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Hi everyone I know I haven't posted in a very long time but I got on and saw that Aoife has 560 followers and I gotta say all this love makes her feel like the ruler of the world!!!!!
#aipompropaganda#aipomosguccitoo#aipom#pokemon propaganda#pokeganda#pokemon#beautiful#whyisaoifesocute#majestic#litterallythebest#blessed#blessings#aoifestherealist#shinyhuman#aoife#thisisliterallythecutestthingeverandiwillneverdeservethisgodgivengifttohumanity#thankgodforaoife#thankful#quality#dab#picture of the day#that'sadab#itsaoifetime#itsalongroadtothetopbutitrules#couldnthavedoneitwithoutyou#bestpokemon#shiny#shinyforsure#beauties#thank you
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New Pokeganda
I know this probably isn't allowed but I am your god now lmao. It's @latias-propaganda @piplup-propaganda @zygarde-propaganda @rotom-pokeganda again. Yup. PrAISE ME LMAO
@rockruff-propaganda @jirachi-props @kyogreprops @mew-propaganda @darkrai-propaganda @terrakion-propaganda @cobalion-propaganda @virizion-propaganda @victini-propaganda @suicune-propaganda @dialga-propoganada @fennekin-propaganda @oshawott-propaganda @snakemon-propaganda @electrodents-propaganda @elemental-monkey-propaganda @hoopa-propaganda @ho-oh-propaganda @turtwig-propaganda @bulbasaur-propaganda @charmander-propaganda @squirtlepropaganda @charmeleon-propaganda @wartortle-propaganda @charizard-propaganda @chikoritapropaganda @chikorita-propaganda @mudkippropaganda @mudkip-propoganda @cyndaganda @cyndaquil-propaganda @pidgeyprops @pidgey-propaganda @magikarp-propaganda @absol-propaganda @aegislash-propaganda @aron-propaganda @aipompropaganda @aipom-propaganda @galvantula-propaganda @gastly-propaganda @duskull-propaganda @haunter-propaganda @gengarpropaganda @shinx-propaganda @bidoof-propaganda
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Yet another new Pokeganda account!
Multiple people said it was ok to have more than one, because they had more as well. This is the third one from @rotom-pokeganda and @latias-propaganda. Zygarde was so important to me.... I had a level 100 Zygarde in Pokemon X that I also got in a trade. I knew a guy IRL who would trade me amazing Pokemon, like Hoopa and Genesect. But that Zygarde was the first one I got... It meant so much.
@stoutland-propaganda @bulbasaur-propaganda @buizel-propaganda @jolteonpropaganda @joltik-propaganda @tauros-propaganda @eevee-propaganda-0 @zubat-propaganda @genesect-propaganda @victini-propaganda @virizion-propaganda @vanillite-propaganda @tepig-propaganda @jirachi-props @dragonair--propaganda @dragonite-propaganda @yamask-propaganda @fennekin-propaganda @aron-propaganda @pikachu-propaganda @pidgeyprops @pidgey-propaganda @kalos-propaganda @kangaskhan-propaganda @unovapropaganda @pokegandadex @geodude-propaganda @electrodents-propaganda @elemental-monkey-propaganda @suicune-propaganda @raichu-propaganda @pichu-propaganda @castform-propaganda @cobalion-propaganda @terrakion-propaganda @machop-propaganda @magnemite-propaganda @magikarp-propaganda @magnezone-metagross-propaganda @budew-propaganda @zoroark-propaganda @oshawott-propaganda @aipompropaganda @aipom-propaganda @ri0lu-propaganda @xatu-propaganda @umbreon-propaganda @espeon-propaganda
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New Pokeganda
Okay, this'll probably be the last one. No wait... Six more after this and They're planned. I also own as you can probably guess, @latias-propaganda @rotom-pokeganda And @zygarde-propaganda
Piplup... Imma be honest... I just felt like it... Hhhhh I'm sorry.......... It's actually like an addiction... Kinda... @bulbasaur-propaganda @buizel-propaganda @bug-type-propaganda @budew-propaganda @pokegandadex @treecko-propaganda @charmander-propaganda @umbreon-propaganda @espeon-propaganda @tauros-propaganda @jolteonpropaganda @joltik-propaganda @electrodents-propaganda @elemental-monkey-propaganda @elgybeeganda @beedrill-propaganda @yamask-propaganda @abra-propaganda @absol-propaganda @aegislash-propaganda @aipompropaganda @aipom-propaganda @altaria-propaganda @ampharos-propaganda @anorith-propaganda @arcaninepropaganda @archen-propaganda @archeops-propaganda @aron-propaganda @audinopaganda @barbaracle-propaganda @beldum-propaganda @bellsprout-propaganda @bibarel-propaganda @bidoof-propaganda @bisharp-propaganda @buneary-propaganda @bunnelby-propaganda @butterfree-propaganda @cacturne-props @camerupt-propaganda @carnivine-propaganda @castform-propaganda @caterpie-propaganda @celebi-propaganda @chandelure-propaganda @chansey-propaganda
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Hey Everyone! It’s me, another Pokémon propaganda blog, because Clefable just needed one! Also, self promo, but I am mod Crobat from @zubat-propaganda
Just wanted to say hi to everyone in this wonderful community!
