#air conditiner
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Heat Pump vs Air Conditioner
Air conditioners cool indoor spaces by removing heat, while heat pumps offer both cooling and heating capabilities. The key difference lies in the versatility of the heat pump, providing year-round temperature control.
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newlyy · 2 years
my bedroom is so poorly insulated that when its cold and there’s any wind, the temperature gets so low, like around 58-60 F
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generalsmemories · 10 months
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The general has escaped... again
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ synopsis: what's more stressful than managing the internal affairs of luofu you ask? making sure that your husband actually stays in one place when he's ordered to.
✧ contents: established relationship, fluff, humor, mentions of other characters, spoilers for 1.3 trailblaze mission, spoilers for the end of IL Dan Heng's companion quest
✧ a/n: under one patch update (1.3) this man has managed to run away from bedrest a total of 3 times, as such i'm obligated to write this - behold, the brainrot of the week. once again, jing yuan only appears at the very end, but this whole fic is just how everyone is stressing over how this overgrown cat can escape from right under their noses. not beta-ed as usual fellas.
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There's a heavy silence lingering in the air around the Realm keeping commission. For once, the commission has been closed to the public for an hour to discuss internal affairs - is what the citizens of Luofu believes at least.
You don't seem affected by the tense silence, Yanqing notices. He's standing before you, glancing around the other tense officials that's seated by their own desk. The two alchemy commission members present with him seem equally as confused as to why you've summoned them here.
It's only when they hear you place your brush down that they all stand up straight, attention back on you now that you've started to move again.
"I have a favor to ask," you start off, looking at the three people in front of you.
"The general is currently still on bedrest, and the master diviner has temporarily taken his role as the acting general master while he rests, correct?" you ask, to no one in particular.
But it's the newly appointed chief alchemist, Yuluo that answers you, "That is indeed correct."
"However, knowing the general he might start to move the moment he feels some sort of movement come back to his muscles," you point out, having risen from your chair during the (mostly one-sided) conversation to stand before your desk, leaning slightly back towards it with your arms crossed.
"Which is why, I need you all to keep an eye on him," you declare in the end, "The general won't be straying far away from the Exalting Sanctum for reasons you all might know, so I would have to trouble both you and Jinwen to make the trips back and forth from the alchemy commission to assess his conditin from time to time. But Yanqing, you'll mostly have the responsibility to ensure that he doesn't try to do anything else than rest, okay?"
You were already fully aware that you gave the three people before you an impossible task.
And the three people before you was also aware of the fact, but what more could they do but bow their head slightly in confirmation with a resounding, "As you order."
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Yanqing is pouting before you, picking at his food before you whilst you merely gaze at him from the other end of the table, "Not hungry? I thought this was your favorite restaurant," you say, in response Yanqing merely levels a glare at you. It doesn't reach his eyes because he has no animosity, you're pretty sure he's just irritated.
"... I tried," he membles after another few minutes of silence. The quiet confession making you chuckle, "I'm aware, I'm surprised you even managed to keep him laying down for so long."
"... I even nailed down a few swords by the covers so it would be harder for him to pull them off," he adds, stabbing a stray tomato with one chopstick to emphazise his point before shoving it in his mouth, "But then he's already dressed and waiting by the door when I went to the toilet to attend the ceremony that was held for the deceased! [Name], he was even waiting for me with a smile!"
Your smile softens upon hearing his complaints, a finger pushing a glass of water towards the boy before you as a silent suggestion for him to drink it, "I already anticipated that he would do that, so why the long face still?"
"Because he refused to go back to rest right after the ceremony ended! And what else can I do, but heed his order with so many people around?" Yanqing huffs, crossing his arms as his food is now forgotten with his irritation overturning his appetite.
"Well he's resting now isn't he? Jinwen is currently staying at the manor to make sure he doesn't step foot outside. The day of the ceremony would've also been one of the last times he could get in contact with our guests from the Astral Express too, I'm sure he wanted to give them that jade abacus himself."
