encoeurs · 5 years
      “Stay behind me.”
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          He doesn’t care for so many people being a part of this that obviously aren’t used to fighting. Even if plenty of them have new ‘abilities’ because of the situation they’d been in, it doesn’t make them capable-- and he’d rather not take a chance and drag anyone into a fight they don’t need to be in.            “When you see a chance to make a break for it, take it.”
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sotouso · 5 years
✪ try me
Send ✪ for my character to reveal how they feel about yours.
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I think you’re awesome ║ I like you ║ I want to go on a date with you ║  I love you ║ You’re cute/handsome ║ I want to marry you ║ You’re attractive ║ I wish we could spend more time together! ║ I’d like to get to know you better ║  I admire you ║ You’re someone that I look up to ║ You’re very kind ║ I consider us friends ║ I secretly have a crush on you ║ I have high respect for you ║ We have common interests ║ I’m happy that I met you
I feel uncomfortable around you ║ You’re bothersome ║ I never want to speak to you again ║ I dislike you ║ I loathe you ║ I’m envious of you ║ I’m worried about you ║ We don’t get along well ║ You’re the worst kind of person ║ You get on my nerves ║ You’re annoying to me ║ We have nothing in common ║ I wish I had never met you ║ I wouldn’t date you if you were the last person alive ║ Not you again
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superiormimicry · 5 years
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❖   POSITIVE.I think you’re awesome ║ I like you ║ I want to go on a date with you ║  I love you ║ You’re cute/handsome ║ I want to marry you ║ You’re attractive ║ I wish we could spend more time together! ║ I’d like to get to know you better ║  I admire you ║ You’re someone that I look up to ║ You’re very kind ║ I consider us friends ║ I secretly have a crush on you ║ I have high respect for you ║ We have common interests ║ I’m happy that I met you
I feel uncomfortable around you ║ You’re bothersome ║ I never want to speak to you again ║ I dislike you ║ I loathe you ║ I’m envious of you ║ I’m worried about you ║ We don’t get along well ║ You’re the worst kind of person ║ You get on my nerves ║ You’re annoying to me ║ We have nothing in common ║ I wish I had never met you ║ I wouldn’t date you if you were the last person alive ║ Not you again
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penancedhonor-blog · 5 years
aiprcgrammed liked your post “imagine being surrounded by dozens of kids he volunteered to...”
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 “Excuse me, can you hold on to her for a moment.” Thats a small kid, with a leash around her waist. He is holding to four of them in his other hand. 
 “I just need to buy them ice cream.”
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pureryudo · 5 years
Kaede wasn’t really after the rewards, when looking at the Quest board. Her main goal was to help the people in need. There wasn’t much she could do, since she wasn’t really experienced in fighting at all. Still, she did posess some healing skills though, so she would help any hurt person she came across. But maybe there were even more ways to help out... Honestly, it was almost a little overwhelming to see, how many people really were in need. But once nce she spotted a quest that endangered an entire village, she didn’t even hesitate to take that one down. No way she would be able to ignore that.
But how to go about this? Where to even start? Getting rid of so many mushrooms wouldn’t be that easy... Maybe she should ask someone for help too. After looking around for a while, she was very thankful to spot someone she already met before. Her appearance was a little different, but the pianist still did recognize the girl that fell asleep on her in the mall before. 
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“Nanami-san, I’m glad to meet you here! You’re experienced with fantasy and quests settings like these here, right? At least many people told me here, that all what happens here, us turning into these creatures and stuff, is like some multiplayer online video game. I myself never played a lot of video games, but you did, right? I thought that maybe you could help me with something...” That was when she took the paper with the quest printed on it out of her backpack to hand it the other girl. 
“I don’t really get what’s going on since ever all of this started, but I want to help people where I can. This request of someone sounds really dangerous, so I wondered if you would be willing to help me out with that? If we’d find a quick way to get rid of all these dangerous mushrooms, we could save a lot of people. What do you think?” 
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jijinoke-blog · 5 years
“it isn’t safe to navigate in a city that you don’t claim affiliation to.”
mikazuki stands behind a young girl, a familiar one he has met before when he first arrived in the city. there’s a smile on his face, friendly, despite the fact that the army he has been involuntarily enlisted in made him vow to exterminate any external threats. he has listened to the warnings from the others around him and haven’t yet strayed out of the city’s confines.
but, he can understand why the young cat girl would wander into this city, especially at night. the glow from the magical streams light up the city with a wondrous light. even after a night here, he still finds himself fascinated by.