@clefairy-propaganda @bulbasaur-propaganda @volcarona-appreciation @aipompropaganda @porygon-propaganda @crobat-propaganda @victini-propaganda @vanillite-propaganda @pokegandadex @unovapropaganda @alolan-raticate-appreciation @alola-appreciation @absol-propoganda @galvantula-propaganda And many more!!!!
#introduction#clefable#pokemon#pokeganda#pokemon propaganda#pokemon appreciation#clefable propaganda
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Pokémon secret santa?
Calling all my propaganda blogs! Would you guys be interested in doing a Pokémon art secret santa this year? I can set up a randomizer for anyone interested for drawing names and we can get together on on a discord to trade it ^-^
@vulpix-propaganda @bulbasaur-propaganda @growlithe-propaganda @mimikyu-propaganda @eevee-propaganda-0 @leafeon-propoganda @leavanny-propaganda @poppliopropaganda @jirachi-props @banette-appreciation @absol-propoganda @raichu-propaganda @ditto-propaganda @porygonpropaganda @buizel-propaganda @poke-pup-appreciation @shuppet-propaganda @deerling-propaganda @rotom-appreciation @snorlax-propaganda @mudkippropaganda @wooper-propaganda @shinx-propaganda @pumpkaboopropaganda @zoroark-propaganda @trubbish-propaganda @magnemite-propaganda @treecko-propaganda @flygon-propaganda @venonat-propaganda @aipompropaganda @mareep-propaganda @poochyena-appreciation @furret-propaganda @sandshrew-propaganda @dragonitepropaganda @swablu-propaganda @torchicpropaganda @meowth-propaganda @chikoritapropaganda @chikorita-propaganda @cyndaganda @pichu-propaganda message me if intrested!
#propaganda#propaganda blog#ninetails blog#ninetails#ninetails pokemon#ninetales propaganda#ninetales blog#ninetales pokemon#ninetales#secret santa#ehhhh lets do this
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Do you like Aipom?
Ever since I've gotten into Pokemon, aipom has always been there. At first I found him kind of creepy but to be honest he's grown on me a lot!
Look at those tiny stubby little arms in contrast to his hand tail thing!!
And he's so happy, just look at that precious smile 😄
He reminds me of the monkeys from the fanclub mini game in Rhythm Heaven
In short, what a lad ❤💛❤💛
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We baby!
@wooper-propaganda @aipompropaganda @pichu-propaganda
It’s a Baby Pokemon Party!!
Anyone else love Pokemon Channel or the Pichu Brothers as much as I do? Maybe not, but that’s okay xD
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I haven’t posted in a while but I feel like it needs to be said that Aoife is a blessing and we are all lucky to have her on this earth
#aoife#aipom#pokemon propaganda#pokemon#aipompropaganda#beautiful#pokeganda#majestic#whyisaoifesocute#pokemongo#litterallythebest#blessed#aipomosguccitoo#aoifetherealisttho#shinyhuman#todayiatethelastrubenifmyfamilyisseeingthisimsorryiwanteditanditwasyummy#alsoweneedmorehardcidersidrankthelastofthem
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Awwww yesh I finally caught myself, a shiny Aoife, in Pokémon go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️💖❤️
#aoife#aipom#pokemon#pokemon propaganda#beautiful#aipompropaganda#pokeganda#whyisaoifesocute#majestic#pokemongo#shiny#shiny pokemon#shiny aipom#thisisliterallythecutestthingeverandiwillneverdeservethisgodgivengifttohumanity#thankgodforaoife
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aww Aoife you little scamp you don't belong on the hood of the car!
sorry I haven't posted in awhile but you can look forward to more pictures of Aoife!
#socute#so cute#Aipom#aipompropaganda#pokemon#pokemon propaganda#beautiful#scamp#rascal#giveherananab#majestic#whyisaoifesocute#bestpokemon#sinyforsure#aoife
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All babies!
Tags: @ledyba-propaganda @aipompropaganda @lotad-propaganda @flareon-propaganda
i doodled myself with some pokemon people thought would i’d look cool with on twitter! thinking about doing some pokemon trainer commissions soon!
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199 followers!! Aoife will dab to that!!
Look forward to more pictures of Aoife!!
#aipom#aoife#whyisaoifesocute#pokemon#pokemon propaganda#aipompropaganda#dab#beautiful#majestic#quality#art#that'sadab#itsalongroadtothetopbutitrules#thanks#couldnthavedoneitwithoutyou#itsaoifetime
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This little Aoife found herself a banana and is really feeling the Thanksgiving spirit!
Look forward to more pics of Aoife!
#aipom#aoife#pokemon propaganda#pokemon#thanksgiving#banana#pokeganda#blessed#hungry#thankful#beautiful#aipompropaganda
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Oh my gosh!!!! A rare shiny Aoife!! She's so cute and pink!! Today we have truly been blessed!!
Look forward to more pics of Aoife!
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