Not to mention the fact he personally went to the shackling prison right after handing it- alone nonetheless.
You omit the part of information from Yanqing. The topic itself still brings a tense atmosphere between you and Jing Yuan after all.
But before you can placate the small lieutenant any further, you can feel hurried footsteps making their way towards your table. And when you turn your head around to look at the commotion, you find Jinwen panting before you, right behind her one of the Cloud Knights assigned to the manor. And even with a mask on you just know that they're not looking at you.
"[Name]..." Jinwen starts, and you hum whilst fishing up your wallet, "Yes?"
"The general..." she starts, reluctantly looking around, fiddling her thumbs in nervousness. You just hand Yanqing the money before standing up, "He's escaped again, hasn't he?" you confirm, eyebrow raising up in question.
The healer before you merely nods, "I-I'm sorry, I have no idea where he went, I went back to the kitchen to prepare the next dosage of medicine and when I checked again he had suddenly just vanished - the guards didn't even know anything either."
"Even if they knew, they can't really go against their general, can they?" you point out with a laugh, patting the distressed healer on the shoulder before looking over at the Cloud Knight behind Jinwen, "Gather some more Cloud Knights and tell them to meet up at the alchemy commission as soon as possible."
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You let out a sigh, rubbing your templates as if that would soothe the headache that's about to form from listening to the Disciples before you yap away whilst getting their hands bound behind their back.
"I want to preface that with the main disaster onboard the Luofu is over, you are aware that we have more personnel at the ready to apprehend you?" you point out, directing your gaze away from the harbor of the alchemy commission where the trailblazer, Dan Heng and Jing Yuan were currently standing to face the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus before you.
Knowing your husband, he's already aware that you're here.
"... And the fact that even after you failed to eliminate Jing Yuan back in september 5 times, and yet still tried again today - and even trying to take two Vidyadhara's along with him? I understand the confidence you had back when the disaster first struck, but now?" you laugh is disbelief. You're aware that it's futile to try to discuss the matter with the Disciples, but everything was worth a shot.
They'll always give the same response after all. Once the general is gone, everything will go more smoothly, once you see the true vision you would agree with them and so on.
It was getting quite tiring.
"Either way, I've contacted the Ten-Lords commission, we will probably have to make a trip to Scalegorge Waterscape to check for any stragglers, but I'm sure the Ten-Lords will have this matter under control..." you mutter, noticing the trailblazer and Dan Heng approach you, "Trailblazer, and mister Dan Heng, have you finished the matters at hand?"
Dan Heng nods, glancing at the tied up Disciples before you, to which you only wave it off, "Yes... And thank you for taking care of the ones over here," he mumbles, giving you a curt nod.
"All in a day's work, do have a safe trip back home though," you voice, "And if you were to ever return to the Luofu for whatever reason, do send me a message. I can at least assure that you'll be somewhat safer than today. I apologize for the inconvenience that these people have caused you," you add on, gesutring towards the Disciples while ignoring the surprise in his eyes.
Dan Heng doesn't say anything, only giving you another nod as a confirmation before walking off.
"Well then, with all that done..." looking back over to the docks, you find Jing Yuan already staring up from his spot at you, giving you a small smile and a small wave of his hand.
"... Of course he's overexhausted himself."
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"Do you enjoy making everyone around you worry? I think Jinwen aged a couple of decades with the stunt you pulled today," you start to nag the moment you're within earshot of Jing Yuan - your husband merely chuckling at your exasperated face as you stomp over.
"I apologize, dear. I just had an inkling that something would go awry with their journey. Finding you would've taken longer and Lady Fu Xuan is already busy as the acting general in my absence. So I figured this was the best course of action," he tries to reason, but he can never reason with you when it comes to his wellbeing - no matter how many times he's tried in the past.