“the guards will attack at sight and the civilians might alert others if they recognize you to be an outsider,” he explains, taking a place right next to her, movement calm, absolutely nothing in his posture that indicates he will be like the guards he just talked about. his newly returned sword lays by his side, sheathed and idle.
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“it’s nice seeing you again, chiaki-san,” he says, remembering the days from before when he knew nothing about the technology given to him. she had been kind enough to provide him with information about the technology around him. now they meet again, this world changed along with them. he sees she has what looks like real cat ears and a tail. his time on the internet (with the help of nikkari-san) granted him with a term that he now enthusiastically uses--
“ahahaha, are you what they call... nekomimi?”
a little laugh escapes his lips, then he continues, “do you mind company, chiaki-san? it would be safer to explore the city if i act as an escort.”
                                      ❀ ⤑ ❝ @aiprcgrammed
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boltly · 5 years
@aiprcgrammed liked (no longer available) for a starter !
          Daryl felt a sheep in a wolf’s den, but he had to do what he had to do. The archer didn’t want to be there - he’d rather have been anywhere else, but... what choice did he have? None, plain and simple.
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          Calloused hands roamed across shelf upon shelf of merchandise, blue eyes scanning products ranging from functional to decorative. Cases, charms, plugs, ‘pop sockets’ (whatever those were), chargers, stickers, and screen protectors. He didn’t have the first clue what to get, let alone what would fit on his phone. Everything looked the same, but slightly different in shape or size. Which one would fit his phone? He chewed away at his lower lip, eyebrows furrowed in what was clearly a mixture of confusion and frustration. He’d already been in the same aisle for at least an hour... honestly? He was tempted to just grab a handful and pray he could return whatever didn’t work.
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existentialismee · 5 years
Leaving the kingdom of Xalphina that day took Watanuki to a forest he had never come across before; a calm, serene place that bordered the city of Diapool. He had heard that the foliage in this area was beautiful; and the berries and fruits supplied by their trees bountiful and delicious. Rumours had drawn him here, curious if they had been true; and as mismatched eyes scanned the area, he could easily tell that they were.
He had decided to perhaps make something from the produce that was supplied here; though his own place of living had their own means of food, Watanuki was always happy to try and make something different, especially for the friends he had in mind.
Though as he reached up towards a tree, attempting to grab a bright and colourful fruit, the rustling of bushes quickly caught his attention; stopping in his actions. Lowering his arm, his head turned towards a thicker part of the trees where he had heard the noise; cautious in his stance to move any further. Perhaps it was nothing; a harmless familiar lost in the woods, or some sort of animal searching for food.. but with all the talk of warring kingdoms and races lately, Watanuki knew he had to find out whoever was there, and if they were a friend, or foe.
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“Is someone there?”
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leafslash · 5 years
@aiprcgrammed  ❤‘d for a starter !
The cusp of sundown is when he finally returns to shore. There has been little progress made today in regard to his objective: to assess the ongoing happenings of these supposed kingdoms and those that inhabit it. Though, really, he figures that should be expected. Ashton isn’t nor has he ever been so much the analytical type, not a genius the likes of Precis or Leon. Puzzle-solving simply is not his talent, and quite a puzzle this situation is indeed. What a large task to have asked this of him, Gyoro and Ururun. The day was not a total waste, however; information has still been gathered, despite not knowing what to make of it. Perhaps that will come in handy somewhere down the line. As he searches out where he’s stowed his belongings along the rocky beach, he notices a figure standing oddly motionless not too far off. The ears on her head, that of a feline... does she belong here, in Opalaria? A mix of curiosity and concern settles over him, and carefully does he wade closer, tail gliding effortlessly through shallow waters.
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Either his approach is unheard or his stealth is greater than anticipated, because still she does not move. Closer like he is, he sees that her head hangs downward, arms limp at her side. Worry gets the best of him, and he calls out to her from the water. “ Hey, you alright? ” No answer. “ ... Hello? ” Again, only silence. Then, realization strikes. Sleeping... Is she ––
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“ She’s asleep...! ”    While standing up, no less!
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sturdyquirk · 5 years
lucifer + ornias
✘ “ask me about my demons” ✘
lucifer: what are you most proud of?
