy S21 FE 5G, the Galaxy S22, and the Galaxy S23, among others, but their final pricing is yet to be revealed.
Laptops, tablets, and wearables also get discounts
Samsung’s Galaxy Book 2 with a 12th Gen Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, and Microsoft Office Home & Student 2021 can be bought for Rs 57,990. Additionally, Galaxy tablets and wearables are available at a discounted price. The Galaxy Watch 4 can be purchased for Rs 9,990.
Air conditioners and other products at discounted prices
Samsung's Fab Grab Fest also has exciting offers on air conditioners. One can buy the 1.5 Ton Samsung WindFree Inverter Split 5 Star AC unit (Freeze Wash + Wi-Fi) for only Rs 48,205. Discounts and cashback can be availed of using HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and SBI cards, Samsung’s Shop App Welcome voucher, and the Samsung Axis bank credit card.
Discounts on TVs, washing machines, kitchen appliances, and accessories
Apart from these, the sale offers amazing discounts on TVs, washing machines, kitchen appliances, and accessories on Samsung's website and Samsung Exclusive Stores across India. The Samsung Fab Grab Fest Sale is an excellent opportunity for those looking to buy the latest products at discounted prices. With a wide range of discounts and cashback offers, this sale is worth checking out. Don't miss the chance to grab your favorite Samsung products at the best prices! Read the full article
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worldwideanalysis · 1 year
Saudi Arabia Residential AC Market To Reach $917.8 Million by 2030
The total size of the Saudi Arabian residential AC market was $521.6 million in 2021, and it will reach $917.8 million by 2030, propelling at a rate of 6.5% by the end of this decade. The key drivers of the industry are the growing heat and humidity in the atmosphere, the increasing usable income, the altering lifestyles, and the surging investment in the housing industry.
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Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest-growing economies globally. The noticeable increase in the national income of Saudi Arabia in the past has resulted in a snowballing building count, which, in sequence, drives the requirement for ACs.
Split ACs had the largest share, of approximately 59%. These can offer heating and cooling to offices and homes, and therefore, they are favored over window ACs. As a single outdoor system is able to control split ACs, multiple indoor units, are accomplished to offer even cooling through the home. This also means that split air conditioners can offer momentous savings for larger home cooling projects.
Furthermore, split ACs are mounted high and designed for cooling bigger spaces, and additionally, it is possible to become split ACs of a high tonnage, of above 2 tons.
Furthermore, split systems can deliver both cooling and heating and are renowned for their uniform circulation of cold and hot air when suitably controlled via thermostat.
The snowballing humidity and heat in the environment of the nation have led ACs a necessity product from being a luxury. A substantial surge in the maximum and minimum temperature of the nation is being observed, and the temperatures will rise openly in the near future if workable measures are not applied. This scorching temperature can influence the well-being and health of people.
The e-commerce category had the largest share of revenue, of over 50% in the Saudi Arabian residential AC market. This offers products at comparatively lower prices, making it a good option for buying ACs online.
The suitability of doorstep delivery, electronic payment, extensive product lists with their technical specifications and features in detail, and the obtainability of a variety of discounts and promotional offers bring about the acceptance of online shopping.
Furthermore, online stores do not have constraints of space and a variety of products can be put on websites. It helps logical buyers buy a product after a good search. Also, marketers and e-retailers bid discounts to customers, as they have reduced on property and other costs.
Western region had the largest share of revenue in the recent past and the requirement for ACs will grow at a rate of approximately 6% in the coming years. The increasing expansion of housing units makes it the largest stakeholder amongst all the regions.
Due to the increasing heat and humidity, the demand for ACs in Saudi Arabia will increase significantly.
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car-hamro · 2 years
Foton Motor is a leading Chinese automobile company that manufactures pickup trucks, buses, and sport utility vehicles. The company is a principal subsidiary of Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co. Ltd (BAIC Group).
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allcalculator · 2 years
BTU Calculators | Made your BTU calculations easier with Allcalculator.net’s BTU Calculator
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What is the purpose of British thermal units?
Using energy or heat content as a measure of energy can be used to compare fuels or energy sources on an equal footing. It is possible to measure each fuel's energy or heat content in a common unit of measurement from its physical units (such as weight or volume). The Energy Information Administration (EIA) measures energy content in Btu. For equal comparison, the EIA collects physical quantities (weight or volume) of energy sources produced, imported, exported, and consumed, converting them into Btu equivalents. According to the EPA, in 2021, the United States consumed the following amounts of fossil fuels and corresponding Btus:
Petroleum - 7.22 billion barrels - 35.07 quadrillions Btu
Natural gas - 30.29 trillion cubic feet - 31.34 quadrillions Btu
Coal - 545.67 million short tons - 10.55 quadrillion Btu
How to calculate the number of BTUs required to heat an area?
If you are looking to heat or cool a building, you need to consider the amount of air you want to add or remove. You might need to adjust it based on other factors, such as square footage and climate, but the starting point is the number of degrees you want the inside temperature to move and the number of BTUs needed. Homeowners can use calculators to figure out the right-sized unit, but they can also follow some rules of thumb. The typical energy needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in a 300-square-foot room is about 7,000 BTUs. However, in a 1,000-square-foot room, it is about 18,000 BTUs. Your heating needs can be determined by following a simple formula:
(Desired temperature change) x (cubic feet of space) x .133 = BTUs required per hour
What is the flexibility of BTUs?
Despite your best efforts, the radiator you absolutely must have cannot provide enough heat to the room. If necessary, a radiator with a BTU output below 10% is usually sufficient. Still, a radiator with too low a BTU output may not be able to heat a room efficiently. In our BTU calculator, we consider all room heating elements, giving you a comprehensive reading. Although you won't want to have six electric heaters lined up come winter, you can choose a few smaller radiators that meet your room's BTU requirements. You don't necessarily need a juggernaut of a radiator if you don't need to. Rather, thermostatic valves can be adjusted to give you the perfect heat level without spending much money. Taking advantage of our BTU calculator allows you to buy a new radiator with greater flexibility. With  BTU calculator, you can narrow your search far more easily, and you won't have to run enormous rads at half-power or line up six electric heaters to warm a room in winter.
What is the formula for calculating BTU/hr?
It is calculated as the energy required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at sea level by measuring thermal or heat energy. As a measure of heat or thermal energy generated per hour, BTU/hr is a measure that can be used to specify air conditioners. The formula for calculating BTU/hr is Heat Dissipation (Watts) x 3.4192 = BTU/Hr. Therefore, if a server dissipates (output) of 500 Watts, 1709.6 BTU/hr is produced. Calculate the BTU from one of the best BTU calculators from allcalculator.net.
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