So you don't answer him. You only stare at him, close enough for him to see your dissatisfication, but far enough for him to not be able reach you or hold you in his arms.
"... I do admit I'm pretty weary though, I think this is the last time I'll violate the healers' order," he admits in the end with a defeated sigh, raising his arms a bit as a silent request, "Can I request the assistance of my dear spouse in these trying times?" he jests.
However, Jing Yuan is well aware of the fact that you're still very much weak to the few times he does request help.
As with any matter with Jing Yuan that you're inevitably forced to pick up, you can only sigh as you step closer. Weaving your fingers between his own to pull him a bit closer before leaning in to give him a brief peck on the lips.
You then weave your fingers away from his own in favor to wrapping your arms around his waist in a snug embrace, Jing Yuan taking the chance to wrap his own arms around yours before he leans his entire weight on you.
The extra weight makes you let out a grunt of surprise, but Jing Yuan has already buried his face into your neck, letting out a deep exhale into your skin which makes it tingle while his shoulders slump, "... You big lion, you're rivaling Mimi's clinginess at this point," you whisper with a chuckle.
"I haven't seen my dear spouse since they had ordered me to be bedridden, I'm sure you can handle a little clinginess," Jing Yuan mumbles back, kissing the juncture of your neck.
"Yeah, yeah. As an apology for caring about your health, what about we try to get home so that you can properly rest on a bed instead of leaning your entire weight on your dear spouse?"
Jing Yuan hums in appreciation, leaning back to cup your cheek with a smile, "I think that sounds wonderful," he confirms before pressing his lips back on your own.
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genderlessjacky · 2 years
/// jagdkfbjwrhfhi
Your schools sound so cool
I'm fucking jealous ;(((((
YEAHYEAH my new school has air conditiners like EVERYWHERE so its never hot and since i hate being in the heat its basically PERFECT
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fkyumerica · 12 days
and when they talk to moms by putting the air conditining on and off 8 times in a fucking row
to say hey still fuck everything with us
he is getting shot
and losing a hand
to not pass
and be a gay
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 month
Ideal sounding day is i have headphones in non stop i walk around the mall but its like dead no ones there i have an ice cream in silence i walk around the dead parking lot to get in a truck where i can sit in the passenger seat and watch as it all goes by i then go to the actual dead and abandoned mall by the highway and wander to my hearts desire i then end up at some resturant or gas station that is also incredibly empty but also very dark and extremely air conditined and im keenly aware i am somewhere not well known to me i am passing through i will never intimately know this spot of this town...or will i?... till its time to leave its a bit before sunset right at the point where its very orange and bright but not quiet sunset the truck is too warm and it makes me feel sick but in the best way im listening to tea in the sahara and wrapped around your finger and before we make it back to the main part of the highway i have the best 25/30min but felt like 5 hr nap of my life im now awake for twilight and to see the blue take over the overwhelming orange of the desert the vastness is comforting and paranoia inducing all at once i watch it fade to night and see every landmark that brings me closer to seeing the big hunk of highway signs and lights and resturants and hotels that line the sides of the highway, the highway itself is actually way dark when i think about it, town is actually too bright now that i think abt that too. Im never fully excited for a car ride to end but i will be excited to get into pajamas and lay in bed and reminisce on my day which is the greatest joy
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egyptonlinetours1 · 2 years
Luxor Tour from Safaga Port
Luxor Tour from Safaga Port
Experience opulent Luxor Tours from Safaga Port, where you can go to Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings, which has a number of magnificent tombs on the West Bank of Luxor. Our Luxor Tours from Safaga Port also include a trip to the Colossi of Memnon and Hatshepsut Temple. You will return to Safaga Port to board your cruise ship after our fantastic Safaga Shore Excursion to Luxor, where a representative from Maestro Online Travel will pick you up.