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❝I’m really proud of myself for earnin’ my provisional hero license! I got to work with some really cool heroes like Suneater and Fat Gum!!❞
ornias: talk about a time where you felt drained of energy
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❝This is embarassin’ to talk about but the time I was fighting the Yakuza with Fat Gum...that fight was really tough for me ‘cause I didn’t feel strong enough but I knew I had to help fight with and protect Fat Gum so...I gave it everythin’ I got! Even if it meant gettin’ tired!!❞
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consteknight-blog · 5 years
@aiprcgrammed liked for a starter ! [x]
He’s gotten completely off track from his initial goal, but Kaito lingers at the video game store anyway, his face and fingers splayed and pressed into the glass with the most unflattering gawking unhinging his jaw. “That’s-- a space simulation game…! Whoa! Something like that is ABSOLUTELY a must if I want to continue my--” He’s blocking someone else’s view and he nearly falls over trying to clear the view for them. “Yo! Are you seeing this too?! It looks way realistic!”
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cybroken-blog · 5 years
      ❛ ― buying anything, @aiprcgrammed​ ? ( s.c. – open! )
“a game console?” genos wonders out loud, as he stands outside a shop in the mall. he doesn’t recognize this one, probably it’s exclusive to this city he’s in. 
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"do you know anything that?” he asks, turning to the girl nearby also looking at it who looks like she knows this more than him. “i’m thinking about buying it for my sensei.”
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sotouso · 5 years
happy birthday, kokichi. is it your birthday, right? how about we make a plan to play some more games again sometime, or go out to find something nice for your birthday! birthdays are a special day, right?
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 “Oh, you actually believed that lie? Today’s not my birthday, Nanami-chan. I was just messing with the people that I told that it is today.” It would have been the perfect lie, but honestly, not many people would congratulate him to his special day, and that Chiaki did, made him genuinely happy. So why should he skip out on the fun he could have with her?
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“But actually, that was the lie just now! Nee-heehee, so... thanks! I’m totally down for some video game rounds, and since it’s my birthday, I’m totally gonna crush you this time, so let’s go to the arcade right now!” 
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superiormimicry · 5 years
How odd this place turned out to be. Though the boy couldn’t complain too much about being sent to this island. While he believe his classmates are flourishing in developing their abilities, Monoma finds himself stuck here. Unable to advance without completing some requirements. “Quite a bore these people can be.” He spoke to himself lightly as he wondered through the university. It can’t hurt to see what knowledge of this place he can gain. Or what sort of people linger around here.
Sure enough, his eyes caught a glance of someone in the library, playing a video game. Of course- teens nowadays addicted to electronics, they wouldn’t even notice if the world pass right by. Simple minds to enjoy a simple game withing the surroundings of books to help educate. Not that he would push others to study anyways. Though he had yet to tease someone in a while. Why not start off with her?
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Monoma approach the other, glancing down at the game she was playing for a moment before addressing her. “You know, where I come from, playing video games in a space of learning could be prohibited. I’m sure of you had a professor here, they would take it away from you and return it after a class period ends. Yet I deduce that your professor isn’t here, and you find it thrilling to disturb others that would want to find some quiet time to study.”
Though the boy didn’t help much as his voice was not as low as he would have like to not disturb others.
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armigeraction · 5 years
aiprcgrammed / chiaki !
          It took him longer than he’d like to admit ( about a week or so ) to reach the top of the high scores list; despite his frustration with getting there, he now stares at the screen before him with a triumphant smile. “All that hard work finally pays off... alright, time for a break, then I’ll get in a couple of more games...” Pleased with his results, he steps back from the arcade stand to purchase a drink from the counter. Thereafter do ten minutes pass, and upon returning to the same stand, he quickly notices a change in the list. One registered name stood out, currently ranked at the third spot—yet he’s never seen it before. 
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          “... Huh? Who...?” His head then shifts to examine the individuals within the arcade themselves; from a single glance he could tell most were regulars, while a few others appeared to be passing through.
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springstreams · 5 years
“She doesn’t seem like a very intelligent ghost.”
Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural   {Sentence Starters}
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    Maki wasn’t one to be scared of the supernatural (unlike a certain astronaut she knew), but she couldn’t help and join in with the other girl at the sight of her game play. She hardly hopped in with the intention of winning, but she did like to think she had good aim. The goal of the game was to blast the ghosts away-- Along the way, the game paused with miscellaneous cut scenes about the ghosts. This one in particular was talking for about 5 minutes or so about her ‘beautiful’ appearance and her flirtatious nature. The assassin didn’t react much to it, albeit, she did find it just as irritating.
    “I don’t know why they included this in the game. Isn’t it enough to just blast the ghosts away? All you need is aim-- You don’t need to involve your emotions, too.” It was something she had endured in her daily life, too. Nonetheless, that wasn’t important right now.
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