He will accompany you in an air-conditioned van on fascinating Luxor tours from Safaga Port to the magnificent Karnak Temple, the greatest example of worship in history, dedicated to the God Amon, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. Next, visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, also known as the Great Temple of Hatshepsut, which is home to some of the most magnificent ancient Egyptian tombs.
the only female pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Relax by eating lunch at a nearby restaurant; the Colossi of Memnon will be your final stop. Watch the two enormous statues in all their glory, and then Maestro Online Travel Guide will accompany you back to Safaga Port so you can board your cruise ship.
Luxor Tour from Safaga, We offer tours to visit Luxor from Safaga Port, Here it is a wonderful tour to visit Karnak, Valley of kings, Hatshepsut and Colossi of Memnon with your guide who will accompany you during our Safaga Port Trips to Luxor.
Luxor Tour from Safaga : Our representative will be waiting for your ship docking at Safaga Port, Pick up will be once you are out of the ship you will find our REP holding a board reflecting your name. Our modern air-conditined cars and buses with drivers will be ready near the ship in Safaga port to depart for this very rewarding tour and drive through the desert to Luxor. Luxor has often been called the worlds greatest open air museum, as indeed it is and much more. In our Luxor Tour from Safaga you will visit the following sites with your professional Egyptologist tour guide: Karnak Temple: Karnak was known as Ipet-isut, 'The most venerated place. Work began on this vast temple complex in the 16th century BC with construction continuing over the next 2,000 years as each successive pharaoh added to the site’s epic scale.  The temple complex of Karnak was the most important place of worship in ancient Egypt. Lunch meal will be served at five stars restaurant in Luxor or in a local restaurant as per your desire. Then cross to the Nile to the west bank. Valley of the Kings Tour: The Second step in our Luxor Tour from Safaga will be Valley of the Kings. This is where the pharaoh's were buried and hoped to meet their Gods in the afterlife. The Valley of the Kings contains many of the tombs of pharaohs from the New Kingdom includingTutankhamun's tomb discovered in the 1920's almost untouched is perhaps the best known to most of us non-archaeologists. Hatshipsut Temple The third step in our Luxor Tour from Safaga Port will be Hatshepsut temple. The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari in the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings. Designed by the architect Senemut, the mortuary temple is dedicated to the sun god Amon-Ra. The Colossi of Memnon The last step in our Luxor Tour from Safaga Port will be colossi of Memnon. Two giant statues make up the Colossi of Memnon. Most visitors get a glimpse of them on their way to the Valley of the Kings but it is worth a stop to see them up close. Before leaving Luxor for Safaga port you will stop for a shopping opportunity at the famous bazaars where you may wish to pick up a few good quality souvenirs. Then you will be transfered to your ship in Safaga Port.
Luxor Tour from Safaga port includes: - Pick up and drop off services from your Ship in Safaga Port   - Admission fees to the sightseeing in Luxor   - Lunch during Luxor tour in local restaurant in Luxor   - English speaking tour guide during Luxor trip   - All transfer by air-conditioned vehicle in Safaga Port and Luxor  - Assistance by our staff in pick up and drop off at Safaga Port
Luxor Tour from Safaga port excludes: Personal Expenses during Luxor Tour Optional tours during Luxor Tour from Safaga Port Personal Expenses during Luxor Tour Optional tours during Luxor Tour from Safaga Port
For more info
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driveindiabyyogi01 · 2 years
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Best Taxi For Jaipur Sightseeing Tour From Drive India By Yogi.
Welcome to Jaipur. Do you want to visit Jaipur city in a special way then you are at the right place without worry? We provide Taxi service, Tour Packages, Tour guide service since 2015. Tourism In us every service holds special importance. And available for cheap cost. A quality cab is provided to our valued clients. Our taxis are comfortable, luxury, air-conditinationed and sanitized.
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petrosolgas · 2 years
SeaChiller está contratando profissionais para preencher vagas offshore em Macaé
A SeaChiller, empresa especialista em Sistemas heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC-R) com atuação no setor naval e offshore, anunciou a abertura de diversas vagas offshore para o cargo de caldeireiro e assistente técnico. A empresa está procurando por profissionais que residem em Macaé. Os interessados devem estar dentro dos requisitos exigidos pela SeaChiller.
Requisitos para participar das vagas offshore em Macaé
Separamos a seguir uma lista com as principais informações disponibilizadas pela SeaChiller para as vagas offshore em Macaé:
Para se candidatar a este cargo, será necessário possuir no mínimo 5 anos de experiência, CBSP, NR-33, HUET, NR-34, NR-35 e ensino médio completo. É desejável, mas não obrigatório, que os candidatos às vagas offshore possuam inglês intermediário, curso técnico em caldeiraria industrial ou em mecânica e T-HUET. 
Este profissional estará responsável por confeccionar, montar, reparar tubulações e dutos no sistema de refrigeração e de ventilação, produzir peças soldadas por meio de chapas metálicas, confeccionar e soldar carenagem do HVAC-R, realizar soldagens em geral, confeccionar e soldar suportes para instalação de equipamentos, confeccionar e soldar Rack para a unidade condensadora, participar da instalação, manutenção corretiva e preventiva de sistemas de HVAC-R, montagem e limpeza de estruturas metálicas e produzir desenho técnico para a produção de serpentinas.
Assistente Técnico
Para este cargo os interessados devem possuir formação de técnico em mecânica, Eletrotécnico, Técnico em elétrica ou áreas afins. Além de CBSP, NR-33, NR-35, HUET.
A empresa deseja que os candidatos possuam inglês fluente, T-HUET e especialização em refrigeração, CA-EBS. Este profissional terá como principais responsabilidades auxiliar o técnico durante a efetivação de instalações e manutenções, organizar caixa de ferramentas de acordo com a orientação, realizar limpeza e organização do ambiente de trabalho e ferramentas, limpar componentes mecânicos de compressores e auxiliar na carga e descarga de materiais e equipamentos.
Candidatura nas vagas offshore da SeaChiller
Ficou interessado em alguma das vagas de emprego que a SeaChiller está disponibilizando para Macaé? Então esta é a sua grande chance!
Envie seu currículo para o seguinte endereço: [email protected] informando o título do e-mail “Assistente Técnico (Offshore)” ou “Caldeireiro Offshore”.
Na hora de elaborar um currículo para vagas offshore é preciso ser factual e conciso, cheque sempre a ortografia, não utilize senso de humor, não escreva o currículo em primeira pessoa, use negrito, itálico, sublinhado apenas para facilitar a navegação, não use imagens e gráficos, fale sobre resultados, além das responsabilidades, deixe promoções bem claras no currículo.
Conheça a SeaChiller
A Seachiller, que atua em Macaé, é especializada em sistemas HVAC-R (heating, ventilation, air conditining and refrigeration) com atuação no setor offshore e naval.
A empresa tem como missão superar a expectativa de seus clientes, disponibilizando soluções eficientes com máxima confiabilidade, atendendo aos requisitos mais rígidos da indústria dentro da qualidade e prazos esperados. Devido ao seu trabalho árduo e eficiência, a empresa adquiriu ótimos certificados e parcerias  como o ISO 9001 (BSI), IADC – International Association of Drilling Contractors, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, IBAMA e outros. Para isso a empresa conta com uma equipe especializada, soluções integradas de engenharia, premissa máxima em suas operações.
A companhia conta com um portfólio de grandes clientes como Ocyan, Modec, Petro Rio, Sapura, Saipem, TechnipFMC, SIEM Offshore, Bass Drill Brasil, DOF e muitas outras. A SeaChiller acredita que seu maior ativo são os clientes, sendo assim, suas soluções são projetadas com o objetivo de mantê-los totalmente operacionais e seguros.
O post SeaChiller está contratando profissionais para preencher vagas offshore em Macaé apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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akhilsu12 · 3 years
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omegaair · 4 years
Steps of Split System Aircon installation
"If you want to install a split air conditioner you may not need the help of an installation expert. Instead you can lay your hands on the job."
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Are you planning to get an AC installed at your place but don’t have the budget to pay for an AC installation job? Here are simple guidelines for installing a split air conditioning system. A lot of people prefer split air conditioners over window air conditioners chiefly because the former consume less energy. If you want to enjoy the comfort rendered by an air conditioner and at the same time want to show your interest in saving on utility bills, it’s definitely a good idea to choose a split AC which is relatively easier to install. Follow the guidelines below for successful installation of a split AC.
Selecting the installation area
If you are choosing to invest in a split air conditioning system it is important that you pick an ideal space with stronger foundation, mainly a room which has thicker walls to support the indoor and outdoor units. A major reason for choosing a stronger wall is to ensure that it doesn’t unnecessarily undergo vibrations.
Fix up mounting plate of the indoor unit and drill an outlet hole
When considering Split System Aircon Installation in Ingleburn it is vital that you first attach the mounting plate to the wall where you want to install the indoor unit. While doing this maintain a horizontal alignment and then mark the space using a pencil. Now draw the drilling holes for fasteners and also mark the space for inserting plastic anchors. After you mount the plate drill out a hole through which the duct work and the wires from the inlet machine will connect to the outdoor unit.
Mount the indoor unit
First, mount the system by removing the front cover of the indoor unit. Lift it to where the mounting plate is fixed. Now send out the copper pipes through the outlet hole which is drilled on the wall. Also, send out the drainage pipes with the copper ducts and make sure that the latter is smoothly bent to allow proper cooling.
Choosing an installation area for the outdoor unit
In order to achieve optimum performance make sure you chalk out a distance of at least around 30-35 cm between the indoor and outdoor units. As you fix a space for installing the outdoor unit ensure that the area doesn’t get exposed to direct rays of the sun and should not get dusty either.
Fixing brackets
After selecting the installation area for the outdoor unit, fasten up the brackets which will support the unit.
Mount the outdoor unit
Although this may seem tough to you and you may feel the need to call up Aircon Service in Blacktown, but the process is not as complicated as you believe it to be. Just lift it up and simply place the outdoor unit on the brackets. Bolt it up with the bracket.
Connect the wires
The system comprises electrical ports. Follow the connection diagram and accordingly join the power cables with the outdoor machine.
Fix the copper pipes
Clean up the copper pipes before connecting them. Connect copper pipes with corresponding ports using flare nuts. Now open up gas valves and you are done fixing the split AC.
If you think the process is much complicated, you can hire professionals for the job.
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Ice Machine Installation Insights
Elevate your ice production with professional ice machine installation. Experts assess your space, recommend suitable models, and ensure precise setup. Whether for commercial use or home convenience, proper installation guarantees optimal performance and extends the life of your ice machine. Invest wisely in expert installation to enjoy a constant supply of clean and high-quality ice tailored to your specific needs.
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You can cut down your air condition energy bill in various ways ranging from simple home practices, altering your home design, to regular air con maintenance.
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alvadee · 4 years
Your curls are absolutely fantastic! Good hair vibes!
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Thank you! I’ll try to get them really healthy again and put in the effort. For the longest time I was too depressed to go through the whole, conditiner, oil, leave in conditioner, scrunching, overhead blow drying with diffuser routine or waiting a day for it to air dry....
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circusjob · 6 years
yall my ac is doing some work
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pinterestinfluencer · 5 years
43. whats your guilty pleasure?
my mom always really got onto me about blasting ac w the windows down in my car bc ‘it just goes out the window’ but like . i disagree. i feel like air conditiner and windows down in the summernis like the perfect cool equilibrium i love it. like just cruising not too hot not too cold.... i still dont do it very often. ALSO LIKE. Sitting in my idling car fkjgjgjgkg
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